Fran Troskie
COLLECTIVE Special report
For inquiries contact Anne Cabot-Alletzhauser on
Convener: Anne Cabot-Alletzhauser Practice director of the Gordon Institute of Business Responsible Finance Initiative Editorial advisory commi ee: Kelly de Kock Chief operating officer at Old Mutual Trust Company Prof Evan Gilbert Associate professor at Stellenbosch University and strategist at Momentum Investments Amanda Khoza Vice-president and board member of the Institute of Retirement Funds SA. Caretha Laubscher Manager: Consumer Education Framework, Financial Sector Conduct Authority Lelane Bezuidenhout CEO Financial Planning Institute of Southern Africa Nici McDonald HOD: Certification and Standards, Financial Planning Institute of Southern Africa Darius van der Walt Member of the ASSA investment commi ee, head of product development at M&G Investments Southern Africa Nerina Visser, CFA ETF strategist and financial adviser etfSA Langa Madonko Principal for investor relations and capital raising at Summit Africa Fran Troskie Manager of research and investment advisory at PPS Investments
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Collective Insight is a collaborative initiative published quarterly by the Financial Mail. The articles included here were selected by an independent Advisory Commi ee to reflect some of the best insights from investment professionals, practitioners, and academics in relation to selected financial challenges. Collective Insight enjoys the support of the Gordon Institute of Business Science’s Responsible Finance Initiative, the CFA Society of South Africa, the Financial Planning Institute, ABSIP and the Actuarial Society of South Africa. Our vision was to create a journal that SA’s broader investment community and its stakeholders could collectively “own”, carrying content totally independent of commercial interests.
Who is the survey about?
CREATING FINANCIAL REGULATIONS: A BALANCING ACT We need to feel that regulatory changes are ultimately a force for good, not a minefield we need to navigate e might be forgiven for thinking that financial regulation is a process that plods along, picking up an extra clause here, a revised definition there, inviting a couple of new friends (extra rules) to join it on its meandering route to becoming a simple, comprehensible, cohesive framework. Forgiven, perhaps, but ultimately mistaken, and some mistakes are costly. Financial regulations evolve as the wants and needs of industry participants change, and sometimes these participants have different requirements and different visions of what regulations should and can do. Financial regulations can create a stable, sustainable and transparent environment, in which individuals are held accountable for their actions and participants feel protected. As financial sector participants — asset managers, financial planners, large institutional investors, brokers, retirees and the average person who is saving for a new car — we need to understand how the regulations affect us. We need to feel that regulatory changes are ultimately a force for good, not a minefield that we need to navigate.
Particularly in South Africa, we need to see a regulatory framework which facilitates more inclusive and equitable economic growth. Financial sector regulation in South Africa is not a process which can simply plod along: our country is still a toddler in terms of democratic rule, our society is highly divided in terms of the haves and the have-nots, financial education is a luxury that few of us have access to. South Africa has seen several relatively rapid changes in financial sector regulation. We’ve just witnessed the publication of the Revenue Laws Amendment Bill 39 of 2023 (the “two-pot” legislation). It still needs to be adopted by both chambers of parliament, before being signed into law by the president. Simultaneously, the retirement fund industry is waiting with bated breath for the draft amendments to the Pension Funds Act to be published and signed into law. This comes amid competing demands from politicians, labour unions and members. We’ve moved from a world where retirement funds were mutual societies, run by members for the benefit of members. We’ve moved from a world where trustees of pension funds were ultimately incentivised to make the best decision for members, because they were themselves members of the funds under their care. We’ve moved from a world where banks were considered safe as houses — Silicon Valley Bank, or even African Bank
December 7 - December 13, 2023