Towards carbon neutral municipalities and regions
Main results of the LIFE IP Canemure-Finland project 2018–2024

Main results of the LIFE IP Canemure-Finland project 2018–2024
The transition to a carbon-neutral society requires comprehensive changes across various sectors and societal practices. At the heart of the sixyear (2018–2024) “Towards Carbon Neutral Municipalities and Regions” (Canemure) project was collaboration and networking, strong expertise, and concrete climate actions that yield emissions reductions. The project received funding from the EU LIFE IP programme.
Ambitious goals cannot be achieved solely through legislation; in Finland, a country of long distances, regional climate work that arises from local needs and enhances well-being is essential. Throughout the project and across seven regions, there was extensive stakeholder collaboration, climate mitigation roadmaps were developed, new research and development projects were accelerated, and businesses and decision-makers were provided with useful information.
The Canemure project promoted smart and low-carbon mobility, increased decentralised renewable energy production, improved energy efficiency in buildings, and supported processes that create sustainable urban structures and conditions for low-carbon production and consumption. In agriculture and forestry, the project also advanced the transition to low-emission soil management practices, particularly on peatlands.
Canemure’s expert network has connected research organisations, regional cooperation groups, pioneering municipalities, and grassroots actors in the fight against climate change. Up-to-date information on greenhouse gas emissions, best practices, and the impacts of climate actions is available for municipalities, businesses, and citizens, including insights on public procurement, sustainable mobility, funding channels for climate work, and consumer opportunities to mitigate climate change.
The numerous new tools and services produced by the project also benefit government administration and support the implementation of the climate and energy strategy and the Medium-Term Climate Change Policy Plan (KAISU).
A key pillar of Finland’s climate policy is the national Climate Act, which mandates a 60% reduction in emissions by 2030, 80% by 2040, and 90–95% by 2050 compared to 1990 levels. The law stipulates that Finland must achieve carbon neutrality by 2035 at the latest.
To meet these targets, the Medium-Term Climate Change Policy Plan (KAISU), focusing on emissions in the effortsharing sector and corresponding to Finland’s EU obligations, is developed once per electoral term, alongside a separate, comprehensive climate and energy strategy. The Canemure project has significantly supported the implementation of both KAISU and the climate and energy strategy, particularly in municipalities and regions.
The Canemure expert network brought together expert organisations, regional cooperation groups, forerunner municipalities, and practical actors in the effort to mitigate climate change. The network included the project coordinator, the Finnish Environment Institute, as well as Tampere University, the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), and the Finnish Meteorological Institute.
A new emission calculation system for all municipalities in Finland was published in 2020 (the ALas calculation model). Emission data has since been updated annually. The amount and development of municipalities’ usage-based climate emissions are openly available for the years 1990 and 2005–2022, and can be viewed by municipality, region, and ELY (Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment) area.
To assist municipalities and regions in setting climate goals, a calculator (ALasSken) was developed based on the usage-based emission calculation system. This tool allows for the creation of municipal greenhouse gas emission scenarios based on the current emissions of each municipality, as well as various factors and actions that influence emission levels. The tool also helps examine the economic and health impacts of these actions.
In 2023, estimates of consumption-based emissions for all Finnish municipalities were published for the first time, with initial data covering the year 2015. Consumption-based emissions for 2019 will be published at the end of 2024. Neighbourhood level emission modelling has been developed and calculated for energy consumption and transport emissions in the Maunula and Lauttasaari districts of Helsinki.
The project compiled indicators related to energy and transport for municipalities and regions. These indicators support and complement the monitoring of climate work progress in municipalities and regions. They were published in an open online service and will continue to be updated. Additionally, the project assessed the immediate and indirect employment impacts of investments in regional renewable energy sources, as well as the emission reduction potential of renewable energy.
The project also developed various calculators to facilitate climate actions of municipalities and residents. A calculator for the impact of bioenergy use on forest carbon balance helps consider the carbon sink effects of forests in sustainability assessments of the bioeconomy.
The carbon footprint calculator for restaurant meals provides an overall picture of the carbon footprint of the food offered in a specific restaurant. The food services calculator is best suited for illustrating the impacts of changes in practices, such as increasing plant-based meals and reducing waste.
The profitability calculator for municipal solar energy investments allows for assessing investment viability, for example, using net present value. The profitability calculator for heat pumps and hybrids assists in selecting heat pump systems and evaluating their profitability. Various energy systems for heat pumps and solar energy, as well as their combinations, are also considered. The KULKURI calculator enables comparisons of costs and emissions from different mobility services.
