3 minute read
From the Board
Paul L. Szymkowicz President
The summer season has arrived, finally. The weather has been unseasonably cold and wet for this time of year, but hotter weather is on its way. With the exception of our winter amenities, all of our summer amenities are now open and ready for use.
Let’s think about that for a moment, all our summer amenities. Both the indoor and outdoor pools have been drained, cleaned, and refilled. The floating docks have all been inspected and repaired. The boat launch ramp has been installed. The beaches have all been graded and the swim buoys installed. The three golf courses have been cleared of winter debris, the grass has been freshly cut and the sprinklers systems recharged with water. All the golf carts have been cleaned and are ready for service. The campground bath houses have been cleaned and the electricity and water systems turned on. The ballfield and all the pavilions are now ready for use. Pickleball, basketball, and tennis courts are open. The Royal Grille restaurant and the Canadian Lakes Castle are receiving some much-needed upgrades.

We are fortunate to have so many great amenities available to us here in Canadian Lakes that it is difficult to name them all.
Our summer season may start with the arrival of the Memorial Day weekend and end with the passing of Labor Day, but for our department heads, staff, and employees, this season is much longer. This is what our General Manger and staff refer to as our “High Season.” This is the time required before the summer to get our amenities ready for use, maintain them throughout the summer, and then continues into the fall for winter shutdown.
I would like to thank our General Manager, our Department Heads, our staff and employees, our great volunteers, and my fellow Directors that all contribute to making this process work. Please continue to support the effort that is being made to constantly improve Canadian Lakes for us all.
There are several events planned for the summer. The Reuther Music Pavilion is booked for the summer, please join us for some live concerts. The Fourth of July fireworks show is always a great time and the summer parade that hosts our Fire and EMS responders is scheduled to take place on July 8.

The Canadian Lakes Association also has some great events planned for this summer, please check you current Lite Lines for more information. If you have not yet joined the CLA, there is no better time to do so.
I have witnessed more of my summer friends that leave for warmer weather in the winter returning. We wish all our traveling members a safe return and look forward to catching up with some of you.
Have a fantastic summer and please continue to stay safe.
Until next time.
President Paul Szymkowicz pls.clpoc@gmail.com
Vice President
John Colley jacclpoc@gmail.com
Treasurer James French jbf.clpoc@gmail.com
Secretary Steve Wilcox doctorw.clpoc@gmail.com
Dan Altier altierdt@gmail.com
Linda Ricketts linda.clpoc@gmail.com
Shannon Hannon shannon.clpoc@gmail.com
Jerry Juncker juncker.jerald@yahoo.com
Steve Brandt abrandtcl@gmail.com
Regular Monthly Board Meeting
Fourth Saturday 9 a.m., Highland Haus
Workshop Board Meeting
Second Wednesday 5:30 p.m., CLPOC Office Conference Room
Core Values
• Our heritage: We value our history and its ideals of friendliness, mutual support, affordability, and shared responsibility for our natural environment.
• Participating in the activities we love: We value participating in activities we love with our friends and neighbors and supporting the diverse and changing interests of our members.
• Protecting property values: We value taking proactive steps to protect and enhance the investment members have made in their homes and in community amenities.
• Financial soundness and sustainability: We value a financial structure that enables us now and in the future to meet community standards for the quality of our properties, membership programs and services and safety.
• Shared governance: We value and depend on the leadership and participation of members in the governance activities of the community and on an informed membership.
• Volunteerism: We value the active volunteer community service of our members, both in Canadian Lakes and in the surrounding communities.
• Leading into the future: We value careful planning, openness to change, and taking proactive steps that will ensure our best future as a community.

Canadian Lakes Property Owners Vision Statement
Canadian Lakes is a premier recreational and residential community set in West Michigan’s scenic heartland. As a unified community of private property owners offering an unequaled quality of life, Canadian Lakes fulfills the diverse needs of all members in a natural setting for present and future generations to enjoy. This Core Vision is characterized by:
• The natural beauty of the area and its desirability as a place to live
• Outstanding recreational and social activities
• Financial soundness and sustainability
• Protection of property values through disciplined growth and the development and maintenance of a high quality infrastructure.