To advertise call: Vasie on 011 280 5553 or email -
CERTAIN: ERF 1571 SAGEWOOD EXTENSION 15 REGISTRATIONTOWNSHIP DIVISION: J. R., PROVINCE OF MEASURING:GAUTENG 245 (TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY FIVE) SQUARE METRES HELD BY : DEED OF TRANSFER NUMBER SITUATEDT119889/2008AT: 1571 ACACIA STREET SAGEWOOD EXTENSION 15 also chosen domicilium citandi et executandi and residing at UNIT 2 THALASSA MANOR VALLEY VIEW ESTATE, ROOIHUISKRAL ROAD, MIDRANDTHEPROPERTY IS ZONED: 2022.thisDATEDHALFWAYJAMESHALFWAYatsalesubjectTheHouse,Jamesbletermsauctionparticipationfinalbeduringauction,offeronlineopeningtained11h00.ThedaycommencingwithThe(d)R50registration(c)particularsProof(b)Protection(a)INTERSUBJECTERREGISTRATIONwillSIEBERTofficeHALFWAYJAMESthetheavailable5.transferperpurchaserentalbeproperty,receive4.cured.purchaseuponpaymentofpossession3.daysSherifffurnishedAttorney,bankshallSheriffpayablepriceTheonpurchase2.R3plusmissionsubjectthe(c)R400(b)R100(a)1.RESPECTWARRANTYANTEEDMENTSENCECONDITIONTHESTANDMAINgiventeednoteIMPROVEMENTS:RESIDENTIALPleasethatnothingisguaran-and/ornowarrantyisinrespectthereofBUILDING:VACANTNATURE,EXTENT,ANDEXIST-OFTHEIMPROVE-ARENOTGUAR-AND/ORNOISGIVENINTHEREOFANDThePurchasershallpay6%onthefirst000.00;3.5%onR100001.00.to000.00;1.5%onthebalanceofproceedsofthesaletoamaximumcom-R40000.00VATandaminimumof000.00plusVAT.Adepositof10%ofthepriceimmediatelydemandbytheSheriff.balanceofthepurchaseandanysuchinterestshallbepaidtotheagainsttransferandbesecuredbyaguaranteetobeap-whichshallbetothewithin21(twentyone)afterthesale.Thepropertymaybetakenofaftersignaturetheconditionsofsale,ofthedepositandthebalanceofthepricebeingse-Shouldthepurchaserpossessionofthethepurchasershallliableforoccupationalattherateof1%ofthepricepermonthasdateofsaletodateofoftheproperty.Therulesofauctionare24hourspriortoauctionattheofficesofHALFWAYHOUSE,614CRESCENT,HOUSE.TheoftheSheriffTCorhis/herDeputyconductthesale.ASABUY-ISAPRE-REQUISITETOCONDITIONS,ALIA:DirectiveoftheConsumerAct68of2008FICALEGISLATIONofIDandaddressPaymentofafeeof000.00-incashRegistrat,HalfwayMidrand..aforesaidsaleshallbetotheconditionsofwhichmaybeinspectedtheofficeoftheSheriffHOUSE,614CRESCENT,HOUSE.atGERMISTONon8thdayofAUGUST
STUPEL & BERMAN Bradford Corner 2 Bradford,Bedfordview,27,Bedfordview0865106802104445/GELDENHUYS/LM
AS A BUYER IS A PREREQUISITE SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS, INTER ALIA: (a) Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 (b) FICA LEGISLATION Proof of ID and address (c)particularsPayment of a registration fee of R50 000.00 - in cash (d) Registration conditions: The sale will be augmented with a timed online sale commencing on the Thursday prior to the live sale at 11h00.The highest bid obtained will then serve as the opening bid at the live and online sale. Should no higher offer be achieved at the live auction, the highest bid made during the timed auction shall be viewed as the highest and final bid. Registration for participation on webcast auction at All terms and conditions available on or at 614 James Crescent, Halfway House, Midrand. The aforesaid sale shall be subject to the conditions of sale which may be inspected at the office of the Sheriff HALFWAY HOUSE, 614 JAMES CRESCENT, HALFWAY HOUSE. DATED at GERMISTON on this 8th day of AUGUST 2022. STUPEL & BERMAN INC 1st Floor, Bradford Corner 2 Bradford,Bedfordview,27,Bedfordview:0865106802109021GELDENHUYS/LM
