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A young adult reflects on her fast-changing life courtesy of the caregiving role --Written by Dolly

So, this is my little story of how I got thrust into the caregiving role with two days’ notice!


It’ s funny how a simple phone call can cause a chain of events to unfold rapidly, and so that’ s how it began. While we were all recovering from my grandmother's birthday celebration, we received a call from my aunt saying that she needed to go for emergency surgery and therefore needed us to take my grandmother in for a while. Changes of accommodation put me on my bedroom floor on a mattress and my grandmother on the bed, my afternoon walks turned into tea-time and then shower hour, and by the time evening hit it was time to cook gum-friendly meals since she refuses to wear dentures!

All the physical accommodations were checked green on the to-do list, all that was left to do was keep her happy, and healthy and to keep the secret about my aunts' surgery to avoid stressing her! Sounds easy right?

Ever heard of a mother's instinct?

This is a true story. To inded us of the different types of health we in balance. Keep in mind that the different do influence our lives in one way or another to prioritize each component of life equally to one can negatively impact the others. pend too much time and energy on your ht take away from the other components of l. If you spend all your time at the ans you might not be spending enough time As a result, your financial and physical eriorate. too much of your time socializing and trying his might take away from your mental and ople come with their own stressors and y you think and behave. For example, if you me surrounded by people who only focus on of life, then you will notice that your own ts and becomes more negative. This can alth to decline. Therefore, as much as it is aningful connections it is also important to o is making up your social circle and how ending with them. ng balance in all components of the ‘wheel s process that requires ongoing effort and

Yeah, it is real! Alongside her physical needs, she was overwhelmed mentally and emotionally with a feeling she couldn’t shake off – the motherly instinct that something wasn ’t right with her daughter. So here I am, 23 years old with a background in psychology and an internship position at a Caregivers clinic, catering to the physical, emotional, and mental distress she was experiencing... I got this, right?

It is important to pay equal attention to e wheel so as to maintain a healthy balance ou to achieve greater stability and well-being

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