TEL: 011 280 5553 TEL: 031 250 8640
PROPEL GROUP (PTY) LTD (IN LIQUIDATION) REG NO. 2015/161308/07 NO. G596/23 Notice is hereby given that the under-mentioned has been appointed Joint Liquidators and that persons indebted to the Estate are required to pay their debts to the Joint Liquidators forthwith. The Second Meeting of Creditors and Members/ Directors will be held before the Magistrate Randburg on 29 November 2023 at 9h00 for the following purpose: 1. Proof of claims. 2. Receiving the Joint Liquidators' report as to the affairs and conditions of the Estate. 3. Giving the Joint Liquidators directions concerning the sale or recovery of any part of the Estate or concerning any matter relating to the administration thereof. TW Van Den Heever NM Phosa Joint Liquidators D & T TRUST (PTY) LIMITED P O Box 904 Florida Hills 1716 02TO7A
APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEE AND LIQUIDATORS AND PROOF OF CLAIM IN SEQUESTRATED ESTATES COMPANIES, OR CLOSE CORPORATIONS BEING WOUND UP Pursuant to Sections 40(3),56(3) and 77 of the Insolvency Act of 1936, Sections 129,179 and 182 of the Companies Act of 1926 and Sections 339,336 375(5)(b) and 402 of the Companies Act of 1973, notice is hereby given that the person mentioned below have been appointed Trustees/Liquidators, as the case may be, and the persons indebted to the Estates or Companies are required to pay their debts to them forthwith unless otherwise indicated. Meetings of Creditors or Contributors of the said Estates or Companies will be held on the dates and at times and places mentioned below, for proof of claims against the Estate or Company, for the purpose of receiving the Trustees/ Liquidators reports as to the affairs and conditions of the Estate/Company and for giving the Trustee/Liquidator directions concerning the sale or recovery of any part of the Estate or assets of the company and for the purpose of giving directions concerning any matter relating to the administration thereof. Meetings in a place in which there held before the Master, elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate. 1. In Liquidation : QUNU STAFFING (PTY) LTD 2. Master's Ref No: G000668/2023 3. Details: Second Meeting Of Creditors Master Of The High Court Johannesburg Day: Friday Date: 24th November 2023 Time: 10h00 RECOVER SA (PTY) LTD Office H,30th Floor, 9 Lower Burg Street, Cape Town 8001 02TNKL
SALE OF BUSINESS NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 34(1) OF THE INSOLVENCY ACT NR.24 OF 1936, AS AMENDED Notice Is Hereby given in terms of Section 34(1) of Act No.24 of 1936, as amended, that is the intention of PETRUS STEFANNUS SMUTS, ID No: 810720 5030 08 8 and GABRIELLE MARLENE SMUTS ID No: 810610 0181 08 7, to dispose of their right, title and interest in HARMONY HONEYBUSH TEA (PTY) LTD, Reg No: 2016/075936/07 conducting business as HARMONY DISTILLERY, with registered address at BALINTORE DK83, HAELKRAAL ROAD, RUITERBOS, MOSSEL BAY, WESTERN CAPE PROVINCE, to the Trustees of ORCHID TRUST, Reg No: IT1490/2011(T) who will conduct the said business at the expiry of thirty (30) days from the date of the last publication of this notice. Dated at Hartenbos this 3rd day of November 2023. ILSE SCHOEMAN INC. 9 Kameeldoring Ave Hartenbos 6520 Tel: 044 695 2424 Ref: T01683 02TLY1
