2022-2023 Middle School Options

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School Options


Superintendent’s Message

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Thank you for your unwavering support of St. Vrain Valley Schools. Your outstanding dedication to the well-being and success of our students, teachers, staff, and schools is a testament to our incredible community.

Among our many high-quality programs, we are very proud of the outstanding options available across our middle schools. A student’s journey from elementary to middle school is a very significant time in their academic career, and finding the right school for your family is an important and personal step in charting their future path. Toward this end, St. Vrain offers an extensive selection of rigorous academic programs that provides our students with a choice in selecting a school that best aligns with their interests and educational goals.

Our many middle school options include focus programs in Pre-International Baccalaureate, Pre-Advanced Placement, STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), Leadership, Core Knowledge, and other high-quality programs.

Student engagement is an important aspect of any comprehensive middle school experience. Accordingly, St. Vrain offers a robust selection of co-curricular activities and enrichment options in every school throughout our district. Students can participate in the arts, music programs, robotics, theater, student government, athletics, and many other high-quality activities that further support the development of well-rounded citizens who embody teamwork, leadership, and strong character.

This is a very exciting time in our schools as we continue to advance student success and a strong competitive advantage. St. Vrain Valley Schools’ college preparatory and high-quality instructional focus programs – delivered through rigorous courses and engaging activities – ensure that your student will receive a world-class middle school education.

Take care, and as always, thank you for your continued support!


of Contents

Don Haddad, Ed.D. 303-682-7205

haddad_don@svvsd.org Twitter: @SVVSDSupt

Altona Middle School

Coal Ridge Middle School

Erie Middle School

Longs Peak Middle School

Lyons Middle Senior High School

Mead Middle School

Soaring Heights PK-8

Sunset Middle School

Thunder Valley K-8

Timberline PK-8

Trail Ridge Middle School


3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 15 16 17 Open Enrollment Information Table
4 5 Learning Technology Program ICAP and Attendance 19 LaunchED Virtual Academy
Middle School APEX Homeschool Program 2


Open Enrollment Window: December 1 - 15, 2022

Open Enrollment is an opportunity to request that your student attends a school of choice outside of their attendance area. Students who do not live within district boundaries, but want to attend a school in St. Vrain, need to complete the open enrollment form.

Open Enrollment is Online

• Apply for multiple students from your computer, phone, or tablet without going to each school, and receive an emailed confirmation of receipt.

• Visit http://stvra.in/openenrollment to learn more and to apply to your school of choice. Charter schools may use a different process, please contact them directly.

• Need assistance with technology or the online application? Please contact any school main office for support.

December 1 - 15, 2022: Submit your open enrollment application online.

January 9, 2023: Families will receive a space-available* admission decision from your school of choice by this date.

January 20, 2023: Applicants must notify the school to confirm if they want to accept enrollment at their school of choice by this date.

*Please note that this is a space-available admission decision. Due to recent changes to the policies governing Colorado’s Exceptional Children’s Educational Act, a review of student records is required after the open enrollment period has closed to determine final enrollment eligibility. Visit http://stvra.in/openenrollment to learn more.

Contact any school in the district to schedule a tour or learn more about program offerings and opportunities for students.

The 2022 Guide to Middle School Options was produced in-house by St. Vrain Valley Schools’ Department of Communications and is generously supported by:


Learning Technology Program

The St.Vrain Learning Technology Program (LTP) provides opportunities to help students investigate, communicate, collaborate, create, model, and explore concepts and content in authentic contexts.

Since 2013, the Learning Technology Program has provided our district with 21st-century technology tools to give students a critical advantage, including a 1:1 iPad program in all schools. Our goal is to ensure that our use of technology tools and resources align with our district theme of Academic Excellence by Design

Students entering sixth grade will be issued an iPad by their school at the start of the academic year. The use of mobile devices in support of student learning can be powerful. By providing increased access to tablets and other technology resources, teachers and students have opportunities to participate in rich learning experiences that can expand beyond the classroom walls. In addition, by providing secondary students with take-home devices, learning can be extended to the home and can include the entire family. Through the Learning Technology Program, students and teachers have the tools they need to investigate, communicate, collaborate, create, model, and explore concepts and content in authentic contexts.

Here are some important considerations for families to help you prepare:

• The Expectations and Commitments documents outline the agreements that guide the use of the iPad as a learning tool. You can find these documents and more information on the LTP website at ltp.svvsd.org.

• As a family, take the opportunity to develop a family media plan to help ensure your student’s technology use aligns with your values and expectations. The American Academy of Pediatrics has templates and guidelines on their website at healthychildren.org.

• Sign up for the Family Connections newsletter to receive emailed tips and information on technology use at school and home. Learn more at tech.svvsd.org/family.

St. Vrain is an inclusive community of informed, aware, and balanced digital citizens who thoughtfully engage in our digital world.


Inclusive - We respectfully recognize multiple viewpoints and engage with others with respect and empathy.

Informed We evaluate the accuracy, perspective, and validity of media.

Aware - We know how to be safe and interact carefully and thoughtfully.

Balanced - We make informed decisions about how to prioritize time and activities online and off.

Engaged - We build community, solve problems, and create knowledge to improve ourselves and our world.


