Status- October 2016

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Listening for Understanding

Walking In The Light of The Lord

Politics: Finding Balance

From the Editor I

come to say “Eureka! I feel called to be a

t’s been almost 2 months since school

psychology major instead of education!”

started. By now you have gotten in the

As I reflected in the spiritual article that

routine of your class schedule, work,

Kylie has shared in this issue I have come

and extracurricular activities. Midterms

to realize that to live the calling you have

have passed and you have either realized

received you must first acknowledge that

that you’re doing great academically or

a calling is not just to be lived in one area

barely surviving! To this I can send you

or one aspect of your life, it is to be lived

Editor in Chief

encouragement by telling you to work

in your daily life!


hard and run up Noah’s ark like the third

Alondra Zavala

pig trying to get in!

As simple as this is, maybe I can tell you that we tend to overlook the trials that

Nevertheless, as I reflect on how the

we are going through. We think that all

year is going I have stumbled upon a

we need to do is take them as they come

common phrase. “Live a life worthy of

and wait for them to end. However, we

the calling that you have received.” I’m

never keep reading to realize that he says,

sure you have heard and have even been

“with all lowliness and gentleness, with

told directly that God is calling you to do

longsuffering, bearing with one another

something. Perhaps you have considered

in love.” This meaning that we are being

that God is calling you to be something,

called to build our character. Once you

do something, or especially in college you

finish and graduate, once you have a job,

may come to think that He is calling you

what are you going to bring into your

to a different major than that which you

occupation, a degree or a reflection of

have enrolled in this year. But maybe,

Jesus’s character?

just maybe do you think that He may be calling you to something more than just


your major?

Have you considered that He may be giving you a calling in the midst of that trial that you have been going through? As Christians we believe that we have purpose in Jesus, yet we (myself included) at times lack the desire and persistence to explore the calling that God has given us. We merely scratch the surface and

Alondra Zavala

Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS Good Times, Good Food: Dessert Edition Nu Pham

Tami Condon Interview Mairim Argueta

Mandy Smith Interview Mairim Argueta

Get Something Off Your Chest

CONTRIBUTORS Alondra Zavala Editor in Chief

Herman Aguilar Writer

Nu Pham Writer

Hayden Scott Graphic Designer

Mairim Argueta

Herman Aguilar



Janely Castro

Gicele Fuentes


Listening for Understanding

Gicele Fuentes

Dr. William Sheppard and Reva Sheppard



Sarah Castro

Janely Castro


Politics: Finding Balance

Angela Delgado

Jordan Greene


Walking in the Light of the Lord

Kylie Kurth

Kylie Kurth


SPONSORS Rahneeka Hazelton SA Adviser

Dr. Glen Robinson Sponsor

Starr Wallace Photographer

Good Times, Good Food: Dessert Edition “Guys! Have you heard about the new hit thing that’s going

By Nu Pham



his ice cream technique originated

in Asia, it is one of many top hit street foods that the natives and travelers adore. Ice cream rolls are finally coming to us. If you don’t know what ice cream rolls are, let me explain. The taste is pretty similar to just any ice cream that you would normally get. But the process of making them is what you’re paying for. It starts out with a cup of liquid ice cream that is poured on a freezing cold pan. With two spatula-like tools, the ice cream man starts chopping and mincing away the ice cream to stop it from freezing unevenly. Depending on which flavors you would like, the ice cream chef will chop and mince together with your ice cream mixture. When everything is combined, he will spread the mixture out evenly on the pan like a thick sheet of paper. Using his spatula, he scrapes the sheet into rolls. There you have it, your very own ice cream rolls!

Orchid City Fusion

Here are the two places you can get Cafe them without having to fly to Asia 2135 Southeast Pkwy Suite 101 Arlington, TX 76018

Iceland Ice Cream 1201 W Arbrook Blvd Ste 121 Arlington, TX 76015


Tami Condon, Vice President of Advancement


itting in her stylish office, the wife of an architect and mother of two sits ready to give us a glimpse into her life, job and the future. of students every year.

For those of us who don’t know, what does your work entail?

Who is your role model & why?

Advancing the university, inspiring alumni, and potential

It may sound cliche but it was my dad. He taught me the

supporters to connect to their passions of helping our students.

importance of unconditional love.

We create fundraisers, scholarships, and keep in touch with those who have moved away, engaging with those around us.

What do you think will be your biggest challenge at SWAU?

