Dear readers,
Thousands of people have discussed and speculated about love, and they still do, trying to describe its most defining traits and how we can understand when we are in the presence of real love in life. I’ve always felt very drawn to this force and to the many different shapes, love can take throughout our life. How it evolves, and how it challenges one’s beliefs and personal limits at times fascinates me the most.
I’ve also pretty often questioned myself about it, wondering about its real qualities and how to emulate them in my dayto-day life, starting from my neighbor to the people I love the most, every day of my life. I wish each one of us starts to acknowledge this beautiful force that exists universally.
This edition of South Asian Entertainment Magazine is all about Love. Our cover story talks about Jim Murray and Linda Mah, and how this pure and delightful force of love has bought them together. Moving on, the spotlight this month is on Jake Church, the General Manager of Mercedes-Benz Surrey. He talks about his journey and the conviction that led him to the ladder of success.
In this edition, we also have some wonderful reads on health, beauty, fashion, relationships, etc. The juicy insights from the entertainment industry are sure to keep you entertained. Our coverage of the local events held in and around our city aims to keep you updated about the community and the latest buzz in town. We hope you will like reading all of this!
The entire team behind this edition has worked relentlessly to bring forth quality content for you. I hope to stand high and rise above the expectations of our readers. Till then, let’s make Canada proud, support every community, respect every human being and live each day with a new purpose.
Visit our website www.entertainmentmagazine.ca to get an e-copy of this magazine.
The team would love to have your suggestions and recommendations to be better and grow with every upcoming edition. You can share your valuable feedback on ansalmedia8@gmail.com
In the year 2023, I hope that each one of you blooms into a better version of yourself.
Love and regards,
Ansal Media Group Inc.
Photo credits
Rajesh Ansal, Paarull communications Ltd., Shyloh Raypold, Sandeep Ahuja, Sudarshan Bhagat , Aziz Ladha, Surrey Police Service
covER cREDIt
Nikita Sharma
Sunil Kumar
Cover Photo: Jim Murray & Linda Mah
Photo Credit: Shyloh Raypold
contRIBUtIng wRItERS
Dr. Sifti Bhullar, Sandeep Ahuja, Prof. Avtar Singh Virdi, Nikita Sharma, Dr. Pargat Singh Bhurji, Sajan Kumar, N. Lothungbeni Humtsoe, Dr. Sunny Panesar, Dr Harish Ghoota, Dr. Rashmi Shetty, Dr Blossom Kochhar, Rahul Talwar,Olivia Sarkar, Hussaine Kesury
SPEcIaL tHankS to
ansalmedia8@gmail.com · www.entertainmentmagazine.ca
So you have met the person who is ‘The One’ for you. When you meet someone you have a deep connection with, you feel like you have known them for your entire life. While that feels exhilarating, sometimes you might need some signs to confirm that they are definitely ‘The One’ and you aren’t just wearing rose coloured glasses.
To help you out, we have put together the five points that you definitely can’t miss.
You make it work, even if it means compromising Every relationship has its own problems and issues which can often result in conflicts. But if you are able to resolve these conflicts without hurting each other or your relationship, then that implies that you are capable of making compromises for the sake of your relationship. If both of you are able to move past differences and make compromises to make your relationship work, then you are truly compatible with your partner.
You respect each other
When you respect each other, you understand that you are different people with different values, beliefs, opinions, and goals. You respect your differences and allow each other to grow while supporting each other every step of the way. You also let your partner have their own personal time and space. These are signs of two truly mature individuals in a strong relationship.
When you are in your moments of weakness, you seek the comfort of each other. True love is all about being comfortable when being vulnerable with your partner. You feel like
you can share your secrets and be who you are because of a strong bond of trust between you and your partner. When you trust each other blindly and share what you wouldn’t share with anyone else, it’s a sign that your relationship is strong and you are meant to be with your partner.
When you are in a strong relationship, you constantly motivate your partner to pursue their goals and ambitions. You encourage them to be a better person and chase their dreams. The synergy between the two of you brings out the best in you. That’s a sign that you two are meant to be.
You can share good news and bad news with each other
While sharing good news isn’t that hard, the true test of a partner depends on how they react when you have some bad news to share. Do they comfort you, pay attention to you, and show compassion? Or do they seem distracted?
If your partner is there with you for both the happy as well the sad moments, then then that’s the sign of a person who truly cares about you.
Watch out for these signs and find out whether you and your partner are destined to be together.
The death benefit, which is the amount of money paid to your designated beneficiaries upon your passing, can be used to cover a wide range of expenses, including:
Mortgage payments: The death benefit can help your loved ones maintain their home and cover the ongoing expenses associated with homeownership.
Educational costs: The death benefit can cover the cost of higher education for your children, helping to ensure they can pursue their dreams and reach their full potential.
living expenses: The death benefit can cover the day-to-day costs of maintaining a household, such as food, utilities, transportation, and healthcare.
In addition to providing financial support for your loved ones, life insurance can also be used to cover the costs of your final expenses, such as funeral costs, outstanding medical bills, and any other fees associated with your passing.
Life insurance benefits also extend to business owners, as it can provide funds to continue the business in the event of the owner’s death. It can also be used to manage and transfer wealth as part of an estate plan. Furthermore, a whole life insurance policy builds cash value over time, and the death benefit can help to replace the income that would have been earned if you had lived.
Finally, life insurance can also be used to repay outstanding debts, such as mortgages, loans, and credit card balances, which can relieve your loved ones during a difficult time. It can also be used to meet the mortgage insurance requirement by some lenders in Canada.
It’s important to note that the
coverage and benefits of life insurance policies vary depending on the specific policy; it’s essential to consult with a professional and shop around to find a policy that meets your particular needs. And also, it’s critical to review and adjust your coverage as your life circumstances change over time.
In conclusion, having a life insurance plan in place can provide significant peace of mind for you and your loved ones, knowing that your family will be taken care of in the event of your passing and that you will be leaving a legacy that will support their future.
As an independent insurance advisor working through Punjab Insurance Agency, I deal with different insurance companies offering plans for different types of insurance. I can explain to you the insurance plan options and coverage suitable for your needs and resources. Besides, I can also help you to purchase mortgage insurance, super visa insurance, disability insurance, critical illness insurance, extended medical plans, group medical plans, RESP, RRSP, travel insurance, TFSA accounts, health and dental plans along with estate planning suitable for your needs
we are thankful to all friends and families who participated in the event, blessed the newly wed couple and made this
Bridegroom: Dr. Abhishek Bhagat Cardiologist in Columbia Hospital, Missouri, USA. Living in USA for last 12 years
Bride: Dr. Manroop Kaur Radiologist in Yale University, Connecticut, USA. US citizen, got all education in USA.
The wedding nuptials were held on December 22, 2022 and the reception was celebrated on December 26, 2022 in
congratulations to the newly wed couple. May the almighty showers all his blessings on dear abhishek and Manroop.
event memorable. We are thankful to all other friends and family members who have sent their best wishes from India, USA and Canada and could not attend.
Reflections Banquet Hall, Surrey.
Bridegroom’s parents
Dr Sudarshan Bhagat and Dr. Nisha Dogra
Living in Delta, Canada since 2001 and have their own healthcare office in Delta, BC for 15 years.
Bride’s parents
Bride’s father Dr. Davinder Singh
Bride’s mother. Dr. Surinder
Living in Phoenix, Arizona USA for 22 years.
they say that success doesn’t come easy — you have to hustle and work hard to get to the top. It takes a lot of courage, determination and a whole lot of patience to work towards reaching your goals. and sometimes, even the most dedicated people find it tough to stay on track.
However, Jake Church, the General Manager at OpenRoad Mercedes-Benz Surrey, made it big in the industry not just by his conviction but by having a mindset that led him on the ladder of success.
Being associated with OpenRoad for more than 10 years, he started his stint with washing cars and working through different roles and stores. In an interview with South Asian Entertainment Magazine, he shares about his journey from being a sales student to heading a leading automobile dealership.
Jake’s journey into the world
of sales started at a tender age since he had an avid interest in this field. “As a kid my parents wouldn’t buy me the expensive bike I wanted. So I bought and sold my way up to a bike worth a few thousands and kick-started my adventure into the world of sales by selling mountain bikes. As I got older, I started doing the same thing with cars in high school. I began with a $1,000 car and worked my way up to a car that was worth $10k.”
He added, “At that point I was very much into sports cars and started to work on my own vehicles. I then took an automotive apprenticeship to be a mechanic. It wasn’t until long that I decided working in the shop was
not for me, and hence, I went back to school for business and marketing.”
This proved to be a turning point in his life. His love for cars helped him get a job at OpenRoad Toyota Richmond as a lot associate. He saw what the sales team was doing, and with a history of buying and selling in the past, he wanted to give it a try. He then took an opportunity in sales and after learning the product and developing process, Jake proved to his peers and the management that he can excel and make a mark in this field.
It is because of a positive attitude and a mindful approach,
there was no looking back for him. He said, “During that time, I took on extra responsibility, running teams within the sales department such as service drive, leasing and internet leads etc. I got satisfaction from growing my team and bringing people up around me and a few years later, I became a sales manager. This was where I learnt most about the car business and was fortunate enough to have had some incredible mentors.”
He also mentioned that he spent a lot of time developing processes and giving staff the same opportunities he had before becoming a manager.
Over the past couple of years he has made a few moves. His portfolio has some great names that he has been associated with. He has worked with Audi as a Sales Manager, Hyundai Genesis as a General Manager and currently works with Mercedes-Benz as a General Manager.
On being asked about what motivates him to give his best everyday, he said, “My biggest motivator is my team. Mercedes-Benz Surrey is run by individuals who are passionate about our store, our brand and our customers. We come to work wanting to be better than we were yesterday, and this shows in the experience we provide for our customers and the relationships we have with each
Leading such a reputed dealership isn’t a child’s play. It requires a lot of planning and im plementation and Jake makes sure he is on top of everything. He said, “Our business is driv en by numbers. It is important to start with the end in mind. We set store targets yearly and break them down into quarterly, monthly, weekly, and daily goals and then work towards achiev ing them.”
His team at the dealership tries to give a great and worthy expe rience for all their customers. He proudly said that they take time to understand their customers’ unique needs and build an ex perience around them. “A Mer cedes Benz is a premium luxury vehicle and our processes mir ror this. We also aim to exceed expectations in all the store’s departments,” he added.
loves to indulge in outdoor activities like ice hockey and plays it 2-3 times a week. “My dad
Preventing youth from being recruited into gangs and the accompanying youth violence requires ongoing conversations and collaboration among parents, schools, police, and other community partners. Surrey Police Service (SPS) is committed to having ongoing conversations with parents and youth on how to detect early signs of gang involvement and the dangers of gang life.
During the months of No-
vember and December, SPS officers delivered three positive parenting workshops at the Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara to approximately 1,500 parents, grandparents and guardians. The officers delivered the workshops in Punjabi and shared tips on how parents can help keep their children away from a life of crime, and information on the early signs of gang interest and involvement. SPS officers also had an opportunity to engage with youth at these workshops. The attendees and the Gurdwara committee greatly appreciated SPS’ outreach efforts and initiatives.
Over the holiday season, SPS officers also attended the Guru Nanak’s Free Kitchen Toy Drive to help distribute toys to children and took part in the food drive.
On January 8th, three SPS officers and two members of the Surrey Police Board, Manav Gill and Jessie Sunner, attended the Lohri Shagna Di event at the Dhaliwal Banquet Hall in Surrey. This signature event celebrated the traditional Sikh/ Hindu festival and highlighted several youths for their contributions to the community. The SPS attendees were invited to present an award to one of the youths.
The event also celebrated daughters in the community, and Sergeant Jag Khosa delivered a message of equity and inclusion and encouraged the community to support their daughters’ goals, advising of the many recruitment opportu-
nities in policing.
Surrey Police Service is a community-based police service
that is committed to regular and meaningful engagements with the many diverse communities in Surrey.
chocolate and a bouquet of roses are great valentine’s Day gifts and all, but perhaps the best valentine’s Day idea is to give your loved one time spent together.
we’ve put together a list of 10 Valentine’s Day date ideas for couples to inspire how you spend your night (or day) together. Some are low budget, others cost nothing at all. Some are unique activities, others make the everyday extraordinary. Some are fancy, others feel equally casual and comfortable. All are sure to make for a romantic set of hours together. Whether it’s your first Valentine’s Day together or it’s been decades of deepening your bond of love, you’re sure to treasure memories from February 14, 2023.
1. Play a game: When was the last time you played a
game with just the two of you? Pick a favorite from the closet, or try a new couple’s themed game, like Talk, Flirt, Dare or Our Moments.
2. Make playlists for each other: Spend some time putting together playlists for each other on your favorite streaming service. Choose songs that spark memories of your relationship or simply tunes you know your significant other will love. Then pour some wine, turn on the music, and reminisce.
3. Take a hike: Even if it’s cold where you live, taking a scenic hike is a great way to unplug and unwind this Valentine’s Day. Maybe there’s a favorite spot where you live, or you might want to try some other scenic hikes in Canada. Either way, you’re bound to have a fun time because you’re in great company.
4. Volunteer together: One of the best ways to spend the day together is to choose a cause you’re both passionate
about and sign up to volunteer—you’ll do some good for others and yourself, as volunteering can make you feel more connected to each other and the community. Visit volunteermatch.org to search local organizations and volunteer opportunities.
5. Make a bucket list: Spend the day coming up with a bucket list of everything you’d like to do together— from romantic vacations to take to new activities to try to concerts you want to see— then spend Valentine’s Day making plans to start checking things off.
6. Go stargazing: You don’t need a telescope to set up a stargazing date. Just head to your own backyard with a warm, outdoor blanket and use a stargazing app to help identify constellations in the night sky.
7. Make a scrapbook of your relationship: Even partners who aren’t so into crafts will get a kick out of this fun activity. Gather up photos of your
relationship, old ticket stubs, and meaningful receipts, and make a beautiful book that you’ll both treasure!
8. Go for a drive: No destination? No problem. All you need for this fun Valentine’s Day activity is a sense of adventure and a full tank of gas! You’ll both get out of your comfort zones while you explore new terrain. There’s no telling what you might stumble across. You can also check out our list of the best road trips in every state.
9. Cook dinner together: A special home-cooked meal can be so much more romantic than going out to eat at a super busy restaurant. Even if one of you doesn’t have chef-worthy skills, you can still make a memorable dinner you’ll both enjoy.
10. Have a romantic movie marathon: Grab the popcorn and settle in on the couch for an evening filled with your favorite rom-coms, like these favorite Valentine’s Day movies.
