Status April 2017 Issue

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Listening for Understanding

The Champions Walking In The Light of The Lord League

When Ignorance Becomes the Driving Force of Hate

Graduating Class of 2017


From the Editor C

an you believe it? We have 31 days left until we finish. Some are finishing a year, others are

finishing another year, and some like me are finishing college! I hope I don’t get nostalgic, but I cannot believe

Alondra Zavala Editor in Chief Email:

we are almost to the finish line! People always told me that senior year would go fast, but they forgot to tell me how fast. It feels like yesterday when I came to SWAU. I still remember going up to the third floor of Harmon Hall with my luggage. It seemed sometimes as if our time here at SWAU was filled with struggles with our grades, relationships, and yes, even getting those last two quarters for laundry! However, we made it to where we are today with our goal in sight.

“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you (Matthew 6:33).” If there is one thing that I have learned from being here at SWAU is that you gain what you work for. Every year for me was different. At the beginning I started off with signing up for everything that I had time for and if I didn’t then I would make time. However as semesters passed I became committed to many things that I realized that I had to prioritize. With time came mistakes, as well as wisdom. From observing I realized that once you hit junior and senior year, involvement starts to decline. This year specifically I became aware of how much energy and “youth” freshmen had and I thought, “Wow! What happened to me?” You see I used to be so involved yet I became so busy with work, Student Association, an internship, and classes that I lost track of interacting and being involved with others. What I am trying to say is that as we (seniors) and you (other classmen) progress into the next chapter of your lives, consider that no matter how busy you get, to not forget about you, about those around you, and about Him, Jesus Christ who to this day still cares for you!

“The road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same. Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination.” - Don Williams Jr.



Alondra Zavala

Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS Meet Your New Editor Angela Delgado

Where Are They Now? Janely Castro

Champions League Herman Aguilar

When Ignorance Becomes The Driving Force for Hate Brianna Leblanc

SPONSORS Rahneeka Hazelton SA Adviser

Dr. Glen Robinson Sponsor

CONTRIBUTORS Alondra Zavala Editor in Chief

Herman Aguilar Writer

Nu Pham Writer

Hayden Scott Graphic Designer

Janely Castro Writer

Gicele Fuentes Writer

Sarah Castro Photographer

Angela Delgado Photographer

Kylie Kurth Writer

Starr Wallace Photographer

JANUARY 2017 |3

From the NEw

Editor Hey guys! I’m very excited to be your Status Editor for this upcoming year! For those who are thinking “Who’s this girl?” Well let me tell you! My name is Angela Delgado and I am junior Elementary Education major. I have lived in Keene pretty much my whole life and I’m loving my time here at SWAU. I’m really looking forward to this year and all the opportunities that are waiting for us to continue making this magazine a great one. Some things you may not know about me are that I love to read! I also love math and playing volleyball. I enjoy traveling and hope to make it to as many countries as I can in my lifetime. I didn’t always plan on running for STATUS editor but when the Lord opens the door, you walk through it. I’m excited about the possibilities ahead in making STATUS the best Chrisitan student magazine! As I work with this magazine I hope that you all share your voice and together we can speak out for SWAU.

Your New Editor, Angela Delgado


Where are they now?

Have you ever wondered what life will be after SWAU? Let’s see what some of our Alumni have done since they graduated!

By Janely Castro

Juscileide K. KrahlGomes Chelsey Evans-Sugaski (Class of 2012)

What was your major at SWAU? I was an English major at Southwestern Adventist University.

Where do you live now and what do you do for a living? I live in Sanford (or Orlando), Florida, and teach at Forest Lake Academy.

What was something memorable you took with you after leaving Southwestern? My best memory from Southwestern was eating lunch with the English Department professors. They often joined myself and my friends in the cafeteria and we discussed books and travel and future plans. I loved getting to know them as more than just my professors. It motivated me to get to know my students on more personal level, not just as a student behind a desk, but as a person with hopes, aspirations, and ideas. I learned so much and my only regret was that I couldn’t take the other English classes that were offered. Dr. Woolley, Dr. Laue, Dr. Doneskey, Dr. Gardner, and Dr. Wilcox made learning a pleasure. I also miss working with Susan Grady in the president’s office.