The project also investigated challenges and opportunities related to municipal climate work, such as barriers to utilising waste and geothermal heat, particularly from the perspective of district heating companies. Supply-side barriers were examined from the viewpoints of wastewater companies, companies owning data centres, and large property owners.
Read more:
► Accelerating transition toward district heating-system decarbonization by policy co-design with key investors: opportunities and challenges
Another study examined municipal climate communication and branding, along with their potential to enhance local climate action.
Read more:
► Municipal climate communication as a tool in amplifying local climate action and developing a place brand
The expert network assessed the effectiveness of numerous climate actions and compiled the most impactful climate actions from the Canemure regions into model roadmaps that regional actors can utilise in the future.
Policy recommendations made in the project provide action recommendations for achieving transport emission reductions and solutions for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from peatlands. Additionally, 13 summaries of best practices (Canemure Best Practices) were published, presenting recommendations and good practices related to various themes of the project.
Professor Mikael Hildén from the Finnish Environment Institute at the Canemure project’s final seminar on 1 October 2024.
In the Canemure project, regional climate work was promoted in seven regions: South Karelia, Pirkanmaa, North Ostrobothnia, Päijät-Häme, Satakunta, Uusimaa, and Southwest Finland. Key regional actors involved in climate change mitigation participated in this work. The regional climate coordinator, supported by regional cooperation groups, facilitated the efforts. Collaboration is intended to continue in these areas in the future.
Regional climate change mitigation roadmaps were developed to further promote targeted efforts to reduce climate emissions. The climate roadmaps open up opportunities and provide direction for numerous actors in the area. The roadmaps will be updated as needed and are intended to be implemented in collaboration with key stakeholders in the field. Actual emission reduction measures are typically the responsibility of municipalities, as well as companies in the energy, transport, and trade sectors, building owners, and agricultural entrepreneurs. Additionally, industry associations, the state, and research institutions play a key role in achieving results.
The implementation of the actions outlined in the roadmaps and changes in various climate work indicators have been monitored regularly.
North Ostrobothnia
Southwest Finland
South Karelia
Themes of regional projects include: energy, transport, construction, adaptation, circular economy, agriculture, municipal climate work, corporate climate work, climate communication, food systems, urban planning, roadmaps, forestry, and carbon neutrality.
In addition to leading the roadmap process, the regional climate coordinators’ key tasks include communication and promoting collaboration among key actors. Support has been particularly focused on assisting municipalities in their climate work. Information regarding the effectiveness of measures, progress on the roadmap, and funding opportunities for climate work has been shared with local actors.
Collaboration groups have encouraged local businesses, municipalities, and residents to create new practices that reduce emissions, which have been shared through platforms such as The aim has been to raise awareness, support local decision-making, and enhance well-being. Information about regional climate work has been disseminated through websites, blog posts, and newsletters. Regional cooperation groups have also accelerated the emergence of new research and development projects implemented in the participating regions.
Extensive networks have been a strength, and collaboration among numerous different actors will continue even after the project concludes. The activation of municipalities during the project will also have a lasting impact.
Read more:
► Regional stakeholder cooperation
► Canemure Best Practices: Alueellisen ilmastotyön edistämisen parhaat käytännöt
In the Canemure project we compiled indicators relating to energy and transport for municipalities and regions. These indicators support and complement the monitoring of climate work progress alongside emission data.
Development of different emission sectors in Canemure regions and the whole of Finland
Percentage hange 2017–2022
* Includes electricity, electric heating, district heating, oil heating, other heating, industry and machinery. Source: Finnish Environment Institute, 2024.
Drilling a geothermal borehole for the energy renovation of a semi-detached house.
Number of buildings using geothermal energy per thousand inhabitants1
Share of electric, hybrid, and gas cars in the passenger car fleet (%)2
power capacity per inhabitant (kW)3
1) Number of buildings registered as using geothermal heating. Source: The Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s Building and Dwelling Register (BDR). The system does not contain reliable information on all buildings that have changed their heating method, so t he actual number may be higher.
2) Share of electric vehicles, plug-in hybrids, and gas fuelled cars in the passenger car fleet (including SUVs). Source: Traficom. The figures for Finland do not include the Åland Islands in the transport indicators.