INC 1st Floor,
NOTICEAUCTIONOFSALE IN PROPERTY IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (GAUTENG salesubjectThe(d)fee(c)particularsProof(b)Protection(a)CONDITIONS,REQUISITEBUYERREGISTRATIONwillGREYLINGofficethetheavailable5.transferperpurchaserentalbeproperty,receive4.secured.purchaseuponpaymentofpossession3.daysSherifffurnishedAttorney,bankshallSheriffpayablepriceTheonpurchase2.R3pluscommissionsubjectthe(c)R400(b)R100(a)1.RESPECTWARRANTYANTEEDMENTSENCECONDITIONTHEteed)canen.bathroom,MAINgiventeednoteIMPROVEMENTS:RESIDENTIALTHEtandidomiciliumDELVILLEDELVILLESITUATEDT6606/2018TRANSFERHELDSQUAREDREDTHOUSANDMEASURING:GAUTENGI.R.,REGISTRATIONVILLEEXTENTCERTAIN:Sheriff,spectedofDefendantdermentionedTEMBERTONANGUSGERMISTONtheR800subjectsaleJohannesburgAfrica,theIn(IDRUHUL:andPROPRIETARYCOMPANYSBInCASEJOHANNESBURG)DIVISION,NO:2021/25022thematterbetween:GUARANTEE(RF)LIMITEDPlaintiffTIYANIN0.8507050499082)DefendantexecutionofajudgmentofHighCourtofSouthGautengDivisioninthesuit,atothehighestbiddertoareservepriceof000.00willbeheldatofficesoftheSheriffSOUTH,4STREET,GERMIS-at10:00on19SEP-2022oftheun-propertyoftheontheconditionssalewhichmaybein-attheofficeofthepriortothesale.REMAININGOFERF507DEL-TOWNSHIPDIVISION:THEPROVINCEOF1320(ONETHREEHUN-ANDTWENTY)METRESBY:DEEDOFNUMBERAT:26SOUTHROAD,alsochosencitandietexecu-PROPERTYISZONED:Pleasethatnothingisguaran-and/ornowarrantyisinrespectthereofBUILDING:lounge,bedrooms,kitch-(Theaccuracythereofhowevernotbeguaran-NATURE,EXTENT,ANDEXIST-OFTHEIMPROVE-ARENOTGUAR-AND/ORNOISGIVENINTHEREOFANDThePurchasershallpay6%onthefirst000.00;3.5%onR100001.00.to000.00;1.5%onthebalanceofproceedsofthesaletoamaximumR40000.00VATandaminimumof000.00plusVAT.Adepositof10%ofthepriceimmediatelydemandbytheSheriff.balanceofthepurchaseandanysuchinterestshallbepaidtotheagainsttransferandbesecuredbyaguaranteetobeap-whichshallbetothewithin21(twentyone)afterthesale.Thepropertymaybetakenofaftersignaturetheconditionsofsale,ofthedepositandthebalanceofthepricebeingShouldthepurchaserpossessionofthethepurchasershallliableforoccupationalattherateof1%ofthepricepermonthasdateofsaletodateofoftheproperty.Therulesofauctionare24hourspriortoauctionattheofficesofGermistonSouth.TheoftheSheriffAChis/herDeputyconductthesale.ASAISAPRE-SUBJECTTOINTERALIA:DirectiveoftheConsumerAct68of2008FICALEGISLATIONofIDandaddressPaymentofaregistrationofR30000.00-incashRegistrationconditionsaforesaidsaleshallbetotheconditionsofwhichmaybeinspectedattheofficeoftheSheriffGERMISTONSOUTH,4ANGUSSTREET,GERMIS-TON.DATEDatBEDFORDVIEWonthis20THdayofJULY2022.
