December Issue 2017

Page 1

Southwestern Adventist University

Status Our magazine.

Meet Your New U.S. President: Donald Trump Ask Parker Q&A

Biblical Refugees or Syrian Refugees

From the Editor W

e are near the finish line of another semester. For many, these are the last weeks of their

first fall semester and for others like me this is our last fall semester. I know, I shouldn’t get ahead of

Alondra Zavala Editor in Chief

myself, but I can’t help but to stop and think as things come to an end, and as other things are soon to begin.

Email: As I was waking up the moring after Thanksgiving, I noticed something: Thanksgiving was already forgotten. Commercial after commercial, Christmas was being advertised. Black Friday had passed and many had bought Christmas gifts for their loved ones. This holiday has come to be a time of receiving material gifts, but it has pushed aside the meaning of giving. The logic of giving, because you have received, has come to replace the act of giving without interest.

“...give knowing the value of what you’re giving...”

As college students, we know what it’s like to have nothing, but we also know what it’s like to be blessed. The

Apostle Paul could not have said it better, “I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both,” (Philippians 4:12).

Therefore, I urge you all to give knowing the value of what you’re giving--if it’s a smile, make it wider; if it’s

your time, give it without restrictions; and if it’s a prayer, give it whole heartily. You never know--it might be the biggest blessing anyone may receive from you.


Alondra Zavala

Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS Good Times, Good Food: My Kind of Trifle Nu Pham

Dr. Ingo Sorke Interview Mairim Argueta

Paulino Santos Interview Mairim Argueta

Don’t Take this Food for Granted

CONTRIBUTORS Alondra Zavala Editor in Chief

Herman Aguilar Writer

Nu Pham Writer

Hayden Scott Graphic Designer

Mairim Argueta

Herman Aguilar


Meet Your New U.S. President:

Janely Castro

Donald Trump


Dr. Steve Jones

Gicele Fuentes

Ask Parker Q&A



Sarah Castro

Biblical Refugees or Syrian


Refugees Hayden Scott

Campgrounds and Kites Kerstie Macomber

SPONSORS Rahneeka Hazelton SA Adviser

Dr. Glen Robinson

Angela Delgado Photographer

Kylie Kurth Writer

Starr Wallace Photographer

Good Times, Good Food: My Kind of Trifle (Mini) A

By Nu Pham trifle is a type of dessert that consists

of layers of fruits, custard or whip cream, and pound cake. It’s very easy to make and will definitely satisfy your sweet tooth. There are many wonderful recipes out there to make delicious trifle. But, as a college student (especially if you live in the dorm), a you don’t often have the tools nor the time to create or cook any fancy dishes. I suggest this go-to recipe. It’s super easy and affordable to whip up! You will need:

1. Cool Whip

2. Strawberries (or any kind of

fruits you would like)

3. Store-bought pound cake

(my favorite is located in the ice

cream section made

one by Sara Lee)

4. Clear plastic cups

That’s all you need! Here are the instructions: 1.

Rinse the fruits and cut them to bite size (or desired) pieces.


Cut pound cakes into cubes.


Layer the pound cake, fruit, and cool whip, into the cups. Repeating each to make them look as you desire.


Last but not least, share your creation with at least 3 friends!

As easy as that, you have a super simple yet fancy dessert recipe to impress your friends. All of this can be bought for under $10 and can serve up to 10 people.


Profile Dr. Ingo Sorke, Religion Professor


ntering Dr. Sorke’s office--all the walls lined with books, volumes and encyclopedias--he is inputting grades while Kollin is on his laptop, sharing a quiet father-son moment. Mairim Argueta: You are a pastor but you are also a teacher, a husband and father. How do you juggle all that? Dr. Ingo Sorke: Strict time-management and priorities. God first, family second and church, third. Have a routine or your life will become a series of emergencies. You have three blocks in a day: Morning, afternoon and

but the people only see you as serving dinner.

evening. How will those blocks be occupied? People time,

MA: What did you feel when you came into the church?

preaching time, worship time, family time.

IS: It was a cultural shock. Being a Seventh-day Adventist is not a religion;

MA:What led you to your calling?

it is an immersive culture with its own terms such as vespers, AY and

IS: I used to have my own research lab in my basement


but then one day I was asked to give the mission story. I

MA: On your website, I saw a super interesting video on women’s

was scared to be up front, freaked me out! I memorized

ordination. How did that video come into existence?

the report and I preached it. Then over time I got involved

IS: I wrote an article and somebody contacted me asking to create it. We

in ministry and have been happily stuck in ministry since

worked together in the editing process.


MA: We have students that are constantly studying and sometimes we

MA: Is there a difference in being a Pastor as opposed

don’t maintain a relationship with God aside from our religion class. What

to a Teacher?

would you say to encourage us?

IS: Yes, the calendar. Pastoring never ends and we have

IS: Yes, make the time whenever you can. Shut down Facebook, don’t

a bigger ever changing congregation. Teaching has a pre-

answer messages and reconnect with God on a regular basis. Make it a time

made routine. A defined end and beginning. The students

to listen to Him, praying and thinking through things. God thrives on that

make the congregation and our interactions are all filled

time He spends with you. Spend time, not money. He is waiting for you plus

with meaningful, intentional church ministry.

you can be transparent and vulnerable with your sounding board.