3) Source: Finnish Wind Power Association. The figure for Uusimaa is negative because 2 MW of wind power was removed from In koo in 2018, while population has increased.
4) Grid-connected small-scale solar power capacity, excluding solar plants larger than 1 MWp. In South Karelia, for example, the capacity for solar power has increased by 465%, meaning it has grown 5.6 times from 2017 to 2021. Source: Finnish Environment Institute, 2022. Based on data obtained from electricity network companies. Not all companies provided data, so some information may be missing.
With funding from Canemure, the activities of the Hinku municipalities were actively promoted: support was provided for new joining municipalities, events such as Hinku days and roadmap workshops were organised, tailored support was given for municipal climate work, customised emission and indicator data was produced, and climate communication was supported. Additionally, a study was conducted on the success factors of climate work, and the information generated was shared with the network.
The Hinku network brings together actors from many fields
The Hinku network, established in Finland in 2008, is a forerunner network for climate change mitigation that unites municipalities and regions committed to ambitious emission reductions, along with experts and businesses. The activities of the network were significantly accelerated by the Canemure project under the leadership of the Finnish Environment Institute from 2018 to 2024.
Hinku membership enhanced emission reductions
Hinku municipalities and regions are committed to achieving an 80% reduction in emissions* from 2007 levels by 2030. By the end of 2022, Hinku municipalities had reduced their emissions by a total of 41%, while the corresponding reduction for all of Finland was 38%. Municipalities within the Hinku network have, on average, lower climate emissions than they would have without Hinku membership. Other factors influencing emissions, such as regional and demographic structures and weather conditions, have been taken into account. According to a study conducted in the project, the majority of Hinku
municipalities have also reported that being part of the network has increased their effectiveness in climate work.
During the project, information on municipal climate actions was systematically collected and disseminated within the network, regionally, and more broadly at national and international levels. The work has been based on clear objectives and planning.
Municipalities have added examples of their best practices to the Sustainability Leap service . These have included promoting energy efficiency, phasing out oil heating, and investing in renewable energy sources such as wind power, geothermal energy, solar energy, and biogas production.
Read more:
► Impact of a climate network: The role of intermediaries in local level climate action
► Sustainability Leap service
► Kohti hiilineutraalia kuntaa: ilmastoverkoston vaikutus kunnan ilmastotyöhön ja päästöihin
► Kuntien ja maakuntien ilmastotoimenpiteitä
During the Canemure project, 57 municipalities joined the Hinku network
By the end of the project, there are 97 municipalities in the Hinku network
Approximately 2.5 million residents live in the Hinku municipalities and regions * The Hinku network also includes five regions: South Karelia, Kymenlaakso, Pirkanmaa, North Karelia, and Päijät-Häme
The municipalities that joined during the Canemure project (57 in total) are highlighted in bold.
* Population in 2023, Statistics Finland.
Source: Finnish Environment Institute, 2024.
The annual emissions of Hinku municipalities have been calculated using the Finnish Environment Institute’s ALas 1.5 model, in accordance with Hinku calculation rules, including emission credits. In 2022, the emissions of Hinku municipalities accounted for 39% of the total emissions in Finland .
% Hinku municipalities’ emissions
% Finland’s emissions
Number of buildings using geothermal energy in Hinku municipalities 2017–2023
Since 2017, the number of buildings using geothermal energy in Hinku municipalities has increased by 66%, and their floor area has nearly doubled. There is a delay in renovations of heating methods in older buildings to the register, so the actual amount of geothermally heated buildings may be larger.
Number of passenger cars and their average emissions in Hinku municipalities 2017–2023
The number of passenger cars in Hinku municipalities has increased by 1.5%, slightly less than in the rest of Finland (1.7%*). However, the average emissions of Hinku municipalities’ cars have decreased by 9%, which is also slightly more than in the rest of Finland. In 2023, the average emission factor of the municipalities’ cars was 156.7 gCO2/km.
Number of electric, hybrid, and gas cars in Hinku municipalities 2017–2023
In Hinku municipalities, the number of gas cars has increased fivefold, plug-in hybrids have increased nearly twentyfold, and there are over 67 times as many electric cars as in 2017. Their combined share of the passenger car fleet has risen from less than 1% to about 8% in Hinku municipalities and around 9% in the rest of Finland.* Plug-in hybrids are the most common alternative propulsion system.
