AA SED-Term 2 Project 2021-22

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Residential Development at Somerset Estate, Battersea Church Road

Surabhi Agarwal | Shreya Aneja | Marina Lima Vecchio | Raghav Swarup
AA SED MSc + MArch Sustainable Environmental Design 2021-22 Architectural Association School of Architecture Term 2 Project | March 2022


Term 2 Project - Design Research: Refurbishing the City Part II

Residential Development at Somerset Estate, Battersea Church Road 13,486 words

“I certify that the contents of this document are entirely my own work and that any quotation or paraphrase from the published or unpublished work of others is duly acknowledged.”

28th March 2022


The team would like to thank everyone who contributed to the accomplishment of this project, starting with the SED Programme Directors - Simos Yannas and Paula Cadima - for the tutorials and the guidance they provided on the project through the term. We are also extrmemly grateful to the rest of the faculty and staff members of the Architectural Association School of Architecture’s Sustainable Environmental Design programme; Nick Baker, Byron Mardas, Gustavo Brunelli, Herman Calleja, Joana Gonçalves, Jorge Rodríguez and Mariam Kapsali for their valuable guidance and feedback throughout the project.


This report is the outcome of the Term-2 Design Research Project of the MSc - MArch Sustainable Environmental Design programme, 2021-2022. This design project is for a Residential Development located at Somerset Estate on Battersea Church Road in London. The project aims to provide the required 100 homes for Somerset Estate keeping both architectural as well as environmental agendas paramount.

The site falls within the borough of Wandsworth, and while there have been proposals made previously for this site, the community in the area has strong views and opinions regarding the residential development and the shape it should take. Therefore, this study consists of a detailed analysis of the site - it’s location, context, the neighbourhood, the demographics and the environmental conditions to fully understand the needs of the community while designing a environmentally conscious development.

Based on these contextual studies, some key design and environmental strategies were established, which in turn informed the development of the building form and the zoning of the site. Simulations were done parallely to explore the correlation between the built form and the environmental quality and performance in and around the proposed building.

The key environmental problems were carefully analyzed and documentedwhich allowed a strategic and methodical approach, helping us to address the problems and minimize environmental impact of our proposal while simultaneously paying close heed to the way the spaces would be used by the occupants.


1.INTRODUCTION 11-13 1.1.INTRODUCTION....................................................................................12 1.2.THE METHODOLOGY

2.CONTEXTUAL STUDIES 15-21 2.1.LOCATION................................................................................16 2.2.BUILDING TYPOLOGIES...........................................................................17 2.3.BUILDING HEIGHTS.................................................................................18 2.4.AMENITIES AND ACCESS.......................................................................19 2.5.MATERIALITY....................................................................................20 2.6.DEMOGRAPHIC STUDY...........................................................................21



4. EXISTING PROPOSALS 27-33 4.1.COUNCIL VS COMMUNITY’S PROPOSAL...............................................28 4.2.PREVIOUS SED PROPOSALS....................................................................30 4.3.BUILT PRECEDENTS..................................................................................31

5.DESIGN AGENDAS 35-37 5.1.BRIEF REQUIREMENTS.............................................................................36 5.2.ARCHITECTURAL AND ENVIRONEMTAL AGENDAS..........................37

6.FORM DEVELOPMENT 39-53 6.1.SHADOW ANALYSIS..............................................................................40 6.2.ZONING...............................................................................41 6.3.MASSING...................................................................................42







FORM..................................................................................43 6.5.ELEMENTAL
6.6.HIERARCHY OF OPEN SPACES.................................................................45 6.7.ELEMENT STUDY......................................................................................46
55-63 7.1.SHADOW
7.3.SITE PLANNING.....................................................................................58 7.4.PRODUCT MIX AND UNIT DISTRIBUTION...............................................59 7.5.TYPICAL FLOOR PLAN AND UNIT PLAN....................................................60 7.6.AXONOMETRIC AND MATERIALITY.......................................................61 7.7.SECTION............................................................................................62 8.SITE
..................................................................................65-95 8.1.EMBODIED CARBON ANALYSIS.............................................................66 8.2.THERMAL STUDIES...................................................................................67 8.3.DAYLIGHT STUDIES..................................................................................80 8.4.A DAY IN THE LIFE....................................................................................91 8.5. RENEWABLE RESOURCES.........................................................................94 8.6.WHOLE LIFE CARBON ASSESSMENT...................................................95 9.CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................97-99 10.REFERENCES 100-102 11.APPENDICES ..........................................................................................104-111


Fig 1.1.1: Image of the Southern side of the site showing the junction between the green spaces and Selworthy House 12

Fig 1.2.1: The Methodology Flowchart 13

Fig 2.1.1: Bird’s eye view of the site 16

Fig 2.2.1: Typology of buildings around the site 17

Fig 2.3.1: Building heights around the site 18

Fig 2.4.1: Ameinities and access around the site 19

Fig 2.5.1: Montevetro Facade: Glass and Steel 20

Fig 2.5.2: Selworthy Apartment: Brick and Concrete 20

Fig 2.5.3: Contextual Residences: Exposed brickwork 20

Fig 2.5.4: Adjacent affordable housing: Brick and Concrete 20

Fig 2.6.1: Mean age groups mapping 21

Fig 2.6.2: Family size percentages 21

Fig 2.6.3: Age group percentages 21

Fig 3.1.1: Weather Station used for the Project: St. James Park Weather Station 24

Fig 3.1.2: Analysis of the London Climate Chart and establishing the two Analysis Periods and Typical Weeks 24

Fig 3.2.1: Wind Rose for Analysis Period-I May to Aug (left) and Analysis Period- II Nov-Feb (right) for London 25

Fig 3.2.2: Pie-chart illustrating frequency of sunny, intermediate & cloudy skies annually 25

Fig 3.2.3: Monthly maximum global illuminance & mean global illuminance for sunlight hours for London 25

Fig 4.1.1: Comparison chart between the two proposals 28

Fig 4.1.2: Collado Collins Architects’ Proposal 28

Fig 4.1.3: Darling Associates Proposal 28

Fig 4.1.4: Solar Access on the two built masses of the proposals 29

Fig 4.1.5: Solar Radiation on the two built masses of the proposals 29

Fig 4.3.1: Dortheavej Residence 31

Fig 4.3.2: Elmwood Court 32

Fig 4.3.3: Via Verde 33

Fig 5.1.1: Major takeaways from the brief and community’s requirements 36

Fig 6.1.1: Bare site shadow analysis 40

Fig 6.1.2: Shading mask on the site 40

Fig 6.2.1: Site Zoning 41

Fig 6.3.1: Block Orientation 42

Fig 6.3.2: Neighbourhood Permeability 42

Fig 6.3.3: Scale Adjustment 42

Fig 6.3.4: Solar Radiation study for linear form 42

Fig 6.3.5: Stepping Reversal 42

Fig 6.3.6: Solar Radiation study for convex form 42

Fig 6.4.1: Final Base Form 43

Fig 6.4.2: Solar Radiation Study for Final Base Form 43

Fig 6.4.3: Solar Access Study for Final Base Form 43

Fig 6.5.1: Adding the Cores 44

Fig 6.5.2: Creating Voids as Semi Open Spaces 44

Fig 6.5.3: Adding the Balconies 44

Fig 6.6.1: Hierarchy of Open Spaces 45

Fig 6.7.1: Affect of the wind on the open green spaces 46

Fig 6.7.2: UTCI Studies for the Open Spaces 46

Fig 6.7.3: Activity Mapping of densities and various age groups for the Open Spaces 47

Fig 6.7.4: UTCI Studies for the Terrace Gardens 48

Fig 6.7.5: Thermal Study Results for the Voids 49

Fig 6.7.6: Solar Protractor Studies for the Balcony Depth 50

Fig 6.7.7: Section to understand the Passive Zone and Shading Effect of the Balcony 50

Fig 6.7.8: Thermal studies to understand various depths of the balcony 51

Fig 6.7.9: Comparison of Radiation and Solar Access with and without balconies 52

Fig 6.7.10: UTCI Comfort Percentages of the Balconies for the Typical Weeks 52

Fig 6.7.11: South East Facade Visualization 53

Fig 6.7.12: North West Facade Visualization 53

Fig 7.1.1: Shadow Analysis of the Built Mass 56

Fig 7.2.1: Wind Analysis for the two periods 57

Fig 7.3.1: Site Plan 58

Fig 7.4.1: Units forming the Building Mass 59

Fig 7.4.2: Unit modularity 59

Fig 7.4.3: Unit Stacking 59

Fig 7.5.1: Typical Floor Plan with Unit Plan 60

Fig 7.6.1: Exploded Axonometric of the Unit 61

Fig 7.6.2: Materiality of the Built Mass 61

Fig 7.7.1: Section through the Building 62

Fig 7.8.1: The Connection to the Central Greens from the Riverwalk 63

Fig 7.8.2: The front Promenade with Permeable Opening into the Site 63

Fig 7.8.3: View Showing the Functionality of the Balcony 63

Fig 7.8.4: Interior View of the Void 63

Fig 8.1.1: Carbon Analysis 66

Fig 8.2.1: Thermal Studies Methodology 67

Fig 8.2.2: Unit Selection for Thermal Studies 68

Fig 8.2.3: Soft Computations for the chosen Studios 69

Fig 8.2.4: Soft Computations for the chosen 2 Bedroom Units 70

Fig 8.2.5: Step I Thermal Results for the Chosen Units 71

Fig 8.2.6: Problem Area for the Units 71

Fig 8.2.7: Thermal Studies for Tower 2 Studio 72

Fig 8.2.8: Energy Balance for Tower 2 Studio 73

Fig 8.2.9: Typical Week Study 73

Fig 8.2.10: Thermal Studies for Tower 2, 2BHK 75

Fig 8.2.10: Thermal Studies for Tower 3, 2BHK 77

Fig 8.2.10: Thermal Studies for Tower 8 Studio 74

Fig 8.2.11: Energy Balance for Tower , 2BHK 76

Fig 8.2.11: Thermal Studies for Tower 7, 2BHK 78

Fig 8.2.12: Climate Change Studies 79

Fig 8.2.12: Typical Week Study 76

Fig 8.3.1: Selection of Units for Daylight Studies 80

Fig 8.3.2: Studio daylight comparatives between various units 81

Fig 8.3.3: 2BHK daylight comparatives between various units for Sunny Sky Conditions 82

Fig 8.3.4: 2BHK daylight comparatives between various units for Overcast Sky Conditions 83

Fig 8.3.5: Studio Tower 2 Point In Time Studies 84

Fig 8.3.6: Studio Tower 8 Point In Time Studies 85

Fig 8.3.7: Studio_Illuminance Perspective 86

Fig 8.3.8: 2 BHK Tower 2 (top) Point In Time Studies 87

Fig 8.3.9: 2 BHK Tower 2 (low) Point In Time Studies 88

Fig 8.3.10: 2 BHK Tower 7 Point In Time Studies 89

Fig 8.3.11: 2BHK_Illuminance Perspective 90

Fig 8.5.1: Renewable Strategies 94

Fig 8.6.1: Whole Life Carbon Assessment 95

“Thebestwaytopredictthefutureistodesignit” -Buckminster Fuller

1.1. Introduction

The aim for this study was to propose a robust 100-home residential development at Somerset Estate on Battersea Church Road in South London applying the principles of sustainable environmental design, while simultaneously allowing the development to be architecturally engaging and adding value to the neighbourhood. This is achieved through the combination of imaginative exploration and visualization of future urban scenarios, which are concurrently tested for environmental performance through computational simulations.

Since the site is part of an existing residential estate, and is located within a developed residential neighbourhood, one of the major challenges for the project was to make the development contextually relevant while paying a great deal of attention to the environmental factors and to the occupants’ comfort and wellbeing. The study, therefore, begins with a detailed study of the context within which the site lies, and of the climate of London to help formulate the major design and environmental agendas and brief for the development of the project.

Several future urban scenarios, such as the continuing trends of working from home were explored as part of this study. This allowed for a detailed analysis of how the occupants would use the space over daily & seasonal cycles, and to identify the range of conditions to be achieved for their comfort and wellbeing. Adaptive mechanisms and opportunities for the occupants were derived from this study.

Measures were undertaken to propose a development resilient to the future scenario of climate change and to minimize its whole-life carbon impact through the use of adaptive design features, natural systems allowing independence from non-renewable energy sources and the use of low embodied carbon materials.