It’s that time of year when many people try to make new year’s resolutions, from going to the gym every day to eating healthier.
some swear to go to the gym five times a week, while others want to shed a considerable amount of weight by experimenting with a new diet. While these objectives are wonderful and have no flaws, we all know that these resolutions rarely persist. We all start the year with lofty goals that are difficult to achieve.
As we all know, our habits dictate our behaviors, which makes it even more important to develop positive habits that will benefit us over time. How does one reach their objectives? Before embarking on a tight diet plan, it is critical to begin cautiously and with attention. Small modifications in your everyday life connected to healthy eating habits can help you achieve your goals significantly.
so, here are some tips from shilpa Khanna Thakkar, CEo of Chicnutrix, to keep you motivated:
4Choose general healthy eating habits over specific diets. Taking this up as practice makes it easily attainable and better for your overall well-being.
4Plan your meals! Think again if you are at work and go out for lunch and then get a snack or some coffee later. Making a conscious effort to pack a lunch and snack makes it easier to control your eating habits and is even more inexpensive in the long run.
4Every weekend, go grocery shopping and purchase snacks and food items for the next five days. This could include yogurt, nuts, fruits, veggies, etc. While cooking dinner, make a few extra servings for the next few days. Try to save and repurpose leftovers for days when you are too busy to cook.
4Track your progress and milestones with non-food rewards such as reading
a new book or watching a new movie. Celebrating your wins is essential, as that shows us what we are accomplishing and motivates us to accomplish more.
4Share your goal with others. This not only helps you get useful tips but also
shows you that you are not alone in your journey towards good health and allows you to share your progress with others.
“In addition to healthy eating habits, another popular resolution during the new year is to exercise more. However,
coming up with the goal of “going to the gym every day of the week” is quite unrealistic, especially for someone who does not exercise regularly. So, it is easier to devise a smaller goal, like taking daily walks, and then gradually build on this. The same needs to be applied to your resolution of eating better,” said Shilpa.
Let’s not forget the true essence of New Year’s resolutions - making a positive change to your health and quality of life. They don’t have to be extreme life changes, but rather just reasonable health goals to have a positive impact that becomes a part of your lifestyle. The cycle of unhealthy eating habits and unrealistic diets needs to be broken! When made, these conscious habits should not only enhance the quality of life you lead but also keep you healthy yet happy.
By: N. Lothungbeni Humts1. Early detection and treatment of oral health concerns: Regular dental check-ups allow for the identification and intervention of potential oral health issues, such as tooth decay and gum disease, in their earliest stages, which can prevent them from becoming more serious.
2. Professional teeth cleaning: Dental check-ups also provide
an opportunity for professional teeth cleanings, which help to remove plaque and tartar buildup that can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. These cleanings can also help to freshen breath and improve the appearance of the teeth.
3. Personalized treatment plans: Dental check-ups also allow for the creation of a person-
alized treatment plan, tailored to address any specific oral health issues or concerns an individual may have. This may include interventions such as restorative procedures, orthodontic treatment, and other therapeutic measures.
4. overall health monitoring: A regular check-up can also be an opportunity for the dentist to monitor overall health, as many systemic conditions manifest in the oral cavity.
5. oral cancer detection: Regular dental check-ups also include a thorough examination of the mouth, tongue, throat, gums, and other oral tissues. Dentist will look for any signs of oral cancer, which if caught early can be treatable and preventable.
In summary, regular dental check-ups are essential for maintaining good oral health and preventing potential issues
from worsening. It is important for individuals to prioritize these check-ups and make them a regular part of their healthcare routine.
smile Plus Dentistry #102 6625 152A st surrey BC 604-503-1160 info@smileplus.ca
Tsawwassen family Dental #210-1077 56 st, Delta, BC 604-943-9222 info@tsawwassenfamilydental. ca
Regular dental check-ups are vital for maintaining overall oral health and preventing potential issues from worsening. these check-ups provide several key benefits, including:
g allstones are hardened deposits of digestive fluid that can form in your gallbladder. your gallbladder is a small, pear-shaped organ on the right side of your abdomen, just beneath your liver.
The gallbladder holds a digestive fluid called bile that’s released into your small intestine. Gallstones range in size from as small as a grain of sand to as large as a golf ball. Some people develop just one gallstone, while others develop many gallstones at the same time.
Gallstones may cause no signs or symptoms. If a gallstone lodges in a duct and causes a blockage, the resulting signs and symptoms may include:
sudden and rapidly intensifying pain in the upper right portion of your abdomen
4Sudden and rapidly intensifying pain in the center of your abdomen, just below your breastbone
4Back pain between your shoulder blades
4Pain in your right shoulder
4Nausea or vomiting
It’s not clear what causes gallstones to form. Doctors think gallstones may result when:
Your bile contains too much cholesterol: Normally, your bile contains enough chemicals to dissolve the cholesterol excreted by your liver. But if your liver excretes more cholesterol than your bile can dissolve, the excess cholesterol may form into crystals and eventually into stones.
Your bile contains too much bilirubin: Bilirubin is a chemical that’s produced when your body breaks down red blood cells. Certain conditions cause your liver
to make too much bilirubin, including liver cirrhosis, biliary tract infections and certain blood disorders. The excess bilirubin contributes to gallstone formation.
Your gallbladder doesn’t empty correctly: If your gallbladder doesn’t empty completely or often enough, bile may become very concentrated, contributing to the formation of gallstones.
Types of gallstones that can form in the gallbladder include:
Cholesterol gallstones: The most common type of gallstone, called a cholesterol gallstone, often appears yellow in color. These gallstones are composed mainly of undissolved cholesterol, but may contain other components. Pigment gallstones: These dark brown or black stones form when your bile contains too much bilirubin.
Risk factors
factors that may increase your risk of gallstones include:
4Being female
4Being age 40 or older
4Being a Native American
4Being a Mexican American
4Being overweight or obese
4Being sedentary
4Being pregnant
4Eating a high-fat diet
4Eating a high-cholesterol diet
4Eating a low-fiber diet
4Having a family history of gallstones
4Having diabetes
4Having certain blood disorders, such as sickle cell anemia or leukemia
4Losing weight very quickly
4Taking medications that contain estrogen, such as oral contraceptives or hormone therapy drugs
4Having liver disease
Complications of gallstones may include:
Inflammation of the gallbladder: A gallstone that becomes lodged in the neck of the gallbladder can cause inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis). Cholecystitis can cause severe pain and fever.
Blockage of the common bile duct: Gallstones can block the tubes (ducts) through which bile flows from your gallbladder or liver to your small intestine. Severe pain, jaundice and bile duct infection can result.
Dr. Pargat Singh Bhurji MD,FRCP ( C ) Consultant Pediatrician Surrerywinter is here and with temperature dipping every single day, it is getting harder for people to manage bone and joint pain. this increased joint pain during winter is due to the increased inflammation in one or more joints.
It is also because there is less supply of blood to the peripheral regions in the body due to which one’s joints become stiff, causing pain in the joints and bones.
Joint pains are especially common in the winter season, making life difficult especially for arthritis patients. Not tackling them effectively could have a detrimental effect on your daily productivity and overall well-being. Here’s what you can do to avoid excessive pain in the joints.
Joint pains are common in winter season, as the cold weather can reduce blood circulation to fingers and toes which could worsen joint pains. Muscles also become tighter at lower temperatures resulting in stiffness and pain. Besides, people tend to stay indoors during winter which could mean limited exposure to sunlight and may result in Vitamin D deficiency.
Here are a few tips to deal with bone and joint pain in winters:
4Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and reduce inflammation and further
reduce the friction between joint surfaces
4Keep yourself warm in winter clothing, home heating and other necessities
4Regular exercise will help keep your joints supple and maintain flexibility. It could also help with lubrication of the joints and improve blood flow
4Enough exposure to the sun (Vitamin D) will help in building and improving the bones
4A balanced diet with a rich amount of Vitamin D, and Vitamin C, Omega
3 fatty acids, ginger, soya bean, fatty fish, green vegetables, nuts and seeds, plenty of water, and other collagen supplements will be helpful in joint and bone care during winter season
4Regular movements in the body will promote flexibility in your joints
4People who are overweight have more chances of getting arthritis. One should maintain his/ her weight in order to keep their knees healthy.
By: Dr Harish Ghootaskin can become dry, flaky, itchy, and cracked from cold wind, a decline in humidity, and turning up the central heating whenever possible- far from the enviable summer glow. Using products with natural components and substances like hyaluronic acid (HA) helps to retain moisture and maintain a stronger
skin barrier.
what is hyaluronic acid?
You may be wondering what’s actually going on during the winter that affects your skin so harshly. Well, the cold temperatures, low humidity levels, harsh winds and indoor heat result in dry air that draws moisture out of the skin. Hyaluronic acid
deeply hydrates and stimulates collagen production. It is a naturally occurring substance found in our joints and our eyes. The substance helps to lubricate and cushion joints and other tissues in the body. You might be asking what’s so special about hyaluronic acid.
Well, hyaluronic acid can hold up to 1,000 times its weight in water and has the ability to disperse this moisture evenly to skin cells, upping hydration levels, smoothing lines and making skin appear fuller, plumper, smoother, and healthier; preventing the skin from sagging and showing early signs of aging. Additionally, hyaluronic acid also brightens the skin and works well to speed wound healing. Thus, hyaluronic acid benefits skin greatly during the winter and is quite possibly the
best ingredient to add to your skincare routine right now.
Picking the right hyaluronic acid
This can be a tricky task. The molecular size of hyaluronic acid determines the level of its delivery into the skin. Hyaluronic acid with large molecular weight strengthens the barrier function and smoothens the surface of the skin, medium sized HA molecules hold moisture and give skin a plump look, and the smallest molecules go deep into the skin and penetrates the epidermis that provides hydration for longer duration as well as delivers other vital roles that hyaluronic acid plays, such as anti-aging and healing. Many people take it as a supplement, but it’s also used in topical serums, eye drops, and injections.
By: Dr. Rashmi shettyour skin sensitivity increases when the temperatures start to fall. your complexion might suffer in the winter, especially if you are sensitive.
2023 promises to be an exciting year in makeup, and the upcoming trends are a reflection of that. From bold and dramatic eyes to striking lip looks, and unique face embellishments, there is plenty to explore. In this article, we will dive into some of the most popular makeup trends of 2023 and how celebrities are incorporating them into their own looks. Whether you’re looking to add some edge to your everyday routine or make a statement for an event, these trends are sure to inspire you.
One of the most prominent trends in 2023 is the longer and sharper cat-eye wing. This classic look is being taken to new heights with more dramatic wings that extend well beyond the outer corners of the eyes. To achieve this look, use a liquid eyeliner with a fine tip to create a clean and precise line, and then extend the wing outwards and upwards. Give it to Camila Cabello who is known for creating crisp edges with her eyeliner.
It’s worth noting that this was a trend particularly popular in the late 1990s and early 2000s, but you can still see some influences of it in current makeup trends today. Take notes from Dua
Lipa’s Y2K makeup style. The futuristic makeup trend comes in a soft, playful palette. With a wide array of pastel hues and metallics, this trend is perfect even for the holiday season.
More Blush
Blush is making a comeback in 2023 as it has become a staple
in many makeup routines. The emphasis of blush is not only limited to adding a pop of color to the cheeks but is also used as a tool to bring warmth and life to the face. Case in point, Alia Bhatt’s dewy makeup look. You will see many experimenting with different shades and techniques to achieve a natural-look-
ing flush, from powder blush to cream blush.
Futuristic metallics are another trend that is expected to be big in 2023. This look is all about using metallic shades and glossy finishes to create a high-shine, otherworldly aesthetic. From silver and gold to shades of chrome and iridescent, the possibilities are endless. You can easily achieve this look by applying metallic eyeshadows or highlighters to your lids, cheekbones, or lips. Having said that, use SUGAR Cosmetics’ Eye Love Jelly Eyeshadow like Khushi Kapoor and nail the future look.
Finally, lashes are going to be a key trend in 2023. This can include everything from dramatic and bold false lashes to OTT mascara that volumises and emphasizes the lashes. Lashes have been a constant trend and they will continue to be one as they can add an extra oomph to any look. Just like Kiara Advani even you get that lash lift with volumising mascara. It’s easy and will get you the lashes of your dreams, stat!
By: IANswhile exercising and staying active is one of the top-recommended suggestions to stay healthy, our everyday choices of beverages can also make a lot of difference.
We all have a favorite tea or at least one we prefer over others but did you know, some of them can actually help you achieve your health goals?
Whether you wish to keep your weight in check or manage any illness or stress, there is a tea for every health problem that can give you much-needed relief. Wondering where to start from?
Bala Sarda, Founder & CEO of VAHDAM India shares the top 5 teas to pick from and bring
about that change in your lifestyle you have been meaning to!
Turmeric Teas
Turmeric is known to be a healing superfood with anti-inflammatory properties. Its benefits are commonly known but that isn’t the only reason it is a top pick. Turmeric is super accessible, can be made easily at home, and can be a caffeine-free beverage. Its spicy kick can be paired with a number of herbs too hence it’s truly versatile.
Chamomile Teas
There’s hardly anyone who doesn’t enjoy being calm and relaxed and chamomile teas are known to give you this exact feeling. Not just that, Chamomile is recommended for vari-
ous reasons. It promotes better sleep and alleviates stress and anxiety. It also helps with menstrual pain, osteoporosis, and even symptoms of a cold. You can have a cup of Chamomile tea in the mid-afternoon or a few hours before bedtime to enjoy its benefits.
Hibiscus Teas
If you enjoy a citrusy brew with floral notes then this is the perfect pick for you. Another caffeine-free herbal tea, hibiscus tea can help fight certain cancers and help manage blood pressure. It boosts liver health and may also be helpful in losing weight. Hibiscus tea is super easy to brew- However, homemade or ready-made available tea is a great option to switch to.
oolong Teas
This partially oxidized tea is genuinely underrated and it’s time we shine a light on its endless benefits. Oolong tea contains polyphenols which offer amazing health benefits. It can also help reduce cholesterol levels and support healthy heart function. If you enjoy the flavor profile of green tea and wish to try something robust, give Oolong tea a try.
Ginger Tea
You may have had a cup or two of ginger tea whenever you’d fall sick. It is one tea that comes to everyone’s mind when treating sore throat, cough, and the common cold. Ginger tea can also help prevent digestive issues and is an effective remedy for nausea. It contains gingerols, the compound that lends it a characteristic taste and smell which can also help with diabetes. You can brew a cup with fresh ginger as it is or mixes it with your black tea, chai tea (with or without milk depending on your preference), and green tea as well. Some ingredients best paired to brew ginger tea are available in your pantry. Herbs and spices like amla, lemon, black pepper, honey, and turmeric when blended with ginger enhance its antioxidant properties.
