Diary Dates September 2015 Do you have a Mid Sussex community or charity event to promote? Visit www.sussexliving.com and fill in a Diary Dates form.
DiaryDates Tuesday 01 – Wednesday 30 September
Sale at Claire Cork Interiors
5b Mill Road, Burgess Hill RH15 8DN Sale on all stock items. Contact: Claire Cork 01444 244155 sales@ clairecorkinteriors.co.uk www.clairecorkinteriors.co.uk Tuesday 01 September, 18:30-22:30
Lindfield Bonfire Society Badge Night
The Stand Up Inn, High Street, Lindfield RH16 2HN Come and meet LBS members and purchase your 2015 badge and programme at this informal social event. Contact: Sarah Tampion-Lacey 01444 487470 lindfieldbonfiresoc@gmail.com www. lindfieldbonfiresociety.co.uk Wednesday 02 & Thursday 03 September, 10:00-17:00
Fine Art, Antiques & Collectables Auction
Gorringes, 15 North Streett, Lewes BN7 2PD Fine Art, Antiques and Collectables Auction. Contact: 01273 472503 clientservices@gorringes.co.uk Wednesday 02 September, 13:45-16:00
Burgess Hill Flower Club
Cyprus Hall, Cyprus Road, Burgess Hill RH15 8QT Floral Art Demonstration by Gaynor Circus. Visitors are always welcome. Come and enjoy the afternoon with us. Visitors £5 50, but with a copy of Sussex Living Magazine your first visit is free. Contact: Hazel Foster 01273 757176 hazelF31@talktalk. netWednesday Wednesday 02 September, 19:45-21:45
Burgess Hill Horticultural Society Open Meeting Cyprus Hall, Cyprus Road, Burgess Hill RH15 8DX Illustrated talk: ‘Snowdrops and Hellbores’- speaker: Jean Baker Admission: Members free. Visitors: £1. Contact: Flo Whitaker 01444 245509 bhhs@talktalk.net Thursday 03 September, 20:00
Greyhound - Open Mic Night
Greyhound Inn, Keymer Road, Hassocks BN6 8QT Every Thursday! Whatever your talent, come and show it off or just watch others. Pop in for a fun night out - entrance free! Contact: thegreyhoundinnkeymer@yahoo. co.uk Friday 04 September, 18:00-23:00
The Grace Machine
The White Horse Inn, Albourne Road, Hurstpierpoint BN6 9SP The Grace Machine band are back after popular demand. Free entry. Contact: 01273 834717 Friday 04 September, 19:30-22:00 (Burgess Hill) Saturday, 05 September, All Day (Haywards Heath)
Mid Sussex Amateur Radio
S u ss e x L i v i n g September 2015
Do you have a Mid Sussex community or charity event to promote? Email info@sussexliving.com and ask for a Diary Dates form. Visit our Diary Dates page on www.sussexliving.com
Society Radio - Town Twinning Fete
Victoria Park, Haywards Heath RH16 4LR Come along for a chat and see what Amateur Radio is all about. Its great fun. Contact: Stella Rogers 07803 086838 Friday 04 September, 20:30
The Supernotes
The Sportsman, Goddards Green BN6 9LQ Live music from 8.30pm. Free entry. Contact: 01444 233460 www. thesportsmanpub.com Saturday 05 September, 10:00–11:45 Saturday Market St. Barnabas Pastoral Centre, Worth Road, Pound Hill, Crawley RH10 7EB Stalls selling good second hand clothing, books, bric a brac, home produce, refreshments, etc. Free entry. All welcome. Contact: Phyl Pennell 01293 883362 or Parish Office 0300 111 8150, office@worthparish.org.uk, www.worthparish.org.uk Saturday 05 September, 10:00-16:00
The Jam Pot
Henfield Village Hall, Coopers Way, Henfield BN5 9DB Please come along to the Henfield Village Fair where you will find a wonderful selection of stalls for the home and garden. The Jam Pot stall area is certainly one not to be missed! Contact: 01273 492913. Saturday 05 September, 12.00 noon
Albourne Village Show
Albourne Village Hall and Green See Local Living Saturday 05 - Sunday 06 September, 10:00-16:00
Vintage Harvest Fair 2015
Townings Farm, Plumpton Road, Chailey, Lewes BN8 4EJ Working vintage machinery, rural crafts, farm animals, shearing demonstrations, local produce, tractor and trailer rides, beer tent, BBQ and more. Adults £5 each, Children Free. Camping on site available, please phone for information. Contact: Carole Uridge 01444 471352 info@towningsfarm.co.uk, www. towningsfarm.co.uk Saturday 05 September, 10:00-17:00
Open Day
Big Life Organics, 112 South Road, Haywards Heath RH16 4LL Come and discover the wholefood store with a whole lot more! Free samples, free talks and cooking demonstrations, see website for details and to book. Contact: 01444 628667, classes@biglifeorganics.co.uk, www.biglifeorganics.co.uk Saturday 05 September, 12:00
Charity Polo Tournament
FHM Polo, West End Farm, Gatehouse Lane, Goddards Green BN6 9LE Bring the whole family along to a fantastic afternoon of Polo. Refreshments available. In aid of
Family Support Work. Contact: admin@familysupportwork.org.uk 01273 832963
Saturday 29 & Sunday 30 August Saturday 05 & Sunday 06 September, 11:00-17:00
Artwave: Cake at Kate’s
Sparrow House, 1a Windover Crescent, Lewes BN7 1DP Gemstone jewellery by Natasha Caughey; handmade books and prints by Kate Baker-Brown; paintings by Nicky Ashford. Tea and cake. Contact: Kate Baker-Brown 01273 480247 k.bakerbrown@netmatters. co.uk www.sparrowworks.co.uk Saturday 05 September, 13:30-15:45
Burgess Hill Horticultural Society Autumn Flower and Produce Show
Cyprus Hall, Cyprus Road, Burgess Hill RH15 8DX A traditional flower show. Teas and refreshments available. Plant and produce stall – everything homegrown and homemade! Admission: 50p. Contact: Flo Whitaker: 01444 245509 bhhs@talktalk.net Sunday 06 & 20 September, 10:00–14:00 (or as long as you can stay)
