Diary Dates January 2016 Do you have a Mid Sussex community or charity event to promote? Visiwww.sussexliving.com and fill in a Diary Dates form.
DiaryDates Friday 01 January, 10:45
Wednesday 06, 13 & 20 January, 19:30-21:00
Ditchling Village CP behind the Village Hall, Lewes Road, BN6 8UQ, TQ326151 Ditchling, Streat Church, fields and twittens. Route to be finalised on the day to suit prevailing conditions, Map 122. Optional refreshments after the walk in the White Horse. 4mi/6.4km. Easy. Contact: Paula 07919 198047 on the day (families are more than welcome).
Downlands School, Dale Avenue, Hassocks BN6 8LP Free taster with fun, friendly pop, soul and gospel choir - shower singers welcome! Free entrance. Contact Soul of the City Choir: soulofthecitychoir@live.com www.soulofthecitychoir.com
Mid Sussex Ramblers - New Years Day Walk
Monday 04, 11, 18 & 25 January, 08:00-17:00
General Antiques & Collectables Auction
Gorringes, Garden Street, Lewes, East Sussex NB7 1TJ Gorringes hold a weekly Monday sale located at Gorringes Garden Street Auction Rooms, Lewes. This is a wellestablished auction holding between 600 and 800 lots of antique and other furniture, ceramics, jewellery, pictures, silver and collectables. Contact: 01273 478221 clientservices@gorringes.co.uk Monday 04 January
Flicker Rose Sale starts today!
Shop 2, Cobblestone Walk, 74 High Street, Steyning BN44 3RD Flicker Rose has beautiful Danon jewellery handcrafted with crystals, pearls, semi-precious stones and leather. Some of these items will be in the Sale, so a visit to Steyning may well be where you will find a New Year bargain and a treasure to start 2016 with! Tuesday 05 January, 10:30
Mid Sussex Ramblers - Wivelsfield Station to Cuckfield Village Circular Wivelsfield Station, RH15 0QE, TQ320200 Bedelands, Mill Pond and Waterfall, Hookhouse Farm, Court House Farm, Cuckfield Church, Newbury Pond, Copyhold Lane, Wivelsfield Station. Dogs on leads please. Could be muddy and is undulating. Please bring picnic lunch. Map 135 8mi/12.9km Moderate. Contact: Pam B. 01444 248717 Tuesday 05 January, 20:00-22:00
Lindfield & District Folk Dance Club
Ashenground Community Centre, Vale Road, Haywards Heath RH16 4JR Folk dancing for fun, no partner needed. £2 including tea/coffee and biscuit at half time. First evening free. Contact Mike on 01444 482741 Wednesday 06 January, 19:15 for 19:30
Mid Sussex Philatelic Society
Oaks Hall, Burgess Hill School for Girls, Keymer Road, Burgess Hill RH15 0EG Aspects of War – A philatelic display by Richard Berry, Mike Elliot and Jim Etherington. Contact: Jim Etherington 01273 471897 jespeth@hotmail.com
Do you have a Mid Sussex community or charity event to promote? Email info@sussexliving.com and ask for a Diary Dates form. Visit our Diary Dates page on www.sussexliving.com
S u ss e x L i v i n g January 2016
Free Taster Session – Soul of the City Choir
Thursday 07, Friday 08 & Saturday 09 January, 19:45 & Matinee at 14:30 on Saturday
Henfield Theatre Company - The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
The Henfield Hall, Coopers Way, Henfield BN5 9DB A wonderful play, closely based on the classic C.S. Lewis tale, full of excitement and spectacle. Suitable for all ages. £8 to £12. Box Office: Stevens Estate Agents, Henfield High Street (01273 492141). www.henfieldtheatrecompany.com Thursday 07 - Saturday 30 January
Baldwins 81st Winter Sale
120-120a South Road, Haywards Heath RH16 4LT At our Winter Sale everything reduced in all departments. Linens, Dress and Furnishing Fabrics, Curtain Rails and Poles, Handicrafts, Haberdashery and Knitting Yarns. Contact: Colin Buxton 01444 454648 sales@baldwinsdrapers.co.uk Thursday 07 January, 20:00
Ditchling Films - Diplomacy Ditchling Village Hall, Ditchling See Local Living
Thursday 07, 14, 21 & 28 January, 20:00
Greyhound - Open Mic Night
