6 BusinessDay www businessday co za Fr day 12 August 2022 FOR ALL YOUR LEGAL ADVERTISING Contact: KZN: Nontobeko Ntombela 031 250 8640 Email: ntombelan@arena africa GAUTENG: Vasie Na doo 011 280 5553 Email: na doovas@arena africa NOTI CE OF S ALE IN EXECU T ON OF IMMOV ABLE PRO PER TY AUC TION IN TH E HIGH COU R T OF SOUTH AFRIC A (G AU TENG DIVISI ON PRETOR A) Case No 2019 /56781 n the ma ter b e ween: THE S TAN D ARD B ANK OF SOUTH AFRIC A L M TED P a nti f and SHIB AMBU : JOS EPH ( D N0 641201 5361 08 3) Defendant n execu ion of a udgmen of he H gh Cour o Sou h A r ca Gauteng D vis on Johannesburg n the su t a sale to the h ghes b dder sub ec to a reserve pr ce of R401 582 00 wi l be he d at he o f ces of the Sh er ff Cu inan N0 1 First S reet Cu inan at 10 00 o n 18 AUGUST 2022 o th e un derment oned property of the De endan on he cond ti ons of sale wh ch may be n spected at he off ce of the Sher ff pr or to the sa e Cer a n: Erf 3026 Mahube Val ey Ex ens o n 2 Towns h p Reg s rat on D vis on: J R Province O Ga uteng Measuring: 321 (T hree Hundred And Twen y One) Square Metres He d By Deed Of Transfer Number T83249 /2011 S tuated A t: 302 6 Phe nyo S ree Ma hube Va ey a so chosen do m ci ium c tandi et executandi THE PROP ERTY I S ZON ED: RESIDENTIAL MPROVEMENT S P e ase note tha no h ng is gua ran eed and/or no warranty is g ven in respec thereof MAIN BUILDING: 2 bed rooms ba hroom oun ge k tchen and secured wi h gate (The accura cy ther eof can however not be guaran eed) The Na ure Ex e n Co ndi ion And Existence O f The mprovements Are No G uar anteed An d/Or N o Warr anty s G ven In Respec Thereof And Are 1 The Purch aser shal pay (a) 6% on the f rst R100 000 00; (b) 3 5% on R100 001 00 o R400 000 00; (c) 1 5% o n he ba ance of he proceeds o the sa e sub ec o a maximum com m ssion R40 000 00 p us VAT and a min mum o R3 000 00 p us VAT 2 A depos t of 10% of the purchase pr ce immed a tely on demand b y the Sh eri f The ba ance o the purchase pr ce and any s uch nte rest payab e shal be pa d t o the Sher ff aga inst tr ansfer and sha be secured b y a bank guarantee to b e ap A torney wh ch sha l be urnished t o the Sher ff wi h n 21 (twenty one) days af er the sa e 3 The pro perty may be ta ken possess on of afte r s gna ture of the cond t ons of s ale payment of he depos t and upon the ba ance of the purchase price being se cured 4 Should the purchaser rece ve possession o the proper y th e purc haser s ha l be able for occupat onal ren a a the ra e o f 1% of the purchase price per month as per date of sale to da e of ransfer of he property 5 The rules of auct o n are ava able 24 hours prior o he auction at the o fices of he Cu l nan The off ce of he Sher ff A Dawood his /her Depu y w l con duct the sa e Reg s rat on As A Buyer I s A Pre Requis te Sub ec To Cond t ons nt er Al a (a) Direc ive o th e Cons umer Protec ion Act 68 o 200 8 (b) FICA LEGISLATION Proof o ID and add ress par iculars (c) Payment of a reg stra ion ee of R30 000 00 ERF no cash (d) Registrat on cond t ons The aforesa d sa e shal be sub ec to the cond ti ons of sale which may be nspec ted at the off ce o he Sh er ff Centurion Da ed a Bedfordv ew on this 22nd day o Ju ne 2022 STUP EL & BERM AN NC 1st Floor Bradf ord Corner 2 Bradford Roa d Bed ordv ew Emai : n o@ s upe berman c o za Te : 011 776 3000 Re : 106766 D GELDENHUYS / LM 02QSRN AUC TION NOTI CE OF S ALE IN EXECU TION N TH E H GH COU R T OF SOUTH AFRIC A (G AU TENG DIVISI