Sussex Local Magazine - Southwater APRIL 2023

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Apr 2023 MARATHON MAN Sussex Entrepreneur’s extreme fundraising GYO Grow Your Own to fight inflation! WHITE Classic home décor ...PLUS what’s on local news prize crossword health & wellbeing property, walks business directory SOUTHWATER | COWFOLD | DIAL POST | PARTRIDGE GREEN | WEST GRINSTEAD RH13 8 & RH13 9 through the door every month to 7,100 homes via Royal Mail NEWS Community Win! Tickets: Beyond the Barricade at The Hawth Tuesday 20th May p11 Anti ageing treatment at Little Vines Clinic p28
✓ New Roof Replacements ✓ Roof Repairs ✓ Chimney stacks ✓ Fascias, soffits & guttering ✓ Gutter cleaning ✓ All leadwork undertaken ✓ Moss removal and treatment ✓ Flat roofing 24 HOUR EMERGENCY CALL OUT 01903 868845 or 01403 885755 From a slipped tile to a complete new roof - Smart Roofing Solutions have you covered before beforeafter after 10% DISCOUNT please mention Sussex Local Magazine beforeduringafter


WelcometoourAprilissue,and fingerscrossedforsomegood weatherovertheEaster weekend,whichisrelativelyearly –Friday7thtoMonday9th–this year.SowhydoesEastermove aroundsomuch?It’sbecause EasterfallsonthefirstSunday followingthefullmoononor afterthespringequinox,whichis assumedtobe21stMarch(even thoughthatitselfcanvary between19thand22ndMarch).


TheMarathonDesSablesisa250 kilometresracethroughthe MoroccanSaharaoverseven dayswhereparticipantscarry theirownsupplies–nothisisnot anAprilFool...Wespeakto SussexentrepreneurSimonDent whoistakingonthisextreme challengetoraisemoneyfortwo charitieswhoprovidesports coachingfordisadvantaged children.

Alsothismonth,ifyouhave spaceinyourgardenoran allotment,whynot“GYO”-grow yourownveg?AndrewStaib givesideasonwhattoplant, whereandwhen.Also-inour Propertysection–areWhitewalls stillinfashion?Thereareplentyof eventsforallagesinourWhat’s Onguide,plusourregular competitionsandlocalnews. Thanksforreadingand supportingouradvertisers.

Untilnexttime, Kris&Jeff

goodfaith,SussexLocal(KayPublishingLtd)isan independentcompanyanddoesnotendorse productsorservicesthatappearinthismagazine. SussexLocalcannotbeheldresponsibleforerrors oromissionsorclaimsmadebycontributors.Views andopinionsofcontributorsarenotnecessarily thoseofthepublisher.

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KayPublishingLtdPOBox2237PulboroughRH209AH||01903868474 SUSSEX USSEX LOCAL “ ”
TulipFestival SUSSEX USSEX LOCAL CONTENTS Advertisingfromonly £10 peredition Apr2023 Establishedin2007,wepublishandhand-delivereight editionsfreeofchargetoover54,000homesandbusinesses everymonth.Wewelcomereaderlettersandcommunity noticeswhichwepublishfreeofcharge. ARUNDEL andsurroundings– 7,006 addresses BARNHAM andsurroundings– 6,316 addresses CHICHESTER citycentreandsuburbs– 6,310 addresses FINDON andsurroundings– 7,287 addresses MIDHURST/PETWORTH andsurroundings– 7,139 addresses PULBOROUGH andsurroundings– 6,091 addresses SOUTHWATER andsurroundings– 7,108 addresses STORRINGTON andsurroundings– 6,733 addresses Quoteofthemonth... 4 What'sOn 11 WinticketstoseeBeyond theBarricade,TheHawth 12 Charity&Community News 15 Porperty-SellerAppealWhiteWalls 16 MarathonMan-Simon Dent 19 Gardening-GrowYour Ownveg 22 Recipe-LambLentil CheesePatty 24 PrizeCrossword-Wina £30voucherforThe CrownInn 25 LocalGuidedWalks 26 Health&Wellbeing -Worksmarternotharder 30 BusinessDirectory 31 AdvertiserIndex
Coverimage: ArundelCastle
“April,dressedinallitstrim,hathputaspirit ofyouthineverything.”–WILLIAMSHAKESPEARE

What’s On - April/May 2023

Event organisers please enter your event details on We regret that we cannot accept submissions by email. We take the details from our website for the magazine listings which can appear in up to all eight editions distributed to over 54,000 addresses. Charity, community and non-profit events are free of charge (subject to space). Commercial events can be listed from just £25 plus VAT which includes promotion through Facebook & Twitter. Deadline for May events to be put on website - 4th April


16th Apr 3:00 PM Swimming Challenge for Keep Me

Breathing Help swim 2500 lengths Arundel Lido BN18 9JG Swimmers £15 / Spectators donation

26th Apr 10:00 AM Andy's Angels Monthly Grief Play Café, supporting children and families through grief Hope Hive Worthing BN13 1AA Free. Kayla Shepherd 07465 242321

28th Apr 7:30 PM Date2Donate - find love while spreading love Meet local singles and raise money Muchos Nachos Pub Chichester PO19 8HT £5 07515 597297


1st - 10th Apr 10:00 AM Easter egg hunt

Petworth House and Park GU28 9LR £3 01734 220798

1st - 22nd Apr 10:00 AM Superworm Julia Donaldson's Superworm is at Wakehurst, Kew East Grinstead RH17 6TN 01444 894066


1st Apr & 6th May 10:30 AM Parkinson's Support Group for sufferers and their families Washington Village Memorial Hall RH20 4AP £2 01903 746871

3rd Apr & 1st May 8:00 PM Felpham Singles Social Club singles club for over 55's The George Inn Bognor Regis PO22 7PL Free. 01243 821530

4th Apr 7:30 PM Pulborough Computer Club –How to Train a Pilot what is required to make a device to train pilots Pulborough Village Hall RH20 1LP Members £3 Guests £5 01798 872266

5th Apr 12:00 PM West Chiltington Probus Club lunch for retired professional or business men Roundabout Hotel RH20 2PF David 01798 812481

6th Apr & 4th May 6:45 PM Graphic novel book club Comic book club looking at adult graphic novels Private house Barnham PO22 0EF Free.

11th & 25th Apr 7:45 PM Grasshoppers Folk Dance Club Folk dancing St Lawrence Church Hall Goring by Sea BN12 4DG £2.50 Helen 01903 535366

15th Apr 9:00 AM Ploughing Match & rural exhibition Vintage Tractors ploughing as they did in 1920-60 The Venue Woodmancote BN5 9BA £8 07767 621387

19th Apr 7:30 PM Sullington Windmills Women's Institute A complimentary visit to any upcoming meeting Sullington Parish Hall RH20 3PP Erika

20th Apr 7:15 PM Worthing Speakers Club 10 year anniversary The Burlington Hotel Worthing BN11 3QL 18+ Lucinda 07799 333267

22nd Apr 2:00 PM Storrington Bowling Club Lawn bowls Storrington Bowling Club RH20 4EE 01903 744809

28th Apr 7:30 PM PACT: Petworth Area Churches Together Spring Lecture How to reach those impacted by sexual exploitation St. Mary's Church Petworth GU28 0A 01798 342151

30th Apr 8:45 AM SADCASE Classic & Sportscar club breakfast and time admiring others cars

Pagham Beach Cafe Bognor Regis PO21 4SX


15th Apr 10:00 AM Billingshurst Macmillan Coffee Morning cakes, preserves, crafts, tombola and raffle Billingshurst Centre RH14 9EW 07711 470635

- please contact event organisers to check for changes

More events on
4 What's On

Spring Update

The team and I at Cubitt & West would like to thank all our customers for a fantastic start to the year. We have loved seeing so many of you and we are feeling really positive about the year ahead, despite the everchanging market. We’ve visited some beautiful homesthat we expect to see coming onto the market over the next few weeks, so keep an eye out for these!

