Sussex Local Magazine - Southwater FEBRUARY 2023

Page 15


Charity helping people through experiences in nature
February Gardening EATING WELL
Take it one day at a time HOME LOVE
Win Hardback
TLC for your house
Book Okinawa:
Last Naval Battle of WW2 (Operation Iceberg)
...PLUS what’s on local news prize crossword health & wellbeing property, walks business directory
8 & RH13 9 through the door every month to 7,100 homes via Royal Mail NEWS Community Updates
✓ New Roof Replacements ✓ Roof Repairs ✓ Chimney stacks ✓ Fascias, soffits & guttering ✓ Gutter cleaning ✓ All leadwork undertaken ✓ Moss removal and treatment ✓ Flat roofing 24 HOUR EMERGENCY CALL OUT 01903 868845 or 01403 885755 From a slipped tile to a complete new roof - Smart Roofing Solutions have you covered before beforeafter after 10% DISCOUNT please mention Sussex Local Magazine beforeduringafter


AftertheNewYear celebrationsandsettlingback intoaroutine,Februarycan feellikeanopportunityto pauseanddrawbreath.It’sno coincidencethatthismonthis namedfromtheLatinword februumwhichmeans purification.There’sasenseof optimism,thatSpringisjust aroundthecornerandthat everythingwillgetbrighterand warmersoon.

ThismonthourCharityspotlight ison“TheWellderness”a CommunityInterestCompany helpingpeopleandthe environmentthrough engagementwithnature.Also inthismagazine;ourregular selectionoflocalguidedwalks, Februaryeventlistings,a satisfyingbreakfastrecipe, gardeningtasksforFebruary, motoring,health&wellbeing pluscompetitionsandpuzzles.

Thismonthalsomeans Valentine’sDay,HalfTerm(see ourWhat’sOnsection),Black HistoryMonth,PancakeDay, andRandomActsofKindness Day(onthe17th).

Untilnexttime, Kris&Jeff

Every address every month 3 SUSSEX LOCAL Disclaimer-Whilstadvertisementsareprintedin goodfaith,SussexLocal(KayPublishingLtd)isan independentcompanyanddoesnotendorse productsorservicesthatappearinthismagazine. SussexLocalcannotbeheldresponsibleforerrors oromissionsorclaimsmadebycontributors.Views andopinionsofcontributorsarenotnecessarily thoseofthepublisher. KayPublishingLtdPOBox2237PulboroughRH209AH||01903868474 SUSSEX USSEX LOCAL “ ” Coverimage: LittleOwlsbyDavid JefferyWinner'22SDNP PhotoCompetition SUSSEX USSEX LOCAL CONTENTS Establishedin2007,wepublishandhand-deliverseven editionsfreeofchargetoover45,000homesandbusinesses everymonth.Wewelcomereaderlettersandcommunity noticeswhichwepublishfreeofcharge. Advertisingfromonly £10 peredition ARUNDEL andsurroundings– 6,829 addresses BARNHAM andsurroundings– 6,063 addresses CHICHESTER citycentreandsuburbs– 6,227 addresses FINDON andsurroundings– 7,196 addresses MIDHURST/PETWORTH andsurroundings– 7,074 addresses PULBOROUGH andsurroundings– 5,952 addresses SOUTHWATER andsurroundings– 7,100 addresses STORRINGTON andsurroundings– 6,611 addresses Quoteofthemonth... Feb2023 4 What'sOn 11 WinacopyofTheLast NavalBattleofWW2 12 Charity&Community News 15 TheWellderness-helping peoplethroughnature 18 LocalGuidedWalks 19 Winasetoflingerieat Smitten 20 HealthandWellbeingDon'ttrytobeperfect! 21 Gardening-Februarytheset-upmonth 24 PrizeCrossword-Wina £30voucherforThe CrownInn 25 Motoring-prevent invalidatingyour insurance 26 YoungReadersPuzzle Page 27 RSPBPagham& Medmerry 28 Recipe-OvernightOats 30 HousingMarket'23-Has thebubbleburst? 30 AdvertiserIndex 30 BusinessDirectory
“Thebestwaytohaveagoodideaistohavelotsofideas.” -LINUSPAULING,CHEMIST

What’s On - February/March 2023

Event organisers please enter your event details on We regret that we cannot accept submissions by email. We take the details from our website for the magazine listings which can appear in up to all eight editions distributed to over 54,000 addresses. Charity, community and non-profit events are free of charge (subject to space). Commercial events can be listed from just £25 plus VAT which includes promotion through Facebook & Twitter. Deadline for March events to be put on website - 4th February


18/03/2023 2:00 PM 4Sight Vision Support Fundraising Wellbeing Walk A fundraising Walk around Horsham Town Centre £10 £5 Fundraising Team 01243 828555

25th & 26th Mar 9:00 AM Arundel Castle Abseil Abseil down the side of the 180-foot tower for St Barnabas Hospice to be knighted with your bespoke castle medal. Arundel Castle BN18 9AB events/arundel-castle-abseil


13th - 17th Feb 9:30 AM Paint a Bird Flowerpot in half term at Squire’s Garden Centres Keep the little ones entertained this half term with Create & Grow activities Squire's Garden Centre Washington RH20 2BP £6.50 to paint a birdshaped flowerpot - free to go on a bird treasure hunt A24 Washington Tel: 01903 893902

15th - 17th Feb 10:00 AM 'Family Fun Week' in Bognor Regis Alexandra Theatre, Regis Centre PO21 1BN Hazel 01243 867676


2nd & 9th Feb 1:30 PM Chalkpath Community Theatre Group A local adult community theatre group for beginners and upwards, learning skills and making friends St Michaels Church Hall

Amberley BN18 9ND £12.50 Vicky Paine


03/02/2023 6:45 PM Graphic novel book club

Comic book club looking at graphic novels aimed at adults Private house Barnham PO22 0EF Paul Wilson

04/02/2023 10:30 AM Parkinson's Support Group in Washington for people with Parkinson's Washington Village Memorial Hall RH20 4AP £2 01903 746871

06/02/2023 8:00 PM Felpham Singles Social Club Social club for mature singles. The George Inn Bognor Regis PO22 7PL Anne 01243 821530

07/02/2023 2:00 PM Pulborough Computer Club AGM, social event & panel for Q&A's at Pulborough Village Hall RH20 1LP £2 / £3 £3

07/02/2023 2:00 PM The Arts Society West Sussex in Fittleworth ‘Travels with a Trowel’ Fittleworth Village Hall RH20 1EJ Visitors £7 01903 411086

13/02/2023 7:30 PM Pulborough Meadows WI

February Meeting Pulborough Village Hall RH20 2BF 07920 326000

16/02/2023 7:30 PM Storrington Camera Club

Speaker Evening Chris Philipson talk on USA Road Trip Chesswood Room Thakeham Village Hall RH20 3GW Janet

21/02/2023 2:00 PM West Chiltington Floral Club - February Demonstration Monthly floral demonstration by an Area Demonstrator West Chiltington Village Hall RH20 2PZ Visitors £5 01798 813608

22/02/2023 2:30 PM Storrington Flower Club

Monthly demo Sullington Parish Hall RH20 3PP £6 1903742102

23/02/2023 7:00 PM

Sugar and Spice, Sugarcraft Club in Washington Sugarcraft club with workshops and demonstrations Washington Village Memorial Hall RH20 4AP £25 annually Sue Rudge 01903 695700

04/03/2023 10:30 AM Parkinson's Support Group in Washington Washington Village Memorial Hall RH20 4AP £2 Gillian Chard 01903 746871

- please contact event organisers to check for changes

More events on
4 What's On

Award Winning Chiropractc in Horsham Town Centre

Back Pain & Leg Pain?

