Lopi Solubaeklingur

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Contents 3 - The Saga of the Icelandic Sheep 4 - Léttlopi / worsted weight yarn 5 - Plötulopi / unspun yarn 6 - Álafosslopi / bulky yarn 7 - Einband / lace weight yarn 8 - Bulkylopi / super-bulky yarn 8 - Kemba / felting wool 9 - Hosuband / worsted weight yarn 10- Pattern books 11- Useful tips / Care instructions 11- Characteristics of Icelandic wool


The Saga of the Icelandic Sheep 874 A.D. Without sheep, Iceland would have been uninhabitable. Since they first settled on this North Atlantic island, Icelanders have been engaged in a relentless struggle with the rugged environment in which they live. While the horse has served as transport and labour, sheep have been the key to the nation’s survival, providing generations of Icelanders not only with food but also with wool as protection from the biting cold of the harsh northern climate. Without sheep, Iceland would have been uninhabitable. Although the medieval sagas may have been inspired by deeds of heroism and feats of bravery, they also tell of the activities around which daily life revolved, among them shearing, spinning and carding – skills and crafts which became traditions and have altered little through the ages.

Two types of fibre - long & fine As a breed, the Iceland Sheep is unique – its purity has been protected by centuries of isolation and a total absence of contact with others. By the same token, the wool it produces has no counterpart anywhere. Evolving over 1,100 years of exposure to the sub-Arctic climate, Icelandic wool has a distinctive combination of inner and outer fibres. The outer fibres are long, glossy, tough and water-resistant, while the inner ones are fine, soft and insulating, providing a high resistance to cold. Another striking characteristic of the Iceland Sheep is its natural colours: black, grey and brown as well as the usual white. Together, these create the distinctive look of Icelandic knitwear, one of the best-known examples of which is the Lopi sweater.

Man & Nature Textile production techniques may have changed dramatically since the days of the early Viking settlers, but the commitment of Icelanders to quality and tradition has not. In our conservation-minded age, Icelandic wool is particularly appealing: it is a natural product created on environmentally friendly principles. Nature reigns supreme throughout the manufacturing process. Only natural energy sources such as geo-thermal and hydroelectric power are used in production of Icelandic wool, while the sheep from which the wool is harvested still graze freely in summer, as they have always done, on vast tracts of virgin land.

Wool Wool is purchased directly from farmers, then it is taken to our washing plant in Blönduós in the North of Iceland, where the first stage of the process is to ensure the quality and colour of the wool. The next stage is washing, where the use of chemicals and detergents is kept to an absolute minimum to ensure that natural oils are preserved, leaving the wool as warm, light and water-resistant as nature herself made it. Finally, the highest quality wool is selected for spinning into the finest yarn before being knitted into a wide range of products. Patterns are devised by Icelandic designers, whose reputation for imagination and ability to blend Icelandic nature and landscape into their work has gained them international recognition.

The Natural choice The distinctive patterns of Icelandic knitwear are as much a part of Iceland as its mountains, waterfalls and hot springs. Durable yet soft, strong but comfortable, Icelandic woollens are the natural choice if you want to share in the wonders of the unique country that created them.



Worsted weight yarn Léttlopi produces garments that are comfortable to wear indoors or outdoors. Léttlopi yarn is half the weight of Álafosslopi. 100% new wool. 50 g (1.7 oz) approx. 100 m (109 yd). Gauge: 18 sts to 10 cm (4") over St st using size 4½ - 5 mm (Old UK 7-6) (US 7-8).



0054 ash heather

1403 lapis blue heather

0056 light ash heather

9420 navy blue

0057 grey heather

9419 ocean blue

0058 dark grey heather

9418 stone blue heather

0005 black heather

9421 celery green heather

0052 black sheep heather

1407 pine green heather

0867 chocolate heather

1406 spring green heather

0053 acorn heather

1405 bottle green heather

0085 oatmeal heather

9422 sage green heather

0086 light beige heather

1404 glacier blue heather

0051 white

9423 lagoon heather

0059 black

9432 grape heather

1400 camel

1413 lilac heather

1401 hazel heather

1414 violet heather

9431 brick heather

1412 pink heather

9427 rust heather

9417 dark wine

9426 golden heather

9429 berry heather

9264 mustard

9428 rose heather

1411 sun yellow

1415 rough sea

1410 orange

1416 moor

9434 crimson red

1417 frostbite

9414 burnt red

1418 straw

1409 garnet red heather

1419 barley

1408 light red heather

1420 murky

1402 heaven blue heather

Plötulopi Unspun yarn

Since Plötulopi is an unspun yarn, it is fragile to knit; however, due to the length of its fibres, it knits into a sweater that is both sturdy and soft. 100% new wool. Sold by weight as a one-ply, flat roll, called a "plate". Bundle approx. 2 kg (4.4 lb), plate approx. 110 g (3.85 oz). Also sold packed in 100 g (3.5 oz) plates approx. 300 m (328 yd). Gauge – 1 ply: 19 sts to 10 cm (4") over St st using size 4½ mm (Old UK 7) (US 7). Gauge – 2 ply: 14 sts to 10 cm (4") over St st using size 5½ mm (Old UK 5) (US 9).

