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Canadian Lakes 5K Fun Run/Walk


WE PLAN TO HAVE the 5K Run/Walk around Lake Laura on Saturday, July 8. The tee shirt pick-up will be from 7:30 – 8:15 a.m. in the parking lot that is east of the Royal Grille and tennis courts (9775 East Clubhouse Drive) and the race will start at 8:30 a.m. in the same area.

Four trophies will be awarded: to the first adult male and adult female finisher in the 5K run, and to the first youth (12 years and younger) male & female finishers in the 5K run. This is a “fun run” meaning that there will not be a clock and finishing times will not be recorded. Pets and strollers are welcome. Water will be available for participants after the run/walk.
This event is open to everyone and there is no entry fee; it’s FREE. You do not need to be a Canadian Lakes member to participate, nor do you have to purchase a tee shirt. If you would like to purchase a tee shirt with the Canadian Lakes logo, you can pick up a tee shirt order form at The Pines Pro Shop, the CLPOC Main Office, or on our public website canadianlakes.org to print the form. Note: A tee shirt purchase is not required, and it’s only guaranteed if the tee shirt form and $13 is received by June 23. A limited supply of tee shirts for purchase will be available on race day.
If you have any questions, contact Lee Wolken at 231 9727756 or at leewolken@yahoo.com.