Our favourite thing is to get out and about in the village and visit you in your homes. So if you are curious about how much your property is worth, don’t hesitate to contact us and we will be more than happy to chat with you over a cuppa and provide you with a free valuation.

We look forward to seeing you!

Spring is finally here and doesn’t it make us all feel better after the dark long nights? Below is our top five tips to help you embrace the change of season and look after your mental and physical health:

1. Connect with nature. Get outside and enjoy your surroundings and hopefully with a few less layers now too. We are very lucky to live in such a beautiful area, lets make sure we enjoy it.

2. Flowers make everyone happy. With the abundance of beautiful flowers around either in the shops or in the garden. Having a fresh bunch will brighten up any room.

3. Spring Cleaning is the way to go, getting out the old and preparing for the new. Nothing is more satisfying than getting your cupboards, garage and garden organised. Especially if you are wanting to sell your home, ticking small jobs off your to-do list really helps

4. Eat fresh, seasonal food. We are so lucky to have supermarkets giving us so many fresh foods but also go to your local farm shop or grow your own to get the real flavours of Spring. (Apples, Asparagus, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrot, Cauliflower, Cucumber and Lettuce)

5. Make plans for the year ahead whether it be holidays, days out, seeing friends orbe it bigger life changes, jobs, homes or family. Get your diaries out and start planning.

As you may have seen we have been donating £100 to local food banks for every valuation we carry out in the first quarter of 2023, at the time of going to print we have donated just under £500,000 which is fantastic and hopefully by the time you are reading this we will be close to our target of £1 million.

For any property information or help to understand the value of your home please call our friendly team on 01403 731901.

Every address every month 3

17th Apr 6:30 PM Worthing Climate Engagement and Action XR Worthing all are welcome CREW

Worthing BN11 3AL

22nd Apr 8:00 AM Men's Breakfast - Community Event Simon Edwards talk on Christian Apologetics Chichester Park Hotel PO19 7QL

£10 -breakfast 07813 024585

7th May 1:00 PM The Big Coronation Lunch in Westergate Bank Holiday/Coronation lunch

Aldingbourne Community Sports Centre PO20

3YA Katherine


1st Apr 9:30 AM Artists Wildlife Painting Workshop introduction to watercolour painting RSPB Pagham Harbour PO20 7NE £35/ member £28 01243


23rd Apr & 3rd May 8:30 AM Birdsong masterclass Get to grips with The Warblers RSPB Pulborough Brooks RH20 2EL £20.50 members / £25.50 Non-members 01798



1st & 2nd Apr 10:00 AM Birds & Beasts: The Wild Escape prints and drawings of birds and beasts Pallant House Gallery PO19 1TJ 01234 774557

1st & 2nd Apr 10:00 AM The Sussex Guild

Contemporary Craft Show The Sussex Guild exhibition The Henfield Hall BN5 9DB £3 01273 479565

1st Apr - 31st May 10:00 AM ‘The Magic of Middle-earth’ exhibition dedicated to the worlds of J.R.R. Tolkien The Novium Museum PO19 1QH £4 adult/£12 family/£2.50 child

1st Apr - 5th May 10:00 AM Arundel Museum

Exhibition: Ralph Ellis - Artist and Inn Sign Designer Arundel Museum BN18 9PA £4.50

£3.50 01903


4th - 8th Apr 10:00 AM Mark Munroe-Preston

“Treescapes” exhibition Colonnade House BN11



6th - 24th Apr 10:00 AM A Sussex Inheritance

Art exhibition featuring father and son duo, The Old Workshop cafe Storrington RH20 4AE Free. 01903 745754

11th - 15th Apr 10:00 AM Rosemary Jones: Fabric Printing with Linoblocks linocut printmaking Colonnade House BN11 3DH Paula

12th - 14th May 6:00 PM Sussex Art Fair 2023 the works of 90 exhibitors with artwork for purchase Goodwood Racecourse PO18 0PS £6 01243 551861

22nd & 29th Apr 10:30 AM Seaside Open Studios Artists at work in studios painting, sculpting etc. The Barn Flansham PO22 8NJ Free 07743 507551

25th - 30th Apr 10:00 AM Hattie Lockhart-Smith exhibition The Ups on the Downs mixed media work Colonnade House BN11 3DH 01903 221142


2nd & 16th Apr, 7th & 14th May 2:30 PM High Salvington Windmill Open Afternoon open for tours, teas, and refreshments High Salvington Windmill BN13 3AT £1 / £1 for a tour 07799 333267

7th - 9th Apr 10:00 AM Arundel Castle Medieval Festival Travel back to 1216 Arundel Castle BN18 9AB £25/Child £11 01903 882173

22nd & 23rd Apr

9:00 AM Spring Live! 2023 The South of England Agricultural Society two-day event South of England

Showground Ardingly RH17 6TH £13 01444 892700

7th May 2:00 PM King's Coronation Event A Family Fun Afternoon to celebrate King Charles lll’s Coronation Storrington Recreation Ground RH20 4BG 01903 746547

14th May 2:30 PM National Mills Weekend Open Day High Salvington Windmill BN13 3AT open for National Mills Weekend £1 Lucinda

More events on - please contact event organisers to check for changes

6 What's On


29th Apr 10:00 AM Pre-school Spring Fayre

Fundraiser Thakeham Pre-school RH20 3GW 01798 817437

14th May 10:00 AM The Barnham Bark Fest 10th

Anniversary Art, Crafts, Dog Show and Family

Day Barnham Community Hall PO22 0AY 01903 785166


12th Apr 7:30 PM Rotary Storrington Film NightMrs Harris Goes to Paris Starring Lesley Manville

Bar + Raffle Sullington Village Hall RH20 3PP £5 Ken 01903 740745

24th Apr 7:30 PM Pulborough Film Night A Man

Called Otto 2022 Drama/Comedy staring Tom

Hanks Pulborough Village Hall RH20 2BF 7 Terri 01798 470635


1st Apr - 13th May 10:00 AM Arundel Castle's Tulip Festival Arundel Castle BN18 9AB £14 / child £6.50 01903 882173

8th Apr 2:00 PM Findon Village Gardens

Association Spring Flower Show Findon Village Hall BN14 0TA Sally

10th Apr 10:30 AM Garden open at The Old Vicarage Washington open for the National Garden Scheme. The Old Vicarage RH20 4AS £7 01483 211535

11th Apr 2:00 PM The garden at Peelers

Retreat, Arundel open for the National Garden Scheme Peelers Retreat Arundel BN18 9EX £5 01483 211535