Conservation Work Parties on Bedelands Farm Nature Reserve
Meet in car park off Maple Drive for 10:00, RH15 8DL Can you help in simple path clearing tasks or general tidying? Contact: Mary Smith (Secretary of Friends of Burgess Hill Green Circle Network) 01444 242667 mary.s.smith@talktalk.net Sunday 06 September, 10:00-16:00
St Catherine’s Hospice Dragon Boat Festival
Tilgate Lake, Tilgate Park, Titmus Drive, Crawley, West Sussex RH10 5PQ Join thousands of supporters to cheer on your favourite crew and enjoy a treasure-trove of entertainment along the lake’s banks. Free entry, with donations to St Catherine’s Hospice welcome. Contact: Laura Kelly 01293 447365 laurakelly@stch.org.uk www.stch.org.uk Sunday 06 September, 11:00-16:00
Special Event Day
Oldland Mill, Oldlands Lane, Hassocks BN6 8ND The mill will be open, with refreshments, mill gifts and memorabilia available. A free shuttle bus will be provided every 20 minutes from The Thatched Inn, Ockley Lane. Groups can also be picked up by shuttle bus from Hassocks Station by prior arrangement. Donations are greatly appreciated - we suggest £3 per person or £5 per family. Please contact us if you are interested: Fred Maillardet 01273 842342 Sunday 06 September, 12:00
Roll Out a Barrel for Charity ‘Dray for the Day’ The White Horse Inn, Albourne Road, Hurstpierpoint BN6 9SP
Teams of two, pushing a sack trolley loaded with a firkin of Founder’s Best Bitter will race over a two mile course to deliver the beer to the bar at Singing Hills Golf Club. To enter, sponsor a team or donate a raffle prize, please contact Nathan Twitchen on 01273 835353 or Jayne Davis on 07866438953
Monday 07, 14, 21, 28 September, 08:00-17:00
General Antiques & Collectables Auction
Gorringes, Garden Street, Lewes, East Sussex NB7 1TJ Gorringes hold a weekly Monday sale located at Gorringes Garden Street Auction Rooms, Lewes. This is a well-established regular auction holding between 600 and 800 lots of antique and other furniture, ceramics, jewellery, pictures, silver and collectables. Contact: 01273 478221 clientservices@gorringes.co.uk Monday 07 September, 19:30-21:30
Hurstpierpoint Singers New Season 2015/16
Hurstpierpoint Methodist Church, 42 Cuckfield Road, Hurstpierpoint BN6 9RR Rehearsals every Monday commencing on 07 September and continuing until the end of March. We perform two concerts each season. A Village Christmas Concert in December and in the Spring, the popular “Stainer’s Crucifixion”. Please note, an open rehearsal on Monday 21st September at 19:30 will be at Holy Trinity Church, as part of Hurst Festival. All welcome, so come along and join in. All voices welcome, no audition, just come along and discover that making music can be fun as well as satisfying. Contact: Joan Denley 01273 834534 micheal.den@ btinternet.com Monday 07 September, 20:00-22:00
New Season Burgess Hill Choral Society
United Reformed Church Hall, Junction Road, Burgess Hill RH15 0JS Join our non-auditioned, friendly choir. Rehearsals 8-10 every Monday. Contact: www.burgesshillchoralsociety. org.uk or phone 01273 834223. Monday 07 September, 20:00
Minton Badminton Club
Victory Hall, Stockcroft Road, Balcombe RH17 6HP The Club meets every Monday. New members of any ability would be most welcome. Come along for a “taster” no obligation to join. Contact: Beryl Glover 01444 400054 Tuesday 08 September, 12.45 for Coffee and Registration
Martletts Hall, Griffin Room, Civic Way, Burgess Hill RH15 9NN Free Seminar on Trusts Wills and LPAs and Funeral Plans. Contact: Thy Will Be Done 01903 649021 thywill.co.uk
DiaryDates Tuesday 08 September, 19:30
Weald Classic Vehicle Club
Weald Inn, Royal George Road, Burgess Hill RH15 9SJ We meet every 2nd Tuesday of the month at the Weald Inn. Owners and enthusiasts welcome. Come and have a chat, listen to a few stories or even tell a tale or two. For further information please call Fred Bone on 01444 239853. Wednesday 09 September, 14:00-16:00
East Grinstead Art Society Meeting
St Swithun’s Church Hall, St Swithun’s Close, East Grinstead RH19 3AZ Demonstration on perspective by Nina. Visitors £3. Contact: Wendy Vick 01342 311093 wmv85@outlook.com Wednesday 09 September, 19:00
Lindfield Preservation Society presents an illustrated talk on “The Palace of Westminster” by Kevin Gordon
King Edward Hall, High Street, Lindfield RH16 2HH This popular illustrated talk gives a history of Parliament and the buildings which make up the Palace of Westminster. It mentions the art and architecture of the building as well as information as to the traditions and workings of our parliament. Free entry - all welcome. Contact: 01444 484470 john_chapman@talk21.com Wednesday 09, 16, 23 & 30 September, 19:15-21:15
Food for a Big Life: 4 Week Course
Big Life Organics, 112 South Road, Haywards Heath RH16 4LL Do you love your food? Need inspiration and advice on going junk-free, sugar-free, dairy-free? Let us take you on a journey of discovery to achieve long-term health simply through the food you eat. Fun and informative talks and macrobiotic cooking demonstrations. £125. Contact: 01444 628667, classes@biglifeorganics.co.uk, www. biglifeorganics.co.uk Wednesday 09 September, 19:45 for 20:00-22:00
Hassocks Horticultural Society - A Guernsey Travelogue
