Can we And
Truth and Justice?
Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar
Most of the times what we write is what we think or feel. This depends on our own characteristic limitations of brain, neurohormones, hormones and autonomic nervous system. Most of the times our expression ignores or overlooks these limitations of ours! This is very serious when the case in point is that of a decision maker such as a judge!
Hence most of our writing is untrue and away from reality. It is superficial and casual even if it appears to be loaded with Intense, deepest and egalitarian emotions and frequently judgmental; and turns into useless or even harmful garbage!
helps us to see this truth viz. our limitations, ignorance and thereby endows realistic, considerate and buoyant peace. It provides a simple and effective means to get freed from pettiness and superficiality in a step by step manner!