Architectural Association RIBA Part2 Portfolio

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JIAQI SUN Tel: E-mail:+44(0),UniversityoftheArtsLondon

Award: The third prize & Most innovative design Teamwork: build an accessorial building with cardboard in 3 days.

Working Experience

USED FREQUENTLY: MicrosoftSketchAdobeAdobeAdobeAutodeskAdobeAutodeskVrayRhinocerosforRhinoRevitPhotoshopCADInDesignIllustratorpremierUpSuites

2022.6 Architectural Association School of Architecture(AA) RIBA Part2 Master of Architecture/ AA Diploma (commendation) Nominated for the award of the AA Diploma with Honours 2021-22

2016.5 The first session of Beijing construction festival(competition)

2020.7 Architectural Association School of Architecture(AA) RIBA Part1 Nominated for Henry Florence studentship (AA prize) Project “City farm in Anthropocene”, tutored by Silvana Taher

Project “Market as an ever-changing performance”, tutored by David Kohn&Bushra Mohand Project “Culinary space as a Transition” tutored by Selva Gurdogan& Gregers Thomsen Website: Instagram:https://jiaqisss.wordpress.comsunjq719

Other Experience

2018-Present London, UK 2015-2017 Beijing,SkillsChina KNOWLEDGE OF: InscapeGrasshopperAfterBlenderLumionEffects

2018.7-2018.9 Architecture internship in SODA ARCHITECTS Including site analysis, designing, model making (physical&digi tal), rendering, powerpoint making and technical details RIBA stage 0-4 2019.2-2019.4 Architecture internship in Approach Studio Including designing, digital model making, booklet layouting, assisting with client/competition presentations in PowerPoint RIBA stage 0-3

Projects includes villa, studios, teahouse, kindergarten and garden

Visa Status: Tier4 Placement year until 2024.10

2018.02.102018.02.05- Design Team Member & Construction Labour / Undergraduate Degree Show Exhibition / Stage 2 Making Week in Spatial Prac tice, Central Saint Martins, UAL Timber Structure Pavilion / London, United Kingdom

2015.9-2017.12 Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture (BUCEA) Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Year 1-2 & 1st term of year 3

LANGUAGE: Mandarin (mother tongue) English (IELTS 8.0) Project “sex zone”, tutored by Orsalia Dimitriou

2017.9 Volunteered in the Earthern Architecture Beijing-Hongkong Bi-City exhi bition and International Modern Earthern Architecture Symposium Held by Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and Wuzhiqiao Charitable Fund

(UAL)/ BA(Hons) Architecture/ Full-time year 2 Project “artists in residence”, tutored by Daniel Mamort

The inner surface of the space is covered by capsule boxes of different colors and semi-transparent mirror walls. The capsule box on one side of the wall and the top surface, plus the reflection of the translucent mirror, allows the entire space to be wrapped in the bright color of the capsules. In the central part of the space is a pure cylindrical stand like a sculpture base.

Architects, Beijing, China

Design of open space Space development Land development

01 Hotel ArchitecturalNanjing,DesignChinaPracticeinSODA

The project is Nescafe Dolce Gusto‘s first concept store in the world in Shanghai, which is an avant-garde practice. Facing Huaihai Road, it is composed by 3000 capsules, which changes with time and theme. We placed a program mable LED light in about 1000 white capsules to make each of them like a single pixel. Every 15 capsules are packed in a transparent box. All the boxes together create a 3 meter by a 3-meter multimedia screen, presenting a low-resolu tion but dynamic image.

Surrounded by existing forest, the project tried to make an image of arcadia. The created ups and downs on land offer an entry from underground to an open space in the middle. The sharp and high roof acts as a landmark thing facing the city.

dining area swimminggym pool hotelSPA rooms sales parkingundergroundmediastructure&officeinstallationarea

The hotel is proposed in suburb area of Nanjing, aiming to create a multi-functional place for mainly old and middle-aged people. The functions include bedroom, swimming pool, SPA, dining room, media room and gym.

Shanghai, China

02 A Future Store Made by Coffee Capsules

Architectural Practice in SODA Architects, Beijing, China

03 Culinary Space as a Transition Year 5 project at AA The project proposes a new type of resettlement space for immigrants by looking at Chinese restaurant as a mechanism of processing immigrants. Three types of spaces are picked to understand the roles and functions of the restaurant system. As an unofficial system, ownership of spaces, autonomy, connection to the society, independence and equality between groups can be seen in this unofficial system.

