CORRUPTION AND SUPERLIVING DR. SHRINIWAS KASHALIKAR The word corruption is used so extensively and in so many contexts that it’s meaning has become obscure! Hence corruption is usually and wrongly equated with mere financial scams, bribing, kick backs etc. Actually the corruption is as ubiquitous as life and the consciousness! The degree of degradation (influenced by the surroundings and influencing the surroundings as well) in one’s own eyes; either consciously or subconsciously and knowingly or unknowingly; determines the degree of corruption (one’s perspective, thoughts, feelings and actions)! The environment and this corruption further interact and influence each other continuously. The corruption of the leaders in different fields in the world and that of the followers; also influence each other. Thus the corruption of the world political, religious, intellectual, industrial and other leaders can influence the corruption of an individual in any and every part of the world. For example; the paradigms or premises of the sectarian supremacy, racial superiority, financial expansionism, religious imposition and so on (without concern for the wellbeing of the entire world) constitutes corruption of perspective. The rationale behind the international and national laws, conventions, traditions, rules, pacts, in tune with the above perspective; to a greater or