12th Apr 7:15 PM West Chiltington Horticultural Society talk Gardening to save time West Chiltington Village Hall RH20 2PZ £3 visitors 07792 817399

16th Apr 2:00 PM Gardens and woods full of bulbs and wild flowers Garden open for the NGS Newtimber Place Hassocks BN6 9BU £5

18th Apr 2:00 PM Swathes of daffodils and magnificent views in Bignor Park Trees, shrubs and wildflower areas open for the National Garden Scheme Bignor Park Pulborough RH20 1HG £5

More events on - please contact event organisers to check for changes

Every address every month 3
What's On 7

19th & 26th Apr, 3rd & 10th May 2:00 PM The stunning gardens at Fittleworth House open for the National Garden Scheme Fittleworth House RH20 1JH £5

22nd Apr 11:00 AM The garden at Warnham Park, Horsham open for The National Garden Scheme Warnham Park Horsham RH12 3RP £6

23rd Apr 10:00 AM Arundel Castle's Plant Fairs range of locally grown and unusual plants

Arundel Castle BN18 9AB £14 / £5 Plant Fair tickets 01903 882173

23rd Apr 2:00 PM Manor of Dean, Petworth open for the National Garden Scheme The Manor of Dean Petworth GU28 9AP £5

30th Apr 10:30 AM The Hidden Garden, a community garden in Selsey, open for the National Garden Scheme The Hidden Garden PO20 9EH £5 01483 211535

30th Apr 11:00 AM The beautiful garden at Denmans Garden open for the National Garden Scheme Denmans Garden Fontwell BN18 0SU £9

30th Apr 12:00 PM The garden at Stanley Farm

Liphook open for the NGS Stanley Farm Liphook GU30 7LW £5

30th Apr 2:00 PM Fittleworth Garden Trail

Fittleworth Village Open Gardens Fittleworth Garden Trail RH20 1JB £7 Charles 01798 865202

1st - 21st May 9:00 AM Arundel Castle's 2023

Allium Extravaganza Arundel Castle BN18 9AB £14 £6.50 (under 5s go free) 01903 882173

10th & 13th May 11:00 AM Beautiful garden open at Cookscroft Earnley NGS Spring opening gardens Cookscroft Chichester PO20 7JG £5

14th May 1:00 PM Visit the garden at Hammerwood House, Iping terrace surrounded by tulips and iris Hammerwood House Midhurst GU29 0PF £6

14th May 2:00 PM Lavant Horticultural Society Plant Sale Lavant Memorial Hall Chichester PO18 0BA Free. Susan J Jackson

More events on - please contact event organisers to check for changes

14th May 2:00 PM The National Garden Scheme: Champs Hill Coldwaltham Far-reaching views across to South Downs Champs Hill Pulborough RH20 1LY £5 Every Thurs 10:30 AM The Old Vicarage The Street, Washington open for The National Garden Scheme The Old Vicarage Washington, RH20 4AS £7


1st Apr 7:30 PM Classical guitar concert featuring Serenata Guitar Trio A chance to hear three classical-Spanish guitars Regis School of Music PO21 1ER £15 / Members £10 01243 866462

1st Apr 7:30 PM Music for Passiontide baroque music, featuring Pergolesi's Stabat Mater. Holy Trinity Church Cuckfield RH17 5JZ £15 / Child £5 Martin

2nd Apr 3:00 PM Maya Irgalina at The International Interview Concerts @rtsspaces@sionschool Worthing BN11 4BL £14 / £2

14th Apr 7:00 PM Taylor Maid Concert

Storrington & Sullington Parish Hall RH20 3PP £13 01903 740188

15th Apr 7:00 PM The Leconfield Singers 10th Anniversary Spring Concert choral music concert with orchestra and soloists Arundel Cathedral BN18 9AY £15-30

20th Apr 7:30 PM Evening of Dixieland and Traditional Jazz with the Featherstone Jazz Five DRNK Coffee House, Lancing Manor Leisure Estate BN15 0PH Derek 01903 249900

22nd Apr 6:00 PM St

George's Eve Piano

Recital by Vasilis Rakitzis

St George's Church

Trotton GU31 5EN £12



1st Apr 10:00 AM Cinnamon Trust Easter Fair cafe, gifts and goodies Findon Village Hall BN14

OTA £3 Maggie Martin 07544 572702

8 What's On
More events on - please contact event organisers to check for changes

15th Apr 9:00 AM Arundel Farmers Market local growers, bakers, meat, poultry, flowers, plants and food and drink makers Arundel BN18 9AA

15th Apr 10:15 AM Junktique, Collectables & Clutter Sale Indoor sale of a range of items West Chiltington Village Hall RH20 2PZ £1 Carol 01798 813608 / Brenda 01798 813712

22nd Apr 9:00 AM Pulborough Farmers Market Eggs, bread, home made cakes, crafts plus cafe Pulborough Village Hall RH20 2BF Terri Ashpool 01798 848039

29th Apr 9:30 AM Cheeki Monkeys Big Baby & Childrens market Buy or sell toys, equipment or clothes The Shoreham Centre BN43 5WU £1.50

7th May 9:00 AM Annual Sussex Car and Motorcycle Jumble Stalls and Vintage/Classic Cars display Worthing Rugby Club BN16 4AX £2 07760 793912

Every Fri 9:45 AM Storrington Community Market cakes, biscuits, preserves, eggs, fruit, & veg Katie 07909 681884


1st Apr 7:00 PM 80s night in aid of Wolfram Syndrome charity event with 80's electro pop from Synthony 101 The Factory Live BN14 8BX £15 Tracy

21st Apr 7:30 PM Murder, Mystery and Mayhem – a Forensic Fundraiser with 4Sight Vision Support with a meal Church of the Good Shepherd Shoreham BN43 5LF £15 01243 828555


28th Apr 7:00 PM Angel in Blue Monthly Medium Event Different medium each month Storrington Village Hall RH16 8DZ £6 07713 769978


4th Apr 2:00 PM Arts Society West Sussex Talk on life and times of ‘Charlemagne’ Fittleworth Village Hall RH20 1EJ Guests £7 01903 411086

More events on - please contact event organisers to check for changes

Every address every month 3
Harry Hawkins & Partners Have your much-loved pet cremated locally • Individual cremation • Ashes back with you next day • Lovely options for caskets, urns, Inked or Clay pawprints and statues • Collection & delivery service • Established & trusted, family run Established over 75 years and based 01403 864361 inCowfold Unit 2 Northbrook Business Park, Northbrook Road, Worthing, BN14 8PQ 01903823803
• Awning & Canopies 18 years experience • Approved Supplier for Caribbean Awnings & Canopies Home visits available • Full range of shutters expertly fitted by our City and Guilds qualified carpenter and joiner • Vertical, Venetian, Wood, Roller, Pleated • Specialists in Conservatory Blinds & Inshade sails Perfect fit blinds What's On 9
Pet Cremation

4th Apr 7:30 PM Heads to Tails talk by ex primary school headteacher Storrington Museum RH20

4LL £8 01903 740188

4th Apr 7:30 PM A talk on Georg Jensen, Danish Silversmith Field Place Worthing BN13 1NP

£7.50 07984 403890

5th Apr 10:00 AM

Reading old handwriting get started with family and history research West Sussex Record Office PO19 1DD

