Pitch to BHS by
001 Samantha Hedger
Samantha Hedger Visual Co-Ordinator 07891312567 samanthahedger@hotmail.com www.samanthahedger.com @SamanthaHedger
Contents 003-004
003 Samantha Hedger
Recommendation & Overview
This proposal highlights factors influencing the British High Street and adaptable changes BHS can make to encourage increased footfall and tourist trade into stores in mid-summer 2012. Visual Merchandising will be the main focus and outcome. -A yearlong plan to update shop fronts in time for BHS’ 85th Birthday. -Complementar y shop window ideas to be introduced to all BHS stores. -Revised store layout.
BHS, formally known as British Home Stores, has an abundance of heritage since opening its doors in 1928. Having a vast history, makes BHS an ideal candidate to adopt a British window and shop display this summer, taking inspiration from The Queens Diamond Jubilee.
Consistency has proven to be cost effective. This proposal highlights small factors that can be changed in all existing stores to regulate the brand and give customers an understanding of the united brand image, in time for the company’s 85th birthday next year.
Dalziel and Pow were commissioned in 2010 to design BHS’ new Oxbridge store, their brief was to attract a younger audience, whilst not alienating existing clientele. A new colour scheme was used, a new store structure, and introduction of a new logo. The project was incredibly successful, however, highlights the inconsistency within the brand. Logos have not been changed on any existing stores, neither has colours or layout.
Included is an adoption of a window display to be implemented in all BHS stores, with adjustments for demographics, store layout and window size taken into consideration. A proposed layout of stores to maximize sales potential and browsing time will also be recommended.
Crawley AW11
Brighton AW11
London SS12
Woking AW11
London SS12
Brighton SS12
Brighton SS12
Horsham AW11
Sale Sale
Sale Sale Sale Sale
BHS Current Website
Samantha Hedger
Socio-economic factors The make or break of the British High Street The economic climate has substantially affected the retail sector over the past four years. An estimated 3,067 retail and wholesale companies will fail this year. 1 in 8 shops now stand empty ; however the government has recently introduced incentives to resurrect the British High Street. Twenty-eight recommendations were taken from Mar y Portas Retail Review Dec 2011 as well as some from the governments. Money is a primar y motivation for shoppers. A third of consumers are pricesavvy and shop around for special offers or wait for sales. A quarter of women view accessories as a cheaper way to update their look, meaning retailers are struggling to attract consumers willing to pay full price for seasonal clothing.
Excluding Central London, footfall on the high street has dropped by 10% in the last 3 years. The internet has an astronomical part to play in this; online spending has grown a phenomenal 147% since 2006, with price comparison websites advising consumers of best places to get bargains, 65% of online shoppers engage in this. People are choosing to shop in lower priced stores, rather than remaining brand loyal to a certain few. The internet now accounts for 12% of all sales, so in a multi-media age it is essential retailers are up to speed in such a competitive market. Footfall of a million a week and website traffic of 500,000 shows BHS have active shoppers even through times of economic hardship. Style, quality and value are top priority for Arcadia, the group owning BHS. Although sales were down 1.8% vs. LY, trade is expected to pick up within the next few seasons. These statistics understandably show why BHS has been cautious to invest extensively in a united store concept; however small changes can help to make the stores stand in unison and strengthen its brand image.
009 Samantha Hedger
Events: UK 2012 2012 is the year for Britain; celebrations for the Olympics and the Queens Diamond Jubilee are just beginning. With a double dip recession from the last quarter of 2008, the added tourism from these future events will boost morale within the countr y, generating a feel good factor and create a splurge in consumer spend. Two hundred and five countries are taking part in the Olympics, creating huge volumes of tourists to the capital. With this, forecasters predict a 4.2% increase in clothing sales during 2012, even though many (British) people are expected to stay at home over the Olympic period to watch the games. Sports brands are predicted to do predominantly well, particularly Puma, Adidas and Nike, who are all sponsors of the games. Together Adidas and Creative Director, Stella McCartney created the team GB Kit, which was launched at the end of March 2012. The Games will create huge volumes of traffic into Central London stores as many tourists will be staying over to watch the games. Westfield Stratford Shopping Centre is situated next to the Olympic stadium, 70% of the ten million visitors to the games will pass through it. Companies under its roof will see the full benefits of this tourist trade. The rest of
the UK, however, is unlikely to be substantially effected from this event. BHS are not situated in Westfield, or particularly close to the site, so implementing an Olympic themed window nationwide would not be cost effective. They also do not offer a range that is suited to this theme.