“I went from being in constant back & leg pain, feeling exhausted and run down to feeling 10 years younger, inches taller, the best health I’d felt in years and pain free afer being treated by the team at BritChiro. What more can I say, they are an amazing team and really do care about not only making you pain free but improving your general health and well being. I wouldn’t be without BritChiro in my life now. Give them a try you won’t regret it.”

Neck and Shoulder Pain?

Hip Pain?

“I was recommended BritChiro in Horsham as I was becoming troubled by constant pain in my right shoulder and lef hip. Afer a course of regular treatment over the last few months I am now pain free and less stf in my lower back and have more movement in my neck. Hip and shoulder pain have dissipated. Highly recommended.”

Hip & Leg Pain?

Knee Pain?

“I had been sufering from severe hip and leg pain and was becoming less and less mobile. Afer only two weeks of treatment the pain has virtually gone and I am far more mobile and fexible. I would not hesitate to recommend BritChiro.” Jan W.

13 West Street, Horsham 01403 275 000

Digital X-ray

“They have their own x-ray which is amazing and helps show you exactly where any underlying problems in the spine may lie in close detail. This, along with their talented staf is what makes BritChiro special, you’re having qualifed, experienced practtoners, working from the best informaton and research possible to make you beter.”

Book today to see one of our Chiropractors with years of experience in treatng a range of conditons including: Chronic Back & Neck Pain, Arthrits & Joint Pain

Every address every month 3
Registered with The General Chiropractc Council & Members of UK Chiropractc Associatons

06/03/2023 8:00 PM Felpham Singles Social

Club Social club for mature singles The George Inn Bognor Regis PO22 7PL Anne 01243 821530

Every Mon, Wed & Fri Various times West Chiltington Table Tennis Club West Chiltington Village Hall RH20 2PZ hosts Table Tennis Club Iain and Coral McLaren 01403 731341

Every Wed 11:30 AM Wednesday Lunch Club Weekly lunch club for the over-55’s with social activities before lunch Pulborough Village Hall RH20 2BF £5 Louise Kaiser

Every Wed 7:00 PM Worthing Short Mat Bowls Club West Park School Worthing BN12 4HD Betty Potts 01903 260218

Every Sun 11:00 AM West

Chiltington Sunday

Badminton Club West

Chiltington Village Hall

Pulborough RH20 2PZ

Vivian Jones


17/02/2023 6:30 PM Worthing Climate

Engagement & Action Meetings for those concerned about the environment XR Worthingtwice monthly meetings CREW Worthing BN11


25/02/2023 8:00 AM Men's Breakfast

Community Event in Chichester Keith Varney talks about Mission Aviation Fellowship Chichester Park Hotel PO19 7QL £9.50 Peter community/mens-breakfast/ 07813 024585

17/03/2023 6:30 PM Worthing Climate

Engagement & Action Meetings for those concerned about the environment XR Worthingtwice monthly meetings CREW Worthing BN11


25/03/2023 8:00 AM Men's Breakfast

Community Event in Chichester Colonel Edward Armitstead CBE ex Coldstream Guards talk

Chichester Park Hotel PO19 7Q £9.50 Peter community/mens-breakfast/ 07813 024585



03/02/2023 9:30 AM Birding for beginnersWinter Wetlands at Pulborough Brooks Lean more about the winter visitors at RSPB

Pulborough Brooks RH20 2EL £20.50 members /£25.50 Non-members. Lydia: 01798 875851 pulboroughbrooks

6th & 13th Feb 10:00 AM WEA class in Chichester - Hearth and Home: Sussex

Vernacular Buildings 5 sessions with WEA tutor Geoffrey Mead on the history of housing locally. New Park Community and Arts Centre Chichester PO19 7XY £50 WEA (Workers Educational Association) 0300 303 3464

11th & 21st Mar 8:30 AM Birdsong Masterclass at Pulborough Brooks Learn how to identify birdsong at RSPB Pulborough Brooks RH20 2EL £20.50 members / £25.50 Non-members. Lydia: 01798 875851

26/03/2023 9:30 AM Birding for absolute beginners at Pulborough Brooks If you’re new to birdwatching, this is the session for you. RSPB Pulborough Brooks RH20 2EL £20.50 members /£25.50 for Non-members Lydia Fletcher 01798 875851

Every Wed 1st Feb - 22nd Mar 2:00 PM "Judge and Jury" WEA Course in Billingshurst The course will study the people, issues and outcomes of 10 trials from British History Billingshurst

Community & Conference Centre RH14 9QW £100 for 10 sessions David 0300 303 3464


7th - 18th Feb 10:00 AM Ukrainian Renaissance. Unbowed. The Ukrainian refugees’ dozen will present their culture with handmade works. Colonnade House Worthing BN11 3DH ukrainian-renaissance-unbowed/ - please contact event organisers to check for changes

2 More
6 What's On

18/02/2023 2:30 PM 'Snowdrops - where you least expect them' Photography Exhibition

Denmans Gardens Fontwell Contact Lucy: 01243 572433


05/02/2023 3:00 PM Family friendly theatre

'My Family and Other Animals' in Lewes Join the Durrell's on a Mediterranean adventure this Winter in All Saints Centre Lewes BN7 2LE

£9.50 / £7.50 Lewes Drama Collective


2:00 PM

'Journey to the Stars' in Bognor Regis A blend of puppetry, storytelling, live music & comedy. Alexandra Theatre, Regis Centre PO21 1BN

£8.50 Hazel Latus 01243 867676

25/03/2023 12:00 PM Point to Point Racing at Parham 6 jump races, stalls, fair and food. Enjoy a day out Parham Point to Point. Pulborough RH20 2ER Carolyn Gorman p2patparham


19/02/2023 11:00 AM Spring Wedding Fayre at Avisford Park Hotel Ideas and options for your big day. Avisford Park Hotel Walberton BN18 0LS


08/02/2023 7:30 PM

Rotary Film Night in Storrington

Fisherman's Friends One and All Starring

James Purfoy with Bar + Raffle Sullington Village Hall RH20 3PP £5 Ken 1903740745

More events on - please contact event organisers to check for changes

tuning, repairs for pianos across Sussex

Cadwein Bacon Bmus (Hons) MISM 07306 617320

When the time comes have your much-loved pet individually cremated locally by a long established and trusted family run service provider. You can deliver your pet to our purpose-built crematorium, or we can collect from your home or vets practice. We can offer

• Very competitive prices

• Individual cremation • Next day returns

• Many options for caskets, urns, Inked or Clay pawprints and statues.