IN EXECUTION OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTY IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (GAUTENG THEInCASEJOHANNESBURG)DIVISION,NO:2020/10535thematterbetween:STANDARDBANK OF SOUTH AFRICA LIMITEDPlaintiff MICHALPILLAI:and KANDASAMY (ID NO: 790316 0002 08 3) 1 Defendant STEPHENPILLAI: KANDASAMY (ID 0. 770516 5084 08 5) 2nd Defendant In execution of a judgment of the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division Johannesburg in the suit, a sale to the highest bidder with a reserve price of R121 482.05 will be held at the offices of the Sheriff HALFWAY HOUSE, 614 JAMES CRESCENT, HALFWAY HOUSE at 11:00 on 20 SEPTEMBER 2022 of the undermentioned property of the Defendants on the conditions of sale which may be inspected at the office of the Sheriff, prior to the sale. CERTAIN: A SECTIONCONSISTINGUNITOF:NO. 903 AS SHOWN AND MORE FULLY DESCRIBED ON SECTIONAL PLAN NO. SS1333/2007 IN THE SCHEME KNOWN AS TANDIA GARDENS IN RESPECT OF THE LAND AND BUILDING OR BUILDINGS SITUATE AT BUCCLEUCH TOWNSHIP, LOCAL AUTHORITY CITY OF JOHANNESBURG OF WHICH THE AREA, ACCORDING TO THE SAID SECTIONAL PLAN, IS 57 (FIFTY SEVEN) SQUARE METRES, AND AN UNDIVIDED SHARE IN THE COMMON PROPERTY IN THE SCHEME APPORTIONED TO THE SAID SECTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PARTICIPATION QUOTA AS ENDORSED ON THE SAID SECTIONAL PLAN HELD UNDER: DEED OF TRANSFER ST165672/2007. SITUATE AT 903 TANDIA GARDENS, 6 TWAIN AVENUE, BUCCLEUCH also the chosen domicilium citandi et THEexecutandi.PROPERTY IS ZONED: IMPROVEMENTS:RESIDENTIAL Please note that nothing is guaranteed and/or no warranty is given in respect thereof MAIN BUILDING: lounge, bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, toilet. (The accuracy thereof can however not be THEguaranteed)NATURE, EXTENT, CONDITION AND EXISTENCE OF THE IMPROVEMENTS ARE NOT GUARANTEED AND/OR NO WARRANTY IS GIVEN IN RESPECT THEREOF AND 1. The Purchaser shall pay (a) 6% on the first R100 000.00; (b) 3.5% on R100 001.00. to R400 000.00; (c) 1.5% on the balance of the proceeds of the sale subject to a maximum commission R40 000.00 plus VAT and a minimum of R3 000.00 plus VAT. 2. A deposit of 10% of the purchase price immediately on demand by the Sheriff. The balance of the purchase price and any such interest payable shall be paid to the Sheriff against transfer and shall be secured by a bank guarantee to be apAttorney, which shall be furnished to the Sheriff within 21 (twenty one) days after the sale. 3. The property may be taken possession of after signature of the conditions of sale, payment of the deposit and upon the balance of the purchase price being 4.secured.Should the purchaser receive possession of the property, the purchaser shall be liable for occupational rental at the rate of 1% of the purchase price per month as per date of sale to date of transfer of the property. 5. The rules of auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the offices of the HALFWAY HOUSE, 614 JAMES CRESCENT HALFWAY HOUSE. The office of the Sheriff TC SIEBERT or his/her Deputy will conduct the REGISTRATIONsale.

NOTICEAUCTIONOFSALE IN EXECUTION OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTY IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (GAUTENG THEInCASEJOHANNESBURG)DIVISION,NO:2019/22979thematterbetween:STANDARDBANK OF SOUTH AFRICA LIMITEDPlaintiff CHUKUDU:and LESIBA (IDSYDNEYN0.710310 5526 08 6) 1 Defendant MKHIZE: NOMAKHOSI (ID N0. 781012 0375 08 9) 2nd Defendant In execution of a judgment of the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Local Division Johannesburg in the suit, a sale to the highest bidder with a reserve price of R221 357.19 will be held at the offices of the Sheriff HALFWAY HOUSE, 614 JAMES CRESCENT, HALFWAY HOUSE at 11:00 on 20 SEPTEMBER 2022 of the undermentioned property of the Defendants on the conditions of sale which may be inspected at the office of the Sheriff, prior to the sale.