Every years, tens of thousands of foreign nationals arrive in UK. For asylum seeking, for protection, for food and for living. By comparing the pros and cons of the official and unofficial systems, a hybrid version of immigration centre is proposed in the project. Is there any chance to propose a new type of immigration centre by bringing in culinary space as a method of transition and integra

First Floor

Ground Floor plan

Thetion?project speculates an alternative of processing immigrants by using culinary as a spacial way to rebuild the connections be tween groups, and helps integrate. The projects works as an eco nomic mechanism as well as a space that provides basic needs of living and at the same time the connections and communication. It makes a passive process into a spontaneous and optimistic tem porary community, and as well a response to the current hostile environment. plan

Surrounded by local residence, open green space, culture centre and other tionNewhamtrades.tationsforcenturyHistorically,munity.tonectionspotentialwhichspacesproposedforretail,offerstheforconthelocalcomin18thitwasusedtobaccoplanandslaveregeneraplan Official & Unofficial Between two systems In


As an restaurant.Takeaway,bigcording3spaceanddifferentInimmigrants?integrationplayrestaurantWhatmechanisminhabitationimportantandbehind,roledoessysteminthelong-termoftheseordertoobserveinhabitationstheroleculinaryplays,Ipickedcasesandacspaces.Thesizerestaurant,smallsize terms of the official model, immigrants will experience several stages before being finally allocated. And the majority of

In 2020, Home office proposed to build immigration centre in warehouse k, Which followed by protests from local community, due to the fear of a

Case asChinesestudy:restaurantamechanism


The drawing shows the life of a white foam box, from4 am to 8:30, as a container, as a exhibit ing place, as a price tag, as a balance box, as a coffee table, as a working desk, gone trash.

Site Old Billingsgate fish market

Life of a foam container

04 Market as a ever-changing performance?

The project is inspired by case studies on two markets, Taki-Sarrafon in Bukhara and Billingsgate fish market in London. By looking at the formation and elements of two types, the project understands market as an ever-changing performance and daily ritual woven in city life. By comparing the history of old billigsgate fish market and the new billingsgate, the project proposes a new version of fish market as a new use of old billingsgate as well as a response to the historical buildings regeneration. By taking white foam box as a key element and reusable object, the project is questioning: Is it possible to bring the fish things back to town in contemporary context? Can new ways of transportation reshape the old billingsgate? Can we make a market not just about commercial activities? Can we make it a ritualised fish community? Can we integrate living within foams and fish? Can foam box become a new brick of 21st century? Year 4 project at AA

White foam as a defining experiential qualities of the market, facilitates the market in many aspects. Early formation on bankside Daily ritual in city If we look into the history of old billingsgate, we see that the performance of it was large ly shaped by the way of fish transport. River Thames in 18th century

Given an industrial twist by architect Lord Richard Rogers, the building has undergone an amazing transformation, from the 19th century’s largest fish market to London’s premier event space. Transportations and activities in old times. Old use of spaces--by section

Market can be more than a market, not purely for commercial use. it can also be a public corridor, a city infrastructure, a plaza. An ever-changing show stage. A place to visit as well as shopping.

Second Use of Old billingsgate fish market --In layers

People start to stay longer on the site and more uses are developed. Some more private spaces will come up.

More activities begin to appear, and more interactions with fish show up. The traders will be moving their life to the foams.

At first foam boxes will be stacked as a warehouse Then some cooking and serving emerge and more spaces are created.

A portion of the Foam Taki Sarrfon by foam boxes from billings gate fish market, and this is where the project film took place. project film

With time, more traders join along with families The kitchen expands and become a restaurant to serve more need. More upstair spaces are also put in use. People start to create their own space by breaking the constraints of the original structure.

Insulation layer The structure layer The inner layer plaster Surface plaster pulp sealed metal hoop InsulationWaterprooflayerThestructurelayerTheinnerlayerplaster sectionB 1:5 Asphalt oil hemp Sealant seal


Double glazing wall Concrete facade panel

Manure is collected down the miking space and then be di vided into solid part and water part and be used for water ing grass hay and used as fertilizer, the heat is collected by a big fan and exchanged to domestic space.

Ondivided.thesite of the surrey docks farm it’s mainly for school or family trip or commercial use.

Technical Study

Surface InsulationplasterlayerThestructurelayerTheinnerlayerplaster


Research and observation started from surrey docks farm, which is a city farm in Canada water. Although people are close to animals, the connection between them are mainly visual connection, the animal playground center space makes it more like a zoo. The function and spaces for human and animals are very

Even outside the farm, the image of surrey docks farm is also place for short visit and taking beautiful photos, which makes it, in a way, an Instagram photo factory.