67% of people will be watching the games at home.
Although the Olympics are going to be incredibly well documented, the Queens Diamond Jubilee, however, has the nation and the world mesmerized. People are fascinated with the Royal Family. When Kate Middleton’s wedding dress went on display last summer, Buckingham Palace saw a twenty percent increase of visits from across the World, highlighting the public’s fascination with the Royal Family.
Throughout 2012 a huge amount of events are taking place in celebration of Queen Elizabeth II sixty years on the throne. Galleries are dedicating huge amounts of space to exhibitions paying homage to HRH. Department stores are holding tea-parties, popup showcases, and exhibitions. The Thames Diamond Jubilee pageant will see thousands of boats sailing down the river, decked in patriotic colours. West end plays are dedicating performances and the Royal Shakespeare Company is going on tour. Battersea Park is holding a Jubilee Festival. Beacons will be lit throughout the world, and even woodlands are being created in honour of the Queen. The official celebration takes place 2-5 June, however, events continue throughout the year.
81% of people will be attending an event for the Diamond Jubilee.
Team GB Official Kit
Competitor Campaigns Har ro ds re cent ly l aunche d a c omp e t it i on op en to t he publi c b et we en Apr i l 9 - Apr i l 1 9, ask i ng pro sp e c t ive ide as for a D i amond Jubi le e Wi nd ow to b e submitte d on t h re e mo o d b o ards. Har ve y Nichols has a l re ady p ai d homage to Q ue en E li z ab et h, i nt ro du c i ng Jubi le e Wi ndows to t heir Knig ht sbr i d ge store at t he b eg i n n i ng of Apr i l. Inspi re d by 1 950’s cor ne r shops; a g re eng ro cer, f ishmongers , f lor ist and s we et shop are i ncor p or ate d i nto t he d e s i g n. On anot he r note, c el ebr it y endors ement is as p opu l ar as e ver. Oliver C heshi re re ce nt ly he ad e d Mark s and Sp encer’s Menswe ar col le c t i on , t he s w i mmi ng t r un ks s o are d 5 0 % v s. LY. The y have re cent ly l aunche d an Oly mpi c i nspi re d c amp ai g n , ‘O n you Marks for Su mme r’, fe atur ing Gar y B arl ow sing ing a cover of G e orge Har r is ons summer cl ass i c ’ he re c ome s t he sun’. Tw ig g y, My l e ene C l ass , D an n i i Mi nogue, No emi e L enoi r, L is a Snowd on and Jami e R e d k napp are s ome of t he celebr it i es fe ature d i n t he 9 0 s e cond T V adve r t . Ne x t, a ls o are t a k ing on an Oly mpic t heme t his summer, b ei ng of f i ci a l sp ons ors for t he Oly mpi cs and Par a ly mpic s Supp or ters S c ar f. T his item is s old exclus ively i n Next store s.
013 Samantha Hedger
Window Displays Today ’s fierce competition and similarity of merchandise force each segment of the fashion industr y to utilize visual merchandising to improve the desirability of its products. Ever ything a consumer sees, both interior and exterior, creates an image about a business, resulting in interest, attention, desire and action.