Plug-in hybrids (Hinku municipalities) Plug-in hybrids (all of Finland)
Electric cars (Hinku municipalities) Electric cars (all of Finland)
Gas cars (Hinku municipalities) Gas cars (all of Finland)
Rest of Finland
Hinku municipalities
Average emissions
Rest of Finland
Hinku municipalities
Number of Cars
Rest of Finland
Hinku municipalities
Source: Traficom and Ålands Fordonsmyndighet. © Finnish Environment Institute, 2024.
Transport accounts for about one-fifth of Finland’s greenhouse gas emissions and is the largest source of emissions in the effort-sharing sector. The majority of these emissions come from road traffic. According to the KAISU plan, Finland aims to at least halve domestic transport emissions by 2030 compared to 2005 levels. By 2022, emissions had decreased by nearly a quarter.
Transport still heavily relies on fossil fuels. To reduce emissions, it is essential to promote sustainable modes of transport, adopt clean energy sources, and expand new distribution infrastructure. Planning the transport system and land use can help reduce traffic volumes and improve the conditions for low-emission mobility.
The project specifically promoted sustainable travel chains and strengthened distribution infrastructure. Additionally, information on various transport indicators was produced, and scenarios for the development of transport emissions and the vehicle fleet were created to support regional transport planning.
How can we boost the attractiveness of sustainable transport modes and travel chains? In the Tampere urban area, the challenge of climate-friendly transport was addressed in various ways: by improving mobility options, facilitating transfers between modes of transport, enhancing park-and-ride facilities, and encouraging residents to make changes in their daily routines.
In Nokia and Orivesi, drivers were encouraged to use public transport by promoting park-and-ride facilities and improved train connections, as well as providing residents with folding and electric bikes. In Kangasala, bike and car park-and-ride facilities were added along bus routes, and electric bikes were
offered for trial to commuters interested in cycling. In Tampere, a new local train connection and city bikes were marketed as part of travel chains.
The City of Tampere coordinated the promotion of sustainable transport modes across eight municipalities: Tampere, Kangasala, Lempäälä, Nokia, Orivesi, Pirkkala, Vesilahti, and Ylöjärvi
Read more:
► Connecting to the Public Transport Trunk Network in Tampere City Region
In Turku, sustainable mobility was promoted by organising sustainable mobility advice at the Skanssi shopping centre, where visitors could discuss their travel habits. The advice explored how participants could travel as sustainably as possible in ways that suit them.
Three electric vehicle workshops were held at Skanssi during 2023, allowing interested individuals to discuss electric driving in a low-pressure environment and try out an electric car. A shared electric car and an electric cargo bike were also made available for trial at the Skanssi shopping centre.
Read more:
► Blog: Promoting sustainable mobility fares well-being
The Uusikaupunki development company, Ukipolis, assessed the charging needs for electric, hybrid, and gas vehicles in the area. Businesses, housing companies, and property management firms were particularly encouraged to acquire charging points. Up-todate information on the benefits and opportunities of electric driving, available investment grants, charging stations, services, and regulations affecting housing companies was shared with various stakeholders. Local brick-and-mortar businesses were also given the opportunity to practically test the use of charging points by borrowing a charging device.
Read more:
► Ukipolis Oy: Promotion of electric and biogas vehicle use in the Vakka-Suomi area
Tampere University belonged to the project’s expert network, supporting several practical actors and producing indicator data related to mobility. A key task at Tampere University was the development of a regional vehicle fleet model and an emissions scenario tool, which can be used to assess what the vehicle fleet will look like by 2040 and how transport emissions will evolve in urban areas in the future. The action also investigated the charging and adoption of electric vehicles.
Read more:
► Canemure best practices for promoting public transport
► Canemure Policy Brief: Päästövähennysvelvoitteiden laiminlyönti tulee Suomelle kalliimmaksi kuin puhtaan siirtymän edistäminen liikenteessä
Carbon neutral blogs:
► Many factors in promoting public transport
► Electric vehicle fleet development: how does it affect public charging?
► Timing matters in charging an electric vehicle at home
The energy consumption of buildings accounts for approximately 40% of final energy use in Finland and contributes around 30% of greenhouse gas emissions. Emissions have decreased by 40% since 2005, as the energy efficiency of buildings has improved and fossil fuels in heating have been replaced with renewable energy sources.
As climate targets tighten, significant additional measures are still needed to reduce energy consumption in buildings and to promote the efficiency and low emissions of the entire energy system. The project promoted energy efficiency in residential buildings and public properties through various actions in both renovation and new construction. The energy efficiency of industrial properties was improved with the implementation of a comprehensive measurement system.