DISSOLUTION OF MONTENEGRO AGRIC TRADE (PTY) LTD A PARTICIPANT IN THE CORPORATE SELECTION UMBRELLA PENSION FUND, (IN LIQUIDATION) FUND PF 12/8/36006/2304. Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of MONTENEGRO AGRIC TRADE (PTY) LTD a participant in the CORPORATE SELECTION UMBRELLA PENSION FUND, (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36006/2304 will be open for inspection for the period 10 November 2023 to 10 December 2023 at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria. 2. The Magistrates Court, 2 Landros Maartins Avenue, Lichtenburg, 2740 3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office Liberty Life 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg 2001. Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O Box 35655 Menlo Park 0102, not later than 25 December 2023. 02TNPC DISSOLUTION OF CLINCORP CC A PARTICIPANT IN THE CORPORATE SELECTION UMBRELLA RETIREMENT FUND NO 2 (IN LIQUIDATION) FUND PF 12/8/36438/4570 Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of CLINCORP CC a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund No 2 (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36438/4570 will be open for inspection for the period 2023-11-10 to 2023-12-10 at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria. 2. The High Court, 66 Marshall Street, Marshall Town, 2107. 3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office Liberty Life 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg 2001. Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O Box 35655 Menlo Park 0102, not later than 2023-12-25. 02TNPD NOTICE OF SECOND MEETING OF CREDITORS DISTRUCTION BOYZ RECORDS (PTY) LTD (IN LIQUIDATION) Company Reg: 2017/357329/07 Residing at: 541 Esther Roberts, Durban, 4001 Master's Ref: D55/2023 Pursuant to Section 129, 179 and 182 of the Companies Act 1926 and Sections 339, 366, 375(5)(b) and 402 of the Companies Act 1973, notice is hereby given that the person mentioned below, have been appointed liquidator and that persons indebted to the Estate are required to immediately pay their debts to the liquidator. The Second & General Meeting of Creditors will be held before the Master of the High Court Durban on 29 November 2023 at 10:00 for proof of claims against the Estate for purpose of receiving the liquidator's report and for giving the liquidator directions concerning the sale of the assets and the administration of the Estate. AN Ndyamara Liquidators TSHWANE TRUST CO (EDMS) BPK 1207 Cobham Road Queenswood Pretoria 0186 02TN32
AANSTELLING VAN KURATORS EN LIKWIDATEURS EN BEWYS VAN VORDERINGS IN GESEKWESTREERDE BOEDELS, MAATSKAPPYE EN BESLOTE KORPORASIE IN LIKWIDASIE Ingevolge Artikels 40(3),56(3) en 77 van die Insolvensie Wet van 1936, Artikels 129, 197 en 182 van die Maatskappywet, 1926 en Artikels 339,336, 375(5)(b) en 402 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat die persone hieronder vermeld as kurators of likwidateurs aangestel is, na gelang van die geval, en dat persone wat enigiets aan die boedels of maatskappye verskuldig is die skulde, tensy anders vermeld, onmiddellik by genoemde kurators of likwidateurs moet betaal. Byeenkomste van skuldeisers of kontribuante van genoemde boedels of maatskappye sal gehou word op die datums, ure en plekke hieronder vermeld vir die bewys van vorderings teen die boedels of maatskappye, vir die ontvangs van die verslae van die kurators of likwidateurs oor die sake en toestand van die boedels of maatskappye, en om opdragte aan die kurators of likwidateurs uit te reik betreffende die verkoop of opvordering van gedeeltes van die boedels of bates van die maatskappye en om opdragte uit te reik betreffende aangeleenthede rekende die beheer daarvan. In n' plek waarin n' kantoor van n' Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en op ander plekke voor die Landdros gehou. 