‘See it, want it, buy it’. Most people are partial to impulse buying. 68 percent of shoppers agree with the following statement, ‘I always look out for special offers’, 48 percent say they ‘always use money off coupons and vouchers’. Stores offering discounts are more likely to entice price-savvy customers, having prominent window displays encourages this. Displays should be altered regularly, adapting to seasonal changes and promotions. This leaves a window of opportunity to promote a variety of products for different seasonal themes, whether they are financial, social, economical or other. The impact of the Olympics and the Diamond Jubilee began to spiral when the events were announced. BHS have designed products that reference British. ‘God save the Queen’ and ‘Garden party this way’ signs have already been introduced to store along with a variety of products displaying the union jack. These products should be displayed at key selling points in stores before, and at the time of the Diamond Jubilee for best impact and selling power. Placing mostly high season merchandise in a window display has both pros and cons. It is essential to have a good amount of featured products available in store, as it is frustrating to see a display with a product that is not in stock, or has limited sizes. However, if stocked well, this can encourage customers in store, as featured seasonal products may be exactly what they wanted to buy. Creating a strong brand image begins at the entrance. In the long term, updating all BHS stores with the new logo is essential. The target of completing this by the end of 2013 is not only
realistic, but a fantastic way to advertise its 85th year. Telling the press that to celebrate such a mile stone, BHS are bringing all stores into unison will not only strengthen the brand image but also create a buzz of media attention. In the short term, creating window displays that are consistent in all stores is essential. This is the first thing people see when they walk past a store, and can cause the split-second decision of whether to enter the store, or not. At present BHS use flat images in their windows rather than a 3D display. This is possibly the most cost effective way to fill a window, however without the visual impact of a creative display ; BHS are missing out on sales. By implementing these changes, an interest and hype towards BHS will result in higher footfall, as passers buy will be intrigued to see what’s new in store. People respond well to dramatic and emotional stimulus. Adding themes in store, especially seasonal, will encourage people to keep coming back. By implementing a Jubilee theme, as justified in the ‘Events’ section, for the summer season, will bring a fresh outlook to stores. The Jubilee will have such a large impact on the UK, bringing people together, for street parties, tea parties, many different gatherings and events. The unison achieved within communities comes at a perfect time for BHS to celebrate in stores, launching a creative display. This will have to be low cost, if the long term proposal for updating the store front by 2013 is implemented. For maximum impact the window display will be mirrored in store to create consistency, much like BHS’ main competitors Next and Marks & Spencer.
93% Do you take notice of the following‌.
60% Mannequin Displays
of people would like to see more helpful shop assistants in store.
Slightly Disagree
Slightly Agree
Disagree 3%
Window Displays
of shoppers do most of their shopping in store.
Topman, Topshop and Selfridges
were among the most popular window displays among consumers.
57% 3%
Product/Acessory Displays
Consumer Survey
of people agreed that if a store had an interesting shop window, they would look inside.
Nostalg ia S orbet Shades Oly mpiad
Samantha Hedger
Trend:Analysi s T h rou g h e x te nsive re s e arch into shop l ayout and v isu a l me rchandis ing , t rends w it h i n store s have b e e n ide nt i f ie d, as wel l as f uture pre dic t ions for t his su m me r’s shop displ ays ( Ple as e re fer to V M DIA RY for f u l l de t ai ls ) . Th re e t rends in p ar t i c u l ar le ad, nost a lg i a, s orb et sha d e s and Oly mpi ad. No st a l g i a l o oks at t a k ing pro du c t s and d es i g ns f rom a bygone e ra and inte g rat ing t hem w it h i n store, t h is include s v int age tele v is i ons , phone s , pic ture s and s ig nage. T h is w i l l b e a t ypic a l t he me w it h stores lo ok i ng to c re ate a t r ibute to Q ue en E lizab e t h and t he D i amond Jubi le e. The f if t i e s w i l l b e a p opu l ar e ra re fe re nc e d as she c ame to p owe r in 1 9 5 2 . S or b e t sha d e s is a up d ate d ve rs ion of p ast s e as ons nu- rave t he me, ne on’s blend and c a l m to c re at ive f ade d, ic e - c re am colou rs . T h is t re nd is li kely to b e ad apte d by f ash i on s av v y store s such as Topshop,
Miss S elf r idge, Z ara and H& M. D es i g ner stores such as S elf r idges, Ant hrop ol o g i e, Mu lb er r y and D esigu a l have a l re ady integ rate d t his lo ok into t heir stores . Oly mpi a d lo oks to re cre ate sp or t i ng s cenes f rom t he Oly mpics, sp or ts shop s and of f ici a l sp ons ors of t he games are most li kely to a d apt t his. Displ ays w i l l b e vers at i le and manne quins w i l l cre ate a fe eling of movement. Marks & Sp encers sum mer c amp aig n ‘on your Mark s for Sum mer’ shows a fam i ly inspire d t w ist to t his t heme, w it h eg g and sp o on r aces rat her t han 100m spr ints. The merchandis e ret ai lers sto ck , dep ends on t he t heme a d apte d for store. BHS c ur rent ly have a l arge range of re d, w hite and blue clot hing , s o nost a l g i a is t he ide a l t heme. Howe ver, to st and out f rom t he crowd and integ rate t he ne w store desig n, a mo der n spin is ess ent i a l, as wel l as ke eping costs low.