ICAP and Attendance Information

Individualized Career and Academic Plan

As a member of the Class of 2030, students entering middle school will begin working on their Individualized Career and Academic Plan or ICAP.

The ICAP will serve as a student’s roadmap to graduation and postsecondary readiness. Elements of the ICAP include career and college interests, written postsecondary goals, service learning and work experience, college application(s) and/or resumes, academic progress, and assessment scores. Completion of the ICAP is part of St. Vrain Valley Schools’ rigorous graduation requirements and students will work on completing their ICAP throughout their middle and high school years.

By the time students complete their ICAP in high school, they will demonstrate:

• Self-Awareness: Understand how one’s unique interests, talents, and aspirations play a role in decision-making and interpersonal relationships and how individual thoughts and feelings get students excited about life and learning.

• Career Awareness: Know the difference between jobs, occupations, and careers. Articulate a wide range of local, regional, national, and global career pathways and opportunities. Consider economic and cultural influences and the impact of stereotypes on career choice.

• Postsecondary Aspirations: Participate in career exploration activities centered on students’ passions, interests, dreams, and visions of their future self and perceived options.

• Postsecondary Options: Be aware of and participate in a variety of postsecondary and career opportunities. Use tools such as career clusters, personality assessments, and learning style inventories to highlight individual strengths and capabilities.

• Environmental Expectations: Consider how school, family, community, culture, and worldview might influence students’ career development and postsecondary plans.

• Academic Planning: Apply the skills and knowledge necessary to map out and pass the academic courses required to achieve postsecondary goals.

• Employability Skills: Define, develop, and hone skills that increase the likelihood of becoming and remaining successfully employed and civically responsible citizens.

• Financial Literacy: Recognize personal financial literacy, financial aid topics, and vocabulary, as well as know what options are available to pay for postsecondary opportunities. Understand and articulate personal financial literacy concepts and the cost of postsecondary options, and apply this awareness to the postsecondary career and academic planning process.

Strive for 5: Impact of School Attendance

Consistent attendance is one of the most important factors in determining if a student will do well in school, graduate, and be prepared for success in future grades, their careers, and postsecondary education. For schools in St. Vrain, the goal is simple: have your child attend everyday – or as you manage your family’s needs, strive to miss fewer than five days of school per year.

Building high attendance habits is a life skill that will impact a student’s success as a future employee, leader, and citizen. Core GPA and high attendance in eighth grade best predicts whether a student in high school earns As or Bs.

What can families do?

• Good attendance habits begin at home with messages from parents and caregivers about the importance of getting to school on time and attending regularly.

• Build regular bedtime, morning, and homework routines, including a designated study location free from distractions.

• Keep a chart recording your child’s attendance at home and talk with your child about what you see. Strive to miss five days or less per year.

• Develop back-up plans for getting to school if something comes up. Seek support from family, neighbors, school staff, or community groups to help with transportation, academics, health problems, or no safe path to school. Contact the Student Attendance and Engagement Office at 303-702-7887 for assistance.

• If your child is sick or needs to miss school, please contact your school to report their absence.


Altona Middle School


• 11 John Irwin Awards of Excellence

• Six Governor’s Distinguished Improvement Awards

• 2021 Colorado Trailblazer Middle School to Watch

• Top scores in St. Vrain Valley Schools for Growth in iReady for Math and Reading in 2022

• 2019 finalist for the Colorado Succeed Prize for Transformative Middle School Program

• Nationally recognized for innovation with the Next Gen Learning Challenge Canopy Project

• Comprehensive and robust elective program with over 30 elective options for students

• Home to Altona’s very own IDEALab – a makerspace filled with advanced technology tools focused on developing authentic, relevant, and complex learning across all content areas

• More than 70% of students are enrolled in one or more music programs consisting of choir, band, and orchestra; many students are accepted into district and state honor programs

• Band, choir and orchestra programs were selected to play at the Colorado Music Educators Association (CMEA) conference

• More than 25% of students take beginning, intermediate, or advanced computer science classes, including Artificial Intelligence, Game Design, and Cybersecurity

• High School Algebra and Geometry offered along with advanced classes in language arts, music, art, computer science, and robotics

• Students are empowered to be leaders through grade-level philanthropic and cross-curricular endeavors

• Official Green Star School with student-led Green Team, community garden, and zero waste practices

Athletics for Character, Discipline, and Collegiality

Basketball, Cross Country, Track, Volleyball, Unified Sports, and Wrestling

Visual and Performing Arts

Music: Band (Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced), Choir, Jazz Band, Orchestra, Pops Orchestra, and Show Choir Art: Advanced Art, Art, Cyber Art, and Photography

Co-Curricular Activities

Achievement Acceleration Academy, Art Club, CyberPatriots, E-Sports, Green Team, Math Counts, National Junior Honor Society, Peer-to-Peer Mentoring Program, Robotics Club, Science Olympiad, School Musical, Student Council, and WEB (Where Everybody Belongs); Altona also offers additional academic support before school through Morning Academic Club

Evann Li 8TH GRADE What do you like best about your school? There are many opportunities for students to find a community, in which they will feel included and part of something larger. The teachers are great, they challenge students enough to get them to understand the topic on a deeper level, as well as adaptable enough to accommodate all learning paces.
@AltonaMiddleSchool @AltonaMS Highlights CONTACT INFORMATION 4600 Clover Basin Dr., Longmont, CO 80503 720-494-3980 ams.svvsd.org Rattlers FOCUS PRINCIPAL ENROLLMENT MASCOT Leadership Jeremy LaCrosse 795 Students
Middle School is a place where each individual student will create their own opportunities through core, enrichment, and extracurricular achievement. 6 ams.svvsd.org

Coal Ridge Middle School

6201 Booth

Coal Ridge Middle School is a dynamic learning environment offering rigorous and engaging courses. Every child is cared for, celebrated, and encouraged to explore their strengths and passions.