1. In Likwidasie: QUNU STAFFING (PTY) LTD 2. Meesterverwysings nr: G000668/2023 3. Besonderhede: TWEEDE VERGARDERING Meester Van Die Hooggeregshof Johannesburg Dag: Vrydag Datum: 24ste November 2023 Tyd: 10h00 RECOVER SA (PTY) LTD Kantoor H,30ste Vloer, 9 Laer Burg Straat, Kaapstad 8001 02TNL6
KENNISGEWING VAN TWEEDE & ALGEMENE VERGADERING VAN SKULDEISERS DISTRUCTION BOYZ RECORDS (PTY) LTD (IN LIKWIDASIE) Meestersverwysing: D55/2023 Gereg. Adres: 541 Esther Roberts, Durban, 4001 Reg No: 2017/357329/27 Ingevolge Artikels 129, 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet 1926 en Artikel 339, 366, 375(5)(b) en 402 van die Maatskappywet 1973, geskied Kennisgewing hiermee dat die ondergetekende as likwidateur aangestel is en dat skuldenaars van die Maatskappy onmiddellik hul skulde by genoemde likwidateur moet vereffen. Die Tweede & Algemene Vergadering van Skuldeisers en Kontribusiepligtiges van die Maatskappy in Likwidasie sal gehou word voor die Meester van die Hoe Hof Durban op 29 November 2023 om 10:00 om vorderings teen die boedel te bewys en om die likwidateur opdragte te gee aangaande die verkoop van die bates en die administrasie van die Boedel. AN Ndyamara Likwidateurs TSHWANE TRUST CO (EDMS) BPK Cobhamweg 1207 Queenswood Pretoria 0001 02TN31
VERKOOP VAN BESIGHEID KENNISGEWING IN TERME VAN ARTIKEL 34(1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIE WET NR.24 VAN 1936, SOOS GEWYSIG Hiermee word kennis gegee in terme van Artikel 34(1) van Wet Nr.24 van 1936, dat PETRUS STEFANNUS SMUTS, ID NR: 810720 5030 08 8 en GABRIELLE MARLENE SMUTS ID NR: 810610 0181 08 7 van voorneme is om hul reg, titel en belang in HARMONY HONEYBUSH TEA (EDMS) BPK, Reg Nr: 2016/075936/07 met geregistreerde adres te Balintore Dk83, Haelkraal Pad, Ruiterbos, Mosselbaai, Wes-Kaap Provinsie welke die besigheid bekend as HARMONY DISTILLERY bedryf, te verkoop aan die Trustees van ORCHID TRUST, Reg Nr: IT1490/2011(T), wie die besigheid sal voortsit van 30 (dertig) dae bereken vanaf die laaste dag van die verskyning van hierdie kennisgewing. Gedateer te Hartenbos op die 3de dag van November 2023. ILSE SCHOEMAN ING. Kameeldoringlaan 9 Hartenbos 6520 Tel: 044 695 2424 Verw: T01683 02TLY2 NOTICE OF SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34(1) of the Insolvency Act, Act 24 of 1936, as amended, that BSW PROPERTY HOLDINGS PROPRIETARY LIMITED (Reg No: 1981/007438/07) property, more fully described as: ERF 5954 (A PORTION OF ERF 1094) MONTAGU, in the Langeberg Municipality, Montagu Division, Province of the Western Cape as a going concern to ROY MCCARTHY TRUST (Reg No: IT2522/2005) continue the said concern for its own benefit and account. Take further notice that the effective date of the sale will be after the 30th day, but not later than 60 (sixty) days, after the date of the publication of the last of the advertisements in terms of section 34(1) of the Insolvency Act, Act, 24 of 1936. TERBLANCHE GELDENHUYS INCORPORATED, Attorney for the Seller, Olyfboomhuis, 8 Piet Retief Street, Montagu, 6720 Tel: 023 * 004 1033 email: Ref: Stephan Terblanche. 02TO9D