• Collection & delivery service available

Established over 75 years and based in Cowfold. To book our services or if you have any questions 01403 864361

Every address every month 3
Harry Hawkins Partners Pet Cremation
What's On 7

09/02/2023 7:00 PM Worthing Twinning Association Foreign film evening The Worthing Twinning Association present a classic French film evening. West Worthing Baptist Church

BN14 7LU £5 Pam Bennett 01903 232196


Open by arrangement from 16th Jan - 7th Oct for groups of 12 to 30 Tuppenny Barn. visit for information and booking details

Southbourne, Chichester Tuppenny Barn PO10

8EZ £5 Maggie: 01243 377780

Open by arrangement from Feb - Nov Mitchmere Farm Stoughton. visit for information and booking details Chichester Mitchmere Farm

Stoughton PO18 9JW £5 Neil & Sue Edden

02392 631456

Open by arrangement from 6th Mar - 12th Sept for groups of 6 to 20 6 Plantation Rise, Worthing. visit for information and booking

details 6 Plantation Rise BN13 2AH Nigel & Trixie 01903 262206

19th Feb, 5th & 21st Mar 2:00 PM Manor of Dean, Petworth - garden open for the National Garden Scheme Traditional English garden of approximately 3 acres Manor of Dean Petworth GU28 9AP £5 01483 211535

23rd & 25th Feb 2:00 PM Beautiful snowdrops and daffodils on display Buddington Farm

Easebourne GU29 0QP open for the NGS £5

Every Thurs from 9th Feb 10:30 AM The Old Vicarage The Street, Washington open for The National Garden Scheme The Old Vicarage Washington RH20 4AS £7


03/02/2023 7:30 PM 60 Minutes of Classical Music in Bognor Regis Studio 1, Regis Centre PO21 1BN £6.50 Hazel: 01243 867676

More events on - please contact event organisers to check for changes

07/02/2023 2:00 PM 2 O'Clock Club in Bognor Regis Karen Etherington. Studio 1, Regis Centre

PO21 1BN £6 Hazel

01243 867676

11/02/2023 8:00 PM Le Freak CHIC & Nile Rodgers Tribute UK's premier CHIC & Nile Rodgers Tribute band. Empire Hall, Graffham Petworth GU280QB £20 Jim Kirke

Every Mon 8:00 PM Fernhurst Choral Society

Weekly rehearsals Fernhurst Village Hall GU27

3EH See website for information Nigel Roberts or Tina Litchfield 07485 145141 or 01730 816542


04/02/2023 9:30 AM Cheeki Monkeys Big Baby & Children market Buy or sell used babies' and children’s toys, clothes and equipment. The Shoreham centre BN43 5WU £1.50 Delphine

18/02/2023 9:00 AM Arundel Farmers Market

Local growers, bakers, meat, poultry, flowers, plants and food and drink makers. Arundel BN18 9AA

18/03/2023 9:00 AM Arundel Farmers Market

Local growers, bakers, meat, poultry, flowers, plants and food and drink makers Arundel BN18 9AA

18/03/2023 9:30 AM Cheeki Monkeys Big Baby & Children market Buy or sell used babies' and children’s toys, clothes and equipment. The Shoreham centre BN435WU £1.50 Delphine


14/02/2023 6:00 PM Petworth Late: An Artful Valentines An exclusive evening for adults Petworth House and Park GU28 9LR £15 01798 342207

More events on - please contact event organisers to check for changes 8 What's On

18/02/2023 7:30 PM Eastergate Motown and Northern Soul Evening Motown and Northern Soul played on pure vinyl. Dancefloor and free parking Eastergate Village Hall PO20 3RP £5 Tony Cassini e/5RsMT1F5O 07718 415620


7:30 PM Comedy Night in Walberton an evening of laughter Avisford Park Hotel

Walberton BN18 0LS £15 Jeunais Farrell 01243 558300


01/02/2023 10:00 AM Researching the history of your house a workshop to get you started with your family and local history research. West Sussex Record Office PO19 1DD £7.50 Matthew 01243


03/02/2023 2:30 PM

A walk around the Cathedral City of Chichester An illustrated tour and talk of Chichester & its history, buildings, architecture and Cathedral. Storrington Museum RH20 4LL £8 01903 740188

07/02/2023 7:30 PM Worthing Antique, Arts & Collectors' Club Talk on the History of Crown Jewels. Field Place Worthing BN13 1NP £7.50 Andrew Pescott 07984 403890

13/02/2023 10:00 AM The Arts Society, Steyning “All Done On Ginger Beer” by Sarah Benton. The Steyning Centre BN44 £10 donation for visitors

20/02/2023 11:00 AM 'Promise of Snowdrop' at Denmans Gardens Visit and Talk Denmans Gardens Fontwell Lucy Ashworth 01243 572433

More events on - please contact event organisers to check for changes

Every address every month 3
FRIENDLY FAMILY RUN CAR DEALERSHIP • Part exchange • Extended warranties • Delivery to your door • AA breakdown cover • No fees • Prompt payments • Finance settled • We pick up from your door 01903 742257 | 07885 622972 07596 952596 SELL YOUR CAR TO US Unit 10, Water Lane, Storrington, RH20 3EA Oil fired burner specialist Service & repair All types of oil fired boilers & range cookers Please call Trevor on 01903 412909 07732 527231 What's On 9

28/02/2023 7:00 PM The Pallants: Chichester's Town within the City Alan Green talk, hosted by West Sussex Record Office PO19 1DD £8

Matthew Jones 01243 753602

01/03/2023 10:00 AM Getting started with a workshop to get you started with your family and local history research. West Sussex Record Office PO19 1DD £7.50 Matthew 01243 753602

07/03/2023 7:30 PM Talk by Nick Hall from BBC's Bargain Hunt small club that meets on the first Tuesday of the month. Field Place Worthing

BN13 1NP Non members £7.50

Andrew Pescott 07984 403890


6th & 7th Feb 7:00 PM Dance House

2023 Alexandra Theatre, Regis Centre PO21 1BN £12 Contact Hazel: 01243


24/02/2023 7:00 PM The Alex Comedy Club in Bognor Regis age guidance - 16+. Alexandra Theatre, Regis Centre PO21 1BN £10.50 Hazel Latus 01243 867676

28/02/2023 7:30 PM Henry V in Worthing

Witness Henry’s bombastic pursuit of power, in this highly acclaimed co-production of Henry V by Shakespeare’s Globe and Headlong with Leeds Playhouse and Royal & Derngate at Connaught Theatre BN11 1LG

More events on - please contact event organisers to check for changes Unit 2 Northbrook Business Park, Northbrook Road, Worthing, BN14 8PQ 01903823803 DIRECTBLINDS • Awning & Canopies 18 years experience
for Caribbean Awnings & Canopies Home visits available
range of shutters expertly
by our City and Guilds qualified carpenter and joiner
• Specialists in Conservatory
& Inshade
Perfect fit blinds Visit us soon for your next project! 21 West St, Storrington, RH20 4DZ Open: Mon – Fri: 9.30 – 4.30pm, Sat: 9 – 1pm (01903) 366510 • Over 500 fabrics for dressmaking, quilting, fancy dress and more... Large range of haberdashery Sewing lessons for adults and children Sewing machines and overlockers Books • Craft
• Patterns Embroidery and cross stitch kits Gift Vouchers Available FOR ALL YOUR SEWING NEEDS Your friendly, local sewing shop! 10 What's On
• Approved Supplier
• Full
• Vertical, Venetian, Wood, Roller, Pleated

Okinawa: The last naval battle of WW2

The official admiralty account of Operation Iceberg

Precise, factual appraisals of each stage of the naval encounters during the battle for Okinawa in 1945. An unbiased account written soon after the battle by a naval officer for other naval officers, with detailed information in the deadly kamikaze attacks on Allied warships

It reveals the enormous logistical effort involved keeping the Allied ships in theatre and in action. Including an account of the Battle of the East China Sea. The Allied warships included those from the United States, the UK, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. Describing the last naval battle of the Second World War – one that may also prove to be the last ever battle at sea between waring nations.