What are three qualities that this job helped you

Being worthy of people’s trust. Establishing my service for this


campus and its students. My goal is finding where we need to go

First, empathy-put yourself in someone else’s shoes, student,

and how to get there together. I want people on board that feel

alumni. Second, service-customer service, with love &

a part of it all.

compassion. Last but not least, faith-leap of faith, step out in faith and let the Lord lead and listen to Him. Everything will be

What advice would you give that has encouraged/


uplifted you in difficult times?

What would we be surprised to know about you?

Surround yourself with people who love and support you,

I am an interior designer with a masters in leadership and have

people who are a positive influence and want to see you succeed.

had the opportunity to decorate Muhammad Ali’s house and

Friends, teachers, pastor and don’t feel afraid to ask.

created the Andrews Ambassadors that currently host thousands



Mandy Smith, Cafeteria Chef

ntering through the kitchen maze into the Chef’s office, her desk is stacked with papers, tentative recipes line the walls and the phone behind her is blipping a new message or two. How did you decide you wanted to be in the

What is your current SWAU pet project?

culinary industry?

We are currently working with some farms in the area and creating

My dad. He worked as a chef at a country club and used to cook

a relationship to bring natural, high- quality produce for the

at home all the time. He made me fall in love with food.

students here at SWAU. It’s also a way to get the community to know more about SWAU and our Adventist health message.

What attracted you to SWAU?

We are also planning on bringing many more options into the

The opportunity to be closer to home, working in a Christian

Rusty Bucket that students like.


How do you define/measure success? How do you handle criticism?

I believe success is getting my kids to heaven. Everything else is

I have learned that you can’t take things personal. Not everybody

just stuff.

has the same taste buds. But at the same time you can hear what is said and try again the next time for something better.

Mairim Argueta

A transfer student from the University of Puerto Rico, Mairim enjoys getting to know the people around her and making bridges to translate dreams into realities.


Get Something Off Your Chest HERMAN AGUILAR




important aspects of a healthy life. We

This is one of my favorite exercises and

The last exercise to complete the entire

all have different goals when it comes to

its called chest cable pressdowns. This

chest workout is called the bench

our physical health; from losing weight

exercise works the side part of your

press. The bench press is one of the

to getting toned. In this section, we will

pectoral. When doing this exercise it is

most popular and classic exercises that

focus on four exercises that can help both

very important that you squeeze your

develops your whole chest but focuses

men obtain increased chest volume and

chest when you come down. Make sure

on your middle chest. Warm up with just

women develop a more toned pectoral

you select a weight that you can do for

the bar before starting the exercise so you

area. These four chest exercises will

about 8-12 repetitions. Once you have

can get a feel for the exercise before you

focus on working the entire chest, which

mastered this weight, go ahead and move

start your working sets.

includes the upper, lower, middle and

up in weight and drop your rep range to

side part of the chest.


hysical health is one of the most

Make sure that you go down slowly and explode up during all your repetitions.



For beginners, start with a working

This exercise is called the decline bench

This exercise is called the upper dumbbell

weight that you can do 8-12 reps with.

press. The decline bench press focuses on

press. This exercise is a great one when

For advanced, lift a weigh that you can do

developing the lower chest. When doing

developing and forming your upper

5-8 reps with.

this exercise, just like any other, it is very

chest. Since this exercise uses dumbbells

important to warm up and stretch before

instead of a bar, it is important that you

starting your first working set. After

be careful with your shoulders when

warming up (preferably by doing 12-

pressing up and coming down during

15 reps with just the bar with no weight

your repetitions. Just like the chest cable

added) and stretching, start your first

pressdowns, it is very important that

working set by doing a weight that you

during this exercise you squeeze your

can lift for 8-12 repetitions. Do this

chest on your way up. Pick a weight for

weight and rep range for four sets. Make

which you can do 8-12 reps to start with

sure that you go down slowly and explode

and then move up in weight by doing 5-8

on your way up.

reps for four sets.


Herman Aguilar is a senior communication major. From Houston but was originally born in Honduras. Some of his passions include sports, helping others, and traveling.

OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOU Do you ever want a break from the norm? From school, work, routines, or doing the same things over and over again? Does it feel like that’s the only thing you do, especially on a small campus like ours? If so, you should know that there are several opportunities, you, as a student, can participate in. Here are a few...

Meals on Wheels Meals on Wheels is a ministry for the senior citizens of Johnson County. The goal of the ministry is to help deliver food to those who are not able to obtain it on their own. Contact: Amy McHenry Email: amchenry@swau. edu

Enactus Join a team of people with a passion to help out needy organizations and causes. Enactus extends the opportunity to students to volunteer in fundraising events, as well as help with the organization of said events. Upcoming projects include Business in a Box, Starfest fundraiser, as well as fundraising for a project that will help Indian women integrate back into communities after being subject to human trafficking. Join Enactus if you are interested. Contact: Gabriel Castillo E-mail:

Master Guides Become fit physically, mentally, and spiritually. The Keene Seventh-day Adventist Church has, in conjunction with Southwestern Adventist University, allowed for students to have their own Master Guide Club. Miguel Espinoza and Nahum Mendez, the leaders of the club, have created an atmosphere that keeps one busy through community service projects, adventurous nature outings, and most importantly the opportunity of leadership to youth. Contact Nahum Mendez for further information through email.