Adastra Hall, Keymer Road, Hassocks BN6 8QH Our guest speaker this month is Peter Hill, who will be presenting an illustrated talk entitled “A Guernsey Travelogue” being an introduction to this delightful island, its history, the main town of St Peter Port, cliff top walks, wild flowers, etc. Come along for an enjoyable evening. All welcome. Members £1.50, Visitors £2.50 refreshments included. Contact: Sylvia Hancock 01273 844544 n8a5cluv@ talktalk.net Thursday 10 September, 14:30
Mid Sussex National Trust
Clair Hall, Perrymount Road, Haywards Heath RH16 3DN A talk on “Wild Life of Devon, Dorset and Yorkshire” by Patrick Coulcher. Contact: Gail Burrell gmsj@ btinternet.com
Thursday 10 September, 18:00-20:00
Eastbourne College Sixth Form Evening and Open Mornings
Old Wish Road, Eastbourne BN21 4JY A warm invitation to attend one of three open events held every year when visitors can come and see the school in action. Contact: 01323 452300 www.eastbourne-college.co.uk Friday 11 September, 09:30-13:00
Cuckfield Crafts & Market
Queens Hall, High Street, Cuckfield RH17 5EL 35 plus, quaint, quirky and contemporary stalls comprising of jams to jewellery, vintage homewares to Italian handbags! Refreshments available. Contact: Beverley Smith Tel 01444 440274 allthingsnicecft@ aol.com Friday 11 & Friday 25 September, 10:30
Action for Deafness C offee Morning
Action for Deafness, 22 Sussex Road, Haywards Heath RH16 4EA Come along and join the group for coffee and a chat – bring your friends too. Contact: Gerry Turton 01444 415582 www.actionfordeafness.org.uk Friday 11 September, 19:30-21:30
Wine Tasting Evening in aid of Blind Veterans UK
The Ballroom, Blind Veterans UK, Greenways, Ovingdean BN2 7BS Back by popular demand, Henry from Butlers Wine Cellar will be hosting the evening and presenting 6 wines in his own distinctive style. £15 per person. Contact: Rachel Chitty 01273 391455 rachel.chitty@blindveterans.org.uk www.blindveterans.org.uk Friday 11 & Saturday 12 September, Gates Open 18:30, Film Starts 20:00
Kew the Movies Wakehurst Place 2015 Wakehurst Place, Ardingly, Near Haywards Heath RH17 6TN Popcorn and picnics will be on the menu for open air cinema screenings at Wakehurst Place. Box Office hits Grease (PG) and Frozen Sing-Along (PG) will be shown in these beautiful surroundings. To find out more or book online please visit Wakehurst Place website. Premium Tickets: £27 Adults : £14.50, Children £10.50, Under 5 Free, Family Ticket £40. Booking and Transaction Fees apply. Friday 11 & Tuesday 18 September 19:30-22:00
Mid Sussex Amateur Radio Society Radio Night/Table Top Sale
Cyprus Hall, Millfield Suite, Cyprus Road, Burgess Hill RH15 8DX Come along for a chat, and a Cuppa. Use the Radio shack equipment and sell some things. Contact: Stella Rogers 07803 086838 Saturday 12 September, 09:00-17:00
Ride and Stride for Churches
Chailey Heritage Foundation, Haywards Heath Road, North Chailey BN8 4EF See Local Living
Saturday 12 & Sunday 13 and Saturday 19 & Sunday 20 September, 10:00-17:00
Enquiries: 01444 456509 www. lindfieldhorts.org.uk
Please see posters, flyers or website for full details of the 12 venues open, one or both of the weekends in Hurstpierpoint 20 Artists showing their work which includes, etchings, hand-made glass beads, jewellery, paintings, photography, recycled wooden furniture, sculpture and stained glass. No charge for entry, but Artists are collecting for the West Sussex Association for Disabled People (Local Area). Refreshments available at Hillbrow Bungalow, Pitt Lane and takings will be for this cause too. Contact: Sylvia Thornhill 01273 832510 s.thornhill@freedom255. com Discover more on Facebook, at www.hurstpierpointopenstudios. co.uk and flyers in local libraries and shops.
Hassocks Horticultural Society Autumn Flower Show
Hurstpierpoint Open Studios
Saturday 12, 19 & 26 September
Bluebell Railway “Afternoon Tea” - Lounge Car
Sheffield Park Station, Uckfield TN22 3QL Full traditional Afternoon Tea is served on board as you steam through the beautiful Sussex Countryside. Afternoon Tea includes Indian Tea, a selection of delicious sandwiches followed by mouth-watering cakes, tarts, scones, fruit bread and shortcake. £44 per adult, children £39. Contact: www.bluebell-railway. com/event/lounge-car/ 01825 720800 Saturday 12 - Saturday 26 September
11th Hurst Festival Hurstpierpoint See page 89
Saturday 12 September, 10:00-16:00
Vintage & Craft Fair Burgess Hill
Martlets Hall, Civic Way, Burgess Hill RH15 9NN An abundance of quality traders selling all things vintage, handmade, antique and collectable. Live entertainment, vintage beauty, vintage tea party plus lots more. £2 Entry, children free. Contact: Helen Jones at Hels Belles Boutique 07738115572 info@helsbellesboutique.co.uk www. helsbellesboutique.co.uk Saturday 12 & - Sunday 13 September, 13:00-22:30
Hickstead Showground, London Road, Hickstead RH17 5NU Family friendly festival featuring Simple Minds, Jessie J, The Vamps and more at the world famous showground. £45 per day/£75 weekend. Contact: info@ boomeranghickstead.com www. boomeranghickstead.com 01273 834315 Saturday 12 September, 14:00-16:45
Lindfield Horticultural Society Autumn Show King Edward Hall, High Street, Lindfield RH16 2HH Join us for our Autumn Show of flowers and produce. Also a sale of plants and home-made coffee and cakes. Entry £1, children free.