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 018098/2023 Surname: LAKAY First Names: ABDULRASIET Date of Birth: 1965-07-16 ID No: 650716 5159 08 6 Last Address: 4 Oceanus Way, Phoenix, Cape Town Date of Death: 2023-08-27 Masters Office: Cape Town Surviving Spouse: GABESA LAKAY Date of Birth: 1968-03-12 ID No: 680312 0110 08 6 CAPITAL LEGACY FIDUCIARY SERVICES (PTY) LTD 4th Floor, Sable Corner, Century City, Cape Town, 7441 Tel: 010 036 44232 02TNDR
FAX: 086 206 0954
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 023306/2023 Surname: ROTHENBERG First Names: ZELDA JOY Date of Birth: 1930-02-17 ID No: 3002170028081 Last Address: 61 Balgowan Estate, 131 Willowbrook Place, Sandown, Johannesburg, 2196 Date of Death: 2023-09-06 Johannesburg c/o BDO WEALTH ADVISERS (PTY) LTD Wanderers Office Park, 52 Corlett Drive, Illovo, 2196 Tel: 011 417 8800 02TNGM
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 009364/2023 Surname: ARMSTRONG First Names: THOMAS JAMES Date of Birth: 1945-10-08 ID No: 08127585F00 Last Address: 6A Dorset Road, Hillside, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe Date of Death: 2021-04-22 Johannesburg c/o BDO WEALTH ADVISERS (PTY) LTD Pretoria Summit Place, 221 Garsfontein Road, Buliding 5, 2nd Floor, Menlyn, Pretoria, 0081 PO Box 95438, Waterkloof, 0145 Tel: 012 433 0185 02TMQY
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 016562/2023 Surname: SAIN First Names: MOGAMAT AMIEN ALLIE Date of Birth: 1956-04-20 ID No: 5604225226087 Last Address: 21 Liberator Street, Rocklands, Mitchells Plain, 7798 Date of Death: 2023-05-19 Surviving Spouse: FAZLIN SAIN Date of Birth: 1956-02-08 ID No: 5602080137084 Executor or Authorised agent: Fazlin Sain 521 Liberator Street, Rocklands, Mitchells Plain, 7798 BEG ATTORNEYS @ LAW Darul Hikma Building, Galaxy Way, Rocklands, Mitchells Plain Tel: 021 391 1343 02TMKM NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 13613/2023 Surname: NELL First Names: JAN MARTINUS JACOBUS Date of Birth: 1933-04-26 ID No: 3304265040082 Last Address: 7 Diadem Close, Melkbosstrand, 7441 Date of Death: 2023-06-11 Cape Town Surviving Spouse: YVONNE MARINA NELL Date of Birth: 1936-02-13 ID No: 3602130063084 Authorised agent for Executrix: Bernie Koch BEJO TRUSTEES 11 Atalanta Street, Melkbosstrand, 7441 Tel: 021 553 3760 02TMDG
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 018393/2023 Surname: JOHANNES First Names: ANDREW Date of Birth: 1938-10-03 ID No: 381003 5106 08 6 Last Address: 18 Perth Road, Grassy Park, Western Cape Date of Death: 2021-06-11 Masters Office: Cape Town CAPITAL LEGACY FIDUCIARY SERVICES (PTY) LTD 4th Floor, Sable Corner, Century City, Cape Town, 7441 ashleigh@ Tel: 021 036 4068 02TNFA
NOTICE In the Estate of the late: JAN ERNST PIETERSE ID No: 281220 5008 08 5 Date of Death: 2023-06-22 Last Address: Oasis Retirement Care Centre, 7 Century Way, Century City, 7441 Estate No: 017129/2023 Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the Undersigned within 30 days of the publication of this notice. BISSET BOEHMKE MCBLAIN 4th Floor, 45 Buitengracht Street, Cape Town, 8001 Tel: 021 441 9800 02TMNZ