• Coal Ridge offers advanced classes in language arts and mathematics with on-site high school level courses in Algebra and Geometry

• Coal Ridge is building a career and technical education (CTE) pipeline to support students interested in technology pathways through high school and beyond

• Students are active in the school and community through multiple volunteer opportunities, participating in over 1,000 hours of community service each year

• Students build life-long skills through the research-based 7 Mindsets social-emotional learning curriculum

• Coal Ridge is a two time recipient of an OtterCares grant

• All students have access to the Research and Design Lab to practice the design-thinking process and project-based learning

• Coal Ridge uses technology to support student engagement and empower students

• Students have access to a daily advisory period which helps them plan and prepare for high school and postsecondary opportunities, connect with teachers, and create their Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP)

• Home to a robust and growing robotics team that builds leadership and teamwork skills, and gives students the opportunity to solve complex, real-world problems

• Coal Ridge builds strong relationships with families through Parent Empowerment Nights

• Coal Ridge is part of a strong PK-14 school feeder system and partners with elementary and high school administrators, teachers, and students in the Carbon Valley community

• More than 90% of students participate in ensembles in choir, band, and/or orchestra


Athletics for Character, Discipline, and Collegiality

Basketball, Cross Country, Track, Volleyball, and Wrestling

Visual and Performing Arts

Music: Advanced Orchestra, Band, Jazz Band, Men’s and Women’s Choir, Mixed Choir, and Orchestra Art: Advanced Art, Art, and Photography Theater and Dance: Spring Musical

Co-Curricular Activities

Art Club, Dance Club, Drama Club, Eco Club, Future Cities Club, Gaming Club, Homework Club, National Junior Honor Society, Robotics, Rock Climbing Club, STEM Explorers, Student Council, WEB Builders, and Yearbook

Coal Ridge Middle School is special because we have a unique system that allows us as students to make our way to a better future. We have a community of respect and love, especially from all of the staff who work hard everyday.

What makes your school community unique across St. Vrain Valley Schools?
Highlights @COALRIDGEMS @CoalRidgeMS
Dr., Firestone, CO 80504 303-833-4176 crms.svvsd.org Dynamite PRINCIPAL ENROLLMENT CONTACT INFORMATION MASCOT Liza Nybo 819 Students FOCUS High-Quality Neighborhood School
Keanah Folley 7crms.svvsd.org

Erie Middle School


650 Main St., Erie, CO 80516 303-828-3391 ems.svvsd.org


• Erie Middle School empowers all students to achieve academic growth and become lifelong learners, positive global contributors, and future leaders

• Rated at Performance, Colorado Department of Education’s highest level of accreditation

• Erie Middle is a Pre-AP College Focus School that prepares every student for Advanced Placement (AP) courses offered at St. Vrain high schools

• Students have access to high school Algebra and Geometry, and advanced classes in language arts and math

• Erie Middle School values relationships and ensures every student is connected with at least one trusted adult. Students are placed on teams in sixth grade, allowing teachers to focus on a smaller group of shared students

• Strong advisory program that implements the research-based social-emotional curriculum of 7 Mindsets, develops Individualized Career and Academic Plan (ICAP), and provides flexible academic grouping to meet the unique individual needs of our students

• More than 90% of students participate in clubs, sports, and co-curricular activities

• Students integrate technology and design thinking into their learning to push the limits of their imagination; students also enrich their skills through STEM and VEX Robotics

• The after school Tiger Support program connects students with academic tutors from the high school and Erie community

• Middle school orientation and transition programs for students including Where Everybody Belongs (WEB), which connects eighth graders with teams of sixth graders to provide support for students to be successful at Erie Middle

Athletics for Character, Discipline, and Collegiality

Basketball, Cross Country, Track, Volleyball, and Wrestling

Visual and Performing

Music: A-Capella Choir, Band, Choir, Guitar, Jazz Band, Music Tech, Orchestra, Piano, Guys with Ties/Man Choir, and Tiger Lilly Women’s Choir Theater: Drama

3D Art, Art, Commercial Art, Drawing, Graphic Art, and Photography

Co-Curricular Activities

Art Club, Beginning Band Club, Drama Club, Girls in Aviation, GSA, Good Movie Better Book Club, NJHS, Pep Band, Spelling Bee, Student Council, Brain Bowl, Tiger Lily Treble Choir, Vex Robotics, Vox Obsidian Baritone Choir, Wells and Main A Cappella Choir, Winter Running Club, and Yearbook Club