£7.50 / £6.50 members

01243 753602

5th Apr 2:00 PM Rudyard Kipling - Travels in Rajasthan by Elizabeth Merry Boxgrove Village Hall PO18 OEE £8 visitors, £2 students 023 9241 3664

5th Apr 5:00 PM Fear, Fantasy and the Catholic Past in Sussex 19th-Century Sussex Oxfam

Bookshop Chichester PO19 6PE £5 01243 816235 shops/oxfam-bookshop-chichester

12th Apr 7:30 AM Lavant Horticultural Society

Talk by Steve Edney Lavant Memorial Hall PO18 0PA Non-members £3 Susan 01243 527725

15th - 19th Apr 10:00 AM Art workshop and book signing raise funds for MacMillan Cancer Support Hobbycraft, Haskins Garden Centre BN16 4BD Christine

17th Apr 10:00 AM The Arts Society SteyningApril Talk Pop Art and Consumer Culture The Steyning Centre BN44 3XZ £10 visitors

18th Apr 2:00 PM Sussex industrial history in Midhurst: A different perspective Talk by Dr Geoffrey Mead Methodist Church Hall Midhurst GU29 9DU £2 members, £3 visitors Carol 01730 816101

25th Apr 7:00 PM Building-by-the-Sea An architectural history of the seaside West Sussex Record Office PO19 1DD £8 / £5 online 01243 753602

More events on - please contact event organisers to check for changes

26th Apr 7:15 PM An evening with my father's (Derek Cross) slides London Midland Railway journey 19581968 Bassil Shippam

Centre PO19 7LG £3 07403 885061

27th Apr 6:00 PM A History of Cataract Surgery cataract surgery and lens technology development Bassil Shippam Centre PO19 7LG

2nd May 7:30 PM A Talk by Lars Tharp (BBC's Antique Roadshow) Field Place Worthing BN13 1NP £7.50 07984 403890

3rd May 10:00 AM Old photographs: how to identify, date and care for them get started with family and history research West Sussex Record Office PO19 1DD £7.50/£6.50 members 01243 753602

10th May 5:30 PM ‘Romantic Venice’, Dr Miles Leeson Oxfam Bookshop Chichester PO19 1HS £5 oxfam-bookshop-chichester/ 01243 816235


26th - 29th Apr 7:30 PM The Thrill Of Love by Amanda Whittington story of the last women to be hung in Britain Barn Theatre Southwick BN42 4TE £12 0333 666 3366

28th Apr - 20th May 10:18 AM The Vortex a troubled mother and son in the 1920s. Chichester Festival Theatre PO19 6AP From £10 01243 781312


7th, 10th & 22nd Apr & 6th May 10:30 AM

Reptile safari at RSPB

Pulborough Brooks

WF17 0EE £12.50 members / £15.50 for non-members 01798 875851

14 May 1:00 PM Arundel Castle Park Walk

Arundel Castle Estate Park BN18 9AU £5 £2 The Sussex Snowdrop Trust 01243 572433

- please contact event organisers to check for changes

More events on
10 What's On

Beyond the Barricade at The Hawth


brand-new Broadway & West End show comes to Crawley

made Beyond the Barricade the most popular musical theatre concert in the UK.

With a live band who capture the feel of the original orchestrations of the chosen musicals.

Win a pair of tickets to see Beyond the Barricade at The Hawth, Crawley on Saturday 20th May 2023 at 7.30pm.

Tickets are available at

Win a pair of tickets to Beyond the Barricade

To enter answer the following question:

Q: Which show features in the finale?

Beyond the Barricade, the UK’s longest-running Musical Theatre Concert Tour features past principal performers from Les Miserables and delivers over two hours of the best of Broadway and the West End, ending of course with a stunning finale from Les Mis. This brand-new show will include many of the best numbers that have

a) Lion King b) Les Mis c) Mamma Mia

Send your answer and contact details to: Beyond the Barricade Competition, PO Box 2237, Pulborough, RH20 9AH or you can enter online at: Winner drawn after 30th April 2023. Please indicate if you wish to remain on our mailing list.

• find support for carers

• learn about options for extra care and support.

Every address every month 3
website to:
Visit our
discover tips on improving your health and wellbeing
view equipment to help you stay independent
Looking for extra support with your day to day living? The Connect to Support website is for anyone in West Sussex who is looking for additional help or support to maintain their independence.
Competition 11
Do you need help to use the website? Email: Phone: 01243 642121

Sussex Snippets

Charity & Community news from across the counties

Listen out for the jungle drums this Easter and swing into action with exciting activities for children at West Sussex Libraries during the school holidays. Pop into your local library for more details or search for them on Facebook or Twitter. From Baby Rhyme Time and Story Times to Knit and Natter and Board Games there’s something for all ages at libraries. You can find more details on

A new scheme providing young people leaving care with a safe home and support to live independently has been launched by West Sussex County Council. The first West Sussex House Project will bring together groups of young people up to the age of 25 who are moving out of care and into adulthood. A dedicated hub has been created in Crawley where professionals will teach them a range of life skills, from cooking to money management, to creative projects such as how to make furniture and renovate a house. More at or call 01270 215888. Members of the West Sussex County Council’s Youth Cabinet heard about the work the council is doing to support those in financial hardship, including:

• Providing supermarket food vouchers during school holidays for all West Sussex children who receive free school meals

• The library service handing out 2,000 essential toiletry packs for those in most need

• Offering free study spaces for young people to use in libraries

• The continued support provided by the County Council’s Community Hub

• Additional work to explore support for period poverty, the re-distribution of food through food hubs and exploring ways for school uniforms to be recycled.

West Sussex has a higher-than -average percentage of people aged over 50, with this figure set to increase further in the coming years. The county council has plenty of guidance available such as Connect to Support, for anyone looking to maintain their independence; Carewise Care Funding free consultations. Search for Care Guide at

Adults across West Sussex who want to improve their numeracy skills can sign up for free courses and activities with West Sussex County Council. The Multiply programme is available to adults, aged 19+ who do not already have a GCSE grade C/4 or higher in Maths or equivalent. Visit A former Southdown Motor Services bus will soon be joining the collection at Amberley Museum. UF 4813 dates from 1929 and has been a regular sight on the roads of Hampshire and Sussex for many years as well as a regular visitor to events and rallies in the south of England, including the Goodwood Revival meeting. The National Garden Scheme is gearing up for a busy time this Spring with plenty of glorious displays of daffodils in store including those at at Bignor Park RH20 1HG and The Manor of Dean GU28 9AP, amongst many others. You can also enjoy an exclusive garden visit to those private owners participating in the “By Arrangement” scheme. Every penny raised is donated to charities, including Marie Curie and Macmillan Cancer Support. We publish lots of options both on our website and in the What’s On pages of the magazine, or view and book

Photo ID to vote on 4th May

The government has brought in new legislation which means you now need to show photo ID when voting at polling stations. If you do not have correct ID you can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate online, or by filling out a paper application form to be submitted to your council.

Residents must already be registered to vote to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate, and the deadline to submit an application in time for the 4th May local elections is 25th April before 5pm.

12 Charity & Community

Charity & Community News

Wardens enable vital support for resident

On their routine foot patrol our Southwater Wardens, Dominic and Bettina met with an older resident struggling with their shopping. They helped them home and found the resident could really benefit from a little more support.

