Surfaces Reporter September 2015 Preview

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Sweet Sojourn My team is all set to prepare for the Special Annual Showcase Collector’s Edition, to be published by next month. Hmmnn…, a lot of work and travel plans in the offing around India, and a couple of visits outside India like the famous exhibitions of Paris, Maison & Objet, Bath & Tiles event Cersaie, and some design led conferences. Hardwork aside passion is what drives the team’s spirit at the moment. I am guilty perhaps, but the last few months have been grueling for the team. Working late nights & weekends has been the norm. Travelling and meeting people personally to source the best of the best products and materials across India for the annual edition is not an Photo: easy task. Yet, we feel there’s still so much Piero Mancheni more to explore and present to our esteem Product displayed: readers. The Last Annual Edition with more Natuzzi leather sofa, than 200+ products was received extremely Milan well and we are trying to do much better then what we had done last year. If only we could awaken the world to the whole new possibilities that the material world presents, our work will be well rewarded. With that in mind, we move to another month of hectic work, some missed meals, shuffling through 1000s of submitted designs and materials. May I remind you –“We are still accepting entries until the 15th of September so if you have a product or know about a material that truly deserves a place in the edition, please email to Coming to current issue, we have an insightful face-to-face interaction with Sir Peter Cook in 10 on 10. MateLab (our section Material Laboratory) has selected uPVC to be under scanner this month, while the Focus of this issue is on Technology in Faucets. As the cover depicts, I have shared a brief travelogue of my visit to Rome and Vatican City. Due to limitation of space, we could not include some interesting photos of St. Peter’s Basilica, River Tiber, and many beautiful sculptures photographed during the trip. I welcome you to share your architectural journeys with Surfaces Reporter and we will be glad to publish them. Some of the quotable quotes from the pages inside:

“Imagine yourself sitting and looking at Delhi from a window and then suddenly, the view changes and you are watching cricket. It is technologically possible now.” “From “item of necessity” it has also become “item of Art”! “Be it “mardana”, the men’s lounge or “jharokha” the final see off point or even more mythical areas such as “chandni”, “reading room”, “bhandar”, “rang maya;”, “kaanch mahal” to the most interactive of them all “chowk”; such was the vicinity that I grew up in, an ancestral property in the midst of the PINK CITY, JAIPUR. Here I felt Architecture in the most innate manner.” “In India, I have seen buildings wobble to the extent I have not seen anywhere else in the world.” Feel free to write to me about your opinion and suggestions.



H C R I T A E CTS OF IND N E M O W P IA TO   


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CONTENT iN Visual- i 60


36 55


40 50


CONTENT iN Visual- ii 81


A Trip To rome & VATicAn ciTy

10-on-10 WiTh prof. Sir peTer cooK

123 riSing STArS AnKiTA SWeeTy & prATyooSh chAndAn hoW Technology iS chAnging fAuceT induSTry


iTAliAn modulAr KiTchen By SToSA

104 93

upVc for WindoWS & doorS


readers comments Old & new comments received during events and through social media...

I feel this magazine is very apt since it provides information which is very much required for the building industry.

Ar. N Gopal Krishna, La Meadow Architects, Secunderabad, Telangana

Surfaces Reporter is very different magazine from whatever I have read till now. The content is very tasteful and informative. The magazine understands the need of clients really well.

Surfaces Reporter offers a lot of insight Ar. Aakash Sriram, Becker Kitchens, Collins, New Delhi about the world of interior and architecture. During my whole time at India kitchen Thanks and all the best! Mahesh Talreja (through Social media) and Bath Show 2015, I have come across a number of magazines but seen The magazine is very well presented and none like yours. Though it is the first time extremely helpful. Thank you! I am looking at your magazine, still I can Vineeta Singhania, Showroom IRRIS, Kolkata clearly see the difference and the hard work you are doing. The designs are very Your magazine really helps those who are well presented and inspiring for people always looking for innovative products. like us. Debabrata Dey (through Social media) A great initiative! Magazine with information on Materials and Products are rare in India. Being into project consultancy, we need regular updates so I believe Surfaces Reporter is going to be a great tool for our industry.