Greenhouse gas emissions from heating buildings in Finland
In seven rental housing projects in Lahti, energy efficiency was increased and climate emissions were reduced through various measures. Lahti serves as a good example for other cities, rental housing companies, and private property owners aiming for emission reductions as part of renovation projects. The selected properties varied in age, thus representing a broad spectrum of Finnish building stock.
Measures included smart heating control solutions, reducing water consumption by updating fixtures, installing air-source heat pumps, and renewing air conditioning controls. The largest single measure was the installation of a wastewater heat recovery system at the Lehtioja service centre, which aims to recover at least half of the waste heat from wastewater.
Calculations of the impact of these measures on energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions, as well as the monitoring period for the properties, showed savings across all sites. The economic viability of the renovations was also assessed. Residents were advised on energy matters, and information about ongoing energy renovations was shared through social media and resident committee meetings.
Read more:
► Low carbon solutions for renovation construction of rent al and private houses in Lahti
In 2020, a wastewater heat recovery system was installed at the service centre as an additional heat source for the geothermal heating system. This system is expected to reduce the site’s energy consumption emissions by approximately 12% per year.
Energy savings from seven energy renovation projects
Emission reduction from seven energy renovation projects 107 tCO2 /year
492 MWh/year
In a pilot action by the City of Lappeenranta, new heat storage technology was tested. The heat battery is charged with affordable and low-emission electricity. Heat is discharged from the battery into the district heating network as needed, which reduces the use of natural gas and heating oil in district heating production. This energy storage thus supports the potential to increase the share of renewable, variable electricity generation in the power grid.
An innovative heat battery using new technology has been installed in the Selkäharju district heating network. With the city’s action, Elstor Oy was able to implement the first industrial-scale heat battery and quickly test and further develop its technology. Based on the experiences from the pilot, the technology has now been further developed into a heat battery that is ready for mass production and can be used in industry.
The Selkäharju heat battery has reduced emissions from district heating production by 160 tCO2e during its first six months of operation. A single 5 MWh unit can save up to 480 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year. Additionally, this solution enhances the conditions for renewable electricity production.
During the trial period, the heat battery produced
Emission reduction from the Selkäharju heat battery in district heating production during the first six months of operation 160 tCO2e
Energy efficiency, renewable energy, and emission reductions were prominently featured at the housing fair in Lohja’s Hiidensalmi in 2021. Information about good practices for climate change mitigation implemented in the area spread widely due to the extensive publicity received by the housing fair.
In the first phase, early in 2019, the climate perspective was integrated into the planning process of the housing fair area, including the development of construction guidelines and site application criteria. In the second phase, from 2019 to 2020, builders in the area and other local actors were encouraged to consider the climate perspective in the implementation of the area. Heat pumps were installed in several homes (81% of the properties) and solar panels (57% of the properties). The area had a higher proportion of A-rated energy-efficient homes compared to the national average (36% vs. 21% of homes built in 2021).
The promoted climate solutions gained widespread awareness when the fair opened to the public in the summer of 2021. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of visitors was lower than expected, but even then, 80 000 people visited the housing fair area.
Read more:
► A climate perspective for the 2021 Lohja Housing Fair
A new smart system was designed for the Rauma Seaside Industry Park to monitor the use of electricity, heat, water, compressed air, and gas in the industrial park. The park is managed by Rauman Meriteollisuuskiinteistöt Oy. This groundbreaking monitoring and measurement system provides users with real-time information, enabling companies to adjust their operations while they are running. The system allows for billing based on actual consumption, making energy and resource savings financially viable.
The new system also enables the monitoring of emissions from individual processes. Full utilisation of the system requires changes in energy-related practices from the companies in the area, which will take time. Energy consumption relative to turnover has decreased by approximately 15% from 2018 to 2023.
Read more:
► Rauman Meriteollisuuskiinteistöt Oy: Smart system for optimizing energy and resource use at the Seaside Industry Park Rauma
In Porvoo, efforts have been made to reduce energy consumption and optimise energy use by using digital solutions. For example, a bidirectional district heating system and an intelligent control system were implemented at the Central School, which has 450 students, in September 2021. A new three-pipe solution for district heating has also been introduced to aid energy savings. The school can now utilise industrial waste heat at temperatures of 40–50 degrees Celsius, sourced from a few kilometres away in the industrial area. The local energy company also benefits from this system, as its production becomes more efficient when the return water to the production facility is cooler. Additionally, it makes it easier to prepare for high energy consumption on cold days.