By: N. Lothungbeni HumtsoePeople around the world are slowly starting to understand the importance of good health and that sure does require some lifestyle changes.
In this month’s article, we will be discussing a disease in which many pet owners tremble at hearing its name, Rabies. this zoonotic disease, meaning that it is very transmittable between animals and humans, is reportable and therefore places your veterinarian in a very tricky situation, if your pet is exposed.
Primarily, it is carried within wildlife, especially bats, and then can be transferred to your pet during an encounter, where bites or wounds take place and saliva enters the site of impact. Similarly, if an infected animal were to bite a human, it would give precedent for possible rabies infection spread.
The most common physical signs that your dog or cat may display is behavior change and increased vocalization. This means that your pet may show excessive aggressiveness, hiding constantly, irritability and even extreme excitability. Your furry companion may show lameness in their gait. Depending on each animal, these signs could present themselves as very acute and quick to take place, or they could also take their time and progressively develop over a period. Classically, there are two main forms of this disease that are known to present within the patient. The first form is called the ‘Dumb Form’. In this, the patient mainly presents with salivating from the mouth excessively and may find it difficult to swallow in general. The second form is called the ‘Furious Form”. This form presents more behavioral issues of being very anxious and aggressive. These animals may also experience seizures and unfortunately, become paralyzed in the process.
Typically, if any animal is suspected to have Rabies, the ideal and standard method of diagnosing includes testing
the brain and sending it to a laboratory for confirmed analysis. However, there are many different protocols set in place for different case scenarios for certain animals or pets that have been potentially exposed. If your pet is unvaccinated and has seemed to encounter this disease, the options are plain and simple. Depending on if any symptoms are present and the condition of the animal, either legally it will be euthanized and a brain sample will be sent for testing, or your pet will be placed in a quarantine situation for four months. However, they will be given a rabies vaccination upon their entry into this quarantine period. If your pet is fully vaccinated with the Rabies vaccine and is up to date with its current one, then a booster rabies vaccination will be administered right away, and the owner will be responsible for keeping their pet in quarantine and strict observation for up to 45 days. Any pets that have taken the rabies vaccine before, however are now overdue for their current one during a situation like this, will need to show proof of such from their owners. Once proof of vaccination has been presented, the animal will receive a booster Rabies vaccination and again be kept under strict quarantine and observation by their owner for 45 days.
Protocols also extend towards animals who may be exposed and have bitten humans. If that dog or cat is overall very healthy, whether it has received a rabies vaccine prior or not, legally it will need to be quarantined
for 10 days. The 10-day mark is important, as it is the average time in which aggressive signs of rabies in animals may present themselves. However, this healthy animal at the time will not receive any rabies vaccine. This incident will legally be reported to the local health department once any new symptoms, indicating Rabies, have taken place. If symptoms do arise, then euthanasia and a brain sample submission will be given. If the animal that bit the human is a stray or unwanted dog or cat, then immediate euthanasia and rabies testing will occur.
We highly recommend that it is very important to always keep
track of your pet’s vaccination status and have them up to date on all their vaccines. Unfortunately, in situations like this, the biggest regret that most pet owners will experience is not being up to date on their pet’s rabies vaccination and thus having the animal suffer the consequences.
By: Dr. Sifti BhullarK-beauty skincare has been on the rise and we anticipate another round of ‘simplified skincare’ based on your zodiac - from which color dominates the month for you to which music elevates your mood, zodiac signs can dictate it all.
The Fire sign that’s always brimming with enthusiasm! Aries are passionate, confident, and determined. And you need something that’s as quick and fun as your ideas. Hey you Aries girls, do try the ultimate quick fix with Peel Pads for a brightened and even skin tone.
The Earth sign that enjoys serenity and stability is Taurus. For someone who likes things that bring peace and joy, skincare specials that give it all for skin is a fun match. So, it’s time for you to hook yourself with a good face mist that would plump up your skin moisture, and revive your dull-looking, lackluster complexion! Perfectly practical, like you.
A charismatic Air sign, Gemini indulges in humor and can talk about everything there is to know. This socializing sign deserves skincare treats that bring fun to the new year! To match your gentle soul, a quick-absorbing serum would fix your skin woes. It will satisfy your appreciation for change with its skin-firming ingredients like arginine, allantoin, and hyaluronic acid, and skin-reviving properties. Enhance your glow, not just in your life but also in your skin!
This comfort-seeking Water sign is known for its unending forgiveness. Cancer needs skincare that can take on their concerns just like they take on others’. Grab a Korean skin delight that sensitively deals with trouble and is devoted to hydrating, protecting, and brightening your skin, every day.
This Fire sign exudes warmth and thrives on creativity. Vanity and luxury call your name and all for the right reasons for your personality are larger than life. And you need to try K-beauty which shines the limelight on your skin!
To add that extra limelight to your skin, procure the goodness of an ultra-nourishing body butter without dealing with stickiness or greasiness.
A witty Earth sign, Virgo enjoys quick fixes. Along with the need to feel useful, you need skincare that does that too. So this new year, cherish skin treats that work exceptionally well! All the Virgos out there, similar to your nature, a moisturizing gel takes its job of keeping your skin fresh, hydrated, and smooth, seriously. And your daily-use moistur-
izer will work hard, like you, to give you dewy soft skin!
This Air sign desires to be surrounded by people and fantastic skincare products. You need to bring in the New Year with aesthetically pleasing skincare that delivers results. No need to dwell on this decision, it’s a perfect match for you!
To please your skin as try a gentle cleansing gel face wash and take the first step towards spotless, healthy skin. A super-refreshing and non-drying gel face wash can thoroughly cleanse and gently exfoliate.
As someone who thrives on looking cool, this Water sign is on the hunt for out-of-the-box products. Scorpio needs soulful skincare. Treat yourself to skin treats that look fun and get things done, just like you! All you need is an under eye cream to treat dark circles and under-eye puffiness as stubborn as you.
This loud and proud Fire sign is all hot on emotions. Time for Sagittarius to turn to skin-friendly products this New Year! One skincare gem that matches your ideals is the clay mask. It is your
guide to no more dead skin, excess oil, and breakouts. Get dewy soft and supple skin in a jar!
Mature and responsible, Capricorn, the dutiful Earth sign deserves skincare that takes care of your skin effortlessly. So this new year, grab products that motivate you to look your best! Good skincare needs discipline, just like you, and a refreshing overnight mask will deliver as promised.
An Air sign that appreciates concepts and personal freedom. Aquarius looks for skincare that perfectly aligns with your esoteric personality. Go for our products that address all your skin concerns! One skincare tip that’s as independent as you are treatment patches, to get you glowing through the year!
Pisces deserve skincare that matches its fantastical personality. This Water sign can go both extremes and needs K-beauty that can do it all. So it’s no surprise that you will really enjoy using watery moisturizers which feel skin-quenching! Just like you, a cleansing balm is wise and removes all traces of dirt, makeup, and impurities in a jiffy!
By: IANs2022 was a year of skincare, from the rise of plantbased ingredients to endless korean skincare! and 2023 we are expecting skincare to get even bigger, with new innovations in ingredients and textures.
Our jewelery scarcely stands out among the big coats, fur jackets, and wool scarves in our winter outfit. It is not appropriate to do away with your standout pieces and let your winter outfit stand out in the dark.
Winter is about changing the game of styling. Here are some very useful tips shared by Poem Kabra - Founder at Zavya that will make you slay during this season.
Necklaces and chains revival
The summer of 2022 showed a great resurgence of necklaces and chains that gelled very well with summer outfits. The exaggerated trend of such jewelery pieces will continue to slay in winter 2022-2023. Pop the clashing metallics and vibrant colors with your leather or denim jackets to carry that bold look. You can also pair your bulky winter clothes with a thicker link chain or stacking rose gold chains or necklaces to keep it chic yet simple. It gives a flash of metallic shine in cold weather.
Dominating hoops
Hoops have become one of the most
dominating jewelery pieces. Without a question, they are a must have and a classic staple. Pair big rose gold hoops with turtle neck sweaters that are a perfect combination under the winter sun rays. They are perfect for an evening ensemble and go with any winter outfit in your wardrobe. Elevate your look with silver or warm metallic hoops that would not get tangled in your winter gear.
Dramatic earrings
Pearls and zircons lead the fashion
trends. To get that elite appeal, style your sharp studs, drop and dangles with warm overshirts, velvet co-ord sets and knit skirts. You can also choose from a range of whimsical hoops, solitaire studs and sterling silver drops. Make it effortless while dressing up a coat or heavy clothes.
Entangled stacking bracelets
Stacking bracelets are a perfect winter fashion flash. Layer them over long sleeve coats and knitted jumpers to
gain attention. You can mix them with colorful bliss of gems to elevate your everyday look. The vibrant metallic bracelets complement outer-wear that can be layered up for a subtle accent or maximum impact.
Stone studded rings
Don’t discount your luxe appeal when you can adorn your hands with stone-studded, sterling silver and rose gold rings. It gives an inspired touch when they are worn with all-black or darker shapes of jacquard and wool blend attire. These are the best accessories that won’t get totally lost under jackets. Doesn’t matter how thick or covered your clothes are, you will be able to pop your jewelery over them.
Stunning pearl sets
Pearls are evergreen. If you want to glam in seconds then nail down to pearl sets without a second thought. Pearl jewelery is classic and goes with everything while giving an elegant look. Think chains with pearl charms and studs can highlight a standout in this cozy weather. These jewelery pieces are adaptive and can brighten up your look in just no time. Choose from delicate drops to pearl ‘sui dhaga’ to accentuate your look.
A basic understated jewelery is a must-have for any winter outfit. It is not just classic but is also astonishing when you are searching for everyday wear to something big statement-making pieces. Wearing beautiful pieces that are also stamped with purity can offer distinguished appeal and confidence.
By: IANswe’re all bundling up with warm winter apparel as the outside temperature drops.
Hollywood filmmaker James c ameron, who spoke to Indian filmmaker S.S. Rajamouli, at length, was all praise for his vision, his genius storytelling and the emotions that drive his characters.
In his conversation with S.S. Rajamouli, Cameron said: “It’s just such a feeling to watch your characters, and your setup, the fire, water, story, reveal after reveal, then moving on the backstory of why he’s doing what he’s doing, the twists and turns and friendship.”
“It’s just so powerful. And I love the fact that you just threw the whole thing out, it’s just the full show. I love that. I can only imagine the pride and power your country and your home audience feels you must feel on top of the world.”
Apart from speaking highly about the film, which Cameron’s wife revealed he watched not once but twice, the ‘Avatar’ and ‘Titanic’ director also extended an invitation to collaborate with Rajamouli on an international film.
James Cameron said while the two iconic directors parted ways: “And one thing, if you ever want to make a movie over here, let’s talk.”
Rajamouli’s ‘RRR’ also won India its first Golden Globe award for ‘Best Original Song’. The historic film also won the ‘Best Foreign Language Film’ and ‘Best Song’ at the 28th Critics Choice Awards.
Married to Nick since 2018, the actress revealed how he helps her to overcome her insecurities
“He’s a wise man beyond his years ... I get affirmations from him all the time, to remind me of my value when I forget or when I get insecure. He just sees through the fog for me. He sees the best in people,” the star said.
Priyanka and Nick, 30, have both enjoyed huge success during their careers. And the couple, who have a 12-monthold daughter called Malti, have a unique ritual that helps them to stay connected.
Priyanka told British Vogue magazine: “We didn’t know each other’s careers before we met. Like, didn’t know them well. So we do a show and tell
# 103, 15300 68 Ave Surrey BC
once in a while and share random things that we’ve done to show the other person what we were like when we were younger.”
The actress enjoyed significant success in the Indian film industry before she made the switch to Hollywood. The ‘Baywatch’ star hopes that she can become an inspiration for other aspiring actresses in Asia.
Priyanka, who was born in Jamshedpur in India, said: “Hopefully I’ll open doors for the next generation of girls. Hopefully we’ll see more Indian or South Asian actors in Hollywood. I want to commemorate the success and achievements of South Asians outside of India, in the international sphere, because we deserve that position. Why shouldn’t we be on the main stage?”
By: IANSDirected by: Tejas Deoskar.
starring: Rakul Preet Singh, Sumeet Vyas, Satish Kaushik, Rajesh Tailang and Dolly Ahluwalia.
Cinematography: Siddharth Vasani.
Music: Mangesh Dhakde, Rohan-Rohan, Sumeet Bellary and Durgesh R. Rajbhatt.
IANs Rating: ** (2 stars)
Bollywood has found a safe haven on the streaming platforms and is hell bent upon exploring themes that were earlier either forbidden or had no takers.
After the huge success of ‘Vicky Donor’, a film about sperm donation, a number of so-called taboo subjects have found their way into mainstream narratives. ‘Shubh Mangal Savdhan’ on erectile dysfunction, ‘Padman’ on menstrual hygiene and ‘Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui’ on gender diversities, to name a few.
In the latest, ‘Chhatriwali’, the themes are male contraceptives and safe sex. No harm in dealing with a subject that may not be still discussed openly in families, although everyone seems to be aware of condoms in big and small towns alike.
Set in Karnal, Haryana, the film is about Sanya Dhingra (Rakul), an unemployed chemistry whiz, who is looking for a job and uses her skills to fight an important social taboo by taking sex education classes for young people.
The trouble with such films is that the filmmakers don’t really know whether to make it a comedy or layer it with educational messages. The result obviously is chaos!
Shying away from going the whole hog, the film teeters on morality lessons and making the female protagonist have her way as she propagates safe sex so that unwanted pregnancies don’t cause health issues among women.
Of course there are bound to be problems galore, right from
her family to her boyfriend, whom she later marries, to her in-laws not liking it if she told them that she works in a factory manufacturing condoms. So she used all tactics possible to ensure that no one gets to know about her job. Now that’s quite a challenge, isn’t it? But Sanya manages it pretty well, until the point comes when she has to spill the beans.
Only a few months back, another film, ‘Janhit Mein Jari’, had Nushratt Baruccha playing a similar character. Both films handle almost same old tiresome issues; men not being comfortable with protected sex, a female sales.
executive not revealing her
job to her parents and family, who throw a fit when they do get to know what their favourite daughter or bahu is up to, plus of course, innumerable lessons on how these subjects are not to be spoken directly or straightforwardly, and so on. In a scene where her jethani (Prachee Shah) falls ill as a result of a number of miscarriages, the family dares not utter a word to the chauvinistic husband (Rajesh Tailang) about the mishap. He seems educated but has his way when it comes to fulfilling his sexual desires unguarded. The film does touch upon some relevant and oft-repeated dilemmas confronting married women in most middle-class families.
