Life + Style 18 September 2015

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The secret to Beau’s success See page 2



Art & creativity | Food | Fashion | At home with...




life+style The Weekend Sun 21 2015 2015 18August, September,

Beau’s beats Meet Meet the the man man behind behind the the loop loop He’s He’saareal realchilled-out chilled-outdude dudewho whojust just goes goeswith withthe theflfow. ow.He Hegreets greetsme menot not with withaahello, hello,but butaa“Chur, “Chur,how howare areyou?” you?” Beau BeauMonga Mongaisiseveryone’s everyone’sbro. bro. He Hewas wasthe the“middle “middledude” dude”atatschool, school,friends friendswith with everyone. everyone.Now, Now,the the21-year-old 21-year-oldTauranga Taurangamusician, musician, aaNgati NgatiRanginui Ranginuiiwi iwidescendant, descendant,has hasmore morefriends friends than thanhe hecan cancount counton onhis hisfifngers. ngers.It’s It’sbecause becausehe’s he’sBeau Beau Monga, Monga,The TheXXFactor FactorNew NewZealand Zealandwinner winnerfor for2015. 2015. From Frombusking buskingon onthe thestreets streetsofofManurewa, Manurewa,Hamilton Hamilton and andAuckland, Auckland,the themulti-talented multi-talentedbeat-boxer, beat-boxer,dancer dancer and andvocalist vocalistisisthe thenewest newestStan StanWalker, Walker,but butwith withaatwist. twist. He’s He’sgot gotstyle, style,swagger swaggerand andsass sass––all alliningood gooddoses. doses. Beau Beauturned turnedheads headsafter afterwinning winning‘The ‘TheXXFactor’ Factor’with with his hisdistinctive distinctivelooping loopingbeats. beats.But Butititwas wasno no“biggy” “biggy”toto Beau. Beau.Nope, Nope,he hewas wasjust justdoing doingwhat whathe helikes likesdoing. doing. “I“Iwas wasjust justgoing goingwith Iwasn’t wasn’treally reallythinking thinkingabout about ititininthe theshow, show,I Ithought: thought:‘If‘Ifget geteliminated eliminatedI Ido; do;ififI I don’t, don’t,I Idon’t’. don’t’. “But “Butnow nowthat thatit’s it’sactually actuallyhappened, happened,it’s it’smade mademe me realise realiseI Idid didreally reallywant wantthis. this.I’m I’mreally reallyhappy happyI’m I’mhere. here. I’ve I’vegot gotmy myfoot footininthe thedoor doorand andI Ican cango gofor forititififI Iwant want now.” now.” He’s He’snot notinto intothe thetrades, trades,nor norsitting sittingbehind behindaadesk deskfor foraa living. living.Music Musicisiswhere wherehe hewants wantstotobe. be. “I“Ifeel feelfree freeasasbecause becauseI’m I’mdoing doingsomething somethingI Ilike,” like,”says says Beau, Beau,who whowas wasplucked pluckedfrom from‘The ‘TheXXFactor’ Factor’show showand and dropped droppedstraight straightinto intothe themusic musicscene sceneafter afterfifnding ndinghis his talent talentmerely merelytwo twoyears yearsago. ago.