Karyssa Radliff 8TH GRADE What do you like best about your school? My favorite thing about Erie Middle School is all the people. Teachers are welcoming and supportive, and students are always kind and including of others. I am so happy that I get to learn in such a great place.
Arts Highlights @ERIEMIDDLESCHOOL @ErieMiddle Erie Middle is a Pre-Advanced Placement Focus School implementing rigorous instruction to prepare students for AP and college-level coursework. Innovation and design thinking are integrated to push the limits of students’ imaginations. 8 ems.svvsd.org

Longs Peak Middle School

• Designated nationally as a 2020-2023 School to Watch

• Students partner with the Longmont High School Medical and BioScience Academy

• Strong robotics programming including Computer Science, VEX Robotics, and Advanced Robotics

• Students have access to advanced core content options for every grade level including Algebra I and Geometry

• Strong STEM emphasis curriculum

• Longs Peak is a grades five through eight middle school, creating unique educational and co-curricular opportunities for students and families

• Staff and community work in partnership toward the common goal of building the 21st-century skills necessary to prepare all students for higher education

• Dedicated faculty value academic rigor while offering opportunities to enrich the character and experiences of the whole child in a culturally diverse community

• Courses integrate design thinking and project-based learning

• Home to the Eighth Grade Academy with a focus on supporting the transition to high school

• Longs Peak values parental collaboration and communication, and believes that parents are essential to supporting students’ academic and personal growth

Athletics for Character, Discipline, and Collegiality

Basketball, Cross Country, Track, Volleyball, and Wrestling

Visual and Performing Arts

Music: Advanced Choir, Band, Choir, Jazz Band, Mariachi Band, and Orchestra Art: Ceramics, Digital Art, Graphic Design, iPad Art, Sketchnoting, and Sculpture

Co-Curricular Activities

Art Club, Computer Science Club, Homework Club, Longs Peak Bike Shop, National Junior Honor Society, Poetry at the Peak, Robotics Club, STEM Explorers Club, Student Council, Summer Band Camp, Summer Jump Start Program, Summer STEM/MBSA Camp, Wildlife Rangers, and Yearbook

Michael Bustamante 8TH GRADE What do you like best about your school? My favorite thing about Longs Peak Middle School is the staff. The teachers at Longs Peak are fun and they really care about their students. Highlights @LongsPeakSVVSD @LONGS_PEAKMS 1500 14th Ave., Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-5611 lpms.svvsd.org Rams FOCUS PRINCIPAL ENROLLMENT CONTACT INFORMATION MASCOT Pre-Advanced Placement Sandy Heiser 391 Students The dedicated faculty at Longs Peak Middle School values academic rigor while offering opportunities to enrich the character and experiences of the whole child, in a culturally diverse community. 9lpms.svvsd.org

Lyons Middle Senior High School

Lyons Middle students engage in innovative,


for both college and career.


• Rated at Performance, Colorado Department of Education’s highest level of accreditation

• Lyons Middle is part of a strong PK-12 feeder system focused on community connections, a strong tradition of academic excellence, and student involvement and engagement

• Lyons Middle offers strong vertical alignment between middle and high school teachers to best support student success

• The average core (language arts, math, science, and social studies) class size is 23 students per class with ability-level grouping for language arts and math

• Students have access to advanced core content options for every grade level, including Algebra I and Geometry

• Students build life-long skills through research-based curriculum that support social-emotional learning

• Students have a consistent school counselor from sixth through twelfth grade, and this strong relationship allows school counselors to support students academically, socially, and emotionally

• Lyons Middle has strong fine arts programming with more than half of students taking band, choir, and/or art, providing great continuity through high school

• More than 90% of students are involved in sports, clubs, or co-curricular activities in the school and community

• Students at Lyons Middle explore elective classes to further develop the whole child, including: Creative Writing, Speech and Debate, Habitats, Shark Tank Product Design, Design-Thinking Process, Band, Choir, Drama, Yearbook, and Spanish



Athletics for Character, Discipline, and Collegiality

Basketball, Cross Country, Track, Volleyball, and Wrestling

Visual and Performing Arts

Music: Band, Beginning Band, Choir, and Music Technology

Art: Art and Yearbook Theater and Dance: Drama



Art Club, Book Club, Coding Club, Drama Club, and Student Council

a family. The classes are really fun and we do a lot of hands-on activities like dissections and exploring our environment. My favorite class

Yearbook because I get to be creative and take photos.

Glover 8TH GRADE
makes your school community unique across St. Vrain Valley Schools? I love Lyons Middle Senior High School because it’s a small school that feels like
Highlights @LyonsLionsCO 100 McConnell Dr., Lyons, CO 80540 303-823-6631 lmshs.svvsd.org Lions PRINCIPAL ENROLLMENT CONTACT INFORMATION MASCOT Chris Frank 168 Students (Middle School) FOCUS Small-School Community
inquiry-based learning and leadership activities, as well as academically
coursework to
10 lmshs.svvsd.org

Mead Middle School

Joshua Barnett 533 Students

620 Welker Ave., Mead, CO 80542 970-535-4446 mms.svvsd.org

Mead Middle is an academically rigorous, standards-based school with an EXCEL focus, committed to preparing our students for the future.