A more flexible, intelligent control system has also been adopted for heating properties in Porvoo. The learning AI monitors weather forecasts and observes temperature variations in the building throughout the day. Using this data, it controls the heating of the buildings in real-time, maintaining stable indoor conditions. A more consistent and predictable heating demand also reduces the need for peak capacity in heating plants.
A new intelligent ventilation control system has been implemented at the Central School and the Tolkkisten multifunctional building, which helps maintain comfortable room temperatures for users.
Emission reduction achieved through demand response in district heating (19 properties)
217 tCO2e/year
Energy saved through demand response in district heating (19 properties)
1500 MWh/year
Energy saved through bidirectional district heating measures
630 MWh
Electricity saved through bidirectional district heating measures
380 MWh
Emission reduction through bidirectional district heating measures 118
In Helsinki, the Lauttasaari district association investigated the carbon dioxide emissions of residential buildings in the Lauttasaari and Maunula districts. The populations of these urban districts are comparable to those of small municipalities. Data on energy consumption and energy renovations of housing companies were collected from the boards of housing companies, as well as through property management offices, open databases, and the databases of Helsinki City Housing Ltd. Based on the actual heating, electricity, and water consumption, estimates of carbon dioxide emissions were calculated for each housing company that provided data. Residents can view and compare the emissions of housing companies on a map. Events have been organised for residents, and information has been shared about ways to improve energy efficiency in their housing companies.
Read more:
► Towards carbon-neutral city districts
Residents of Lauttasaari can view the emissions from heating, electricity, and water consumption of housing companies on a map.
An environmental supplement was published in the Lauttasaari newspaper on 4 October 2023. The headlines on this page are: “Energy efficiency advances one step at a time”, “Do you know where your housing company spends the most energy?” and “Towards carbon neutral housing companies”.
The annual total volume of public procurement in Finland is as high as 40 billion euros (, with the majority being purchases made by municipalities and municipal federations. This has a significant impact on the market, promoting sustainable solutions, circular economy practices, and low-carbon production. Consequently, public procurement can significantly influence municipalities’ own consumptionbased emissions and other environmental impacts.
The City of Helsinki explored ways to mitigate climate change through procurement. In nine procurement cases, efforts were made to incorporate low-carbon and other environmental and responsibility aspects as effectively as possible into the procurement process. These examples examined how carbon footprint calculations can be applied across different procurement categories and what criteria can be established for carbon footprints. The review included procurement in building construction, infrastructure development, asphalting, food and catering services, and workwear.
The aim was to help procurers understand the role of carbon footprint calculations and the opportunities and challenges they present for setting climate criteria in procurement. Successful procurement pilots were underpinned by active market dialogue and collaboration with businesses, research institutions, and other municipalities and cities. In the “Design and Build” contract for wooden apartment buildings, providers calculated the carbon footprint of their plans during the bidding phase, which was scored as part of the tendering process. In the project planning phase for the renovation of residential apartment buildings, the lifecycle carbon footprint, energy consumption based on building use, and lifecycle costs were optimised. In a dense city street environment, emissions calculations guiding
street and water management planning were conducted, along with an examination of resource-efficient alternatives.
In road resurfacing contracts, baseline data was collected from contractors during the contract period for assessing the climate impacts of the project. In the procurement of dairy products, the market’s readiness for carbon footprint calculations was assessed, and as part of the tendering process, suppliers were required to provide an action plan for reducing their carbon footprint during the contract period. Similarly, in the procurement of meat products, the market’s readiness for carbon footprint calculations was evaluated, and suppliers were required to submit a plan for reducing their carbon footprint during the contract period. The responsibility of the restaurant services in the new facility was developed, with an increase in the offering of vegetarian and vegan food, and the carbon footprint of the restaurant services was assessed.
In the procurement of food services for service homes and senior centres, particular attention was given to developing the monitoring of responsibility criteria in contracts. For workwear procurement, an assessment was made to determine whether service procurement is a more sustainable option in terms of lifecycle impacts compared to product procurement. Criteria considering carbon footprints and circular economy principles were added to the procurement process.