“It “Itwasn’t wasn’tuntil untilI Ififnished nishedhigh highschool schooland andgot gotmy my looper looperthat thatI Iactually actuallystarted startedtotorealise realiseI Iwanted wantedtoto do domusic,” music,”says saysBeau. Beau. The The‘looper’ ‘looper’he’s he’sreferring referringtotoisisaaloop looppedal pedalthat that allows allowshim himtotocreate createelectroacoustic electroacousticsounds soundsby by repeating repeatingaasection sectionofofsound soundand andpatterns. patterns. “I“Ijust justwanted wantedtotomake makemy myown ownstuff stuffand and I Iknew knewno-one no-oneelse elsewas wasdoing doingitithere hereininNew New Zealand Zealandand andI Iwas wasalready alreadybeatboxing, beatboxing,soso I Ijust justwanted wantedtototry tryititout,” out,”says saysBeau. Beau. He Hehad hadan aninkling inklinghe’d he’dmake makeitittotothe thebig bigtime time with withhis hisnew-found new-foundmulti-talent, multi-talent,but buthe hedidn’t didn’t know knowititwould wouldbe beonly onlyaayear yearuntil untilhe hesaw sawhis hisface face on onthe thecover coverofofaaself-titled self-titleddebut debutalbum. album. “I“Ididn’t didn’tthink thinkititwould wouldbe bethis this quick,” quick,”says saysBeau. Beau.“I“Ijust justthought thoughtifif I Ido doititon onmy myown, own,ititwould wouldtake takeatat least leastfifveveyears. years.I Ithought thoughtI Iwas wasgoing going totoplay playbasketball basketballtotobe behonest.” honest.” He Hewas waspretty prettygood goodatatitittoo, too, basketball basketballthat Beauwas wasselected selectedinto into the theNew NewZealand ZealandKorus Korusbasketball basketballteam team atatage age13. 13.“We “Weplayed playedhard-out hard-outback back then thenuntil untilI Iwas wasabout about16,” 16,”says saysBeau. Beau. ‘Hard ‘Hardout’ out’isisKiwi Kiwislang slangfor fortotally totally applying applyingyourself yourselftotosomething. something. Beau’s Beau’sadvice advicetototeenagers teenagerswith withaa dream dreamofofpursuing pursuingaacareer careerininmusic music is:is:“Whatever “Whateverthey theylike likedoing, doing,stick stick with withthat thatand andjust justgo gohard”. hard”.That That means Zoe meansgo gofor ZoeHunter Hunter

Hawridge developments 15x7

“I“Ifeel feelfree freeas as because becauseI’m I’mdoing doing something somethingI Ilike” like”

21 August, 2015 18 September, 2015

life+style The Weekend Sun 3

At home with...

Ewa Fenn

“I believe we are people of the world”

The woman caring for the city’s cultures Good things come in small packages – and at a petite 4ft-something, Ewa Fenn is clearly one of the good ones. caving in her heyday. “That was all of the time before I left Poland,” says Ewa. She migrated to NZ in 1982 at age 30-something, ffirst to Christchurch before settling in Tauranga later on. Here, Ewa loves to walk. “My latest achievement was the Tongariro Alpine Crossing last year,” says Ewa. There’s something very special about Ewa and her home. We feel welcome here, beliefs and all. Admittedly, Ewa never wanted the role as president of the Tauranga regional Ethnic Council in 2007 after becoming a member just three years prior. She thought she’d be in way over her head. But, it seems Ewa was the perfect woman for the job. Multicultural meetings began around her kitchen table, before Creative Tauranga offered a space in their then offices at No. 1 The Strand. Introducing off monthly Living in Harmony evenings to showcase and get to know the various cultures of people who live in Tauranga

Versatile products 9x4

Photos: Photos: Chris Chris Callinan Callinan

She’s the woman who’s played a pivotal role in helping new migrants to the Bay of Plenty for more than 10 years. And this month, Ewa became the 2015 recipient of the annual Recognition for Services to Migrants award. But who is Ewa Fenn? Where does she come from and what is her culture? Ewa was born in Poland, a country known for its medieval architecture, Jewish heritage and hearty cuisine. For most of her early life, Ewa studied and worked in Krakow, one of Poland’s oldest cities. There, she earned a degree in biology and worked in the department of comparative anatomy at the university. “The research I was doing later on was based on ecology. Part of that work, I completed an expedition to Antarctica to collect white blooded ffish, which was at that stage very new and was just recently discovered.” Today, she’s a mother of three, has been married twice and went yachting and

was next on Ewa’s agenda. When Creative Tauranga moved offices, Ewa was faced with the off challenge of ffinding a new home for the group. So she went straight to the city’s top man, the mayor. A space for

rent at the Historic Village was offered, but Ewa turned up her nose at ffirst. “I imagined the migrant centre being in town, so newcomers could actually see us when they’re out there looking for us.”