Worthing author, John Grehan has written, edited or contributed to more than 300 books and

magazine articles covering a wide span of military history from the Iron Age to the recent conflict in Afghanistan. John has also appeared on local and national radio and television to advise on military history topics. He was employed as the Assistant Editor of Britain at War Magazine from its inception until 2014. John now devotes his time to writing and editing books.

Available to buy from

Win a copy of Okinawa: The last naval battle of WW2

To enter answer the following question:

Q: What year was the battle of Okinawa?

a) 1945 b) 1955 c) 1965

Send your answer and contact details to: The last of naval battle of WW2 Competition, PO Box 2237, Pulborough, RH20 9AH or you can enter online at: Winner drawn after 28th February 2023. Please indicate if you wish to remain on our mailing list.

Every address every month 3
Competition 11
About the Worthng author

Sussex Snippets

Charity & Community news from across the counties

Glyndebourne has announced that it will no longer be able to tour as planned in 2023, following a reduction to its Arts Council England (ACE) funding for touring and its learning and engagement work. The Glyndebourne Tour launched in 1968 with support from ACE to take the company’s operas to broad audiences around the country and provide a launch pad to emerging talent. In the more than fifty years since, it has been responsible for launching the careers of numerous UK and international artists. A new scheme is giving people the opportunity this winter to pay less to travel by bus in West Sussex – and the whole of England. From now until 31st March, a single bus journey will cost no more than £2 on most routes under the Department for Transport's Help for Households funded Bus Fare Cap. Local participating companies include Brighton & Hove, Compass, Stagecoach, Metrobus and Southdown Buses.

West Sussex charity 4Sight Vision Support has a long-established recycling scheme which helps to raise funds to support blind and sight impaired residents across the county. Items include stamps and foreign currency collections; jewellery, watches, games consoles, cameras, tablets and mobile phones (any condition or age) and ink cartridges (not laser). They would even love to have your old car, as they have the resources to turn old cars into cash via auction or scrap. They will also welcome unwanted Christmas gifts. Call 01243 828555 or send an email to:

West Sussex Libraries are inviting everyone to read for pleasure in 2023 and share a love of books by taking part in a Reading Challenge. The February challenge is to read a book that has been adapted for the screen. So whether you have always wanted to get around to reading Lord of the Rings or want to read the books connected with recent film adaptions such as Where the Crawdads Sing, Death on the Nile or Mrs Harris Goes to Paris, now’s your chance. You can join as an individual reader, as a reading group or why not take on the challenge as a family? For more information pop into your local library or visit

Family history buffs can now access the Sussex electoral registers free of charge on the Ancestry website either at the West Sussex Record Office in Chichester or at your local West Sussex Library. You will need to register for an Archives Card at The West Sussex Record Office also holds a range of talks and events around the subject. Search online or call 01243 753602.

The new West Sussex Lane Rental Scheme (WSLRS), which came into force on 1 December 2022, allows the council to require payment of charges by promoters of street and road works for the time their works are in place. The scheme applies to selected roads, not the whole of the county. The focus will be on areas where roadworks will cause the highest levels of disruption, which currently equates to around 10% of the county’s roads. Different charges apply depending on the type of work being undertaken and how disruptive the works will be.

A new secondary school for children living in the Burgess Hill area has been given the green light with planning permission. West Sussex County Council and co-applicant Homes England’s plans to create a zero-carbon school were approval by Mid Sussex District Council’s planning committee on 15 December 2022. The ambitious design will allow the school to generate its own renewable energy on site without using any fossil fuels. It aims to be the first school in West Sussex to achieve “Passivhaus certification”, the highest standard of energy efficiency a building can reach, and offer excellent educational facilities to 900 local children. Meanwhile the much older facilities at Steyning Grammar School’s (SGS) Shooting Fields and Rock Road sites - home to around 2,000 students - continue to creak at the seams with the latest issue of parent Bohunt’s BET News magazine reporting that details of new funding to renew the facilities have yet to be agreed by the Department for Education.

Stories to 12 Charity & Community

Charity & Community News

Mystery “Sow & Grow” trails launched

A series of new free Mystery Trails has launched in seven towns and villages across Horsham District, running to 31st March. Starting at the Library in Billingshurst, Henfield, Horsham, Pulborough, Southwater, Steyning or Storrington, intrepid puzzlers can pick up a quest card and solve the mystery. With a botanic theme, the fantastic characters need your help to discover which seeds are the favourite of each town Curator. Find the clue, solve the puzzle, return to the library, and you’ll receive your own pack of wildflower seeds to plant! The trails are designed for families, young people and adults and make a fun group activity.

Lodge Hill reviews a return to action

It has been a wonderful, fun and action-packed summer at the Lodge Hill Centre in Watersfield, After the Covid restrictions of the past 2 years, children, young people and families have again been able to enjoy all that Lodge Hill offers.

The pandemic created a truly turbulent time for everyone, especially for children and young people; many of whom, as a result, have experienced mental health challenges. Lodge Hill say their grounds have truly burst back into life with the bustle and excitement of pre-covid days with young people back in the outdoors and enjoying activities with their friends, peers and family members.

The charity could not have survived those dark days, when it was forced to severely restrict its services, without the generous donations and support received during the pandemic.

Lisa May, the Trust’s CEO said: “We are delighted to be back to full operation, doing what we do best, helping young people learn about themselves and realise their full potential through participating in outdoor activities.”

Every address every month 3

Charity & Community News

Citizens Advice drop in sessions locally

Citizens Advice (CA) now offers advice sessions throughout Horsham District villages and towns. CA can help if you’re worried about a problem including the cost of living, benefits, debt, housing, employment, family relationships and much more. They can also help you work out whether you are entitled to any extra financial support, and offer emergency support for essential costs such as food and heating. They offer free, independent, confidential and impartial advice, and local sessions are:

Chanctonbury Leisure Centre, Storrington, alternate Fridays 10 till 12 (February 10th / 24th)

Pulborough Medical Centre, alternate Tuesdays 10 till 12 (February 14th /28th)

The Steyning Centre, alternate Wednesdays 10 till 12 (February dates 1st /15th)

Billingshurst Library, alternate Fridays 10 till 12 (February dates 3rd and 17th)

01403 944460

Free one day business workshops

What are your business goals for 2023? Horsham District Council is running free Business Training Programmes on single days which include topics such as videography, staff wellbeing, budget setting, recruitment and more. For more details and to register, search for Business Training at

Ramping it up at Horsham's new skatepark Skateboarders, BMX enthusiasts, scooter riders and inline skaters can enjoy some of the best facilities in the area thanks to a brand-new skatepark, which was opened by Horsham District Council in December. he new park contains some of the highest quality features for each of the wheeled disciplines. It has been made from concrete to ensure users have a fast and perfectly smooth ride with plenty of flow lines to choose from.

14 Charity & Community

The Wellderness C.I.C

Improving people’s lives through nature by Lynn Smith

Founded in January 2021 by Matt Dumbleton and Mark Cropley, The Wellderness is a non-profit community interest company, bringing people together in nature for workshops, courses and events, to improve physical and mental wellbeing through wilderness rehabilitation.

The idea for The Wellderness came, Matt and Mark say, on the back of 2020 and lockdown. Both men, by separate routes, realised just how important the influence of nature and the outside world had been to their mental health and wellbeing during that unprecedented time.