Fig 1.1.1: Image of the Southern side of the site showing the junction between the green spaces and Selworthy House
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1.2. The Methodology

This report is divided into mainly eight chapters. The first one includes the introduction of the project, its aim, expected outcomes and the outline of the way in which the project has been carried out.

After this, an overview of the site including its location and contextual studies has been specified. This includes a study of the surrounding built fabric, access & amenities available and a demographic study of the borough within which the site is located.

In order to establish key periods of study, in the next part, the climate of the geographical location of the site was analysed. Through this, the essential periods of study and major focus were established.

The fourth chapter was consisted of literature research on the existing proposals made for this very site – one each by the council (in collaboration with Collado Collins Architects), the community (in collaboration with Darling Associates) and by four previous SED teams in March 2021. Further, other built precedents were studied to inspiration related to architectural and environmental strategies.

Further, the fifth chapter brought together information from the earlier chapters to formulate a design brief and establish the architectural and environmental agendas for the development.

The major design process is done as part of Chapters 6 & 7, wherein the form is developed through zoning, massing and study of various building elements in conjunction with their consequent environmental performance. The site plan is then developed around this form, further informed by shadow and wind studies. The product mix, unit design & distribution, architectural drawings and materiality are also covered in depth within these chapters.

The environmental studies are then carried out in the final chapter which uses the SED tools to deal with a large variety of environmental aspects, such embodied carbon, thermal studies, climate change, daylight studies, adaptive mechanisms & opportunities, renewables and whole-life carbon assessment. The use of these spaces in conjunction with these aspects has also been explored imagining potential future urban scenarios.

1.2.1: The Methodology Flowchart

Introduction | 13 Design Research: Refurbishing the City Part II Fig
contextual StudIeS2

2.1. Location

The site is located at the intersection of Battersea Church Road and Bolingbroke Walk as part of Somerset Estate in South London, with close proximity to the River Thames. Somerset Estate consists of a number of residential dwellings spread across seven low-rise blocks and two high-rise residential towers.

The site, which is around 5,993 sqm in area, currently consists of garages which (used as storage units) and a multi-use games area - both of which are used by residents of the neighbourhood.

Latitude/ Longitude: 51.48°N; 0.17°W

Location: 51.48°N; 0.17°W

Residential Development at Somerset Estate, Battersea Church Road Fig 2.1.1: Bird’s eye view of the site
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2.2. Building Typologies

Since the site is located as part of an existing estate and within an already developed neighbourhood, the contextual studies played a significant role in the development of the design agenda for this project.

The site surroundings consist primarily of residential buildings, along with a few educational buildings, namely, the Westbridge Primary School, the Somerset Nursery School and the Royal College of Art within close proximity as well. St. Mary’s Church, located along the riverwalk, is a famous landmark within the area.

While there is the Dimson Lodge (a now defunct building), any other amenities, social gathering spaces or community spaces are notably missing from the entire neighbourhood.

River Thames

St. Mary’s Church

Montevetro Dimson Lodge Somerset Nursery School

Fig 2.2.1: Typology of buildings around the site


Westbridge Primary School

Selworthy House SOMERSET ESTATE Sparkford House

Overview | 17 Design Research: Refurbishing the City Part II

2.3. Building Heights

The surrounding residential developments are primarily low-rise upto four stories high, with the exception of Selworthy House, Sparkford House and the Montevetro towers all of which are approximately 65m high.

This fairly limited height of the surrounding buildings allows for potential views of the river from the site above six stories high.

Fig 2.3.1: Building heights around the site River Thames

Montevetro Dimson Lodge Westbridge Primary School St. Mary’s Church Selworthy House SOMERSET ESTATE Sparkford House SITE
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2.4. Amenities and Access

Amenities and Access

Within close proximity of the site, there is a lack of amenities, utilities and connection to public transport.

In terms of public transport, the closest tube stations are Clapham Junction (21 minutes walk), Battersea Park (29 minutes walk) and Imperial Wharf (23 minutes walk), leaving the site deprived of close walkable-distance tube connectivity. There is a bus-stop, Sunbury Lane, at a 2 minutes walk which operates every 10 minutes and connects Victoria to Clapham Junction. In addition, there is a Santander Bike stand in front of the site while promotes the use of public transport but there is no bike path to cycle safely.

In terms of utilities, while there is a small convenience store located on Battersea Bridge Road (5 minute walk), the nearest large grocery store or pharmacy is more than a 20 minute walk away.

In terms of amenities or community spaces, apart from the existing multi-use games area (which is located at the site itself), the neighbourhood is lacking on both fronts.

Fig 2.4.1: Ameinities and access around the site

Overview | 19 Design Research: Refurbishing the City Part II

2.5. Materiality

The materiality or the built fabric of the surroundings was an essential component to understand to be able to create a development that achieves the balance of having it’s individual character, while integrating with the built environment of the neighbourhood.

The material palette for the surrounding buildings is mostly brick for both residential and other buildings, while some of the high-rise residential towers also use glass and steel.

The colour palette primarily consists of beige, red and brown.

Fig 2.5.3: Contextual Residences: Exposed brickwork Fig 2.5.1: Montevetro Facade: Glass and Steel Fig 2.5.2: Selworthy Apartment: Brick and Concrete Fig 2.5.4: Adjacent affordable housing: Brick and Concrete
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2.6. Demographic Study

A study of the demographics of the borough was conducted to understand the future occupants of the development and what their needs would be.

In terms of age, the average age in the borough is 36.2 years and the largest proportion of people fall within the ages of 30 to 44. 68% of the population falls within the ages of 16-44, which may be considered primarily as a students and working age group. 10% are aged below 15 years old, while 22% are those aged above 65.

With further investigation into the distribution of household types, it was found that the largest proportion was that of single residents (43%). The other household types found were - couples without children (24%), couples with children (9%), single parent (9%) and students & senior citizens (15%).

This demographic study informed of the potential residents and types of households in our proposed development, and therefore allowed for certain design agendas and the residential product mix to be formulated accordingly.



Fig 2.6.1:

age groups mapping

Fig 2.6.2:

size percentages

Fig 2.6.3: Age group percentages

Introduction | 21 Design Research: Refurbishing the City Part II
clImate analySIS3

3.2. Wind | Sky Cover | Illuminance


The St. James’ Station’s weather file was consulted for wind direction which is depicted in the wind rose (fig 3.2.1). The prevailing wind in London is predominantly from the South West direction.

Sky Cover

Sky conditions were found to be typically clear, partially cloudy and overcast for almost equal periods throughout the year (fig 3.2.2).

Global Illuminance

Analysis Period I: Mean GI 31,000 lux & Maximum GI 59,000 lux

Analysis Period II: Mean GI 11,000 lux & Maximum GI 26,000 lux

Fig 3.2.2: Pie-chart illustrating frequency of sunny, intermediate & cloudy skies annually

< Analysis Period I: Summer May to August Direction: South-West

> Analysis Period II: Winter November to February Direction: West

Fig 3.2.1: Wind Rose for Analysis Period-I May to Aug (left) and Analysis Period- II Nov-Feb (right) for London (Source: CBE Clima Tool) (Source: Satel-Light)

Fig 3.2.3: Monthly maximum global illuminance & mean global illuminance for sunlight hours for London 0 10000 30000 5000020000 40000 60000 Jul Sept Nov Aug Oct Dec

Climate Analysis | 25 Design Research: Refurbishing the City Part II
0.5 5.51.5 7.93.3 10.7m/s Wind Speed
exIStIng ProPoSalS4

4.1. Council vs Community’s Proposal

Two development complexes were proposed for this site: one conducted by Collado Collins architects, and another by Darling Associates, who explored the community’s request on another solution for the development.

In these analysis conducted by the group, some main architectural features as well as environmental were prioritized. The height of the buildings, the total site occupied area, as well as the impact of these characteristics on solar gains and on shading of others in their surroundings


No. of Blocks: 2

No. of Storys: G+24

No. of Cores: 2

• The entire tower/ maximum number of units may be placed within favourable part of the site (in terms of solar exposure).

• Less ground coverage & more open area.

• Above the first five floors, there is an opportunity to provide river views

(Source: Batmazz, Bhattad, Boldereff Report 2021)

(Source: Batmazz, Bhattad, Boldereff Report 2021)


No. of Blocks: 4

No. of Storys: G+5

No. of Cores: 4


• May have negative impact on the surrounding area –both in terms of shading as well as aesthetics.

• Units may have more rigid orientation due to tower + core form.

• Higher cost of construction.


• Morphology preferred by people in the community.

• Harmonious with the surroundings.

• There may be more opportunity to take advantage of orientation as compared to in a high-rise tower.

• More ground coverage & less open area.

• The higher density may cause blocks to be planned closely, leading to selfshading and consequently restrictive solar exposure.

Fig 4.1.2: Collado Collins Architects’ Proposal Fig 4.1.3: Darling Associates Proposal
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Collado Collins Architects Darling Associates Unit Total units 101 102 no. Units / Floor 4 no. N° of Buildings 2 4 no. N° of Floors 23 5 no. Building Height 75 15 sqm Area / Floor 250 1200 sqm Achieved GC 6 28 % Green space x x Play area x x Exercise space x Games pitch x x Access to riverwalk x Fig 4.1.1: Comparison chart between the two proposals

4.1. Council vs Community’s Proposal

Solar studies were conducted on the two proposals to understand the impact of radiation and access on the built masses.

The solar access simulation shows how the tall tower is negatively impacted on the amount of radiation falling on every unit, because of the configuration of this proposed building (4 to a core). On the other hand, the open and more spread form conceived by Darling Associates allows more units to have solar access during the year.

Radiation simulations were conducted in order to analyse the impact of sun for both typologies. During summers, it is clear how Collins’ proposed building receives radiation in an uniform way throughout the floors. The opposite happens with the Darling Associates, since the “U” shape creates areas that do not receive radiation. However, in winters there aren’t many changes for either one of the buildings.

Although, because of this main difference - height - we can see that there could be a correlation between the amount of radiation received by all units of the building and it’s shape.

(Source: Ladybug Tools)

(Source: Ladybug Tools)

Collado Collins Architects Darling Associates FACADE FACADE Collado Collins Architects Darling Associates Fig 4.1.4: Solar Access on the two built masses of the proposals Fig 4.1.5: Solar Radiation on the two built masses of the proposals
Design Research: Refurbishing the City Part II Existing Proposals | 29

4.2. Previous SED Proposals

In order to move forward with an in depth analysis of the already given information; the team further compared and studied the proposals offered by previous year’s SED students. The advantage of studying was that the site provided was the same and the brief given also stated similar demands. The proposals offered an insight into not only the kind of methodology that can be followed while analyzing and designing from a sustainability perspective but also gave an opportunity to learn from the shortcomings of the projects. The four designs were well curated and intuitive. They were very helpful in charting an accurate guideline to follow while dealing with this site.

• Mass subtracted from South – West to allow for max. units to have sun exposure

• Built entirely in timber

• Central atria to allow natural light and ventilation

• Balconies with 1.2 m depth given majorly as a design solution for the

• bigger units.

• Not enough daylight in north oriented units

• Common green spaces minimally overshadowed

• Placement of built mass on North of site, to allow maximum solar access areas

• Linear form allowing good natural daylight.

• Dual aspect with balconies on south façade, that reduce solar radiation during summer months

• Terrace gardens with user activities planned. These offer views, significant sun exposure etc.

• Appropriate amount of daylight due to orientation in most units.

• Detailed demographic study to analyze different kind of user activities in space

• Curvilinear form to maximize views from the units

• Ample daylight due to form linearity

• South facing balconies aim to minimize building footprint

• Constructed using CLT

• 76m height of tower, overshadows neighboring buildings significantly and creates wind shadow

Proposal 1: Batmaz, Bhattad, Boldereff Proposal 2: Agarwal, Mittal, Leung Proposal 4: Chawla, Dona, Duchamp Proposal 3: Upama, Zhang
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4.3. Built Precedents

This project shows how the form and its orientation can create different spaces, going from public to more private areas, and allow for interactions to happen in various forms.


Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Architect: Bjarke Ingles Group

Use: Residential - Affordable Housing Units: 66 Storeys: 5

public and private spaces

Permeability and access at ground floor level

ModularityCurved form shapes

Southern facade more open (glazed area and balconies)

Fig 4.3.1: Dortheavej Residence (Source: Bjarke Ingels Group)
Design Research: Refurbishing the City Part II Existing Proposals | 31

4.3. Built Precedents

In this building, balconies play a role as semi-private/public spaces, giving residents access to the outdoors with more privacy. In addition to this feature, the dual aspect of the building allows more daylight to come into the apartments.