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 016146/2019 Surname: SEALE First Names: BARD FRANK Date of Birth: 1965-01-20 ID No: 6501205836084 Last Address: 5 Vasco Street, Brooklyn, Western Cape Date of Death: 2016-04-06 BRIAN LUTZNO KRAUS & ASSOCIATES Suite 302, 3rd Floor, The Landing, 20 Lower Burg Street, Cape Town Tel: 021 418 5566 02TMOJ
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 018093/2023 Surname: KENNEDY First Names: IAN FRANK Date of Birth: 1961-02-21 ID No: 610221 5055 08 6 Last Address: 42 Malgas Road, Tableview Date of Death: 2023-07-26 Masters Office: Cape Town CAPITAL LEGACY FIDUCIARY SERVICES (PTY) LTD 4th Floor, Sable Corner, Century City, Cape Town, 7441 Tel: 021 036 4025 02TNDO
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 018748/2023 Surname: BOTES First Names: KATRINA JACOBA Date of Birth: 1965-01-19 ID No: 650119 0081 08 4 Last Address: 25 Cruise Street, Melton Rose, Eerste River Date of Death: 2023-09-06 Masters Office: Cape Town CAPITAL LEGACY BOARD OF EXECUTORS AND TRUST COMPANY (PTY) LTD 4th Floor, Sable Corner, Century City, Cape Town, 7441 noorunnisaa Tel: 021 036 4021 02TNDQ
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Eastern Cape Estate No: 005496/2023 Surname: MC CABE First Names: FRANCIS JOSEPH ALBERT Date of Birth: 1942-12-23 ID No: 421223 5012 08 2 Last Address: 232 Blue Horizon Bay, Uitenhage, Port Elizabeth Date of Death: 2022-08-04 Masters Office: Port Elizabeth Surviving Spouse: LYNETTE ROSE MC CABE Date of Birth: 1946-06-17 ID No: 460617 0013 08 0 CAPITAL LEGACY BOARD OF EXECUTORS AND TRUST COMPANY (PTY) LTD 4th Floor, Sable Corner, Century City, Cape Town, 7441 Tel: 010 036 4376 02TNCD
To see the last month’s legal advertising please access: Page 1
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 017246/2023 Surname: CHRISTIANS First Names: GERALD Date of Birth: 1939-12-29 ID No: 391229 5319 08 4 Last Address: 8 Clivia Avenue, Brentwood, Kuilsriver Date of Death: 2023-08-06 Masters Office: Cape Town CAPITAL LEGACY BOARD OF EXECUTORS AND TRUST COMPANY (PTY) LTD 4th Floor, Sable Corner, Century City, Cape Town, 7441 noorunnisaa@ Tel: 021 036 4021 02TNF8
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 018395/2023 Surname: LUNN First Names: MARGARET ANN Date of Birth: 1931-12-01 ID No: 311201 0228 08 8 Last Address: 64 Robyn Road, Langeberg Ridge, Durbanville Date of Death: 2023-09-05 Masters Office: Cape Town CAPITAL LEGACY FIDUCIARY SERVICES (PTY) LTD 4th Floor, Sable Corner, Century City, Cape Town, 7441 Tel: 021 036 4015 02TNCE
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 010284/2023 Surname: CAREW First Names: MELVYN GEORGE Date of Birth: 1941-10-10 ID No: 411010 5096 08 8 Last Address: 143 13th Avenue, Kengsington, Western Cape Date of Death: 2023-04-22 Masters Office: Cape Town Surviving Spouse: FRANCIS GEORGINA CAREW Date of Birth: 1948-09-25 ID No: 480925 0160 08 8 CAPITAL LEGACY FIDUCIARY SERVICES (PTY) LTD 4th Floor, Sable Corner, Century City, Cape Town, 7441 ashleigh@ Tel: 021 036 4071 02TNF9