• Mead Middle has won multiple Governor’s Distinguished Improvement Awards and has been recognized as a Colorado School to Watch

• More than half of Mead students are in advanced math classes such as Algebra and Geometry

• Mead Middle offers an Introduction to Energy course for eighth graders that prepares students for the Mead High School Energy Academy

• Students learn about future careers through monthly “Pizza with Professionals” when students have lunch with professionals from various fields across the region

• Mead Middle has been in the top 10 for growth for all Colorado schools numerous times during the past decade

• The EXCEL program engages students in the extensive opportunities available in before and after-school activities

• Mead Middle promotes a positive and inviting climate with the Bulldog BARK program

• The Student Council honors veterans every year with the Veteran’s Day Breakfast

• Mead students put on an annual dinner theater production for the community

• Mead Middle offers strong music programs and ensembles in choir, band, and orchestra; students perform regularly for the school and community

• A robust art program featuring Art, Graphic Art, and Photography; Mead Middle also has an art club

• Mead Middle School offers STEM, CSI, and Robotics as elective options

• Approximately 90% of students are involved in co-curricular activities

Kerrigan Fairley


Basketball, Cross Country, Track, Volleyball, Unified Basketball, Unified Bowling, and Wrestling

Athletics for Character, Discipline, and Collegiality Visual and Performing Arts

Music: Band, Choir, Orchestra, Jazz Band, Pops Orchestra, and Vocal Jazz Art: Art, Graphic Art, and Photography Theater: Theater, Annual Dinner Theater Production

Co-Curricular Activities

Art Club, Best Buddies, Cheer Club, Craft Club, Geography Club, Junior Honor Society, Junior Solar Sprints, Math Counts, National Robotics, Strategy Games, and Student Council

What makes your school community unique across St. Vrain Valley Schools?

The inclusiveness Mead Middle School has in its extracurricular activities make it unique. As a middle schooler, students can experience a variety of activities like sports, arts, music, and more with different classmates.

Highlights @MeadBulldogs

Soaring Heights PK-8




3280 County Rd., 5, Erie, CO 80516 303-702-8020 shpk8.svvsd.org


As a STEM focus school with an emphasis on Neuroscience, Soaring Heights PK-8


fostering the needs of the

encouraging each

to reach their unique potential both academically and socially.

• Soaring Heights PK-8 is located in a state-of-the-art building that is equipped with warm, naturally lit classrooms, two makerspaces, a large media center, science labs, four music rooms, two gyms, a track, and a baseball field

• Soaring Heights is committed to fostering the needs of the whole child by encouraging each student to reach their unique potential both academically and socially

• Soaring Heights is a STEM focus school with an emphasis on Neuroscience where students have access to daily innovation time

• Students connect with experts in the field through extensive partnerships with the Anschutz Neuroscience Program, Regis School of Business, University of Northern Colorado, Colorado Health Foundation, Sphero, and the Ocean First Institute

• Soaring Heights offers the rigorous St. Vrain Valley Schools curriculum in conjunction with many student-centered hands-on activities

• Students have access to advanced core content options for every grade level, including Algebra I and Geometry

• Classroom and common area spaces are designed to house flexible seating that enhances brain activity and development

• Eighth-grade students have the opportunity to participate in mentorship programs and enroll in courses, such as Intro to Engineering, through a partnership with Erie High School

• Soaring Heights offers 30 elective courses ranging from the performing arts to robotics to movie making

• Soaring Heights is home to 23 competitive robotics teams


Athletics for Character, Discipline, and Collegiality

Basketball, Cross Country, Track, Volleyball, and Wrestling

Visual and Performing Arts

Music: Advanced Band, Advanced Orchestra, Beginning Choir, Concert Choir, Introductory Band, Introductory Orchestra, and Music Tech Art: 3D Art, Advanced Art, Art 1 and 2, Ceramics, and Photography Theater and Dance: Drama, and Musical Theater

Co-Curricular Activities

Astronomy Club, Competitive Robotics, CyberPatriots, Eco-Eagles, and National Junior Honor Society

with an emphasis on Neuroscience Cyrus Weinberger 495 Students (Middle School) Gwyn Veenendaal 8TH GRADE
makes your school community unique across St. Vrain Valley Schools? Soaring Heights has a wide variety of electives and a strong focus on innovation. We have something to cater to everyone’s interests. Highlights
@SoaringHeightsPK8 @SHPK8
whole child by
12 shpk8.svvsd.org

Sunset Middle School

• Sunset Middle offers the International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Programme which prepares students to successfully complete the rigorous, two-year IB Diploma Programme at Niwot High School

• All Sunset Middle students are enrolled in the IB Middle Years Programme rigorous course sequence which engages students in a global educational perspective rooted in the 10 attributes outlined by the IB learner profile and inquiry-based learning

• Sunset Middle offers two World Language options in French and Spanish

• Students have access to advanced courses at every grade level, including Algebra and Geometry

• Sunset Middle’s recent student achievements include: competitive robotics programming with three-time consecutive qualifying state robotic competition, two qualifying teams attended the world competition, and VEX IQ Robotics Competition winners; District Geography Bee winners; twotime winners of the ReNew Our Schools Energy Competition

• The Sunset Middle 3E Learning Philosophy drives excellence through an engaged and empowered student community

• Eighth-grade students participate in a capstone community project focused on creating real-world solutions to empower students to become active agents of change within their communities

• Diverse learning opportunities available for Gifted and Talented students in core content classes and engage in unique learning activities through Gifted and Talented advisory classes

• Eighth-grade students participate in Where Everybody Belongs (WEB), a middle school orientation and transition program for students and are leaders for sixth grade students for the transition year

Bailey Williams


What do you like best about your school?