Offering space for those essential parts of what helps our species thrive

Mark believes that COVID helped other people rediscover the joy of being outside too. “We were almost prisoners in our own homes and … one hour a day everyone went outside, and they discovered new places around them.”

Matt goes onto say, “Lockdown itself brought a pandemic of loneliness … a need to connect with each other. I mean, we’d been allowed to be outside but (not) outside with other people. We're social pack animals. The Wellderness … offers a space for those essential parts of what make our species thrive.”

These benefits have been validated by science; recent discoveries show that infra-red from a blazing fire and phytoncides, organic compounds produced by trees, have beneficial effects on our bodies too.

Having met when they worked together at another CIC, (Dad La Soul), Matt and Mark began to share ideas for something they could do together that would make a difference to people’s lives. “Literally, we poured our brains out on to a notepad,” Matt says, “We knew we wanted to be a community interest company. We knew that it was about being not for profit … to be selfsupporting as much as possible.”

Having realised just how important the outdoors and nature was to them both, “The stars,” Matt says, “aligned … and wellbeing, wellness and the wilderness became The Wellderness.”

Working to create a 1,000-year legacy

The Wellderness is, Matt says, “Working to create a 1000-year legacy through three core principles

that hold up The Wellderness.” Which Mark lists as, “Reconnection to nature, new skills and experiences. It’s really important that we do stuff out in nature, but it's also important that we’re learning something new that we can take away and teach someone else.” Social connection is, he says, a vital component of the process. “We can go out and we can feel the benefits on our own, but the benefits are accelerated when we’re there as a community.”

To improve and positively affect the lives of 10 million people worldwide through wilderness rehabilitation and connection to nature

Currently The Wellderness operates in Wild Heart Hill in Findon, Furzefield Campsite in Dappers Lane, Angmering and Streamside Campsite over in Lancing. There are also, volunteering days in and around the South Downs National Park and beach cleans on Worthing beach.

Next year, The Wellderness is hoping to expand further, with permission granted by Friends of Hurtwood, in Surrey, for them to use the woodland with a small donation, which has been put forward by a business local to the area.

This brings us to what’s next for the Wellderness and how the company’s expansion will be accommodated. Currently, Matt and Mark host all of the organisation’s events and, Mark says, there will come a point when this is no longer possible. “So, I think the next stage is to bring in people to run the already established groups

Every address every month
Charity Profile 15

and then us to move on to set up the new groups.” Mark envisages developing a package for people to use, possibly through a licensing programme, enabling other The Welldernesses to be set up across the country - to become a “local national organisation.

The Wellderness would also like, “Land to call home,” Matt says. Possibly on a long term lease, with The Wellderness community working with a landowner to help manage the land, or even through their own land purchase, eventually.

Providing access for adults and children – avoiding a disconnect from nature

So, is there a target audience for The Wellderness’ services?

Matt says. “At a structural level now, schools have outdoor learning as part of their curriculum. The world is waking up to the fact that that nature's really beneficial and important for people and it's quite rightly working to build a deep connection between children and young people in the outdoors.”

Mark points out that there is a caveat - that no matter how deeply connected, the kids aren't going to access it (the outdoors) if the grownups

aren't inspired to support them accessing it. So the target audience has to be grownups.” He goes onto say that their classification of an adult is maybe over sixteen, i.e. school leaving age, as it’s at this age that children tend to lose their tie to nature.

Most people become more involved once they’ve attended something– a desire “to give something back to the organisation and share something with the community.”

The Wellderness also collaborates and partners with other groups and organisations, giving access to service users from different demographics whom they might not otherwise be able to reach. They are particularly keen to work with men’s groups – approximately seventy

Safe Hands

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16 Charity Profile
Penny Strachan Funeral Director

percent of The Wellderness’ service users are female, and to make it easier for those of a lower socio-economic status to attend events, by providing a number of free tickets to each event, where possible. This model is made possible, Mark says, as premium events, like the recent Wim Hof Icebox event, command higher ticket process and generate sufficient income to cover the cost of a small number of free tickets. However, Matt says, they’re reluctant to put all of the costs onto ticket purchasers as they don’t want to put off those who might struggle to afford events. Having had previous experiences of CICs, both Matt and Mark are conscious of competition for funding and have been reluctant to make the organisation’s viability dependent upon community funding –although, Matt isn’t ruling out the possibility of funding applications in 2023. Currently, the organisation is supported by a team of Volunteers and by, Funders and Supporters, who make it possible for The Wellderness to continue its work.

Queen’s Green Canopy Tree of Trees

Between October 2021 and March 2022, The Wellderness community planted 1,100 trees in the South Downs National Park and in October last year, The Wellderness announced that it had

been chosen as custodians of one of the trees from the Queen’s Green Canopy Inititative. This honour was celebrated at Wild Heart Hill Campsite on 26th November, in a special tree planting event attended by Lady Emma Barnard, the Lord Lieutenant of West Sussex, and local dignitaries. The Wellderness is also keen to fund -raise with other organisations whose ideas align with its own core principles. In September they joined the “Waterproofs and Wellies” campaign via the Outdoor Guide Foundation, raising money to put waterproof clothing kits into primary schools.

Contact: The Wellderness C.I.C, A2 Yeoman Gate, Yeoman Way, Worthing BN13 3QX Tel: 07818 414 758

Every address every month 3 FULLY INSURED Clean gutters protect your property Ben’s Gutters Residential & Commercial Gutter Cleaning Hello, we are available to clean gutters in your area. If you would like yours cleaned, please call us on 07723 709863 for an estimate. Regards, Ben’s Gutters B4 Brickwork For all your building requirements Call or email now for free and friendly advice 07913 699333 Approved tradesmen fully insured findon based • Brickwork/Brickwork Repointing • Block Paving • Patios • Garage Conversions • Extensions/Alterations • Home Offices • Garden Rooms • Roofing/Retiling • Chimney Repairs/Repointing • Chimney Removal • Flint Work Charity Profile 17

Sussex Walks - February 2023

These walks are supported by Horsham District Council & Chichester District Council and are led by volunteers. If the weather is poor the walk may be cancelled.

IMPORTANT: You must pre-book the Chichester DC “Heart Smart” walks (90 mins+) up to 7 days in advance on or call 01243 521041 There is no need to book the Horsham Council walks but for more details see:

Horsham District Council - Weekly Walks

Please check website for the full monthly schedule (not available at time of print)

Every Mon 10:45am North Heath Horsham 2 miles

A gentle walk around the North Heath area riverside. Refreshment and toilets in pub

or 75 mins

Meet Sussex Barn pub car park, off North Heath Lane, RH12 5PJ Ann & John 01403 268885

Every Wed 10:30am Horsham Park Stroll


or 50 mins

Suitable for all. Dogs on leads welcome. Friendly group and stop for a coffee at The Pavilion Centre

Meet at bandstand in Carfax (RH12 1FD) Emmy 01403 255517 or Doreen 01403 230293

Every Wed & Sun


Find out about the hidden history of this old and interesting town with an experienced guide Meet: Horsham Museum, Causeway Nigel Friswell 01403 261905

Walk around Billingshurst‘s footpaths or Jubilee Fields. Stay for coffee afterwards. Dogs on leads

at Billingshurst Library, Mill Lane, RH14 9JZ

Gentle walk around Chesworth Farm or Denne Hill; no styles or steep hills. Suitable for all.

