January 2023 Newsletter

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Published every 28th suruvi.co.ke +254 719571770 January 2023 A Publication by The Start Again Edition

What to Expect

Who are we?

Emotional hygiene

Legal care for the caregiver - Where to get help

KAHSA updates

Caregivers connect: Find your caregiver, and health care support products here

...And so much more!


Rhoda Wagaki

Alex Kamweru

Judy Thurubi

Betty Murithi

Ndindi Nganga

Waringa Wangema


Visit us on our platforms for content that is:

Homegrown and relevant

That you can identify with, Offers you self-care tips

Delivered by experts you can reach out to.

@suruvicaregiver suruvi
for caregivers +254 719 571770 suruvi.co.ke Suruvi self care for caregivers

“There are only four kinds of people in the world:

Those who have been caregivers, Those who are currently caregivers, Those who will be caregivers, and Those who will need caregivers ”

Note from Self

Happy New Year Greetings dear friends, fans and family! I know, the year is starting to age a little, but it is never too late to pass good wishes to loved ones Congratulations on having successfully conquered the first month of the year, including some of the goals and resolutions we made! Hurray!

However, did we include self-care as part of the things we need to be intentional about this year? Because Suruvi- Care for Caregivers (SCC) is here to help you care for yourself as you care for others

Our work is founded on valuing caregiving as a critical component of the healthcare system Patient care is held together by caregiver wellness. When caregiver wellness is under-supported their emotional and mental wellness is compromised and they may become casualties of their own altruism

As the year begins, invest in your own well-being by plugging into the services offered by SCC Visit us for therapy, self-care resources, information and connection with peers and experts in the wellness field as we keep the number of compassion fatigue casualties low.

We also have many more new and exciting services in the pipeline for Caregivers which we can’t wait for you to benefit from So stay tuned and as always, Like, share, and subscribe.

Support is at your fingertips!

About The eResource

care for the frail and the ailing among us The Caregivers eResource connects caregivers to this 'village'.

Every month we feature activities, products and services that guide caregivers on where they can get the support that is appropriate for their context.

The caregivers e-Resource offers a wide range of resources, including articles, tips, and advice on caregiving

It also offers support groups and forums where caregivers can connect with one another and share experiences

How you can plug in:

Advertise products and services that are relevant to caregivers here

Circulate this newsletter in your networks

Letting us know of activities and events happening that would benefit caregivers.


Definition: A caregiver is any individual who takes care of sick or elderly persons in the family or as their work

Stress: (Money, work, medical requirements, self vs other care, other family needs, information overload, etc

Caregivers usually bear the burden of; Trauma, pain, fatigue, grief, stigma, emotional overload, etc

leading to

Depletion of emotional resources ; compassion, patience, anger management, kindness, joy, etc Our


Mental wellness support - Therapy Self-care support - Education 1 2.

*For groups and individuals, in-person and online

Connect. Support. Grow


Who taught you how to wash your hands? Interesting question...yes?...no?...maybe?

When it comes to physical hygiene most of us remember who taught us how to bathe, brush our teeth, wash our clothes, and clean the house. As an adult, you have automated these habits and you do them with ease. This is because somewhere along the early development of your life there were people invested in teaching you how to care for your physical hygiene. Regarding emotional hygiene, we cannot quite remember being taught how to care for ourselves. What is the emotional hygiene equivalent of washing your hands?


Breathing. When you include breathing exercises in your daily routine you are telling your brain to calm down. That, in the course of your caregiving work which is often tiring, allconsuming and thankless, breathing reminds your brain and body that you too, matter.

Our breath is always with us.

As long as you are breathing, you are alive I would therefore like to invite you to practice this simple breathing exercise. Look around and note five things you can see and close your eyes. Bring your attention to your ears and note three things that you can hear. Come to your nose and note two things you can smell. Think about your tongue and sense one thing you can taste Bring your attention to your hands and feet and feel the temperature Begin counting from one to ten As you inhale count one...as you exhale count two. Continue until you get to ten and start again from one. Do this as many times as you would like Once you are done come back to your feet and hands. Then to your tongue...then your nose...ears and finally open your eyes

Carry this breathing exercise everywhere you go Remember the exercise is yours so you can adjust it as you see fit. Caregivers need care too. As the world is figuring out how to accommodate our needs, start with yourself

