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Storrington neighbourhood wardens

Local charity - Wholesome Warehouse in Storrington

We would like to bring everyone’s attention to the wonderful work of a local charity. The Wholesome Warehouse supports families and individuals by providing them with healthy and personalised food boxes, the contents of which are donated to them. A group of volunteers then work to sort and distribute the boxes to those in need. They can also provide furniture and host meals, events, and workshops. We were lucky enough to spend a morning earlier on in the year filling up the boxes alongside the volunteers. Their enthusiasm and passion to help people is just incredible. So much thought goes into the boxes to ensure that those receiving them not only have what is needed, but whenever possible, they include a treat, so a little bit of joy is in there too.


Simon and Lucinda, who run the Wholesome Warehouse, told us that due to cost-of-living pressures, they are seeing a reduction in the number of items being donated. They always welcome food products but we found that the items that they struggle the most to obtain are toiletries, sanitary products, cleaning products and pet foods. These are all essential items and make such a difference to the people who receive them.

We were very fortunate to be able to acquire £560 funding from the charity Make A Difference Locally (MADL), which we spent on buying the hard-to-get-items for the Wholesome Warehouse to use. Thank you to all involved with making this happen and the Nisa garage for helping us with the shopping!

If you would like to find out more, please visit www.thewholesomewarehouse.com. They are situated on West Street behind South Downs Bikes, Storrington.

Chris: 07795 046743 / Alison 07789 943201 storrington-sullingtonwardens@horsham.gov.uk

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