Greyhound Inn, Keymer Road, Hassocks BN6 8QT Every Thursday! Whatever your talent, come and show it off or just watch others. Pop in for a fun night out - entrance free! Contact: thegreyhoundinnkeymer@yahoo.co.uk Friday 08, 15 & 22 January, 19:30-22:00
Mid Sussex Amateur Radio Society
Cyprus Hall, Millfield Suite, Cyprus Road, Burgess Hill RH15 8DX a) Meet the Committee, b) Radio Night, c) Radio Night and Table Top Sale. Come along for a chat, cuppa, use the Radio Shack equipment and sell some things. Contact: Stella Rogers 07803 086838 Saturday 09 January, 10:30-14:30
Downland Quilters Doughy’s Fabric Sale
Patcham Community Centre, Ladies Mile Road, Patcham, Brighton BN1 8PB Annual fabric sale selling fabric from Doughty’s by local patchwork club. Entrance £1. Contact: J Cadle 01444 248332 www.downlandquilters.co.uk Saturday 09 January, 09:00-12:30
Plumpton College Information Morning
Ditchling Road, Nr Lewes East Sussex BN7 3AE
A great opportunity to meet the staff, find out more about the successful range of courses, apprenticeships and training. Free taster courses for those at school. Free course information and advice. Contact: Plumpton College 01273 890454 www.plumpton.ac.uk
Monday 11 January – Sunday 28 February, 10:00-16:00
Nymans Art in the Garden: ‘Rapture’ by Elpida Hadzi-Vasileva Nymans, Staplefield Road, Handcross RH17 6EB Nestled against the backdrop of woodland, Nymans art installation for 2016 explores both the fragility of nature and the effect of time passing. Visually striking, this poignant art installation brings a new perspective to the winter landscape. Normal garden admission applies. Monday 11 January, Coffee 10:00, Lecture 10:30-12:00
Steyning Decorative and Fine Arts Society Monthly Lecture The Steyning Centre, Fletchers Croft, Church Street, Steyning BN44 3XZ Bertie Pearce will give an illustrated lecture on “Now you see it, now you don’t- the ART of deception”. Annual membership £36.00. Visitors warmly welcomed (donation of £5.00). Contact: Mrs Ann Blakelock 01903 297553 ann.blakelock@gmail.com Monday 11 January, 14:30-16:00ish
“James Gillray; Satirist to Insanity”
Henfield Hall, Cooper’s Way, Henfield BN5 9DB Gillray became the foremost caricaturist between 1792 and 1810. His witty and humorous cartoons mocked Royalty, before himself becoming insane. Guest of members £5. Contact: 01273 494945. Tea will be served. Monday 11 January, 19:45
Hassocks Field Society
Adastra Hall, Keymer Road, Hassocks BN6 8QH “Witches, Warlocks and Wellingtons – the ritual protection of the home” - a talk by Dr Janet Pennington. Members £1.50. Visitors £2. Contact: Beryl Varley 01273 832351 Monday 11 January, 20:00
Audition for Ditchling Players Ditchling Village Hall, Ditchling See Local Living Monday 11 January, 20:00
Greyhound - Quiz Night
Greyhound Inn, Keymer Road, Hassocks BN6 8QT We currently hold a monthly quiz on the second Monday of each month. Why not pop along for this fun night and pit your wits against others. Contact: thegreyhoundinnkeymeer@ yahoo.co.uk Tuesday 12, 19 & 26 January
Jewellery-making Classes for
65-66 Priory Street, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 1HJ Learn how to make necklaces, bracelets and earrings using beads and simple wire-work techniques. £75 per person for 3 x 3 hour sessions. Contact: Natasha Caughey 07801 825 476 Natasha@auricula.co.uk, www.auricula.co.uk Tuesday 12 January, 19:30
Weald Classic Vehicle Club
Weald Inn, Royal George Road, Burgess Hill RH15 9SJ We meet every 2nd Tuesday of the month at the Weald Inn. Owners and enthusiasts welcome. Come and have a chat, listen to a few stories or even tell a tale or two. For further information please call Fred Bone on 01444 239853 Tuesday 12 January, 20:00
The Group