Jitesh Gada, Oswal Hardware, Mumbai

Kesineni Sivanath, MD, Intex interiors Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad

First word that came to my mind when I saw the magazine is ‘WoW!’ Wonderful magazine. Kushal Khabiya, Director, Bathcaff, Chennai

Meaningful content, versatile material info! This is how I would describe Surfaces magazine. Ar.Sadiq Moosa S, CUBOID Architects, Coimbatore

As I went through, I can clearly see the mammoth effort being done by the team of Surfaces Reporter. It is not easy to create what you have done in Showcase section of the magazine. Ar. G. Vishwanathan, Architecture Incorporated, Trivandrum Thank you all for your valuable comments! Write your opinion to us at- You surely inspire us!!! SEPTEMBER 2015 SURFACES REPORTER 32



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What’s in


MAtERiAl OF innOvAtiOn, WAll HigHligHtERS, FlOORing DESignS, FURnitURE AnD MUCH MORE…

to SUBit your designs in SURFACES SHOWCASE, write to

on 10 ces 10 Surfa as that h their names y as few ly revered b Cook h y it t on atern Peter f the ture fr who are no l. Prof. Sir ec it h ector o tt as wel bal arc he and er Dir le The glo eir own nic ntemporaries igram, form A) and Bart th h co IC rc as ed r e A h rv ei f ca ut th Founder o London (t ondon, he h for b s er Art, ege, L ral world follow ch name. porary ty Coll su tu and is one for Contem at Universi bal architec s accolades on re te ti u lo Institu f Architectu within the g on numero ing contribu o w o l s g re o a n u v o l fig Sch he h reer, his o cognised ia pivota While been a lf a century. is notable ca st recently re 010, by the o a l2 th over h through-ou ation was m rate in Apri o s ov award ectural inn norary doct it o to arch rral of an h weden. stitute fe S oyal In up the con ty of Lund, y the R gro si nised b bers of the old g co Univer re mem were yal G ements 2004, when ward, the Ro een for his in d achiev a u Peter’s Architects A’s highest d by the Q demician an sh te IB ti h R of Bri arded the r was knig a Royal Aca the French e of o f w te o ls lleg a e a o e P es C , is er tr l 7 e w et ya In 200 t the ture. H rts et L the Ro Medal. to architec rdre des A r Fellow of ance to mee s ch io l’O e a e ic en t d v S . go a ser eur ia y d d tl R n E In a en T rr m to R a Com c. Peter is cu CES REPO recent visits li A Repub don. SURF ng one of his ri on Art, L ry figure du a legend

ok o C r e t Ponedon r i S . f o L Pr,rCRAB-Studio, 0 1 o n t c 10-o Dire

nD D A W A “i DR lE AROUn pEOpnjOy AnD iOn ME E inSpiRAt tAkE it. y, l S M U O O R F AnE RAtiOn t l U SiM E inSpi ORk i tAk tHEiR W S. ” FROMOMpUtER On C


A I fROm RE T DElHND YOu A.” A G N OKI ANGES A lE NOW H ND lO IB ING ATHE vIEW CAllY POSS T T into I S f , put it C l I Y E G l S as you an out soon has YOuREN SuDDENTECHNOlO E ide, as ding also through a rm N ts I u o G y fi vel the buil from ibly. The d upper le designed b “ImA W AND THICKET. IT IS times ed k an n. O erous anges incr wer level vel car par d in Bhuta le ch rl le num e lo WINDTCHING CR e cast , the view nnects th as a multi- of the wo th er co on oh WA ntilev ional re als which a coco

