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Planning Applications
Edited extracts from draft minutes of Planning and Conservation Committee meeting 10th Nov 2022.
Applications for Planning Permission:
CC/22/02382/FUL - 23 Lavant Road PO19 5RA
- Redevelopment with creation of 5 flats, parking, landscaping and associated works. (Variation 20/03226/FUL - entrance gates alteration, landscaping, fenestration alterations, grey timber detailing, additional roof light, balcony alteration).
Objection for the following reasons:
- Alterations affect appearance of building. Gable window replaced with full width glazing. Wooden porch replaced by cast iron. Timber painted grey.
- Ground floor flat to be 2-bed, new double doors to access side of property from main bedroom, close to bin store. Security issue and proximity to neighbour risks amenity being affected.
- Third bedroom in flat with limited space and no access to garden or balcony. Study in formerly open space. Utility and bathroom extended into rear roof spaces. Additional rooflight windows.
- Rear garden to be laid to lawn, with trees removed and wildflower meadow no longer provided.
- Change front gates height and design from 1.5m open top design to 2m closed boarded style.
CC/22/02401/FUL - 1 Whyke Lane PO19 7URDemolish Christian Science Society church, erection of building to accommodate community facility, 16 apartments, communal facilities, associated access, car parking and landscaping. Objection for the following reasons:
- Removes a community use building without appropriate replacement or justification.
- Proposed room is small and inappropriately sited within retirement apartment building.
- Design includes dead frontage across building and undercroft parking. Scale, bulk and busy design of building would harm conservation area.
- If approved, condition relating to archaeological investigation works be applied to preserve heritage.
- Food production must be allowed to continue. www.chichester.gov.uk