Gicele Fuentes

Become a Church Planter Tony Correa is coordinating a program for students that will allow for certification in becoming a Bible worker. The training will allow for preparedness in literature evangelism, outreach, public evangelism, and local church discipleship. It is a program whose purpose is the planting of new churches by students through the guidance of experienced brethren. If this kind of ministry is of interest to you contact Tony by email.

16 year-old freshman Communication major. From Austin, Texas. Happiest when given the opportunity to give. Spontaneous. Easily amused.


Listening for Understanding Creates Connection Dr. William & Reva Sheppard


possibly be engaged in is connecting

to catch the signal being sent, and to

ithout a doubt, you are now

to other human beings. In fact, a new

respond to this invitation to come inside

living in one of the most eventful, and

definition is now being proffered by

and to listen to what is causing that signal.

memorable times in your life. Just listen

science to define what love truly is; i.e.,

Once it is noticed by the sender that one

to those who have gone this way before

love is connection.

has caught the signal, and it is safe, then

you. When former students get together,

(2013) Love 2.0, (pg. 9)

no matter what their age, it doesn’t

Fredrickson, B. L.

The researchers describe the process

an invitation is offered to come inside; this is connection! This shapes one of

take too many minutes before they are

like this.

engaged in conversations replete with

50,000-watt radio station. The brain is

comments such as, “Remember when

continually absorbing all the information

Why does it happen this way? Well,

. . .”, or, “Hey, do you recall . . . ?” All

being sent from its various parts giving the

it has been happening this way from the

of which are remembrances of good old

status of the body; meanwhile, it is taking

second your brain came online as an

college days. What a shame to be in the

in all the external information going

infant. And all it wants to know is; “Do I

very midst of those “remember when” are

on around it. It then beams this out to

matter?” “Am I valued?” Do I have some

being formed and to not be aware of it!

others in multiple ways; i.e., by the eyes,

impact on others?” Is anyone listening?”

Each individual is like a

those multitude of memories recalled for the rest of your life.

Not only are those memories and

facial expression, the shoulders, position

A positive, safe encounter with another

insights being formed now, but also, all

of the body, the emotional reaction to all

human being conveys value, desirability,

around us, research is revealing to us

of this, the voice, etc. Now, it is waiting

and meaning in life.

that the greatest task that humans can

for a curious, caring, observant human

apathetic response conveys emptiness,


A negative, or

and worthlessness. Unfortunately many of us have experienced the latter. What could possibly hinder this connection from happening? Listening; or should I say, the lack of listening or observing. Unfortunately, not only can this be the time memories are formed, but also its hectic pace, and an abundance of “to dos”, can insulate us from connecting. We have a lot to rejoice over in the new age of technology, but it, too, can insulate

Not only are all these memories and insights being formed now, but also, all around us, research is revealing to us that the greatest task that humans can possibly be engaged in is connecting to other human beings.

from listening or catching another’s invitation to connect. Too often the age of texting is like two ships passing in the night, and no signals exchanged. How can we guard against these

the one who needs a connection with me, and a touch of your love.

distractions, and interceptions? Knowing

Listen to understand, and this will lead

that it is the God of heaven, who created

you to connect with others. He will guide

us with the ability to listen to understand,


and a need to connect to one another. He wants us to listen for understanding, of who He is, so we can connect to Him daily.

He also rejoices, when we listen

for understanding, to who others are, because this is how connection (or love) happens. His heart overflows with love for you, He wants this connection, this love, to spill forth from the abundance He has poured into your heart to flow to others. The same Holy Spirit who guided the steps of Jesus to get near the one woman in the crowd who was suffering a 12-year long illness to enable her to touch His garment. He will surely guide you to that one person, desiring to be connected. Start each day with a prayer, a prayer that “listens for understanding” of who God is, and how much God loves you. Ask Him to; “Open my eyes, Lord, to

Dr. William R. (Rob) Sheppard is a Licensed Professional Counselor, and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. He has been counseling for over 25 years, fourteen of which have been in private practice.

Reva Sheppard is a Licensed Professional Counselor, a Licensed Vocational Nurse, and Chaplain. Reva has special training for treating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) using Eye-Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR).