ructu gest ca ition, tradit Graz. exhib or. The st ed the big z is all s it to at sthuas u ct travel as constru ct Kunries that yo uas Greralevant wa je th h s ro o n p h u o r w K much ct. mem t you ing of e an a abou e fondng that proje Austria. rround So how abilitat re Tell usse share som z, The sustructures. between? eati to reh on structu . cr of Gra tions in d n ty a e had ir ty a ci in le ck ucture P lanning ri the bra m the b ure, w oldest cast resting ci f le o ct ce m ru tr p e e inte among seu f Culture f art fro s e st f u th y l av th o e y h M er d ll e v n o a e te rt o ic y on is a alize as actu e A Capital hav u ca put s e mag nolog w ceptu sities, z is th ere yo , Graz r



Gra uropean parate th from wh e popula t con re which e tell you ig univer n of tech wn. huas e se to we firs m ob ctu ditio Kunst a part of cocoon to openings r skin of th the main When st iron stru ria. But let and has tw a long tra chitecture huas Graz, in as d ar Built it creates a t it also has . The oute sheets an ins. With e old ca thern Aust rs, trucks ty. There is erimental n for Kunst hen we ty u sk ss , ar B ci 3 o la . h u 0 e 20 so city ns of th res ca l universi very exp esign wo learn. W ost lic g ween tw ed whic as y u e in ct cr th a f fa d d f a u alm rd ica rest o ecial visio ted out o h a gap bet e embed functions ns, It man is a techn and Graz is where ou perience anewspaper, t when ar u very spçade is crea of steel wit ent rings light ring indicatio . which gineering mpetition Graz to ex ed in the n liked it. B spaper, ed e co BIX fa re is mad att fluoresc where each as screen urban area and en efore the students towas publish d only 30% same new u e W ed m to ct th 0 p o e b my 81 stru en d it e idea an ed in th 30 4 puter fr e develo far into back e v 9 k s e an , ta lk n ap RTER to th lish itio this g to the com they can b ich radiate building ta ilding also EPO I used e compet criticized and pub ES R , le linked In this way uences, wh n talks, the ing. The bu alley of the ure RFAC won thf the peop omplished 5 SU q v d . w 1 ct il e se el cc 0 to u o a ru th 2 ix b e p lm ER 70% ject was the st down of the e hen th and fi EMB texts evening w the beauty is looking ded within stance, on SEPT the pro en In the n. This is ace which ings embedings. For in ple have se w sp the to creation small open e surround While peo re . has a e special, view of th s the castle Th le river. e incredib oks toward provid opening lo of the


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in so y fr tha d Mo cking ng wa company j. The lock oduced s thir dian lo ome a lo ne intr odre g nche , the In We have c al locks. O tions is G they have nic lockin the y u a a d L o T s re. ctro ars, rma from digit ocks 00 cro histicated ese transfo over the ye al and ele that range andle L ,2 4 j e ic p so of th tury old; mechan lications sh door h . Today Godr to the p nners li ry est en lu


sty l ap fin ust ac reru the fo rej is over nge of the commercia door locks, itality ind unched la d of Go nt-garde ra ential and sent main for the hospbrand has its s a w d s re e v an a ns for resi ks, omnip card lock . Now th ighlight ho g solution c o d ts in h e c ti k lo z u c to lu li d ic lo ) so ani, tron to specia odrej pro (MEC-3 re of the c tw le o e M tu tre elite ob locks ns use G the fu Shyam . Ltd to n e Cen and k illion India Experienc en shaping ht up with ce Mfg. Co e g 600 m ced Mobile tion has b TER cau rej & Boy d. a d a advan -led innov ES REPOR ead at Go future ahe design t. SURFAC Business H ve and the e ti & rk ia a it P m tive V t the in Execu more abou ow i, twan , kn o M Shyam ness Head our r the si td & Bu on y n fo Co. L ate Desig ve VP oyce Mfg. r ti o u c b e cking Ex drej & B ela ith DCMEC. the lo w ent of Go ase t