Daily routine and life cycle of diary cows. At what time they get milked, they eat and rest. When they are born they will be taken away from their mother cow to separated calf pen, some of them will be used for diary cows, while the others will be either killed for meat or burning up.

Year 3 project at AA

sectionC 1:5 Double glazing wall Concrete facade panel

05 New City Farm in Anthropocene For film For full presentation An imagination of new type of city farm. Diary cow is taken as an example. People can not only see the cow but also see and participant in things behind, milk production, meat production...People live more closely with cows.

Collaged model with elements Developed space


The section shows the journey from left to right along the corridor, people will experience cheese making workshop to see production related to diary cows, exhibition area of cows archives calf pen, restaurants and cow body burning area, which is the end of both the journey and cows life. Up there are rooms for people to live with cows.

In terms of materialality and space languages, looked back to an early model for inspiration, the model idea started from a group collage and was trying to play around different materials and to see how they go together. There are moments of different feelings, some are monumental, some are controlled, some are sharp ,and some are solid or soft. had a feeling that some of these feelings can be matched to the happenings in the proposal.

Materiality and space languages

The overall axo of the ingoingeverythingspaces.cows,area,Bedroom,project.grasscorridor,burningAndistogetherone.

In the exhibition area of cow archive, people see cows skeleton and photos highlighting the moments of human and cows. In the restaurant, people can see the slaughter house, up there is a calf space. People can see these baby cows before they’re killed and they can visit those or select which they want to have for meal. The holes let lights come in and there can be some visual connection between up and down.


artists’ life. Exploded Axo in context Year 2 project at CSM


get a


to learn about

and work together. Artists


06 in residence Co-living project, offering place local artists live get income through exhibiting works and local residence chance both and

Art studios Co -working spaces Exhibition spaces Bar Yard Ground Floor Plan 1 exhibition area 2 co-working area 3 single studios in differrent sizes 4 courtyard for artists living here 5 lift for the disabled visitors 6 ticket office 7 toilets FINAL DRAWING BAstudioJiaqiSunArchitecture Stage 2 art studio & gallery in poplarbar on the first floor co-living space co-working space exhibition area

a Growth 08 Artworks b Body memory A removed tooth decay. As a removed part of body, from inside body to outside body. Body is the most precoius gift created by nature, no matter the fresh or the destroyed.

c 3AMSelf-portraits HER

Adam washed himslf carefully and enjoyfully to feel his body and enjoy others’ body peacefully and equally under the light in the middle. With a freshed-up body, Adam continued his steping up. Light came out through the archs with figures of moving people. Adam was absorbed in the sweet and moist and sexy air. People gathered around for the celebration of sex. Under the sacred light in the middle, they stood, meditate and smile, to feel everything inside and around their bodies. ‘Come! Join us!’ Eva looked back and waved at Adam.

Adam was browsing around on the road, suddenly he saw a big concrete box with a small door. What’s that? He entered and felt light in the middle, he instinctly head up to feel closer to the light....‘gush...what’s there on the ceiling? dick.. lips and..boobs’...He said surprisingly and made his body into a worshiping gesture Adam stepped up along the light...‘What’s the sound? Anyone’s having sex?’ Then he entered the porn watching zone. He raised his head to fighure out what’s in the light... beautiful boobs and legs.. sometimes there and some times disappear......‘body in books, body in films and body in reality’ he smiled, ‘Such a dream’like moment’.

In traditional prostitutions, the whole thing is domi nated by clients and pimps, who are usually males.

Adam went into the film site, where people here shoot film. Adam can still see the bra and underwears...and condom left on the messy bed....‘Everything is just so...real.’ Adam was totally immersed in the pinky atmosphere. While walking up, Adam felt a bit warm water and shampoo in the air. He can even see vague moving bodies through curtains. ‘Changing for what? Bathing? He wondered.

Adam took-off all his clothes while gazing at the girl, who was bathing, through the curtain. might have seen her boobs just now down stairs....she has so beautiful body.’ Adam felt hard to hold himslf.

07 Art Project--sex church The project imagines a new type of prosti tution to unstigmatise sex-workers and also challenges social norms. Sex trade is treated as a ‘special business’. Compared to food, clothes, housing, sex-releated things are still seen as a different commodity though it’s basic human needs as well.

Year 2 project at CSM

The images below are trying to show a new relatio ship between different genders. With the promotion of their social status, females are breaking the old rules and creating a new thing. Penis and virgina here are symbols of two genders.

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