Published every 28th suruvi co ke +254 719571770 st 2022 TransitionsEdition WhentheEndComes MeetWanjirutheDeathDoulawho helpsmakeitlesstraumatictosay bye What'shappeninginthe caregiverworld Contenthighlights Upcomingcaregiverevents Caregiverjobadverts CaregiverSupport HowcanChurcheshelp? MyCaregivingJourney PaulMuirurilovedcaregiving beforeheknewtherewasaname forit.

While these differing opinions are allowable, we must ask ourselves; are our reactions and responses beneficial to our mental health? This is a self review and audit question that can help us through life and many other transitions In this edition, we look at transitions in caregiving, and professionals and resources that can help us with the process We also highlight how others have adjusted to changes thrust upon them by the ill health of their loved ones. Moreover, our online platforms are brimming with information that can help you with these transitions as well. Like, share, subscribe. Support is at your fingertips!
Our lives are a story of transition
All through our lives, we are constantly leaving one chapter behind while moving on to the next. Kenya just went through the elections process and now we have a new government. The outcome of these elections has been met with all manner of reactions and responses. On one side lie those on the resistance end of the spectrum while on the other are those that are accepting of the results.
Rhoda Wagaki Founding Director Note from Self The End is the Beginning
I don't remember The first time I read the expression "bloom where you're planted" attributed to the Bishop of Geneva, Saint Francis de Sales (1567 1622) It has however moved me for years. I keep asking myself, "am I growing in this?" 'This' applies to all situations; the good, the bad, and everything in between. It seems to me that there are many reminders to find the lesson in the tough times In good times, however, not so much. Rather, the latter is largely seen as a time to ride the happy wave. While that is okay, this expression reminds me to stay present and look for the growth point. Sometimes looking for the growth point is a hard and painful process In many situations, you just want to get it over and done with. But don't. Over time, the outcome is well worth the time and effort. Trust me; well, perhaps don't, but please work at blooming in the caregiving role where you have been planted.

If a survey was done, it's probable that 90% of people would say that talking with loved ones about the end of life is important. In real life though, a very small number of people have actually done so.
End-of-Life Doulas or EOLDs, also called Death Doulas, assist in the dying process, much like a midwife or doula does with the birthing process. They aim to help families cope with death by recognizing it as a natural and important part of life. This concept may seem like a new or progressive idea, but they are as old as culture itself. EOLDs can offer a variety of services that include creating a peaceful, loving atmosphere at death; and, most importantly, providing grief care before, during, and after the death of a loved one. Death doulas can help families find ways to honor those who have died as much as they were honored in life. Ultimately this service can normalize the death space for families and communities.
YouTube - Nurturing by Mother Nature. She's good with TLC! FB live with a Death doula Mother nature is continually giving us an array of options to help rejuvenate ourselves From the morning sun to the beauty of nature, the fresh highland air when you can access it, and the evening jog if you enjoy exercise. The question is, do you have time to pause and smell the flowers (so to speak)? We took the time with Plantastic with Kui. Catch the episodes on our youtube channel; suruvi self care for caregivers
Our conversation with Wanjiru, a trained death doula, can help you decide if this is a service that would benefit you. Catch/comment/like/share the conversation on our FB page.

In truth, very few other social institutio face the challenges of providing care church. Religious teachings have help what it means to be human, including well and die well. Religious teaching situate their lives within the greater their best, they are sources of comfort, The church can be described as the m many families They go the long mil churches have a visitation committee visit the sick in their homes which bolstering the sense of hope and courag In addition to care for the spiritual we church can also provide support infrast Family caregivers need the attention wellness when their strength falters stressful time By dedicating some of it the well being of the caregiver, they that they are not alone in their stressed Simply put, the church needs to notice needs of caregivers as a valuable arm o The great news is, some churches ha challenge up and are utilizing the caregivers remain steady in their practi
Caregiving requires a stamina, fortitude, and clarity of mind demanded by few other life situations.
The caregiving role presents m uncertainties and difficult decisions r loved ones In these moments, sp questions of aloneness, pain and suf frequent guests. Many, then, turn to some light for the path they are on

FAMILY CAREGIVERS PROFESSIONAL CAREGIVERS FRIENDS OF CAREGIVERS Mental Self-Care Emotional Self-Care Financial Self-Care Career Care Legal Self-Care Spiritual Self-Care Nutritional Self Care Transitions in Caregiving Relational Balance Physical Self Care Fun & games Comic relief Resource mapping Souvenirs and gifts

Reach us through or +254 719571770 Calling all partners and vendors! Would you like your organization, company, or business to partner with Suruvi to provide information, services or non food items on the day? WE WARE E ARE LOOKING LOOKING FOR FYOU OR YOU