Athletics for Character, Discipline, and Collegiality

Basketball, Cross Country, Soccer, Track, Volleyball, and Wrestling

Visual and

Music: Band, Choir, Jazz Band, Mariachi, Music Exploration, and Orchestra; advanced course options in all

subjects Art: Visual Art and Film Studies Theater and Dance: Drama

Co-Curricular Activities

Geography Bee, Homework Club, Musical, Mwebaza Club, National Junior Honor Society, Robotics Club, STEM Explorers, Cooking Club, Stitch Club, Mushroom Club, Where Everybody Belongs (WEB), and Yearbook

What I like best about Sunset Middle is the friends I’ve made and the relationships I

have built with my teachers. The lessons I’ve learned from my teachers will never be forgotten, and will help me in high school and beyond. Both my peers and teachers have influenced me to become the person I am today.
Performing Arts Highlights @SUNSET-MIDDLE-SCHOOL @SunsetMiddle 1300 S Sunset St., Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-3963 sms.svvsd.org Spartans FOCUS PRINCIPAL ENROLLMENT CONTACT INFORMATION MASCOT International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IB) Anthony Barela 395 Students Sunset Middle is an International Baccalaureate (IB) World Middle School committed to high-quality, challenging, international education using global contexts. 13sms.svvsd.org

Thunder Valley K-8

600 5th St., Frederick, CO 80530

Thunder Valley provides each student with diverse learning experiences that focus on curiosity, creativity, and confidence to find their individual strengths and passions.

• Advanced mathematics courses are available at Thunder Valley K-8 and transportation is provided to Frederick High so students can continue in high school level math courses

• Student Council members have the opportunity to participate in all-school leadership; these students plan all-school assemblies and interact with younger students daily during breakfast

• Middle school students can participate in Lead Worthy classes to build their leadership skills and personal growth

• A makerspace and innovation center are located in the library to support inquiry and project-based learning

• Students have access to additional technology and leadership opportunities through Student Council, Robotics, and Yearbook

• Students participate in daily Advisory period, allowing time to plan and prepare for high school and postsecondary opportunities, connect with teachers, and prepare an Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP)

• Thunder Valley offers strong music programs and ensembles in choir, band, and orchestra

• Mentorship and leadership opportunities are available between middle school students and elementary students

• As a Kindergarten through eighth grade school, Thunder Valley ensures a high-quality, seamless educational experience by building strong relationships with students and families

• The Capturing Kids Hearts social-emotional curriculum enhances climate and culture by promoting student connections with positivity and intentional strategies to reduce social anxiety

Hazel Mciver Oun


Athletics for Character, Discipline, and Collegiality

Basketball, Soccer, Track, Volleyball, and Wrestling Music: Concert Band, Jazz Band, Master Choir, Choir, and Orchestra Art: 2D and 3D Art, Drawing, Graphic Art, Painting, Photography, and Sculpture Theater & Dance: Drama, and annual spring musical or play

Visual and Performing Arts

Co-Curricular Activities

100 Mile Club, Drama, Lead Worthy, Robotics, Soaring Singers, STEM Explorers, Student Council, and Yearbook.

What makes your school community unique across St. Vrain Valley Schools?

I like how our teachers are really fun, and they create engaging activities for us in class. Our teachers are friendly, and students make great connections with them.

303-833-2456 tvk8.svvsd.org Raptors FOCUS PRINCIPAL ENROLLMENT CONTACT INFORMATION MASCOT High-Quality Neighborhood School Catrina Estrada 313 Students (Middle School) @THUNDERVALLEYK8SCHOOL @ThunderValleyK8
14 tvk8.svvsd.org

Timberline PK-8


• Timberline offers the Pathway to FalconTECH program providing students with the prerequisite skills to successfully enter the P-TECH program at Skyline High School

• Timberline offers the Pathway to the Seal of Biliteracy which prepares students to enter high school with the skills necessary to be successful in the rigorous requirements needed to earn the Seal of Biliteracy at graduation

• Timberline offers advanced opportunities in all core content areas, preparing students for high school

• Timberline’s nurturing and respectful environment bridges social-emotional health and academic achievement to support the development of the whole child

• Timberline utilizes the 7 Mindsets and In-Focus curriculum to foster social-emotional learning for all students

• Timberline provides opportunities in leadership, mentorship, empowerment, and voice

• Students attend an advisory program that allows them to plan and prepare for secondary opportunities, connect with teachers daily, and prepare an Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP)

• Middle school students interact and engage in experiences within elementary classrooms; these strategic learning opportunities foster leadership development, provide positive role models, and strengthen 21st-century skills

• Committed to family involvement, the PK-8 model offers multiple opportunities to build parent partnerships for ten years while students attend from preschool to eighth grade

Stacy Quiroz Morales


What do you like best about your school?

