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About The Caregiver eResource
It takes a village to provide care for the frail and the ailing among us. The Caregivers e-Resource connects caregivers to this 'village'.
Every month we feature activities, products and services that guide caregivers on where they can get the support that is appropriate for their context.
The Caregiver's e-Resource offers a wide range of resources, including articles, tips and advice on caregiving.
It also provides support groups and forums where caregivers can connect with one another and with experts.
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The Dream Team
Rhoda Wagaki - Editorial
Betty Murithi - Editorial
Alex Kamweru - Photography
Judy Thurubi - Design
Saimah Kermali - Design
Ndindi Nganga - Columnist
Musqan Butt - Columnist
Rhoda Wagaki Founding Director, Suruvi -Care for Caregivers Psychological Counselor KCPA Accredited
Hey there, Care friends!
I know that taking care of your loved ones can be a tough and sometimes thankless job but let me remind you that taking care of yourself is just as important! In fact, it's the foundational pillar of effective caregiving So, put down that stress ball and let's talk about some easily accessible self-care activities.
First of all, let's talk about sleep. I know it's tempting to stay up late binge-watching your favourite shows, but getting enough sleep is essential for your health. Trust me, a grumpy, sleep-deprived zombie is not a good look on you!
Next up, exercise! Now, we know, physical activity is marvelous for your health and gets you looking great in yoga pants. Apart from that, exercise your brain. Complete puzzles, play board games, solve jigsaw puzzles and even video games in moderation. Playing games can help you relieve stress and get your mind going again.
out for self-care support.
+254 719 571770
Finally, don't forget to laugh. Find the ha-ha in things and situations. If you find that you need a trigger to get you started, consider watching an old-school animation series. Something that really works for me is joining a game with kids. Yes, permit yourself to play or silly dance with kids. The main point here is that taking time to do things you enjoy is crucial for your mental health.
So, my care friends, take a deep breath and remember that taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your loved ones. Trust me, they (and all of us at SuruviCare for Caregivers) want and need you to be happy and healthy too!