Janely Castro - Writer

is a sophomore biology/premed major from Laredo, TX. She enjoys making corn hojarrascas! (Orders are now being taken.)

Meet Our new Missionaires Abigail Rodriguez Serves as a teacher in Palau Seventh-day Adventist schools. She loves sour candy and her favorite color is pink.

Alicia Lopez is an Assistant Girl’s Dean at Ozark Adventist Academy in Arkansas. Her favorite cereal is Coco Puffs. She loves chocolate and her favorite color is purple.

Jaqui Wilson is now in Union Springs Academy in New York. Serving as an Assistant Girl’s Dean. She loves instant oatmeal, Jelly Beans, Red Velvet Oreos, Nutella, and pretzels. Her favorite colors are black, green, and blue.

Lidia Davila is currently serving as a teacher in Seotta Sahm Yook Elementary School in Korea. Her favorite cereal is Honey Bunches of Oats and granola. Her favorite snacks are spicy chips, chocolate, Mexican candy, and gum. Her favorite color is blue.

Melissa Anderson


is now serving as a teacher in the island of Kosrae at Kosrae Seventh-day Adventist school. She loves cereal (all Kelloggs brands). Her favorite snacks include Sour Patch Kids, Cheeze Its, and dark chocolate with nuts. Her favorite color is yellow.

Want to send them something ? Come on over to the SLAD office!

Next SA Event Coming Up... Hacksaw ridge

November 5, 2016 Cleburne cinema 6 Buses load at 7:15 pm


Opinion Piece

Finding Balance: Politics Jordan Greene


t is often said that when entering a

social setting for the first time, there are two topics that should not be discussed: religion and politics. This is because

job of these electors is represent the

clean, and that to get stuff done we must

popular votes of the people. Only four

work with the system, not against it.

times in the history of U.S voting has the electoral college voted against the

This brings us to the current choice:

popular vote.

“which of the two candidates should

both of those topics can elicit very high emotions in each of us and often discussion leads to argument, especially in politics. I believe there is, however, a way to discuss the pros and cons of the political world. There are always two sides to every story, and both need to be told to get a full picture of what is going on the world around us.

I vote for?” What is important to It has somehow become standard practice

understand is that both parties are a lot

of our millennial generation to talk a big

more alike than one might think at first

game about the importance of voting and

glance. Both are appealing to a base that

the political system, and then not getting

feels disenfranchised by the system, and

out to the polls to vote. Many young voters

both are promising to fix the system to

today are more than comfortable talking

the advantage of all and the benefit of the

rather than doing. In 2014, only 20% of

country. The difference is the methods by

voters age 18-29 cast ballots. That’s not

which each looks to accomplish this.

a lot. This year, many young voters came Fun fact: Did you know that ‘we the people’ do not actually elect the President of the United States? Since its inception, Article 2 of the U.S Constitution has outlined the way Presidential elections

out in droves to support Bernie Sanders

To understand why someone would

during his campaign rallies, gaining him

vote for either Donald Trump or Hillary

more votes among voters under 30 than

Clinton, we have to look at what they

both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton

are offering their core bases. For Trump,

combined (Washington Post, 2016).

it’s nostalgic americana. A majority

would be held. This where we find the creation of the infamous Electoral College. Much is misunderstood about this institution, with many thinking that it somehow takes the power and potency out of their vote. In fact, it does not.

The Electoral College is made up of delegates called electors, the number for each is equal to the number of a specific state’s representatives in Congress. The


of the people who support Trump are However, now that Bernie is no longer in

white southerners. Many of these people

the running, a new problem has arisen:

were hit particularly hard during the

young voters refusing to vote for anyone

financial crisis of 2007. Many of the

but Bernie. Many millennial voters feel

policies implemented by the Obama

cheated out of their candidate, even

Administration in the past eight years

more so with the recent revelation that

have not been very advantageous to this

the Democratic National Convention

group of people, and they feel as if they

had backed Hillary from the start. It is

are being taken advantage of. Trump

important for us and young voters to

promises to give back the America that

remember that the political process is not

they once knew; to harken back to a time

This is not to say that both candidates when life was simpler and in their favor.

are without flaws. Trump has gone

and then saying the opposite to get the

Hillary offers much of the same to her

with a scapegoat tactic of campaigning:

support of another.