Location: London, UK

Architect: C.F. Moller

Use: Residential - Apartment building

Units: 22 Storeys: 5

Double aspect units and no long corridors

Balconies: privacy and daylight in rooms

Movement: Alternated openness on the facade Upper level setbacks to reduce scale

Fig 4.3.2: Elmwood Court (Source: CF Moller)
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4.3. Built Precedents

The stepping structure of this residential and mix use building adds to the public spaces available for the users apart from those in the ground level, with the rooftop gar dens and green areas. The form also incorporates environmental features integrated with the building, like the PV panels installed on the and the water harvesting system coming from the green roofs.


Location: Bronx, New York, US

Architect: Dattner Architects + Grimshaw Architects

Use: Mixed - Social and Market-Rate Housing, Amenities (Retail, Health Center, Amphitheater, Community Room, Playground)

Units: 222

Storey/typology: 20 storey; 6-13 story mid-rise apartment; 2-4 story townhouse

Stepped buildings

Green areas: rooftop gardens and street level courtyard provide users with multi-use green spaces

Environmental performance and renewable systems

- Building orientation parallel to prevailing wind

- Green terraces: water harvesting

- PV panels located on rooftops

Fig 4.3.3: Via Verde (Source: Dattner Architects + Grimshaw Architects)

Design Research: Refurbishing the City Part II Existing Proposals | 33
deSIgn agendaS5

5.1. Brief Requirements

The existing proposals, especially the proposal from the community (in collaboration with Darling Associates) from Chapter 4 were studied extensively to give us a broad brief in terms of the requirements and priorities of the community for this proposed development.

The requirement for 100 homes on the site, which were proposed by both the existing schemes, were to be provided while saving all the large mature trees on the site. The multi-use games area was to be retained/ re-located on the site. A more pronounced access to the riverwalk, more open areas for playing, gathering and exercising and sufficient cycle parking were among some of the other important concerns raised by the community.

This brief, which was essentially the requirements of the community, was then analyzed in conjunction with the contextual and climate studies carried out in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 respectively to formulate an Architectural and Environmental agenda for the proposed development. These agendas allowed for a framework to be created on the basis of which the further design and development process was carried out.



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M.U.G.A PROVIDED CYCLE PARKING Fig 5.1.1: Major takeaways from the brief and community’s requirements
Form develoPment6

Shadow Analysis

The first step carried out was a shadow analysis and shading mask of the bare site to understand the impact of the context and surrounding buildings, especially the adjacent high-rise residential towers, on the amount of solar exposure received by the site.

It was observed from the shadow analysis (fig 6.1.1) that although Selworthy House does cast a shadow on part of the site, the Northern part of the site which is adjacent to Battersea Church Road, receives direct solar exposure for most part of the year. This area was, therefore, identified as an ideal location for the built mass of the proposed development to be placed to ensure higher solar exposure.


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HRS1200 HRS0900 HRS EQUINOX WINTER SOLSTICE (Source: Ladybug Tools)Fig 6.1.1: Bare site shadow analysis Fig 6.1.2: Shading mask on the site

6.2. Zoning

Based on the area identified for the placement of the built mass from the shadow analysis, the Architectural and Environmental agendas formulated in Chapter 5 were then translated into a zoning diagram (fig 6.2.1).

As established through the climate analysis carried out in Chapter 3, the winter period was identified as the period requiring closer attention to move towards a free-running scenario. Therefore, maximum number of units having good southern exposure to solar radiation was a priority and so to start with, a linear form with dual-aspect having solar exposure to the South was considered.

In terms of the some of the architectural agendas for the development, the site was envisioned as a community node within the neighbourhood, and therefore permeability with the neighbourhood, connection with the riverwalk and integration with the adjacent open areas were key considerations made at an early design stage. The placement of the building mass allowed for the creation of two distinct zones - the public zone (accessed directly from Battersea Church Road) and and semi-public zone within the site itself.

Mid-Rise Development

Permeability with Neighbourhood

Open Areas Integration Parking and Drop Off Zone Public Zone

Linear Form with Southern Exposure

Semi Public Zone

Access & Visual Connectivity with Riverwalk

Existing Trees

Building Fabric Visually Similar to the Neighbourhood Amenities Catering to the Neighbourhood’s Needs Formulating Semi -Public & Community Spaces

Fig 6.2.1: Site Zoning

Mid-Rise Development

Community Spaces not restricted to the Ground Level

0m 10m 20m 30m 50m

Access & Visual Connectivity with Riverwalk

permeability with neighbourhood connection with integration of open green spaces

Existing Trees to be Protected

Creating a Permeable Promenade to Allow the Neighbourhood In 100 Pedestrian-Friendly Site

Integrating Adjoining Open Spaces into the Site Universal Access

vehicular and pedestrian segregation

Creating a Permeable Promenade to Allow the Neighbourhood In 100% Pedestrian-Friendly Site Providing Balconies – as Private Outdoor Spaces Mid Access

Form Development | 41 Design Research: Refurbishing the City Part II

6.3. Massing

The massing process saw the zoning visualized three-dimensionally, and then further refined in a step-by-step process based on the scale of the building mass with respect to permeability with the neighbourhood, the scale of the building mass with respect to the context and an emphasis on the public and semi-public zones created - all while simultaneously checking the solar radiation on both the longer facades to ensure southern solar exposure.


• linear mass of required volume taken

• block oriented to have increased southern exposure

Fig 6.3.1: Block Orientation


• Punctures created on ground level to allow permeability into the green spaces

Fig 6.3.2: Neighbourhood Permeability


• stepped roof created to adjust the scale with respect to the neighbourhood

• form checked for radiation

Fig 6.3.3: Scale Adjustment

Fig 6.3.4: Solar Radiation study for linear form


• stepping reversed to enable higher radiation on the tallest side

• form convexed to emphasize the promenade

• form checked for radiation

Fig 6.3.5: Stepping Reversal

Fig 6.3.6: Solar Radiation study for convex form

(Source: Ladybug Tools)

(Source: Ladybug Tools)

42 | SED | MSc + MArch | 2021-22
0 kwh/m2 600 kwh/m2

Final Base Form

• Form further Elongated and Scaled to suit the Neighbourhood

Curved in a

Distinct Enclosures



Semi Public Space


Fig 6.4.2:


Radiation Study

Final Base Form

(Source: Ladybug Tools)

(Source: Ladybug Tools)

Form Development | 43 Design Research: Refurbishing the City Part II STEP V
Public Space 6.4.
6.4.1: Final Base Form
6.4.3: Solar Access Study for Final Base Form
way to make two
for: Public
Hours kWh/m2

6.5. Elemental Refinements

Once the final base form was created, some of the other functional as well as architectural and environmental agendas were incorporated to further refine the building mass without hampering the design intent. This included refinements such as adding the cores as vertical circulation, creation of voids in the building mass and adding balconies for all units along the entire length of the Southern/ South-Eastern facades.


Fig 6.5.1: Adding the Cores

STEP VI: Adding the Cores

• Added as a functional requirement of vertical circulation for all units

• Aligned to the Southern/ South-Eastern facade so as to not have any unwanted self-shading due to the cores

Fig 6.5.2: Creating Voids as Semi Open Spaces

STEP VII: Creating Voids as Semi Open Spaces

• Created as semi-open community spaces within the building mass above the ground level

• Serves the dual function of reducing the visual mass of the building

Fig 6.5.3: Adding the Balconies

STEP VIII: Adding the Balconies

• Added to provide private outdoor spaces for all units

• Serves the dual function of providing shading from unwanted radiation during the summer period

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6.6. Hierarchy of Open Spaces

The zoning of the site, along with elemental refinements allowed for the creation of multiple open and semi-open spaces with varying levels of public or private access. The promenade, which serves as a node, is a completely public space envisioned to have several retail and community facilities. The permeability of the building mass allows for the centralized green area to be accessible yet segregated, creating a semi-public space. The terrace gardens and the voids were envisioned as semi-private spaces within the building mass with access available to the residents only. The terrace gardens were placed on the part of the building which is more shaded (from the adjacent Selworthy House), and would therefore be a more comfortable outdoor space in the summer period, while the voids were provided with operable glazed louvers to allow more thermal comfort even in the colder months. Each unit was also provided with a balcony, acting as a private outdoor space.

6.6.1: Hierarchy of Open Spaces

Form Development | 45 Design Research: Refurbishing the City Part II

6.7. Element Study

1-2_Promenade and Centralized Green

Each of the open spaces (fig 6.6.1), were further analyzed through simulations to understand the periods of the year when these spaces would be comfortable to use. For the largest open spaces - the promenade and the centralized green area - CFD and UTCI studies were carried out.

Wind: Although the impact of the wind is minimal (fig 6.7.1) with average wind velocities <0.4 m/s, the openings in the building mass at the ground level promote air flow and allow for ventilation.

UTCI: During the summer period, the shading provided by the building mass on the promenade and centralized green area play an important role. This can be seen through the more pronounced temperature gradation (fig 6.7.2) for the summer solstice. This allows for the promenade to be comfortable for >95%, and the centralized green to be comfortable for >85% of the hours in a typical summer week (fig 6.7.3).

During the winter period, however, the longer shadows owing to the lower sun angle more evenly shade these open areas leading to a more even temperature gradation (fig 6.7.2). These spaces are therefore comfortable for only roughly 50% of the hours in a typical winter week (fig 6.7.3).


DBT: 19.8 °C

Wind Speed: 0.5 m/s Cloud Cover: 30%


DBT: 8.8 °C

Wind Speed: 0.5 m/s Cloud Cover: 100%

DBT: 21.5 °C

Wind Speed: 0.5 m/s Cloud Cover: 20%

DBT: 19.6 °C Wind Speed: 0.3 m/s Cloud Cover: 30%


DBT: 11.1 °C

Wind Speed: 0.5 m/s Cloud Cover: 100%

DBT: 12.0 °C

Wind Speed: 0.7 m/s Cloud Cover: 100%


46 | SED | MSc + MArch | 2021-22
1500 HRS1200 HRS0900 HRS
UTCI Comfort 10th August16th August UTCI Comfort 29th November5th December
Fig 6.7.1: Affect of the wind on the open green spaces Fig 6.7.2: UTCI Studies for the Open Spaces °C % Hours% Hours m/s (Source: Autodesk CFD) (Source: Ladybug Tools)

6.7. Element Study

1-2_Promenade and Centralized Green

Based on the UTCI studies carried out (fig 6.7.2), the schedules or periods of the year for which the promenade and the centralized green would be most used were identified.

Activity Mapping: For the summer times a larger amount of activity can be observed in the open spaces due to greater comfort in these spaces. During the morning hours more activity may be observed in the promenade spaces where people could be shopping for groceries, having coffee at the cafe or even simply resting in the area.

However, towards the evening activity shifts towards the play areas in the central green which is also more comfortable during this time of the day.

For the winter months a similar pattern can be observed except the densities of people outdoors would be much lesser because of a colder temperature and reduced comfort. However, with adaptive opportunities such as clo value and different activities with higher met values like gym and sports, these outdoor spaces could be more comfortable.

Major Activities

Major Activities

Major Activities Major Activities Major Activities Major Activities

Fig 6.7.3: Activity Mapping of densities and various age groups for the Open Spaces



<18 years old 19-50 years old >50 years old

Form Development | 47

6.7. Element Study

3_Terrace Gardens

As previously mentioned, the terrace gardens, envisioned as semi-private community spaces, were placed on the part of the building mass which receives more shade from the adjacent high-rise residential tower (Selworthy House) to ensure that the space is more comfortable during the summer period. A UTCI study was carried out to confirm this hypothesis.

UTCI: The UTCI study showed that the terrace garden on the lowest part of the building mass (which receives maximum shading) was comfortable for >85% of the hours in a typical summer week, while the terrace gardens at the higher part of the building mass (also shaded, but less) were comfortable for 70-80% of the hours in a typical summer week.

In the winter period, however, the comfort hours were only between 30-40% in a typical winter week, with a majority of that being the latter part of the day (1500hrs).