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 005712/2023 Surname: VAN GHENT First Names: SUSANNA MAGDALENA Date of Birth: 1963-03-05 ID No: 630305 0067 08 3 Last Address: 61 Sonop Street, Kirkwood, Eastern Cape Date of Death: 2023-06-16 Masters Office: Port Elizabeth CAPITAL LEGACY BOARD OF EXECUTORS AND TRUST COMPANY (PTY) LTD 2nd Floor, Roland Garros, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston, 2021 Kasmeera.budhoo@ Tel: 031 036 0437 02TNH7 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: KwaZulu-Natal Estate No: 013358/2023 Surname: BRUNETTE First Name: LINDSAY Date of Birth: 1941-05-28 ID No: 4105280053086 Last Address: 4 Kerry Glen, 12 Stockville Close, Gillits Date of Death: 2023-08-26 CITADEL FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD 1st Floor Kaaimans Building, 4 Daventry Road, Lynnwood Office Bridge Park, Gauteng, 0081 Tel: 012 470 2791 02TNKH
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 018710/2023 Surname: MOHAMED First Names: AISHA Date of Birth: 1968-12-31 ID No: 681231 0097 08 6 Last Address: 42 1st Avenue, Belgravia Estate Date of Death: 2023-04-30 Masters Office: Cape Town CAPITAL LEGACY BOARD OF EXECUTORS AND TRUST COMPANY (PTY) LTD 4th Floor, Sable Corner, Century City, Cape Town, 7441 Tel: 010 364 021 02TNFB
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 018095/2023 Surname: NIEMAND First Names: LUKAS GEHARDUS Date of Birth: 1960-01-11 ID No: 600111 5057 08 7 Last Address: 65 Agste Laan, Kraaifontein Date of Death: 2023-08-12 Masters Office: Cape Town CAPITAL LEGACY BOARD OF EXECUTORS AND TRUST COMPANY (PTY) LTD 4th Floor, Sable Corner, Century City, Cape Town, 7441 Tel: 010 036 4339 02TNH5 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 25966/2022 Surname: NKWENTSHA First Names: NQABOMZI Date of Birth: 1977-12-31 ID No: 7712310310084 Last Address: 6 Sail Street, Bloubergstrand Date of Death: 2022-11-14 Executor or Authorised Agent: Alexander Achia Fotoh A FOTOH & ASSOCIATES INC 7th Floor Mandela Rhodes Place, Cnr Wale and Burg Street, Cape Town, 8001 Tel: 021 768 0402 02TMN4
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 018134/2023 Surname: SCHRODER First Names: KRISTEN ANDERS Date of Birth: 1974-01-01 ID No: 740101 5163 08 5 Last Address: 15 Uplands Road, Milnerton Date of Death: 2023-04-16 Masters Office: Cape Town CAPITAL LEGACY FIDUCIARY SERVICES (PTY) LTD 4th Floor, Sable Corner, Century City, Cape Town, 7441 madelene@ Tel: 021 036 4029 02TNDS
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 017220/2023 Surname: PILLAY First Names: ANGELINE LYNETTE Date of Birth: 1946-03-16 ID No: 460316 0141 08 8 Last Address: 32 Hercules Road, Bellville, Lot 3, Cape Town Date of Death: 2023-08-25 Masters Office: Cape Town CAPITAL LEGACY BOARD OF EXECUTORS AND TRUST COMPANY (PTY) LTD 4th Floor, Sable Corner, Century City, Cape Town, 7441 noorunnisaa@ Tel: 021 036 4021 02TNDP Friday 10 November 2023
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 018758/2023 Surname: BASSON First Names: JEAN CHARLOTTE MARJORIE Date of Birth: 1937-05-07 ID No: 370507 0122 08 1 Last Address: 37 Kronendal Road, Westridge, Mitchells Plain, Western Cape Date of Death: 2023-09-06 Masters Office: Cape Town CAPITAL LEGACY FIDUCIARY SERVICES (PTY) LTD 4th Floor, Sable Corner, Century City, Cape Town, 7441 Tel: 021 036 4523 02TNF7 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 016437/2023 Surname: HAYWARD First Name: WILLIAM JAMES Date of Birth: 1958-08-18 ID No: 5808185010080 Last Address: 96 Grysbok Avenue, Reebok, District Mossel Bay Date of Death: 2023-08-24 Renee Beukman (Agent) DLR FIDUCIARY SA (PTY) LTD P.O Box 354, Kuils River, 7579 renee.beukman@ Tel: 086 187 3255 02TNAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 009152/2023 Surname: SPEEK First Name: ISABELA MARIA SPEEK Date of Birth: 1932-03-01 ID No: 3203010045182 Last Address: 465 Theresa Avenue, Die Wilges, Ext 9 Date of Death: 2023-09-10 CITADEL FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD Kaaimans Building, Lynnwood Bridge Office Park, 14 Hilden Road, Lynnwood Manor, Pretoria Tel: 01 470 2500 02TNJJ