MA: What is the biggest misconception people may have

MA: What is your go-to verse?

of you?

IS: Exodus 2:23-25. The typical panic verse: God I need help, the burden

IS: People think you have all the answers and on the

is too heavy and they cried out to Him. The verse says that God saw them,

other hand people just see the final product as a pastor or

heard them, he acknowledge them, and God did something about it.

teacher. That’s it.There’s a lot of behind the scenes going on constantly, with new demands. It’s like a cook: you try new recipes, throw things away and try something else


Profile Paulino Santos, Kinesiology Professor


antos greets me in typical Puerto Rican fashion: a huge smile on his face as he opens up like a book to discuss his life and relationship with SWAU. Mairim Argueta: How did you end up teaching kinesiology at a university? Paulino Santos: I did a bachelors degree in physical education and a minor in business, then a masters in adapted physical education. That opened doors into the field of education. I’m currently doing distance learning at Arizona State University finishing my doctoral degree this January.

PS: From a department with 600 students to one

MA: Can you tell us a little of your family?

with 50 students, I can really prepare each student

PS: My wife lives here in Texas with me and my daughter is a psychology individually more fully and yet it’s also a challenge. counselor and is about to make me a grandpa for the first time. My son works MA: Why do you think more Adventists decide to as a computer engineer and just finished an ironman contest. I’m a happy man. study physical education? MA: How did you and SWAU meet? Because Texas is a ways off from Puerto PS: I feel like they are so worried about keeping the Rico!

Sabbath day that they fail to see that there are options

PS: Well, I was planning a summer camp for our PR university and I received to still serve God and follow your passion. I have been an email just after an injury. For those who love God all things help them able to put my students in contact with a university that towards good, right? One phone interview brought me to Texas to be evaluated will cover your masters in adapted physical education. on campus and the next thing I know I’m selling all my stuff over a weekend, MA: How would you motivate students to do exercise? and arriving here with just two suitcases.

PS: Exercise pushes me onwards and upwards. I

MA: How did your wife feel about it?

always tell my students, “He who does not know where

PS: She was very supportive and still is. She makes delicious cake that can sell he or she is going is already there.” I encourage you to anywhere so she was happy to change locations and try out a new client base.

find something that you like and start doing it, even

MA: How does it if it’s just walking around the mall. Make physical feel to come from a exercise part of your routine because it will affect your big university to a mind and body. There is a saying in physical education smaller one? What that says “[that which] is not used, atrophies.” If you are the benefits?

don’t use your body, it will stop working.

Mairim Argueta

A transfer student from the University of Puerto Rico, Mairim enjoys getting to know the people around her and making bridges to translate dreams into realities.


Don’t Take this Food for Granted HERMAN AGUILAR


hen we think about having a

balanced and healthy diet, some of the foods that come to mind include fruits, vegetables, and dairy. However, did you know that grains are one of the most important foods that our bodies need in order to function and remain healthy? There is just one problem: people neglect and overlook them when it comes to their diet. Grains make up the biggest and most important part of the food pyramid, and that is no coincidence. Grains have numerous benefits for our health overall. Some of the dietary benefits that grains have include dietary fiber, B vitamins such as thiamin and riboflavin, and minerals such as iron and magnesium. These vitamins and minerals found in

make you feel full faster without feeling

additions like these can not only make

guilty of eating too many calories. And I

your grain recipes much tastier but will

don’t know about you, but when I can eat

help you consume the grain intake your

a lot and not have to regret it later when

body needs daily. Grains have always

it comes to the scale, it is always a great

been an important food in our diet, but

feeling. The American Journal of Clinical

our negligence and ignorance to it has

Nutrition recommends young adults and

made us miss out on its benefits and

adults to consume about 6 to 8 ounces

wonderful taste. So it’s up to us to stop

of grains each day. You might say but

taking grains for GRAINted and start

grains are very plain and tasteless. There

giving them the respect and place in our

are great ways to make grains very tasty

diet that they deserve.

and incorporate them as a staple of your diet. For example, adding fresh fruits and cinnamon to your oatmeal is a tasty way of consuming whole grains. Also adding fresh vegetables and nuts to your whole grain brown rice can take your ordinary rice recipe to new and tasty levels. Simple

grains can help reduce blood cholesterol, promote





and carry oxygen in blood in order for us to have a healthy and productive cardiovascular system. Because grains are rich in fiber and contain few calories, they


Herman Aguilar is a senior communication major from Houston but originally born in Honduras. Some of his passions are sports, helping others, and traveling.