Samantha Hedger
Trend 1: Nostalg ia
• Vintage styles • Tribute to the Queens Reign • 1950’s reference • Kitsch designs • Cute prints • Traditional cuts • Retro props and signage
Samantha Hedger
Trend 2: S orbet Shades
• Ice-cream colours • Pastel shades • Flashes of neon • Bold, fun items to be used as props • Fashion savvy stores to embrace • Fun and playful displays
Trend 3: O ly mpiad
Samantha Hedger
• Comfortable clothing • Sports materials to be used • Recreating sporting scenes • Moving displays • Casually positioned mannequins
023 Samantha Hedger
Diamonds Are Forever Diamonds are forever. To implement a Jubilee theme, a low cost, yet stylish way will be to insert diamonds into the display. These various shapes are easy to construct, having sales employees make the diamonds will boost morale, as they have been creatively involved in making of the shop window. Womanswear : - Minimum of two mannequins per window. - High summer clothing. Individual store managers to decide, depending on best sellers and stock availability. - Mannequins placed under spot lights t o highlight clothing. - Various sized ‘diamonds’ hung. If there are no fittings for hanging, pile or scatter in each window. Home (if sold in store): - - -
Minimum one sitting or laying mannequin, again high summer clothing to be used. Bedroom furniture to be used, dressing table preferable. Diamonds scattered on surface and floor.
- Colour range complimenting or clashing clothing windows. Depending on ranges available in store. Lighting (only for stores with available electric supply): - - -
Lamps hung from different levels. No floor lamps. Diamonds piled on floor, use lights to emphase shape.
Childrenswear : - Integrate with womens and mens wear, if appropriate. - High summer clothing. Individual store managers to decide, depending on best s ellers and stock availability.
Consideration to the size of individual store windows should be taken. Adaption from individual store managers will be necessar y to make best use of space. New product launches and offers should be displayed in the window, to attract the optimum range of people and encourage impulse buys.
Display idea for average sized window where height is limited
Diamonds should be placed at various heights
Down or up lighting should be used for greatest effect
Amount of mannequins used is subject to window width
If hanging is not available, position diamonds around
mannequins •
Be careful not to overload and take away from clothing
Lighting should highlight individual mannequins if possible
Amount of mannequins used is subject to window width
Stores with high shop windows will be able to implement this
look •
Down-lighting will create the best effect for light reflection
Fixtures for hanging is essential
Amount of mannequins used is subject to window width
If space is available display home ranges
Be careful not to use too many colours- maximum of 3
Diamonds should be placed around and on furniture
Integrate with products rather than taking away
Flat Plan Diamonds
Sample Colour
3b 3a
Layout Techniques
A free flow layout consists of fixtures and merchandise being sporadically placed into free flowing clusters around the store. This promotes browsing and encourages consumers to wander freely. The flexibility of this layout means it’s visually appealing as well as increasing the likelihood of impulse buys. The downfall to this design is the waste of floor space, reduced sales per sq. meter and the possibility of shoplifting is increased.
There are four traditional types of store layout, free- flow, grid, loop and spine; all have advantages and disadvantages to the design.
A grid layout is seen a lot in supermarkets and value stores; merchandise is placed in long rows or ‘runs’ usually at right angles. This is low cost and efficient, security is heightened and merchandise is fully exposed. However, this plain, uninteresting design stimulates rushed shopping, lacks creativity and limits browsing amongst shoppers.