ON JOH ANNESBUR G) Case No: 1144 9/2019 In the mat er b etween NEDB ANK LIM TE D P a n i f and M ALE B YE, MOKGOM O TSI PETE R (ID NO: 81093 05512080 ) Defendant This is a sa e in execut on pursuant to a Judgment obta ned in he abo e Hon ourab e Court da ted 14/12 2021 in erms of w h ch the fol owing p roperty wi be sold in execut on by the Sher ff of the H gh C ourt Johannesburg South a S hop 2 V s a Centre 22 H ary Road Cnr Trevor Stree G lv ew Johannes burg on the 23 August 2022 at 10H00 o the highest b dder sub ect to a reserve pr ce of R357 000 00 CERTAIN A unit consist ng of: Sec ion No 69 as shown as more u ly descr bed on Sec ional P an No SS350 2007 in t he sch eme known as MERED ALE HE GHTS n respect of and and bu ld ngs s tua e at MEREDALE EXTENS ON 24 n he Loca Au hority of C ITY OF JOHANNESB URG and An undiv de d share n the common property n the land and bu d ng o r bui d ngs as shown and more ful y de scribed on the sa d Sect ona P an apport oned o the Mor gaged Sec ion n ac cordance w th th e part c pa t on quo a of the Mortgaged Sec ion S tuat on: Sec ion 69 Door Number 69 Mere dale He ghts Thomas S r ee Mereda e E ten s on 24 AREA: 59 squa re metres ZONED: Reside ntia As He d By The Defend ant Under Deed Of Trans er Number ST719 65/2007 IMPROVEMENT S: ( The nature ex ent co ndi ion and existence o the mprove ments are not guaran ee d) 2 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom Lounge K chen 1 Toi e Carport Sw mm ng pool in Comp ex The Purchaser sha l in add s on wh ch s 6% on the proceeds o the sa e up to a price o R100 000 00 (One Hundred Tho usand R and) and thereaf er 3 5% on R100 001 0 0 to R 400 000 00 and 1 5 per cen t on the ba ance of he proceeds of the sale subject to a max mum comm ssion of R40 000 00 p us VAT and a m n mum of R3 0 00 00 p us VAT ( nc us ve n a nst anc charges an d o her expe nses ncurred n pay ng th e pro ceeds nto his or her t rust account) pay a deposi of 10% of the purchase pr ce in cash or bank guarantee cheque or EFT n o the diately upon closing of the bid and the ba ance against transfer hich shal be se cured by a Bank or Bui d ng Soc ety guarantee n a orm accep able to Plaint ff s conveyancers which gua ran tee shal be de ivered by the Purchaser o the Sheri f wi h n twen ty one (21) days from the dat e of th e sa e and sha l prov de or t he paym ent of he u l balance and any such n eres payab e as prov ded or her eunder The Ru es o th s auc i on are ava lab e 24 hours before the auct on at the of ice of the Sher ff Johannesbur g South at Shop 2 Vista Centre 22 Hi ary Road Cnr Trevor Street G l view Johannesburg The Sher f Johannes burg South w l con duc he s ale Registrat on as a buyer is a pre requ s te sub ect to condit ons nte r a ia: A) D rect ve of th e Cons umer Pro ect on A c 68 of 20 08 URLht p: /www i nfo gov z a /v ew/Down oad F eAct on? d 99961) B) FICA leg s at on r o proof of i dent ty and add ress part cu ars C) Payment of a Registra t on Fee of R 50 000 0 0 in cash D) Reg stra ion condi ions The a oresa d sale sha l be sub ect to he Cond t ons of Sale which may be inspec ted at the o f ce of the Sh eri f Johannesburg South a S hop 2 V s a Centre 22 H ary Road Cnr Trevor Stree G lv ew Johannes burg dur ng norma of ice hours Monday to Fr d ay Dated at Johann esburg on th s the 10th day of June 2022 BICC ARI BOL LO M ARI ANO INC t orn eys Oxford & Glenhov e Bui d ng 1 Ground Floo r 116 Oxford Road Melrose Estate Johan nesburg PO