February Issue 2017

Page 1

Listening for Understanding Walking In The LightMy of The Lord Ideal Date:

Who am I?

When will I find The One? Win Mimo

sa ticke


Look Inside to Find out How!


From the Editor



What’s the first thing that comes to mind? That’s right, love… or for others, tax return season! As I sit here writing this note, I realize that you are either wanting me to tell you something new about love or something that will capture your attention. When I was younger, I remember knowing when Valentine’s Day was coming because aisles started to change in stores, switching out Christmas’ decorations to Valentine’s Day chocolates and

Alondra Zavala

teddy bears saying “Be mine, I love you.”

Editor in Chief

Growing up and even up to this point in my life, I have associated the month of

Email: alondra_z@swau.edu

February as the month that many couples and romantically connected individuals are

looking forward to. I have always had instances when people have told me that they dreaded Valentine’s Day because then they would have to deal with the fact that they have no one to romantically love and spend their day with. I have also had people tell me that there is always that possibility of getting dumped on or right before Valentine’s Day! Then there are others who do the opposite and realize that it’s okay to be single and therefore party for singles on Valentine’s Day! On the other side of the field, I have those who just didn’t care much for Valentine’s Day since they couldn’t even keep up with knowing when their assignments were due! In all, V-Day has made me see that: 1.

Everyone wants to be loved.

2. Being alone scares people. 3. Being rejected is a fear that limits peoples’ actions. Let’s break this down with a couple of rhetorical questions: If everyone wants to be loved then why are they focusing on one type of love? If being alone scares people, then why are you isolating yourself? Or even better, why are you looking in the wrong place? Lastly, if you let fear of rejection rule your actions, are you really living your life and letting people in?

“If everyone wants to be loved then why are they focusing on one type of love?” This is a perspective that I hope you can understand. I think Valentine’s Day is a great opportunity for couples to be together, but I also think that it’s a great opportunity for those who do not fall under the romantically connected category. You see there is more than one love. You have love that is not just found between girlfriend and boyfriend, husband and wife, there is love betwen family, friendships, and in God, the One who loved us first. What I am trying to get at is if you want to be loved then know that you can be loved in more than one way. If you’re scared of being alone, then know that we’re all human beings not islands, it’s okay to not like being alone however it’s not so bad when you spend your time serving others and getting to know God. Remember that God loved you so much that, even knowing your future mistakes, he still decided to invest in a salvation plan for you. His love for you is not easily disturbed. If you fear rejection, know that the more you withhold who you are, the less you will be able to become vulnerable and not being vulnerable can prevent you from getting hurt but it can also keep you from enjoying happiness and satisfaction in life. Lastly, if everyone wants to be loved, and they fear being alone and rejected then why not show love through acts of service? “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear” (1 John 4:18) Blessings,

Alondra Zavala 2 | STATUS MAGAZINE

Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS Valentine’s Day Ideas for College Students Herman Aguilar

Singles Perspectives Mairim Argueta

When Will I find the One? Gicele Fuentes

Student Association Elections Heidi Dart

My Ideal Date, Who am I? Angela Delgado

SPONSORS Rahneeka Hazelton SA Adviser

Dr. Glen Robinson Sponsor

CONTRIBUTORS Alondra Zavala Editor in Chief

Herman Aguilar Writer

Nu Pham Writer

Hayden Scott Graphic Designer

Mairim Argueta Writer

Janely Castro Writer

Gicele Fuentes Writer

Sarah Castro Photographer

Angela Delgado Photographer

Kylie Kurth Writer

Starr Wallace Photographer

JANUARY 2017 |3

Valentine’s Day Ideas for College Students


s Valentine’s Day approaches, college couples

Having fun on the ice skating rink is another enjoyable

are searching for entertaining and romantic ideas that

and affordable idea for college couples. Going ice-skating with

they can enjoy together. However, there is usually one

your significant other is a great way to have an entertaining

problem; those entertaining and romantic ideas tend to

time together while also boosting your heart rate a little, which

be very expensive. Luckily, there are several amusing and

never hurts. Ice skating rinks usually give students a discount,

affordable ideas that any college couple can enjoy without

which makes for a very economical and pleasant Valentine’s

breaking the budget.

date. After doing several laps holding each other’s hand and falling a couple… or hundred times, it’s time to relax. Going to

