Sam planned to go to Whistler and stay there overnight in a hotel the coming Saturday. We went there and enjoyed ourselves a lot with the beautiful landscape views. It was a lovely view to en joy from the hotel balcony. Nancy, sitting in Sam’s lap, was enjoying herself too.
“I wish time would stop here. And I could love you at this very moment, all that I could do in my whole life.”, Sam said.
“How nice it would be if we lived like this all our life.”, I also said romantically.
“Even if I have to leave this world I…”, Sam was saying, I covered his mouth with my hand and stopped him from saying anything more.
“We need Sam very much. I haven’t been compen sated for my previous losses yet. Never ever dare even to think so.”, I replied but internally, I was terri bly shaken by what Sam meant. I was reminded of what the pandit had pre dicted for me. Sam again wanted to say something but I didn’t let him speak.
“Children need both par ents until they grow up and settle in their life. Please change the topic or enjoy yourself with us quietly.”, I said.
“Sonia, when our adult hood comes we feel nei ther importance of it, nor do we have any idea how to care for it. We ruin the most beautiful time of our life with our stupidities.
When we begin to realize its value, our youth is al most ready to say goodbye to us.”, Sam contemplated and I agreed with him.
“Why don’t our parents guide us as they have gone through almost all sorts of such situations? Why isn’t any such partic ular subject taught in our schools or colleges that could help a couple to start their married life with everlasting love? What’s the use of other studies if we don’t learn how to live with love and peace?”, Sam said and I really liked the idea.
By that time, Prof. Virdi had read about Terry Fox’s life in much detail and realized what pains Terry Fox had gone through in the absence of effective treatments, but his efforts had resulted in saving millions of cancer patients with his fundrais er through his ‘Marathon of Hope’. Prof. Virdi earnestly felt that he owed the rest of his life to Terry Fox’s lega cy. He decided to follow his footsteps by walking through thirteen major cities of Can ada from East to west and driving or flying from city to city, starting from St. John’s,
(where the Statue of Terry Fox stands) the capital city of Newfoundland and Lab rador as the place Terry Fox started from, and walking through Halifax, Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg,
Regina, Calgary, Edmonton, Abbotsford, Surrey (his home town), Delta and concluded his walk in Vancouver where his Hero Terry Fox’s statue stands on Expo Blvd. He got a Letter of Support from BC
Cancer Foundation this year in May. He with his compan ion Gurwinder S. Nandra as a caretaker started his walk on June 14, 2022 after taking blessings from Gurdwara Dukh Nivaran sahib on June 13, 2022. During his walk of about 350 kms, he stopped by various Sikh & Hindu tem ples spreading the message of standing strong in the face of cancer and staying posi tive, saying yes to life along with a target of raising one million dollars for BC Cancer Foundation for research to find a 100% sure cure for this critical disease.
Mr. J Minhas, an eminent philanthropist, Inderjit Bains