Saturday 12 September, 14:30-16:30
Adastra Hall, Keymer Road, Hassocks BN6 8QH This is your opportunity to see members’ exhibits of flowers, floral art, cookery, vegetables and fruit, preserves, handicraft, photography, and a painting. There will be a Children’s Class, the subject being A Pressed Flower Picture, 3 Rock Cakes. Refreshments will be available. Plants for sale, and a raffle. All welcome. Admission 50p. Contact: Sylvia Hancock 01273 844544 n8a5cluv@ talktalk.net Sunday 13 September
The 25th Balcombe Walk
Starting from Balcombe Victory Hall or Ardingly College Prep School, Haywards Heath See Local Living Sunday 13 September, 10:00-15:00
RSPCA Big Walkies Crawley
Tilgate Park, Titmus Drive, Tilgate, Crawley RH10 5PQ Dogs and owners are invited to join us for an ultimate sponsored dog walk in Crawley. For details, follow link: http://bit.ly/1HxT8MO.£10 for one dog and £5 for any additional dogs. Contact: Darren Parrish 0300 123 0741 friendsofsouthgodstone1@ sky.com http://rspcafriendsofsouthgodstone.org.uk/ Sunday 13 September, 10:00-16:00
Guides in the Game for Wet Adventurers at Blackland Farm!
Blackland Farm, Outdoor Activity Centre & Camp Site, Grinstead Lane RH19 4HP A great opportunity for Guides to take part in water activities. Gain your Water Safety badge and work towards your Outdoor Pursuits badge. Pre-booking required. We welcome all new recruits! £20 per girl. Contact: 01342 810493 blackland@girlguiding. org.uk www.blackklandfarm.org.uk Sunday 13 September, 10:30
Mid Sussex Ramblers Hurstpierpoint Circular to the South
Trinity Road Car Park, Hurstpierpoint BN6 9SJ Hurstpierpoint Festival Walk 1 of 3 Trinity Road C P - Tott Farm Bedlam Street - Wanbarrow Farm - Trinity Road C P. 3.0 miles. GR TQ281165 Contact: Alison G 01273 833794 Sunday 13 September, 19:30 (Doors/Licenced Bar 19:00)
Wivelsfield Films ‘Woman in Gold’ – 12A
Wivelsfield Village Hall, off Eastern Road, Wivelsfield Green RH17 7QG This film tells the true story of Maria Altmann, a Jewish refugee who, sixty years after fleeing from Vienna during World War 11, takes on the Austrian government to recover artwork seized by the Nazis that she believes rightfully belongs to her family. Directed by: Simon Curtis. Cast includes: Helen S u ss e x L i v i n g September 2015
DiaryDates Mirren, Ryan Reynolds, Daniel Bruhl. Free, easy parking at the hall. Homemade cakes, ice creams and drinks served before the film and during the interval. Tickets £6 on the door, in advance from the Post Office & Village Stores or The Cock Inn or online via the Facebook page for Wivelsfield Films or wivelsfieldfilms.com
Monday 14 September, 20:00
Greyhound - Quiz Night
Greyhound Inn, Keymer Road, Hassocks BN6 8QT We currently hold a monthly quiz on the second Monday of each month. Why not pop along and for this fun night and pit your wits against others. Contact: thegreyhoundinnkeymer@ yahoo.co.uk Tuesday 15 September, 12:45
Clare Hall, Perrymount Road, Haywards Heath RH16 3DN Free Seminar for Wills Trusts LPA’s and Funeral Plans. Contact: Thy Will Be Done 01903 649021 thywill.co.uk Wednesday 16 September
Open Morning
Mayfield School, The Old Palace, High Street, Mayfield N20 6PH We hold Open Mornings several times a year. The Headmistress and the Head and Deputy Head Girl talk about life at Mayfield. Two of our younger pupils give an insight into their own experiences of Mayfield. Then pupils lead guided tours of the buildings and grounds. Lunch provides visitors with an opportunity to meet with parents whose daughters are already at Mayfield, and to speak to senior staff and subject teachers about the academic, extra-curricular, pastoral and spiritual life of the school. Contact: The Admissions Office 01435 874642 Wednesday 16 & 23 September, 19:3021:30
Vivace! – New Singers’ “Taster” Session The Old Meeting House, The Twitten, Ditchling BN6 8UJ See Local Living Thursday 17 September, 10:00-11:30
Mid Sussex Patient Participation Group - Talk on Childhood Illnesses & Teenage Health Problems Mid Sussex Health Health Centre, Windmill Avenue, Hassocks BN6 8LY This session will be led by Dr Isabel Konrad. Those who come to the session will, by the end of it, understand the services available to help you and your child, and when to use them. Also to understand the common issues for newborn and babies under a year old. Know how to ensure safer sleeping for your young babies and to get to know the common childhood illnesses and how we address them. Understand general welfare for children – how to deal with bumps and bruises and scalds etc. There is no charge. All welcome. Contact for more details: George Rodgers 01273 843997 georgerodgers@hotmail.co.uk
S u ss e x L i v i n g September 2015
Thursday 17 September, 10:00-16:00
Jewellery Valuation Day