BusinessDay5 Friday 9September 2022 LEGAL NOTICES
NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR A LOST DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937 of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of: Deed of Transfer Number TE Owned30390/1993by:The Executor in the Estate Late SHELAKE ELLIOT DLAMINI Estate In8813/2012/PMBNumberrespectof:ERF 115 Nazareth Registration Division FT Province of KwaZulu-Natal. In extent 1087 (one thousand and eighty seven) Square metres Which has been lost. All persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg within two weeks after the date of publication of this notice. Dated at Pinetown this day of Attorneys,2022.Conveyancers & Notaries Public DICKINSON THEUNISSEN& One Simpson Place Sunnyside Lane Pinetown Ref: StreetBuildingPietermaritzburg,RegistrarTel:Email:MAT22866/ 02QZ1B-00
the applicant", has submitted an application for a physicallodgedSuchpublicationdaysperiodPetroleumlodgednumberclearlyapplication,,mustbewiththeControllerofProductswithinaoftwenty(20)workingfromthedateofofthisnotice.objectionmustbeatthefollowingorpostaladdress: Physical address: The Controller of Petroleum DepartmentProducts of Mineral Resource & Energy 333 Anton Lembede Street Durban Bay House Durban Postal address The Controller of Petroleum DepartmentProducts Mineral Resource & Energy Private Bbag X 54375 4000Durban 02R0MU-00 NOTICE IN RESPECT OF A LICENSE APPLICATION IN TERMS OF THE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS ACT, 1977 (ACT NO 120 OF 1977) This notice serves to inform parties that may be interested or affected that GOITSE GLOBAL ENERGY (PTY) LTD, hereinafter has submitted an application for a WHOLESALE license, application number DURBANGLEN13UNITE/2022/03/02/0003.2PLANESTREETANIL The purpose of the application is for the applicant to be granted a license to undertake petroleum wholesale activities as detailed in the application. Arrangements for viewing the application documentation can be made by contacting the Controller of Petroleum Products by: Telephone: (031) 335 9635; Email: Durban,PrivateResourcesDepartmentProductsThePostalDurban333ResourcesDepartmentProductsThePhysicalpostaltheobjectioncationdaysperiodPetroleumlodgednumberclearlyapplication,,mustbewiththeControllerofProductswithinaoftwenty(20)workingfromthedateofpubli-ofthisnotice.Suchmustbelodgedatfollowingphysicaloraddress:address:ControllerofPetroleumMineral&EnergyAntonLembedeStreet,BayHouse,Durbanaddress:ControllerofPetroleumMineral&EnergyBagX54375,4000 02R17F LOST ORDEEDDESTROYED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act 1937 of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of No.T13643/2014Transfer registered in the name of 1. JULIAN BRIAN MICHEAL ID No: 731005 5320 08 5 Married out of Community of 2.PropertyKESHINI MICHEAL ID No: 750725 0233 08 4 Married out of Community of Property in respect of ERF 9 Tinley Manor Beach Registration Division FU Province Of KwaZulu-Natal Which has been lost or Destroyed. All interested persons having objections to the issue of
Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer T7786/2010 dated, 2010/03/23 passed by GOMATHI BECHOO ID NO 500201 0200 088, Unmarried, in favour of ISHANI VAN DONGEN ID NO 750608 0133 084, Married, which marriage is governed by the laws of England the bare dominium holder with reservation of a usufruct in favour of GOMATHI BECHOO . ID NO 500201 0200 08 8, unmarried in respect of ERF 1288 Bonela, Extension 13, Registration Division FT, Province of KwaZulu-Natal, has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deed at 300Pietermaritzburg.Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201, within two weeks from date of publication of this notice. Dated at on this day 23 of August 2022 Ishani Bechoo Van Dongen (formerly van Dongen) LOïC Aymar Van Dongen duly assisting my wife Ishani Van Dongen herein in so far as is necessary Gomathi Bechoo C/ O WOODHEAD BIGBY INC. Address: 92 Armstrong Avenue, La Lucia, 4051 E-mail (031)
