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Pulborough Parish Council

Updates, Sports Pavilion project and communications

Changes at the office: New Deputy Clerk, Beverly Nobbs, welcomed and the Clerk, Heather Knight leaves at the end of July. New clerk should be in post soon so hope to introduce them shortly.


Travellers and Recreation Ground

In June a group of travellers encamped on the recreation ground. We immediately set in motion the process that must be followed. Our actions and a change in law meant police were able to evict them within 48 hours. We plan to extend the bund around the recreation ground and submitted a pre-planning application advice enquiry to Horsham District Council. Once we know the outcome, we shall update the community.

Sports Pavilion

Sports Pavilion rebuild project was discussed. As it could be another 3-4 years before the new Sports Pavilion is available, we are undertaking an inspection of the club building by a qualified surveyor. Report will prioritise repairs required and the Council will address work needed.


A mini-survey at village market revealed want for improved Council and website communications. Communications Working Group established whose focus is to promote and enhance the Council’s communication with community, improve use of social networking sites and how we engage with the Parish. Another item was traffic speed, especially Lower Street. Important issues will be considered as objectives developed for the Council which we are capturing in our business plan. We be shared with the community.

Diary Dates

• Planning & Services Committee, 7th Sept, 7.30pm, Sports Pavilion

• Recreation & Open Spaces Committee, 13th Sept, 7.30pm, Sports Pavilion

• Full Council, 21st Sept, 7.30pm, Village Hall

• Finance & Policy Committee, 7.30pm, Sports Pavilion

• Harvest Fair, 23rd September www.pulboroughparishcouncil.gov.uk

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