Rhoda Wagaki - Editorial
Alex Kamweru - Photography

Judy Thurubi - Design

Betty Murithi - Editorial
Ndindi Nganga - Columnist
Saimah Kermali - Design

Musqan Butt - Columnist
Andrew Amadi - Imagery
Rhoda Wagaki - Editorial
Alex Kamweru - Photography
Judy Thurubi - Design
Betty Murithi - Editorial
Ndindi Nganga - Columnist
Saimah Kermali - Design
Musqan Butt - Columnist
Andrew Amadi - Imagery
It takes a village to provide care for the frail and the ailing among us The Caregivers e-Resource connects caregivers to this 'village'. Every month we feature activities, products and services that guide caregivers on where they can get the support that is appropriate for their context.
The caregivers e-Resource offers a wide range of resources, including articles, tips, and advice on caregiving. It also offers support groups and forums where caregivers can connect with one another and share experiences
How you can plug in:
Advertise products and services that are relevant to caregivers here
Circulate this newsletter in your networks
Letting us know of activities and events happening that would benefit caregivers.
+254 719571770
Accredited by The Kenya Counseling and Psychological Association
Rhoda Wagaki Founding Director, Suruvi -Care for Caregivers Psychological CounselorSometimes caregivers are met with new responsibilities quite abruptly as a relative, partner or friend is diagnosed with an illness or perhaps met with an accident Given the unexpectedness of the situation, the caregiver now has quite a lot to learn at a super accelerated pace
The caregiver must now learn to;
Listen for both what is said and not said, Decipher a whole new range of indications for pain, hunger, joy, happiness, etc
Balance their own needs and desires with those of the person they are caring for, understand new medical terminology, medications, Shortcuts to try to make room for extra duties
Avoid pestering family members...
This list goes on as time passes. Then when it looks like they can’t possibly take any more we tell them to step up their self-care routines and practices. It makes you wonder where the resources, energy and capacity to take on all this come from
Please note, amidst all this, the healthcare system, family members, friends and the community are all focused on the ill person. Instead of concentrating on themselves, the caregiver focuses all their time and energy on caring for the sick person, paying attention to what the doctor has advised, what the visitors will need when they come to see the patient, and what the ill person themselves require They focus on everyone and everything but themselves.
Everyone should, in my opinion, pay the caregiver a little more attention. It is crucial for the medical personnel and others close to them to pay attention to the caregiver’s speech and demeanour because there might be indicators of fear, anxiety, or frustration there
Paying attention to the caregiver can allow others around them to understand the level of care they are able to provide as well as safeguard the quality of their care
As Prince Harry stated, “the most often overlooked are the most important to listen to.” Acknowledging and paying attention to the work of caregivers is vital in allowing us to ensure the safety and good health of both the caregiver and the person they are caring for.
There are two sides to every story and it’s time we start paying attention to both.
The most often overlooked are the most important to listen to - Prince Harry
Definition: A caregiver is any individual who takes care of sick or elderly persons in the family or as their work
(Money, work, medical requirements, self vs other care, other family needs, information overload, etc
Caregivers usually bear the burden of; Trauma, pain, fatigue, grief, stigma, emotional overload, etc
leading to
Depletion of emotional resources ; compassion, patience, anger management, kindness, joy, etc
Mental wellness support - Therapy
Self-care support - Education
*For groups and individuals, in-person and online
We must recognize and honour the strength and resilience of those who provide support to cancer patients; they are the shield-bearers who help them fight the battle with cancer, and we must not overlook their importance. Helping a family member, friend or patient through cancer treatment makes one a CAREGIVER which is a huge responsibility and requires a great deal of dedication and care.
Read more
The first Caregivers day was celebrated on the third Friday of February in 2016 The Provider’s Association for Home and Health Hospice Agencies (PAHHHA) selected the day in 2015. They created this special day to acknowledge and appreciate Caregivers all over the world.
