1 minute read



Lindsay Halcomb Marketing Director lhalcomb@clpoc.org


The Marketing Department has some very exciting news to report! We have hired a Marketing Associate and her name is Annette Schuman, she is fantastic, and she also resides in Canadian Lakes full time just like me. She’ll be stationed in the office, but you will also see her out and about in the community on different assignments. Annette will be a great asset to the CLPOC; she is a team player with big, wonderful ideas. Please feel free to stop by and welcome her to the team.


We continue to marvel at the capabilities of the NS software. It helps my department assist members in many ways. There are still plenty of remaining items to work through, not just for my department, but for all departments. Each department continues to work through these remaining items. But I must say, everyone is navigating their way through the obstacles very well.

Mobile App

We should hear by the end of Memorial weekend when we will be ready for the mobile app launch. I have my fingers crossed for some time next week. The membership will be notified via Member Bulletin, our website, and our official FB page when the app is

GET SOCIAL WITH CANADIAN LAKES canadianlakes.org members.canadianlakes.org twitter.com/canadian_lakes

Instagram: canadianlakes_mi available. Annette and I have plans on how to help the membership get access once we go live. The app itself is user driven, but we still would like to set aside some time to help members who need assistance. We will also alert the membership of those plans on all outlets.

Canadian Lakes Celebrates 60 Years

This year Canadian Lakes turns 60 and without spoiling any surprises, I would recommend that you plan on attending the CLPOC Parade and the Firework Show on July 8. You can find the times on our Summer Fest Event Schedule on page 9. We will also be promoting our summertime events on our FB page,www.facebook. com/canadianlakes, all summer long! Let’s have a great time and enjoy this wonderful community we live in.

facebook.com/campcanadianlakes facebook.com/canadianlakes facebook.com/castleincanadianlakes facebook.com/royalgrille facebook.com/theroyalcanadianlakes facebook.com/thehighlandscanadianlakes facebook.com/thepinescanadianlakes

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