3 minute read
Jeepney Press / Marnie Chan
We have all been lied to about almost everything we know. The calendar is no exception. For if it is indeed to measure the days of the year, then what kind of measuring device is as inconsistent as 31 in most times, 30 at times, 28 once, and heck, 29 every leap?
In many countries the New Year begins on January 1. However, this wasn’t always the case. Heard of the vernal equinox? For centuries, this marked the start of the calendar. [Whispers: this is on March.] For centuries, they were counting 7 days a week and observe seasons. You know that proverbial there is a time for everything blah-blah-blah…
The better question to ask now is: why was it changed? Ahh, that would be too profound. After all, the culled sheeple is as adaptive as are obediently conformists. Conform.
But, I am writing to greet you the seasons. Cheers! Enough with the gloom and doom. After all, like attracts like. Everything is energy. Thought is energy. Words become things. Whatever we focus on, we energize, therefore we bring into life. It is the law. It is immutable.
To steal another from Abraham Hicks, one who is under the in uence of Source is a million times more powerful than millions who are not.
I am positive. AUM.
To borrow from basketball star Yao Ming who eloquently quoted his proud ancestry, how can a blade of grass ever thank the sun?
Lemme count the ways… the yesterdays, the coming days, the ever-present now! Experiences - there are no good or bad. There are just labels. Creatures - great and small. Again, just labels. All is simply energy. Ah, gratitude.
Aw crap! Okay lemme talk the way everyone talks… I wanna thank god with the capital G for everything. And here usually we mean - my family, my neighbors, my health, my bank account, my strong legs with shoes and sandals and cars to drive, [even Solomon didn’t drive a hyundai], the food we eat and the taste buds that goes with it [but who cares about food? We have onions!], and of course FB for deceptively making this earth avatar arti cially look good to everyone, above all, my internet provider from whom all blessings ow without which a day is simply unimaginable.
Gong she fa tsai is not happy new year. Another lie. Barest truth: it means, “I wish you more money.”
Money - the root of all evil. Another big fat lie. Truth is those who preach that are still asking for donations, love offerings, and tithes.
I wish you more money!