Sunday Times Lifestyle BodySoulMind (September 5 2021)

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Exercise, diet, mental and social health are all aspects of a healthy mind and body.

TREAT HEALTH HOLISTICALLY FOR A BETTER OUTCOME Dis-Chem’s national nutrition and wellness expert Ashley Butler Lobb says it’s up to each of us to ensure that we consider all areas — physical, mental, spiritual and social — to achieve optimal health and wellness


here is a growing tendency globally to consider health and wellness holistically. Holistic health, says national nutrition and wellness expert at Dis-Chem Ashley Butler Lobb, is a form of healing that considers the whole body when treating illness. “It’s about treating the whole person and not just one specific area, with the understanding that all areas are interconnected; and that to achieve optimal health and wellness, all areas must be considered — physical, mental, spiritual and social health.” In fact, in order to be considered “well”, none of these areas must be neglected given that being unwell in one aspect affects you in other areas.

A holistic approach The mind, body and spirit all have an impact on each other, which is why a holistic approach to health is so important. When health practitioners are treating illness, it can be helpful to widen the approach and ensure that the whole person is cared for. However, while alternative health care should play a strong role in supporting wellness, it’s always important to seek advice from a health-care professional before embarking on anything new, advises Ashley.

wellness is making the wrong food choices. “Pay special attention to food labels as they will always give you a clear picture of what that food contains, which will allow you to better understand what effect it will have on your health.” . A common mistake is to choose “fat-free” alternatives, based on the assumption that these are better food choices for your health. While this might be true in some cases, in many cases these foods contain high quantities of hidden sugar and actually do more damage than the full-fat alternative.

Immunity and wellness


On good nourishment Diet plays an integral role in overall health and is closely linked to both physical and mental health. Ashley says: “Given that your diet directly affects weight and various body systems, it’s imperative to eat a healthy, balanced diet to ensure that your body and mind function optimally.” The biggest mistake people typically make when it comes to health and 16


Micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals are vital contributors to overall health and wellness and the optimal functioning of immune systems. “Each micronutrient plays a specific role in our body and specific amounts are required daily, depending on a number of factors. If your body lacks any of these micronutrients it risks not being able to function optimally and negative sideeffects such as decreased immunity and poor recovery after illness,”Ashley says, adding that in cases of deficiency or where you are unable to take in certain micronutrients in optimal doses, a supplement can be useful and should be considered. However, another common mistake is


Sunday Times

to assume that supplements are the solution without considering anything else. Although supplements can make the world of difference to your health and certainly have a place, they won’t do all the work. Ultimately it’s up to each of us to ensure that all other aspects including diet, exercise, mental health and social health are being considered in order to ensure optimal health outcomes.

Choose prevention Supplements should only be used to supplement the diet when required to do so, rather than being used as magic bullets. Ultimately, treating health holistically is about prevention rather than treatment. “The best position to be in is where you prevent illness based on better self-care and through better choices,” she says. “If you look after your health holistically and prevent illness, there is a stronger likelihood that treatment won’t be needed,” adds Ashley. Her final piece of advice is that people should consult with a medical professional such as a dietitian, naturopath or doctor who can tailor a personalised plan to help you achieve your goals and maintain good health. Ashley Butler Lobb interviewed by Lynette Dicey

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