Waringa is a Mental Health Educator and Health Coach who is passionate about teaching you how to live sustainably by using education and imparting practical and easy to use wellness tools. Reach out to me on


+254 720 837204

Instagram: @wellnesswithwaringa

For further support in integrating your self-care practice, purchase the “Self-care made Simple” ebook @ KES 1,500 It is inclusive of a free 45-minute coaching consultation with me to help you figure out where to start and how to sustain your self-care practice

+254 719571770

Breathing is life...give yourself life 20% Knowing 80%Doing Self-Careis


Weather Forecast: May Need A Lawyer

When the need for a lawyer suddenly arises, it can be overwhelming and hard to know where to begin. Legal matters can be stressful, and sometimes pop up at very inconvenient times. For caregivers, the situation could be made complex by the ailing or frail nature of some concerned people We make legal support available and accessible in partnership with Suruvi - Care for Caregivers.

Forewarned is Forearmed

Sometimes life is full of competing priorities and you may not have a lawyer on speed dial. It is however important to know how to act swiftly when legal matters arise

Long before situations arise, while the sea is calm, when it's all fun and games, start asking around. Ask people around you for recommendations. Expand your search on online platforms like LinkedIn Save the contacts somewhere convenient for you Include in the contact list the name of the person who referred the lawyer to you or where you got their contact from If the need ever arises you will be able to swiftly reach out to the lawyers for guidance. Introduce yourself, explain how you found them and who referred you, and ask whether they can look at your case or recommend an attorney who can.

As in any profession, lawyers get booked up, fall ill and take vacation days If you don’t get a response from a particular lawyer, having a contact list means having another viable option that you can contact on deck. This is of significant importance especially if your concern is time-sensitive.

Parting Shot: When asking for recommendations, be sure to ask what your referral likes about the lawyer they recommend to you and where they are located

Ndindi & Nadida Advocates LLP is a law firm which is premised on the ethos of legal humanitarianism: [Legal humanitarianism is the use of legal knowledge, skills and expertise to improve the conditions of humanity ] We prefer to think of ourselves as practicing humanitarianism in all matters that we handle.

https://www ndindi-nadidaadvocates com/

Got questions? Ask Ndindi

+254 719571770

Ndindi Ng'ang'a An Advocate of The High Court of Kenya
It may be true that the law cannot make a man love me,
but it can stop him from lynching me, & I think that's pretty important.


SuruviCare for Caregiver Internship Program

We provide education and conversation spaces to support family and trained caregivers' emotional and mental wellness. Our Facebook Live broadcasts with you, will support this objective.

SCC offers talented, diverse undergraduate and recent college graduates a comprehensive internship program that provides invaluable experience, mentoring, and networking in various fields such as communication, webdesigning, I.T, management and psychology



Each time we provide care, we learn valuable lessons and gain new perspectives that could help another caregiver who is having a difficult time.

Your experience can provide insights, lessons, and fresh perspectives for another caregiver.

We are seeking genuine, in-person encounters. We are seeking for you.


Fund a therapy sessions for a caregiver

Fund a workshop for caregivers

Volunteer professional services

Subscribe to our channels and share content with caregivers

Buy our merch

Seenextpage S
facebook com/Suruvi4caregivers I N V I T A T I O N T O B E A B R O A D C A S T G U E S T O N F A C E B O O K L I V E
+254 719571770


Our first Connection Cafe for 2023, provides a safe space for caregivers to share and learn from peers and experts The question for the day is;

Can Intimacy be preserved when caring for an intimate partner?

How? What can one do?

11th February 2023 at Mvuli Road, Westlands Nairobi Kenya. Near pride in Hotel Lantana, Nairobi, Share widely, Bring a friend

The stressors and rigours of caring for a loved one can wear one down. Come let's talk about it, and figure out how to grow through it.

In person/online sessions available.

Goodbyes and adjusting to the new normal can sometimes be very difficult and seem impossible

The process and experience are different for everyone Support is available if you're finding it hard to cope.