A pub in Burgess Hill A club for single men, aged 45+. Not really!! It’s a club for everybody, but we would like more men to join. We meet in Burgess Hill on the second Tuesday evening of every month, Lewes on the 1st Tuesday, Brighton on the 3rd Tuesday and Horsham on the 4th Monday. Walking, theatre, golf, arts, music and dining - loads of things to do. www.thegroup.org.uk Tuesday 12-15 January, 19:30 & Saturday 16 January 12:00-17:00
Puss in Boots
Clair Hall - Places for People Leisure, Perrymount Road, Haywards Heath RH16 3DN See Local Living Wednesday 13 January, 09:30-13:30 for three weeks
Dressmaking from Patterns
Made and Making, The Workroom, Unit 3 Turner Dumbrells, Dumbrell Court Road, Ditchling BN6 8GT Nervous about making your own clothes? Can’t read all those funny markings? Come along with the pattern and fabric of your choice and banish those thoughts. (runs 13th, 20th and 27th Jan) Cost: £90 for three weeks. Contact: 07967 819540 sarah@madeandmaking.co.uk www.madeandmaking.co.uk Wednesday 13 & 27 January, 14:00-16:00
East Grinstead Art Society
St Swithun’s Church Hall, St Swithun’s Close, East Grinstead RH19 3AZ 13th - Demonstration – mixed media – Anne Marie Brody. 27th - Workshop. Visitors welcome £3 entry. Contact: Wendy Vick 01342311093 wmv85@outlook.com Wednesday 13 January, 20:00-21:30
Balcombe History Society - ‘A History of Paddockhurst and my Life on the Estate’ Victory Hall, Stockcroft Road, Balcombe, RH17 6HP Our speaker, Albert Constable, will
give an illustrated talk on the early history of Paddockhurst and his memories of his life on the Estate. £1 members, £3 visitors at the door, including refreshments. Contact: Julie Budgen (01444 811641) julie.budgen@btinternet.com
Trinity Road BN6 9UY Japan from the Inside by Stephen Morphew. Visitors welcomed. Contact: Brenda Mack, 01273 832575
Wednesday 13 January, 20:00-22:00
Bonhams, 19 Palmeira Square, Hove BN3 2JN Bonhams will have Jewellery and Watches Specialists at the office to provide free and confidential auction valuations on items you are considering selling. To make an appointment, please contact Jenny Bouston on 01273 220 000 or email jenny.bouston@ bonhams.com
Hassocks Horticultural Society - The Natural Year in Focus – January to June
Adastra Hall, Keymer Road, Hassocks BN6 8QH Our guest speaker this month is Peter Lovett. He will be giving an illustrated presentation called “The Natural Year in Focus” - January to June covering the orchids, butterflies, insects and nature in general to be found in Sussex, Surrey and Kent. A pleasant subject for a January evening. Visitors welcome. Members £1.50. Visitors £2.50. Refreshments included. Contact: Sylvia Hancock 01273 844544 n8a5cluv@talktalk.net Friday 15 January, 9:00-13:00
Entrance Exams at The Towers Convent School
The Towers Convent School, Henfield Road, Upper Beeding BN44 3TF Entrance Exams – pre-registration required. £50.00. Contact: Anna Chambers 01903 812185 admin@thetowersconventschool.org Friday 15 January, 19:15-21:45
Music for Everyone
The Cyprus Hall, Cyprus Road, Burgess Hill RH15 8DX Celebrated organist/keyboard player David Ingley. Entry: £5 on the door. Doors open at 6pm. Contact: Rosalie Birchmore 01444 241269 bhkeyclub33@talktalk.net Sunday 17 January, Doors/Licenced Bar: 19:00, Film 19:30
Wivelsfield FILMS - Suffragette
Wivelsfield Village Hall, off Eastern Road, Wivelsfield Green RH17 7QG Suffragette is a British historical drama directed by Sarah Garron and written by Abi Morgan. The film stars Carey Mulligan, Helena Bonham Carter, Brendan Gleeson, Anne-Marie Duff, Ben Whishaw and Meryl Streep. Parking at the hall and refreshments available. Tickets £6 on the door, in advance from the Post Office and Village Stores or The Cock Inn, or online via the Facebook page for Wivelsfield Films or wivelsfieldfilms.com Sunday 17 January, 10:00
Weald Classic Car Club Breakfast Chalet Cafe, Henfield Road, Cowfold RH13 8DU All welcome. Monday 18 January, 14:00 for 14:15
Mid Sussex Philatelic Society