es oti Ple iation t of an yle qu e of the fin a. c n the st n d assoelopme -3, has takenorating withr.oDilip Chabri ehinr? b v C M E ab e ll n y, M fusing d tio Cente time, igher by co the countr sense in ped pira h e first design uip For th ns a notch maestro in e inserience making d acute n a well-eq novations h t an n o l ti t ig ai p solu obile des r det rej to desig stylish in touch Ex tal in ined bou d of d s eye fo us a Mobile een instrumenat have comubrpose. autom n for it ated with Go t pedigree an experience r an Tell h g b s th social p fo is know or e-ar ched rej has c in ention arted , which s, has collab g state-of-th s an unmat at is designed chitects, n ig es le laun ay 1897, Goadseries of invg with a larguercts. What std brands er n DC D ch as ar tions th tomobi C-3 off mpassi

au co t su solu ME love tial ugh eerin prod 7th M life into nce centre en s category. ic looking of the marke oth residen cks”, Since righter thro and engin se Godrej trusted and Godrej ch lo u experie cking system ng array of y influencers samples of b nic “smart ured lives b ring science n Indians India’s most e with the ovations, ti lo o s n ke ci e o tr n f ee li se e li fa o th ex ec u ct SS t in is has in r th rs. It hou . In pion 600 mil day one s man ne of el CK KSS), nce fo el to th cessan ospace and fe ing experie d contracto ding latest li omized lock Godrej LO transform Today, st locks is to eds to Aer through in odrej LOC EC-3) to ture ll st s fe enthra designers an ducts inclu a slew of cu tive is part of novation to duct. with ju g Animal ing future Systems (G Centre (M ing the fu in ro , ia or ro d in ap ce p ap it p ri as n n ed sh an l al n in te sh al -l ie a s el ci n n f in is n er sp nctio design phy o mmer s, as w ns. Th olutio e Exp has bee and co ing product c applicatio e concept of garded as a fu philosoj Locking S ced Mobil novation in pcom stry specifi to infuse th ow been re u Godre ed its advan esign-led et. n u ur d s been ence in for ind ed endeavo ich have till launch ht how its tions mark t of h e alway u cell g e contin solutions w we hav novative ex third in th highli locking solu ncep g in rney, e con? lockin of jou f driving in hich is the OCKSS, of the taking h s t ar t ye L o w io ly t only u r 118 odrej EC-3 itome aboinnovat ecision by nobut also keene decor. s out ou e at the ep ent. The M ched by G gamate h u g d u m ct ll e al Thro ered to b ns segm ntre laun t to am at match f Te n-led rchas f the produ of their ho ence and o eir pu ig o part ign excell ss consid ing soluti perience ce commitmenproducts th ng range o 'Des s today makenalth supremacytegrated as in ti ck g des rld-cla the lo of mobile ex oint of our cy in our er. The exci h MEC-3 be in of blend to offer wo ence. With mer e functio en en g p n su u f ci m m es ca n o u ro ri o su j C se t th duct concept process ce excell d th a pro ity and effi f the con et ac n k se ro u as Godre p ar ca co e es m w to ac e how th ation is a cturing erforman s business, serv logy, qual emands o drej sho d strong fa o v o evaluat -led inno the manu ign and p pillars of it ovation. techn dern day d house of G novation an o n re des ign lity into in f co es o h e s ed D the m ct from the ign-led in of growth. rt ign-l term e of th es iona be wo funct cts both in y being on front of des produ lifies our d next phase ed to s are made it timat n C-3 produ er centric on the fore exemp driving the et is es decisio d ME s mark purchase stomer; an rs of stom has been n cu o that is ti SS ence -cu solu s f the LOCK cking ay, most o an the end e key influ odrej lock th dian lo od wG to th The In 00 crore. T cers rather reach out tour of ho Rs. 4,2 key influen ive step to experiential e. at m by the such innov e them an l of the ho iv is one ket and g verall appea 84 ar o RTER the m ment the P E R O le CES comp URFA 015