Bonhams, 19 Palmeira Square, Hove BN3 2JN Bonhams Jewellery Specialist will be at the office to provide free and confidential auction valuations on items you are considering selling. To make an appointment, please contact Jenny Bouston on 01273 220 000 or email jenny.bouston@bonhams.com Thursday 17 September, 19:30
Barbershop Concert: Tagline
Contact: Lynn Tulip 07801 689801 lynn.tulip@gmail.com http:// lindfieldartsfestival.com/
Friday 18 September, 19:15-21:45. Doors open 18:00
Music for Everyone
The Cyprus Hall, Cyprus Road, Burgess Hill RH15 8DX Celebrated organist/keyboard player, Paul Howell. Entry £5 on the door. Contact: Rosalie Birchmore 01444 241269 bhkeyclub33@talktalk.net
Great School, Lancing College, Lancing, West Sussex BN15 0RW An exciting opportunity to hear one of Britain’s leading ‘A Cappella’ quartets. Tagline are the 2015 British Association of Barbershop Singers National Quartet Champions. £10 (£8 concessions, students free) to include interval glass of wine or soft drink. Contact: Beverley Allen, Music Secretary, 01273 465968 baa@lancing. org.uk www.lancingcollege.co.uk
Friday 18th September, 19:30-21:30
Friday 18 – Sunday 20 September
Saturday 19 September, 09:30-13:00
Forest Row Festival Various locations See Local Living
Friday 18 – Sunday 20 September, 09:30–17:00
Bentley Woodfair – 20th Anniversary Show
Bentley Wildfowl and Motor Museum, Harveys Lane, Halland, Nr Lewes BN8 5AF Woody fun for all the family – includes woodcraft, forestry displays, children’s activities, local food, falconry, Adam’s Axemen and much more. Adult: £14, Senior/Student: £12, Child (5-15 years – under 5 free): £10, Family (2 Adults and up to 3 children): £47. Contact: Cathy Cordery 01825 840573 woodfair@ bentley.org.uk www.bentley.org.uk Friday 18 September & Saturday 19 September, 09:45-12:00
Open Days - St Andrews Prep School
Meads Street, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN20 7RP A warm invitation to visit the school to see the breadth of education and facilities on offer at St Andrew’s Prep. Contact: 01323 733203 www. standrewsprep.co.uk Friday 18 September, 10:00-14:00
Fostering Drop-in Session
Chichester Library, Tower Street, Chichester PO19 1QJ If you’d like to find out more about what’s involved in fostering for West Sussex County Council, come and speak to the Fostering Recruitment Team at their next drop-in session: For more information call 0330 222 7775 or visit www.westsussex.gov.uk/fostering Friday 18 from 18:00 - till Sunday 20 September, till 23:30
Lindfield Arts Festival
Lindfield High Street, King Edward Halland, RH16 2HH Lindfield Primary School Lindfield Arts Festival is a truly engaging community event showcasing local talent including comedians, actors, artists, musicians, dancers and more. Free entry.
East Grinstead Society Meeting
Main Hall, East Court Mansion, East Grinstead, West Sussex RH19 3LT Caroline Adams, formerly of the County Records office, will speak on ‘Being a Gentleman in the 16th Century West Sussex’. All welcome. Non-members£1.50, members £1.00 – including refreshments. Contact: Joan Roberts 01342 322648 www. eastgrinsteadsociety.org
Burgess Hill School for Girls Autumn Open Morning
Burgess Hill School for Girls, Keymer Road, Burgess Hill, RH15 0EG Provides prospective families and students the chance to find out more about the opportunities available for September 2016 entry. Contact: Mrs Y. Irvine – Head of Admissions 01444 241050 registrar@burgesshillgirls.com www.burgesshillgirls.com Saturday 19 September, 09:30-16:30
Sussex Woodcraft Society Annual Show Henfield Village Hall, Henfield BN5 9DB Competitions, Members demonstrating their woodcraft, stalls selling work all hand made in Sussex. Refreshments, tea, coffee home made cakes. Tombola. Free Entry. Contact: Wendy Quantrill 01273 845977 wendy.quantrill7@gmail.com www. sussexwoodcraft.co.uk Saturday 19 September, 10:15-12:30
Worth School Open Morning
Worth School, Paddockhurst Road, Turners Hill RH10 4SD A chance to find out more about the Worth difference and meet the new Head Master, Mr Stuart McPherson, as well as teachers and monks. Plus a tour of the campus with a personal student tour guide. Please book a place on 01342 710231/710255 or visit www.worthschool.org.uk Saturday 19 September, 11:00-13:00
Sushi Workshop
Big Life Organics, 112 South Road, Haywards Heath RH16 4LL Take the mystery out of this delicious and versatile Japanese delicacy and learn how to make your own sushi! This hands-on workshop will teach you how to roll sushi using a variety of vegetarian fillings – then take it home to eat! £45. Contact: 01444 628667, classes@biglifeorganics.co.uk, www. biglifeorganics.co.uk Saturday 19 September, 11:30- 15:30
Headway Autumn Fair
Headway House, Jackies Lane, Newick
BN8 4QX Four hours of music and entertainment for all the family including craft/produce stalls, BBQ and vintage style afternoon tea. Free Entry (donations for parking). Contact: Katie Kearns 01825 724323 katie.kearns@headway-hp.co.uk Saturday 19 September, 19:00-20:30
‘Come and Sing’ Musicals!
