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2023/2024 Budget and Interim Internal Audit
Edited extracts of draft minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Committee 15th Nov 2022
2023/2024 Budget - Chairman presented first draft of 2023/2024 budget, advising that taxbase for 2023/2024 hadn’t yet been received.
• Committee considered budget and agreed to establish whether Council would enter the In Bloom competition in 2023.
• Grounds maintenance budget lines may change following upcoming review of specification and tendering of contract.
• Asked Clerk to include £20k CIL award for sports & recreation equipment in the budget.
• Asked Clerk to consider if budget should be included for potential redevelopment of Market Square & review of Neighbourhood Plan.
• Clerk to request inflationary increase on funding provided by Chichester District Council to contribute to cemetery grounds maintenance costs.
• Resolved to set up a £5k ear marked reserve to mark Coronation of His Majesty in Petworth.
• Salary, pension & HMRC budget lines may change after review of Clerk employment T’s&C’s.
• Clerk to update draft budget and circulate it to committee for review prior to next meeting.
Interim Internal Audit - Noted interim internal audit report and considered 3 recommendations:
R1) Give consideration to confirming Council’s continued eligibility to use General Power of Competence and readopt at Council Annual Meetings.
R2) Clerk/RFO and Members must ensure that Notice of Exercise of Public Rights is published for a period of 30 days, as required.
R3) Encourage Council to seek financial advice on protecting public funds under its management and consider alternate investment opportunities like CCLA Public Sector Deposit Fund.
Committee noted recommendation 2 and 3 and agreed it was actioned having resolved to invest £20k in a 1-year bond. Include agenda item regarding recommendation on 1st Jan 2023 Full Council meeting. www.petworth-tc.gov.uk