1 minute read

May In A Snap

Behind every disease is a family caregiver or healthcare support assistant who is providing support and care to a loved one or patient.

The entire team at Suruvi - Care for Caregivers recognizes this and salutes every care provider represented by every disease, condition, disability or frailty.


We know that this work of heart can get heavy, isolating, and overwhelming. Being in the face of pain and malfunction requires regular refuelling of inner resources. We take your self-care seriously and are here to support you.

Support can take many forms, including counselling and education on selfmanagement and self-care.

Support can also be a friend or relative reaching out on behalf of a caregiver to sponsor them to therapy or any of our events. See Adopt A Caregiver – Suruvi – Care for Caregivers.

Reach out to us tusaidiane juu hii life ni harambee.

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