St Marys Church, Horsham Peter Tobutt 01403 260783

Chichester District Council


Walking up through Houghton Forest and back along the South Downs Way with panoramic views

Meet: Whiteways Car Park, BN18 9FD. New car parking charges

A circular walk to Chanctonbury Ring hill fort and return via Washington village with some steep gradients.

Meet: Opposite site of Frankland Arms pub, RH20 4AL Wed

Along dunes and beach to Climping Mill, then across fields to Ferry Road and Rope Walk to the Yacht Club. Refreshments are available at the Yacht Club on the return

Meet: Arun Yacht Club Car Park, Littlehampton, BN17 5DL Thurs

A walk up Harsfold Lane over the Wey & Arun Canal to Lee Place then via bridleways and footpaths to Lordings Lock. A walk with uphill and downhill parts, 6 stiles, 1 fence. No dogs sorry

Meet: Park at the green in the laybys


Lovely views. Generally flat, gravel path. Some muddy areas and short inclines. Last ¼ mile uphill.

Meet: National Trust car park, Dukes Road, Slindon

Tue 21st 10.30am

A mainly flat walk through woods and meadows

Meet: Car park in the woods at the Dover BN18 9PX

miles 2 hrs

miles 1 hr 45
11:00am Billingshurst 2.3 miles 60 mins
Every Thu
2.5 miles 90 mins
01403 782745 Every Fri 10:30am
Mary’s Church, Horsham
1st 10.30am Houghton Forest L: Alison 2.5 hrs 3 6 miles
10.30am Chanctonbury Ring L: Peter Brook 4 miles 2 hrs
Tue 7th
8th 10.30am Climping L: Dominic 3 miles 1
hr 15
16th 10.00am Wisborough Green L: Louise 6.5 miles 3
19th 10.30am Slindon Woods L: Dominic 2 hrs 3.5
Angmering Park L: Peter 4
18 Walks

Lingerie to love!

Pay a visit to Smitten Chichester this Valentine’s Day

from 28A to 46K and we specialise in fitting ladies who have previously struggled to get their size right. We spend a lot of time sourcing lingerie brands and up and coming designers to bring you the best lingerie on the market which offers great support but without losing out on the prettiest and most beautiful designs.”

Their passion, says Rachel, is to help people feel amazing! She continues, “Our mission is to get everyone in the right fit. Whether you have a daughter that needs a first bra fitting, or if you would like a size or style check or if you are looking for a sports bra or swim fit or something to go under that tricky outfit, we can help.” Other services include maternity/feeding bras, post surgery bras (there is a specialist breast care fitter instore), and also bridal lingerie.

A correctly fitting bra can make you feel more comfortable, look better in your clothes and also give you a big confidence boost says Rachel. “Come and see us and find out why Smitten Lingerie to Love is so highly recommended.”

59 North Street, Chichester PO19 1NB

01243 816667

Facebook and Instagram @smittenl2l

Friendly lingerie shop, Smitten Lingerie to Love, is based in North Street Chichester. The experienced team provide a unique consultation and fitting experience that centres around you as an individual with the aim of finding you the perfect bra - not only in fit but also style and shape. The Smitten team, headed up by business owner and local resident Rachel, welcome you into a relaxed environment and the approachable staff use all their expertise to find you something that meets all of your specific needs.

Rachel told us, “We are here for youany size, shape style and for whatever life event, we really can cater for all! Our sizes range

Win a set of lingerie (to value of £54) plus a personal fitting

To enter answer the following question:

Q: Where in West Sussex is Smitten located?

A. Brighton B. Chichester C. Arundel

Every address every month 3 1
Send your answer and contact details to: The Ivy in the Lanes, Brighton Competition, PO Box 2237, Pulborough, RH20 9AH or you can enter online at: Winner drawn after 28th February 2023. Please indicate if you wish to remain on our mailing list.
Competition 19

No one is perfect all the time!

Do you find life pulls you off course on your healthy eating plan and exercise routine?

Having to repeatedly pick yourself up from the same start point over and over again is a really disheartening cycle to find yourself in, and it is no surprise that at some point so many people think 'what's the point in trying'.

What I'd love you to know is that you don't have to have everything figured out in order to move forward and achieve what you want to achieve.

I love the phrase "eat your elephant one bite at a time". It means don't get overwhelmed by the length of the journey ahead of you; just go one day at a time and make the best decisions you can on that day.

With the best will in the world, things will go wrong sometimes and when they do, you have a turning point. How will you react? Will you figure

out how to get through in the best way you can, or will you throw the towel in and give up?

There is no magical secret which you don't know. Everyone has problems, everyone is rushed off their feet sometimes, everyone lacks knowledge or practice at achieving their goals, everyone gets derailed with an injury - etc. You can choose to not let any of these things pull you off course any more than is necessary. Things don't have to be either all or nothing. You can choose a middle ground - and that can still lead to success!

Remember consistency is more important than perfection.

Do your best, be good enough and also realise that is it totally fine just to coast for a while until you are ready to move forward again. Don't let perfect be the enemy of good! You can always make progress, even if things are not as perfect as you would like them to be.

HORSHAM CLINIC Don't let pain keep you from life... • Osteopathy • Sports Massage • Shockwave & Laser Therapy • Rehabilitation • Injury Diagnosis & Management Feel better, move better, be better! 01403 598017 19 Graylands Estate, Langhurst Wood Road, Horsham, RH12 4QD (FREE PARKING) WWW.SUSSEXSPORTSINJURY.CO.UK 20 Health & Wellbeing

In Your Garden

Monthly gardening ideas & tasks by

February is an important month for your garden. It is the last month where there are not absolutely urgent tasks, yet if these February jobs are not completed you will be chasing your tail for the rest of the year. It is the great set up month, and if you put the hours in, you will ride the wave for the rest of the year.

We have had a very mild winter so already plants are beginning to shoot and bulbs are up even earlier this year.


In order to allow space for new or dormant plants to thrive, a full scale clearing and cutting back is needed. Once this is achieved you will be able to see where to plan new beds, create a planting scheme and perhaps put in some stronger evergreen structural interest that will create a powerful contract to the froth and colour of Spring and Summer.

If you are going to design a new bed, or get help with a garden designer, now is the last time you’ll be guaranteed availability!

Firstly, this is the month to clear away all the old leaves you were leaving in the beds for wildlife, gathering up piles and relocating them to corners of your garden and under shrubs where they can’t be seen. Old seed heads and perennials, now pretty much eaten and cleaned out by birds and the weather, can be cut to ground level. Deciduous ornamental grasses can also be shorn to ground level and composted. Evergreen grasses like Anamanthela lessoniana and the Carexes can be thinned out and trimmed if necessary. The old foliage of perennials like old Aquilegia and any brown or yellowing leaves of Hellebore leaves take be stripped out to allow

more light for new growth. Sedums can be pruned to ground level.


Shrubs like Dogwood, Willow and Cotinus can be strongly pruned back, even to 40cm from ground level depending on the new height you need it to attain this year. Dogwood can even be pruned all the way to the ground.

The famous Buddlea pruning is also done now and you can be as rigorous as you like with these.

Most winter flowering plants, like Viburnum bodnantense, Mahonia and Jasmine nudiflorum can be strongly pruned back once they have finished flowering, and climbers such as Wisteria, Grape and Climbing Roses can be cut back to two buds from the main leader or structural stems. The Clematis in your garden that flower after June can be pruned hard back now, the ones that flower before June just need a light trim now- if at all. In general, Group 1 Clematis only need a light touch tidy up eg Alpina, Macopetala and Montana, Group 2 more of an intelligent prune and Group 3 a vigorous prune as these latter will flower later on in the year.