The film thus becomes a tad
boring and repetitive. What keeps your interest alive is its lead, Rakul Preet, who tries to infuse energy and at times sensitivity to her lines. She gets just the support she needs from Vyas, who never lets us down. Both complement each other and make the most of the stereotypical situations with their earnestness. But as I said earlier, both get restricted because of the predictable script.
The cinematography is passable and there’s nothing to write home about the film’s music. If you are on a holiday and have nothing better to do, you could watch this less-than-two-hour social/family drama, if you please!
By: IANSContinued from issue (Part 71)
Time came and I gave birth to a baby boy. I was living under a continuous shadow of fear. I was stuck in superstitious beliefs. I knew it was affecting my health and my family life adversely. However, I was unable to escape from the bad frame of my mind. Meenu had asked me several times where my smile had gone. I had no reasonable answer.
After one and a half years, my dad and Sunny also came to Canada. What kind of a person I had become that neither a person nor any material was able to make me happy. My doctor told me that depression had engulfed me very badly. I was a nurse and doing
we’ve all heard it, this celebrity prefers a makeup brush, while another makeup artist prefers to use her fingers. Some people even apply moisturizer with makeup brushes. although the advice is useful, it frequently raises more questions than it answers.
my job. I was doing my duty well, but I was not ok. I was reading gurbani morning and evening, and as much as possible. I had everything except peace of mind. I always wished there was a brain-cleaning system so that I could delete my old bad memories and all superstitions, and I could lead a normal life. My only prayer to god was that I leave the world before Sam.
The other day, Sam took me to a psychologist when he observed my stress was not going. Thereafter all my family members, with their love, started making me feel that I was a very important family member. Sam got me treated by a counselor. By-and-by I began feeling better.
Doctor almost stopped my medication for depression. My sugar also came under control with my careful diet.
My mental condition improved a lot with the help of my family’s love and counselor’s treatment. I listened to several motivational speeches of world-renowned speakers. I also listened to many CDs of Sant Singh Maskeen. Besides quietude, a strong positive-attitude had made a home in my mind.
Continued in next edition
Below is the definitive answer to the question of whether to use a makeup brush, makeup sponge, or finger.
fingers: The ring finger works best
Although personal preference influences what makeup application tool you use, the method should also be considered. Depending on the product, you can apply it with makeup brushes, beauty blender sponges, or your fingers. Fingers, for example, work well for products that require a little warming up before combining. (Think of concealer, cosmetic primer, and cream eye shadows, to name a few.)
If you want to apply the product with your fingers, the ring finger is the best choice because
it applies the least amount of pressure. Additionally, always tap rather than rub.
Applying pressed eye makeup with your fingers is recommended because it provides the best color payoff and most precise application. Just remember to wash your hands first before
applying makeup with your fingers.
Brushes: Perfect for applying powder and shadows Makeup brushes, like your fingers, allow for a more precise application. As a result, they are ideal for applying powder and shadows. Because you want
Continued issue (Part 71)
sYm ny mYƒ iek rwxI vWgrw riKAw
hoieAw hY[ auh Swied Awpxy b~icAw
sB qoN vD ipAwr krn vwlw ipqw
hY[ AsIN dovyN Awpxy b~icAW dy
cMgy BivK leI bhuq imhnq kr
rhy hw Aqy nwl hI AwpxI v~D
qoN v~D snmwn aunHw ƒ idMdy hn[
AsIN AwpxI izMdgI dy PYsly iml
ky Aqy bVy soc-smJ ky lYNdy hw[
mYN swry vihmW -BrmW ivcoN inkl
geI hW[ sMq isMG mskIn jI ƒ
suxn Aqy myry pVHn dy sLOk ny
mYƒ AwpxI auqm ivsvwS pRwpq
krn iv~c bhuq mdd kIqI hY[
mYN vI hux mn iv~c Dwr ilAw
hY ik mYN dunIAw iv~c kwmXwb
lokW bwry v~D-qoN v~D pVH ky aunHW
dI kwmXwbI dy bwry jwxwgI Aqy
aunHw vWg Awpxy blbUqy ‘qy vDIAW
kMm krky AwpxI vI iek vKrI
pihcwx bxwvWgI[ mYN AwpxI
bytI vwsqy ie~k pRyrxw sroq
GrylU hI nhI blik dunIAw
Br ivc lVweI bMd ho jwx!
kONslr dy khy Anuswr mYN kYnyfw ivc
AwpxI kuJ smW k~F ky keI qrHW dI
smwj syvI sMsQw vl muPq iv~c kMm
krnw surU kr id~qAw[ ies nwl mYƒ
iek hor vwKrw Awqmk skUn imlx
lgw[ myrI mulwkwq keI hor smwj
syvI lokw nwl hox lg peI[ aunHw
QwvW ‘qy mYN keI AYmpI, AYmAYley Aqy
kONslrW ƒ vI imldI sI[ ieiqhws
gvwh hY ik is~K ieiqhws iv~c mweI
Bwgo ny 1705 ivc jwlm mugl dI
ie~t nwl ie~t KVkw id~qI sI[ mdr
tYrysw Aqy klpnw cwvlw vrgI AOrqW
ny Awpxy kMm krky AMqr rwstrI
p~Dr ‘qy AwpxI vwKrI pihcwx
bxweI hY[ sYm ny mYƒ iek rwxI
vwgrw r~iKAw hoieAw hY[ auh swied
Awpxy bwicAW ƒ sB qoN vD ipAwr
krn vwlw ipqw hY[ AsIN dovyN Awpxy
bwicAw dy cMgy BivK leI bhuq imhnq
kr rhy hW[ AsIN AwpxI ijMdgI dy
PYsly iml ky Aqy bVy soc-smJ ky lYNdy
hW[ sYN vihm-BrmW ivcoN inkl geI
hW[ sMq isMG mskIn jI ƒ suxn Aqy
myry pVHn dy sLOk ny mYƒ Awpxw auqm
ivSvws pRwpq krn ivc bhuq mdd
kIqI hY[ mYN vI hux mn ivc Dwr ilAw
everything to blend, use a light hand when applying makeup with a professional makeup brush. Rather than applying all of the product at once, gradually add more until you achieve the desired coverage.
Many of us who prefer dense covers prefer that none of the skin beneath be visible. If you want to completely cover your skin, you can use a makeup brush. This is because concealing a zit or other type of discoloration requires the most coverage possible. If you use a beauty blender sponge to cover your foundation-covered pimple, the foundation will simply become more and more sheer, leaving you frustrated almost every time.
sponges: Best for buildable coverage
hY ik mYN dunIAw ivc kwmXwb lokW bwry
v~D-qoN v~D pVH ky kwmXwbI dy rwj
jwnxgI Aqy aunHW vWg Awpxy blbUqy
‘qy vDIAw kMm krky AwpxI vI iek
vKrI pih cwx bxwvwgI[ mYN AwpxI
bytI vwsqy iek pRyrxw sroq bxwgI qW
ik auh vI vihmw-Brmw qoN dUr rih ky
shI ijMdgI jI sky[ mYN ieh vI cwhuMdI
hW ik auh smwj dy msly hl krn
leI vI keI qrHW dI sMsQw nwl juV ky keI nykI dy kMm kry[ mYN Awpxy byty
ƒ vI ies qrHW dI isiKAw dyvWgI ik
auh hr AOrq dI ie~jq kry Aqy bhuq
pVH-ilK ky iek cMgw ienswn bxy[
iPr auh idn vI Awvygw jd dunIAw
mYƒ vI iek ihMmqI AOrq Aqy cMgI mW dy rUp ivc jwxygI[ Continued
If you want a flawless finish, a makeup sponge is the only tool you need. A makeup sponge is the best tool for flawlessly applying natural foundation, and perhaps for everything else as well. The makeup is long-lasting, has an almost flawless finish, and is buildable.
To get the most out of your beauty sponge, always moisten it before using it. This will ensure that the product is applied and distributed evenly. While we can’t help but enjoy what we like, it can be useful to try out different tool-product combinations to find the one that works best for you. Using a variety of application techniques and products is an excellent way to experiment with and personalize your routine.
By: IANSIt’s crucial to gain a thorough awareness of these little-known facts so that persons with diabetes and those who care for them can have a better understanding of the chronic illness and how to best manage their health.
Here are five common myths on diabetes
de-bunked: sugar alone causes diabetes
fact: Diabetes is a complex condition related to several factors. These include being overweight or obese, leading a sedentary lifestyle, having an unhealthy diet, and more. It can also be related to genetic factors, such as a family history of having diabetes.
While people with diabetes are often advised to control their sugar intake, eating too much sugar alone does not cause diabetes.
However, still be mindful of your sugar consumption -moderation is key. An overall
diet high in sugar can mean higher calories, which can contribute to weight gain and consequently increase your risk of having diabetes. On the whole, try to opt for low glycemic index options and foods high in fibre as well, to achieve the right balance.
Diabetes can be cured
fact: While in rare cases diabetes is reversible, in most cases, diabetes once developed, is a lifelong condition. But living with diabetes doesn’t have to be scary. There are various ways to effectively manage the condition. With proper adherence to prescribed medication and dietary and lifestyle modifications, as well as monitoring of one’s glucose levels, people with diabetes can live a full life. By discussing with a doctor what diabetes management approach works best in individual cases, people can achieve their target glucose range and achieve optimal health.
Diabetes only affects the body’s blood sugar levels
fact: Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects how the body uses blood sugar. However, diabetes can affect more than just glucose levels. Research suggests that the condition -- especially when uncontrolled -- can cause other related complications, such as increasing the risk of problems relating to the heart, eye, kidney, nerves, or feet. This makes managing diabetes in a timely manner even more important. It is also advisable for people with diabetes to get regular health check-ups and keep an eye on their broader health, to identify and address any problems promptly.
some types of diabetes are milder than others
fact: While diabetes has different categories, like type-1 and type-2 and gestational (while pregnant), these cannot be defined as mild or severe. Across all types of dia-
betes, uncontrolled cases can lead to serious, long-lasting complications. Despite this, people with diabetes can lead healthy, better lives with proper diabetes management, regardless of the type.
Diet and lifestyle changes alone can fully manage diabetes
fact: While lowering the intake of certain foods that raise your blood glucose and adopting a healthy fitness routine are key steps to manage diabetes, this does not mean that only these steps will be adequate for all people with diabetes to fully manage their condition. By understanding facts about the condition, it can make the care journey less complicated. Following medical guidance and working with doctors to understand what works best for individual situations is important, and it can empower people to better manage their diabetes.
By: IANsDespite how common Diabetes is in people around the globe, there are still a lot of myths around it that lead to an inadequate or incorrect understanding of diabetes and how to treat it.
we may require more than simply a soothing massage or a mindful yoga session to restore our mind, body, and spirit, as demonstrated by centuries-old traditions. A break could mean practising mindfulness and introspection for many travellers, while for others it might mean exploring the forest to engage in forest bathing to reenergize.
Fortunately, New Zealand has attractions for all kinds of tourists who want to get
in touch with their authentic selves. New Zealand is a wonderful utopia for a great health and wellness retreat, with wide-open landscapes, still rivers crossing the country, off-grid areas to cuddle in, and more. Take some time out to unwind, relax, and enjoy nature, or treat yourself to a dip in one of New Zealand’s many renowned spas and retreats.
listed below are a few wellness experiences one may enjoy across New Zealand: ohakune Hot Tubs You can experience wellness
amongst the elements at the newly opened Ohakune Hot Tubs. Take some time to relax, rejuvenate, and immerse yourself in a hot, healing soak while breathing in that crisp alpine air.
Tucked away at the foothills of Mt Ruapehu in Ohakune, these open-air, wood-fired hot tubs are available for private bookings during the day or under the stars.
Polynesian spa
The iconic Polynesian Spa in Rotorua is celebrating its 50th birthday this year. It is
the perfect place to relax and unwind - they have 28 geothermal hot pools, and their award-winning spa has a variety of packages and treatments to choose from.
He Puna Taimoana Hot Pools
Located just 15 minutes away from Christchurch, visitors can enjoy stunning ocean views while soaking in one of the five luxurious hot pools.
He Puna Taimoana also has a plunge pool, steam room, and a sauna with beachside views.
We all need a break to refuel after a busy year that was packed with both huge and modest victories and difficulties.
otago Central Rail Trail
Get out and explore as you delve deep into the heart of Central Otago as it winds its way through the vast rocky landscapes, spectacular gorges, railway tunnels, viaducts, and preserved gold mining settlements. Check out Adventure South for guided cycling trips.
stargazing at the Aoraki Mackenzie International Dark sky Reserve
The Aoraki Mackenzie International Dark Sky Reserve is an area of exceptional cultural, natural, and astrological importance. With more than 4,300 square kilometres of sky that is free from light pollution, it’s the perfect place to go stargazing. Visit the Dark Sky Project in Takapo (Tekapo) or Big Sky Stargazing at Aoraki/Mt Cook Village for the chance to gaze into space through powerful telescopes and learn more about the importance of New Zealand’s dark skies.
wellington Apothecary
Wellington Apothecary is an alchemist’s delight that was established in 2014. It is a botanical factory, herbal dispensary, and natural therapy clinic that offers facials and massages using their house-blended oils. You can also create botanical perfumes, natural skincare, probiotic sodas, and more. They offer a range of evening workshops throughout the year and one on one Bespoke Blending Consultations in-store, with their talented Apothecarians.
By: IANSYou might come across various DIYs which involve lemon juice, lemon zest, etc. Let’s weigh in on the pros and cons of using lemon on our skin:
Benefits of using lemon on your face: Exfoliates dead skin - Lemon juice contains alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA) such as glycolic acid. Such acids are commonly used in skin care, as they increase cell turnover and slough away dead skin cells. As a result, many folks use lemon juice in hopes of reducing dullness and brightening the skin.
Reduces Acne - Lemon juice has astringent qualities due to its acidic level. Ingredients with a low pH level can help decrease inflammation and oil that may contribute to the formation of acne.
Increases collagen production - The body needs vitamin C to synthesize collagen, the main structural protein in the skin. Using vitamin-C-rich ingredients can help support your intake of the nutrient, and ultimately, collagen production.
Skin spot or hair lightening - Citrus ingredients like lemon may also work well on lightening age spots or acne scars, as well as any hair on your face.
Now let us look at some disadvantages of using lemon on your face: Cause irritation: Even if your stint with lemon juice doesn’t result in burns, the ingredient can still cause irritation. This is a side effect of acids, like those in lemon juice, weakening and damaging the skin barrier.