But, because “everything else was too expensive” they eventually took the room. “The rest is history,” says Ewa. “I’ve always wanted a migrant centre for the city, a place where Zoe Hunter Hunter people can meet us.” Zoe

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18August, September, life+style The Weekend Sun 21 20152015

The show must go on

“I love the show “I love the show and find it so and find it so inspiring and inspiring and energising” energising”

Putting her best breast forward When Robyn Speed walks the Tarnished Frocks and Divas catwalk on Saturday it will be one of the last outings for her left breast. Robyn Robyn isis ensuring ensuring she she relishes relishes the the occasion occasion and and she’s she’s not not holding holding back. back. For For one one of of her her appearances appearances she she goes goes bra-less bra-less under under aa simple simple slip slip below below an an amazing amazing hat. hat. When When Robyn, Robyn, aa health health conscious conscious 53-year53-yearold, old, was was diagnosed diagnosed with with breast breast cancer cancer in in July, July, the the advice advice was was to to have have surgery surgery immediately. immediately. There There were were two two areas areas of of concern, concern, which which meant meant aa mastectomy mastectomy was was the the necessary necessary surgical surgical solution. solution. Instead Instead of of simply simply going going along along with with aa medical medical directive directive given given fairly fairly fif rmly rmly on on the the telephone, telephone, Robyn Robyn stopped stopped and and took took stock. stock. “I “I felt felt II did did not not have have enough enough information information to to make make aa decision, decision, and and itit took took real real effort effort on on my my part part to to fif nd nd out out what what II needed needed to to know.” know.” Robyn Robyn also also had had other other reasons. reasons. As As aa qualifi qualif ed ed naturopath, naturopath, with with her her own own natural natural health health business, business, having having to to enter enter the the mainstream mainstream medical medical system system and and be be at at the the mercy mercy of of it, it, highly highly skilled skilled though though the the surgeons surgeons are, are, was was aa challenge challenge –– though though having having natural natural health health practitioners practitioners work work more more closely closely with with the the medical medical profession profession to to help help people people heal heal has has always always been been aa goal goal of of Robin’s. Robin’s. Her Her role role in in Tarnished Tarnished Frocks Frocks and and Divas Divas was was also also aa consideration. consideration. “I “I love love the the show show and and fif nd nd itit so so inspiring inspiring and and energising energising II did did not not want want to to miss miss it. it. It It probably probably sounded sounded crazy crazy to to the the surgeon surgeon to to be be told told that that participation participation in in aa show show was was more more important important than than immediate immediate surgery, surgery, but but II genuinely genuinely felt felt this this was was important important to to


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my my overall overall wellbeing wellbeing as as II prepared prepared to to lose lose aa breast.” breast.” Robyn’s Robyn’s naturopathy naturopathy experience experience and and the the intuitive intuitive knowledge knowledge of of her her own own body body gained gained over over aa lifetime lifetime as as aa type type one one diabetes diabetes sufferer sufferer came came into into play. play. “I “I knew knew II was was undertaking undertaking aa new new journey journey here here and and II wanted wanted to to ensure ensure itit was was aa considered considered path path not not aa quick quick reaction reaction II might might live live to to regret.” regret.” She She did did her her research research and and took took advice advice from from colleagues colleagues and and lateral lateral thinkers thinkers in in the the health health profession. profession. This This made made her her feel feel safe safe and and strong strong in in the the decisions decisions she she made, made, and and in in conveying conveying them them to to others. others. “My “My friends friends and and family family were were fantastically fantastically supportive,” supportive,” she she says. says. She She also also wanted wanted to to prepare prepare her her body body for for the the ‘onslaught’ ‘onslaught’ having having discovered, discovered, in in her her research, research, solid solid evidence evidence that that enhancing enhancing your your health health before before an an operation operation can can aid aid recovery recovery and and reduce reduce likelihood likelihood of of recurrence. recurrence. “I “I have have been been ridding ridding my my body body of of toxins toxins with with organic organic food food and and lots lots of of healthy healthy juices. juices. The The Tauranga Tauranga Farmers’ Farmers’ Market Market isis aa great great source source of of natural natural food.” food.” The The experience experience of of performing performing in in Tarnished Tarnished Frocks Frocks and and Divas Divas has has been been aa fantastic fantastic antidote antidote to to concerns concerns about about her her health. health. “I “I have have adored adored every every minute minute of of itit and and met met amazing amazing women women who who have have supported supported me me in in my my decisions decisions and and thrown thrown themselves themselves into into this this shared shared experience experience of of the the show.” show.”

