The Canadian Laker - 2022 April/May

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CLPOC Board Minutes CANADIAN LAKES PROPERTY OWNERS CORPORATION Board of Directors Meeting January 22, 2020 @ 9:00 AM Attendee’s Role Present Absent Zoom (Z) In Person (IP) Paul Szymkowicz President IP John Colley Vice President Z James French Treasurer Z Steve Wilcox Secretary Z Dan Altier Director Z Steve Brandt Director IP Shannon Hannon Director Z Jerry Juncker Director Z Dan Rice Director IP Others in attendance – Greg Babbitt - General Manager, Kim Dowell – Controller, and Casey Smith - Facilities, 4 Members attended in person, 7 Members attended online. AGENDA TOPIC’S AND DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Call to Order - Meeting called to order by President Szymkowicz @ 9:00 AM 2. Pledge of Allegiance – Pledge conducted. 3. Agenda Approval – Motion/ Support. Motion approved 4. Austin and Morton Township Reports – Greg Babbitt advised that the Morton Township year-end report was in its final draft form and would be presented to Board upon its completion 5. Presidents Report – President Szymkowicz welcomed Directors Brandt and Hannon, Highlighted positive financial strength of the community. 6. Financial Report – Controller Dowell presented current financials, Director Rice asked a question

regarding RR/Capital contributions, Director Rice noted a very healthy financial situation at this time. COMMITTEE REPORTS 7. ACC Committee – Secretary Wilcox welcomed two new Directors Brandt and Rice to the committee and advised that in our first meeting they approved new construction. The committee looks forward to a busy year. 8. CLA – Director Rice reviewed the success of the NYE gathering and advised of the upcoming (2/12/22) Winter Carnival. Members were also encouraged to join the CLA 9. Executive Committee – President Szymkowicz advised discussions took place regarding legal updates, the IT project which will be discussed today, Marketable Title Act slated to take effect in March

of 2024, The Hoover Dam, Pierce Road Spillway, Director Board Orientation, Committee Communication Efforts, and the approved committee Charter. 10. Finance Committee – Treasurer French welcomed new members Director Hannon and Member at Large Glenn Spence. 11. Strategic Planning Committee – Has not yet met, but will meet in the upcoming week 12. General Managers Report – a. Information in packet b. Information is in packet c. Hoover dam report and recommendations will be available in mid-February. State indicated we need an inspection of the Pierce Rd spillway which will be done next week. Restaurant cooler parts should be in for installation next month.



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