Wind Speed: T7: 0.73 m/s

DBT: 21.5 °C

Wind Speed: T7: 0.78 m/s

DBT: 19.6 °C

Wind Speed: T7: 0.65 m/s

T8: 0.64 m/s T9: 0.58 m/s Cloud Cover: 30% DBT: 10.3 °C

T8: 0.70 m/s

T9: 0.63 m/s Cloud Cover: 20%

T8: 0.58 m/s

T9: 0.53 m/s

Cloud Cover: 30%

DBT: 8.8 °C

Wind Speed: T7: 0.80 m/s

T8: 0.67 m/s

T9: 0.65 m/s

Cloud Cover: 100% DBT: 19.8 °C

Wind Speed: T7: 0.80 m/s T8: 0.67 m/s T9: 0.60 m/s Cloud Cover: 100%

DBT: 11.7 °C

Wind Speed: T7: 0.83 m/s

T8: 0.72 m/s

T9: 0.60 m/s

Cloud Cover: 100%



48 | SED | MSc + MArch | 2021-22
1500 HRS1200 HRS0900 HRS
UTCI Comfort 10th August16th August UTCI Comfort 29th November5th December
T7 T7 T7 T7 T7 T7 T8 T8 T8 T8 T8 T8 T9 T9 T9 T9 T9 T9 N N N N N N N N % Hours% Hours °C Fig 6.7.4: UTCI Studies for the Terrace Gardens (Source: Ladybug Tools)

6.7. Element Study


Since the promenade, the centralized green area and the terrace gardens all served as open spaces which proved to be comfortable for a majority of the summer period but not so much in the winter period, the voids were envisioned as semi-private community spaces which would be semi-open to allow more thermal comfort even in the winter period. This was done by providing operable glazed louvers along both the Southern/ South Eastern and the Northern/ North Western facades, which could be used to promote cross-ventilation in the summer period while used to minimize heat loss in the winter period.

Thermal_ Simulations were carried out to analyze the thermal performance of the voids in both the summer and winter periods. As seen from the comfort hours, the occupants would be comfortable in these spaces for >90% of the hours in a typical summer week. This may be attributed to the crossventilation and shading provided for these spaces. The void in Tower-6 (single-height void) was found to be marginally less comfortable owing to its smaller volume causing it to be slightly warmer. Such cases may be effectively dealt with using adaptive mechanisms such as operable louvers.

For the winter, the large glazed area with low u-value allowed for fairly high solar gains. This allowed for these space to be comfortable for >75% of the hours in a typical winter week.


Form Development | 49 Design Research: Refurbishing the City Part II
WEEK WINTER TYPICAL WEEK N N N N N N N N % Hours% Hours °C Fig 6.7.5: Thermal Study Results for the Voids (Source: Ladybug Tools)

6.7. Element Study


The balconies, which were primarily provided as private outdoor spaces for each unit, were also tested for their capacity to act as shading with the focus being to block the unwanted solar radiation in the summer period, while allowing for solar exposure in the winter period. This was done through solar geometry studies analysing the sun angle and orientation for different times of the year.

Sun Path and Solar Protractor: A southeast-facing unit was tested with multiple balcony depths, whilst maintaining a minimum of 1.2m to ensure the primary function and usability. Owing to the higher sun angle during the summer period, a depth of 1.5m proved to block a significant amount of the unwanted direct solar radiation in the summer, while allowing for solar radiation in the winter period.


Shadow with 1.5m balcony

Sun path during summer period

Facade (2BHK unit - Tower 2 )

Fig 6.7.6: Solar Protractor Studies for the Balcony Depth

Fig 6.7.7: Section to understand the Passive Zone and Shading Effect of the Balcony

50 | SED | MSc + MArch | 2021-22
15º 58º 40.5m 21stJun 21st Dec 1.5m N S W E 21st Jun 21st Sep 21st Dec

6.7. Element Study


Thermal Studies: The same southeast oriented unit was studied in terms of the impact of the balcony on the indoor operative temperature for a balcony depth of 1.5 and 2m. This was further compared to a east oriented unit to establish whether varying balcony depths would be appropriate for varying orientations.

The thermal studies for the southeast oriented unit proved the solar geometry studies showing a reduction of 3.5-4°C in the indoor OT during the summer period, while leaving the winter indoor OT largely unaffected. Although the larger 2m balcony depth did allow for the summer indoor OT to be further reduced by 0.5-1°C, however it also reduced the spring and autumn OT by almost 1.5°C, which was unwanted. The east oriented unit showed a similar, but less pronounced impact of the 1.5m deep balcony with approximately a 1.4°C reduction in the indoor OT due to less solar exposure, however, this was still a favourable result. Therefore the same balcony depth of 1.5m was followed for all units.

Tower 2 2BHK (SE Orientation)



(Mean CB)

C (Mean DBT)





Indoor OT (No Natural Vent. + No Shading)

Indoor OT (No Natural Vent. + 1.5m Deep Balcony)

Indoor OT (Natural Vent. + 2.0m Deep Balcony)

Tower 7 2BHK (E Orientation)


Outdoor DBT

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400

Global Horizontal Radiation Adaptive Comfort Band (EN15251)

Monthly Average Solar Radiation ( Wh /m 2)

C (Mean CB)


C (Mean DBT)


0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35


Indoor OT (No Natural Vent. + No Shading)

Indoor OT (No Natural Vent. + 1.5m Deep Balcony)


Indoor OT (Natural Vent. + 2.0m Deep Balcony)

Fig 6.7.8: Thermal studies to understand various depths of the balcony

Outdoor DBT Global Horizontal Radiation Adaptive Comfort Band (EN15251)

(Source: Ladybug Tools)

Monthly Average Solar Radiation ( Wh /m 2)

Form Development | 51 Design Research: Refurbishing the City Part II
-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
( ◦
( ◦ C)

6.7. Element Study


Radiation: A solar radiation study showed that the 1.5m balcony allowed for direct solar radiation on the South/ South-Eastern facade to be reduced by approximately 35-40% in the summer period while not affecting the radiation in the winter period, which proves the impact of these balconies seen in the thermal studies.

UTCI Comfort: Since the balconies were still seen primarily as usable private outdoor spaces, a UTCI study was conducted to understand the periods of the year when these would be comfortable to use, and could then potentially act as an extension of the indoor living spaces.

Radiation Without Balconies

Radiation With Balconies

Typical Summer Week

Due to the shading from the balcony above, all balconies (despite varying orientations) are comfortable for >95% of the hours in a typical summer week. The shading provided at the terrace level indicates how it benefits the comfort for balconies below.



(Source: Ladybug Tools)

Typical Winter Week

The hours in comfort for a typical winter week are 40-50%. However, as seen from solar and thermal studies, these lower number of hours in comfort are not due to the shading provided by the balconies but rather due to lower direct solar radiation in this period.

(Source: Ladybug Tools)

Fig 6.7.9: Comparison of Radiation and Solar Access with and without balconies Summer UTCI Comfort Fig 6.7.10: UTCI Comfort Percentages of the Balconies for the Typical Weeks
52 | SED | MSc + MArch | 2021-22
Design Research: Refurbishing the City Part II Fig 6.7.11: South East Facade Visualization Fig 6.7.12: North West Facade Visualization
Form Development | 53



7.1. Shadow Analysis

Once the form, along with all the elemental refinements was developed, a shadow analysis of the building mass was carried out. This was done to verify the zoning and massing strategies and to ensure that the building mass was not depriving the neighbouring residential units of solar exposure due to shading. This was an key point to establish since the goal for this development was to enhance the community by acting as a node and providing various amenities, and not hampering the existing neighbourhood in any way.

As can be seen in Fig 7.1.1, the building mass only casts shadows on the site itself (which was earlier seen in the UTCI studies for the promenade and centralized green area) and not on any of the neighbouring units for most of the year.


WINTER SOLSTICE Fig 7.1.1: Shadow Analysis of the Built Mass
56 | SED | MSc + MArch | 2021-22
1500 HRS1200 HRS0900 HRS EQUINOX

The summer wind pattern indicates that within the site the velocity is low (almost 0.06m/s in some areas), but still shows the existence of air movement, which can be positive for the activities that take place at that area, such as restaurants and cafes. In the promenade there is an increase of the wind speed, although it does not go beyond 0.2m/s. On the other hand, there can be observed that the wind is being channeled in the larger void, favouring higher speeds (reaching 0.5m/s). As this space serves as a passage and there are no activities taking place, the performance of the void can be perceived as positive as it is helping with the air movement withing the internal part of the site. The taller towers towards the right portion of the site can create a barrier against the prevailing wind, blocking the high velocities wind (0.5m/s), thus favouring a more pleasant environment on the inner most part of the site.

Site and Planning | 57 Design Research: Refurbishing the City Part II 0.30m/s 0.70m/s 0.50m/s 0.30m/s 0.15m/s 0.20m/s0.20m/s0.15m/s
7.2. Wind Analysis Fig 7.2.1: Wind Analysis for the two periods WINTER PERIOD 0.06m/s 0.25m/s 0.30m/s 0.15m/s 0.35m/s 0.45m/s 0.50m/s0.20m/s0.50m/s (Source: Autodesk CFD)

7.3. Site Planning

Based on the site zoning and the study of the open spaces conducted in Chapter 6, a site plan was developed.

This layout aimed to incorporate all architectural agendas previously mentioned, such as access & visual connectivity with the riverwalk, protection of existing trees, provision of amenities catering to the neighbourhood’s needs, formulation of semi-public & community spaces, creation of a permeable promenade, 100% pedestrian friendly site through separation of vehicular & pedestrian zones, integration of adjoining open spaces, retention of the multi-use games area, universal access, maximizing open areas, sufficient provision of cycle parking and site zoning ensuring outdoor comfort.

The ground floor was dedicated to outward facing retail spaces opening onto the public promenade, and inward facing community spaces opening into the semi-public centralized green area. Lobbies for each of the towers consisting of a reception, mail boxes and waiting area were also provided at this level.




Riverwalk Connection Multi Purpose Hall Indoor Games Gym

Restaurant Cafe Cafe Co Working Grocery Store The Front Promenade

Accessible Central Greens Sandpit Play Area and Outdoor Gym


58 | SED | MSc + MArch | 2021-22
2M 6M 1.5M

Product Mix and Unit Distribution

In line with the demographic studies carried out as part of contextual studies in Chapter 2, a product mix consisting of 54 studio units (for 1-2 persons) and 43 2-bedroom units (for 3-4 persons) was established. This mix also happened to be in line with the council’s earlier proposals.

A tower strategy of having 4-units to a single core was then devised. Each tower would consist of three studio units and one 2-bedroom unit serviced by a core. To ensure modularity of these units, the unit dimensions were chosen such that three studio units could potentially be converted into a single 2-bedroom unit is required. The units could also be stacked alternatively (fig 7.4.3) to create an interesting facade modulation due to this modular strategy.

In terms of the unit distribution along the form, the majority of studio units were placed within the first 3-4 floors to ensure that the larger, more expensive two bedroom units may enjoy the views of the river towards the North.

The central core, flanked by three studio units to one side and one 2-bedroom unit to the other, consists of a staircase and two elevators. Four such blocks were designed as part of the proposed building development.

Design Research: Refurbishing the City Part

No. of Bedrooms No. of Persons Unit Type GIA/Unit (sqm) No. of Units Total GIA (sqm)

Studio 1 2 Persons Intermediate Rent 32 54 1,728

2 BHK 3 4 Persons Affordable 80 13 1,040 3 4 Persons Market Sale 80 30 2,400

Total 97 5,168

NOTE: The product mix has been derived from the Council’s proposal

Vertical Cores 2 Bedroom Units

Studio Units Community + Retail Spaces





Unit modularity

Site and Planning | 59
Studio 2BHK 3 x Studio 2BHK 4 to a Core
allows [3 x
allows [3 x Studios] to be converted into [1 x 2BHK] if required 10m
Fig 7.4.1: Units forming the Building Mass Fig 7.4.2:
Fig 7.4.3: Unit

7.5. Typical Floor Plan and Unit Plan

The typical floor plan was laid out with the product mix and unit distribution as shown in Fig 7.4.1 & 7.4.3. The bedrooms and living room were placed so as to receive the southern solar exposure, while the bathrooms and kitchen were placed towards the North. This was done to maximize thermal and visual comfort for the living spaces, and since the kitchen has significantly large internal loads, its lesser solar exposure was hypothesized to be adequate. Drawing from the linear and dual aspect plan, the units were planned with a maximum depth of 6m for the living spaces to ensure they would fall within the passive zone and hence receive adequate daylight, while the remaining depth towards the North was allocated for the toilets and kitchen.

The core was designed with a glazed passage towards the North to provide access to the three studio units while the 2-bedroom unit can be accessed for the


SED | MSc + MArch | 2021-22

Design Research: Refurbishing the City Part II

7.6. Axonometric and Materiality

To begin with, the materials were chosen to reduce the embodied carbon below 500 kgCO2/m2 target as per LETI guidelines. Although Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) was initially considered as the primary structural material, however, since building regulations in the UK do not allow for this, Ground Granulated Blastfurnace Slag (GGBS) reinforced concrete was chosen for the foundation, columns & beams, while CLT was used for floor slabs.