Class of 2013

Major: Religion I do not have an outside job, but, I am a full -time mother of two beautiful girls: Sarah almost 4 years old and Kate seven months old and I support my husband in pastoral ministry. I have the best memories from SWAU. Life at SWAU was a miracle from the first day to the last. God lead my family in every step. When difficult times came we trusted Him and he answered us. I admit that every time I pass by SWAU I think about every person in the school that inspired me. Dr. Kilgore with encouraging words and constant smile, Dr. Sorke with his fun stories and practical way of teaching, Dr. Rico with his words of wisdom, Dr. Wilcox leading his students to think deeper, Dr. Jones showing us that learning history can be fun. Duane Valencia in his position as the financial director, always motivated us and was always thankful for the canvassing program we directed, Jason Kowarsch practicing Portuguese with me, Pastor Russ Laughlin giving support to the canvassing program, and so many others that touched me. Sweet memories that will stay in my heart forever.

Christopher Rhodes Class of 2012

My major at Southwestern was Business Management. I started my MBA here and then was accepted into the Masters in Healthcare administration program at Dallas Baptist University. I am super excited because I will graduate this May. Currently I work in the Enrollment Office at SWAU – where I manage the CRM and the enrollment marketing communication with prospective students. Just last month we sent out over 126,000 emails (we’re on track to send out over one million emails during this school year) and 14,000 pieces of mail. Getting the word out about “my school” is important to me because I had a good experience here and I hope others will too. I live in Keene and I enjoy hiking, mountain biking, caving, wake boarding, video games and running. Something memorable about SWAU that I took with me after graduating is all the great friends that I made here. Best friends in life!

Janely Castro Writer

is a sophomore biology/ premed major from Laredo, TX. She enjoys making corn hojarrascas!

JANUARY 2017 |5


elfare; the word tends to strike a nerve

with people when it’s brought up. Either they feel frustrated that not enough is being done for those who need it, or the idea of their tax dollars going to lazy people who aren’t doing anything upsets them. Anything that involves peoples’ tax dollars is going to give them somewhat strong opinions about how they should be used, like healthcare for example.

Texas Governor Rick Perry, now head of the Department of Energy, was once asked in an interview with the Washington Post about the growing wage gap between the rich and poor in Texas. He’s quoted as saying, “Biblically, the poor are always going to be with us in some form or fashion” (Rucker, 2014). It seems easy with Bible verses such as John 12:8, that we shouldn’t worry with putting too much money into the poor, because they’re always going to be here. Jesus was not speaking so much of the economic state

Welfare and Christianity

that certain people were destined to be in at this time, in actuality, He was scolding Judas.

A few verses prior, we see Judas upset at Mary Magdalene using a very expensive ointment on Jesus’ feet. Judas then goes on about how said ointment could have been sold for a year’s worth of wages, and how it was wasteful. The issue boils down to this: Judas was the financial manager of the group, and Jesus saw that he would have

“For the poor you shall always have with you, but you do not always have me.”

– Jesus, John 12:8 (ESV)

kept some of that gold for himself, rather than giving it to the poor, which he claimed to care so much about. Jesus wasn’t saying that it didn’t matter because the poor will always be with us, He’s actually quoting a verse from Deuteronomy, using as a point to make for Judas that the poor should be helped always, and not just with one

By Hayden Scott 6 | STATUS MAGAZINE

instance of wages. The passage of Scripture Jesus quoted is,

Interagency Council on Homelessness, 2017). Giving these people the “If among you, one of your brothers should become poor, in any of

basic necessities that keep them out of places like ER rooms and jail

your towns within your land that the Lord your God is giving you,

cells is simply cheaper for everyone across the board.

you shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against your poor brother, but you shall open your hand to him and lend him sufficient

Countless data and facts exist to support the idea that helping people

for his need, it may be. Take care lest there be an unworthy thought in

but more so than any other motivation, God should be our main

your heart and you say, ‘The seventh year, the year of release is near,’

reasoning. In Matthew 25, Jesus says,

and your eye look grudgingly on your poor brother, and you give him nothing, and he cry to the Lord against you, and you be guilty of sin.