St Nicholas Church, Church Road, Crawley RH10 7RT Join the choir in the morning, perform at 7pm that same day, or just come to listen. Adult donation, kids free. Contact: Sue Perry 03001118150 office@worthparish.org.uk Saturday 19 September, 19:00-21:30
SW150 Concert 4 - New Sussex Singers
St Wilfrid’s Church, St Wilfrid’s Way, Haywards Heath RH16 3QH The programme contains a variety of things sacred and secular, familiar and fun! £10 for adults and £2 for children. Season ticket for all four concerts £28. Contact: Parish Office 01444 412339 admin@ stwilfrid’shaywardsheath.org.uk Saturday 19 September, evening
Night of a 100 Voices
The Kings Centre, Burgess Hill See Local Living Sunday 20 September. Gates open 11:30, first race 14:30 and last race 17:30
Family Raceday
Plumpton Racecourse Ltd, Plumpton, East Sussex BN7 3AL A great value day out for all the family with races, free pony rides, fun-fair, face painting, retraining of racehorses, display and other entertainments. Admission Prices: Grandstand and Paddock Enclosure: £18 on the day. Senior Grandstand and Paddock Enclosure: £14 on the day – photo ID required Picnic Enclosure: £10. Children under 18: FREE. Race programme and parking: FREE. Contact: racing@ plumptonracecourse.co.uk 01273 890383 Sunday 20 September, 10:00
Weald Classic Car Club Breakfast Chalet Cafe, Henfield Road, Cowfold RH13 8DU All welcome. Sunday 20 September, 10:30
Mid Sussex Ramblers Hurstpierpoint Circular to the North
Trinity Road Car Park, Hurstpierpoint BN6 9SJ Hurstpierpoint Festival Walk 2 of 3 Trinity Road C P - Hurst Wickham Clayton Wickham Farm - Hammonds Mill Farm - Ruckford Mill, Danworth Farm - Langton Lane - Trinity Road C P. 5.5 miles. GR TQ281165 Contact: Phil 01273 835931 Sunday 20 September, 14:00-17:30
Bedelands Open Day
Meet in car park off Maple Drive for 14:00, RH15 8DL Discover your local nature reserve by attending a leisurely guided walk
DiaryDates led by group members. Contact: Mary Smith (Secretary of Friends of Burgess Hill Green Circle Network) 01444 242667 mary.s.smith@ talktalk.net
The Woolpack, West Street, Burgess Hill RH15 8NN See Local Living
Lunchtime Concerts at Lancing College offer a variety of musical delights from current pupils. A cultural oasis in the middle of the day! Free entrance, but please contact the Music Secretary to book a ticket. Contact: Beverley Allen, Music Secretary, 01273 465968 baa@lancing.org.uk www. lancingcollege.co.uk (Also Lunchtime Concerts on 06 & 15 October and 05, 10 & 19 November)
Wednesday 23 September, 14:00-16:00
Thursday 24 September
Wednesday 23 September 10:00-11:30
Burgess Hill Coffee Morning
East Grinstead Art Society Meeting
St Swithun’s Church Hall, St Swithun’s Close, East Grinstead RH19 3AZ Workshop. Visitors £3. Contact: Wendy Vick 01342 311093 wmv85@ outlook.com Wednesday 23 September, 19:00-21:30
Evening Sewing Session
Made and Making, The Workroom, Unit 3 Turner Dumbrells, Dumbrell Court Road, Ditchling BN6 8GT A new monthly Sew Friendly session for the evenings. Bring your own project and get help from the tutor when you get stuck. Informal and friendly. £15. Contact: www. madeandmaking.co.uk sarah@ madeandmaking.co.uk 07967 819540 Wednesday 23 September, 20:00-21:30
Balcombe History Society - ‘Life over a Railway Tunnel’
Victory Hall, Stockcroft Road, Balcombe RH17 6HP Our speaker, David Porter, will give us some of the history of the Brighton Line, with mention of Balcombe, and an amusing insight into his life at Clayton Tunnel North Portal. £1 Members, £3 Visitors. Contact: julie. budgen@btinternet.com Thursday 24 September, 10:00-14:30
Wild Help Wanted!!