Intifadha Wangare Acting secretary Nurse Aides Society Kenya/Certified Caregiver Ke.
The Birth of a Union "Nurse Aides Society of Kenya seeks to unite all the caregivers in Kenya, both professional and family caregivers. Our main goal right now is to grow in number and to give back to the community. Thus far, we have had one activity at the Nyumba ya Wazee, Kasarani, as our team grows steadily. We appreciate everyone who showed up; you made it a resounding success. We look forward to visiting many other Homecare centres and are inviting as many care aides as can come. Our volunteering activities will go hand in hand with developing our individual self care plans. Registration to join this society are ongoing and we welcome all the caregivers in Kenya to join us. This is our UMBRELLA and our room to oversee professional protection and regulations that must be met." Register at FOCUS ON HUNTINGTON DISEASE AND ALSO PLAN FOR

I did not know or call it by name then, l was already in love with caregiving Caregiver Story: My caregiving journey started in primary school and extended to high school. l loved
care of any injured classmates in our PE sessions and outdoor activities. l assisted
my fourth year
over the holidays, I would
Click here for Paul's full story W H O 1 9 9 8 D E F I N I T I O N O F S E L F - C A R E I S : ‘ S E L F - C A R E I S W H A T P E O P L E D O F O R T H E M S E L V E S T O E S T A B L I S H A N D M A I N T A I N H E A L T H A N D T O P R E V E N T A N D D E A L W I T H I L L N E S S . I T I S A B R O A D C O N C E P T E N C O M P A S S I N G H Y G I E N E ( G E N E R A L A N D P E R S O N A L ) , N U T R I T I O N ( T Y P E A N D Q U A L I T Y O F F O O D E A T E N ) , L I F E S T Y L E ( S P O R T I N G A C T I V I T I E S , L E I S U R E E T C ) , E N V I R O N M E N T A L F A C T O R S ( L I V I N G C O N D I T I O N S , S O C I A L H A B I T S , E T C . ) S O C I OE C O N O M I C F A C T O R S ( I N C O M E L E V E L , C U L T U R A L B E L I E F S , E T C ) A N D S E L F - M E D I C A T I O N . ’ Self care is 80% behavior & 20% head knowledge
school nurse
or call it by name then, l was already in love with caregiving. Paul Muiruri
the local hospital and ask if l could feed the senior patients.
Even though taking the while in and go to Even though did not know

Make payment of KSH 250 only to Mpesa Paybill number 4047551 account 'job search' Send your search details (30 characters) to +254 719571770 with Mpesa confirmation number We put your ad here Are you looking for a job as a caregiver? We are redesigning the service provision landscape for the good of families and caregivers. The goal of this project is to provide a platform where employers can easily access qualified, rated caregivers, with trusted references while Caregivers can showcase their qualifications, and grow their careers, skillsets and experience. CAREGIVER CONNECT Suruvi Care for Caregivers do not take responsibility for the quality of care that the caregiver provides Suruvi does not employ any of the advertised caregivers Only formally trained caregivers are allowed to advertise Requests for money or donations, that is outside of agreed pay Harassment, threats, and offensive messages Inappropriate or harmful behaviour during or after meeting in person Fraudulent profiles Spam or solicitation including links to commercial websites or attempts to sell products or services Disclaimer: Our Service is provided “as is,” and we disclaim legal liability for the quality, safety, or reliability of our Service THIRD PARTY CONTENT The information published here is obtained from and reproduced as rendered by third parties, whose identities are disclosed herein By publishing the information, Suruvi Care for Caregivers neither vouch for or warrants the accuracy thereof, and will not assume or entertain, accept or bear any responsibility, legal or otherwise, for any loss, damage, embarrassment or inconvenience that may be suffered or incurred by any person on account of reliance upon the information reproduced from such third parties For families who hire a caregiver through this page, it is their own responsibility to interview and run background checks on potential caregivers We want to keep this a safe caregiver community space and we invite your support with this You know when someone’s crossed the line and when they do, please let us know about it Some examples of violations include but are not limited to: Potential clients give you a call.

You can climb it in your own time
The mountain will still be there
If a shower stings like needles and a bath feels like you'll drown
suruvi co ke suruvicaregiver Suruvi Care4Caregivers Suruvi - Care for Caregivers Suruvi4Caregivers +254 719 571 770 Self care for Caregivers Where to find us Do you have any questions or queries? Any suggestions of what you would like to read in our eResource? Let us know on If this newsletter has been a value add for you, support our work and caregivers by sharing it with your contacts.
Don't make yourself feel worse
A rest is not defeat
While you are getting re-aligned
From an anxious, fractured mind
If the mountain seems too big today
Then climb a hill instead If the morning brings you sadness
If you haven't washed your hair for days
There's no shame in rearranging
Don't think of it as failure
The world will not stop turning
When you want to try again
If the day ahead weighs heavy
A day is not a life time
Don't throw away your crown
It's ok to take a moment
It's ok to stay in bed
Just a quiet, kind retreat
Just love yourself till then Laura Ding-Edwards