LOST ORDEEDDESTROYED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer Number T60831/2006 passed by Lot 8 (of 2) Everton (Proprietary) Limited in favour of Denise Ann Horlock, Identity Number 371207 0079 08 9, Unmarried in respect of certain Portion 1 Of Erf 234 Hillcrest, Registration Division FT, Province Of Kwazulu-Natal, in extent 1800 (one thousand eight hundred) square metres which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deed at Pietermaritzburg, High Court Building, 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg within two weeks from the date of publication of this Kloof on this 2 Day Of September 2022. Applicant: &LIEBENBERGPEACOCK,DICKINSONINC Address: Peacock, Liebenberg & Dickinson Inc Road, Kloof E-mail

Notice if hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act Number 47 of 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of ZAMAInT24900/2019Favourof:ALTERNATIVE AND MODULAR BUILDINGS PROPRIETARY LIMITED In respect of certain Portion 16 Erf 218 Ashley, Registration Division FT, Province Of Kwazulu-Natal In extent One Thousand Two Hundred And Ninty Nine (1299) SQUARE METRES Which has been lost or Alldestroyed.interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby require to lodge the same in writing with Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg, High Court Building 300 Pietermaritz Street within two weeks after the date of publication of this Datednotice. Durban On This 22nd Day Of August 2022 Applicant: JULY INCORPORATEDATTORNEYS Office 3a, Ground Floor Clifton Place 19 Hurst 02QXHP-0 LOST ORDEEDDESTORYED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer Number AUnmarried.IDHUGOInT31879/2011favourofVANZYLNo.:6504265123088Infavourofpropertydescribed as follows: ERF RYDALVALE,43 Registration Division FT, Province Of KwaZulu-Natal. In Extent 500 (Five Hundred) Square Metres. Which has been lost or destroyed All persons having objections to the Issues of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Pietermaritzburg,Deeds:High court Building, 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg within two weeks after the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Durban this 1st day of SEPTEMBER 2022 HUGOApplicantVAN ZYL C/o SUNITA BISNATH INC 40 Capeford Crescent Sunford, Phoenix 02R1D9-00
Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937 of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer Number T8818/2017 passed by ROYAL PALM PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED, Registration 2002/022582/06Number:infavour of TAKALO FAMILY TRUST, Registration Number: IT248/2012 in respect of certain ERF 666 Royal Palm Estates, Registration Division FU. Province Kwazulu-Natal,of which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg, within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Pietermaritzburg on the day of 2022 MASON INCORPORATED Suite 2, 3,4 Investec Building Longcrest Way, VCC Office Park 170 Peter Brown Drive, Montrose Pietermaritzburg, 3201 02R0W6-00
NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR A LOST DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937 of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of: Deed of Transfer Number T Owned2518/1985by:The Executor in the Estate Late MONICA KUMALO Estate No: 323/2017 DBN In respect of: ERF 3328 Clermont Registration Division FT. Province of Kwazulu-Natal. In extent 697 (six hundred and ninety seven) Square metres, which has been lost. All persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg within two weeks after the date of publication of this notice. Dated at Pinetown this day of 2022. Attorneys, Conveyancers & Notaries Public DICKINSON THEUNISSEN& One Simpson Place Sunnyside Lane Pinetown Ref: StreetBuildingPietermaritzburg,RegistrarTel:Email:MAT22337/ 02QZJS-00
Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer Number T21941/1983 passed by TEK PROPERTIES FamilyTheApplicantDatedtionfrommaritzburgPietermaritzinformationatwithlodgecopyobjectionAllhasERFIT2431/1983/N,RegistrationFAMILYTHEFORinRegistrationPROPRIETARY(CONGELLA)LIMITED,Number66/6199favourofTHETRUSTEESTHETIMEBEINGOFWADE-LEHMANTRUST,Numberinrespectof8458DURBANwhichbeenlostordestroyed.interestedpersonshavingtotheissueofsuchareherebyrequiredtothesameinwritingtheRegistrarofDeedsPietermaritzburgatthecounter,300Street,Pieter-withintwoweeksthedateofthepublica-ofthisnotice.atonthisdayof2022Wade-LehmanTrust c/o ANTHONY WHATMORE & COMPANY 45 Adelaide Tambo Drive Durban North email
interested or affected that DISTRIBUTIONTRADEPORT