“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave

You shall give to him freely, and your heart shall not be grudging when

me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and

you give to him, because for this the Lord your God will bless you in

you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you

all your work and in all that you undertake. For there will never cease

came to me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when

to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘You shall open wide

did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And

your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land.’”

when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe

- Deuteronomy 15:7-11 (ESV) [Emphasis added]

you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the

The astounding issue of the whole thing, is that there have been proven methods of reducing homeless, and even lifting people out of

King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’”

“Quite a lot of the issues revolve around preconceived notions about how welfare recipients are, and how they aren’t actually going to contribute to society regardless of how much money is given to them. But certain areas have tested different things, and there are proven methods to alleviate the stresses of poverty;” poverty. Quite a lot of the issues revolve around preconceived notions

While this is motivational sentiment, Jesus goes on,

about how welfare recipients are, and how they aren’t actually going to contribute to society regardless of how much money is given to them.

“Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into

But certain areas have tested different things, and there are proven

the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry

methods to alleviate the stresses of poverty; a prime example would be

and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, I

the entire state of Utah. The state of Utah, as of 2015, has eliminated

was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not

91% of all homelessness. Utah implemented a policy called Housing

clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.’ Then they also

First, which guaranteed the homeless a place to live, as well as utilities

will answer, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or

and groceries. While the initiative does focus on getting them off the

a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to you?’

street, it has a goal of helping them become functioning members of

Then he will answer them, saying, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did not

society. The clients in the Housing First program have to pay 30% of

do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.’ And these will

their income, or up to $50 a month, whichever is greater (McEvers,

go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”


The argument some people brought up was that it would cost far much more to house them as compared to them being on the street, and that just simply isn’t true. The chronically homeless cost the government between $30,000 and $50,000 per person annually due to services like emergency room vests and jail time (United States

JANUARY 2017| 7

Registration Costs: $10 SWAU students $30 for alumni and non-alumni

Students can sign up in SLAD and pay at the cashier’s office. Sign up in (for non-students): 8 | STATUS MAGAZINE

JANUARY 2017 |9

Sports Section

Champions League By Herman Aguilar


et me tell you a little about my favorite sport--

aficionados some of the most memorable moments in football history, such as Liverpool’s

specially the UEFA Champions League. It entered its most

stunning comeback in the 2005 final, to

exciting stage; the knockout stage, which starts with the

Messi’s five incredible goals against Bayern

round of 16. With fascinating matchups such as Barcelona

Leverkusen in the round of 16 in 2012. Apart

vs Paris Saint-Germain and Bayern Munich vs Arsenal, the

from memorable and breath-taking moments,

Champions League round of 16 should be very compelling. The

the Champions League has spoiled fans with

Champions League is the most prestigious and meaningful

the best players in history. From past legends

football competition in European club football. By football, I

such as Diego Marodona and Johan Cruyff,

mean European football, which in English terms, translates into

to current legends, such as Lionel Messi and

soccer. Founded in 1955 as the European Champion

Cristiano Ronaldo. The Champions League final is

Clubs’ Cup, the Champions League got its name

the most watched annual sporting

in 1992 when its format and name was changed.

event in the world. To put it into

The Champions League has offered football

perspective, let’s take a look at the numbers of 2015. In 2015, 380 million people from over 200 countries tuned in to watch the Champions League final between Barcelona and Juventus. That same year, Super Bowl 49 between the Seahawks and Patriots only drew 114 million viewers from 180 countries, which were still Super Bowl records. The Champions League is composed of 32 teams that make up the group stage. The group stage is broken up into eight groups of four teams each. The top two teams of each group then advance into the knockout stages of the tournament, which starts with the round of 16. From the round of 16 on, the matchups are composed in a knockout format, with the winner of a two game (home/away) aggregate advancing in the competition. The city that hosts the final game of the competition is known before the competition starts. Unlike the previous knockout matches, the final game


is a-winner-take-all, with just one game deciding the

can hoist the trophy at the end of the tournament.


