1 minute read

Storrington Primary School

Travelling back to Ancient Egypt & the importance of science

Importance of science


Science is important for our children as it promotes questioning, problem solving, enquiry and many more skills. Year 5 enjoyed investigating and finding out about chemical reactions and irreversible changes .

Travelling back to Ancient Egypt www.storringtonprimary.co.uk

Year 3s at Storrington Primary school travelled back to Ancient Egypt this term with a visit from the Rainbow theatre. Our children were inspired by the acting and thrilled to be able to join in with the action on stage. Experiences such as these are so important to children’s learning as they really help immerse the children in the topic. Storrington Parents also supported this event by providing some wonderful costumes!

We are thrilled to have our very own year 6 science ambassadors who have enjoyed promoting science with our younger children, leading them in experiments and finding conclusions.

We would love to show you around so please contact us to arrange a visit

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