For windows, the LETI guidelines for u-value, g-value and WWR were followed, while medium density blockwork was used for the walls due to it’s fairly low u-value & embodied carbon along with it’s ability to blend in with the built fabric of the neighbourhood.




GGBS Reinforced Concrete Beams

GGBS Reinforced Concrete Columns

Fig 7.6.1: Exploded Axonometric of the Unit

GGBS Reinforced Concrete Substructure

100mm thk Blockwork

WWR North: 15%


U Value- 0.16

100mm thk Soil

10mm thk Filter

U Value- 0.90 SHGC- 0.50 VT- 0.72

FLOORSLAB 25mm thk Screed CLT Slabs

WWR South: 25% 4mm thk Glass 16mm thk Argon Fill 4mm thk Glass WINDOW

U Value- 0.19

25mm thk Screed 60mm thk Woodfibre 75mm thk Sheepwool 130mm thk CLT


U Value- 0.20 U Value- 0.20

100mm thk Blockwork 60mm thk Woodfibre 12 mm thk Plyboard 12 mm thk Plyboard 12 mm thk Plyboard 75mm thk Sheepwool 130mm thk CLT

250mm thk Expanded Perlite

120mm thk Expanded Perlite

Fig 7.6.2: Materiality of the Built Mass

Site and Planning | 61

7.7. Section

The culmination of the architectural and environmental agendas, the form development, the site planning and the unit design was a 100-home residential development which endeavored to fulfill all the concerns of the community, while acting as a node within the neighborhood and providing an architecturally engaging & sustainable indoor as well as outdoor environment. The various open spaces – the promenade, centralized green area, terrace gardens, voids and balconies –were all well integrated with the carefully developed building form to provide both function as well as to promote occupant health and well-being. The linear building form allowed for dual-aspect units with ample daylight, cross-ventilation and views to the river, while provision of solar PVs on the roof ensured substantial power generation and lesser dependence on non-renewable energy sources.

Section through the Building

62 | SED | MSc + MArch | 2021-22
Fig 7.7.1:
Research: Refurbishing the City Part II Fig 7.8.1: The Connection to the Central Greens from the Riverwalk Fig 7.8.3: View Showing the Functionality of the Balcony Fig 7.8.2: The front Promenade with Permeable Opening into the Site Fig 7.8.4: Interior View of the Void
Site and Planning | 63 Design
envIronmental StudIeS8

8.1. Embodied Carbon Analysis

As mentioned as part of the materiality study, the embodied carbon was a key consideration for material selection. The chosen materials achieved 437 kgCO2/ m2 without sequestration, which achieves the target of <500 kgCO2/m2 for medium and large scale housing projects from the LETI guidelines as well as falls within the 2025 range on the RIBA 2030 challenge for domestic building. When including sequestration, which is due to the use of CLT for floor slabs on the upper floors, 270 kgCO2/m2 was achieved which falls into the 2030 range on the RIBA 2030 challenge.

The services contribute to 35% of the embodied carbon, and although this is a limitation of the FCBS Carbon used, it may be hypothesized that this value for embodied has the potential to be further optimized.

Carbon Analysis

(Source: FCBS Carbon Tool)

66 | SED | MSc + MArch | 2021-22
Fig 8.1.1:

Design Research: Refurbishing the City Part II

8.2. Thermal Studies

Methodology: The methodology for thermal simulations to test the performance of the chosen form and materiality was broken down into three steps.

Firstly out of the 97 units in total, certain units were selected for simulation on the basis of their varying orientation, exposed surface area and the volume of the unit. Further for the units that did not perform up to a satisfactory level, the problem areas were identified and potential solutions were devised. For Step-2, the solutions were tested and iterated to be able to optimize the performance of these units up to a satisfactory level. Finally, the resilience of these optimized units was tested for a future scenario of climate change.







Orientation Shading/ WWR Exposure Envelope Material Volume Design Requirement SimulatePreliminary STEP I STEP II STEP III ExploreExplore ExploreExplore ExploreExplore Iterate Optimize Resilience

Thermal Studies Methodology

Environmental Studies | 67
Fig 8.2.1:

8.2. Thermal Studies

Step I

Select Units to Simulate: The ‘base case’ studio unit was selected as the unit with south-eastern orientation and minimal exposed surface area (to minimize heat losses in the winter period). This was the fourth floor studio unit in Tower-2 (fig 8.2.2). This unit was also hypothesized to be the best performing unit owing to its good solar exposure, reduced heat loss and smaller volume. The first floor studio unit in Tower-2 (with an exposed floor) was tested for the impact of large exposed surface area, while the studio unit in Tower-9 was tested for the impact of it’s varying orientation. The top floor unit in Tower-8 was tested due to it’s varying orientation and large exposed surface area (roof and wall) as compared to the base case unit.

A similar approach was taken for the 2-bedroom units, wherein the ‘base case’ or hypothesized best performing unit was the third floor 2-bedroom unit in Tower-2. This was contrasted with the top floor & sixth floor 2-bedroom units in Tower-2 (both with exposed roofs), first floor 2-bedroom unit in Tower-3 (with an exposed floor) and the second floor 2-bedroom unit in Tower-7 (with varying orientation).

2BHK Simulated Units

Studio Simulated Units

Note: All units were considered as single zone for these simulations

Fig 8.2.2: Unit Selection for Thermal Studies (Source: Ladybug Tools)

UNIT SELECTION CRITERIA: Orientation | Exposure | Volume

68 | SED | MSc + MArch | 2021-22
T2 T4 T3 T1 T6 T5 T7 T8 T5 T7 T8 T3 T2 T1


8.2. Thermal Studies

Soft Computations | Studio: The thermal performance of the selected units was first tested through soft computations.

During the summer period, although the shading provided by the balconies plays a significant role, however, solar gains were still observed to be the largest source of heat gain. The heat load due to occupants, and the large appliances load per floor area also led to substantial heat gains. The heat losses are fairly meagre and therefore natural ventilation (approx. 1 ac/h) plays a large role, especially in the ‘base case’ unit leading to a free-running scenario. Expected results in terms of varying solar gains due to varying orientation, and varying heat loss from opaque conduction (roof/ floor/ walls) due to varying area of exposed surface were observed (fig 8.2.3).

For the winter period, despite the very low solar gains for the studios in both Tower-8 & 9, the controlled heat losses and the significant heat gains from the occupants and large appliances still allow for an increase of 7.3°C in the indoor operative temperature as compared to the outdoor dry bulb temperature. The first floor unit in Tower-2 (with an exposed floor) has a similar performance as the higher solar gains are balanced by the higher heat loss due to the exposed floor. The ‘base case’ unit showed substantial increase in indoor operative temperature due to large gains through solar radiation and fairly meagre heat loss (fig 8.2.3).


Summer Period

Mean Outdoor Temperature: 17.1°C

Comfort Band: 21.4°C 27.4°C

Target ΔT: 4.3°C 10.3°C

Internal Loads

Number of Occupants

Lighting Load Equipment Load Infiltration

Ventilation per Person

Additional Ventilation


Occupancy Schedule

Lighting Schedule

Equipment Schedule

Heating Schedule

1 2.0 W/m2 5.5 W/m2 0.1 ac/h 30 m3 0.5 1.3 ac/h 16 hours 10 hours 10 hours N/A

Fig 8.2.3: Soft Computations for the chosen Studios

Winter Period

Mean Outdoor Temperature: 7.3°C

Comfort Band: 18.2°C 24.2°C

Target ΔT: 10.9°C 16.9°C

Internal Loads

Number of Occupants

Lighting Load

Equipment Load


Ventilation per Person


Occupancy Schedule

Lighting Schedule

Equipment Schedule

Heating Schedule 1 2.0 W/m2 5.5 W/m2 0.1 ac/h 30 m3 16 hours 10 hours 10 hours N/A

T2 Studio Low T2 Studio Mid (BC) T8 Studio Top T9 Studio Low

Ventilation (Wellbeing) -49 -50 -44 -43

Ventilation (Cooling) -120 -158 -69 -109

Glazing Conduction -16 -17 -15 -17

External Walls -10 -11 -39 -11

Roof/ Floor -35 0 -33 0

Infiltration -18 -18 -21 -23

Occupants 67 67 67 67

Appliances 70 70 70 70

Lights 20 20 20 20

Solar Gain 92 96 65 46 -900 -600 -300 0 300 600 900 LOADS (W)

T2 Studio Low T2 Studio Mid (BC) T8 Studio Top T9 Studio Low

Ventilation (Wellbeing) -90 -125 -49 -77

Ventilation (Cooling) 0 0 0 0

Glazing Conduction -30 -42 -17 -30

External Walls -19 -26 -44 -19

Roof/ Floor -63 0 -37 0

Infiltration -33 -46 -23 -42

Occupants 67 67 67 67

Appliances 70 70 70 70

Lights 20 20 20 20

Solar Gain 78 82 14 12 -900 -600 -300 0 300 600 900 LOADS (W)

Environmental Studies | 69 Design Research: Refurbishing the City Part II
6.9°C 6.5°C 6.7°CΔ T
7.3°C 17.2°C 7.3°C 7.3°CΔ T

Thermal Studies

Soft Computations | 2BHK: The soft computations showed fairly similar thermal performance for the 2-bedroom unit as compared to the studio units.

In the summer period, the larger area of the unit (and more occupants) as compared to the studios leads to larger heat gains from the occupants and substantial solar gains. However, heat loss through natural ventilation (approx. 1 ac/h) allows for a free-running scenario for all the 2-bedroom units during the summer. Expected variation due to orientation and opaque conduction (exposed surface area) were observed for these units as well (fig 8.2.4).

During the winter period, a significant variation in solar gains between the ‘base case’ unit and the Tower-7 unit are observed due to the differing orientation. However, the large occupant load and fairly minimal heat losses still allow for an increase of 8.6°C in the indoor operative temperature as compared to the outdoor dry bulb temperature. Other units, despite exposed surfaces, also performing similarly owing to fairly large solar gains due to their South-Eastern orientation (fig 8.2.4).


Summer Period

Mean Outdoor Temperature: 17.1°C

Comfort Band: 21.4°C 27.4°C

Target ΔT: 4.3°C 10.3°C

Internal Loads

Fig 8.2.4: Soft Computations for the chosen 2 Bedroom Units


Number of Occupants

Lighting Load

Equipment Load


Ventilation per Person

Additional Ventilation


Occupancy Schedule

Lighting Schedule

Equipment Schedule

Heating Schedule 3 2.0 W/m2 2.1 W/m2 0.1 ac/h 30 m3 0.5/1 ac/h 16 hours 10 hours 10 hours N/A


Ventilation (Wellbeing) -155 -145 -148 -151 -150

Ventilation (Cooling) -378 -355 -361 -215 -224

Glazing Conduction -79 -74 -75 -96 -73

External Walls -65 -61 -62 -79 -64

Roof/ Floor -92 -86 0 -124 0

Infiltration -57 -53 -54 -65 -56

Occupants 200 200 200 200 200

Appliances 70 70 70 70 70

Lights 50 50 50 60 50 Solar Gain 505 456 381 400 248 -900 -600 -300 0

Winter Period

Mean Outdoor Temperature: 7.3°C

Comfort Band: 18.2°C 24.2°C

Target ΔT: 10.9°C 16.9°C 10.3°C 9.8°C 11.9°C 8.7°C 8.6°C

Internal Loads

Number of Occupants

Lighting Load

Equipment Load


Ventilation per Person


Occupancy Schedule

Lighting Schedule

Equipment Schedule

Heating Schedule 3 2.0 W/m2 2.1 W/m2 0.1 ac/h 30 m3 16 hours 10 hours 10 hours N/A

Ventilation (Wellbeing) -223 -213 -259 -180 -186

Ventilation (Cooling) 0 0 0 0 0

Glazing Conduction -114 -109 -132 -115 -90

External Walls -94 -90 -109 -95 -80

Roof/ Floor -132 -126 0 -148 0

Infiltration -82 -78 -95 -77 -69

Occupants 200 200 200 200 200

Appliances 70



70 | SED | MSc + MArch | 2021-22
2BHK Top T2 2BHK Mid T2 2BHK Low (BC) T3 2BHK Low T7 2BHK Low
300 600 900
7.1°C 6.7°C 6.8°C 7.2°C 6.9°CΔ T T2 2BHK Top T2 2BHK Mid T2 2BHK Low (BC) T3 2BHK Low T7 2BHK Low
70 70 70 70
50 50 50 60 50 Solar
324 297 276 284 105 -900 -600 -300 0 300 600 900 LOADS (W)

8.2. Thermal Studies

Step I Simulate: The thermal performance for the same four studio units and five 2-bedroom units was tested through computer-based simulations. Since it was established from the soft simulations that the summer period would be comfortable and free-running, the performance of these units were measured in percentage of comfort hours throughout the year and the heating demand to achieve comfort. The team aimed not only to achieve the LETI standard for space heating of 15 kWh/m2/year, but rather reduce it by at least a further 25%.