A number of factors, which can be common such as living alone, managing medical conditions, reduced mobility, and being without transport can all make staying independent a real challenge. The Wardens were able to talk with the resident about their role in the community and the other agencies that would be able to provide help in their situation.

The Wardens contacted West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service and invited them to undertake a Safe and Well Visit at the resident’s home. This

is a scheduled visit service providing advice on health and safety in the home as well as fitting smoke alarms or other specialist fire detection equipment, free of charge.

Dominic and Bettina also made a successful application to the Southwater Parish Council Chairman’s Discretionary Fund to purchase a wheeled shopping trolley

They were able to connect the resident to local services including the Southwater Neighbour Network, a friendly volunteer group who provide the kind of help a good neighbour might offer such as local transport, help with shopping as well as arranging regular social outings.

And they supplied details of agencies such as Age UK and Citizens Advice, giving the resident a robust package of all round support leaving them safer at home and more confident out and about.

There are seven Neighbourhood Warden teams based around Horsham District, managed by Horsham District Council and are funded by the Parish Councils and Neighbourhood Council Special Charge.

Every address every month 3
Charity & Community 13

Charity & Community News

New funding for safety and low income residents

Horsham District Council have agreed to establish a new Additional Community Safety Fund of some £150,000 to help tackle anti-social behaviour across Horsham District.

The Fund will:

• Make provision for specific interventions such as youth education programmes to inform young people about the dangers of knife crime

• Set aside a budget to employ an additional Community Safety Officer, if needed, to develop interventions for young people who have been identified to us by schools, the police or other partners.

Additionally, it was also agreed to allocate a further £150,000 to help residents on low incomes with cost-of-living challenges. This funding will enable an up to £195 reduction in Council Tax payments for anyone of working age claiming Council Tax Support during 2023/24.

Broadbridge Heath retail park plan

West Sussex County Council is preparing to submit plans for a multi-million-pound, retail park as

part of a regeneration scheme in Broadbridge Heath. The plans will see the introduction of a selection of new brands to the area – including a discount food retailer. The proposals are set to create around 137 new jobs and provide new facilities for the community. Residents can find out more at

Traffic calming for Slinfold

The go ahead has been given for 20mph speed limit and traffic calming measures to be introduced in Slinfold with the aim of improving road safety in the village.

The changes were instigated by Slinfold Parish Council, which successfully applied for a County Council Community Highway Scheme to be devised.

The new 20mph speed limit will apply to Clapgate Lane, Greenfield Road, Hayes Lane, Lowfield Road, Lyons Close, Lyons Road, Mitchell Gardens, Park Street, Six Acres, Spring Lane, The Street, Streetfield Road, Tannery Close, The Grattons and West Way. Stories

to 14 Charity & Community

Seller appeal – interior design

Are white walls still in style? By E C Russell

White walls are a classic look, but are they still fashionable? Over the past few years designers have turned to darker shades, jewel tones and eye-popping neon, but if you love your home’s pale palette, there are plenty of ways to keep this cool colour very contemporary.

Sterile vs Subtle

Using a stark white can create a sterile environment, the shade you choose is important. There are numerous ‘hint of a tint’ whites to choose from, try one with warmer reddish or yellow undertones. Good lighting is essential, otherwise any blue tones will make your room feel cold and drab. The paint finish is also important. Softer matt emulsion is more forgiving, allowing any minor imperfections to be covered easily.

Texture & decorative elements

Deliberate use of texture adds a little definition.

Sadlers, 29 Haglands Copse, RH20 2QW £675,000

A detached bungalow delightfully situated within this highly regarded cul-de-sac overlooking open fields and vineyard to the rear. Accommodation comprises: spacious entrance hall, sitting room with open plan dining area, conservatory, refitted kitchen with integrated appliances, two double bedrooms with built-in wardrobe cupboards, en-suite to main bedroom and family bathroom, uPVC double glazed windows and gas fired central heating. Outside, there is driveway parking leading to a detached garage, with attractive rear garden and terrace.

Contact Fowlers: 01903 745844

Use patterned wallpaper to create interest. Crown mouldings around the edge of a room will add depth and create more interest with shadow and light. These decorative elements have undergone a revival recently, they conceal any cracks or defects. Moulding also hides wires and cables. As a feature wall, white can add dramatic effect to a bolder colour by providing a clean contrast that will make the colour pop. A wall of pictures or photos always looks great against a bleached surface. It is the classic choice of art galleries across the world.

“Japandi” & Coastal trends

White can also create a simple backdrop for natural surfaces Think of the current trend for the ‘Japandi’ look, a cross between nature inspired Japanese design and folksy Scandinavian décor. The ‘Coastal’ trend also uses a lot of white against blues and greys to create a timeless seaside vibe. It's hard to think that white walls could ever become unfashionable. A pale interior provides space to display the things you love.

Every address every month 3
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Property of the month

Sussex entrepreneur running to raise funds

Helping disadvantged young people succeed through sport

Entrepreneur, keen runner and Firle resident Simon Dent loves a challenge and this year he is facing possibly the ultimate runner’s challenge, racing in the 37th edition of the Marathon Des Sables - ‘The toughest foot race on earth.’ This April, Simon is running to raise funds for two charities close to his heart - Dallaglio Rugby Works and Greenhouse Sports, with sponsorship from Bol, Veloforte and Tracksmith. Both charities provide sports coaching and opportunities to children who otherwise wouldn’t have such access. ”These are two charities who I connect deeply with as they use the power of sport to support some of the UK's most disadvantaged young people and give them the life skills to equip them to succeed in society. “Both charities give young people an opportunity to participate in sports, receive mentoring and improve physical wellbeing.” Simon hopes to raise £20,000, “We are presently at £7k [Feb 2023], which is incredible but I hope that the word is starting to spread.”

Pivoting from Lawyer to Nightclub Promoter to Talent Management

Simon began his professional life as a lawyer, but after around five years of what he describes as, ”Trying to enjoy his legal career,” he realised that the law wasn’t for him. “I gave up and fell into promoting nightclubs in London; a random pivot but one that worked out very well.” It was in the VIP rooms of London clubs that Simon started to meet a lot of high profile professional rugby players and footballers. “After a year or so I became close to a number and even shared flats with a few. It wasn’t long before I was being asked to provide legal advice for them and the rest is history.” This was, he says, a time twenty years ago when agents weren’t that common, the timing couldn’t have been more perfect.

Over the past twenty years, Simon built his own management business that was acquired by Inter Talent Group, with whom Simon worked for around three years, before founding a creative agency called Dark Horses, also operating in the sports area. “Dark Horses had some phenomenal growth between 2016-2020 so I really only had

time to manage Chris Kamara.” He stepped down as the agency’s MD in 2020, to launch his present agency HERO, although he remains a shareholder of Dark Horses. Over the years his clients have included Jimmy Bullard, Vinnie Jones, Martin Offiah, John Barnes and Chris Kamara, to name just a few.

Clients who are big on giving back and have regular charity commitments

When Simon describes a day at HERO, it’s easy to see why the life of a lawyer wasn’t the life for him. “At HERO my days really vary. One day I can be negotiating a Masked Singer contract for Chris Kamara, the next I could be in Cardiff with Warren Gatland, the Head Coach of Wales rugby. At the moment I would say 50 percent of my clients work is in broadcast, 25 percent in brand work and 25 percent in events. I love the variety and being a sports nut, it never really feels like work!”