Sunburn: Citrus fruits applied topically can also increase your risk of sunburn. Never apply lemon before going outside in direct sunlight, and don’t use it for several days before any planned outdoor activities.
Hyperpigmentation: Although lemon juice is often used to reduce hyperpigmentation, it can actually worsen the issue. That’s because the sunburns caused by lemon juice can cause blistering, leading to months of hyperpigmentation and potentially permanent scarring.
By: Dr Blossom KochharBeing a first-time parent is an exciting experience that is followed by a new set of responsibilities. at times, these responsibilities can be both exhilarating and exhausting. Most new parents prioritize planning for their child’s daily needs, but it is also critical to begin planning the roadmap for securing their financial future.
Here are four key financial planning essentials to help ease your future worries and
foolproof your child’s tomorrow:
Secured coverage with term insurance: Parents must ensure that they have adequate life insurance coverage in order to provide for their children as they grow older. A term life insurance policy is an excellent choice for this purpose. The term insurance policy will act as a backup plan, assisting your family in meeting their basic financial needs or liabilities if you are unable to do so.
Investing in new goals: Inflation can derail even the best-laid financial plans; therefore, you must invest in financial products that provide long-term returns that outperform inflation. To accomplish this, a strong yet flexible combination of investments and protection can assist you in getting started on the path to wealth creation for your child. Insurance companies provide a variety of plans, and if you want to build a corpus for your child, a combination of a Term Plan (for protection) and a Child Plan (for wealth creation) is an excellent choice to consider.
Plan for emergencies: Begin accumulating an emergency fund to cover your
child’s unforeseen needs and expenses. A well-structured financial plan is shockproof because it includes a safety net for financial contingencies. Make a financial plan and figure out how much you can save each month. After considering an emergency fund, allocate the remainder to a good mix of insurance (life and health) and investments.
Prioritise retirement plans: Don’t put off working on your retirement plan and start saving now to avoid being unable to support your child’s dreams in the future. At the same time, keep track of your current and post-retirement lifestyle/ aspirations. Chart out the future you want for your child. Highlight key milestones in their lives and begin earmarking amounts that they will require during that time. Remember to use a future expense calculator to figure out these numbers.
The birth of a child brings immense joy to the family; making adequate plans to secure their present and future in the face of life’s uncertainties will make parenthood a truly rewarding experience.
By: Rahul TalwarIt is widely recognized as a month dedicated to and all about love.
However, February isn’t just for valentines and sweethearts; it can also be a month for self-love and self-care, strengthening relationships with family and friends, and loving others.
Valentine’s Week is one of the most romantic weeks of the year, and every couple wants to spend time together. We are confident that this list provides you with a better idea of how to make Valentine’s Week more memorable and ro mantic as per the specified day of the Valentine’s Week date sheet.
Rose Day: Feb 7
On this day, you can give red, yellow, and pink roses to various people based on their emotions. Flowers are the most delightful things, and roses are among the most popular. So this is the day for exchanging roses with romantic messages.
Propose day:
People usu ally propose to their loved ones to be in a longterm relationship. Marriage proposals are some times made on this day as well. The second day of Valentine’s Week has arFeb 09
Everyone enjoys it, the recipes are endless, and February 9th is designated as Chocolate Day for
chocolate lovers. Chocolate is one of the world’s most popular flavors, if not the most popular flavor on the planet.
Teddy day: Feb 10 Teddy bears are popular among girls. The boys make it a point to give their girls a cute, fluffy teddy bear. This gift will make your partner laugh like a child.
Promise Day: Feb 11
The day you make meaningful promises to those you care about. Here are some
them how much you care.
Kiss Day: Feb 13
The sixth day of Valentine’s Week is Kiss Day. For many couples, the day of kissing is the most important. The couple kisses each other on this day.
Valentine’s Day: Feb 14
On Valentine’s Day, try to tell someone about your love for them or renew your commitments and marital vows, which you may have made years ago.
February is the month of love - a time to celebrate valentine’s Day and remember love - emphasising the importance of love in your life. It’s not uncommon for people to fail to connect the dots, but love and grief are
need something
460 ml Jack Daniel’s Old No. 7
41 Mug Coffee
41 tsp Brown Sugar
4Coffee Creamer
4Whipped Cream (Garnish)
4Coffee Beans (Garnish)
4Pour Jack Daniel’s Old No. 7 into a mug of coffee.
4Add cream and a spoonful of brown sugar. Top with whipped cream and coffee beans. Stir.
4Stir and serve in a mug. Garnish with whipped cream and cinnamon.
Garnish: Whipped Cream, Cinnamon
By: IANSWhether it’s preventing stains or removing scratches, there are a few easy things you can do to prolong the life of your furniture. Looking for some simple ways to take care of your furniture and make them last longer?
Pet friendly solutions
As endearing as pets are, they can be tough on your furniture. As a preventive measure, opt for pet-friendly fabric on couches, drapes, and other upholstery. Existing fabrics are prone to deterioration by chewing, scratching, and shedding. For this, you can use a lint roller which curbs lasting damage. You can also mark areas with transparent tape to protect furniture and keep it looking its best for prolonged periods. This will also deter your pets from scratching or biting. For stains, a good fabric protector can come in handy to regain the color and texture of the upholstery.
Wooden furniture requires care too!
When it comes to wooden furniture, many people think that all it needs is a quick dusting now and then. However, if wooden furniture is to last for years, it requires a bit more care. Some simple DIY hacks to take care of your wooden furniture are:
Get rid of water rings: If you have any water rings on your wood furniture, simply rub them using Petroleum jelly or Mayonnaise to remove water stains.
Remove scratches: If you have light scratches on your wood furniture, try rubbing them with walnut. The natural oils in the walnut will help to camouflage the scratch.
Prevent fading: To keep your wood furniture from fading in direct sunlight, simply apply a coat of clear polyurethane sealer once every few months. This will create an invisible barrier that will protect the wood from UV damage.
When it comes to taking care of your upholstered furniture, one of the most important things to keep in mind is to be gentle with fabrics. Mindful cleaning and not using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials can greatly preserve the richness of your upholstery. One of the best ways to clean upholstered furniture is to vacuum it regularly. This may help to
remove any dirt or dust that is accumulated on the surface. A mild soap and water solution can also be used for a gentle scrub.
Polish your furniture
There are a few different ways you can go about polishing your furniture. Commercial furniture polishes are a great investment to increase the longevity of furniture. These products typically come in aerosol cans or pump bottles and can be found at most home improvement stores.
If nothing, regular dusting can work wonders
You should dust furniture at least once a week. To dust your furniture, you will need a soft cloth or brush. First, remove any loose dirt and debris from the surface of the furniture. Next, gently wipe the cloth or brush over the surface of the furniture in a circular motion. Be sure to get into all the nooks and crannies. Finally, use a vacuum cleaner with an attachment to reach any hard-toreach areas.
By: Hussaine KesuryFurniture and upholstery can be a good longterm investment provided they are taken good care of. But with busy schedules and everyday wear and tear, it can be difficult to keep them looking their best.
4byAwtw - 1 k~p
4cnw dwl - 1/2 k~p
4jIrw - 1 cmcw
4lwl imrc pwaUfr - 1 cmcw
4DnIAw pwaUfr - 1 cmcw
4hldI pwaUfr - 1/4 cmcw
4bwrIk k~itAw DnIAw p~qy - 1 cmcw
4lUx - suAwd Anuswr
4qyl - loV Anuswr
bxwaux dI ivDI: gucnw dwl (COilAW dw dwl)
ƒ Do ky ku~kr iv~c pwE[ QoVw ijhw pwxI pwE
Aqy do sItIAW lgwE[ iDAwn r~Ko ik COilAW
dw dwl bhuq izAwdw nw gly[ jdoN dwl TMFI
ho jwvy qW pwxI inqwr lvo Aqy dwl ƒ mYS kr
lvo[ kVwhI iv~c iek c~mc qyl grm kro Aqy aus iv~c jIrw pwE[ jdoN jIrw kVkx l~gy qW ies iv~c dwl, mswilAW dw pwaUfr Aqy nmk pwE[ cMgI qrHW imlwE[ DnIAw p~qy pwE Aqy do qoN iqMn imMt leI pkwau[
gYs bMd kr idE Aqy dwl ƒ pUrI qrHW TMFw hox idE[ Awty iv~c QoVHw ijhw nmk imlwE Aqy ies ƒ guMn lE[ kVwhI iv~c qyl grm kro[ Awty dw Cotw ijhw pyfw qoVo Aqy aus iv~c dwl dy imSrx ƒ kyNdr iv~c Bro[ pUrIAW ƒ byl lvo Aqy aunHW ƒ grm qyl iv~c PrweI kro jdoN q~k auh sunihrI nhIN ho jWdIAW[ grm grm srv kro[
By: Sajan Kumar
4 pUrI krIm vwlw du~D – 2 glws
4 ipsqw – 10 (k~itAw hoieAw)
4 bdwm – 10 (k~itAw hoieAw)
4 kysr – 4-5 Dwgy
4 ielwiecI – 3 (pIsI)
4 KMf – 4 cmcy
4 AweIs ikaUb – 4
4 sjwaux leI
4 kysr – 4-5 Dwgy
4 bdwm – 1 qyjp~qw
4 bwrIk k~itAw hoieAw
ivDI: pihlW iek ktory ivc du~D Aqy ipsqw pwE Aqy ies ƒ 6 qoN 7 GMitAW leI iek pwsy r~Ko[ hux ies du~D ivc kysr pw ky grm kro[ iPr bdwm, cInI, ielwiecI pwaUfr imlwE Aqy cMgI qrHW imks kro[ ies ƒ srivMg glws ivc pwE Aqy TMfw hox leI Pir~j ivc r~Ko[ ies dy au~pr AweIs ikaUb Aqy bdwm Aqy kysr imlw ky gwrinS kro[quhwfw ipsqw Syk iqAwr hY[ ies ƒ TMfw hI proso Aqy ies ƒ Kud vI pIE[
By: Sajan KumarThe chef evangelist, with expertise and experience in Indian Culinary is packed w i t h i n n o v a t i o n s W i t h h i s w e a l t h o f culinary expertise and travel ordeals, he has evolved an adaptive world cuisine with his expressive cooking style which is to be bought forward with SIRKA.
His career pays homage to his mother which led to his dedicated experimentation and passion for multicultural Indian cuisines. He h a s b e e n t h e p o w e r h o u s e o f m a n y esteemed restaurants and now is fronting w i t h S I R K A t o c r e a t e a n i m p a c t w i t h modern Indian cuisine.