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 015890/2023 Surname: CLARKE First Name: NADINE Date of Birth: 1968-01-19 ID No: 6801190048087 Last Address: 6 Red Rocks, Gondwana Game Reserve, Mossel Bay Date of Death: 2023-04-30 CITADEL FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD 1st Floor Kaaimans Building, 4 Daventry Road, Lynnwood Office Bridge Park, Gauteng, 0081 Tel: 012 470 2791 02TNJM
NOTICE In the estate of the late MARIANNA GOMES, ID No. 440216 0017 08 7, Date of Birth: 1944-02-16, Date of Death: 2002-10-29, of 7 Meerhof Avenue, Monte Vista, Cape Town, No. 012172/2023. CREDITORS and DEBTORS in the above estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Cape Town this 18 January 2023. BESPOKE EXECUTOR SERVICES P O Box 2442 Durbanville 7551 02TNC6 NOTICE In the estate of the late: SHUNOO DEVI NAVALKISSOOR ID No: 4012080067086 Date of Death: 17/04/ 2023 Estate No: 012821/2023 Address: 114 Middlemiss Crescent, Reservoir Hill, Durban Notice herewith to all debtors and creditors to lodge their claims with the undersigned within 30 days from 10 November 2023 FDP ADMINISTRATION SERVICES P.O Box 10, Menlyn, Pretoria, 0063 Regno: 2014/239910/07 Tel: 0123482665 Ref: LIZZY MOMMEN 02TN4J
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 016692/2023 Surname: SWART First Names: NANCY JACOBA MARIA Date of Birth: 1939-11-30 ID No: 391130 0035 08 1 Last Address: 14 Burbank Street, Paarl Date of Death: 2023-03-24 Masters Office: Cape Town CAPITAL LEGACY FIDUCIARY SERVICES (PTY) LTD 4th Floor, Sable Corner, Century City, Cape Town, 7441 noorunnisaa@ Tel: 021 036 4021 02TNCA
NOTICE In the estate of the late: SHEILA LOUISE ATIE DU TOIT, ID No: 301223 0017 081, a retired widow, who died on 15 June 2023, formerly of Helderberg Village, Somerset West, 7130, Province of the Western Cape. Estate No: 015066/2023 Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within thirty (30) days of the date of publication hereof. CLIFFE DEKKER HOFMEYR INC. Co-Executor- Allison Claire Alexander P O Box 695, Cape Town, 8000 Tel No: 021 481 6403 allison.alexander@ 02TNOR NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 011980/2023 Surname: VEGO First Names: DANIEL JACOBUS Date of Birth: 1969-07-19 ID No: 6907195214085 Last Address: 33 Murray Street, Diazville, Saldanha, 7394 Date of Death: 2023-01-18 Masters Office: Cape Town Surviving Spouse: CATHLEEN VEGO Date of Birth: 1964-01-17 ID No: 6401170167088 CAPITAL LEGACY BOARD OF EXECUTORS & TRUST COMPANY (PTY) LTD 4th Floor, Sable Corner, Century City, Cape Town, 7441 madelene@ Tel: 021 036 4029 02TNRI
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 012566/2022 Surname: JANSEN First Names: SIMON PETRUS Date of Birth: 1956-08-04 ID No: 56080451966081 Last Address: 158 Moulton Street, Kraaifontein Date of Death: 2022-04-21 Masters Office: Cape Town Surviving Spouse: MARIA JOHANNA HELENA JANSEN Date of Birth: 1961-03-30 ID No: 6103300181084 CAPITAL LEGACY FIDUCIARY SERVICES (PTY) LTD 4th Floor, Sable Corner, Century City, Cape Town, 7441 madelene@ Tel: 021 036 4029 02TNRH