Sussex Wildlife Trust, Woods Mill, Shoreham Road, Henfield BN5 9SD There are opportunities to get involved as a volunteer with our very popular Nature Tots groups, children’s holiday clubs and family events. If you would like to find out more, please come along to the introductory session at Woods Mill. To book your place, or to receive a volunteer’s information pack, please contact Liz Francis: lizfrancis@sussexwt.org.uk or 01273 497562 Thursday 24th September, 10:00–16:00
Watches Valuation Day
Bonhams, 19 Palmeira Square, Hove BN3 2JN Bonhams Watches Specialist will be at the office to provide free and confidential auction valuations on items you are considering selling. To make an appointment, please contact Jenny Bouston on 01273 220 000 or email jenny.bouston@bonhams.com
Glyndebourne Open Gardens
Glyndebourne, New Road, Lewes, East Sussex BN8 5UU See Local Living Thursday 24 September, 16:30-20:30
Oathall Community College Open Day
Oathall Community College, Appledore Gardens, Haywards Heath RH16 2RS A chance to see the College in operation, tour the facilities and hear about what Oathall has to offer. Contact: Anne Stoneley 01444 414001 office@oathall.org www.oathall.org Friday 25 to Sunday 27 September
Weekend Beer Festival with Live Music
Clayton & Keymer Royal British Legion, Woodsland Road, Hassocks BN6 8HE Our first Beer Festival with a great choice of Ales to try out over the weekend with live music on the Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon Contact: ckrbl@btconnect. com 01273 845829. Friday 25 September, 10:00-12:00
Brew-tiful Beverages
Martlets Shopping Centre, Burgess Hill RH15 9NN Staff at The Martlets Shopping Centre will be taking part in the world’s biggest Coffee Morning and are inviting local residents to join them in their bid to raise vital funds for Macmillan Cancer Research. A selection of retailers within the Centre will be offering free tea, coffee and cake in return for donations to the charity as well as hosting a variety of fun raffles and competitions. To host your own Coffee Morning, sign up for your Coffee Morning kit at www. coffee.macmillan.org.uk Friday 25 September, 10:00-12:00
Every Child Counts
King Edward Hall, High Street, Lindfield RH16 2HH There will be fabulously ‘gently used’ clothes, jewellery and bags for sale. Volunteers are always needed. Contact: southlondonandsoutheast@ nspcc.org.uk Friday 25 September, 09:00-13:30ish
The Worlds Biggest Coffee Morning Various locations See Local Living
Thursday 24 September, 13:35-14:05
Friday 25 September, 19:30
Recital Room, Music School, Lancing College, Lancing, West Sussex BN15 0RW
Martlets Hall, Civic Way, Burgess Hill RH15 9NN Don’t miss this opportunity to see and
Lancing College - Lunchtime Concert
Ultimate Genesis by Los Endos
hear all the drama and excitement of a Genesis gig from the 70’s and 80’s. It is easy to visualise murderous goings-on on croquet lawns, unrequited love, and Rael expressing his desires and dreams in a gloomy and dark New York city! Under a sweeping and dramatic light show reminiscent of the era, the intricate and powerful music of Genesis is recreated with amazing accuracy by Los Endos. The band have crafted a new set which will include Robbery, Dancing with the Moonlit Knight, Battle of Epping Forest, Entangled, Fountain of Salmacis, Return of the Giant Hogweed and of course.... Los Endos, plus lots, lots more! This is a Genesis experience of epic proportions which no real fan should miss! Ticket Price: Standard £16, Concession £15. Contact: 01444 242888 www.martletshall.org
Friday 25 September, 20:30
Eclectic Duo Live @ The Watermill
The Watermill Inn, 1 Leylands Road, Burgess Hill RH15 0QF Local singing duo Eclectic, live at the Watermill! An “eclectic” mix of genres from country to rock ‘n roll. It’s a great evening’s entertainment! Free entry. Contact: 07572293820 followthepinkguitar@hotmail.com www.eclecticduo.com Saturday 26 September, 10:00-12:00
Paws & Claws Autumn Fair
Adastra Hall, Keymer Road, Hassocks BN6 8QH Autumn Fair with home made cakes, clothes, books, jigsaws, toys, jewellery, cards, gifts, tombola and raffle. Refreshments available. 20p entrance. Contact: Rosemary Harding 01273 846946 rosemary. harding @mypostoffice.co.uk www. pawsandclaws-ars.org.uk Saturday 26 September, 09:00-13:00
Hassocks Village Market
National Tyres Forecourt, 60 Keymer Road, Hassocks BN6 8AR A lively and bustling village market supporting local producers and crafts-people. Huge selection of fresh bread, free range meats, eggs and fish, traditional cheese, plants, home baked cakes and much more. Music and singing, weather depending, plus Hassocks Football Club promoting their services to the community. Contact: Sarah Lessacheer, 07810 800248 or via facebook “Hassocks Village Market” Saturday 26 September, 10:00
Mid Sussex Ramblers - North from Maresfield
Maresfield Playing Field’s Car Park TN22 2EH Woodlands Farm - Fairwarp - Hendall Manor Farm - Maresfield. 5.00 miles GR TQ467240 Contact: John 01444 483860 and on the day 07817032135 Saturday 26 September, 10:00-14:00
Balcombe Village Market Victory Hall, Stockcroft Road, Balcombe RH17 6HP
Please come and browse, enjoy and buy from the lovely stalls which also include produce. Contact: 01444 811462
Saturday 26th September, 10:00-17:00
Self Development Workshop - ‘The Key to Understanding Yourself’
The Koorana Centre, Street Lane, Ardingly RH17 6UB Innovative and fresh workshop, reconnecting you to your unfulfilled hopes and dreams, helping you find a new sense of happiness to remember who you truly are. This will give you clarity as to where your life is heading and how best to get there. £95.00. Contact: Key Workshops 07921 837807 keyworkshops@gmail.com www.keyworkshops.co.uk Saturday 26 & Sunday 27 September, 10:00-17:00
Bountiful Botanics Get to know, get to grow… Wakehurst
