Anita Motron s2936520 Assessment 2 Product Presentation
evoke [ih-vohk] verb (used with object), evoked, evoking. 1. to call up or produce (memories, feelings, etc.): to evoke a memory. 2. to elicit or draw forth: His comment evoked protests from the shocked listeners.
3. to call up; cause to appear; summon: to evoke a spirit from the dead. 4. to produce or suggest through artistry and imagination a vivid impression of reality: a short passage that manages to evoke the smells, colors, sounds, and shapes of that metropolis.
Logo Placement samples
In Door Advertising samples
Colour Scheme Background Samples
Colour Scheme on Dark Background
Colour Scheme on Light Background
Car Decals to be sold ready made and POD if colour or size needs changing.
Small framed deacl printed on canvas with a modern art feel will also be available.
Wall art will be for sale as car only if the customes wants their name it can be supplied POD these are great for the wall in the man cave, kids room of any where on a big blank wall. These will also be available as print on canvas in three sizes so they can hang the same way just not applyed to the wall.
Additional poduct ranges with tshitrs which have the same desing and are heat pressed.
Other additional products mugs and caps also to be heat pressed. Availablein in a range of colours of print on black and white cups and black caps only
These car wrap designs are just the first 4 and will be Kit form and POD will also be available.
Corporate Race Apparel
Racing Essentials for every driver.
Racing Essentials for every driver.