The results of the simulations showed satisfactory results for six out of the nine units (based on the team’s internal target), with the best performing studio unit and best performing 2-bedroom unit achieving a space heating demand of 2.0 kWh/m2/yr and 6.7 kWh/m2/yr respectively. Meanwhile, the worst performing studio unit was the Tower-8 top floor unit and worst performing 2-bedroom unit was the Tower-3 first floor unit with a space heating demand of 16.8 kWh/m2/yr and 14.8 kWh/m2/yr respectively.

Analyze Problems: The three units with unsatisfactory performance were further analyzed to establish the cause for their poor performance. The Tower-8 top floor studio unit, which had the highest overall space heating demand of 16.8 kWh/m2/yr, was hypothesized to perform poorly due to heat losses through a very large proportion of its surface area being exposed which was further coupled lower heat gains due to it’s North-East and SouthWest orientation. The 2-bedroom unit with the highest space heating demand of 14.8 kWh/m2/yr was found to be the Tower-3 first floor unit due to it’s exposed floor and some amount of shading by the neighbouring building.

Possible solutions to increase heat gain such as increasing WWR or addition of windows on the exposed, and to reduce heat losses such as night shutters & further insulation were identified to optimize the thermal performance of these units.

LETI Standard Heating Demand

≤15 kWh/m²/yr

Design Research: Refurbishing the City Part II

HL: 11.2 kWh/m2/yr CH (FR): 57%

HL: 10.9 kWh/m2/yr CH (FR): 67%

LETI Standard Heating Demand

≤15 kWh/m²/yr >25% reduction LETI Standard Heating Demand from LETI Standard

HL: 16.8 kWh/m2/yr CH (FR): 53% N

HL: 4.6 kWh/m2/yr CH (FR): 69%

HL: 14.8 kWh/m2/yr CH (FR): 58%

Fig 8.2.5: Step I Thermal Results for the Chosen Units

• Night Shutters

• Adding Window on Exposed Wall

• Further Insulating Exposed Wall

• Night Shutters

E W Orientation

HL: 5.8 kWh/m2/yr CH (FR): 76%

(Source: Ladybug Tools)

HL: 11.0 kWh/m2/yr CH (FR): 66%

HL: 2.0 kWh/m2/yr CH (FR): 89%

HL: 6.7 kWh/m2/yr CH (FR): 73%

Large Exposed Surface & Low Solar Exposure

• Night Shutters

• Further Insulating Exposed Floor

Fig 8.2.6: Problem Area for the Units

Best Performing Studio

Best Performing 2BHK

Environmental Studies | 71

8.2. Thermal Studies

Step II

Iterate | Tower 2 Studio Best Performing Unit: Step-2 began with analyzing the annual thermal performance of the best performing studio unit and closely understanding the role of the shading provided by the balconies and that of natural ventilation. Through the use of both these measures, it was found that for 89% of the year the occupants can be comfortable in this unit in a free-running scenario, with space heating required only for a small part of the year in the winter period. This resulted in a space heating demand of only 2.0 kWh/m2/yr.

Fig 8.2.7: Thermal Studies for Tower 2 Studio

(Source: Ladybug Tools)

Note: The unit was considered as single zone for these simulations

Note: The unit was considered as single zone for these simulations

Best Performing Studio
72 | SED | MSc + MArch | 2021-22
30.4 kWh/m2

Design Research: Refurbishing the City Part II

8.2. Thermal Studies

Step II

Iterate | Tower 2 Studio Best Performing Unit: To further understand the reasons for it’s good thermal performance, the energy balance of a scenario with no natural ventilation and no shading was compared to that of a scenario with natural ventilation and shading. Further, the indoor operative temperature was analysed for both the typical summer and winter weeks to investigate whether there were any diurnal fluctuations in the operative temperature.

Energy Balance: The comparison of the two energy balances showed that while the shading provided by the balconies and natural ventilation were both very effective in the summer period by reducing heat gain and increasing heat loss respectively, they did not hamper the thermal performance in the winter period. The large heat gain through the equipment, the substantial solar gains due to it’s South-Eastern orientation and it’s smaller volume allowed for this unit to achieve a low space heating demand and be the best performing unit.

Typical Weeks: Taking a closer look at the indoor operative temperatures through the typical weeks, it was observed that the indoor OT remains stable and lies within the comfort band for the entirety of both the summer and winter typical weeks in a free-running scenario with shading and natural ventilation.

Loads (kWh/m2) 12.0 9.0 6.0 3.0 0.0 3.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 15.0

No Natural Ventilation + No Shading (Free Running)

Occupants Lighting Fan Electric Equipment Solar Heating 15.0

Storage Cooling Glz Conduction

Opq Conduction

Nat. Ventilation Mech. Ventilation Infiltration

Loads (kWh/m2) 12.0 9.0 6.0 3.0 0.0 3.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 15.0


Natural Ventilation + Shading (Free Running)


Fig 8.2.8: Energy Balance for Tower 2 Studio

Fig 8.2.9: Typical Week Study

(Source: Ladybug Tools)

(Source: Ladybug Tools)

Environmental Studies | 73

• Night Shutters

8.2. Thermal Studies

Step II

Iterate | Tower 8 Studio Worst Performing Unit: The indoor operative temperature for the typical summer and winter weeks for the worst performing studio unit were then analyzed and iterated with.

It was seen that although through natural ventilation and shading, the OT for this unit would be in the comfort band for the typical summer week, however, during the typical winter week the OT was significantly below comfort.

Therefore, the earlier identified solutions to increase heat gains and reduce heat loss were tested. It was found that through an additive process of introducing night shutters, adding a window on the exposed South-East facing wall and further insulating the same wall, the indoor operative temperature could be increased by 1.2°C in the typical winter week, and the space heating demand could consequently be reduced by 25%.

• Adding Window on Exposed Wall

• Further Insulating Exposed Wall

Large Exposed Surface & NE SW Orientation

35 kWh/m2

Total Energy Consumption




Total Heating Demand



Fig 8.2.10: Thermal Studies for Tower 8 Studio (Source: Ladybug Tools)

74 | SED | MSc + MArch | 2021-22
LETI Standard LETI Standard Step I Achieved Step I Achieved Step II Improved Step II Improved ≤

8.2. Thermal Studies

Step II

Iterate | Tower 2 2BHK Best Performing Unit: A similar process of first analyzing the best performing 2-bedroom unit (having a space heating demand of 6.7 kWh/m2/yr) was carried out. Here it was observed that this unit would be comfortable for 73% of the year in a free-running scenario with natural ventilation and shading from the balcony. Consequently, space heating would be required for only a fourth of the year, leading to a fairly low space heating demand.

Fig 8.2.10: Thermal Studies for Tower 2, 2BHK (Source: Ladybug Tools)

Total Energy Consumption 30.4 kWh/m²

≤35 kWh/m²

≤35 kWh/m² Total Energy Consumption 30.4 kWh/m²

≤35 kWh/m² 41.5 kWh/m²

≤35 kWh/m² 20.6 kWh/m²

≤35 41.5

N AchievedLETI Standard

AchievedLETI Standard

≤15 kWh/m² Total Heating Demand 2.0 kWh/m²

≤15 kWh/m² 16.8 kWh/m² ≤ 20.6 15 6.7 kWh/m²

≤15 kWh/m² Total Heating Demand 2.0 kWh/m²

≤15 kWh/m² 16.8 kWh/m²

≤15 kWh/m² 6.7 kWh/m²

AchievedLETI Standard

AchievedLETI Standard

Note: The unit was considered as single zone for these simulations

Note: The unit was considered as single zone for these simulations

Environmental Studies | 75 Design Research: Refurbishing the City Part II
Best Performing Studio

8.2. Thermal Studies

Step II

Iterate | Tower 2 2BHK Best Performing Unit: A comparison was made between the energy balance of a scenario with no natural ventilation and no shading and that of a scenario with natural ventilation and shading. The indoor operative temperature for both typical summer and winter weeks was further investigated.

Energy Balance: The comparison between the two energy balances showed very similar results to that done for the best performing studio. Although this unit achieved a low space heating demand of 6.7 kWh/m2/yr, this was still higher than that of the studio’s due to it’s larger volume and lower equipment load per floor area as compared to the studio.

Typical Weeks: Taking a closer look at the indoor operative temperatures through the typical weeks, it was observed that the indoor OT lies within the comfort band for the entirety of the summer typical week in a free-running scenario with shading and natural ventilation, however, it is still slightly outside of the comfort band in the typical winter week. Since this ∆T is quite low, the space heating demand for this unit is fairly low as well.

Fig 8.2.11: Energy Balance for Tower , 2BHK Fig 8.2.12: Typical Week Study (Source: Ladybug Tools) (Source: Ladybug Tools)
76 | SED | MSc + MArch | 2021-22

8.2. Thermal Studies

Step II

Iterate | Tower 3 2BHK Worst Performing Unit: Similar to the studio, the indoor operative temperature for the typical summer and winter weeks for the worst performing 2-bedroom unit were analyzed and iterated with.

Here again, this unit was found to be in the comfort band for the typical summer week due to shading and natural ventilation, however, during the typical winter week the operative temperature was significantly below comfort.

It was found that through an additive process of introducing night shutters, and further insulating the exposed floor, the indoor operative temperature could be increased by 0.7°C in the typical winter week, and the space heating demand could consequently be reduced by 31%. These measures which were made to reduce heat loss were seen to have little or no impact in the typical summer week.

35 kWh/m2

Total Energy Consumption




Total Heating Demand

Large Exposed Surface & Low Solar Exposure

• Night Shutters

• Further Insulating Exposed Floor

Fig 8.2.10: Thermal Studies for Tower 3, 2BHK (Source: Ladybug Tools)

Environmental Studies | 77 Design Research: Refurbishing the City Part II
LETI Standard LETI Standard Step I Achieved Step I Achieved Step II Improved Step II Improved ≤
14.8 kWh/m2 23.2
10.2 kWh/m2

8.2. Thermal Studies

Step II

Iterate | Tower 7 2BHK Poor Performing Unit: Through an additive process similar to that followed for other units, night shutters were introduced for this unit. This resulted in a small increase in the indoor operative temperature of only 0.3°C, and consequently reduced the heating demand by only 7%.

In both the worst performing studio and 2-bedroom unit, the space heating demand and indoor operative temperature in the winter period were optimized through a combination of increasing heat gain and reducing heat loss. However, this unit did not have a large exposed surface area, and the primary reason for it’s relatively poor performance was it’s orientation.

Hence, it was hypothesized that increasing the WWR on the East facing facade from 25% to 30% would result in improved solar gains. This was tested, but it was found that although this was true for a free-running scenario (a further increase of 0.2°C in indoor operative temperature was observed), however, with heating the increased WWR resulted in increased heat loss through glazing conduction and consequently increased the space heating demand. Therefore, the original WWR was retained.

Total Energy Consumption



• Night Shutters

Increasing WWR

E W Orientation

Total Heating Demand

78 | SED | MSc + MArch | 2021-22
LETI Standard LETI Standard Step I Achieved Step I Achieved Step II Improved Step II Improved ≤35 kWh/m2 ≤15 kWh/m2 25.0
11.2 kWh/m2 24.2
10.4 kWh/m2
Fig 8.2.11: Thermal Studies for Tower 7, 2BHK (Source: Ladybug Tools)

8.2. Thermal Studies

Step III

Climate Change: Since designing for climate change was a key aspect of the environmental agenda established early on, therefore, after testing and optimizing the thermal performance through the indoor operative temperature and space heating demand for all the selected units, it was imperative to test their thermal performance in a future scenario of climate change. The test reference year (TRY) of 2080 was chosen for the same.

Firstly, a comparison between the outdoor dry bulb temperatures for London in the current scenario and that of TRY 2080 was conducted. It was observed that the annual mean DBT increased by 2°C in TRY 2080, with an increase of 2.6°C in the summer period and that of 1.5°C in the winter period.