Read more:
► Carbon footprint data supports climate-smart procurement
► Report: Hiilijalanjäljen soveltaminen julkisissa hankinnoissa
A climate-resilient city mitigates climate change, adapts flexibly to changes in weather and climate, recovers from these changes, and develops its operations and preparedness for the future.
Urban planning plays a crucial role in accelerating climate actions, as many local planning solutions can influence the emissions generated in the urban environment and how well adaptation to the impacts of climate change can be achieved.
Cities must consider the assessment and management of weather and climate risks, including stormwater, heat, and drought.
The Finnish Meteorological Institute and the Finnish Environment Institute developed a guide for climate-resilient urban planning, which brings together researched information and best practices for climate change mitigation and adaptation. Key to this is utilising and disseminating the experiences gained from the Canemure project, good practices from cities, and the knowledge and skills of various experts.
The starting points for the urban planning guide include identifying and assessing weather and climate risks, reducing climate emissions, and promoting preparedness and adaptation to the impacts of climate change through multi-objective and interactive urban planning methods. Climate-resilient urban planning takes into account how population density, regional growth, land use, and building characteristics evolve. An important focus is also on ecosystem services, which refer to the intangible and tangible benefits provided by the city’s natural environment.
Part of sustainability also involves planning how resources related to managing weather and climate risks are shared in a way that benefits society. The guidelines also address the sharing economy and anticipated urban space usage.
Read more:
► Kohti ilmastokestävää kaupunkisuunnittelua: Opas ilmastonmuutoksen hillinnän ja sopeutumisen edistämiseen alueidenkäytön suunnittelussa, kaavoituksessa ja rakentamisessa
How can a city prepare for the challenges posed by climate change while also reducing emissions? In Turku, this has been pursued by increasing the city’s greenery and permeable surfaces in neighbourhoods. To assist with the assessment, a bluegreen factor was introduced, which evaluates how much and what type of vegetation, surfaces, and stormwater solutions are present on a specific plot or in a city block.
During their Canemure action, the City of Turku established the use of this tool in zoning and building supervision. The bluegreen factor tool was updated, and user support was provided for reviewing zoning plans, construction projects, and permits. A broader application of the blue-green factor was trialled in the City Garden zoning area. Turku also mapped the city’s carbon sinks and stocks and promoted the preservation of forests and trees in planning.
As part of Canemure, the energy solutions for a new school being built in Turku were examined to determine the most suitable energy solution. Through this development, city staff also became familiar with sustainable building certifications and environmental ratings.
Read more:
► Climate resilient urban planning in Turku
In the Finnish Association of Construction Product Industries action, the carbon storage contained in Finland’s building stock of concrete was analysed. The analysis considered essential factors for carbon sequestration in concrete, such as its hardness and exposure conditions, including moisture and temperature.
It is estimated that the carbon storage in Finland’s existing concrete stock grows by approximately 0.1 Mt of CO2 annually, which corresponds to about 10% of the current annual emissions from Finland’s cement industry. The annual carbon sink from Finland’s concrete stock is around 56 kt, accounting for about 7% of the annual emissions from the cement industry. Finland’s concrete stock permanently sequesters about 4 Mt of carbon dioxide. When concrete is recycled and crushed, the surface area exposed to air increases significantly, there -
by enhancing the phenomenon of carbonation, which causes carbon sequestration.
In a pilot conducted from 2021 to 2022, the internal carbonation conditions of crushed concrete mass were investigated, along with ways to enhance carbon sequestration. The results allowed for calculations on how crushed concrete should be processed to optimise carbon sequestration. The findings highlighted, among other things, the impact of different crushing sizes on carbon sequestration. Based on these results, new applications and storage methods for recycled concrete can be designed to enhance natural carbon sequestration.
Read more:
► Maximizing the carbon sink of concrete structures
In the land use sector, the soil of peatlands is a significant source of climate emissions. The Natural Resources Institute Finland tested emission reduction methods in drained peat bogs and peat fields. In peat bogs, forest management practices were trialled that avoid clear-cutting and maintain continuous cover, which allows for a higher water table in the peat soil. The study measured the impact of continuous cover forestry on greenhouse gas emissions from peat in nutrient-rich, spruce-dominated sites that have been drained for forestry use. These sites are important for timber production, but due to drainage, the soil currently serves as a major source of emissions, which would further increase with clear-cutting. The trials revealed that after selective logging, the water level rose higher than before, which mitigated peat decomposition and greenhouse gas emissions. Emissions were significantly lower after selective logging compared to those following clear-cutting. According to the research, transitioning to continuous cover forestry in nutrient-rich swamp spruce forests can reduce climate emissions from managed forests and enhance the carbon sink capacity of forests. Among forest owners, there has been considerable interest in new methods, but a broader shift to continuous cover forestry would require changes to incentive systems as well as training for forest owners and machine operators.