APPLICATION FOR LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer No. T 22983/1997 in favour of SULOCHINI BHARUTHRAM ID No.: 47122220119081 inWidowmy capacity as Executrix in the Estate of the Late Sardanand Bharuthram acting in terms of Letters of Executorship No. 3288/2017 DBN dated the 15th January 2020 granted to me by the Master of the High Court of South Africa, Kwazulu-Natal Provincial Division do hereby make oath and say: PORTION 111 (OF 108) OF ERF 67 RegistrationSPRINGFIELDDivision FT, Province Of KwaZulu Natal. In Extent 691 (Six Hundred and Ninety One) Square Metres which has been lost or destroyed All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at CHATSWORTH this 2nd day of SEPTEMBER 2022. SHAMLA GOVENDER & ASSOCIATES Address: 86 Silverglen Drive Silverglen, Chatsworth E-Mail Contact@gmail.comshamla.govenderAddress:No.:(031) 401 1326/ 401 2649 02R09Z-00
LOST ORDEEDDESTORYED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer Number AInUnmarriedIDSELVARANIInST19522/2002favourofMARIAPPENNo.:5312140113089favourofpropertydescribed as follows: A unit consisting of(a) Section Number 30 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan Number SS 183/1999 in the scheme known as WHETFERN GARDENS in respect of the land and building or buildings situated at REDFERN, in the Ethekwini Municipality, of which section the floor area according to the said sectional plan is 65 (Sixty Five) square metres in extent; and (b) an undivided share in and to the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the said sectional plan. Which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objections to the Issues of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Pietermaritzburg,Deeds:High court Building, 300 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg within two weeks after the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Durban this 5th day of September 2022. SELVARANIApplicant MARIAPPEN C/o SUNITA BISNATH INC 40 Capeford Crescent Sunford, 02R1D8-00 LOST ORDEEDSDESTROYED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act Number 47 of 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Grant MKUNGOTHANDAYIPIofDatedpublicationweeksmaritzCourtatwithlodgecopyobjectionAlldestroyed.WhichKwamakhutha,Situated35/1966,generalSquareHundredA1355In2010.theMaster723/2010Executorshipacting0385MKUNGOTHANDAYIPIisdeceasedIDGIDEONInGOVERNMENTPassedTG000098/96Number.(KZ)by:KWAZULUfavourof:MVAKWENDLUMKUNGONO3607285254081,andwhoseestatedulyrepresentedbyBEAUTYIDNO:420319084(survivingspouse)undertheLettersofnumberissuedbytheoftheHighcourton12thdayofFebruaryrespectofcertain:SiteNo.Extent329(ThreeAndTwentyNine)Metres,asshownonplanno:B.AInTheTownshipOfUmbumbuluhasbeenlostorinterestedpersonshavingtotheissueofsuchareherebyrequiredtothesameinwritingtheRegistrarofDeedsPietermaritzburg,HighBuilding300Pieter-StreetwithintwoafterthedateofofthisnoticeatDurbanonthisday2022BEAUTYc/o

MGABI ATTORNEYS INC. 379 Anton Lembede Street,3rd floor Suite 308, Durban Email: 031Telephone@gmail.commgabiattorneysNumber:319271702QXJJ-00
This notice serves to inform parties that may be (PTY) hereinafter referred to as " such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of PietermaritzburgDeeds at 300 Pietermaritz Pietermaritzburg,Street 3200, within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated Pietermaritzburgat this 02 day of September 2022. STOWELL & COMPANY 295 Pietermaritz Street Ref:PietermaritzburgNBP/Anisha Surideen/ 02R09J-00
LOST ORDEEDDESTROYED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer: T Passed24748/2001,byROY ARTHUR thisDatedthetwoPietermaritzburg,PietermaritzKwaZulu-NatalwithlodgecopyobjectionAlldestroyed.whichProvinceRegistrationSHANNONOFdescribedInpropertyMarriedIDMHLUNGUIAndIDMHLUNGUSENZELEpropertyMarriedIDHARRINGTON,NO5510065037007,outofcommunityofinfavourof:-JOHNSONNo.:3706065608084ELIZABETHMARIANo.:4105230227087incommunityoftoeachother.respectofthepropertyas:PORTION1THEFARMMOUNTNO.1816,DivisionFS,OfKwaZulu-NatalhasbeenlostorinterestedpersonshavingtotheissueofsuchareherebyrequiredtothesameinwritingtheRegistrarofDeedsat300Street,3201withinweeksfromthedateofpublicationofthisnotice.atPietermaritzburgon31dayofAugust2022.ApplicantsAttorneys 311 Street Pietermaritzburg 3200 02QZXV-00

10 BusinessDay Friday 9September 2022