IRB office use only IRB #: Rec’d:
IRB review.
Application for IRB review of Research Involving Human Subjects (Not for exempt research)
Please complete this application as thoroughly as possible. Use this page as a check list at the end. Did you include... A consent form using the current CMU template that the participants and/or parent/guardian will be required to sign. A copy of any questionnaires, surveys, images, de-briefings that will be used. A copy of any recruitment documents (including advertisements, flyers, letters, invitations, email) to be used. A copy of the training certificates for all individuals working on the research unless they are on file with the CMU IRB. Training is available at: See the IRB website for details.
If you are a student, the faculty advisor must submit a Faculty Advisor Assurance Form.
Please e-mail all documents to : For assistance contact the CMU Office of Research Integrity and Compliance at
412 . 268 . 5450 or,
Additional information and templates are available at:
IRB office use only IRB #: Rec’d:
Personal Information
1. Personal Information
Protocol Information
A. Name:
Funding Information
B. Telephone:
Cooperating Institution
Conflict of Interest
C. E-mail:
Participant Information
D. Department:
Recruitment method
E. Training Certificate:
F. Are you a student?
Consent Form
Confidentiality / Data Security
YES, then please provide information about your faculty advisor. NO
Assurance Statement
On file
a. Faculty Advisor Name:
Training Certificate:
On file
If you completed this part, your faculty advisor must complete and submit a Faculty Advisor Assurane Form.
G. Is someone other than you is correspond with regarding this protocol?
YES, then please list below. NO
a. Contact Person Name:
Business Manager of Department:
Business Manager’s E-mail:
2. Co-investigators
A. Do you have any co-investigator?
YES, then please list them below. NO
a. Name:
Training Certificate:
On file
On file
On file
Name: Please e-mail all documents to For assistance contact the CMU Office of Research Integrity and Compliance at : 412 . 268 . 5450 or, Additional information and templates are available at:
Training Certificate:
Training Certificate:
If you have more co-investigator, CLICK here.
IRB office use only IRB #: Rec’d:
Personal Information
3. Protocol Information
Protocol Information
A. Title:
Funding Information
Cooperating Institution
Conflict of Interest
Participant Information
YES, then provide previous IRB # NO
Recruitment method
Consent Form
Confidentiality / Data Security
Assurance Statement
B. Is this protocal previously approved study that has lapsed?
C. Provide, in lay terms, a summary of your proposed study as outlined below. You may attach the protocol to this form if you like. a. What is your purpose of the study? and how will the data collected be used?
b. Describe the research procedures (include the activities, locations, and time required of the participant).
c. Who will be asked to participate?
d. Will questionnaires or surveys be used?
YES, then please attach. NO
e. Will task be done on a computer?
1. How will the tasks be accessed? Please check all that apply.
Please e-mail all documents to For assistance contact the CMU Office of Research Integrity and Compliance at : 412 . 268 . 5450 or, Additional information and templates are available at:
Remotely via internet. In the research lab. Other, then please explain.
f. Will deception be used?
YES, then please describe how participants will be debriefed. Include the de-briefing material and/or script. NO
IRB office use only IRB #: Rec’d:
Personal Information
3. Protocal Information (continue)
Protocol Information
Funding Information
g. In what country will the research be conducted? Please check all that apply.
Cooperating Institution
Conflict of Interest
Participant Information
Recruitment method
Consent Form
Confidentiality / Data Security
Assurance Statement
United States CMU Pittsburgh Campus CMU Sillicon Valley Campus Other, please indicate location Qatar CMU Qatar Campus Other, please indicate location
Other country, please indicate location
If applicable, please attach documentation of permission to conduct research in private, non-CMU space.
4. Funding Information
A. Please indicate funding information of this research.
* NSF: National Science Foundation * NIH: National Institute of Health * SPEX: Sponsored Projects Exchange Search SPEX at for detail.
Unfunded research External funding Internal funding
B. Please indicate your sponsor / source.
NSF* NIH* Other, please specify.