It’s not Valentine’s Day without having a special

your nearest coffee shop for hot chocolate will cap a night full of

dinner, right? Well fortunately, there are many restaurants

amusement and warmth.

that are giving great discounts this upcoming Valentine’s

The last inexpensive and entertaining idea for couples involves

Day. Discounts vary from Groupon’s 50% off your

a night out full of stars. Going to your local park, which is free,

entire meal, to buy one meal get the other meal for free.

or even a star observatory, which tends to be very inexpensive,

Restaurants that feature these types of discounts include

to look at the stars at night is a great way to spend a romantic

Fogo de Chao, PF Chang’s, and Olive Garden. All of these

night together. Pair it with a picnic, which you can usually have

tasty and low-cost restaurants can be found in Uptown

in the park itself or on a hilltop in the countryside, and you have

Dallas near The Galleria Mall and will be open starting

yourself an amorous and delightful date. Watching the stars

at 11 a.m. on Valentine’s Day. However, reservations are

together alongside a picnic meal is the perfect way to end a day

required. So if you want to take advantage of these great

full of love. These romantic and affordable Valentine’s Day ideas,

deals start reserving your romantic dinner now before it’s

will not only make your wallet scream for happiness, but they will

gone. These amazing restaurant deals will not only allow

also allow you and your date to have a Valentine’s Day full of joy!

you to save money, but are also wonderful ways to spend a romantic time with your date while conversing and enjoying a nice meal.


Herman Aguilar is a senior communication major. From Houston but was originally born in Honduras. Some of his passions include sports, helping others, and traveling.

s e l g n i S s ’ e Valentin


nowing how the media has taken the ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia, a fertility celebration commemorated

annually on February 15, one must appreciate how Pope Gelasius I recast this pagan tradition as a Christian feast day circa 496, declaring February 14 to be St. Valentine’s Day. Businesses have taken advantage of this opportunity and have sold millions of dollars in mementos that are intended to draw out or point toward the love felt from one individual to another. Many couples takes this as an official day to publically profess love while the biggest part of our community are pushed aside on this day. Singles. This year STATUS enlisted the help of a select group from our fellow students to figure out the mindset of cool, fun and deeply interesting singles out there and their opinions of Valentine’s Singles… On the subject of attitude and feelings that this day brings to surface, they gave me a glimpse into the past and present of this day: “In middle school I felt like I was missing out on having a person to share that day with, now I buy my own chocolates! It also changed because of my relationship to Christ, I trust His timing.” Others agreed and added: “Valentine’s is not only a day for your significant other, it’s also a day to spend time with the people you value in your life - family. Friends. We have to maintain those relationships just as much!” I asked them if they felt uncomfortable when non-single people make comments about their relationship status on that particular day. “Although it may cause frustration, I also know that all things come in God’s timing. I’d rather wait for [God’s timing] than rush into a relationship and then it not work out, and hurting someone else,” another explained. ” Others

agreed and added: “Valentine’s is not only a day for your significant other, it’s also a day to spend time with the people you value in your life - family. Friends. We have to maintain those relationships just as much!” Ideal Valentine’s Day? One said a dinner in a hot air balloon while another would prefer a place in nature, hiking, a good meal, or just spending the day enjoying an activity you know each will enjoy after having gotten to know that other person. Interestingly enough, when asked what they thought Jesus would plan for their Valentine’s Day they all agreed that it would be along those same lines… Connect with those around you and dedicate some time to observe the wonders of God’s creation. I know you are wondering, what are their plans for Valentine’s Day? None of the four know for sure, but they do assure me it will be an adventurous day spent with their friends and enjoying the day together. God’s timing is very important to trust in and I have heard a couple people state they are praying for the person God will select for them, but also take the time to pray and study yourself as an individual. Single or in a relationship is a status, but are you working towards a better you? Take Valentine’s Day to cultivate the friendships you have but also pamper yourself. Educate your mind and undertake a spiritual rejuvenation. Take the time to have a dorm spa or exercise session and relax… Do not compare yourself to other people and celebrate the day just enjoying the singular, small pleasures in life. Mairim Argueta an English major at SWAU is excited to interact with new friends and enjoy her courses this semester. She invites you to contact Raquel Acevedo for opportunities to share your story. Email either for more information.

When will I meet The One for me?