Call To Order: +1 (604) 592 9999
7182, Unit A, 120st Surrey, BC, V3W, 3M8
iksy dI izMdgI ivc ieh ^UbsUrq idn isr& iek vwr AwauN- dw hY, jo iPr hmySw leI Xwd bx ky rih jWdw hY[ ijs kuVI dw ivAwh hox vwlw huMdw hY aus kol auNj qW bhuq swry kMm huMdy hn pr ijs cIz dI loV aus ƒ s~B qoN izAwdw sqwauNdI hY auh hY aus dw ivAwh dw joVw[ hr koeI cwhuMdw hY ik Apxy ivAwh vwly idn auh ibhqrIn idsy[ Aijhw hoxw lwzmI vI hY ikauNik hr iksy dI izMdgI ivc ieh ^UbsUrq idn isr& iek vwr AwauNdw hY, jo iPr hmySw leI Xwd bx ky rih jWdw hY[
4 lihMgw ^rIdx smyN s~B qoN pihlW qusIN ieh qYA kro ik quhwfw bjt ikMnw hY[ Aijhw nhIN hoxw cwhIdw ik qusIN jw ky lihMgw vyKx
l~go Aqy jo lihMgw quhwƒ psMd Awey auh bjt qoN bwhr hoey[ ies nwl quhwfw mn ausy ivc Atk jwvygw Aqy jykr qusIN iksy qrHW aus
ƒ ^rId vI lvogy qW quhwƒ dUjy ^ricAW ivc ktOqI krnI pvygI[
4lihMgw lYNdy smyN quhwƒ Apxy rIqI-irvwjW dw vI iDAwn rKxw
cwhIdw hY[ Aijhw nhIN ik qusIN isr& &YSn ƒ vyK ky ies ƒ ^rId lvo[ qusIN vyiKAw ik bYklY~s blwaUz dw irvwj hY qW ieh lY lau[
Aijhw ho skdw hY ies nwl quhwfy pRvwr dy lokW ƒ pRySwnI hovy[ qW lihMgw lYNdy smyN Apxy pRvwr dI prMprw ƒ iDAwn ivc r~Ko[
4lihMgy ƒ ^rIddy smyN TIk qrHW rMg dI cox kro[ ieh zrUr vyKo ik jo rMg qusIN ^rId rhy ho auh quhwfy cmVI dy rMg nwl myl kr irhw hY jW nhIN[ ies qoN ielwvw ijs vI mOsm ivc ivAwh hY aus dy muqwbk rMg Aqy kpVy dI cox kro[
AnwrklI sUt hmySW sdwbhwr PYSn irhw hY[ pwrtI, PMkSn jW iqauhwr, ‘c AnwrklI sUt KUbsUrqI ivc vwDw krdw hY[ AnwrklI sUt isrP
sDwrx kuVIAW hI nhIN blik bwlIvu~f klwkwrW vI ies ƒ pwauNdy hn[
AijhI siQqI iv~c, jy qusIN vI ies iqauhwr dy mOsm iv~c AnwrklI sUt
pwaux bwry soc rhy ho, qW qusIN ie~QoN bhuq swry ivcwr lY skdy ho[
4qusIN BwrI bwrfr dy nwl AnwrklI sUt vI pw skdy ho[
4AnwrklI sUt stweIl iksy iqauhwr, pwrtI jW PMkSn leI vI sB qoN vDIAw hY[
4jy qusIN kuJ v~K krnw cwhuMdy ho, qW AnwrklI sUt dy nwl plwzo vI pw skdy ho[
By: Sajan KumarnwrIAl qyl Awm qOr ‘qy vwlW dIAW sm~i-
sAwvW ƒ dUr krn leI jwixAw jWdw hY pr ies dy Pwiedy isrP ies q~k hI sImq
nhIN hn[ Kwxw bxwaux qoN lY ky cmVI nwl
juVIAW sm~isAwvW ƒ h~l krn leI ies
dI vrqoN kIqI jWdI hY[ XwnI su~ky vwl jW
cmVI dI sm~isAw, nwrIAl qyl quhwƒ kdy
inrwS nhIN krygw[
ilp bwm dy rUp iv~c nwrIAl dw qyl
4jykr quhwfy bu~lH KuSk ho jWdy hn, qW
qusIN aunHW ƒ nmI dyx leI nwrIAl qyl lgw
skdy ho[
4kwly GyirAW leI nwrIAl dw qyl
4dyr rwq qk jwgx nwl A~KW dy hyTW kwly Gyry Aqy soj ho jWdI hY[ ies dy leI A~KW dy hyTW nwrIAl dw qyl lgwieAw jw skdw hY[ nwrIAl qyl iv~c AYNtI ienPlwmytrI gux huMdy hn, jo soj ƒ G~t krn iv~c mdd kr skdy hn[ ies qoN ielwvw rozwnw nwrIAl dw qyl lgwaux nwl kwly GyirAW ƒ vI G~t kIqw jw skdw hY[
ipgmYNtySn dI sm~isAw ƒ dUr krdY
ksqUrI mMjl ipCly kwPI smyN qoN surKIAW ‘c hY[
Kws krky cmVI (sikn) dI dyKBwl dIAW ivSySqwvW kwrn[ jykr qusIN ies bwry pihlI vwr pVH rhy ho, qW ieh lyK quhwfy leI hY[
hldI Awpxy hzwrW PwieidAW leI jwxI jWdI hY, cwhy ieh ishq leI hovy jW cmVI leI[ nw isrP iesdy
mzbUq AYNtI-bYktIrIAl, blik iesdy AYNtI-ienPlymytrI Aqy AYNtI-eyijMg guxW dy kwrn, ies ƒ quhwfI cmVI dI dyKBwl iv~c Swml krnw lwzmI hY[ qusIN ies qoN Pys mwsk iqAwr kr skdy ho, jW ies ƒ pwxI ivc imlw ky pI skdy ho[ ies ivc mOjUd gux s~t ƒ TIk krdy hn Aqy soj ƒ vI dUr krdy hn[
hldI dI qrHW, ksqUrI mMjl vI cmVI Aqy ishq nwl
juVy keI lwBW leI jwxI jWdI hY[ ieh k~tW Aqy s~tW
leI rwhq pRdwn kr skdw hY[ qW AwE jwxdy hW
ksqUrI mMjl cmVI ƒ iks qrHW dy PwiedymMd hY[
tYn : ksqUrI mMjl Asl iv~c ies dy guxW kwrn
surKIAW iv~c AwieAw jo tYinMg ƒ dUr krdw hY[
tYinMg ƒ dUr krn leI ksqUrI hldI ivc gulwb
jl imlw ky pyst iqAwr kro Aqy cmVI ‘qy hlkI
prq lgwE[ ieh cmVI dI tYinMg ƒ dUr krdw hY
Aqy hOlI-hOlI hweIpr-ipgmYNtySn Aqy fwrk srkl
vrgIAW sm~isAwvW ƒ ip~Cy C~fdw hY[
jykr quhwfy ichry ‘qy ipgmYNtySn hY qW aus jgHw ‘qy QoVHw ijhw nwrIAl qyl lgwE[ ieh ipgmYNtySn ƒ Gtweygw, nwl hI kwly D~by vI dUr krygw[ mykA~p ƒ htwaux leI nwrIAl dw qyl jykr quhwfy kol mykA~p irmUvr Kqm ho
igAw hY, qW icMqw nw kro, qusIN nwrIAl qyl dI vrqoN vI kr skdy ho[ ieh nw isr& mykA~p ƒ dUr krdw hY sgoN cmVI ƒ nmI vI r~Kdw hY[
By: Sajan Kumarichry dy vwl : (PySIAl hyAr) ksqUrI mMjl ichry dy vwlW ƒ kudrqI qrIky nwl htwaux dw kMm krdw hY[ ies dy leI ksqUrI mMjl Aqy QoVHw ijhw du~D, CoilAW dy Awty ‘c imlw ky pyst iqAwr kro[ hux ies ƒ ichry ‘qy lgwE Aqy su~kx dw ieMqzwr kro[ su~k jwx ‘qy ies ƒ h~QW nwl rgVo Aqy iPr pwxI nwl ichrw Do lE[
muhwsy (AYkny) : k~cI hldI iv~c AYNtI-bYktIrIAl gux huMdy hn jo ies ƒ muhWisAW dy ielwj leI bhuq vDIAw bxwauNdy hn[ ies dI vrqoN nwl cmVI qoN vwDU qyl Aqy muhwsy pYdw krn vwly kItwxU inkl jWdy hn, ijs nwl muhwsy dI sm~isAw dUr huMdI hY[ ksqUrI hldI cmVI ‘qy muhwsy dy inSwn Aqy dwg-D~ibAW ƒ dUr krdI hY[
lMby smyN leI r~KdI hY jvwn : AYNtI-AwksIfYNts, AYNtI-mweIkRobwiel Aqy AYNtI-ienPlymytrI guxW nwl BrpUr, ksqUrI mMjl quhwfy KUn iv~coN zihrIly pdwrQW ƒ bwhr k~F ky, AwksIfyitv nukswn dI murMmq krky kMm krdw hY[ jykr qusIN ksqUrI mMjl nwl bxy Pys pYk ƒ ichry ‘qy lgwauNdy ho, qW ieh ichry ‘qy JurVIAW, vDdI aumr dy inSwnW ƒ dUr krky cmVI ƒ inKwr Aqy inKwr dyx dw kMm krdw hY[
AWvly ƒ sMsikRq ‘c AmlkI ikhw jWdw hY, ijsdw ArQ hY jIvn dw AMimRq[ AWvly ‘c mOjUd q~q rog pRqIroDk SkqI vDwaux, pwcn ikirAw ‘c suDwr, mytwboilzm qy AMqVIAW dI ishq ‘c suDwr krn dw kMm krdy hn[ AWvlw ivtwimn-sI, PweIbr qy imnrls vrgy AYNtIAwksIfYNts nwl BrpUr huMdw hY[ AWvly ‘c sMqry qy hor K~ty PlW nwloN 10 guxw izAwdw ivtwimn sI huMdw hY, jo PRI rYfIkls dy kwrn hox vwly nukswn ƒ GtwauNdw hY qy sY~lW dy punrjnm ‘c mdd krdw hY[
rozwnw AWvlw Kwx nwl bWJpn, pwcn sMbMDI sm~isAwvW, zukwm, KWsI qy AYlrjI vrgIAW keI bImwrIAW ƒ TIk krn ‘c mdd imldI hY[ AWvly ‘c Swndwr AYNtI-ieMPlymytrI, AYNtI-kYNsr gux huMdy hn, ies qrHW AWvly dy k~cy jW ies dy rs dw syvn krn nwl keI qrHW dIAW ishq sm~isAwvW ƒ dUr kIqw jw skdw hY[
rozwnw ikMnw AWvlw Kwxw cwhIdw hY qy ikauN?
mwihrW dy Anuswr, ie~k bwlg ƒ 75-90 imlIgRwm AWvly dw syvn krnw cwhIdw hY[ 100 gRwm AWvly ‘c 300 imlIgRwm ivtwimnsI, fwietrI PweIbr, kYlSIAm, Awiern qy AYNtIAwksIfYNt mOjUd huMdy hn[ rozwnw AWvly dw syvn krn nwl ieimaUintI vDdI hY, buFwpy nwl juVy ^qry G~t huMdy hn qy ies ‘c mOjUd ivtwimn-ey A~KW dI ishq ƒ vI lwB phuMcwauNdw hY[
rozwnw dI Kurwk ‘c AWvly ƒ ikvyN Swml krIey?
AWvly dw im~Tw, K~tw Aqy iq~Kw svwd k~cw Kwxw muSkl bxwauNdw hY[ hwlWik mwihrW dw mMnxw hY ik ies ƒ k~cw, jUs jW Du~p ‘c sukw ky Kwx dy Awpxy hI Pwiedy hn[ drAsl, fIhweIfRyitf qy Du~p nwl su~ikAw AWvlw pOSitk q~qW nwl BrpUr huMdw hY, ijs ƒ qusIN kdy vI Kw skdy ho[
By: Sajan KumarsunihrI KMBW vwlw pihrwvw pihn ky idivqw ims XUnIvrs dI styj ‘qy phuMcI[ mwfl dw ieh vIfIE soSl mIfIAw ‘qy qyzI nwl vwierl ho irhw hY[ ies dy nwl hI lok aus ƒ ims XUnIvrs dw iKqwb ij~qx dI kwmnw kr rhy hn[ drAsl qylMgwnw dI idivqw rwey iek mwfl hY jo ims XUnIvrs dy 71vyN AYfISn ivc Bwrq dI pRqIinDqw kr rhI hY[ ies mOky auhnW ny rwStrI pihrwvw ‘sony dI icVI’ ƒ mh~qv idMdy hoey AwpxI lu~k iqAwr kIqI[
mwfl ny ieMstwgRwm ‘qy Awpxy Kws lu~k dw vIfIE SyAr kIqw hY, ijs dy nwl aus
AmrIkw dy inaU ErlInz ivc ho rhI 71vIN ims XUnIvrs pRqIXoigqw ivc
Bwrq qoN idivqw rwey dyS dI pRqIinDqw kr rhI hY[ ies dy nwl hI soSl mIfIAw ‘qy ies dw iek vIfIE vwierl ho irhw hY, ijs ‘c auh ‘sony dI icVI’ bx ky dyS dI pRqIinDqw krdI nzr Aw rhI hY[
ny kYpSn ‘c iliKAw, ‘sony dI icVI’ ny dunIAw ‘c AwpxI jgHw bxw leI hY[ d~s dyeIey ik Bwrq ƒ 2021 ivc hrnwz kOr
sMDU ny ims XUnIvrs dw iKqwb idvwieAw sI Aqy ies vwr auh ieh iKqwb idMdI nzr AwvygI[
By: Sajan KumarjylH qoN irhwA hox qoN bwAd dlyr
mihMdI ny ikhw, Kud ƒ byksUr swbq krn iv~c 18 swl l~g gey
mYnyjr ifptI vohrw dI mOq ‘qy Bwvuk hoey rxjIq bwvw, ikhw-‘qUM swfI vIh swl dI XwrI ƒ qoV igAw Xwrw’
dlyr mihMdI mnorMjn ieMfstrI dy ivvwidq
gwiekW iv~coN ie~k rhy hn[ ivvwdW kwrn dlyr keI idnW qoN surKIAW ‘c bxy hoey hn[ kdy aus ‘qy kbUqrbwzI dw doS hY Aqy kdy gYr-kwƒnI FMg nwl Pwrm hwaUs bxwaux dw[ kuJ smW pihlW
jyl qoN irhwA hoey dlyr ny hux Awpxy ‘qy l~gy
doSW bwry Ku~lH ky g~l kIqI hY[
auqrwA-cVHwA ‘qy, dlyr kihMdw hY, jykr mYN
A~j ienHW swrIAW cIzW ‘qy kwbU pw sikAw hW, qW ieh myry pirvwr kwrn hY[ mYN pirvwr leI
if~g ky dubwrw KVHw ho igAw hW. jdoN myrw pihlw
gIq bolo qwrw rw rw ih~t hoieAw sI, aus smyN