We believe that the kindness and patience of caregivers are worth celebrating all year round, but their role is especially highlighted today, National Caregivers Day 2023.
Why is your health and well-being important?
It is essential to understand the impact that the responsibilities of being a caregiver can have on your physical and mental well-being. As the obligations you have to the person you are caring for increase, so too can the amount of stress you experience. This can have a ripple effect on other aspects of your life such as work, social activities, relationships, and overall physical and mental health. Moreover, the societal and economic impacts of temporary or lifelong diseases or disabilities can carry an even greater burden on a caregiver. For these reasons, it is important to be aware of the toll that caring for someone can take on your life.
https://suruvi.co.ke/the-health-and-well-being-of-caregivers/ Read more
Getting Started on the legal stuff early in your caregiving role could mean the best for everyone.
There is a generation that was raised as a retirement plan for their parents. If this is you, (I’m not pointing at anyone) you had better start planning Our parents and other older adults in our family networks won’t be able to manage their legal matters and will rely on you to act in their best interests
Planning could help you to better and amicably make critical decisions Not having the proper legal paperwork in place could force you to involve the courts in family matters.
Sometimes court processes can be brutal in family cases which are normally highly sensitive Where there is lack of agreement between family members on issues, the courts will make the decision and it may not always be what is in the best individual interest of everyone.
Legal basics for caregivers
There’s a lot for caregivers to manage, so we ’ ve narrowed the list to the 3 most important legal documents This list does not cover every situation and should not be considered legal advice, but it will help you cover the basics
1 Power of attorney (POA)
2. Perpetual trusts
3 Will
In the following weeks, we shall look into what each legal process entails.
I will also guide you on how to get started with legal documents.
Although the most straightforward way is to get a lawyer to help you with this, It’s also advisable that you do your research so you understand what’s happening.
Ndindi Ng'ang'a An Advocate of The High Court of Kenya
Ndindi & Nadida Advocates LLP is a law firm which is premised on the ethos of legal humanitarianism: [Legal humanitarianism is the use of legal knowledge, skills and expertise to improve the conditions of humanity ] We prefer to think of ourselves as practicing humanitarianism in all matters that we handle.
https://www ndindi-nadidaadvocates com/
Fund a therapy sessions for a caregiver
Fund a workshop for caregivers Volunteer professional services
We provide education and conversation spaces to support family and trained caregivers' emotional and mental wellness. Our Facebook Live broadcasts with you, will support this objective.
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Jot down some feedback on our Google Business Page.
SCC offers talented, diverse undergraduate and recent college graduates a comprehensive internship program that provides invaluable experience, mentoring, and networking in various fields such as communication, webdesigning, I.T, management and psychology
Read, share your story, leave a comment, share to your networks
https://suruvi co ke/blog/
Our 2nd Connection Cafe for 2023, provides a safe space for caregivers to share and learn from peers and experts
The question for the day is; What has gender got to do with caregiving?
25th March 2023 at Sufra Gardens, Mvuli Road, Westlands Nairobi Kenya. Near pride in Hotel Lantana, Nairobi, Share widely, Bring a friend
ENTRY: 1500/- Paybill Number 4047551
Account name: your name +cafe
The stressors and rigours of caring for a loved one can wear one down. Let's discuss it and figure out how to grow through it. Inperson/online sessions are available
Click the link below o book an appointment
Appointment/Suruvi/Care for Caregivers
Goodbyes and adjusting to the new normal can sometimes be challenging and seem impossible
The process and experience are different for everyone. Support is available if you're finding it hard to cope.
Click the link below to book an appointment; Appointment /Suruvi /Care for Caregivers
Got an event happening that would be valuable to family or trained caregivers? Put it here. Call +254719 571770
Intimacy requires time and work from both partners to develop and maintain a healthy romantic relationship Since spousal caregiving carries with it a heavy role change, especially when one is thrust into the caregiving role, romance, and intimacy may take a back seat while caregiving and urgency come to the front.
