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West Chiltington Parish Council
Update for August 2023
Refill is the new recycle!
Saturday 3rd September 2.30-5pm Sussex Green Living bottle REFILL service pop-up will be at the West Chiltington Horticultural Society Autumn Show!
Thanks to a grant from Horsham District Council Community Climate Fund, West Chiltington Parish Council is working with Sussex Green Living to bring the mobile Eco Float (1974 retrofitted milk float) to park outside the village hall as part of the Horticultural Autumn Show.
Sussex Green Living will be sharing all the ways people can make small lifestyle changes which collectively make a big difference. The charity's main focus is conservation of natural resources through Repair, Recycling and Refilling. The eco float will be offering a bottle refill service, so bring your empty household cleaning products and personal hygiene product bottles and get them refilled. This saves production of new bottles, fossil fuels used to transport them around the world, energy to recycle bottles, reduces CO2 and global warming, oh and it saves you money because you are only buying the liquid! A win, win for all! Learn where to find your nearest refill shop here www.sussexgreenliving.org.uk/refill/
We look forward to seeing you!
Wild Grass Meadow
The Parish Council is creating a wild grass meadow to the rear of the Recreation Ground. The hope is that this patch of long grass will encourage different plant species to grow, help insects thrive and create feeding opportunities for birds and small mammals. It is a work in progress and the hot weather didn’t help, but we are hoping that with some rain things will start to change. The rule is that the less pristine it appears, the more promising for wildlife, so please forgive the way the area looks – we are feeding the bees!
Tractor Shed
At last the old ‘tractor shed’ has been safely demolished – it had long been unfit for purpose and has been replaced by a new structure at the other side of the Recreation Ground. The future use of the new space hasn’t yet been decided but we are very happy that it is no longer an eyesore.
Village Show
At the time of writing we are looking forward to meeting residents on our stand at the Village Show in July. In anticipation of this we thank those who came to share their hopes for the future of West Chiltington. We have a 5-year plan in the form of a working document and we always welcome comments on future projects – please get in touch via our Clerk, details below. Keep up with our news
• Sign up to our digital newsletter to receive news and alerts directly into your Inbox.
• Go to our website home page and click ‘Sign Up To Our Newsletter’.
• Your email address is only used for Parish Council business – we do not pass on your details.
Contact the Parish Council
• Anyone is welcome to attend meetings and/or speak at the public session. Meetings start at 6.30pm.
• Tel: 01798 817434 or 07483 114836. Email: clerk@wcpc.org.uk or planning@wcpc.org.uk www.wcpc.org.uk
• Write to: The Parish Clerk, The Reading Room, Church Street RH20 2JW.
• Visit: our website for details of meetings, Agendas, Minutes and more.