Plötulopi can be worked 1-ply, 2-ply or multiple-ply, depending on how bulky a yarn you want. Gently wind the required number of strands together into a ball by taking the end from the centre and the end from the outside of the plate (or plates). We recommend the continental knitting technique as it permits control with very loose tension.

Using Plötulopi instead of Álafosslopi Although three strands of Plötulopi are about the same weight as one strand of Álafosslopi, Plötulopi is generally knitted with a looser tension than Álafosslopi, for example with 11 ½ or 12 stitches to 10 cm (4”) instead of 13 stitches to 10 cm.

0001 white

1050 berry heather

1026 ash heather

1052 denim heather

1027 light ash heather

1053 fade denim heather

9102 grey heather

1054 light berry heather

9103 dark grey heather

1420 marsh heather

0005 black heather

1421 spruce green heather

1033 black sheep heather

1422 sea green heather

1032 chocolate heather

1423 clover green heather

0009 brown heather

1424 golden yellow heather

1030 oatmeal heather

1425 sunset rose heather

0003 light beige heather

1426 dark amber heather

1038 ivory beige

1427 jasper red heather

0013 light forest heather

1428 plum heather

0014 forest heather

1429 hyacinth heather

0059 black

1430 carmine red heather

0098 cadet blue

1431 arctic blue heather

0118 navy

1432 winter blue heather

0484 forest green

9210 burgundy

0709 midnight blue

9363 blue

If you do use three strands of Plötulopi for Álafosslopi knitting instructions, we recommend following the yoke instructions for a garment one or two sizes smaller with regard to number of stitches and number of rows for the yoke. Then continue instructions for the body and sleeves following the length measurements given for the size you have cho chosen.



0051 white

9958 light indigo

0054 ash heather

9959 indigo

0056 light ash heather

0709 midnight blue

0057 grey heather

0118 navy

0058 dark grey heather

1233 space blue

0005 black heather

1234 blue tweed

0059 black

0010 denim heather

9975 black tweed

0008 light denim heather

9974 light grey tweed

1235 ray of light

0086 light beige heather

9964 golden heather

0085 oatmeal heather

9971 amber heather

0052 black sheep heather

1236 burnt orange

0867 chocolate heather

1237 sheep sorrel

0053 acorn heather

9962 ruby red heather

9973 wheat heather

1238 dusk red

9972 ecru heather

0047 happy red

9976 beige tweed

1239 winter morning

1230 highland green

9969 fuchsia heather

9987 dark olive

1240 dark magenta

9965 chartreuse green heather

1241 gloxinia

9966 cypress green heather

1242 oxblood red

1231 garden green

0159 orchid

9983 apple green

9961 bordeaux heather

9967 teal heather

0163 dark soft purple

Bulky yarn

For warmer winter garments that breathe, Álafosslopi is the yarn. Clothes knitted from Álafosslopi are cosy and lightweight. 100% new wool. 100 g (3.5 oz) approx. 100 m (109 yd). Gauge: 13 sts to 10 cm (4") over St st using size 6-6½ mm (Old UK 4-3) (US 10-10).

Using Álafosslopi and Léttlopi together in the same garment As two strands of Léttlopi give you almost the same thickness as one strand of Álafosslopi, you can use these two types of yarn together in the same garment and so increase the colour palette from 65 colours to 97 colours – or you can mix two different colours together for even more variety.

1232 arctic exposure




Lace weight yarn Garments made from Einband stretch and are therefore difficult to measure until they have been washed. It is recommended that you make a swatch, rinse and block it and then measure it when dry to find the exact gauge and needle size to achieve accurate measurements in the finished piece. After washing, the wool becomes soft and manageable. 100% wool 50 g (1.7 oz) approx. 225 m (245 yd). Gauge: 30 sts to 10 cm (4") over St st using size 2½ mm (Old UK 13) (US 1). Gauge: 17 sts to 10 cm (4") over St st using size 4 mm (Old UK 8) (US 6). Gauge: 15 sts to 10 cm (4") over St st using size 6 mm (Old UK 4) (US 10).