C. Please indicate your grant title.
D. If you are federally funded, is this application consistent with the grant?
Please e-mail all documents to For assistance contact the CMU Office of Research Integrity and Compliance at : 412 . 268 . 5450 or, Additional information and templates are available at:
E. Is CMU the prime recipient of funding?
F. Is CMU a sub-recipient?
G. Please provide your SPEX* information if you have any.
SPEX Proposal #: SPEX Award #:
If you don’t know the funding/grant information, please get it from your department’s business manager.
IRB office use only IRB #: Rec’d:
Personal Information
5. Cooperating Institution
Protocol Information
Funding Information
A. Is this research being done in cooperation with any institutions, individuals, or organizations not affiliated with CMU?
Cooperating Institution
Conflict of Interest
Participant Information
Recruitment method
Consent Form
Confidentiality / Data Security
Assurance Statement
YES, then please list and describe their role in this research. NO
B. If multiple institutions are involved in this study, indicate who is responsible for oversight of the entire study.
C. Have you received IRB approval from another IRB for this study?
YES, then please attach a copy of the IRB approval. NO Pending
If applicable, please provide the name(s) and address(es) of all officials authorizing to access human subjects in cooperating institutions not affiliated with CMU.
If so, please attach document of approval.
6. Conflict of Interest A. Please indicate whether any of following individual could be affected by this research project.
You Individual who is responsible for design. Individual who has financial interest in this protocol. Individual who act as an officer or director for any outside entity.
If you checked any of above, please provide detailed information to permit the IRB to determine if such involvement should be disclosed to potential research subjects.
7. Participant Information
A. Will any of the following classes of vulnerable subjects be involved in Please e-mail all documents to For assistance contact the CMU Office of Research Integrity and Compliance at : 412 . 268 . 5450 or, Additional information and templates are available at:
the proposed study? Please check all that apply.
Pregnant women Pregnant women will not be specifically included or excluded Human fetuses Newborn Infant Prisoners Children Individuals with compromised mental status (if checked, indicate how this will be determined)
IRB office use only IRB #: Rec’d:
Personal Information
Protocol Information
Funding Information
Cooperating Institution
Conflict of Interest
Participant Information
Recruitment method
Consent Form
Confidentiality / Data Security
Assurance Statement
7. Participant Information (continue)
B. Please list inclusion and exclusion criteria.
C. Will the participants be capable of understanding the nature of the study and the consent process?
YES NO, then please explain.
D. What is the age range of participants in the proposed study?
E. How many participants are needed for the study, and how was that number determined?
F. What do you estimate the ratio of males to females to be?
G. Will this be reflective of the local population?
H. Will you target a certain population? Please explain to both answers.
I. Do you anticipate that your participants will represent a cross-section of the population in the region where the sutdy is being conducted? Please e-mail all documents to For assistance contact the CMU Office of Research Integrity and Compliance at : 412 . 268 . 5450 or, Additional information and templates are available at:
YES, then please describe and estimate the percentage that will be from minority groups. NO, then please describe your study population and address why minority representation is not considered.
IRB office use only IRB #: Rec’d:
Personal Information
Protocol Information
Funding Information
Cooperating Institution
Conflict of Interest
Participant Information
Recruitment method
Flyers : where will they be posted?
Consent Form
Confidentiality / Data Security
Assurance Statement
8. Recruitment method A. Describe how participants recruitment will be performed, and include how and by whom potential participants are introduced to the study. Please check all that apply.
Radio, TV E-mail solicitation : indicate how the e-mail addresses are obtained.
Web-based solicitation : specify site.
Participant pool : specify what pool.
Other : please specify.
Please attach any recruiting materials you plan to use and the text of e-mail or
web-based solicitations you will use.
B. Will participants undergo screening prior to their participation?
YES, then please describe. NO
9. Benefit / Compensation / Cost
A. Will participants receive intangible benefit from the study?
B. Discuss the direct and indirect benefits to participants.
C. Are participants to be compensated for the study?
Please e-mail all documents to For assistance contact the CMU Office of Research Integrity and Compliance at : 412 . 268 . 5450 or, Additional information and templates are available at:
a. Please indicate amount, type, and source of the fund.