18 September, 2015 21 August, 2015

life+style The Weekend Sun 5

“It initially shocked me that my ‘self-aware’ body should let me down like this”

Photos: Photos:Bruce BruceBarnard Barnard

This is Robyn’s second appearance as a model in the biennial ‘theatre of the catwalk’. She was drawn into the show by her old friend Robyne Dowdall, who is its Creative Director of Design. She arrived on the Dowdall doorstep one day feeling pretty low. “My daughter Tammy had just left home for university and my cat had been run over. While I was receiving empathy from Robyne she had a call from the show’s producer, Denny Spee. I heard her say, ‘I have a model here for you. I will tell her to audition.’ f rst rehearsals “Despite nearly falling over in the fi I trusted the process. I’ve been hooked on the show ever since and it certainly allayed any empty nest feeling,” she adds. Robyn’s son Matt, now 23, lives in Australia, where, among other things, he is a hypnotist; and 20-year-old Tammy is studying textiles and weaving in Wellington. Robyn freely acknowledges the dichotomy of being a naturopath with breast cancer. “It initially shocked me that my ‘self-aware’ body should let me down like this,” admits Robyn, despite her knowledge that nature takes no prisoners. Robyn qualifi qualif ed as a naturopath in 2004 after working as a beauty therapist and, for complete contrast, a stint on the prawn boats in Australia. Her clinic is the front room of her cottage which pays homage to retro. “When I bought most of it, it was considered junk!” she laughs of décor, which acts as the perfect backdrop for the Tarnished Frocks and Divas-style ethos. As soon as the show is over she will book in for surgery, body prepared, spirits uplifted by participation in the performance and with full intention that life and business will continue with even more enthusiasm. conf dent and powerful,” she says of her future “I feel confi Liz French French and her part in deciding it. Liz

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September, life+style The Weekend Sun 2118August, 2015 2015

“I’m a bunch of nerves beforehand. You just can’t prepare yourself for something like that”

Fraser Cove Liquor 18x3

Queen of savoury Hayley’s MasterChef dream continues f rst meal to her family. Hayley Marie Bilton was just seven-years-old when she served her first Standing on her tip-toes, the budding chef could barely see over the kitchen benchtop. “I’ve been cooking since I could sit on a stool at grandma’s kitchen bench, and stir and lick a spoon,” says the 31-year-old ‘MasterChef New Zealand’ contestant from Papamoa. “My sisters and I used to pretend to be waitresses f sh and chip night every Friday.” on homemade fish Balancing a plate on her forearm like a true professional, Hayley would serve Mum and Dad a plateful of her favourite treat, deep fried mushrooms. “It used to be my favourite as an entrée, and I’d serve them round and thought I was pretty cool,” says Hayley. For desert: lemon sago – an elaborate dish for a seven-year-old. But the plates would come back licked clean, not a crumb in sight. f rst desert I ever made,” “It was probably the first says Hayley. “I used to make it with my nana. def nitely the one who used to go out of “She was definitely the box and make things like avocado ice-cream and random stuff that pushes boundaries. I definitely def nitely get those risks from her.” However, it’s clear from the dishes she’s served in def nitely got a front of the nation that Hayley has definitely taste for savoury over sweet. f rst round After all, Hayley made it through the first with her favourite savoury dish: chilli and lemongrass risotto and baked snapper. “I don’t really eat sweet things,” says Hayley. “Cooking sweet things is a bit of a nightmare. Hence why one of my last dishes didn’t turn out.” She’s talking about the dish in episode nine, when