The Tower 7 second floor 2-bedroom unit was chosen to be simulated in this future scenario of TRY 2080. When comparing the annual free-running operative temperatures, it was found that only 3% of the year was above comfort band, the temperature peaks of which can be seen in July. The overall percentage of comfortable hours increased by 5% and percentage of hours below the comfort band reduced by 7%. This led to a consequent reduction of space heating demand of 4%.

12.2°C (Mean DBT)

14.2°C (Mean DBT)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

12.2°C (Mean DBT)

Temp. ( ◦ C)


14.2°C (Mean DBT) 6.8 7.1 Current TRY 2080 14.2 15.6 16.4 19.1 8.1 9.9 18.9 22.3 9.2 11.7 6.0 8.1 17.2 19.3 12.7 15.7 11.0 11.6 18.2 21.6 7.1 8.4 12.2 14.2 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40


Outdoor DBT (Current) Global Horizontal Radiation (Current)

Outdoor DBT (Current) Global Horizontal Radiation (Current)


Outdoor DBT (TRY 2080)

Outdoor DBT (TRY 2080)

Global Horizontal Radiation (TRY 2080)

Global Horizontal Radiation (TRY 2080)

The purpose of Step III was to test the resilience of the proposed units, and through the results it may be concluded that the performance of the building is largely unchanged (if not marginally improved) in the future scenario. 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Daily Average Solar Radiation ( Wh /m 2)

Daily Average Solar Radiation ( Wh /m 2)

Fig 8.2.12: Climate Change Studies (Source: Ladybug Tools)

Environmental Studies | 79 Design Research: Refurbishing the City Part II
1400 -5

8.3. Daylight Studies

Select Units to Simulate_ Similar to the thermal analysis, both height and orientation of these units could also influence their daylight performance. Thermal simulations investigated the performance for the 7 units and the role balconies were playing in the reduction of solar gains. Therefore, it was important to investigate how those same units were performing in terms of daylight.

The group decided for point in time simulations, for both summer and winter solstices and under different sky conditions. For the comparison between the units, it was considered results taken at 12h of both solstices and sky conditions. And fisheye images were also taken for glare analysis of the living room in all units.

21st December 1200 hrs

21st June 1200 hrs

2BHK Simulated Units

Studio Simulated Units

Note: All units were considered as single zone for these simulations

Fig 8.3.1: Selection of Units for Daylight Studies

UNIT SELECTION CRITERIA: Orientation | Exposure | VolumeOrientation | Height

80 | SED | MSc + MArch | 2021-22

8.3. Daylight Studies

Studio - 1200h - Sunny & Overcast_ The two studio units in both solstices showed good results in the simulation for sunny sky condition. The lower value identified was higher than 100lux, at the entrance of the unit in tower 2 which, again, is a satisfactory illuminance for a hall. Despite the good performance with sunny sky conditions, an overcast one did not show good results. The further away from the window, the lower the values get. Even though the unit does not have a deep plan, the lack of daylight in this condition brings the illuminance values close to 30lux at the unit’s entrance

Fig 8.3.2: Studio daylight comparatives between various units (Source: Ladybug Tools)


Tower 2




Environmental Studies | 81
- 5th floor
2 - 5th floor
8 - 6th floor

8.3. Daylight Studies

2 Bedroom - 1200h - Sunny_Comparing the results for all three 2BHK units, it is seen that the unit with different orientation (located in tower 7) did not perform as well as the unit in tower 2 at the same height. Despite lower illuminance values, it is observed that areas close to windows show around 300lux at 12h with a sunny sky, which can still be considered enough for a residential space.


Fig 8.3.3: 2BHK daylight comparatives between vari ous units for Sunny Sky Conditions (Source: Ladybug Tools)

Tower 2 - Upper Floor Tower 2 - Lower Floor Tower 7 - Lower Floor SOLSTICE SOLSTICE N
82 | SED | MSc + MArch | 2021-22

8.3. Daylight Studies

2 Bedroom - 1200h - Overcast_For an overcast sky, the simulation for 12h shows that all three units showed much lower values – with the one in tower 7 with its higher values close to 200lux. This was expected, given the sky condition, but still satisfactory if considered as residential use.


Fig 8.3.4: 2BHK daylight comparatives between vari ous units for Overcast Sky Conditions (Source: Ladybug Tools)

Tower 2 - Upper Floor Tower 2 - Lower Floor Tower 7 - Lower Floor SOLSTICE SOLSTICE
Environmental Studies | 83 Design Research: Refurbishing the City Part II

8.3. Daylight Studies

Studio - Tower 2_The daylight performance of this studio is overall satisfactory, even with an overcast sky, as observed in the summer solstice. However, in the winter solstice the values are very low even close to the window. Here is it also seen the role of the balconies as shading devices as the morning sun during summer is being blocked but is coming in during winter, which is positive from both thermal and daylight aspects.






Fig 8.3.5: Studio Tower 2 Point In Time Studies (Source: Ladybug Tools)

84 | SED | MSc + MArch | 2021-22 09h 15h 12h

8.3. Daylight Studies







Tower 8 Point In Time Studies (Source: Ladybug Tools)

Studio - Tower 8_These results show the importance of the additional opening on these units facing southeast, as the source of daylight comes from this window.
Environmental Studies | 85 Design Research: Refurbishing the City Part II
09h 15h 12h
8.3.6: Studio

Daylight Studies

Studio - Illuminance Perspective_ The studio in tower 8 is the unit that shows presence of glare. This can be seen specially during the mornings, because of the opening located towards the east. This can be reduced with the installation of operable blinds by the users.

Fig 8.3.7: Studio_Illuminance Perspective (Source: Ladybug Tools)
86 | SED | MSc + MArch | 2021-22
0 70 140 210 350 420 490 560 630 700 Lux

8.3. Daylight Studies

2 Bedroom - Tower 2 (Top)_With these simulations it is possible to observe that the performance of this unit is overall very good with sunny sky conditions, with illuminance reaching high values in every room. It is clear the change with different sky conditions, but it is also noticeable a change when comparing summer and winter. Is it clear how the balconies act as shading devices for these units, blocking the lower sun in the morning.



Fig 8.3.8: 2 BHK Tower 2 (top) Point In Time Studies (Source: Ladybug Tools)

Environmental Studies | 87 Design Research: Refurbishing the City Part II
09h 15h 12h


2 Bedroom - Tower 2 (Low)_It is observed that the performance of

unit is similar to the one in an

in the same tower. However, the

shown are lower, indicating that the “height” factor is influencing the amount of daylight it is receiving.

88 | SED | MSc + MArch | 2021-22
upper floor
8.3. Daylight
09h 15h 12h OVERCAST SUNNY WINTER SOLSTICE WINTER SOLSTICESUMMER SOLSTICE SUMMER SOLSTICE Fig 8.3.9: 2 BHK Tower 2 (low) Point In Time Studies (Source: Ladybug Tools)

8.3. Daylight Studies

2 Bedroom - Tower 7_These results reflect how the orientation plays an important role in daylight. In comparison with the unit in tower 2 at the same height, this unit receives less daylight in the rooms analyzed. However, it is worth mentioning the importance of the dual aspect of these units. The east-west orientation of the openings allows it to receive daylight throughout the year.







Fig 8.3.10: 2 BHK Tower 7 Point In Time Studies (Source: Ladybug Tools)

Environmental Studies | 89 Design Research: Refurbishing the City Part II
09h 15h 12h

8.3. Daylight Studies

2BHK Illuminance Perspective_Given the point in time results, it was important to understand the impact that glare could have in those hours when the sun would be in its lower angle.

Results show a higher variation only for the sunny sky summer solstice day for the upper unit in tower 2, with values ranging from 70lux on the floor to 630lux closer to the window.

Overall, the results were satisfactory, with low variations in lux throughout the rooms analyzed.

90 | SED | MSc + MArch | 2021-22
0900 1500
Fig 8.3.11: 2BHK_Illuminance Perspective (Source: Ladybug Tools) 0 70 140 210 350 420 490 560 630 700 Lux

8.4. A Day in the Life

Post carrying out the thermal and daylight studies, the use of adaptive opportunities and the occupant schedule was explored. Six major adaptive opportunities were looked at and their use was determined in the schedule of the occupants causing a further optimization in consumptions in terms of heating and lighting loads hence improving efficiency.

Window Operability

Reduced temperature through ventilation

For summers months

Night Shutters

Prevents heat loss dur ing night

For winter months

Lighting Control

Based on the daylight ing and lux require ments the lighting can be controlled

Shutter Blinds

Prevents glare and acts as shading

For winter and summers months

Occupant Information

No. of Occupants_ 3

Temperature Control Allows for heating load optimization

Opportunity to adjust based on different Met and Clo Values

Occupant 1: John Age: 40 years old

Occupation: Financial Advisor Work Schedule: Works from Home Hobbies: Gardening, Chess

Occupant 2: Yoko Age: 47 years old

Occupation: Interior Designer Work Schedule: Works from Home twice a week

Hobbies: Working Out, Guitar

Clo Value

Must be altered based on season, physiology, and metabolic activity

Occupant 3: Julian Age: 17 years old Occupation: School Student Work Schedule: Goes to school on weekdays

Hobbies: Video Games, Basketball

Environmental Studies | 91 Design Research: Refurbishing the City Part II


0700 - 0900


cooking cooking jogging (outdoor) working out (indoor) getting dressed getting dressed

1100 - 1300



at co-working space


0900 - 1100 1300 - 1500

at co-working space


at co-working space out to work out to work out at school out at school

at co-working space



lunching out to work out to work out to work working out (indoor) out at school out at school out at school getting dressed


92 | SED | MSc + MArch | 2021-22

working (balcony)

cooking gardening (terrace garden) cooking out to work cooking out to work cooking playing video game watching tv playing basketball (court) watching tv

1500 - 1700 1900 - 2100 1700 - 1900 2100 - 2300

resting cooking resting resting/snacks resting playing guitar (void) resting playing (outdoors) resting studying resting

shopping grocery (promenade)

Environmental Studies | 93


8.5. Renewable Resources

In order to further reduce the energy demand as well as contribute to the reduction of operational carbon, renewables systems were investigated.

A PV system was then explored, as a replacement for non-renewable energy sources. Following LETI’s recommendation of coverage of 70% of roof area for PVs, six out of nine towers were identified for their installation. The towers which receive maximum solar radiation were chosen to increase the potential energy generation. Following that, it was considered that 20% of this area would be left for servicing and access.

Calculating for the most commonly used 250W PV panels, it was found that a total energy generation of 13.83 kWh/m2/yr could be achieved. The more expensive but more efficient 400W panels could generate 19.15 kWh/m2/yr, which would reduce the net operational energy for the project by almost 45%.

In addition, rainwater harvesting and storage were considered for this project, so it could be used as alternative water source. For this the average rainfall and available roof area was used to calculate the potential of water that could collected. It was found that a third of the total water required for flushing could be replaced by rainwater, which would reduce the total water requirement for the development.

Panel Wattage: 250W

Power Generation: 0.13kWh/m2/yr

System Efficiency: 20%

Total Roof Area Available: 950 m2

Roof Area for PVs: 665 m2 (70% of Total Roof Area)

Effective Area for PVs: 532 m2 (20% Area Lost for Servicing, etc.)

Panel Wattage: 400W

Power Generation: 0.18kWh/m2/yr

System Efficiency: 20%

Total Roof Area Available: 950 m2

Roof Area for PVs: 665 m2

(70% of Total Roof Area)

Effective Area for PVs: 532 m2 (20% Area Lost for Servicing, etc.)

Area for panels

Rainwater harvesting

Total Generated Energy 13.83 kWh/m²/yr

Total Generated Energy 19.15 kWh/m²/yr


Average rainfall (yr): 690 mm

Total roof area: 950 m²

Water collected (yr): 655.5 l

Water collected (month): 54.6 l

Total number of people: 232

Water consumption with flush (monthly): 166.7 l

Total Water Supply (for flush) 33%

94 | SED | MSc + MArch | 2021-22
Fig 8.5.1: Renewable Strategies

Whole Life Carbon Assessment

The whole life carbon impact was a key consideration for this development. As previously mentioned, through the use of CLT and GGBS reinforced concrete, the embodied carbon achieved met the targets set by both the LETI guidelines, as well as the RIBA 2030 challenge for domestic buildings with a total of 270 kgCO2e/m2. A closer look at the carbon impact over the various stages of the project lifecycle showed that the major embodied carbon impact is from A1A5, which is the construction stage.

In terms of operational energy, the development’s net operational energy of 26 kWh/m2/yr also meets the targets set by the RIBA 2030 challenge. The carbon impact of operational energy (stages B6-B7), are still quite substantial, but are partially offset by use of renewable energy sources.