Spine and loop layouts are traditionally seen in department stores. A spine layout has a single main aisle spanning from the front to back of a store (most common when a store has two entrances). This transports customers in both directions, either side of the ‘spine’ merchandise is usually laid out in a free-flow or grid pattern. A loop layout, like a spine, has a major aisle; this however loops around the store from the entrance, exposing customers to the greatest amount of merchandise. M&S, BHS’ main competitor has a spine layout in all its stores. On the ground floor the main aisle leads, typically, to the food hall and escalator to the upper and, or lower floors. Next stores, tend to be much smaller than their main competitors, M&S and BHS. The stores are typically laid out in a loop formation, directing customers around the store;
this allows customers to see the full range of stock, one down fall is customers are directed back to the shop entrance. This can be a deterrent as you have to re-enter the centre of the store to pay. BHS would benefit from adapting their shop floor in a spine layout. Directing customers to their home and lighting departments which are traditionally situated at the back of the store. This is viable as BHS’ website, bhs.co.uk, is similarly laid out. The first tab on the home page is ‘For The Home’ followed by ‘Furniture’ before the clothing departments ‘Woman’, ‘Men’ and ‘ Teens Kids & Baby’ are introduced. Having either side of the main aisle laid out in a free flow pattern would better browsing possibilities for customers, encouraging them to stay in store for longer. Once a consumer has decided to purchase an item it is easier to sell them another. Using suggestive positioning to encourage multi-buys is essential in store. In the Lighting department, be sure to place bulbs suitable for lights in the same area with additional point of sale information about the product. The womanswear department, rather than the current colour blocking theme apparent in stores, should integrate colours and complement products. Offering this non-communication styling is likely to increase multi-buys. I would strongly recommend this change for all their stores.
029 Samantha Hedger
The Plan Many prospects for BHS stores came to my attention when researching the brand from a consumers perspective, some more cost effective than others. Brand image has been a reoccurring theme; these recommendations will unite the brand as a company. By creating windows that encourage the passerby to come in store, footfall and brand loyalty are certain to increase. Creating a yearlong plan, introducing a united store image and layout concept as well as updating window displays to encourage consumers in store, are three recommendations brought for ward in this proposal. First to be implemented is the Jubilee window throughout all stores, a docket including design ideas, layout, styling tips and advice, will be distributed to all shops. Following this, layout of stores will be assessed on an individual basis; a preliminar y one-size-fits-all plan will be sent to all store managers. Building layout, space and customer movement will have to be monitored on a one to one basis.
By having a plan in place to give each store the same visuals and styling, means consumers will become accustomed to BHS as a brand rather than on an individual store basis. These recommendations are viable, and by keeping the window displays at a low cost, whilst encouraging people in store, increases footfall as well as consumer spends per head. From this, capital can be raised to update BHS logos on the shop fronts for 2013. As found, a high percentage of people shop in stores with discounts and offers. When a store has changed the windows, layout and logo, an official re-opening event should be advertised to existing cardholders and local press. This shall create media hype with little planning. Store managers should arrange and advertise in the same way as cardholders 20% off events. Overall this will increase knowledge and appeal to the re-branded BHS. I reached this conclusion after months of extensive research not just as an employee, but as a consumer.
3 1 20 thday
w d e t r Bi upda h t 85 tores s All
Final Factors
2 1 20
go o l w e n ith
w o d n i W e le sed i b u J es s d s n A o t m u a o Di ay L e Stor
Implement Diamond Jubilee theme to stores
Include themed merchandise in shop windows
Minimal colours so products are not overwhelmed
Get all staff involved in making display to boost morale
Think about effective lighting to make diamonds ‘glisten’
Change product displays regularly
Integrate diamonds into displays in store to create consistency
Assess store layout, can space be used better?
Direct main aisle to strongest department (home)
Create a free flow design, optimising browsing possibilities
Display clothing with ‘ways to wear’ in mind rather than colour block
Place high season ranges in areas with most footfall (front of store)
Use suggestive positioning to encourage multi-buys
Think about where signs are positioned, less is sometimes more.
Keep up to date with head office news and change displays weekly
Update logos in all stores to create brand consistency for 2013
Launch official re-opening event offering 20% off to all customers
Inform local press and existing card holders of this event to create media hype