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Note from Self
Rhoda Wagaki Founding DirectorThere are times in our lives when we get caught in the throes of helping a loved one battle disease In such times it can feel like you can barely make it through the day without feeling you ’ re going to lose your mind completely So you get through it by telling yourself that someday things will be easier We forget to appreciate the current moment as we await the next Other times we are only focused on being able to hang in there and get through our day in one piece
As I sit here penning this today, I am realizing afresh that this moment right here is fleeting and I will never ever get this exact moment twice, which makes it oh so much more meaningful to me
AMY REES ANDERSONNo matter what stage of caring you are in, remind yourself that this moment is going to pass more quickly than you can imagine. Realize that both the good moments and the bad ones have a treasure within them, and you will never live this same moment twice.
Treasure each one.
caregivers on where they can get the support that is appropriate for their context.
The caregivers e-Resource offers a wide range of resources, including articles, tips, and advice on caregiving. It also offers support groups and forums where caregivers can connect with one another and share experiences
you can plug in:
Advertise products and services that are relevant to caregivers here
Circulate this newsletter in your networks
Letting us know of activities and events happening that would benefit caregi ers
that adds value to life TIME .
How you spend your time tells a lot abou what is important to you. As we get t the end of the year, do a quick audit of your time, how you spent it, wasted it, or killed it (ouch) and see what it reveals about the direction of your life.
For us at Suruvi - Care for Caregivers, the wellness of caregivers has remained our focus. A quick scan of our time hours proves it.
If you start considering wasting time equals wasting money, you will realize the value that you can get out of this vita parameter.
Need help regaining good use of you time? Call/text 0719 571770
channel. Did they help
A caregiver’s job is demanding. Sometimes the holidays can make it even worse. Stress, burnout & mental health challenges can crop up in your life as you care for your loved one. So, let’s go back to the basics that you should never depart from:
Ask for help
No, it is not a sign of weakness. You might be thinking, can’t the people around me see that I need help? No, they can’t because you have created the impression that you can do it all by yourself You are human It is human to get tired & depleted. Physically, emotionally & financially. Don’t let your ego stop you from asking for support.
2. Accept help
The more you turn down help, the more you communicate self-sufficiency, and at some point, people stop offering. You accepting help does not make you less
3. Do what you can
There are only 24 hours in a day, so set realistic goals. Overworking and running on fumes get you nowhere Do what you can. Rest, beloved. Tomorrow is another day. The recommended dose is ‘ one day at a time ’ Adhere to that to the best of your abilities. You are doing well. You are important. You are seen. I would appreciate your being appreciated.
Holiday Guidance shared by Jennifer Kyalo
As far as you possibly can, choose your mental health
Many caregivers are so busy caring for their family members that they don’t realize the legal problems and situations that may need to be addressed.
Often, family caregivers have reported getting confused and frustrated by legal processes around succession, power of attorney, guardianship etc A lot of caregivers also are unaware of how the law is able to protect them or cushion them from the brutal edges of harmful cultural practices Waiting until a crisis arises could mean making uninformed decisions without the proper support. Establishing contact with a lawyer beforehand could prevent a situation from becoming a crisis.
Law is order, and good law is good order.
How to find a lawyer
There are many ways to find a reliable lawyer. One of the best is a recommendation from a trusted friend, relative, or business associate. Please note, however, that each legal case is different and that a lawyer who is right for someone else may not suit you or your legal problem
What to look for when choosing a lawyer
The lawyer will be helping you solve your problems, so the first qualification is that you must feel comfortable enough to tell him or her, honestly and completely, all the facts necessary to resolve your problem.
Parting Shot: No one you listen to and nothing you read will be able to guarantee that a particular lawyer will be the best for you; you must judge that for yourself.
of our guests to hold a conversation on any one of these aspects of self-care:
Spiritual/physical/career self-care
Making a career of it; How to brand yourself as a professional caregiver Adjusting into and out of the caregiving role
Home modifications & adjustments Caregiver supportive technology
Institutions of care (eg old people's homes)
insights, lessons, and fresh perspectives for another caregiver
No tale is too commonplace or too controversial for us to relate We are not searching for extraordinary or interesting stories to share.
We are seeking genuine, in-person encounters. We are seeking for you.
Make the call at +254 719571770
Call +254 7195771 or Email admin@suruvi co ke to express your interest
Click for heartfelt reads
Suruvi - Care for Caregivers initiated its operations in the year 2020 when Kenya and the world were caught in the COVID-19 death grip
An outcome of holding weekly online mental wellness sessions and, broadcasts on FB for caregivers, was the realization that caregivers needed more intense interactions with mental health practitioners but they couldn't afford this service.
This necessitated the launch of adopt-a-caregiver campaigns to fund the provision of individual therapy sessions, and workshops to caregivers.
To date, we have provided individual therapy sessions to tens of family caregivers and held online and in-person workshops with trained caregivers
Their testimonials have been highlighted on our social media platforms We aim to reach many more caregivers with this service and this becomes your opportunity to cause a positive social impact with us
Our benefactors have been individuals and small/medium businesses that recognize the rigours of caregiving and acknowledge the need for mental wellness support for caregivers. They have given their support in cash and in-kind for the benefit of caregivers' wellness support and together we are recreating a more supportive caregiver infrastructure
Dear healthcare support provider, we applaud you and affirm your demonstrated willingness to help families care for their frail and ailing at home. However, these families do not know how to reach you. Please believe what we say to you, that many of them do not want their contacts shared in groups for you to get them. They would rather reach out to you instead.
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