Athletics for Character, Discipline, and Collegiality

Basketball, Soccer, Track, Volleyball, and Wrestling

Visual and Performing Arts

Music: Band, Choir, Mariachi, and Orchestra

Art: Visual Art

Co-Curricular Activities

Achievement Acceleration Academy, Advancement Academy, Art Club, Marshmallow Board Game Club, Missoula Children’s Theater, STEM Explorers, Student Council, Thorne Nature Club, and VEX Robotics

Timberline teachers are caring and treat their students with respect. Our community is very


me learn.

supportive and
my teacher and peers help
Highlights @TimberlinePK8 233 E. Mountain View Ave., Longmont, CO 80504 303-772-7900 tpk8.svvsd.org FOCUS PRINCIPAL ENROLLMENT CONTACT INFORMATION STEM Kerin McClure 331 Students (Middle School) Wolves MASCOT
an integrated STEM focus school, Timberline PK-8 is proud to offer students an innovative educational experience balanced by opportunities to participate in a variety of music programs and visual arts. 15tpk8.svvsd.org

Trail Ridge students succeed and grow to their full potential through rigorous core classes, an integrated STEM program, a diverse offering of electives and extracurricular activities, and specialized services.

• The first St. Vrain middle school to offer Unified Sports programming, Trail Ridge is a National Banner Unified Champion School

• Trail Ridge is a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) focus school and offers programming that integrates design thinking throughout all classrooms

• Students can choose from a variety of elective courses including Drama, Music, Technology, Foreign Language, and Physical Education

• Trail Ridge is home to a strong robotics program that fosters leadership, teamwork, and complex problem-solving skills; Trail Ridge won the 2020 VEX Robotics State Championships and is a regular host of state robotics tournaments

• Trail Ridge partners with Skyline High School to support a cohesive transition from eighth to ninth grade

• Students participate in an extension block that helps them plan and prepare for high school and postsecondary opportunities, connect with teachers, and prepare an Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP)

• Trail Ridge takes an innovative approach to creating relevant opportunities for students that build future ready-skills for high school and beyond

• Trail Ridge offers strong music programs and ensembles in choir, band, and orchestra, and students perform regularly in the school and community

• The art program features five different classes and an art club

• Approximately 98% of students are involved in co-curricular activities that engage students beyond the regular school day

• Trail Ridge is an Apple Distinguished School for integration of technology into the curriculum

Trail Ridge Middle School Ricardo Torres-Bravo


Athletics for Character, Discipline, and Collegiality

Basketball, Cross Country, Golf, Track, Unified Sports, Volleyball, and Wrestling

Visual and Performing Arts

Music: Band, Choir, Honor Choir, Jazz Band, and Orchestra Art: Ceramics, Computer Graphics, Drawing, Music Production, and Video Production Theater and Dance: Stage Technology

Co-Curricular Activities

Art Club, Computer Programming and Coding, Creative Writing Club, Drama, Geography Club, National Junior Honor Society (NJHS), Peer Tutoring, Robotics Club, Student Council, and Yearbook

What makes your school community unique across St. Vrain Valley Schools?

Ridge Middle School is very inclusive, and the school offers a variety of programs to meet students’ interests.

programs, along with the amazing teachers, help students achieve their

in high school, college, and the

real world.
1000 Button Rock Dr., Longmont, CO 80504 720-494-3820 trms.svvsd.org Grizzlies PRINCIPAL FOCUS ENROLLMENT CONTACT INFORMATION MASCOT Eddie Cloke STEM 549 Students
16 trms.svvsd.org

Westview Middle School

Westview is a STEM focus school

the whole child.

a School to Watch


• World-ranked in robotics competitions, Westview’s Robotics program develops computer science skills; students are top performers who have received numerous state championships and compete at a high level in national and world competitions

• Recognized nationally as a 2015-2018 and 2019-2022 School to Watch

• Recognized nationally as an Apple Distinguished School

• More than 50% of students are in advanced math classes, including Algebra and Geometry

• Approximately 90% of students are involved in co-curricular activities

• Unparalleled intramural sports program

• Students in the Plains to the Park program partner with Rocky Mountain National Park, the City of Longmont, and local scientists on community initiatives

• The Competitive Math team is consistently one of the top programs in the state

• The Science Olympiad team provides a competitive opportunity for young scientists to build on classroom lessons and learn new science concepts

• Student Teacher Progression ensures students keep their core teachers throughout middle school

• The STEM Program engages students in rigorous high-interest learning

• Homework help is provided at no cost to the student for one hour after school each day

• Strong music programs with ensembles in choir, band, and orchestra with regular performances

• The art program features five different classes, an Art STEM block, and an Art Club

• Students in the STEM Explorers program collaborate with scientists at CSU and beyond

• Westview provides 7 Mindsets social-emotional learning for all students

• Students receive continuous recognition at state and regional writing competitions

Abigail Mares


Athletics for Character, Discipline, and Collegiality

Basketball, Cross Country, Track, Volleyball, and Wrestling

Visual and Performing Arts

Music: Band, Choir, Guitar, Jazz Band, Music Composition, Music Technology, Orchestra, and Pops Orchestra

Art: Art, Ceramics, Digital Photography, Environmental Art, Graphic Design, and iPad Art

Co-Curricular Activities

100 Mile Club, Art Club, Bolder Boulder Club, Competitive Math Team, Drama Club, Fiddle Club, Geography Club, Math Club, Plains to the Park, Robotics Club, Science Olympiad, STEM Explorers, Video Production, Writer’s Club, Yearbook, and Yoga Club

What makes your school community unique across St. Vrain Valley Schools?