Any deciduous hedges can be pruned hard back now before birds start setting up their nests and autumn fruiting raspberries can be taken right

Every address every month 3
February - Invest now for summer returns
Gardening 21

back to the ground. Fuchsias can be taken back- normally I just prune them with big shears into the shape I want them to begin new growth from. You will need to assess how robust a plant they are in order not to clobber so much they won’t Spring back.

Evergreen shrubs and hedges can be pruned now.

Last chance to prune apple and pears, as well as give them a good feed of potash around their roots. Hygranges can be reduced up to a half with some old craggy stems removed from the base.

Moving and planting

This is the last time shrubs and trees can be moved around the garden now if they have become too big or you need the space for other plants. It is surprising how good the success rate can be if you manage to dig out a good proportion

of the root ball. We moved many huge shrubs and trees last year and so far haven’t lost one.

Perennials of course can be moved or split in half to get an extra one to give away or replant.

There is still time to plant bare root trees, shrubs and hedges. These are cheaper than pot grown plants and sometimes take to the new conditions more quickly.

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22 Gardening


Once you have cleared your garden, you can start preparing designated areas for vegetables, annuals or new perennial and shrub planting. Creating a fine tilth in your vegetable beds will set you up for the first seed rows to plant at the end of this month. You can get ahead of the game by bringing on seeds in your greenhouse or lean-to: Ammi major, Marigolds and Cerinthe major as well as runner beans, french beans, carrots, beetroot and spinach. If you have a frost free warm pocket in your garden you can start to chit potatoes ready for planting out early. If you experienced a lot of blight recently, try the Sarpo varieties.

Hardy plants like kale can even be sown directly into the soil now.

As well as seeds, clumps of snowdrop bulbs can be divided after flowering to help multiply your collection and summer/autumn flowering bulbs like Gladioli, Nerines and Dahlias can be ordered online now, or bought from a nursery. You can also force Rhubarb now.


Fruit trees can be protected with cloche to keep the frost away from tender blossoms. Your soil

can be kept moist and considerably weed free this year by applying a thick bark mulch (not too thick that your bulbs can’t emerge) and tender seeds can be covered with horticultural fleece to keep them warmer.

Wakehurst garden launched it’s Winter Garden two years ago with 33,000 plants in unusual bold combinations, so if you need some late winter inspiration that’s the place to visit. You will need to book a time slot ticket and it is open from 10-4pm. Arundel Castle will have its usual large Tulip display in March/April.

Every address every month 3
CALL OUR FRIENDLY TEAM 24/7 Rated: ‘Excellent’ Oct ’21 01403 541421 Gardening 23
Where to go in February - Garden inspiration

Prize Crossword

Win a £30 voucher for a meal at The Crown Inn

December 2022 solution below:


1 Big banger? (1-4)

4 Mexico's national flowers (7)

8 Not appropriately (7)

9 Red cosmetic (5)

10 Couples often have them at the bank (5,8)

11 Former English gold coins (6)

13 First stage (5,1)

16 Narrator's opening words (4,4,1,4)

18 Get ready to pray (5)

19 British East African capital, once (7)

20 Old French bagpipe (7)

21 Faux pas (5)


1 Ivory Coast metropolis (7)

2 Animal with striped legs (5)

3 Face the music (4,3,6)

4 Theatrical mist source (3,3)

5 Not likely to catch things very well (4,2,7)

6 Tropical American lizards (7)

7 Technical requirements (5)

12 Angels, in Theatreland (7)

14 Banished (2,5)

15 "Lost in France" singer

Tyler (6)

16 Fibre from old rope (5)

17 One way to score at billiards (2-3)

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Full address: …………………………………………………………………………...


Postcode: ………………………………………………………………………………..

Email: ……………………………………………………………………………………..

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Answer from yellow box: …………………………………………………………..

December anagram solution: PANTOMIME

Send the answer above to: Sussex Local Crossword, PO Box 2237 Pulborough, RH20 9AH or you can enter details online at our website Closing date: 28th February 2023.

Award winning country pub with rooms Win £30 voucher (on food only lunch or dinner)

Nr Horsham, RH13 8NH 01403 710902

Sussex Local may wish to keep in touch with occasional information and offers. We will never share your details with third parties.

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24 Crossword

Tips to prevent invalidating your insurance

Find The Best Car Price

and some other dangerous conditions, but they need to be aware of a few loopholes in their insurance that could cause pain financially should they have an accident on the roads”

Not de-icing your car properly

If you fail to de-ice your car properly, it could invalidate your insurance especially if the police believe that the visibility potentially contributed to the accident in question.

Snow on the roof

Insurance loopholes for low temperatures

With temperatures plummeting, and commuters frantically sorting their vehicles out for a busy rush to work, Geoff Cudd from Find The Best Car Price has delved into a few insurance loopholes that drivers should bear in mind before setting off on their commute in the cold weather.

“Drivers up and down the country will naturally be nervous of the thought of driving on black ice

If there’s snow on your roof, this could also invalidate your insurance. This is purely because the snow on your car can be hazardous if it goes flying off the roof during a drive.

Leaving your car whilst de-icing

Going indoors to warm up whilst de-icing. If someone was to steal your car with the ignition running, whilst you’re inside having a brew, you won’t be covered.

Geoff Cudd Founder of FindTheBestCarPrice

Garolla garage doors are expertly made to measure in our own UK factories, they’re strong and solidly built. The electric Garolla door rolls up vertically, taking up only 8 inches inside your garage, maximising valuable space. Our expert local installers will fit your new door and they’ll take away the old one too, so there’s no mess.

Give us a call today and we’ll come and measure up completely FREE of charge.

01243 630 052

MOBILE: 07537 149 128

Every address every month 3
*Offer valid for openings up to 2.4m wide & including 2 remote controls, 55mm white slats, internal manual override.
Motoring 25

Pancake Day!

Can you help Jamal get to the centre of the maze so he has lemon for his pancakes?

Can you find all the ingredients for perfect pancakes in our letter grid?

The largest pancake ever made was created in the UK in Rochdale, in 1994. It was 15 metres wide and weighed three tonnes.

You would need strong arms to flip that one!

flour frying pan

honey lemon milk

pancakes salt sugar

2 L Y M I L K E S R Z A O V X C P K O A M I F U C Z P A T K L U T R R G D C K Z C T O D Y V E N S V O Z J O L I I A B C S H L E M O N P K N G R O B R Z L G S U G A R N I V I N P E G G S S E P Z P F Y P E R Y I H V F W K H X H T S T X W L Y M I L K E S O V X C P K O A U C Z P A T K L R G D C K Z C T V E N S V O Z J I A B C S H L E P K N G R O B R S U G A R N I V E G G S S E P Z F Y P E R Y I H eggs
Maze Solution Word Grid Solution 26 Puzzles

eared owls head further south, and it’s at these times that they become easier to see in some years you may find two, three or even four or more short-eared owls flying around the same field or marsh.

excitement. Even the most hardened, experienced birdwatchers will always stop to enjoy watching an owl. Perhaps it’s because these beautiful birds of prey are usually fairly hard to see – many, but not all, owls are nocturnal, of course. Tawny owls are quite common but because they only venture out to hunt in the evening and night-time, we tend to hear their famous calls (the female’s ‘kee-wick’ and the male’s ‘hoo-oo’) more than we see the birds making them. Little owls hunt during the day but they are becoming rarer and barn owls mostly only hunt in daylight, usually in the afternoon and evening during the summer months, when they’re feeding young.