Jubilee Room, King Edward Hall, 24 High Street, Lindfield RH16 2HH Members’ Displays beginning with T, U or V (12 sheets). Contact: Jim Etherington 01273 471897 jespeth@hotmail.com Tuesday 19 January, 19:45
Wolstonbury WI Monthly Meeting Club Suite, Hurstpierpoint Village Centre,
Wednesday 20 January, 10:00-16:00
Jewellery and Watches Valuation Day
Wednesday 20 January, 10:15 for 10:45. Finishes 12 noon
Mid-Sussex Decorative & Fine Arts Society Talk on Paula Rego: Tales of the Unexpected Clair Hall, Perrymount Road, Haywards Heath RH16 3DN Talk by Linda Smith looking at the life and work of Paula Rego and her depictions of folk tales. Visitors £7. Contact: www.mid-sussexdfas.org.uk Wednesday 20 January, 20:00-22:00
The Mid-Sussex Franco-British Society
Function Suite, Clair Hall, Perrymount Road, Haywards Heath RH16 3DN An illustrated talk in French by Barbara Stevens, Secretary, MidSussex Franco-British Society entitled “Quebec et le Canada Francophone”. All members and visitors are most welcome. Visitor’s fee is £4 per evening, payable at meetings. Contact: 01444 452385 Thursday 21 January, 14:30
Mid Sussex Association National Trust Clair Hall, Perrymount Road, Haywards Heath RH16 3DN A talk on Japanese Gardens an Appreciation by Stephen Morphew. Friday 22 January, 09:30–12:30
Beginners Patchwork – Make a Chevron Cushion
Made and Making, The Workroom, Unit 3 Turner Dumbrells, Dumbrell Court Road, Ditchling BN6 8GT A beginner’s session to help you on your way with techniques for rotary cutting and machine piecing. Essential skills for all patchwork. Cost £30. Contact: www.madeandmaking.co.uk sarah@madeandmaking.co.uk 07967 819540 Friday 22 January, 13:00 onwards
Smallbrook Care Home opening of new Dementia Wing Smallbrook Care Home, Suffolk Close, Massetts Road, Horley, Surrey RH6 7DU Smallbrook Care Home’s official opening of the ‘The Upfield Suite’ - a specialist dementia care home in Horley, Surrey. Contact: 01293 772576 manager@aspreyhealthcare.co.uk www.aspreyhealthcare.co.uk/ smallbrook Friday 22 January, 14:00-16:00
Hurst, Hassocks & Ditchling U3A
Meeting -Talk
Adastra Village Hall, Keymer Road, Hassocks BN6 8QH Ernest Shackleton: By Endurance We Conquer. A talk about the explorer Ernest Shackleton by Michael Smith. Contact: Jacqueline Brewer 01273 841072 Saturday 23 January, 09:00-13:00
Hassocks Village Market
National Tyres Forecourt, 60 Keymer Road, Hassocks BN6 8AR A lively and bustling village market supporting local producers and crafts-people. Huge selection of fresh bread, free range meats, eggs and fish, traditional cheese, plants, home baked cakes and much more. Music and singing, weather depending, plus Hassocks Football Club promoting their services to the community. Contact: amandajanefelix@gmail.com or via facebook “Hassocks Village Market”
- a talk by Fred Mailladet. Members £1.50. Visitors £2. Contact: Beryl Varley 01273 832351
Tuesday 26 January, 18:30-20:30
Fostering Information Evening
County Hall North (Parkside), North Street/ Chart Way, Horsham RH12 1XH Come along to meet members of the Fostering Team, ask questions and discover more about what it takes to become a foster carer. To view our video on a real-life foster family, visit our West Sussex videos pages (www.westsussex.go.uk) and see our ‘Fostering - the inside story’. Wednesday 27 January, 20:00–22:00
Butterflies and Moths of Sussex – Michael Blencowe Main Hall, East Court, College Lane, East Grinstead RH19 3LT East Grinstead RSPB local group Illustrated Lecture. Entry Fee: £5 for guests. Contact: Lesley Berry 01342 324955
Saturday 23 January, 09:30-13:00
Friday 29 January, 10:00–15:00
1 Keymer Road, Hassocks BN6 8AE Please come in and take 5 minutes out of your busy day and relax with a coffee and slice of home-made cake, in return for a small donation to support St Peter and St James Hospice. This is being organised by Wendy George 01273 843333.