Wakehurst Place, Ardingly, West Sussex RH17 6TN A fun weekend for garden enthusiasts and families. Hands-on workshops, demos, tours and family activities plus plants and seasonal food for sale. Normal garden admission prices apply, entry to the event is free but some activities have costs attached. Kids 16 and under go free. www.kew. org/bountiful Saturday 26 & Sunday 27 September, 10:30-17:00
Parham Harvest Fair
Parham House & Gardens, Parham Park, Pulborough RH20 4HS (RH20 4HR Sat Nav) Food, foraging and estate life. Exhibitor stalls, live music and outdoor arena demonstrations. Live cookery sessions with ITV’s chef Phil Vickery and Rosemary Moon. Adult: £10.00, Senior Citizens: £9.00, Children (5-15 years): £5.00, Under 5’s: FREE, Season Ticket Holders: FREE. Book online and save 10%. Contact: 01903 742021 enquiries@ parhaminsussex.co.uk www. parhaminsussex.co.uk Saturday 26 September, 14:00-16:30
Open Afternoon
Made and Making, The Workroom, Unit 3 Turner Dumbrells, Dumbrell Court Road, Ditchling BN6 8GT Come along and meet the tutors, hear about the new workshops for Autumn 2015 and try your hand at some five minute makes. Entry: Free. Contact: www.madeandmaking.co.uk sarah@ madeandmaking.co.uk 07967 819540 Saturday 26 September, 14:15
Hurstpierpoint Horticultural Society Autumn Show
Village Hall, Trinity Road, Hurstpierpoint BN6 9UY An abundance of flowers, fruit and vegetables, cookery, children and novice sections. Tea and homemade cake, raffle and produce auction. Why not put in some entries of your own. It is free. Prizes and cups to be won! S u ss e x L i v i n g September 2015
DiaryDates For details simply pick up a schedule from Gibsons in Hurstpierpoint High Street. Contact: greenhpp@tiscali. co.uk
Saturday 26 September, 14:30
Mid Sussex Ramblers Hurstpierpoint Circular to the South via Wolstonbury Hill
Sunday 27 September, 10:00-15:00
Rockinghorse Children’s Charity Dragon Boat Festival
Trinity Road Car Park, Hurstpierpoint BN6 9SJ Hurstpierpoint Festival Walk 3 of 3 - Trinity Road C P - Danny Wolstonbury Hill - Randolph’s Farm - Trinity Road C P. 5.0 miles GR TQ467240. 5.0 miles. Contact: Alison G 01273 833794
Marina Square in Brighton Marina, Brighton BN2 5UF Annual charity Dragon Boat Festival raising money for Rockinghorse, plus family entertainment, food and drink throughout the day. Free for spectators (all ages welcome). Rockinghorse Children’s Charity. Enquiries@ rockinghorse.org.uk 01273 330044 www.rockinghorse.org.uk
Saturday 26 September, 19:45-22:00
Sunday 27 September, 10:00-14:00
St Wilfrid’s Church, St Wilfrid’s Way, Haywards Heath RH16 3QH See Local Living
RSPCA South Godstone, Eastbourne Road/ A22, South Godstone RH9 8JB Open for set up 9am. Gates open 10am. Free parking + disabled parking area. Unsold items/rubbish must be taken away. Dogs welcome on lead. No Food Sellers/Traders Sellers: All cars £10.00 Vans £15.00 Trailers additional £3.00. Pay on entry. Buyers: Admission by donation. Contact: Darren Parrish 0300 123 0741 friendsofsouthgodstone1@ sky.com http://rspcafriendsofsouthgodstone.org.uk/
Haywards Heath Music Society Concert
Saturday 26 September, 19:30
Burgess Hill Bonfire
Starting from Cyrpus Road car park See Local Living Saturday, 26 September
Lindfield Prom
King Edward Hall, 24 High Street, Lindfield RH16 2HH The Adur Concert Band will be performing popular melodies, marches and Prom favourites. Raising funds for St Peter & St James Hospice. £10 Tickets from Tufnells Home, 59 High Street, Lindfield, and at charity
shops and on-the-door. Contact: Joanna Stevens 01444 440552 www.adurconcertband.org.uk
S u ss e x L i v i n g September 2015
RSPCA South Godstone Car Boot Sale
Sunday 27 September, 14:00
Mid Sussex Ramblers - West Hoathly Circular Finch Field Car Park, West Hoathly
RH19 4PN Chiddinglye Farm - Newhouse Farm - Pearceland Wood - High Weald Landscape Trail - West Hoathly (some steep and uneven paths). Dogs are ok, but there are some stiles. 6 miles. OS map 135. GR TQ366325. Contact: Anna 07899 101554 Monday, 28 September, 19:45
Hassocks Field Society - “Preston Manor” Adastra Hall, Keymer Road, Hassocks BN6 8QH A talk by Jackie Marsh-Hobbs. Members £1.50, Visitors £2.00. Contact: Beryl Varley 01273 832351 Tuesday 29 September, 10:00
Mid Sussex Ramblers - Ashdown Forest Circular
Goat car park, Ashdown Forest RH18 5JF Press Ridge Warren, Churlwood CP - Raven Wood - Ashdown Park Hotel Greenhall Toll Clump. Picnic on walk. Optional pub visit after walk. Dogs allowed. 7 miles. GR TQ402326. Contact: Tony 01444 438297 07597 199768
01273 465968 baa@lancing.org.uk www.lancingcollege.co.uk
Wednesday 30 September, 20:00-22:00
The Mid-Sussex Franco-British Society - Retrouvailles
Function Suite, Clair Hall, Perrymount Road, Haywards Heath RH16 3DN Meetings are designed to be informal and welcoming at all levels of French, as the main object of each evening is to provide the opportunity for participants to practise the language and to learn more of France and its culture and so enhance their enjoyment of France and other French-speaking countries. There will be wine and tombola - all welcome. Contact: Barbara Stevens 01444 452385 Wednesday 30 September, 20:00–22:00
East Grinstead RSPB AGM followed by ‘Pulborough RSPB Reserve in Recent Years’ – John Oliver
Main Hall, East Court, College Lane, East Grinstead RH19 3LT Illustrated lecture. £5 for guests. Contact: Lesley Berry 01342 324955
Wednesday 30 September, 19:30
Organ Recital
Lancing College Chapel, Lancing, West Sussex BN15 0RW Richard Gowers, the organ scholar of King’s College, Cambridge, plays a programme which promises to be a musical feast. £7.50. Contact: Beverley Allen, Music Secretary,
Do you have a Mid Sussex community or charity event to promote? Email info@sussexliving.com and ask for a Diary Dates form. Visit our Diary Dates page on www.sussexliving.com