Similarly, HERO has a broad range of clients, who are, Simon says, now mostly retired from professional sport. “As soon as players retire, we help manage the transition into retirement. This is very often hard for players, we aim to make the journey easier and the next chapter an exciting one. We’ll also look at brand endorsement opportunities, broadcast, podcasts and where applicable events and speaking engagements.”

“We always ensure that no stones are left unturned for our clients and developing a close relationship with all of them is key.”

16 Charity Profile

When I ask if there is a common characteristic amongst his client group, Simon is in no doubt, “ I want to work with people who understand the responsibilities that they hold in having such big platforms. All of my clients are big on giving back and have regular charity commitments. The name HERO was born out of this ideology.”

Marathon Des Sables – 250 kilometres through the Moroccan Sahara over seven days

Simon tells me that he started running in 2013, “I’m not really sure why but it definitely helped with my mental health.” At that time he was running once a week on a Sunday evening, but gradually running took hold and in 2014 he ran his first marathon, in London, and raised for funds for the Chickenshed theatre company. Since then, he has run eight marathons, ten ultra marathons and numerous halves and 10ks.

“I’ve really enjoyed the training and the process and in recent years I have really got into fundraising,” and “Having raised close to £150,000 now for various charities with my running buddy Jamie

The 250 kilometres of the race is split into six stages over seven days and, in addition to the distance challenge, competitors have to face the rough Saharan terrain, endure extreme heat and including 28,000

He is, Simon believes, in a good place to tackle the challenge: “2022 was by far my biggest

Every address every month 3
Peacock, I decided I wanted to take on the Mara-
Charity Profile 17

year as a runner as I finally conquered a sub 3 marathon and completed my first 100 miler. ‘The toughest foot race on earth’ felt like the next step. “I’ve been training for six months now … As I said earlier, I love the discipline and process so it’s not a problem.” Fortunately, Simon explains, “ I’ve got a wonderful, understanding wife who lets me train whenever I want. Without her support it just wouldn’t be possible.”

Despite feeling confident about the race, Simons admits that it is difficult to know what to expect under the Saharan sun. “it’s very difficult to train in conditions that replicate the Sahara. Essentially, we will be running six marathons in six days and carrying all of our kit. I’ve been training with a weighted back pack but I’m running on mud and roads not Saharan sand!”

Blessed to live and train on the South Downs way Simon and his family moved down to Sussex from London, two years ago and his training routes now “Either involve a loop via Alfriston, Seaford and Southease, which is around 23 miles, or the more regular route to Wilmington and back … My running has improved significantly by having such beauty on my doorstep. I’m regularly blown away by the nature and scenery.”

“The Marathon des Sables is a huge challenge but being able to compete is also a privilege. People around the world are faced with tougher tests on a daily basis which really helps me put it into perspective. Ultimately, I’m just keen to raise as much money for these two wonderful charities and the remarkable work that they do and hopefully, in the process of doing so – help myself become a better human being.”


Follow Simon’s training on @ultraentrepreneur

To donate please visit: campaign/simondentsruninthesun

Expert advice on paying for care

Long-term care in your own home or in a residential care home is expensive, but with expert advice from independent financial specialists, Carewise can help you to make informed decisions on choosing and paying for the right care.

The Carewise care fees specialists are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and members of the Society of Later Life Advisers, so you can have peace of mind when discussing your finances.

Contact Carewise to find out how you could benefit.

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| 18 Charity Profile

In Your Garden

Monthly gardening ideas & tasks by Andrew Staib of Glorious Gardens

The Inflation Garden

With the cost of food rising, and shortages of imported fruit and vegetables, you can think about increasing your own productivity. The food will taste better, have no air miles and you can join a horticultural society to swap surplus food. Now is the best time for sowing your seeds directly into your veg beds. If you haven ’t already done so you can dig in some well-rotted manure into your beds, making sure you’ve dug it nice and deep, and sprinkle some fertilizer and potash onto the soil and then gentle rake it in. Not too much or your little seeds may burn when they are first put in.

You can put in leeks and parsnips, spinach, peas and brassicas directly outdoor. If you don’t have a lot of greenhouse or indoor space, you can wait till May and June and buy plug plants that have already been grown on from seed. If you have a greenhouse, you can start your tomatoes, chillies, aubergines and peppers. This gives them enough time to grow before you consider planting them outdoors.

Before you begin you can think about the structure of your area. At Glorious Gardens we will always put most of our design energy into creating clean, often formal shapes of raised beds and paths before we think of what vegetables we will plant or what combinations to use.

Fruit trees are considered a structural plant as they take up particular spaces and offer a relatively unchanging shape.


April is your last chance for planting new, barerooted apple and pear trees, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and hybrid berries, as well as gooseberry and currant bushes. By May it will be too late for any but container-grown plants. You can also consider buying small espalier fruit trees to create borders.


A walnut will get big so it is a beautiful tree for the back of large gardens, but you can buy small hazelnut trees that only get to three metres so you can make your own Nutella, no excuse.

Believe it or not there is also a dwarf sweet chestnut that only gets to 3-6 metres in height.


Plant out ready-bought, cold-stored runners, as soon as they become available; they will crop in their first year. If you can grow them in pots or hanging baskets that will reduce slug damage. If you have them from last year, you can plant the little runners separately.


Towards the end of this month, sow seeds of herbs such as chives, coriander, dill, fennel, oregano, and parsley that can tolerate low temperatures, but cover with fleece at night if frost is forecast. Curly parsley in particular is an amazing plant and these days, with warmer winters, can be grown as a lovely front of border evergreen. In addition, begin planting out any young, ready-to-plant specimens of hardy herbs you’ve bought from your local garden centre or nurseries – mint, rosemary, and thyme. Keep your fast spreading mint in a pot if you ever want to sell your home.


You can sow lettuce seed either indoors or outdoors, under cover if necessary. Sow outdoors spring onions, radishes, salad mixes, rocket, summer purslane, and Oriental leaves under cloches or in cold frames. As well as mixed salad seed combination you can consider rocket, which will last all year and into the next as well as the mustard family of edible greens.

Every address every month 3
Gardening 19

Mustards are easy plants to grow, and young leaves sown now will be ready to harvest as a cut-and-come-again salad crop in about four to five weeks’ time. If you have enough room, you can sow a couple of rows now, and then new rows every two weeks so that by the time May comes around you have a continuous drop for the rest of the Summer.


It’s still possible to sow onion seeds and shallots outdoors, but both are better grown from commercially produced sets. Shallot sets can be planted in March or April, onion sets in April or May. You can buy the ready to go bulbs on line or from you garden centre. If you sow leeks now, they will be ready by early Autumn.

Peas and broad beans

Sow both pea and broad bean seeds outdoors, protecting them with cloches if the weather is still cold. If it is your first time growing beans, try runner beans as they are pretty indestructible as long as they have plenty of light and water.


• YouwillfindanexceptionalrangeofSeasonal andHardyplantshereatourNurseriesin WestChiltington–allgrownandsoldonsite

• NewSeasonHardyandSeasonalPlants–including Vegetablesreadysoon!