Got an event happening that would be valuable to family or trained caregivers? Put it here. Call +254719 571770

Connect. Support . Grow


The ministry of Health is on the verge of recognising Healthcare Support Assistants (HSAs) as cadre

This follows the summoning of officials of Kenya Association of Healthcare Support Assistants (KAHSA) by CEO Kenya Health Professions Oversight Authority to clarify on the objectives of KAHSA & duties/tasks of Healthcare Support Assistants in the health sector

The ministry of Health also requested the officials to submit detailed scope of practice and the TVET sector curriculum currently bring implemented in training HSAs amd being examined by KNEC

Our sources indicate that the officials submitted the requirements and are awaiting gazettement of HSAs as cadre in Health sector

Kenya Association of Healthcare Support Providers (KAHSP)

Registration & Membership Card Issuance Procedure

Disclaimer! All members are required to pay thru KCB Paybill to KAHSP KCB account as no cash to any personal numbers is allowed. KAHSP will not be accountable to money sent to personal numbers!

The Registration fee is Ksh 500 is only payable thru M-PESA paybill, as follows:*

1 Go to MPESA Menu

2. Enter KCB Paybill number 522522

3. Then enter KCB KAHSP Account number to transfer money to, that is 1304096424

4. Enter the amount KSH.500

5 Then Enter your MPESA pin

6. Confirm your transaction details correctly.

KAHSA officials with director corporate affairs

KHPO Authority Mr

Wambua David Ms Rebecca

Ndeta Secretary General and Ms Mary Deputy Chair


7. Take screenshots or photo of both the KCB & MPESA transaction messages.

Send that plus your name & your County to the National Treasurer Mr Jamlick Gitonga +254 782 696062

+254 719571770



Over 50% of the calls we get at Suruvi -Care for Caregivers are families looking for trained caregivers?


100% of the callers, do not want us to post the jobs in WhatsApp groups.


Potential clients give you a call.

Disclaimer: Our Service is provided “as is,” and we disclaim legal liability for the quality, safety, or reliability of our Service



By publishing the information, Suruvi - Care for Caregivers neither vouch for nor warrants the accuracy thereof, and will not assume or entertain, accept or bear any responsibility, legal or otherwise, for any loss, damage, embarrassment or inconvenience that may be suffered or incurred by any person on account of reliance upon the information reproduced fromsuchthirdparties

Suruvi-CareforCaregiversdonottakeresponsibilityforthequalityofcarethatthecaregiverprovides Suruvidoesnotemployanyoftheadvertisedcaregivers


Forfamilieswhohireacaregiverthroughthispage,itistheirownresponsibilitytointerviewandrunbackgroundchecksonpotentialcaregivers Wewanttokeepthisasafecaregivercommunityspaceandweinviteyoursupportwiththis Youknowwhensomeone’scrossedthelineandwhentheydo,pleaseletusknowaboutit Someexamplesofviolationsincludebutarenotlimitedto:


Harassment threats andoffensivemessages





Make a payment of KSH 250 only to Mpesa Paybill number 4047551 Account 'job search' Click on https://surveyheart com /form/62a71a38985f93 14873a4b45 to fill in the advert details Share Mpesa confirmation message to +254 719571770 Weput yourad here
Are you looking for a job as a caregiver?

Gift a caregiver something that supports their well-being. Something that communicates your mindfulness of them.

Call or Text to place an order/See the WhatsApp catalogue description at https://wa me/c/254719571770

All text on products can be customized.



Health Care Support Products

Adult diapers and under-pads

Designed to maintain your comfort and dignity

Advanced leakproof barriers, A wetness indicator

Oduor control system

Faith: 0722639986


Be seen by families and professionals who are looking for what you have If it can be used to care for a loved one who is ailing or frail, PUT IT HERE. At the ridiculously low price of Ksh 1000/- only


Send confirmation text to +254 719571770 CAREGIVER-MINDFUL

Our goals for 2023

Where to find us

Do you have any questions or queries? Any suggestions of what you would like to read in our eResource?

Let us know on admin@suruvi.co.ke

If this newsletter has been a value add for you, support our work and caregivers by sharing it with your contacts.

H e l p y o u f i g u r e o u t h o w t o g r o w i n a n d f r o m y o u r c a r e g i v i n g r o l e
you focus on what matters most in your caregiving role H e l p y o u d o a s m u c h g o o d a s p o s s i b l e , a s m i n d f u l l y a s p o s s i b l e suruvi co ke suruvicaregiver
for Caregivers
Suruvi_Care4Caregivers Suruvi
Suruvi4Caregivers +254 719 571 770 Self-care for Caregivers

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