0851 white

9268 lime

1026 ash heather

1764 vivid green

1027 light ash heather

1763 green

9102 grey heather

9112 dark green

9103 dark grey heather

1761 teal

0151 black heather

1762 turquoise

1038 light beige heather

1765 yellow

0886 beige heather

9028 citron

0885 oatmeal heather

1766 orange

0853 brown

1770 flame red

0867 chocolate

0047 crimson

0852 black sheep heather

1767 lavender

0008 light denim heather

9044 purple

0010 denim heather

9132 plum

0942 blue

9020 dark wine

0059 black

9142 fuchsia

9076 almond heather

1768 pink

9075 pecan heather

9990 peach

9281 sky blue

9128 blush

1098 vivid blue

9171 grenadine

9277 royal blue

9165 brick

0709 midnight blue

9009 cardinal

0118 navy

1769 cherry



Super-bulky yarn Bulkylopi is ideal for single colour garments. Thicker than Álafosslopi, Bulkylopi knits up very quickly. 100% new wool. 100 g (3.5 oz) approx. 60 m (66 yd). Gauge: 10 sts to 10 cm (4") over St st using size 8 - 9 mm (Old UK 0-00) (US 11-13).


Felting wool Kemba is perfect for felting and is known as “the magical felting wool”. 100% new wool unspun. 1 kg package.


0051 white

1415 mountain blue tweed

0086 light beige heather

1417 red currant tweed

0085 oatmeal heather

1418 carrot red tweed

0867 chocolate heather

1416 country green tweed

0005 black heather

9997 deep green shaded

0058 dark grey heather

9998 Atlantic blue shaded

0056 light ash heather

9449 bordeaux shaded

0054 ash heather

0059 black

0851 white

0118 navy

0054 ash heather

9303 sky blue

0056 light ash heather

9448 royal blue

0057 grey heather

0193 vivid blue

0058 dark grey heather

9445 turquoise

0005 black sheep heather

9301 green

0151 black heather

9441 apple green

0059 black

0017 sunshine yellow

0086 beige heather

0402 golden yellow

0085 oatmeal heather

0417 happy red

0053 acorn heather

1805 pink

0867 chocolate heather

9454 fuchsia

9315 auburn

9211 dark wine

9239 dark olive

9210 burgundy

0484 forest green

9449 earth red

9305 teal

9989 dark salmon

0098 cadet blue

9990 peach


9244 yellow

0005 light grey

0001 white

0224 grey/white

0000 white/black

0078 red

0059 black

0225 red/black

9425 dark moss/green

0118 dark blue

0227 black heather/khaki

0226 blue/black

Worsted weight yarn Hosuband is reinforced with polyamide (nylon), which makes it perfect, not only for socks that last, but also for sweaters, mittens and hats. 80% new wool, 20% polyamide (nylon). 100 g (3.5 oz) approx. 130 m (142 yd). Gauge: 19 sts to 10 cm (4") over St st using size 4 - 4½ mm (Old UK 8-7) (US 6-7).

Contents 3 - The Saga of the Icelandic Sheep 4 - Léttlopi / worsted weight yarn 5 - Plötulopi / unspun yarn 6 - Álafosslopi / bulky yarn 7 - Einband / lace weight yarn 8 - Bulkylopi / super-bulky yarn 8 - Kemba / felting wool 9 - Hosuband / worsted weight yarn 10- Pattern books


















Pattern books Over the years, we have written quite a few knitting books which may interest you. We have listed them all on our website for your convenience, together with details on their content.

istex.is We hope that you will enjoy browsing through these, and all the other information on our home page: www.istex.is.


no. 20

No. 24


Useful tips - Care instructions Álafosslopi, Bulkylopi and Léttlopi:

Hand wash only in lukewarm water (30°C / 86°F). Soak the garment in the suds for about 10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly in lukewarm water. Do not rub or wring but gently squeeze the liquid through the garment. If necessary, spin for 2-4 minutes to remove excess moisture. Dry flat, smooth the garment out and pull gently into shape. Plötulopi:

Garments knitted from Plötulopi are washed in the same way as garments knitted from Álafosslopi, Bulkylopi or Léttlopi, except when washed for the first time do not pre-soak the garment in the suds. Wash the garment by squeezing the suds through the knitwear then rinse thoroughly in lukewarm water. Note:

It is often enough to air a woollen garment thoroughly, rather than washing it.

Characteristics of Icelandic wool Unique in its composition, Icelandic wool consists of two types of fibres:

1. Inner fibres - insulating: Fine, soft, highly insulating.

2. Outer fibres - water-repellent: Outer fibres - water-repellent:

Together, these two distinctive fibres create a wool that is: Lightweight > lighter than most other wools, keeps you warm and comfortable. Water-repellent > repels rain and stays feeling dry. Breathable > moisture passes through the fibres away from the skin, keeping you dry and comfortable.

The Icelandic wool quality symbol mbol on a product guarantees that it is de out of genuine Icelandic wool. made


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