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 017890/2023 Surname: OOSTHUIZEN First Name: LOUWRENS DANIEL Date of Birth: 1941-02-04 ID No: 4102045063088 Last Address: 14 Limitietberg Street, Klaradyn Retirement Village, Buitenkant Street, Protea Heights, Brackenfell, 7560 Date of Death: 2023-07-30 e: Cape Town Surviving Spouse: PETRONELLA ALETTA OOSTHUIZEN Date of Birth: 1944-07-18 ID No: 4407180073085 CITADEL FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD 1st Floor Kaaimans Building, 4 Daventry Road, Lynnwood Office Bridge Park, Gauteng, 0081 Tel: 012 470 2791 02TNJK
NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 014325/2023 Surname: FIRTH First Name: MAUREEN ANNE Date of Birth: 1942-07-31 ID No: 4207310039083 Last Address: 18 Montagu Road, Bergvliet, Cape Town, Western Cape, 7945 Date of Death: 2023-05-17 CITADEL FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD Kaaimans Building, Lynnwood Bridge Office Park, 14 Hilden Road, Lynnwood Manor, Pretoria Tel: 012 470 2500 02TNKI
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Mpumalanga Estate No: 003795/2023 Surname: MORETTINO First Name: SALVATORE Date of Birth: 1934-01-05 ID No: 3401055036088 Last Address: 6 Loch Lomond Close, White River Country Estate, Mpumalanga, 1240 Date of Death: 2023-03-13 Surviving Spouse: CITADEL FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD 1st Floor Kaaimans Building, 4 Daventry Road, Lynnwood Office Bridge Park, Gauteng, 0081 Tel: 012 470 2791 02TNJL NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Gauteng Estate No: 009158/2023 Surname: THEART First Name: PETRONELLA DORETTE Date of Birth: 1945-01-24 ID No: 4501240006083 Last Address: 148 Koedoe Street, Wierdapark, Centurion, 0149 Date of Death: 2023-08-05 CITADEL FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD Kaaimans Building, Lynnwood Bridge Office Park, 14 Hilden Road, Lynnwood Manor, Pretoria Tel: 01 470 2500 02TNJI
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 17242/2023 Surname: GLYN First Names: NORMA BAILLIE Date of Birth: 1929-05-23 ID No: 2905230046086 Last Address: 81 Highway Road, Fish Hoek, 7975 Date of Death: 2023-08-25 Masters Office: Cape Town Executor or Authorised Agent: Shirley Gwendoline Glyn, Patricia Jane St George Glyn c/o Curr Vivier, 3rd Floor, 11 on Buiten, Buitensingel, Cape Town, 8000 CURR VIVIER INC P O Box 3866, Cape Town, 8000 Tel: 021 424 9168 02TMR0 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 16478/2023 Surname: SWART First Names: FRANCES Date of Birth: 1977-04-19 ID No: 3304190037088 Last Address: Edelweiss Old Age Home, 93 Maintain View Road, Eversdal, Cape Town, 7550 Date of Death: 2022-07-26 Surviving Spouse: DIRK ADRIAAN HENDRIK SWART Date of Birth: 1931-12-02 ID No: 3112025025081 BRITS DREYER INC 9 Louwville Street, Bellville, 7530 Tel: 021 946 1127 02TNAO
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Province: Western Cape Estate No: 17315/2023 Surname: LAMBERT First Names: NEIL BRUCE Date of Birth: 1936-05-12 ID No: 3605125026081 Last Address: Protea Memory Clinic, 24 Melina Street, Rosendal, Durbanville Date of Death: 2023-05-09 MINDES PO Box 4040, Tygervalley, 7536 Tel: 021 918 9000 02TMN0