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Pahayagang Pinoy sa Japan
JEEPNEY PRESS welcomes articles of interest on Filipinos in Japan. Please email any photos, drawings, and other materials that you would like to accompany the article. Submissions can also be sent by post mail. Photos, drawings and other materials will not be returned unless sent with a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Deadline is one month before publication. We reserve the right to edit or omit any submissions.
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Jeepney Press is published online bimonthly by Asia Vox Ltd.
All rights reserved. Copyright 2023 publisher

IRENE SUN-KANEKO editorial & creative director
Editorial Board
Glen Atienza
Je Plantilla
Neriza Saito
Karen Sanchez
Anita Sasaki
Wayne Sun
Warren Sun

Yellowbelle Duaqui
Loleng Ramos
Alvin Tagle
Alma Reyes
Lita Manalastas-Watanabe
Richine Bermudez
Lala Lopez de Leon
Mae Grace
Jerry Sun Arenas
Jasmin Vasquez
Alma Fatagani-Sato
Arnel Sugay
Marnie Chan
Chris Yokoyama
Geraldine Limpo
Joey Manalang
Dennis Fernandez
Liza Barte
All alumni of the UP School of Economics now living/working in Japan. Would you like to be part of our community viber (called Pusong UPSE Community Viber) and connect with UPSE alumni all over the world? Please check out below link and register.
PUSONG UPSE Membership Form link.

Patuloy ang pagtibok ng Pusong UPSE https://bit.ly/PusongUPSEmember
by Dennis Sun editorial
Wow! Has it been that long already? 20 years. 2 decades.
The year was 2003. It was the year when the towering Roppongi Hills opened in Tokyo; the year when the PCCC (Philippine Coordinating Council), an umbrella organization of Filipino groups in the Kansai area was formed; the year when the monorail in Okinawa was launched; and in the world, it was the year when Saddam Hussein was captured, thus ending the Iraq-Kuwait war in the Middle East. And, it was the cold winter of this year that Jeepney Press was born.
Starting as a 12-page print publication with a circulation of 5,000 copies distributed mostly in Tokyo and the major cities of Japan where there is a big population of Filipinos, Jeepney Press demonstrated itself to be unique among the other Filipino publications during that time. There were no news about politics, and no gossips about your favorite showbiz personalities. We put more weight on content and substance rather than commercial advertising.
Published once every two months, Jeepney Press is a non-pro t and non-commercial publication run by a sta of volunteers (doctors, professors, engineers, directors, social workers, artists, musicians, journalists, etc) working towards making a uni ed diverse and responsible Filipino society in Japan by promoting community involvement to issues concerning Filipinos in
Japan. Jeepney Press encourages constructive, positive, educational and inspirational dialogues among Filipinos. It ventures to share knowledge and resources, strengthen existing relations and forge new ones with various Filipino communities all around Japan.

Now, after more than 200 issues and 20 years, after being transformed into the digital format, and while still being true to our original vision, we have stretched further our reach into the global audience, sharing to those outside of Japan on how we celebrate the journeys of Filipinos here.
Every year is always a new year and we just continue to move on. Move forward. It has been a tough journey but every year is always a time to learn new things and grow. And so, the journey moves on. Tuloy ang pasada!

by Joey Manalang