base, which consists of young, minority

bolstering his base by assuring them


that none of their current problems are


their own, but are the fault of someone

either party in this process, the 2016

This group of people feels as if they have

else. Many times in his campaign, Trump

Presidential Election is gearing up to be

been left out of the “American Dream”

has blamed Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims,

the most watched election in history. All

due to circumstances that are beyond

and any other group that challenges his

eyes are on America: not only at home,

their control. They do not feel as if their

position with being the problem with

but abroad. It is small matter who we

voices are being heard in the political


elect to this term. Your vote matters, and

process and that they have been given a






understanding why your vote matters is

burden to carry that no one else is willing

He promises to “make America great

going to make all the difference. It is also

to help with. To this demographic, the

again” without outline practical policies

important, however, to not lose hope in

past eight years have been a step in the

that are going to make that statement a

the system just because it didn’t work in

right direction, and to go back would be

reality. Hillary, on the other hand, faces

the way you wanted.

disastrous. Hillary offers Democratic

the problem of trying to be too much to

voters a continuation of the progress they

too many people. Numerous times she

In Romans 13, Paul talks about respecting

have made, as well as improving on part

has been caught speaking out of both

all governing authority, not just the one

of the system that have been flawed.

sides of her mouth: saying one thing

that you wanted. “...For all authority

to get the support of a particular group

comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God.” ( Romans 13:1). Remember: the most powerful kind of vote is an informed vote. Vote with your conscience; it matters. .

Jordan Greene Senior Communication major.




“...encourage you to live the kind of life which proves that God has called you.” he title, “Christian” isn’t an easy

but exalted. Our little world, under the

loved. We could be doing so much more

identity to live up to. I know that I’m

curse of sin the one dark blot in His

to follow in His footsteps and help save

not the only one who struggles to live

glorious creation, will be honored above

this failing world.

a life worthy of the calling Christ has

all other worlds in the universe of God.

offered us. As students, we have endless

Here, where the Son of God tabernacled

If we can learn to completely humble

responsibilities to juggle and finding a

in humanity; where the King of glory lived

ourselves as Jesus did, we can begin to

way to bear all the burdens is no simple

and suffered and died—here, when He

live a life worthy of the calling we have


shall make all things new, the tabernacle

received. Jesus took on humanity and sin

of God shall be with men, ‘and He will

to die for us all. In return, He only asks us

Sometimes we forget how blessed we are

dwell with them, and they shall be His

to love by our own volition.

to attend a school like SWAU. We are

people, and God Himself shall be with

surrounded by so many opportunities:

them, and be their God.’ And through

To be a Christian is to be a follower of

places to worship, people to serve,

endless ages as the redeemed walk in the

Christ. We can follow His example by

neighbors to love, and chances to grow.

light of the Lord, they will praise Him for

giving up our selfish desires to serve

We attend a Christian university, but

His unspeakable Gift—Immanuel, ‘God

others in love. Little by little each day,

often times we go to worship and then

with us.’” - DA chapter 1

try to be more understanding, patient,

carry on with our everyday lives. Are

and gentle. In every situation we need to

we making each day count? What are

Jesus descended to the “one dark blot”

ask ourselves how would Jesus act and

we actively doing in order to follow the

in creation to save all of humanity, even

then follow through with it, hearts filled

example of Christ?

knowing that the price of sin would fall

with strength and love. When we can’t do

upon his shoulders. Before Jesus was

these things, we need to reconnect with

In Ephesians 4, Paul explains how we can

taken up to heaven, he promised to

God. An earnest prayer to God can give us

live a life worthy of the calling that we

return again and bring his people home.

renewal we require to stay on the difficult

have received. He is stern when he says

We have done nothing to deserve God’s

path. God never said it was easy, in fact

that we need to put off our “old selves”

love, but He still offers the gift of eternal

He repeatedly tells us of the challenges

and be the new men and women that God

life to this fallen world. While referring

we will face, but He promises to give us

has appointed us to be (22-24).

to Psalms 68:18, Paul says, “what does

the power to overcome each hardship.

‘he ascended’ mean except that he also Last weekend, I was reading The Desire

descended to the lower, earthly regions?

“Come, descendants of Jacob, let us walk

of Ages with some friends. Within the

He who descended is the very one who

in the light of the Lord!” - Isaiah 2:5

first chapter, Ellen White kept reiterating

ascended higher than all the heavens, in

the power of God’s love and the incredible

order to fill the whole universe” (Ep. 4:9-

sacrifice of His son.

10). What better example do we have to show us how to live according to God’s

“The earth itself, the very field that Satan

will? The perfect creator of the universe

claims as his, is to be not only ransomed

chose to leave heaven, humble Himself as a servant, and died to save the people He

Kylie Kurth

is a junior English major, emphasis in writing. Hailing from Iowa she plans to go into editing or publishing after graduation, but she also enjoys creative writing.





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