myrI mW ny iek g~l khI sI ik rb ny ieh sB
kIqw hY[ r~b dI rzw hY ik qusIN hux lokW iv~c hrmn ipAwry ho rhy ho[ ijvyN ik jdoN mYN Awpxy
krIAr dI inGwr ƒ dyiKAw Aqy ieMny doSW dw swhmxw kIqw, audoN vI myry idmwg iv~coN iehI
Awvwz AweI ik r~b ny ieh kIqw hY[
dlyr A~gy kihMdw hY, jdoN auh aucweI idKw irhw hY, qW auh quhwƒ hyTW if~g dyvygw[ hW, jy qusIN
kuJ nhIN kIqw hY, qW qusIN ienHW swrIAW cIzW qoN dUr ho jWdy ho[ hwlWik aus kys ‘coN inklx ‘c
mYƒ 18 swl l~g gey[ hux mYN bwhr Aw igAw hW
Aqy AwpxI izMdgI dubwrw SurU kr irhw hW[
By: Sajan KumarmShUr pMjwbI gwiek Aqy Adwkwr
rxjIq bwvw dy mYnyjr ifptI vohrw
dI sVk hwdsy iv~c mOq ho geI hY [
d~isAw jw irhw hY ik vohrw dI g~fI
ipMf il~DVW nyVy ip~lr nwl tkrwaux
kwrn mOky ‘qy hI mOq ho geI [
mYnyjr ifptI vohrw dI mOq qy rxjIq
bwvw ƒ fUMGw sdmw l~igAw hY[ aunHW
ny du~K pRgtwauNidAW soSl mIfIAw ‘qy
ie~k post sWJI kIqI hY[ ijs iv~c
aunHW iliKAw, “myrw Brw ifptI vohrw
ies dunIAw ƒ C~f ky clw igAw , Brw hwly AsI bhuq kMm krnw sI, bhuq A~gy jwxw sI[ swfI 20 swl dI
XwrI ƒ qoV igAw Xwrw[ mY ik~Qo l~BU
qyry vrgw iemwndwr, dlyr qy idl dw
rwjw Brw, Alivdw Brw[ myrI s~jI bWh B~j geI A~j mwVw kIqw r~bw bhuq[”
d~s dyeIey ik ifptI vohrw dI g~fI ipMf il~DVW nyVy ip~lr nwl tkrw geI, ijs qoN bwAd ausdI mOky ‘qy hI mOq ho geI[ ies Gtnw sbMDI sbieMspYktr kulbIr isMG ny d~isAw ik aunHW ƒ bIqI rwq 12 vjy dy krIb sUcnw imlI sI ik ipMf il~DVW nyVy ie~k kwr pul dy ip~lr nwl tkrw ky plt geI Aqy burI qrHW nukswnI geI [ ijs iv~c kwr svwr dI mOky ‘qy mOq ho geI[
RYSXUSXe ¸fWXe³ff VfbøY WXû ¨fbIYf WX` AüSX BÀfIZY Àff±f
°fû 14 RYSXUSXe IYû Af°ff WX` »fZdIY³f ¢¹ff Af´f
þf³f°fZ WX`Ô dIY EIY ´fcSXf WXµ°ff UZ»fZÔMXfB³f ÀfZ þbOÞXf
WXû°ff WX` AüSX ¹fWX Àff°f dQ³f A´f³fZ Af´f ¸fZÔ JfÀf
WXû°fZ WX`ÔÜ QcÀfSXZ Vf¶QûÔ ¸fZÔ IYWXZÔ °fû UZ»fZÔMXfB³f UeIY ¹ff UZ»fZÔMXfB³f Àf~fWX IZY WXSX dQ³f IYf A»f¦f ¸fWX°U
WX`Ü A¶f þ¶fdIY WXSX dQ³f IYf A»f¦f ¸fWX°U WX` °fû
þfdWXSX WX` dIY B³fIZY ³ff¸f ·fe A»f¦f WXûÔ¦fZÜ Qbd³f¹ff IZY ª¹ffQf°fSX QZVfûÔ ¸fZÔ UZ»fZÔMXfB³f OXZ ¸f³ff¹ff þf°ff WX`Ü BÀfIYû »fZIYSX IYBÊ ¶ffSX IbYL A»f¦f ³fþdSXE ·fe Àff¸f³fZ Af°fZ WX`Ô »fZdIY³f, ¶ffUþcQ BÀfIZY »fû¦fûÔ AüSX JfÀfIYSX ¹fbUfAûÔ IYû BÀf dQ³f ¹ff IYWXZÔ BÀf ´fcSXZ WXµ°fZ IYf BÔ°fþfSX SXWX°ff WX`Ü °fû ¨fd»fE, ¹fWXfÔ WX¸f Af´fIYû ¶f°ff°fZ WX`Ô, UZ»fZÔMXfB³f OXZ ÀfZ þbOÞXZ B³f Àff°f dQ³fûÔ IZY ¶ffSXZ ¸fZÔ AüSX ¹fZ ·fe dIY B³fIYf ¸fWX°U ¢¹ff WX`Ü
8 RYSXUSXe : ´fi´fûþ OXZ
¨ffgIY»fZMX ÀfZ ¶ff°f Af¦fZ ¶fPÞXZ¦fe AüSX A¶f MXZOXe °fIY þfE¦feÜ EIY ÀffgµMX AüSX Jc¶fÀfcSX°f Àff MXZOXe »fZIYSX d¦fµMX IYedþEÜ ¹fZ Af´fIZY A´f³fûÔ IYû BÀf ¶ff°f IYf AWXÀffÀf IYSXf°ff SXWXZ¦ff dIY CX³fIZY ´fid°f Af´fIYe ·ffU³ffEÔ B°f³fe WXe Jc¶fÀfcSX°f WX`ÔÜ
11 RYSXUSXe : ´fifgd¸fÀf O
A¦fSX Af´f ·fe dIYÀfe IYû ´fi´fûþ IYSX³fZ IZY d»fE ¶fZIYSXfSX WX`Ô °fû ¹fWX dQ³f Af´fIZY d»fE WX`Ü BÀfIZY d»fE ´fifg´fSX ´»ffd³fÔ¦f IYedþE AüSX A´f³fZ dQ»f IYe ¶ff°f dþÀfÀfZ Af´f IYWX³ff ¨ffWX°fZ WX`Ô, CXÀfÀfZ IYdWXEÜ Àff±f ¸fZÔ IYûBÊ Jc¶fÀfcSX°f Àff d¦fµMX ¹ff³fe °fûWXRYf »fZ þf³ff ·fe EIY ¶fZWX°fSX Afg´Vf³f WXû ÀfIY°ff WX`Ü
´fifgd¸fÀf OXZ ¹ff³fe UfQûÔ IYf dQ³fÜ AüSX þ¶f UfQf
IYSXZÔ °fû CXÀfZ °ffCX¸fi d³f·ff³fZ IYf ·fe ÀfÔIY»´f IYSXZÔÜ
BÀfd»fE °fû BÀf dQ³f ¹ff³fe Promise DÔy IYf A´f³ff
¸fWX°U WX` AüSX ¶fWXb°f JfÀf WX`Ü dSXV°fûÔ IYe A´f³fe
AWXd¸f¹f°f WXû°fe WX` AüSX BÀfIZY d»fE UfQûÔ IYf d³f·ff³ff ·fe CX°f³ff WXe þøYSXe WX`Ü
12 RYSXUSXe : WX¦f O
UZ»fZÔMXfB³f UeIY IYe VfbøYAf°f BÀfe dQ³f ¹ff³fe 7 RYSXUSXe ´fSX ‘SXûþ OXZ’
ÀfZ WXû°fe WX`Ü SXûþ ¹ff³fe ¦fb»ff¶fÜ ´fSXÔ´fSXf ¹fZ WX` dIY BÀf dQ³f »ff»f ¦fb»ff¶f ÀfZ Af´f A´f³fûÔ IZY ´fid°f ´¹ffSX IYf BþWXfSX IYSX°fZ WX`ÔÜ
U`ÀfZ ·fe ¦fb»ff¶f þ`Àff
Jc¶fÀfcSX°f RcY»f
QcÀfSXf Vff¹fQ WXe
IYûBÊ WXûÜ d»fWXfþf, SXûþ OXZ ¦fb»ff¶f IZY »ff»f RcY»f IZY Àff±f
WXe ¸f³ff¹ff þf°ff WX`Ü
¶ff°f VfbøY WXbBÊ WX` °fû dRYSX QcSX °f»fIY þfE¦feÜ 9 RYSXUSXe EZÀff WXe dQ³f WX`Ü JfÀf ¹fZ dIY BÀfZ ¨ffgIY»fZMX
OXZ IYWXf þf°ff WX`Ü ¹ff³fe A´f³fZ dSXV°fûÔ IYû ¨ffgIY»fZMX IYe d¸fNXfÀf IZY Àff±f Af¦fZ ¶fPÞXfEÔÜ BÀfIZY ÀUfQ
IZY Àff±f ´fiZ¸f IZY Qû ¸feNXZ ¶fû»f AüSX dRYSX IYWXf³fe
A¦f»fZ dQ³f ´fSX þf°fe WX`Ü
EIY ´fiZ¸f AüSX A´f³f°U IYf AWXÀffÀf IYSXf°ff WXbAf
dQ³fÜ ¹ff³fe ´fiZ¸f AüSX A´f³f°U IZY ·ffU ÀfZ ¦f»fZ
¹fZ dQ³f ·fe UZ»fZÔMXfB³f UeIY ¸fZÔ Af°ff WX`Ü ¹fWX UZ»fZÔMXfB³f Àf~fWX IYf LNXUfÔ dQ³f WXû°ff WX`Ü
BÀf dQ³f ¹ff³fe UZ»fZÔMXfB³f OXZ IZY Àff±f ¹fWX WXµ°ff 14 RYSXUSXe IYû Àf¸ff~ WXû°ff WX`Ü Af¸f°füSX ´fSX IY´f»f BÀf dQ³f A´f³fZ VfZOXйfc»f ¸fZÔ ÀfZ UöY d³fIYf»fIYSX ª¹ffQf ÀfZ ª¹ffQf Àff±f SXWX³fZ IYe IYûdVfVf IYSX°fZ WX`ÔÜ UfQûÔ IYû d³f·ff³fZ AüSX EIY QcÀfSXZ IZY ´fid°f Àf¸f´fʯf IYf ·ffU QûWXSXf¹ff þf°ff WX`Ü
¶ffg»feUbOX IZY dJ»ffOÞXe IbY¸ffSX AÃf¹f IbY¸ffSX AüSX B¸fSXf³f WXfVf¸fe IYe Af³fZ Uf»fe dRY»¸f ÀfZ»RYe IYf MXeþSX dSX»feþ
WXû ¦f¹ff WX`Ü SXfþ ¸fZWX°ff IZY d³fQZÊVf³f ¸fZÔ
¶f³f SXWXe ÀfZ»RYe U¿fÊ 2019 ¸fZÔ ´fiQdVfÊ°f
¸f»f¹ff»f¸f ·ff¿ff IYe IYfg¸fZOXe-OÑf¸ff
dRY»¸f ¸fZÔ AÃf¹f IbY¸ffSX AüSX B¸fSXf³f
WXfVf¸fe IYe ¸fb£¹f ·fcd¸fIYf WX`Ü IYSX¯f
þüWXSX IZY ³fZ°fÈ°U Uf»fZ ²f¸ffÊ ´fiûOX¢VfÔÀf
IZY ¶f`³fSX °f»fZ ¶f³f SXWXe ÀfZ»RYe IYf MXeþSX
dSX»feþ IYSX dQ¹ff ¦f¹ff WX`Ü AÃf¹f IbY¸ffSX
³fZ dRY»¸f ÀfZ»RYe IZY ¸fûVf³f ´fûÀMXSX IZY Àff±f I`Y´Vf³f ¸fZÔ d»fJf WX`, R`Y³Àf ÀMXfSX
IYû ¶f³ff°fZ WX`ÔÜ R`Y³Àf EIY ÀMXfSX IYû d¸fMXf ·fe ÀfIY°fZ WX`ÔÜ þfd³fE °f¶f ¢¹ff WXû°ff WX`,
þ¶f EIY R`Y³f A´f³fZ AfBOX»f IZY dJ»ffRY
WXû þf°ff WX`Ü QZdJE ÀfZ»RYe 24 RYSXUSXe
IYû dÀf³fZ¸ff§fSXûÔ ¸fZÔÜ
¸f»f¹ff»f¸f dRY»¸f OÑfBdUÔ¦f »ffBÀfZÔÀf
¸fZÔ ´fȱUeSXfþ ÀfbIbY¸ffSX³f ³fZ EIY ´ffg´fb»fSX
Àfb´fSXÀMXfSX IYf SXû»f d³f·ff¹ff ±ff, þ¶fdIY
dUþ¹f UZÔþSX¸f¸fcQb ¸fûMXSX ½WXeIY»f
ÀfZ»RYe IYf ¸fûVf³f ´fûÀMXSX QZJZÔ °fû ´f°ff
¨f»f°ff dIY AÃf¹f IbY¸ffSX BÀf dRY»¸f ¸fZÔ
´fȱUeSXfþ ÀfbIbY¸ffSX³f Uf»ff dIYSXQfSX d³f·ff
SXWXZ WX`Ô, þ¶fdIY B¸fSXf³f WXfVf¸fe dUþ¹f UZÔþSX¸f¸fcQb Uf»fZ dIYSXQfSX ¸fZÔ dQJfBÊ
½WXeIY»f BÔÀ´fZ¢MXSX IZY BQÊ-d¦fQÊ §fc¸f°fe WX`, þû EIY Àfb´fSXÀMXfSX IYf R`Y³f WX`Ü UWX EIY
¸fbdVIY»f ´fdSXdÀ±fd°f ÀfZ CXÀfZ d³fIYf»f³fZ
IYf R`YÀf»ff »fZ°ff WX`Ü »fZdIY³f Vf°fÊ SXJ
QZ°ff WX` dIY UWX CXÀfÀfZ ´fÀfʳf»fe d¸f»f³ff
¨ffWX°ff WX`Ü Qû³fûÔ IYe ¸fb»ffIYf°f WXû°fe WX`
AüSX ¸fedMXÔ¦f ¸fZÔ Qû³fûÔ IZY ¶fe¨f EZÀff IbYL
WXû°ff WX` dIY Qû³fûÔ Af´fÀf ¸fZÔ d·fOÞX þf°fZ
WX`ÔÜ CX³fIYe »fOÞXfBÊ IYf AÀfSX CX³fIYe ´fiûRZYVf³f»f »ffBRY ´fSX ·fe ´fOÞX°ff WX`Ü
By: Sajan Kumar¶ffg»feUbOX IYe ¸fVfWXcSX E¢MÑZÀf
EZV½f¹ffÊ SXf¹f ¶f¨¨f³f dIYÀfe A»f¦f
´fWX¨ff³f IYe ¸fûWX°ffþ ³fWXeÔ WX`ÔÜ
A´f³fe IY¸ff»f IYe Ed¢MXÔ¦f AüSX
Jc¶fÀfcSX°fe IZY d»fE EZV½f¹ffÊ SXf¹f IYf
³ff¸f AfE dQ³f »ffB¸f»ffBMX IYf
dWXÀÀff ¶f³f°ff SXWX°ff WX`Ü dRY»fWXf»f
EZV½f¹ffÊ SXf¹f IYf ³ff¸f ¶fIYf¹ff
MX`¢Àf IYû »fZIYSX ÀfbdJʹfûÔ ¸fZÔ Af
¦f¹ff WX`Ü J¶fSX WX` dIY EZV½f¹ffÊ SXf¹f
IYe þ¸fe³f ´fSX ¶ffIYe MX`¢Àf IYû
¸fïZ³fþSX SXJ°fZ WXbE ³ffdÀfIY IZY
°fÀf»feQfSX ³fZ E¢MÑZÀf IZY dJ»ffRY
³fûdMXÀf ·fZþf WX`Ü QSXAÀf»f EZV½f¹ffÊ
SXf¹f IYû ¶fIYf¹ff MX`¢Àf SXfdVf ³f
d¶f¦f ¶ffgÀf 16 IZY »fZMXZÀMX Ed´fÀfûOX ¸fZÔ R`Yd¸f»fe UeIY IZY
¶fe¨f EÔMÑe IYSX³fZ Uf»fe Vffd»f³f ·f³fûMX IYe ¸ffÔ A´f³fZ ¶fZMXZ ÀfZ
ÀfWX-´fid°f¹fû¦fe MXe³ff QØff IZY ´fid°f ¶fPÞX°fZ »f¦ffU IZY ¶ffSXZ ¸fZÔ
¶ff°f IYSX°fe ³fþSX AfBÊÔÜ Vff»fe³f IYe ¸ffÔ MXe³ff ÀfZ Vfû IZY
d»fE ³fIY»fe ·ffU³ff ¶f³ff³fZ AüSX UfÀ°fdUIY ³fWXeÔ WXû³fZ IZY
¶ffSXZ ¸fZÔ CXÀfÀfZ ¶ff°f IYSX°fe WX`Ü UWX Vfû ¸fZÔ IYWX°fe Àfb³ffBÊ
¶f`NXIYSX WXSX Àf¸f¹f °fb¸WXfSXZ ¶ffSXZ ¸fZÔ B°f³fe ¶fbSXe ¶ff°fZÔ IYSX°fe
WX`Ô dIY þf³fIYSX ¨füÔIY þfAû¦fZÜ
Vff»fe³f IYe ¸ffÔ ³fZ IYWXf, Àf»f¸ff³f ÀfSX IYe ¶ff°f ¸ff³f
»fû, °fb¸f ³fWXeÔ Àf¸fÓf°fZ, °fb¸WXfSXf JZ»f JSXf¶f WXû SXWXf WX`Ü
d´fi¹fÔIYf IZY Àff±f SXWX³fZ IYe IYûdVfVf IYSXûÜ UWX A¨Le WX`Ü
Vffd»f³f IYe ¸ffÔ, Vffd»f³f AüSX Àfb¸¶fb»f IYû MXe³ff IZY RZYIY
WXû³fZ IZY ¶ffSXZ ¸fZÔ ¶ff°f IYSX°fZ WXbE QZJf ¦f¹ffÜ Vffd»f³f IYWX°ff
WX`: ¸ffÔ ¸f`Ô CXÀfZ d¶f»IbY»f ³fWXeÔ Àf¸fÓf ´ff¹ffÜ ¶ffQ ¸fZÔ Vffd»f³f
³fZ A´f³fe QûÀ°fe °fûOÞX³fZ IZY d»fE Àfb¸¶fb»f ÀfZ ¸ffRYe ¸ffÔ¦feÜ
Vff»fe³f IYe ¸ffÔ IYWX°fe WX`Ô, A¦fSX °fb¸f »fû¦f A´f³fZ-A´f³fZ
SXfÀ°fZ ³f þf°fZ °fû °fb¸WXfSXe QûÀ°fe IYe EIY ³f¹fe d¸fÀff»f
WXû°feÜ UWX MXe³ff ´fSX Vffd»f³f AüSX Àfb¸¶fb»f IZY ¶fe¨f QSXfSX
´f`Qf IYSX³fZ IYf AfSXû´f »f¦ff°fe WX`Ü
þ¸ff IYSX³fZ IYû »fZIYSX ³fûdMXÀf
þfSXe dIY¹ff WX`Ü
þf³fIYfSXe IZY ¸fb°ffd¶fIY ¶ffg»feUbOX
dRY»¸f Ad·f³fZÂfe EZV½f¹ffÊ SXf¹f