Type(gift card, cash):
D. Will participants who are students be offered class credit?
YES, then please identify the class and instructor. NO
IRB office use only IRB #: Rec’d:
Personal Information
9. Benefit / Compensation / Cost (continue)
Protocol Information
Funding Information
Cooperating Institution
Conflict of Interest
Participant Information
Recruitment method
Consent Form
Confidentiality / Data Security
Assurance Statement
E. Are there any other inducements planned to recruit participant? YES, then please describe. NO
F. Are there any costs to participants?
YES, then please explain. NO
G. Will you compensate participants for injury resulting from participation?
YES, then please describe. NO N/A
10. Risk
A. Discuss the risks to participants.
B. Discuss how any risks will be managed and/or minimized.
C. Indicate the degree of physical or psychological risk you believe the research poses to human subjects. Check one that applies. Minimal risk Risk is minimal where the probability and magnitude of harm anticipated in the
proposed research are not greater, in and of themselves, than those ordinarily encountered in daily life.
Greater than minimal risk
Please e-mail all documents to For assistance contact the CMU Office of Research Integrity and Compliance at : 412 . 268 . 5450 or, Additional information and templates are available at:
Risk is greater than minimal where the probability and magnitude of harm anticipated in the proposed research are greater than those ordinarily encountered in daily life.
Describe how the study fits in this risk level.
D. If deception is involved, please explain.
IRB office use only IRB #: Rec’d:
11. Consent Form
Personal Information
Protocol Information
Funding Information
Cooperating Institution
Conflict of Interest
Participant Information
Recruitment method
Consent Form
Confidentiality / Data Security
Assurance Statement
A. Do you plan to use consent forms?
YES, then describe how consent will be obtained and by whom.
a. Are you requesting a waiver of informed consent?
YES, then please explain how each of the elements listed below apply to your request for a waiver.
NO, then go to question 8B.
The research involves no more than minimal risk to the subject;
The waiver will not adversely affect the rights and welfare of the subject;
The research could not practically be carried out without the waiver;
Whenever appropriate, the subjects will be provided with additional pertinent information after participation.
b. Is the waiver for all study participants?
c. Is the waiver for all study procedure?
YES NO, then to whom does the waiver apply?
YES NO, then to what procedures does the waiver apply?
B. Will consent be obtained online?
YES NO, then go to question 8C on next page.
a. Are you requesting a waiver of written documentation of informed consent?
YES NO Please e-mail all documents to For assistance contact the CMU Office of Research Integrity and Compliance at :
1. Please indicate which one of the following applies.
The only record linking the participant and the research will be the consent document and the principal risk to the participant harm would be from breach of confidentiality.
412 . 268 . 5450 or,
I consider this a minimal risk study that involves no procedures for which written consent is normally required outside of research.
Additional information and templates are available at:
2. Explain how the study meets the criteria checked above.
IRB office use only IRB #: Rec’d:
Personal Information
Protocol Information
Funding Information
Cooperating Institution
Conflict of Interest
Participant Information
Recruitment method
Consent Form
Confidentiality / Data Security
Assurance Statement
11. Consent Form (continue)
C. Will the consent form be presented on paper or online?
Paper Online Both
D. If participants are minors will assent forms be used?
YES N/A (no minors) NO, then please explain.
E. Are you requesting to use a consent format that is different from the CMU model consent?
YES, then please explain. NO
12. Confidentiality and Data Security
A. Will audio recording be made?
B. Will video recordings be made?
YES, then please describe. NO
YES, then please describe. NO
C. Will personal identifier be collected?
YES, then please list the personal identifiers to be colleced. NO Please e-mail all documents to
D. Will identifiers be translated to a code?
YES NO, then please indicate why.
