3 minute read
From the General Manager
As I write this on May 5th, it has been a cold start to our season. The forecast does offer some warmer temperatures and I am hopeful winter is finally over. Without good Spring weather members have not been able to enjoy golf or boating as much as we would like. We are hopeful the weather will cooperate and at least get us back to normal or above average temperatures.
Special Notice
this will be based on asphalt prices. We are in the process of identifying all of the overlay areas within our program and then will request contractor quotes. We are planning to have this work done in the July/August timeframe. We also plan to do road and parking lot striping.
Greg Babbitt General Manager gbabbitt@clpoc.org
Clpoc Office
10690 Pierce Rd. Canadian Lakes, MI 49346 Phone: 231-972-7651

Office Hours
Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Tara Schweitzer memberservices@clpoc.org

Again, this year, as part of our annual “Summer Fest” I want everyone to know that the Fireworks this year will be on Saturday evening, July 8th. This day also has activities scheduled for everyone to enjoy. Please go to www.members. canadianlakes.org for a complete list and brief descriptions. Also, please see the articles later in this edition of The Canadian Laker.
I want to encourage all of you to go to our new website, www.members. canadianlakes.org, and provide us your e-mail address. I cannot stress the importance of this enough. If we do not have your e-mail address, you are missing out on important information, meeting notices, 2 weekly updates, special announcements, etc. It is important that you do not rely on other sources for information. The only way to insure you are getting all the accurate CLPOC news that we want to communicate to you is to get it from the “horse’s mouth.”
Speaking of our new website, by going there you will find the newly amended Rulebook. As part of the rulebook the Penalty Schedule has also been amended. These amended rules will take effect on June 22nd, 2023. I would ask that you familiarize yourself with our rulebook to avoid any potential issues or fines. You may also receive a hard copy of the rulebook at the CLPOC office.
Annual Maintenance Reminders
• Due to the price of Asphalt, we postponed last year’s Asphalt Maintenance Program. This year we are hoping to do many asphalt overlay areas, of course
• Under the direction of our Lake Manager, the lake weed treatment spraying will again be taking place in midJune dependent upon the optimal timing of weed development. It also may occur at separate times for different lakes. Please follow the instructions on the notices that will be posted in the spray zones. In the non-spray accessible areas this year, we have budgeted for two commercial weed harvests and the timing of these will depend on weed development.
• We will also again be operating the Truxor Lake Maintenance machine on the smaller lakes/ponds. Our Lake Manager is in the process of developing our plan. Initially the plan will be to work in many of the same areas as last year and if possible, getting to other additional needed areas this season.
Speed Limit
As always, a friendly reminder as we get into our busiest time of year, please remember the speed limit within the community is 25 mph. I certainly want everyone to enjoy their time here and driving safely and responsibly is important for all members and guests. So PLEASE drive cautiously around the community as we have many active children out and about. Again, this year, we will be placing the speed bumps at stop signs and the speed monitor at various “high speed” areas as deemed necessary.
My Staff and I are looking forward to another great season as we do our best to insure you are enjoying the amenities and entertainment opportunities. Let us all do our best to remain positive and we hope you have a great summer and will plan to attend the July 8th weekend festivities as we look forward to seeing many of you there.
Please remember to be safe this summer while you make lasting memories in our great community.
ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD, STAFF, AND MYSELF, I want to welcome those of you planning to be at Canadian Lakes during this holiday time. I hope you, your families, and guests all enjoy our great community. We have many exciting things planned which we hope you will take advantage of.
This is the time when our community population is at its largest. So, I need to provide some friendly reminders. NO WAKE will be in force on Thursday, July 6th, per the deed restrictions. Please be aware and advise your guests that our community speed limit is 25 mph and make sure all vehicles parked on common property have proper CLPOC Identification. Minors under 12 years of age are not permitted to operate motor vehicles on any road or common property area and any person aged 12-15 years’ operating an ORV, trail bike, golf cart, etc. on any road or common property area must have an ORV certificate and be under the visual supervision of a parent or guardian.
Lastly, I ask that everyone be courteous to all your fellow members and guests, so everybody can enjoy their time here. Please drive and boat cautiously and be especially aware of children playing.
I wish each of you a safe, enjoyable, and relaxing holiday time!
— Greg Babbitt, General Manager gbabbitt@clpoc.org