Environmental Studies | 95 Design Research: Refurbishing the City Part II
26 -155 -155 35 26 Fig 8.6.1: Whole Life Carbon Assessment (Source: FCBS Carbon Tool)

9.1. General Conclusions

Through this project, the team set out to propose a 100home residential development, with the goal of creating an architecturally, environmentally and contextually robust development with minimum environmental impact and bringing maximum comfort to its occupants.

Through a detailed study of the surrounding built fabric & materiality, amenities & access for the neighbourhood, demographic data, concerns & requirements of the community, the existing proposals, built precedents and the climate of London, a set of design and environmental agendas were formulated which formed the base framework for the further development of the project.

For the outdoor environment, a distinct zoning of outdoor spaces was done ranging from completely public to completely private outdoor spaces. Each of these outdoor spaces were envisioned as usable outdoor spaces with access to amenities and activities, which would not only serve as community and gathering spaces, but also promote health & well-being of the occupants. Wind and UTCI studies were conducted for the promenade, the centralized green area, the terrace gardens, and the balconies and it was observed that they are all comfortable for >90% of the summer period, however, only comfortable for approximately 45% of the winter period. Therefore the voids, which also served the dual function of reducing the building mass, were designed with operable glazed louvers. This allowed the voids to be comfortable for >90% of the summer, and >75% of the winter periods. This creates a variety of open spaces which the occupants can move across over the varying daily and seasonal cycles.

For the indoor environment, it was hypothesized from the climate study that through the use of basic environmental strategies, such as effective use of shading, use of natural

& cross-ventilation, appropriate selection of materials and through the provision of adaptive opportunities, the summer period may be entirely free-running and comfortable for the occupants. The challenge was hence to maximize the comfort for the winter period, and bring it close to free-running to consequently reduce space heating demand. Therefore, from the early stage of the environmental agenda further to the zoning and massing, increased levels of solar exposure and reduced levels of heat loss were prioritized to ensure higher heat gains for the units in the winter period. This was achieved through orienting the building mass for maximum units to have southern exposure, by creating linear & dual aspect units and by selection of materials with low u-value. The thermal performance of some of the units was further optimized by reducing heat loss through the use of night shutters and insulation, and increasing heat gains through solar gains. The resultant units were found to be completely free-running in the summer period as hypothesized, and with all units having space heating demands which were lower than the LETI benchmarks by >25%, with some units having demands >80% lower than the LETI benchmarks.

The indoor environments were tested for their resilience through simulations for a future scenario of climate change. It was found that the thermal performance and occupant comfort in the units remains largely unaffected (if not marginally improved) in the future scenario.

In terms of daylight, the southern exposure coupled with the linear & dual-aspect unit design (with living spaces within the passive zone) allowed for sufficient daylight in the units through most of the year. The problem of glare during times with a lower sun-angle were tackled through the provision of the adaptive mechanism of operable blinds in the units.

A detailed study of the potential usage patterns of both the indoor and outdoor spaces within the site across varying daily and seasonal cycles was carried out to establish the functional, aesthetic and comfort aspect for these spaces. Several future urban scenarios, such as continuing trends of working from home were explored as part of this study. Adaptive mechanisms and opportunities for the occupants, such as operable windows, heating control, operable blinds, night shutters, lighting control, metering, and operable glazed louvers were derived from this study.

Another environmental agenda was to be able to move towards a scenario of independence from non-renewable energy sources. Provision of PV panels on 70% of the roof area of the development allowed for solar energy generation of around 33% of the total operational energy demand. Other measures such as rainwater harvesting also help reduce operational energy.

The whole-life carbon impact of the development was considered from the project onset. Materials with low embodied carbon, such as CLT and GGBS reinforced concrete were selected which allowed the embodied carbon to be >45% lower than the LETI benchmarks.

The space heating demand was significantly reduced through the measures taken in the thermal studies, while high levels of daylighting allowed to reduce dependence on artificial lighting. The further use of PV panels and rainwater harvesting allowed the operational energy was to be reduced to achieve the RIBA 2030 climate challenge and fall within the “innovative” building band.

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9.2. Personal Outcomes

These three months of the term have been extremely exciting as well as exhilarating. Learning from various practicing architects from the field and exploring the principles in design this term was extremely rewarding. The site situated at Battersea provided very contrasting yet interesting contextual studies. Not just the site surroundings but also the views of the community helped us with the designing process.

We carefully kept in mind the needs of the people and started designing with the form through a series of careful analysis of sun and wind. This iterative process helped us reach to a informed designed form which contributed to good thermal results. Decisions like south facing living spaces, balconies, dual aspect were major factors. Apart from this the materials were carefully chosen to ensure minimum carbon footprint as well as optimal U values. These factors were investigated through both soft computations and simulations to understand and reach a desired value for each. Having optimized this we, calculated the loads to achieve LETI standards and keep a buffer of about 25% from the minimum to account for the difference between simulations and POE.

For daylight aswell, relevant units were simulated to understand if there were low light levels or issues of glare. To close, we further optimized the loads through adaptive opportunities in schedules.

The studies and discussions carried out for the project led to a very comprehensive understanding of the design process and further application for climate change.

As a team, we ensured to keep switching roles throughout the term from one review to the other to ensure each person gets a clarity of each of the tools and the concepts associated to them.

Finally, I would like to conclude by saying that it was an extremely enriching term in terms of both application of tools and clearing the environmental concepts.

The experience of learning about environmental user comfort in a space, while designing it simultaneously has been exhilarating . Balancing the two got really challenging at times, but I can confidently say that at the end of the term we are one step closer to designing efficiently while keeping all these factors in mind.

During the initial process of design, our team concentrated on iteratively arriving at the best possible form - keeping in mind the visual aspect of the design and trying to maximize comfort of the occupant in the spaces. This was very interesting as it not only made us utilize the full potential of the tools we had been taught in term one but also made us critically think and analyze beyond what the technical simulations showed us directly. This enabled us to try to intuitively design as we progressed further into the details.

Additionally this semester, we were able to study the global impact of different materials on carbon emissions and also understand how to design for climate change. It was interesting to observe these factors and implement changes in our design accordingly .

The project also made us realize that while we design, iterate, and analyze heavily for the immediate occupants of our space - but as architects specializing in sustainability it is important to keep the surrounding neighborhood in mind. Shadow studies and UTCI helped us arrive at solutions which would be best for the community .

Additionally, I was also happy with how we were able to identify the accurate base cases for thermal analysis based on various factors that lead us to finding solutions and adding elements where needed, much more efficiently.

Finally, this semester was a big learning curve for medespite the problems we incurred, I am glad we learnt so much along the way to designing according to the communities demands and ensuring environmental comfort for the users.

The ability of combining theoretical knowledge gathered throughout months and analytical approach learned from previous works was one of the main outcomes from this project for me.

During this project, we went back to the basic principles learned during the previous term and to the analytical process of building performance analysis. Through this process and at the end of it, it became clear to me how we were could develop the ability of determining our own design guidelines based on solid environmental principles.

The form development was a good example of how we were able to base our design process on qualitative environmental notions we had built through Term 1. Determining the most favorable orientation for residential units in London climate, then looking at the surroundings for shadow analysis and solar access of both our building and the surrounding ones, and finally combining that with mass variation for more solar gains and integration with the surrounding neighborhood.

Exploring balconies in London climate was an interesting challenge that showed me how many variables there are to be considered – from environmental aspects of this climate to the usability of this space. This is one of the learnings I would like to further investigate.

Also, the challenges that thermal analysis imposes on daylight is always an interesting and defying process. And I was very pleased on how our group conducted it through an iterative process, identifying different solutions and adding them in such a way that we could better the results.

The challenge of balancing architectural features, usability, and community integration of a building design process with comfort standards, environmental performance and sustainability solutions was the tonic during this process. Despite the challenges and necessary compromises and tradeoffs, I could – gladly – experience it as an integrated process.

Although personally having had prior experience of working on residential design projects, this project was especially interesting (and challenging at the same time) with equal importance given to both architectural and environmental agendas. This meant that from the project outset itself, each decision was weighed by the team in terms of both its architectural and environmental impact – with empirical data produced to support each design decision.

I was pleased with how the study progressed from our initial visit to the site to understand the context and the built fabric of the neighbourhood to a deeper study of the demographics of the area, which gave us the critical understanding of the occupants we would be designing for. Taking decisions from the beginning based on basic passive design strategies such as orientation and study of solar geometry allowed us to reach a building form which would eventually perform up to a satisfactory level in terms of both thermal and daylight performance –ensuring comfort and reducing the energy demands. The use of the soft computation and simulation tools allowed us to successfully ascertain the major variables and causes for relatively poorer performance of some units.

We could then refine and optimize the performance through a sensitivity study following an additive process.

A variety of outdoor spaces were designed with varying levels of privacy, access, functionality and imagined usage patterns. This fulfilled the major concern of the community of the lack of open spaces, and would also promote occupant health and wellbeing.

As someone having a keen interest in the studies related to climate change and whole-life carbon, it was intriguing to study the various aspects pertaining to these complex issues. It was encouraging to see results through the use of different tools that our design met (and bettered in several instances) the standards set out by LETI and the RIBA 2030 challenge.

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10. References

Computational Tools

Excel MInT Spreadsheet

Autodesk CFD

Ladybug / Honeybee

Open Studio & Energy Plus


FCBS Carbon Tool

Online Resources

Satel Lite: http://www.satel-light.com/ Meteonorm: https://meteonorm.com/en/ EPW Maps: https://www.ladybug.tools/epwmap/ http://www.uwe.ac.uk http://www.18thc-cities.paris-sorbonne.fr/Bedford-estates-in-London.html?lang=en#2 https://passivehouseplus.co.uk/magazine/upgrade/historic-london-house-gets-near-passive-transformation https://www.wunderground.com/ https://www.pvfitcalculator.energysavingtrust.org.uk/ https://www.dattner.com/projects/view/via-verde-the-green-way/ https://www.pvfitcalculator.energysavingtrust.org.uk/ https://www.pvfitcalculator.energysavingtrust.org.uk/Documents/150224_SolarEnergy_Calculator_Sizing_Guide_v1.pdf https://www.energysavingtrust.org.uk/sites/default/files/reports/AtHomewithWater%287%29.pdf https://en.climate-data.org/europe/united-kingdom/england/london-1/ https://www.arch2o.com/homes-for-all-dortheavej-residence-bjarke-ingels-group/ https://www.archdaily.com/903495/homes-for-all-dortheavej-residence-bjarke-ingels-group

Published Material

Givoni, B. (1998) Climate Considerations in Building and Urban Design. Van Nostrand Reinhold, the USA Yannas,S. (1993) Solar Energy and Housing Design. Architectural Association, UK (2019) Environmental Design, CIBSE Guide A. The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, UK Baker, N.V. and K. Steemers (2019). Healthy Homes. Designing with light and air for sustainablitiy and wellbeing. RIBA Publications. Baker N V. (2007). Natural ventilation strategies for refurbishment projects. Revival Technical Monograph 3 www.revival-eu.net. [FS]

CIBSE (2006). Environmental criteria for design. Chapter 1 in CIBSE Guide A. Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, London. [FS] City of London Corporation (2020). Thermal Comfort Guidelines for developments in the City of London.

Corner, D., J.Fillinger, A. Kwok (2018). Passive House Details. Routledge.

Dunster, B. (2019) ZEDLife: how to build a low carbon society today. RIBA Publishing.

LETI (2017). Climate Emergency Design Primer. London Energy Transformation Initiative.

LETI (2017). Embodied Carbon Primer. London Energy Transformation Initiative. Levitt, D. and J.McCafferty (2018). The Housing Design Handbook. A guide to good practice. 2nd Edition. Routledge. Reinhart, C. (2014). Daylighting Handbook I. www.DaylightingHandbook.com

Rodriguez, J. and S. Yannas (2020). Domestic Overheating in a Temperate Climate. Feedback from London residential schemes. In Sustainable Cities and Society 59. Elsevier. Yannas, S. (1994). Solar Energy and Housing Design. Volume 1: Principles, Objectives, Guidelines. AA Publications.

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MInt Spreadsheets

Studio T2 Summer and Winter

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Studio T8 Summer and Winter

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MInt Spreadsheets

2BHK T2 (TOP) Summer and Winter

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2BHK T2 (LOW) Summer and Winter

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City Part II

MInt Spreadsheets

2BHK T7 Summer and Winter

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Carbon Spreadsheets

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