Westview Middle School is a very welcoming community. My teachers are preparing me for high school by helping me to build up positive habits that will support me in my future.

1651 Airport Rd., Longmont, CO 80503 303-772-3134 wms.svvsd.org FOCUS PRINCIPAL ENROLLMENT CONTACT INFORMATION STEM Mark Spencer 648 Students Wildcats MASCOT
dedicated to teaching
Known for high achievement, Westview has been recognized as
and Apple Distinguished

APEX Homeschool Program

One-Day Enrichment Program

Kim Lancaster

Students (Middle School)


1351 S. Sunset St., Unit

CO 80501

The APEX Program, sponsored by St. Vrain Valley Schools, is open to students in grades K-12, and is designed to support parents who choose to educate their children at home.


• APEX Homeschool Program offers academic courses, enrichment classes, and curriculum resources in a K-12 environment to support parents who choose to be their student’s primary educator

• Students attend classes one day per week on-site

• Courses in academic disciplines including math, science, social studies, language arts, world language, STEM, art, music, and theater

• Students participate in large group and small group classroom experiences

• Curriculum library with hundreds of resources parents can check out for home use, most at no cost to families

• Field trips available for parents to select and attend with their students

• STEM courses including Computer Skills, Robotics, Intro to Programming, Intro to Computer Science, and Inventions and Engineering

• Highly-qualified, licensed teachers who are passionate about suppor ting homeschooling and bringing students the best of both worlds

• Small class sizes with multi-grade ranges

• High school counselor available for high school planning and guidance

• Access to ITBS testing to fulfill Colorado Homeschool Law testing requirements

• Parents remain the student’s primary educator and are responsible to plan the student’s course of study

Eli Criger


Athletics for Character, Discipline, and Collegiality

APEX students can participate in sports at their local St. Vrain middle school to develop sportsmanship, fitness, and skills. Physical education classes offered on-site.

Visual and Performing Arts

Music: Choir, Guitar, Orchestra, Strings, and World Percussion

Art: Visual Arts classes and Yearbook; students participate in the district art show Theater: Musical Theater class including a production each year and classes in Creative Dramatics and Film Making

Co-Curricular Activities

Yearbook, and elective courses like Art, Consumer Math, Cooking, International Towne, Physical Education, and Robotics

What makes your school community unique across St. Vrain Valley Schools?

APEX is the kind of place where learning is fun and where I get to experience new things. I have opportunities to create and design, to spend time with friends, and learn about the way our world works. I’m proud to say I’m a member of the Wolf Pack!

B Longmont,
303-702-8600 apexhomeschool.org Wolfpack PRINCIPAL FOCUS ENROLLMENT
18 apexhomeschool.org

LaunchED Virtual Academy

Bowen St. Longmont,

Launching to success,


• LaunchED Virtual Academy offers a fully-accredited 100% online alternative for students in alignment with the mission of St. Vrain Valley Schools

• LaunchED offers flexibility for families as they partner with educators to support and foster student development and social-emotional well-being in a rigorous academic platform

• Curriculum is taught by licensed St. Vrain educators and delivered via Schoology and Webex

• A combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning opportunities support student learning

• Advanced level courses are available in a variety of subjects

• Counselors are available for support, planning, and guidance

• LaunchED participates in the St. Vrain Valley Schools Learning Technology Program and provides all students with iPads to access rigorous and high-quality instruction

• Course schedules are flexible and offer individualized opportunities for student growth and support

Athletics for Character, Discipline and Collegiality

Students may participate in athletics at their school of residence provided they meet CHSAA eligibility and any other extracurricular activities offered.

Special Programming

LaunchED Virtual Academy delivers a rigorous and comprehensive educational experience that aligns with the Colorado Academic Standards. The content taught and the pace of delivery will approximate district expectations for each grade level and course, according to district unit plans.

Marie Juarez


How has your school prepared you for high school success?

I feel very prepared for high school. I receive great individual time with my teachers who support and help me to succeed. The teachers do a great job using their iPads to share screens and teach in an online environment.

Highlights @SVVSDLaunchED
CO 80501 303-702-8800 launched.svvsd.org FOCUS PRINCIPAL ENROLLMENT CONTACT INFORMATION Online Julie Read 155 Students (Middle School) La unchED VI RT UA L AC ADEM Y
LaunchED Virtual Academy is a fully online program for students in grades

Across St. Vrain Valley Schools, we are taking public education by St. VrainStorm – our shared passion and commitment to advancing academic excellence and student success. Follow our #StVrainStorm hashtag on Twitter to see the outstanding things taking place every day across all of our schools and departments.

stvra.in/linkedin @svvsd Connect with us svvsd.org
St. Vrain Valley Public Schools RE 1J 395 S. Pratt Parkway Longmont, CO 80501

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