¶f¨¨f³f IYû dÀf³³fSX (³ffdÀfIY)
°fWXÀfe»fQfSX IZY °fSXRY ÀfZ ³fûdMXÀf
·fZþf ¦f¹ff WX`Ü QSXAÀf»f ³ffdÀfIY IZY dÀf³³fSX IZY AOÞXUfOÞXe B»ffIZY
¸fZÔ EZV½f¹ffÊ SXf¹f ¶f¨¨f³f IYe ´fU³f
¨f¢IYe IZY d»fE þ¸fe³f WX`Ü BÀfe þ¸fe³f IYf EIY Àff»f IYf 21,960 ÷Y´f¹ff MX`¢Àf IZY øY´f ¸fZÔ ¶fIYf¹ff WX`, dþÀfIYû ¸fïZ³fþSX SXJ°fZ WXbE Àfc¶fZ IZY °fWXÀfe»fQfSX IYe AûSX ÀfZ EZV½f¹ffÊ SXf¹f IZY dJ»ffRY ¹fZ ³fûdMXÀf ·fZþf ¦f¹ff WX`Ü
¶f°ff¹ff þf SXWXf WX` dIY AfOXUfOXe IZY ´fWXfOÞXe ÃfZÂf ¸fZÔ EZV½f¹ffÊ SXf¹f IZY ´ffÀf IYSXe¶f 1 WXZ¢MXZ¹fSX þ¸fe³f WX`Ü EZÀfZ ¸fZÔ 12 ¸fWXe³fZ ÀfZ ¶fIYf¹ff MX`¢Àf IYû »fZIYSX E¢MÑZÀf IYe AûSX ÀfZ IYûBÊ ·fe þUf¶f ³fWXeÔ Af¹ff WX`Ü BÀfIZY ¨f»f°fZ A¶f SXfþÀU dU·ff¦f IYû ¹fZ Àf£°f ÷YJ A´f³ff³ff ´fOÞXf WX`Ü SXfþÀU dU·ff¦f IZY þdSXE ¸ff¨fÊ ¸fWXe³fZ IZY AÔ°f °fIY ¶fIYf¹ff IYSX UÀfc»f³fZ IZY »fùf IYû ´fcSXf IYSX³fZ IZY d»fE ³fûdMXÀf EZV½f¹ffÊ IYû dQ¹ff ¦f¹ff WX`Ü ¸ff»fc¸f WXû dIY EZV½f¹ffÊ Àf¸fZ°f CXÀf B»ffIZY IZY 1200 A³¹f ÀfÔ´fdØf ²ffSXIYûÔ IYû ³fûdMXÀf ·fZþf ¦f¹ff WX`Ü
By: Sajan Kumar By: Sajan KumardAdI kE nuSkE
B³f ³fbÀJûÔ IYf ´fi¹fû¦f A´f³fZ VfSXeSX IYe °ffÀfeSX ¸fb°ffd¶fIY WXe IYSXZ
³fe¸f IYe ´fdØf¹ffÔ ÀfZWX°f IZY d»fE ¶fZWXQ CX´f¹fû¦fe WXû°fe WX`ÔÜ B³f ´fdØf¹fûÔ IZY AÔQSX IYBÊ EZÀfZ ´fû¿fIY °f°U ´ffE þf°fZ WX`Ô, dþ³fIZY ÀfZU³f ÀfZ VfSXeSX IYe IYBÊ Àf¸fÀ¹ffAûÔ IYû QcSX dIY¹ff þf ÀfIY°ff WX`Ü EZÀfZ ¸fZÔ »fû¦fûÔ IYû ´f°ff
WXû³ff ¨ffdWXE IYe ³fe¸f IYe ´fdØf¹fûÔ IYf BÀ°fZ¸ff»f dIYÀf
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Jbþ»fe IYe Àf¸fÀ¹ff QcSX WXû ÀfIY°fe WX` ¶fd»IY RYûOÞXZ
RbYÔÀfe ·fe QcSX WXû ÀfIY°fZ WX`ÔÜ
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4WXf±f AüSX ´f`SXûÔ IYe þ»f³f IYû QcSX IYSX³fZ ¸fZÔ ·fe ³fe¸f Af´fIYZ ¶fZWXQ IYf¸f Af ÀfIY°fe WX`Ü EZÀfZ ¸f`Ô ´fi·ffUe À±ff³f ´fSX ³fe¸f IYe ´fdØf¹fûÔ IZY ´fZÀMX IYû »f¦ffEÔÜ ¹fdQ Af´f þbAûÔ ÀfZ ´fSXZVff³f WX`Ô °fû EZÀfZ ¸fZÔ Af´f ³fe¸f IZY °fZ»f IYû ÀfSX ´fSX A¨LZ ÀfZ »f¦ffEÔ AüSX ¸ffd»fVf IYSXZÔÜ EZÀff IYSX³fZ ÀfZ »feÔJ AüSX þbEÔ Qû³fûÔ J°¸f WXû þfEÔ¦fZÜ
By: Sajan KumardÀIY³f ¸fZÔ A¢ÀfSX d´f¸´f»Àf WXû³fZ IZY ¶ffQ Qf¦f WXû
þf°fZ WX`ÔÜ B³f Qf¦fû IYf ÀfRYf¹ff IYSX³ff ¶fWXb°f ¸fbdVIY»f
WXû°ff WX`Ü ¹fZ Qf¦f Af´fIZY ¨fZWXSXZ IYe Jc¶fÀfcSX°fe IYû OX»f
IYSXQZ°fZ WX`ÔÜ A¢ÀfSX ¦fd¸fʹfûÔ ¸fZÔ ¹ff ¦f¸feÊ IZY VfbøYAf°fe
dQ³fûÔ ¸fZÔ dÀIY³f ¸fZÔ Qf³fZ ¹ff d´f¸´f»Àf ¹ff d´f¸´f»Àf IZY
Qf¦f WXû þf°fZ WX`ÔÜ °fû ¨fd»fE Afþ ¶f°ff°fZÔ WX`Ô dIY A¦fSX
¨fZWXSXZ ´fSX ·fe d´f¸´f»Àf Qf¦f LûOÞX ¦fE WX`Ô °fû B³fIYû
I`YÀfZ WXMXf¹ff þfEÜ
³ffdSX¹f»f IYf °fZ»f-
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²fb»f »fZÔ, BÀfÀfZ ¸fbÔWXfÀfZ ¹ff Qf¦f WXMX þfEÔ¦fZÜ ¹fZ ¨feþ
Af´fIYû IY¸f ÀfZ IY¸f 2 ÀfZ 3 WXµ°fZ IYSX³fe WX`Ü Af´fIYû
RYSXIY dQJ³ff VfbøY WXû þfE¦ffÜ ³ffdSX¹f»f IZY °fZ»f ¸fZÔ
dUMXfd¸f³f-BÊ IYe A¨Le ¸ffÂff WXû°fe WX` þû °U¨ff IYû
ÀUÀ±f ¶f³ff³fZ IZY Àff±f WXe CXÀf ´fSX ¸füþcQ Qf¦f-²f¶¶fûÔ
IYû ·fe J°¸f IYSX°fe WX`Ü
ÀfZ¶f IYf dÀfSXIYf¸fbÔWXfÀfZ J°¸f WXû³fZ IZY ¶ffQ ·fe ´feLZ LcMXZ CX³fIZY
Qf¦f-²f¶¶fûÔ IYû WXMXf³fZ IZY d»fE ÀfZ¶f IZY dÀfSXIZY IYf BÀ°fZ¸ff»f ¶fWXb°f IYfSX¦fSX WX`Ü EIY ¨f¸¸f¨f ÀfZ¶f IZY dÀfSXIZY ¸fZÔ Qû ¨f¸¸f¨f VfWXQ AüSX ±fûOÞXf ´ff³fe d¸f»ffIYSX ÷YBÊ IYe ¸fQQ ÀfZ Qf¦f ´fSX »f¦ffEÔÜ dRYSX BÀfZ 15 ÀfZ 20 d¸f³fMX °fIY SXJZÔ AüSX dRYSX ¸fbhWX ²fû»fZÔÜ Qf¦f WX»fIZY WXû þfEÔ¦fZÜ
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ÀfZ ¸f`¢Àfe OÑZÀf I`YSXe IYSX³fe ¨ffdWXE þ`ÀfZ I`YþbA»f, dMÑ´f ¹ff RiYZÔOXÐÀf IZY Àff±f ¦f`QdSXÔ¦f ¸fZÔ Af´f Àffgd»fOX
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¸f`¢Àfe OÑZÀfZÀf ´fSXRZY¢MX Afg´Vf³Àf WX`ÔÜ Afþ WX¸f
Af´fIYû ¶f°ff SXWXZ WX`Ô dIY Af´f ¸f`¢Àfe OÑZÀf IZY Àff±f
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°fû Af´f ¸f`¢Àfe OÑZÀf IZY Àff±f »ffgRYÀfÊ ´fWX³f ÀfIY°fZ WX`ÔÜ
¶fÀf, Af´fIYû ¹ffQ SXJ³ff WX` dIY »ffgRYÀfÊ Af´fIYe OÑZÀf
IZY Àff±f ¸f`¨f IYSX°fZ WXbE WXûÜ
IYSX³fe WX`, °fû Af´f UZþZÀf ´fWX³f ÀfIY°fZ WX`ÔÜ ´f`SXûÔ IZY d»fE UZþZÀf WXe»f ¶fWXb°f AfSXf¸fQf¹fIY WXû°fe WX`ÔÜ UZþZÀf
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¶f`»fZdSX³ffÀf IZY IYBÊ ÀMXfB»Àf A´f³fe OÑZÀf IZY dWXÀff¶f
·fe ´fWX³f ÀfIY°fe WX`ÔÜ
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¸f`¢Àfe OÑZÀf IYû À³feIYÀfÊ IZY Àff±f ¸f`¨f IYSX ÀfIY°fZ WX`ÔÜ
Af´fIYû »ffBMX, WX`Ue À´fûMXeÊ MXfB´f IZY IYBÊ À³feIYÀfÊ
d¸f»f þfEÔ¦fZÜ
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Àff±f WXe»Àf ´fWX³f ÀfIY°fZ WX`ÔÜ ¹fWX Af´fIZY ¸f`¢Àfe »fbIY
IYû B³fWX`ÔÀf IYSX³fZ IZY d»fE IYfRYe WX`Ü Af´f ¦»ffgÀfe
By: Sajan KumarWhat's your #Astrology sign? Select your Astro sign and read below.
Aries (March 21- April 20)
You may find new or unusual associations develop through your work situation or you may find that new associates lead to different avenues of work. You‘re shining in an all new way and people will gravitate to whatever you‘ve figured out for yourself.
Leo (Jul 23 - August 23)
The art of negotiation will be a key ingredient to finding your emotional happiness and security this month. Set goals for how you want things to improve and then work to reap a dividend. Some of you may make a romantic connection through a working situation.
(November 23 - December 21)
Your knowledge of methods or techniques of communication will be to your advantage. There may be dealings with people in authority, especially women. You may hit the big time if you make that last push towards success with long term goals or important aspirations.
Taurus (April 21- March 20)
Your path is well aspected for rewards both through money and fellowship. For the moment though, concentrate on new possibilities and the best way to learn and apply new skills. Health issues will be important on the path of change.
Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 23)
There may be confusion or difficulty at work that affects your partnership situation. Some of you may opt for a new personal direction because of such changes. There could be shifts of an unexpected nature.This is not a good period for decisionmaking or fine judgement.
December 22 - January 20)
You may find yourself amid a wealth of new connections and people of status or academic standing may be among them. There may be dealings with professional people. Legal or religious matters may feature. You may have important discussions with close associates that offer changed horizons.
Gemini (May 21-Jun 21)
You need to get some advice that reveals different options, methods or approaches. Some of you will be drawn to risks, gambles or the more speculative venture. Make sure you take advice from those in the know. A change of direction with money could be beneficial.
Libra (September 24- October 23)
The load of responsibility could be a heavy one this month and you may have to balance one activity against another. Make sure you build some beneficial activities into your busy day so that you can keep good health through enjoyable recreational activity.
(January 21 - February 18)
Contact with people of other nations or cultures may play a part in partnership activity. There may be new romance or marriage. For others, partnership will flourish and changed conditions for your nearest and dearest will bring change for you. Such change may bring an elevation of status.
Cancer (Jun 22- July 22)
Your energy levels may be shifting, moving you subtly towards different patterns of work. You may have success through creative or spiritual pursuits. Those married or with a partner may find themselves working together or experiencing a professional change that affects close or romantic relationships.
Scorpio (Octo. 24-Nov. 22)
You may be developing something new or simply exploring other aspects of your inner self.There will be new romance and romantic interests for some. Conduct yourselves in accordance with the highest values or ideals and you will rise in people’s estimation.
Pisces (February 19March 20)
Joint arrangements with regard to money or resources may go through a change.Committed couplesneed to try to bring some romance back into their lives if you feel things are struggling or uncertain. Singles will be yearning for a deep level of companionship to fulfil themselves.
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