The potential for using fields located on peatlands under wetter conditions was examined, and suitable cultivation methods were developed. Climate emissions decreased in the study plots by raising the water table. However, the popularity of paludiculture remains low, as there are insufficient incentives, and the demand for the biomass produced (e.g., reed canary grass, common reed, and bulrush) has so far been minimal.
Finland’s first paludiculture trial field has been established in Inganneva.
The research also produced guidelines for climate-smart cultivation and management practices for peatlands and supported the establishment and research of farms doing paludiculture across Finland through associated projects.
Read more:
► Canemure Policy Brief: Suometsien ja -peltojen maaperän ilmastopäästöjen vähentäminen
► Canemure Policy Brief: Metsätalouden vesistö- ja ilmastopäästöjä voidaan hillitä välttämällä avohakkuita ja niihin liittyviä ojitustoimia
The research conducted by the Natural Resources Institute Finland measured the effects of continuous cover forestry on greenhouse gas emissions from peat in nutrient-rich, spruce-dominated sites.
362 news articles published on (
40 blog posts
21 newsletters published
878 newsletter subscribers
481 media mentions for the keyword Canemure
2 461 posts on the Finnish Twitter/X account @hiilineutraali
467 posts on the English Twitter/X account @Canemure
2 176 followers on the Finnish Twitter/X account @hiilineutraali**
484 followers on the English Twitter/X account @Canemure**
38 webinars: 3 097 live viewers, 1 953 viewers of webinar recordings
130 Sustainability leaps published from the project
* During the project period from 1 September 2018 to 31 October 2024.
** Situation on October 31, 2024.
Communication about the project’s outcomes and best practices will continue even after the project concludes.
We will continue collaborating even after Canemure!
It is time to conclude the Canemure project, but our climate work continues: the collaboration initiated in Canemure will persist in networks even after the project ends. Practical climate actions and lessons learned from the project can be utilised and replicated in the future.
Coordinator :
Finnish Environment Institute
1 September 2018 – 31 October 2024
Main Funder: EU LIFE IP programme
Project partners:
Finnish Environment Institute
Finnish Meteorological Institute
Lauttasaari Association
Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)
Oulu University of Applied Sciences
Pirkanmaa Regional Council
Päijät-Häme Regional Council
Finnish Association of Construction
Product Industries
Rauma Maritime Industrial Properties Ltd
Satakunta University of Applied Sciences
Tampere University
Uusimaa Regional Council
Southwest Finland ELY Centre
Additionally, the LIFE-IP Canemure project has been funded by the following organisations: Ministry of the Environment Ministry of Transport and Communications
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Energy Authority
Celebration Fund of the Independence of Finland
Pirkanmaan ELY-keskus
Hiilineutraali Suomi / Carbon neutral Finland
Towards Carbon Neutral Municipalities and Regions
Main results of the LIFE IP Canemure-Finland project 2018–2024
Authors: Laura Saikku, Venla Riekkinen and Johannes Lounasheimo, Finnish Environment Institute
Editors: Saara Sivonen, Ulla Ala-Ketola and Aliisa Vulli, Finnish Environment Institute
All project parners participated in the production of this report.
Layout & graphics: Satu Turtiainen, Finnish Environment Institute
Photos: Michele Ursi / (cover), Teemu Helonheimo (page 5), Arnéll Koegelenberg / (7), Olli Riekkinen (8), Jukka Salminen (14, 16), Ukipolis (18), City of Lohja (20), Markus Henttonen (22), Rauman Meriteollisuuskiinteistöt Oy (24), City of Porvoo (25), Google Maps (26), Eero Ahonala (26-27), Robert Kneschke / stock.adobe. com (28), Jarkko Sydänmaanlakka (30), Lumo-kodit (32), Pxhere (32), Tereza Dickson (32), Minna Kivimäki (33), Tommi Kekkonen (34), Sakari Sarkkola (35), Raisa Mäkipää (36, 37), Sampo Soimakallio (39). Other photos
ISBN 978-952-11-5719-6 (pdf)
Helsinki, Finland, 12/2024.