“I do not know why there is this difference, but I am sure that God keeps no one waiting unless He sees that it is good for him to wait. When you do enter your room, you will find that the long wait has done you some kind of good which you would not have had otherwise. But you must regard it as waiting, not as camping. You must keep on praying for light: and of course, even in the hall, you must begin trying to obey the rules which are common to the whole house. And above all you must be asking which door is the true one; not which pleases you best by its paint and paneling.” -CS Lewis, Mere Christianity


we act upon situations in different ways,

things above, not on earthly things,”

and if you ask me, or anybody else, I’m

(Colossians 3:2, NIV). The Bible says,

your goal. You could be sprinting,

sure we can all conclude that nobody is

“And my God will meet all your needs

jogging, walking, or barely putting one

perfect. But does that mean that we are

according to the riches of his glory in

foot in front of the other. The point

not able to find the perfect “one”?

Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19, NIV).

is, you are heading somewhere. That

He says that He feeds the birds in the

somewhere defines the goal that you

look at my credentials, I don’t think

air. How much more to us then! He

most treasure in life. Whether it be

I’m qualified to comment on this topic.

loves us so much that He sent His only

knowledge, career, money, fame, God,

However, I do know one thing for sure.

son to die for us on the cross. He will

you name it, we all prioritize something,

There is a special Someone: GOD.

bless us with the needs and desires of

and we all want to get as close as

our hearts (Matthew 6:26, John 3:16).

possible to that goal.

in mind when you are looking for “the

one” because you are looking for earthly

His sole desire is for us to be united

in different situations. We believe

matters, when you can be blessed so

with Him. He has created the means

differently, we have diverse opinions,

much more if you “Set your minds on

for us to do just that, and all we have to

ou’re moving; running towards

The reality is, we are all


Now, I am no love guru, just

You probably don’t have this

God cares for us so much that

the ideal “one” for you? See the “One” is not some perfect guy that society holds to certain standards, but the man or woman who holds your same values! So, do not think for one second that God does not hold your best interests at hand. He will give you the best perfect fit for you. The “one” not only has to have the same goals, but make sure he or she is taking steps toward them. Let his or her actions speak, rather than just words.

I want to encourage you to tell

Him of the qualities you want in that future spouse, from their personality and character to their likes and dislikes, and even to their physical attributes! Yes! Learn to have faith in Him, get to know him, and He will most definitely grant you with the desires in your heart and freely give them to you according to His will! Don’t worry! He’s got you! do is choose Him. He doesn’t force us,

with Him, you get to see the many

and sadly, we reject Him constantly.

wondrous ways he works in your

When you see His mercy upon your life

life. He blesses you in academics by

you can see that He does have the best

helping you finish that paper, when you

intentions toward us. And by choosing

couldn’t concentrate. In your familiar

Him, you obtain the opportunity to get

relationships he blesses Mom and Dad

to know Him a little better.

back home, even if you aren’t there. He

even helps you make changes in your

Growing closer to God you get

to form a beautiful relationship with

personal life, such as you’re attitude

Him, you begin to realize that He is the

towards others, becoming less stressed

only one “who satisfies your desires

and not worrying. This is all due to the

with good things so that your youth is

improvement in your relationship with

renewed like the eagle’s”

Him because you have learned to trust

that can satisfy the need in our hearts,

Him and to give Him your burdens, that

that we often look for in a significant

He is more than willing to carry. Ideally,

other (Psalm 103:5, NIV). Nothing else

you allow yourself to trust Him with the

in this world can fill that desire but Him.

plans He has for you in your life and to

You realize that growing closer to him is

ultimately guide you to find the woman

what you want and that He is your goal

or man of your life.

in life.

During this relationship

If God is willing to provide

for you all these things, then why not

So, whenever the time and

circumstance is just right, you will know because while you’re on your way towards your goal, you’re going to look to your right and you’ll find someone heading the same direction as you, at your same speed. And you’ll thank God because He has remained there always and He has kept His promises. “Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments” (Deuteronomy 7:9, NIV).

Gicele Fuentes 16 year-old freshman Communication Major. From Austin, Texas. Happiest when given the opportunity to give. Spontaneous. Easily amused.

JANUARY 2017| 7

? e c n e r e f ke a dif

a m o t t Wan

Here is you

r chance!