Clubs such as Barcelona, Real Madrid, Bayern

The current UEFA Champions League champion is

Munich, and Juventus are seen by many as the

Spanish club Real Madrid. Los merengues defeated

favorites to win the elusive competition this year.

their city rivals Atletico Madrid in last year’s final in

“I think Barcelona is going to win the

a gut-wrenching penalty shoot to capture their 11th

Champions League this year with a narrow win

European crown, which is the most in Champions

over Bayern Munich,” says Brianna LeBlanc,

League history.

senior communication major. “They have proven

The Champions League is the epitome of the beautiful game. Its vibrant fans and magical footballers make the competition one of a kind. The Champions League is the stage where

time and time again that this team simply cannot be beaten, and I think great players such as Messi and Neymar will ultimately be the difference.” With the competition entering its most

great soccer players can transform into

electrifying stage, fans all over the world will be

legends and icons.

tuned to witness with eagerness and passion how the

“The Champions League is my

games turn out to see which teams advance to the

favorite club football competition,” says

next round. The 2017 Champions League final will be

Adrian Sotelo, sophmore education

held in Cardiff’s National Stadium in Wales on June

major. “I love the fact that the best

3. Until then, let’s all wait with anticipation to see

players in the world such as Messi and

which team lifts the most valuable and prestigious

Ronaldo are able to participate and show their amazing skills.” This year’s competition has a handful of contenders that

trophy in European football. I hope you share my appreciation for UEFA soccer.

JANUARY 2017 |11

When Ignorance Becomes The Driving Force for Hate Opinion Piece

Brianna Leblanc I

extremely long vetting process - only to be

were revoked, are allowed to come back

told no - because of their background. The

into the country without delay. Even with

turned away at Bethlehem’s borders. Mary is

color of their skin, their accents and most

this new order being signed, this still isn’t

about to give birth, Joseph wants to get her

importantly their religion.

just a travel ban to try and stop terrorism;

magine if Joseph and Mary had been

settled and they are told, “I’m sorry but the

There was one caveat to this order: if you

this is fear of a religion that is now being

King has issued a decree that foreign travel-

are a Christian refugee, you will be given

associated with terrorism. And it doesn’t

ers are not allowed inside the city.”

priority to be allowed in. As of March 6, 2017,

stop there. Imagine that Joseph, Mary

That’s what happened on January 27th when Donald Trump signed an exec-

and Jesus stayed in Bethle-

utive order and threw airports around

hem. Jesus is returning from

the country into pure chaos. Hundred of

a visit at the Temple when he

international passengers with green cards,

sees soldiers arresting his par-

visas and passports were detained. Syrian

ents and preparing to deport

refugees were not allowed into the country,

them back to Nazareth. Only

period. Some were sent back to their home

Jesus isn’t going with them

countries while some were finally allowed

because he was born in Beth-

to enter the states.

lehem. He is being separated from his parents, the only

The executive order stated that all travelers from 7 different Muslim-majority

family he knows, because of

counties - Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Libya,

their immigration status. For many Hispanic illegal

Yene and Somalia - were banned from

immigrants living in Texas,

entering for 120 days, while Syrian refugees were suspended from entering the country indefinitely. These are travelers who have waited years to come leave in America, have proper documentation and gone through the

a new travel ban was proposed, this time leaving Iraq off the ban list. Permanent US residents, green card holders and other visa holders, including those whose original visas