It’s possible to grow asparagus from seed but easier to buy ready-to-plant rootstocks known as “crowns”. Plant them in pre-prepared trenches this month or the next. They will come back each year so it is also a good idea to make sure that they are not taking up room for anything that you would consider more important.

Broccoli, cabbages, and other brassicas

This month sow Brussel sprouts indoors, and sow sprouting broccoli and summer, autumn or red cabbages either indoors or out if it’s not too cold. In West Sussex the temperatures are milder than the north so you will probably be ok. Early summer cauliflowers raised from seed indoors can probably be planted out but may still need protection under cloches


If you started chitting a batch of first early potatoes at the start of the year, and if the ground is not still frozen, you should be able to plant them now. Dig a shallow drill about 15cm (6in) deep and lay your seed potatoes in it at intervals of 30cm (12in). Make sure the “chits” or shoots are pointing upwards. You can always buy them pre chitted from your garden centre.

Large Garden Design

Tel: 07880 742977 Talk to experienced and professional designer Andrew Staib
more information
call sales: 20 Gardening

Root and stem vegetables

Carrots and turnips can be sown outdoors. Celery, celeriac, Kohl Rabi, and Florence fennel are not so hardy, and if you sow seeds now you should keep them indoors or in a heated greenhouse. Jerusalem artichokes can be planted as corms and are one of the few vegetables that don’t mind dappled shade, although they won’t get as tall. These also come back yearly so plant them in an otherwise unused part of your space.

Where to visit in April

High Beeches Gardens, Sussex. This is a 25 acre botanical treasure trove garden that includes historic magnolias. Laid out by the Loder family, but inspired by Victorian horticulturist William Robinson’s wild garden style, is it really worth going to when all the plants are coming into leaf. This garden is open every day except Wednesday from 1pm-5pm. 01444 400589.

April tasks


by the beginning of April as bird nesting season will be well under way.

• Give shrubs like Cornus, Salix and Cotinus a hard prune back before the shoots start popping up in earnest.

• If the water starts warming up, you can start feeding the fish

• Finish pruning your roses before they come too much into leaf.

• Summer flowering bulbs and tuber plants such as Dahlias can be planted now.

• Have a go with planting Nerines.

Every address every month 3
CALL OUR FRIENDLY TEAM 24/7 Rated: ‘Excellent’ Oct ’21 01403 541421 Gardening 21

Lamb, Lentil & Sussex Charmer Patties A tasty burger made with carefully crafted Sussex cheese

Ingredients - Serves 4


• 450g lamb mince

• 1 tin Mr Organic lentils, washed and drained

• 1 red onion, diced

• 4 tbsp pepperella (only available Village Larder)

• 100g Sussex charmer cheese, cut into 4 slices

• 2-3 tbsp olive oil


• 4 tbsp natural Greek yogurt

• Handful fresh mint, chopped

• Buns & Garnish:

• 4 burger buns, halved

• 2 Tomato, sliced

• 4 lettuce leaves


1. In a food processor, blitz the mince, lentils, and red onion.

2. On a large sheet of greaseproof paper, with your hands divide the mixture into 8 equal pieces and pat out into patty shapes.

3. Place 1 slice of cheese into the centre of 4 of

the patties and top with 1 tbsp of the pepperella and sandwich with the other 4 remaining patties, pinching to seal. Gently shape into 3cm thick patties and brush with olive oil.

4. Heat a large non-stick pan to a medium to high heat and cook the patties for 6-8 minutes on each side.

5. Meanwhile, for the dressing, simply add the mint to natural yogurt and stir well.

6. Once the patties are cooked, toast each side of the burger buns.

Website promo code: SUSSEXLOCAL10

Find all ingredients at the Village Larder and follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more weekly meal inspiration - @village_larder

FRIENDLY FAMILY RUN CAR DEALERSHIP • Part exchange • Extended warranties • Delivery to your door • AA breakdown cover • No fees • Prompt payments • Finance settled • We pick up from your door 01903 742257 | 07885 622972 07596 952596 SELL YOUR CAR TO US Unit 10, Water Lane, Storrington, RH20 3EA tuning, repairs for pianos across Sussex Cadwein Bacon Bmus (Hons) MISM 07306 617320 22 Recipe

Prize Crossword

Win a £30 voucher for a meal at The Crown Inn

February 2023 solution below:


1 Stopping place (7)

5 Goat's milk cheese (4)

9 Appreciative (8)

10 Uncommon (4)

11 Basic unit of heredity (4)

13 Capital of Inner Mongolia (6)

14 Horned African animal (Abbr.) (5)

15 Agile (4)

17 Keen on (4)

18 Avian incubators (5)

19 Drinking vessel (6)

21 Easy stride (4)

23 Separate article (4)

24 Old liners (8)

26 Sweet palm fruit (4)

27 Armed robbery (5-2)


2 Californian resort lake (5)

3 Leather factory (7)

4 Rotten (3)

6 Soil (5)

7 Aerodrome (7)

8 Tavern (8)

12 Very large woman (8)

16 Schemed (7)

17 Mohammedan (7)

20 Boundary (5)

22 Hidden (5)

25 Corrode (3)

Name: …………………………………………………………………………………….

Full address: …………………………………………………………………………...

Postcode: ………………………………………………………………………………..

Email: ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Phone: …………………………………………………………………………………….

Answer from yellow box: …………………………………………………………..

February anagram solution: FLIGHTY

Send the answer above to: Sussex Local Crossword, PO Box 2237 Pulborough, RH20 9AH or you can enter details online at our website Closing date: 30th April 2023.

Award winning country pub with rooms Win £30 voucher (on food only lunch or dinner)

Nr Horsham, RH13 8NH 01403 710902

Sussex Local and our sponsor may wish to keep in touch with occasional information and offers. We will never share your details with third parties. Please tick if you would like to receive such information.

24 Crossword

Sussex Walks - April/May 2023 2023

These walks are supported by The Ramblers and are led by an experienced Ramblers Wellbeing Walk leader, along tried-and-tested routes. If the weather is poor the walk may be cancelled. There is no need to book, unless indicated below. Full programme of walks available on

Thurs 6th 10:30 Chantry Post & Harrow Hill


Walk south over the Downs, circle around Harrow Hill & make our way back to the top of the hill on the South Downs Way

Meet: Car park

Sun 9th 9:30 Kingley Vale and Stansted

Via Kingley Vale, Stoughton Down, Watergate.

Meet: Park in layby on Monks Hill by recreation ground, PO10 8SZ. John P 01329 833975

Sun 16th 10:00 Stedham, Iping Godalming & Haslemere

Stedham village, Stedham Mill, Woodgate Farm, New Lipchis Way, Iping


Meet: Stedham, north side of A272 at junction with Stedham, GU29 0NG. Ann H 07500 415258

Mon 17th 10.30 Wild Park circular

A leisurely walk through Coldean Wood and Stanmer Park

Meet: Entrance to Wild Park, Lewes Road, BN1 9JG. Mike B 07407 694400

Weds 19th 10:00 Bluebell Walk

Bluebell walk, fields and woodland a flat walk with some stiles.