The King’s Centre, 33-35 Victoria Road, Burgess Hill RH15 9LR Poker Themed B2B Tradeshow. 6 Guest Speakers including Penina Shepherd of Acumen Business Law. Raffles, Prizes and Grand Draw. Free to Guests. Sonny Cutting 01273 834316 burgesshill@netxp.co.uk www.netxp.co.uk
Marchant’s Coffee Morning Coffee & Cake
Saturday 23 January, 18:30 for 19:00 till Midnight
Burns Supper
A traditional Burns Supper with a 3 course meal with a piper and speeches, some humorous, followed by some easy Scottish Country dancing. Contact to book 01403 252694 or newsletter@ midsussexcaledoniansociety.org.uk www.midsussexcaledoniansociety.org.uk
Saturday 23 January, 19:00 for 19:30
Clayton with Keymer Churches ‘Murder Mystery Play with supper’
Adastra Hall, Keymer Road, Hassocks BN6 8QH Come and help solve the mystery of who killed the vicar whilst enjoying a delicious three course meal. Pay Bar. £15 per person. Tickets from Hassocks Hardware. Contact: Juliet Strange 01273843908 julietstrange@onetel.com Saturday 23 January, 19:30 for 19:45
Burns Night Supper
The Eight Bells, The Street, Bolney RH17 5QW Join us for a night of Scottish celebration. After “a wee dram” and the ceremonial ‘Ode to the Haggis’, enjoy a 4-course meal, accompanied by a Scottish Piper. £20 per person. Contact: Emma Wasyliw, The Eight Bells, 01444 881396 www.theeightbellsbolney.co.uk info@theeightbellsbolney.co.uk Monday 25 January, 19:45
Burgess Hill Expo
Friday 29 January, 20:00–22:00
Hurstpierpoint Historical & Geographical Society talk
Hurstpierpoint Guide Hall, Adjacent to Trinity Road car park, Hurstpierpoint BN6 9UY Art Deco: Talk by Ian Gledhill, on the fashion that swept the world in the early twentieth century. Free to members (£10 annual subscription). £3 for non-members. Contact: Chairman: Bill Kent 01273 832280 w.kent123@btinternet.com Saturday 30 January, 11:00-12:30 & 14:0015:30
Ridgeview Vineyard & Winery Tour & Tasting
Ridgeview Wine Estate, Fragbarrow Lane, Ditchling Common BN6 8TP Tour of Ridgeview’s vineyard and winery and a tasting of our wines in our Tasting Room, overlooking the South Downs. £15 per person. Contact: Hannah Simpson-Banks 01444 242040 hannah@ridgeview.co.uk; www.ridgeview.co.uk Saturday 30 January,14:30
Mid Sussex Ramblers - Sussex Area Annual General Meeting
The Shoreham Centre, 2 Pond Road, Shoreham-on-Sea, BN43 5WU, TQ215052 Followed by tea and cakes and a Speaker from BBC Radio Sussex. 0mi/0km. Easy Access
Hassocks Field Society
Adastra Hall, Keymer Road, Hassocks BN6 8QH “The Restoration of Oldlands Mill” S u ss e x L i v i n g January 2016