Box 92441 Norwood 2117 Tel (011) 628 9300 Ref W Hodge s / RN5322 02QSOH NOTI CE OF S ALE IN EXECU TION OF IMMOV ABLE PRO PER TY AUC TION IN TH E HIGH COU R T OF SOUTH AFRIC A (G AU TENG D V S ON, JOH ANNESBUR G) Case No 2 019/28992 In the matter b etween: THE S TAN D ARD B ANK OF SOUTH AFR C A LI MI TED Pla nt ff and LOUIS : MICHELLE THER ES A (ID NO 78020 6 0108 08 3) De endan In execut on of a judgment o the High Court of South Afr ca Gau eng Div sion Johannesburg in he su t a sa e to the highest bi dder subject o a reserve price o R540 000 00 w l be hel d a the off ces o he Sher ff Bo Khuma o A Lena sia So uth N0 5 2nd Avenue Cnr Sta t on Road Armad a e (Kn own As Vik ng) at 9:00 on 31 AUGUST 2022 of h e un derment oned property o he Defendant on the cond t ons wh ch may be inspec ed a the o fice of the Sher ff prior to the sale Certain: Erf 892 Eldorado Park Townsh p Reg stration Div s on: I Q The Prov nce O f Gauteng Measur ng: 396 (T hree Hundred And Nine y S x) Square Metres He d By: Deed Of Transfer Number T28693 2013 SITUATED AT 33 GIPS STREET ELDOR ADO PARK w th the chosen d om ci um citand et execu and be ng 13 Jan Beam Aven ue Extension 6 E d orado Par k The Proper y Is Zoned Resident a IMPROVEMENT S: Ple ase note that nothing s gua ran teed and/or no warranty s g ven n respect thereo MAIN BU LDI NG oun ge ki chen bedrooms ba hr oom (The accuracy thereo can however not warran ed o be correc n every r espec ) The Nature Exte nt Co nd t on And Ex stence O The Improvements Are Not G uar anteed An d Or N o Warr anty Is G ven In Respect Thereo 1 The Purch aser sha l pay (a) 6% on the f irst R100 000 00; (b) 3 5% on R100 001 00 to R400 000 00; (c) 1 5% o n the ba ance o the proceeds of he sale subject to a max mum com miss on R40 000 00 plus VAT and a m n mum of R3 000 00 plus VAT 2 A depos t o 10% of he purchase pr ce mmed a e y on demand b y the De puty Sheri f Th e ba anc e of he purchase pr ce and any s uch nterest payab e sha b e paid to the Sh er f aga n st tran sfer and sha l be secured by a bank guarantee to b e ap Attorney which shal be furn shed to the Sheri f w thin 21 (twen y one) days after the sale 3 The pro perty may be ta ken possess on of af e r s gna ure o he condi i o ns of s a e payment of the depos it and upon the ba ance of he purchase pr ce be ng se cured 4 Shou d the purchaser receive possess on of he property th e purc haser s ha be iab e for occupat ona rental at the rate o f 1% of he purchase pr ce per mon th as per da e of sa e to date o transfer o the proper y 5 The ru es of auctio n are avai ab e 24 hours pr or to the auct on at the off ces o the LENAS A SOUTH The o f ce of the Sher f f BO KHUMALO or h s/h er De puty w l conduct the sale Reg stration As A Buyer I s A Pre Requ site Subject To Cond tions Int er A ia: (a) D rect ve of h e Cons umer Protect on Act 68 of 200 8 (b) FICA LEGISLATION Proof of D and add ress part cu ars (c) Payment o a registra t on fee of R30 00 0 00 n ca sh (d) Reg stra ion cond t ons not ce board The aforesai d sale sha l be subject o he cond t ons o sa e wh ch may be inspec ed a the of i ce of the Sh erif Lenasia So uth N0 5 2nd Avenue Cnr Sta ion Road Armada e (Know n As V k n g) Dated at Bed ordv ew on h s 11th day of Jul y 2022 STUP EL & BERM AN INC 1s F oor Bradf ord Corner 2 Brad ord Roa d Bedfordview Ema l: info@ stupelberman c o za Tel 011 776 3000 Ref: 104466 / D GELDENHUYS / LM 02QSRO SALE IN EXECUTION SALE IN EXECUTION SALE IN EXECUTION