Arizona, California, Chicago, New York and Virginia, this is a very real event. Even though the 9th Circuit Court stopped the travel ban, some states saw this as their opportunity to crack down


hard on immigration. As of February 16th,

inauguration speech “The only thing we have to

raids took place in 12 states

fear, is fear itself.”

with a total of 678 people

I spoke to Dr. Steve Jones,

rounded up. Of that num-

Department Chair of the History

ber 74% had been convicted

and Social Science program

of a crime. This may seem

about the travel ban. He talked

high, but, 2016 that number

briefly about the camps that

was 90%. Immigration and

Japanese-Americans were put in

Customs Enforcement (ICE)

after Pearl Harbor. The govern-

is using every trick in the book

ment claimed it was their safety,

to catch illegal immigrants,

but it was really out of fear,

including following kids home

something we are seeing again

from bus stops and staking

with the Travel Ban. He states

or churches that double as shelters. They are going door to door and forcefully arresting anyone who refuses them entry. One young Hispanic gave a tip to the authorities about an abusive boyfriend. She was promptly arrested and taken for deportation outside a courthouse. ICE is banking on the fact that these people don’t know their rights when it comes to dealing with the police and ICE and that’s why the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has stepped in, sending out a tweet on February 10th of an info-graph stating what to do if ICE agents show up at their door. This is scary enough, with DACA receipts in fear for their parents, but now those kids are being targeted with two reports of DACA students being arrested. As if all of this wasn’t bad enough, the Associated Press sent out a tweet February 17th stating that the current Washington Administration was considering mobilizing as many as 100,000 National Guard troops to round up unauthorized immigrants. In the Joint Address to Congress on February 28th, Trump stated that he was going to form a new office to investigate crimes committed by immigrants known as Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement or VOICE.

that some years ago, General Mi“I have ordered the Department of Homeland Security to create an office to serve American victims,” Trump said Tuesday night. “We are providing a voice to those who have been ignored by our media, and silenced by special interests.” The irony of this statement is that minorities are largely ignored until something bad happens, and even then it’s simply just so the media or anyone, can point the finger at them or their actions as validation that they are the reason bad things happen. When Jesus healed the sick, the Pharisees were quick to condemn him. They convinced each other that Jesus would entice people to raise up against the Romans. The Pharisees were more scared of losing their power over the people than they were of anything else. Fear has been the driving force for the past 18 months. Muslims were coming into our country and committing acts of terror. That’s why we need the travel ban. Mexicans were rapists sneaking into our country to start drug empires. That’s why we need the wall. Fear.

chael Flynn, the now former National Security advisor has said “Muslims are our enemies... Islam is not a religion, it’s a radical ideology. That Muslims are the enemies of Americans.” Dr. Jones didn’t hesitate to let me know, “No they’re not. They’re not.” As Christians, we are called to serve people in the name of the Lord. We called to help people and to minister to them. We are called to tolerate people of every religion, that it is not our place to judge other people. Zechariah 7:9-10 says: “Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying, Execute true judgment, and shew mercy and compassions every man to his brother.” Now is the time that we must come together as Christians and show those are oppressed or affected by these actions that there are people in the world who stand by them. People who don’t agree with the travel ban and do not judge based on skin color or accent. We are all God’s children, and we need to not only remember that, but put it into practice as well.

All of it an unnecessary fear of other cultures that we have no knowledge of, or worse, we have allowed stereotypes to influence how we view them. President John F. Kennedy said in his

JANUARY 2017 |13

Dear Faculty Thank yo


y and Staff, you...

From the 2017 graduating class

JANUARY 2017 |15

Southwestern Adventist University’s Department of English proudly presents Oliver Goldsmith’s

She Stoops To Conquer April 20 at 8:00 pm | April 22 at 9:00 pm | April 23 at 8:00 pm Tickets $5 for community Free for students, faculty, and staff The Mabee Center-Wharton Auditorium Keene, Texas 76059

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