ER 2




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Right - From r, Stosa to Team Stosa Sani, Direc Parmar a id it v Da Ash & Italy, SpA, Stosa India hief C , d. COO Perrozio, ith a frien a w ri a sa M to ner, S Desig

is brand ens 64, thequality kitch 9 1 in d Italian f e o d e n g u nd. Fo for its fine h a vast ransive , en bra it n kitchbrand vouche possible w did an exclusigner Stosa a li a It d r e R hief De a E la Th m u T . p R s is o most pn 40 countrieet. The sameACES REPOPerrozio C tudio. s of the F is one in more tha in the markrtfolio. SUR Italy, Mariatosa’s Delhi e in c u e S g o , C v f n p ti o A ti a s ’ c p ti a a h r e S s c to e p S ntly op the com ss Sto Stosa e laun pany, at it’s e is th to the com ve curre rice which is at encompai, Director, ia during th Cucin lk tati r stosawants to ta e represen fo in a p n designs thDavid San . Stosa Ind ss e v succ someone e they ha ad to do een. nt of ro il kitche ction with ar C.O.O gredie siness so if lved. Wh world, the iary in betwuntry vo ajor in e co bu ed intera shita Parm The m y-owned’ nally get in cities of th no interm ing in any o the A o il am ers pers ry major h us with t happen That is als ‘F and ? n c n . g ve e tch A kI sa StoS for sto s P of n S so u e t rea IS th e importanorld are... t A w th the Wh in the many, ut in

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o arb in and d e. r Imp the m realize earlie just get sky with ra of the ston rs, we arble also to d use used the open ctual look nd en ported m o, we r a a e s e d er n s th u esign surface, im onment. cations ying rior d li r destro h inte ry good o -like envir show app ng wit m to xu teracti y other lu a showroo tables, etc. e used. in n n o b up like a played in nference ere it can st ju were that to be dis rooms, co and wh hich visualize w n oms w needs mock bath es as to ho owro nd user ca n e sh o d a st e k m d e porte uses li that the ditions. of im areho so n iant w er lighting lighting co iles ade g k us ming we m had prop home-like n le too ll e Th marb we are se and r their d d e re rt po ay, cove ne unde o ing im tly, tod the st of sell resultan e way . and e in th petitors rth India g n a h m ing the ith ia The c of our co tity in No w st trad Dalm n ahead rgest qua Saket irector & s are ju be moving r e y D la ia g e la to p eems th gin alm ? le s b r g f a Mana Amit D le City in s nds o arb f the m le City new th dema tor, M Most owhile Marbabout some of work. Thine troducedersa Direc hes is u e e g p t n distin producation. Tell us must in anly olioking at itR,’.wlike wayllpdaesigns n what the other a . APE ed o man s nes is m innov novation isgaing rapidlyW ALLP can have ser design in sto Delhi fro ys taken a tural E n n in a e o N la h y, c ti a O a a w a are lled ‘ST colours, w al, etc, Tod rs e Innov le City, Ne arket. Alw ity took n by im a m custo ct range c esigns and etrical, an Marb rs in the m Marble C next level ke produ in many d oral, geom kgrounds. r the one c dia fo playe g product,bles to the wroom-li e them st come rms like fl colour ba a o d in In st; the d r in a fo offere re also va d a TV, on cept trad s and ma in the sh h that m dia. and in varied g in s ue th n con behin tion a . stone stone nting themn approac North In nd a uniq of applica fireplace, new desig lied upon is r ss a e a e o s s a is ap pp pre onment; yer acr marble e world, e area d above etc. Th Wallp eing a stone rst time. The installe table tops, ace it is b envir y strong plated qualitys across th 80s, b sp fi very pers can furniture nt of any a ver ing impor ious place in early 19 hich a e wallp om walls, sign elem Sourc s from var started off ovation w Stone bathro ces the de e n e t k n n sto pts li d tha ous in enha

an nu R, nce the br es in conti launch co EPORTE believ d them to RFACES Rthers know has le aper. SU rising bro almia, to . Wallp to enterp & Amit D and plans 88 talkedt Dalmia, ir passion RTER REPO Sake about the CES URFA more 15 S 0