So what do you do when suddenly you find that all your time and effort in your relationship is suddenly centred on and directed towards caring for your loved one in a way that is more unusual than the one you had once maintained? Suggestions include;
Practice self-care
Although it may seem like another bulk of work loaded on you, you may find that the end result was worth the effort. Do remember, talk is therapy. Talk to trusted friends, a professional, and/or peers in spousal/intimate partner care Quoted from the cartoon character Shrek, some things are 'better out than in'.
Disclaimer: Our Service is provided “as is,” and we disclaim legal liability for the quality, safety, or reliability of our Service.
The information published here is obtained from and reproduced as rendered by third parties, whose identities are disclosed herein
By publishing the information, Suruvi - Care for Caregivers neither vouch for nor warrants the accuracy thereof and will not assume or entertain, accept or bear any responsibility, legal or otherwise, for any loss, damage, embarrassment or inconvenience that may be suffered or incurred by any person on account of reliance upon the information reproduced from such third parties
Suruvi - Care for Caregivers do not take responsibility for the quality of care that the caregiver provides Suruvi does not employ any of the advertised caregivers
Only formally trained caregivers are allowed to advertise
For families who hire a caregiver through this page, it is their own responsibility to interview and run background checks on potential caregivers
We want to keep this a safe caregiver community space and we invite your support with this
You know when someone ’ s crossed the line and when they do, please let us know about it Some examples of violations include but are not limited to:
Requests for money or donations, that are outside of the agreed pay
Harassment, threats, and offensive messages
Inappropriate or harmful behaviour during or after meeting in person
Fraudulent profiles
Spam or solicitation including links to commercial websites or attempts to sell products or services
Complaints/reviews can be shared with us at admin@suruvi.co.ke
Am a trained caregiver and am seeking a home patient attendant job
I provide care and therapy and give hope to the elderly, young people and children who have difficulty doing their normal day-to-day activities due to; Dementia, Stroke, diabetes, paralysis, Cancer, hypertension, Depression, disability and learning disorders like autism
I am very responsible to my patients and flexible I work with passion
I offer daily living services i.e bathing, feeding, toileting and many more I attend to the patient in the comfort of your home,
For more information, you can get me through WhatsApp or call 0708946885 Cynthia Anne Wairimu
I graduated from KMTC Msambweni with a certificate in Nursing
I have 1-year clinical experience, with an average of 96% in patient care, a certificate in professional counselling and have lived experience in Dementia care
I took care of 20 young men after undergoing circumcision in the past year
Additionally, I regularly attend personal emotional and mental development programs with Suruvi - Care for Caregivers.
David Mwangi +254 708 361003
After high school, I received training in housekeeping and as a nurse aide. I have practised as a nurse aide for 19 years I have attended one Suruvi - Care for Caregivers mental health support program.
I prefer the morning shift
Margaret Onzere +254 716785859
In November we ran the Adopt - A - Caregiver campaign Our aim was to provide therapy and mental wellness information to male caregivers.
Friends of Caregivers donated to this cause. Suruvi- Care for Caregivers partnered with Imani Collectives For 5 hours our team discussed the elements of mental wellness and the pilars of selfcare with staff from Imani Collectives.
Every man there represented a household So in essence, your donation triggered a ripple effect that shall go beyond what our eyes can see now
Our heartfelt gratitude to the campaign champions, everyone who made a donation in cash, in kind, in time or intellectual support, and the management at Imani Collectives
Suruvi runs the Adopt - a - Caregiver campaign periodically to provide deserving caregivers with therapy and information at subsidized or no cost to them. To support this initiative click on
Adopt A Caregiver – Suruvi – Care for Caregivers
Do you have any questions or queries? Any suggestions of what you would like to read in our eResource?
Let us know on admin@suruvi.co.ke
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