f rst the Papamoa cook made the bottom two for the first time. f avours with Starting off with a blind tasting of flavours contrasting textures, the episode saw contestants’ tastebuds put to the test. Contestants then had to cook what was Hayley’s best and worst nightmare come true: one savoury dish and one sweet dish, showcasing different textures. Her sweet dish was meant to be an orange chocolate tart, but ended up as crumbs on a plate with dollops of chocolate mousse and cream. “It was an epic fail, it literally looked like poos on a plate,” says Hayley. “It just didn’t set, it never doesn’t set.” So, it was thank goodness for savoury. Hayley’s comeback dish, chicken and tofu dumplings with miso eggplant puree and master stock, earned her a place in the next round and after Monday’s episode she’s now officially off cially in the show’s top five. f ve. Hayley’s next goal? Winning ‘MasterChef New f ngers for no Zealand 2015’. So she’s crossing her fingers more desert disasters. “I’m hoping to take it out. I’m hoping to be the next Rachel Ray of New Zealand and I can’t do that without winning,” laughs Hayley. Just like her favourite lookalike chef Rachel, Hayley is a whiz in the kitchen – and she’s got the bubbly, quirky and fun personality to match. “I’ve always wanted to have my own TV show like Rachel Ray. I want to take the Ellen DeGeneres slot,




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18 21 September, 2015 August, 2015

life+style The Weekend Sun 7

“But as soon as I start cooking, everything for some reason comes to me and I’ve got it sorted”

bringbring on Haylee Marie! on Haylee Marie! “I think there’s a market for it. it it “I think there’s a market forI think it. I think just goes to show through ‘MasterChef’ that that just goes to show through ‘MasterChef’ I canI handle it. It’sit.given me the dence can handle It’s given me conf the confi dence to betoable to push that.” be able to push that.” Hayley’s a self-confessed f recracker in her Hayley’s a self-confessed firecracker in her workwork life, life, but quite the opposite in the but quite the opposite in kitchen. the kitchen. “Throughout my normal life, life, at work I’m I’m “Throughout my normal at work so fast I’ve got done,” so and fast and I’ve to gotget toeverything get everything done,” she explains. she explains. “In the that’sthat’s whenwhen a glass of wine “In kitchen, the kitchen, a glass of wine comes out and I’m totally relaxed and and I become comes out and I’m totally relaxed I become a new person. a new person. “That’s my down time.time. That’s howhow I show “That’s my down That’s I show people howhow I loveI love them.” people them.” On the and and minus the wine, Hayley On telly, the telly, minus the wine, Hayley admits she’dshe’d be lying if sheif didn’t say she admits be lying she didn’t say gets she gets nervous. nervous. “I’m“I’m a bunch of nerves beforehand. You You just just a bunch of nerves beforehand. can’tcan’t prepare yourself for something like that, prepare yourself for something like that, especially whenwhen you you don’tdon’t know whatwhat the the especially know challenge is. is. challenge “But“But as soon as I start cooking, everything as soon as I start cooking, everything for some reason comes to me I’ve got for some reason comes to and me and I’ve itgot it sorted.” sorted.” She’sShe’s got itgot sorted alright and and she’sshe’s not ready it sorted alright not ready to take her apron off just as Ellen to take her apron off yet. just As yet.well As well as Ellen DeGeneres’ primetime spot,spot, Hayley’s got her DeGeneres’ primetime Hayley’s got her eye on eyethe on prize. the prize. “Winning ‘MasterChef ‘will ‘will meanmean I canI fcan nally “Winning ‘MasterChef finally proveprove to myself that I have the conf dence. It to myself that I have the confidence. It will will meanmean the start of my journey.” the start of cooking my cooking journey.” To see of Hayley’s sweetsweet and and savoury Tomore see more of Hayley’s savoury servings, she’llshe’ll be sizzling up on Sundays servings, be sizzling upTV3, on TV3, Sundays Zoe Zoe Hunter and and Mondays. Hunter Mondays.







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