Our fascination with owls is reflected throughout our culture – in folklore, mythology and literature. Their nighttime habits, sometimes ghostly appearance and blood-curdling calls meant that the poor birds were often associated with death and doom. Such ancient superstitions led to the birds’ persecution until relatively recently, but intensive farming and the tidying and development of their favoured hunting, nesting and roosting sites have done further harm to the populations of many owl species since then. But the cold months of winter have their compensations. It’s during this time of year that the short days and cold temperatures can make it easier to see the ghostly, pale forms of a barn owl or a wintering short-eared owl.

Short-eared owls hunt during the day but they don’t breed in Sussex so we don’t get many chances to see this wonderful bird. They spend the spring and summer on the moorlands and rough grasslands of northern Britain, Scandinavia and Russia and migrate south for the winter. However, in especially cold winters more

The short-eared owl is mottled, dirty-brown above and pale below and flies low over the ground, flapping its long, stiff wings as it hunts for voles and other small mammals. Occasionally, the owls will perch on fence posts and stare back at you, as if in surprise, with their large, round yellow eyes surrounded by heavy black ‘make-up’. You might be able to spot the two small, feathery tufts on top of its head which give the species its name but these aren’t the bird’s ears. All owls (and harriers) have twin ‘facial discs’, which give them their large, round faces, and these discs channel any sound into their ear cavities – rather like large Victorian conical hearing aids – which are positioned just to the sides of their eyes, so they can hear the faint rustle of prey moving in the grass below.

The shorter, colder days of winter also mean that the local barn owls may extend their hunting sessions into the daylight hours. Mid- to late afternoons are a good time to look for them on cold days as they hunt over farmland and grassland. They’re about the same size as the shorteared owl but they appear whiter, with honeybrown above, and they have shorter, broader and more rounded wings. You’ll often see the barn owl floating through the air as it hunts, with slow, butterfly-like, buoyant flaps and then it will suddenly turn and drop down into the grass when it finds prey.

But while barn owls will stay into the spring, the short-eared owls will soon be heading back north again to their breeding grounds in northern Britain and Europe. So this month is the perfect time to head out to one of our reserves to see if you can spot one of these beautiful, ghostly birds while you still can.

Join us on one of our guided walks this month to see if we can find some owls and other winter visitors, including birds of prey, waders and wildfowl, before they leave in the spring: https:// or call 01243 641508.

Every address every month 3
Nature 27
The short-eared owl is a winter visitor to grasslands and marshes in Sussex. Credit: Ben Andrew

Flavoursome overnight oats

A healthy breakfast to keep you fuelled for the day

Ingredients - Serves 1

• 1 medium banana, mashed

• 4 ‘Cocoa Loco’ dark chocolate buttons, roughly chopped

• 125ml ‘Susana& Daughters’ kefir milk

• 1 tsp Sussex honey

• 40g jumbo oats

• ½ tsp ‘Carla’s seasoning’ ground cinnamon

• 1 tbsp chia seeds

• 3 walnuts, roughly chopped


1. Combine the mashed banana with the chopped chocolate, honey, cinnamon, mix well.

2. To the banana mixture, add the kefir, oats, and chia seeds, mix well.

3. Pour into a jam jar, top with walnuts and refrigerated for a minimum of 6 hours or overnight before enjoying.

Hollies Top Tips-

• Double the recipe to make enough for a couple days ahead to save time.

• Why not swap the banana with grated apple and switch the dark chocolate for mixed vine fruits, swop honey for peanut butter or sub kefir with oat milk? Overnight oats are so di- verse and a perfect way to start the day.

Find all ingredients at the Village Larder and follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more weekly meal inspiration - @village_larder

ALL CARPETINC.WOOL BERBER, STRIPE, SISAL AND SEAGRASS M2M CURTAINS & BLINDS • RE-UPHOLSTERY FAMILY RUN BUSINESS FOR 63 YEARS VINYL FLOORING INC. WET ROOMS, SAFETY FLOORS AND LVT 10 North Street, Storrington, RH20 4NZ Tel: 01903 742643 WE ARE NOW OPEN Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAY New Year Special Offer 10% OFF all Karndean products NEW IN NEW FABRIC COLLECTIONS FROM SANDERSON, MORRIS & CO., CLARKE & CLARKE, BLENDWORTH, PRESTIGIOUS TEXTILES, ILiv, VOYAGE COME IN AND SEE OUR FANTASTIC LIBRARY OF SAMPLES Regular 40oz Was £31.50. Reduced to £27.99 sq.metre Supreme 47oz Was £39.50. Reduced to £36.99 sq.metre Manx Tomkinson Seasonal Views 80% wool twist carpet 28 Recipe

Property of the month

2 Holly Close, Storrington, RH20 4PD £359,950

An attractive two bedroom terraced home situated within this highly regarded cul-de-sac close to the village centre. Accommodation comprises: sitting room/dining room, kitchen/breakfast room, ground floor cloakroom, two double bedrooms and a re-fitted family shower room. Outside there are well kept lawned gardens to the front and a private easily maintained rear garden and a garage in nearby small block. Contact Fowlers: 01903 745844

Every address every month
15% OFF Pleasemention '15OFF' RoofRenewal FlatRoofing Guttering wwwsonghurstroofingcouk OFFICE01403275518 MOB07858600322 Covering all aspects of roofing and exterior maintenance in West Sussex and Surrey FasciaandSoffits Cementwork Chimneywork Mossremoval Fullyinsured Freequotations EMAIL Doittherightway,callSonghurstRoofingtoday! BEFORE DURING AFTER 20SAVE % Call us on 01903 259 758 Winter Wonders! Book your design visit today! T3018 JS Sussex DEC SALE 2022 Sussex Local 149x105.indd 1 02/12/2022 15:02 29

The UK Housing Market in 2023

Has the bubble burst?

Since the financial crisis of 2008, the housing market’s been on an upwards trend – pausing at the start of the pandemic. Has the bubble burst? The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors says high interest rates, falling house prices and a drop in demand have all had an impact. Estate agents report fewer enquiries each month since Sept 2022 and stock levels are at historic lows. If interest rates and living costs increase, the Bank of England predicts the number of houses struggling to pay mortgages could rise to levels unseen since 2008. At the end of 2022, Lloyds forecast a 9% fall in the market, Capital Economics a 12% fall and Credit Suisse a 15% fall.

Is it all gloom and doom?

Knight Frank forecast a fall of 5% in house prices in 2023 and 24 before returning to growth. They believe shortage of homes, sensible loan-to -value lending and low unemployment rate will keep prices stable and repossessions low.

Zoopla believe people’s motivation to move won’t change. Buyers look for more space, a

home office and what’s cheaper to heat and run.

“The housing market in 2023 mainly looks set to be one of readjustment as we return to normal levels of mortgage rates.”


about first time buyers?

First-time buyers could benefit from the turmoil. In the Sept 2022 Mini Budget, the Government increased the threshold for Stamp Duty to £425k for first time buyers.

No-one truly knows how much prices will fall by. You could be waiting ages for them to hit rock-bottom. You could ride out the predicted downturn by staying home for 3 years. Putting down a large deposit reduces chances of being in negative equity. Firsttime buyers may have more advantage for quick sales as there’s no chain to hold up the process.

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