Meet: car park opposite large metal barn on Water Lane Wiston, BN44 3DX. Ges 07832 253486

Thurs 20th 10:00 Shoreham and the River Adur

Please bring a picnic. Please message the leader 6 days before to book place

Meet: Adur Outdoor activities centre car park, BN43 5LT. Anne W 07731 660285

Sun 23rd 10:30 West Grinstead


Walk via Downslink: West Grinstead Church; Kneep Castle; Shipley; Dragons Green. Dogs Welcome

Meet: West Grinstead Old Railway Station, RH13 8LY. Mike C 07710 242713

Weds 26th 10:00


Baldwins Knob, Drungewick Hill Farm, Malhamashfold Copse, Brewhurst Farm

Meet: Loxwood - Onslow Arms PH. Cynthia 07986 632396

Thurs 27th 9:30

A fairly hilly walk offers both open downland and chalk woods and a good chance of bluebells

Bring a snack/drink for on route. No toilets till end with a pub finish.

Meet: The Swan Public House, BN1 9PD. Peter H 07908 831265 Sunday

Via Monarchs Way & Walderton. One hill. Picnic lunch

Meet: Nature Reserve car park. PO18 9BE. John 07709 732990

Weds 3rd May 10:00

the foot of the Downs

Bigenor Farm, Burton Mill Pond, Barlavington, Sutton, Bignor Park, Coates Common

Meet: Hesworth Common CP - Fittleworth, RH20 1HL. Margaret or John 07747 317900

Thurs 4th May 10:30


This mainly flat walk through woodland offers a good chance of seeing bluebells/wood anemones

Meet: Dover Lane Car park, BN18 9PX Liz 07866 052070

Every address every month 3
Moderate 6
Moderate 15
5 miles
Leisurely 4.5
Moderate 7 miles
Moderate 10.5
Moderate 10 miles
Leisurely 4.5
Moderate 7
spring flowers Circular
10:00 Kingley Vale Moderate 8.5 miles
Moderate 10 miles
Leisurely 6
Walks 25

"Minimum effective dose"

‘Minimum effective dose’ can sound like a bad thing, but I think it might be the only correct answer when it comes to nutrition and exercise. Two ways to approach losing a few pounds

First, imagine you reduce your caloric intake by the least amount necessary to see the weight start to shift. You’re on the right path! When the scales stop moving you can adapt and move forward again. Likewise, with your exercise plan. Imagine you think things through and realise you can manage two short workouts each week. By following this, your workouts are likely to happen, your fitness will steadily improve and you’ll reach your goal of a regular exercise routine.

Now imagine instead of taking this minimum effective dose approach, you reduce your caloric intake to the minimum you can eat. Again, you will

see the scales shift (perhaps more so). But, when the scales stop moving, what happens? You’re already eating the least you can. Your metabolism will adapt to your intake so if you eat a little more sometimes, it’s going to stick to you like glue. (There is way out of this, I can share another article if you get in touch). Likewise, with your exercise plan, what if you forget about your busy life and decide that because an expert says a certain exercise program is better, you should sign yourself up. In this scenario, it is easier to allow things that happen in life to push you off track. By doing more than you need to see the changes you want, you’re adding more load to your body, your stress hormones are released more often, you’re less resilient to general life stress, and you’re probably increasing risk of injury too.

It is human to think that some is good and therefore more is better. Instead, understand there is no extra benefit in working harder than needed, and working harder likely means a harder time.

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Award Winning Chiropractc in Horsham Town Centre

Back Pain & Leg Pain?

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Neck and Shoulder Pain?

Hip Pain?

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Hip & Leg Pain?

Knee Pain?

“I had been sufering from severe hip and leg pain and was becoming less and less mobile. Afer only two weeks of treatment the pain has virtually gone and I am far more mobile and fexible. I would not hesitate to recommend BritChiro.” Jan W.

13 West Street, Horsham 01403 275 000

Digital X-ray

“They have their own x-ray which is amazing and helps show you exactly where any underlying problems in the spine may lie in close detail. This, along with their talented staf is what makes BritChiro special, you’re having qualifed, experienced practtoners, working from the best informaton and research possible to make you beter.”

Book today to see one of our Chiropractors with years of experience in treatng a range of conditons including: Chronic Back & Neck Pain, Arthrits & Joint Pain

Every address every month 3
Registered with The General Chiropractc Council & Members of UK Chiropractc Associatons
Health & Wellbeing 27

Little Vines Clinic

A private & discreet beauty clinic based in West Chiltington

This kick starts the skin to reproduce elastin and collagen fibres, where our own production slows as we get older. This course of therapy has proven to be a great alternative to other more invasive and more expensive solutions.

Are you looking to tackle the want a non invasive, non surgical solution to younger looking skin?

Do you spend too much time worrying about your brow pencil or lipstick smudging during your busy and active day?

Do you suffer from those pesky Skin Tags, Cherry Angioma or Milia which can really affect your self confidence?

If so then Little Vines Clinic, based in West Chiltington, could be for you. A private and discreet beauty clinic where the service is 1 to 1. Sue Clinch, a highly trained practitioner, aims to put her clients totally at ease and offers a free consultation and patch test to make sure that the proposed treatment will be suitable.

As more people look for non surgical solutions to slowing down the signs of ageing, Sue uses some of the latest Plasma Pen technology to tighten, rejuvenate and restore the skins structure.

Improving skin condition is just one option. Other popular treatments at the Clinic include Microblading (hairstroke semi permanent brow make up). Often referenced as having the effect of a mini face lift, it’s perfect for over plucked or thin brows. Sue says, “A great set of eyebrows can open up the eyes and beautifully frames your face.” Lip Blush (soft semi-permanent lip colour) restores lost pigment, redefines and rejuvenates your smile. In the clinic age spots, skin tags and milia can be removed, they also offer dermaplaning and treatments for lashes and brows.

You can win a course of 3 Plasma Pen Skin Tightening sessions worth over £350 or Semi Permanent Lip/Brow Treatment at Little Vines Clinic, West Chiltington.

A runner up will receive a £40 voucher to go towards any treatment of their choice at Little Vines Clinic.

07917 303955 /

Instagram: littlevinesclinic_sue

Win a treatment at Little Vines Clinic worth £350

To enter answer the following question:

Q: What is the name of the semi permanent eyebrow makeup technique?

a) Microprocessor b) Microblading

c) Microdermabrasion

Send your answer and contact details to: Little Vines Clinic Competition, PO Box 2237, Pulborough, RH20 9AH or you can enter online at: Winner drawn after 30th April 2023. Please indicateifyouwishtoremainonourmailinglist.

28 Health & Wellbeing - Competition

Part Time Sales / Admin Position

Sussex Local is looking for a new team member to join us and assist with advertising sales and general administration. The position is part time, 12-15 hours a week over three days, and can fit in with school hours, ideally to start in April.

We are looking for a flexible person who is happy to fit in with a small team, who is very computer literate, ideally with telephone sales and customer service experience.

The position pays an initial £10.50 per hour and is based in Storrington with option to work from home after initial training. If interested please email your cv to

Mondays 4pm: Young Kids up to 7

Mondays 5pm: Kids 8+ and Family

Mondays 6pm: Teens and Adults

Thursdays 6pm: Kids 8+ and Family

Thursdays 7pm: Teens and Adults

Thursdays 8pm: Martial Art Fitness

Booking isrequired forallclasses so pleaseemailto register interest and book your FREE trial class


Every address every
MONDAYS & THURSDAYS atWashington Memorial Hall, RH20 4AP
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Health & Wellbeing 29
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