February 22 & 23

Run for of



•Have 10 office hours a week •Arrange all meetings of the Executive Council •Be available to all SA members •Support all SA officers •Make a State of the Union Address to the Student Senate once a year •Shape & direct the SA officers to meet the standards & goals of the Student Association


(Chosen by Elected Executive

Executive Vice-President

•Have 7 office hours a week •Assume all responsibilities & duties in the absence of the President •Be the President of the Senate & work closely with the University Administration •Be familiar with Robert’s Rules of Order •Arrange all Senate meetings


Vice President) •Have 4 office hours a week •Be responsible for addressing issues on behalf of the SA members •Assume all responsibilities & duties in the absence of the Executive Vice President •Serves as an administrative assistant to the Executive Vice President •Be familiar with Robert Rules of Order

Financial Vice-President -

•Have 7 office hours a week •Maintain a record of all financial affairs of the SA •Inform the Executive Council about the financial status at least once a month. •Shall prepare a financial statement for the General Assembly at least once a semester •Be responsible for the collection, maintenance, & disbursement of all SA funds.

Ministries Vice-President -

•Have 7 office hours a week •Be responsible for the direction & coordination of all SA sponsored ministries activities •Work in harmony with the policies of the Spiritual Life & Development Office •In charge of Executive Council meeting devotions •Responsible for one campus wide project per semester.

Social Vice-President •Have 7 office hours a week •Be responsible for direction & coordination of all SA sponsored activities •In charge of appointing members of the Social Committee •Oversee the production of the SA Banquet, Mimosa

Public Relations Director -

•Have 4 office hours a week •Be responsible for designing advertisement materials & promoting SA sponsored activities •Be responsible for gaining approval of all Public Relations materials •Be responsible for removal of all outdated Public Relations materials •In charge of appointing members of the Public Relations Committee

Mizpah Editor -

•Have 7 office hours a week •Be administratively responsible for the publication of the yearbook, Mizpah •Be able to use design software in order to produce the Mizpah •In charge of appointing members of the editorial staff, including photographers

Status Editor -

•Have 7 office hours a week •Be responsible for the publication of the magazine, Status •Be able to use design software to produce the Status. •In charge of appointing members of the editorial staff, including writers & photographers •Produce a minimum of three volumes per semester

Secretary (Chosen by Elected President) •Have 4 office hours a week •Be responsible for recording all official actions of the Executive Council & the Senate. •Shall keep record of all minutes on file •Serves as an administrative assistant to the President


ince most all these positions are elected by the student body, there is always opportunities to be involved by asking if you can join any of the committees that the SA officers have in place. We are excited to see what next year’s SA is going to accomplish.

JANUARY 2017 |9

My Ideal Date: Who am I ? Win two Mimosa tickets if you can guess all six people correctly! Clues are given based on their taste in date and their hashtags!

Deadline : Sunday, February 12, 2017

ng that would “I would say that it would be somethi going out to be May r. really get us to know each othe re we can whe l mea own sit-d a eat, nothing fancy, just le’s true peop out g brin rts Spo . ling bow converse or go one can re whe fun personality, and it is also something “ er. bett r othe each w kno loosen up and get to ccer #So e mor pho #So ajor ionM #Educat

“My perfect date would consist of a really cool dude and food. Whether it’d be pizza, donuts, fries, coffee, boba, you name it! I’m even down for some fruits and veggies from time to time. We could eat our food and talk about ourselves to get to know each other better. Then we could go feed cute little ducks or something involving a park and nature.” #cici’s #panda #ElemEd

“I would want to go to a cool museum and then after the museum we could have a nice dinner and then go for a stroll in the park.” #SWAU’18 #futureteacher #Housto n


“Dinner, A walk, Goodnight.” #chemistry #glasses #Houston

For me it’s simply doing something memorable and quality filled. My ideal date would be going out on a beauti ful sunny day. The best dates are sometimes spontaneous. I don’t wa nt to sound cheesy, but tacos and horchata on a hill, on a sunny day wo uld be perfect. #dreambig #not4long #P YT

Christopher Sepulveda, Class of

“My ideal date would consist of spending a 2017 and enjoying a fancy sunset by the beach umbrella.” communitysun the mealneunder activea in “Someo I want here! #PuertoRican #tall everyw #flowers school, , -church

Email all your answers to : alondra_z@swau.edu

JANUARY 2017 |11

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