ER 2




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is on ds .” ea ailing, ces, b ia, th r wall ted to envir ely depen e, where th ion of tile In Ind aborate det of our spa tile fo rg la rg port el art Tile la cting a ress re irly la d pro prefer evitable p walls. for sele dure any st electing a a space fa downsize r in le fo n ru a er “S r are ys, l fo ith a to en most mmon rious d fore oesn’t have anohar, sa 4’ work wel be ideal w are co ny size. Va tiles. M rst an r tiles a all The fi g. Since it d , Magesh 24”, 24”x2 aces would lmost angula and w ze sp in ”x s, rect n choose a lar floor , adding ze anyth about the si ze tiles 12 ed. Small si gu n u ca uare si esig g iz ctan yo d sq e in , re im ll e rg lk er d a a in a th n L T m ed in mm. Howev square a floor and w rtion. lso be preferr 0 te rge, propo ints can a at are to 300x90 all and la s accentua jo k oor th grout s for fl 00x400 mm mbining sm wood plan le ti e co 3 , t in m e th then Unlik s vary fro n be mixed into cut ou g. walls, l n about size s ca tura Their tile design les, installed or decorati we talk allets or na ent, en ri ti h ic p m dw ceram pe ceramic modern inte ld state ore an wooden a uch m en colour, to create bo orative har Free sh l accents to E are m rth Mano , fu king ll dec ried XTUR porcelain; theyds. Choose eayo re loo beauti E d sma eated in va and agesh Partnern a n T u M a r. le A pan esig flat ic or er, if c sty les cr AL& ale D re TERI ean only ceraml and textures icexlook. Howevatchwork fabris etc. Mosaic ytiare perfect forsting and A Greysc, Bangalo M rm alist in p teria wav intere ic tile LLP minim dio o longe mosa g-zag and ing bright, ith ma esigns Studio Tiles n to play w , subtle and wall tile d and glass er ign Stu ice r, zi ns, off s, er om le ngula for ale Des ract the ro les for simp mosaic tile mic, leath l and tria etric patter ghting play Greysc hitecture p arted va ra m r ti cient li st rc also stone also opt fo f metal, ce d circular, o es and geo and effi . You can is an a Bengaluru e firm p o n rs n ri e a ca lo st d l f rs a u a co o o n Th g m in yo s atchin ons of interi anels, ll kind Hexago based 4 partners. rojects of s in m ti wall p s including ey create a design. p by design transforma n Th d ainly lved in c all tile patter r surfaces. orating an is invo isciplines m sing / ther w nd dramati ec la o d h gu r d u it o s o irre teri les a ed w ti in in b ic ic variou idential / h itality. m be co dynam h mosa Res cial /hosp les can oration wit a er wall ti ec comm ww. greysc Glass ding wall d w n outsta








ROME & VATICAN CITY Unlike Spain and other European countries where I have stretched almost length & breadth across the cities, in case of Italy, it was mostly for work, exhibitions, meetings and more. Though I had taken out time for some architectural visits yet could not touch upon Rome until this time. Being a writer and photographer with strong architectural interest, Rome was in my travel radar for long. Deliberately, I included 3-4 days extra in my itinerary for a satisfying experience. For the next few days, there was just nothing between me and Rome. - Vertica Dvivedi Photos: Surfaces Reporter

Trajan’s Column

Photos clicked outside the Colosseum SEPTEMBER 2015 SURFACES REPORTER 115

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