1 minute read
Hello JUNE
IT'S TIME For Some Reflection

We are in the middle of the year;
How did the first half go ?
Did the goals shift ?
Are you on track ?

Do you need new ones ?
Check In On Your Self
Regular self-check-ins are a great way to foster personal development and self-reflection.
You can use the following mid-year questions to gauge your success, make changes, and establish new objectives:
How have I grown and changed since the start of the year? Any big wins or a-ha of the t? ves? ped ed to oved?

International Awareness Days: Highlighting Caregivers Appreciation Into Patient Care

International Awareness Days serve as dedicated occasions to raise awareness and bring attention to important issues, causes or specific groups of people In the case of "Caregivers hine a realm wledge pport, ey are ribute ogical s, and ected ion in reater ed by hcare welless to team e you to our y and