For assistance contact the CMU Office of Research Integrity and Compliance at : 412 . 268 . 5450 or,
E. Is the information so sensitive that you will obtain a certificate of confidentiality from NIH?
Additional information and templates are available at:
IRB office use only IRB #: Rec’d:
Personal Information
Protocol Information
Funding Information
Cooperating Institution
Conflict of Interest
Participant Information
Recruitment method
Consent Form
Confidentiality / Data Security
Assurance Statement
Confidentiality and Data Security (continue) 12. F. Who will have access to data (surveys, questionnaires, recordings, interview records, etc.)?
G. Describe how you will protect participant confidentiality and secure research records. (Will they be stored on a secure computer, locked cabinet, etc.?)
H. Describe your process for monitoring data to ensure that study goals are met. (Review of lab notebook, frequency of meetings to review data, who will be present at the meetings, etc.)
Please e-mail all documents to For assistance contact the CMU Office of Research Integrity and Compliance at : 412 . 268 . 5450 or, Additional information and templates are available at:
IRB office use only IRB #: Rec’d:
Personal Information
Protocol Information
Funding Information
Cooperating Institution
Conflict of Interest
Participant Information
Recruitment method
Consent Form
Confidentiality / Data Security
Assurance Statement
Researcher’s Assurance Statement for Using Human Subjects in Research I certify that the information provided in this IRB application is complete and accurate. I understand that as Principal Investigator, I have ultimate responsibility for the conduct of IRB approved studies, the ethical performance of protocols, the protection of the rights and welfare of human participants, and strict adherence to the studies protocol and any stipulations imposed by Carnegie Mellon University Institutional Review Board. I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure that the human participants’ involvement as described in the funding proposal(s) is consistent in principle, to that contained in the IRB application. I will submit modifications and/or changes to the IRB as necessary. I agree to comply with all Carnegie Mellon University policies and procedures, as well as with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regarding the protection of human participants in research, including, but not limited to:
Ensuring all investigators and key study personnel have completed human subjects training program;
Ensuring protocols are conducted by qualified personnel following the approved IRB application;
Implementing no changes in approved IRB applications or informed consent documents without prior IRB approval in accordance with CMU IRB policy (except in an emergency, if necessary to safeguard the well-being of a human participant, and will report to the IRB within 1 day of such change);
Obtaining the legally effective informed consent from human participants or their representative, using only the currently approved date-stamped informed consent documents, and providing a copy to the participant.
Ensuring that only IRB-approved investigators for this study obtain informed consent from potential subjects.
Informing participants of any relevant new information regarding their participation in the research that becomes available.
Promptly reporting to the IRB any new information involving risks to research participants, including reporting to the IRB, Data Safety and Monitoring Boards, sponsors and appropriate federal agencies any adverse experiences and all unanticipated problems involving risks to human subjects or others that occur in the course of the research.
If unavailable to conduct research personally, as when on sabbatical leave or vacation, arrangements for another investigator to assume direct responsibility for studies will be made through modification requests to the IRB;
Promptly providing the IRB with any information requested relative to protocols;
Promptly and completely complying with IRB decisions to suspend or withdraw approval for projects;
Obtaining Continuing Review approval prior to the date the approval for a study expires (approval for the study will automatically expire);
Maintaining accurate and complete research records, including, but not limited to, all informed consent documents for 3 years from the date of study completion;
Informing the CMU IRB of all locations in which human participants will be recruited for protocols and being responsible for obtaining and maintaining current IRB approvals/letters of cooperation when applicable;
Complying with federal, state and local laws and regulations and sponsor terms and conditions; and
Complying with CMU policies on the responsible conduct of research.
If the you are a student, the faculty advisor must submit a Faculty Advisor Assurance Form. Links to the policies and Federal regulations for the protection of human research subjects (including the Code of Federal Regulations [.CF.R.] Title 45 CFR Part 46 and Title 21 C.F.R. parts 50 and 56) are available on the IRB web page (http://
Please e-mail all documents to For assistance contact the CMU Office of Research Integrity and Compliance at : 412 . 268 . 5450 or, Additional information and templates are available at:
Principal Investigator Name and Signature
Note: If you will e-mail from the your CMU e-mail account, a hand written signature is not needed. Please type in name and date.