Biblical Refugees or Syrian Refugees By: Hayden Scott Opinion Piece



A large supporter of the concept that the

questionable places that the rest of the

Who qualifies as a refugee? The

vetting process for refugees is either too

world deems unfit to tread.

dictionary defines the term refugee as,

lenient or nonexistent altogether is our

One of the issues we have is the way we

“a person who flees for refuge or safety,

current president elect Donald Trump.

see people. A chief way we are becoming

especially to a foreign country, as in time

Attempting to be vague and shallow is

more and more polarized is through

of political upheaval, war etc. (Refugee,

only doing an injustice to the people

our Facebook feeds. We like pages that

n.d.).” Refugees have shifted from being

affected by this situation.

align with our beliefs. If you like guns,

people to being political points for each

The logic people use for preventing to

you’re going to like pages that talk about

party to use for gains in the polls. We

come into our country is that we don’t

guns. If you like a page that talks about

have begun to think of refugees not as

know where they’re coming from, or

technology, you’ll like pages that talk

actual people, but strictly as “refugees.”

what their motives are, and that we have

about technology, so on and so forth.

They’re just those people who want to

to take care of our own first, instead of

There’s nothing wrong with this, but the

sneak into our country and work for ISIS,

helping foreigners. The only problem is

problem happens when you start liking

or live off the government, or something

that this reasoning goes in a circle. We

pages that align with your political views,

similar to that. But the actual reality is

shut them out because we don’t know

or pages that are stereotypically involved

much different from the rhetoric that so

anything about them, but how are we

with your political leaning. So, say one

many of us share on Facebook. Also, I’m

going to understand anything about

person likes the page PoliticusUSA, and

not going to sit here and not name chief

them if we don’t interact with them? The

another likes the page American News.

voices for such blatantly wrong rhetoric.

gospel is always about going to the dark,

The person who likes PoliticusUSA

will see the article titled, “Trump Has

instructions on how to act. I believe there

weight than saying a silent prayer for the

a Breakdown in New Hampshire and

is some disassociation between what some

homeless man we see on the side of the

Accuses Hillary Clinton of Being on

of us are doing, and what the Bible tells

road. If we changed the word sojourner to

Drugs” (Easley, 2016). While the person

us to do. For example, in several parts of

refugee, how would that influence how we

who likes American News will see the

the Bible, like Exodus 23:9, “You shall not

see these people? “You shall not oppress

article, “Hillary Clinton Exposed Having

oppress a sojourner. You know the heart

a refugee. You know the heart of the




on She

Wants This Video Scrubbed


“’Which of these three do you think, proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell among the robbers?’ He said, ‘The one who showed him mercy.’ And Jesus said to him, ‘You go, and do likewise.’” – Luke 10:29-37 (ESV)

refugee for you were refugees in Egypt.” What



shall treat the refugee

the Internet” (American News, 2016). So

of a sojourner, for you were sojourners

who takes refuge with you as the native

here we can clearly see different goals in

in the land of Egypt.” Another would be

among you, and you shall live him as

mind. The liberal and conservative media

Leviticus 19:33-34, “You shall treat the

yourself, for you were refugees in Egypt?”

outlets are both attacking aspects of each

stranger who sojourns with you as the

Now I’m not advocating for a translation

candidate that have absolutely nothing

native among you, and you shall love him

change, but every word in the Bible has

to do with their policies; and while

as yourself, for you were strangers in the

several ways of translating it, and when

character is important, if not essential,

land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.”

you see multiple types of ways a verse can

the real issue should be the political

As a final example, Deuteronomy 10:18-

be said, it takes on new life.

history of each candidate, the experience

19, “He executes justice for the fatherless

Ellen White once said, “We are all woven

they can bring to office, and their record

and the widow, and loves the sojourner,

together in the web of humanity. The

of consistency.

giving him food and clothing. Love the

evil that befalls any part of the great

While both sides are attacking each

sojourner, therefore you were sojourners

human brotherhood brings peril to all.”

other, they begin to see the other side

in the land of Egypt.” All of these verses

In biblical times, there wasn’t much that

as completely ridiculous and without

use the Hebrew word ger for sojourner

could be done on a universal scale. We

reason. This creates an atmosphere

and strangers. The Hebrew and Aramaic

couldn’t know what was happening across

where there is no room for debate, due

Lexicon of the Old Testament defines

oceans, but even then, the followers of

to each side only highlighting the “faults”

the word ger as, “a man who (alone or

Jesus went everywhere they could, and

that each bias outlet propagates. I believe

with his family) leaves village and tribe

helped in clarifying misconceptions that

this is where a chief issue is when it

because of war, famine, epidemic, blood,

people had about God’s love, justice, and

comes to talking about refugees. This is

guilt, etc., and seeks shelter and residence

the law. But in this day and age, we know

a time where we truly need to remember,

at another place, where his right of

what’s happening across the ocean before

“Do not be conformed to this world, but

landed property, marriage and taking

we know what happened with our own

be transformed by the renewal of your

part in jurisdiction, cult and war has

neighbor. We have become globalized.

mind… (Romans 12:2).” Aren’t we called

been curtailed (Köhler, 1994).” We don’t

We are woven together in the great web

to not let the world dictate how we think,

use the word sojourner for speaking of

of humanity as one; we are one, single,

and take our beliefs from the Bible?

anyone anymore, and therefore in our

enormous family that must be united by

As a Christian university, our foundation

minds it’s not relevant to us.


is biblical and the Bible is where we

We think of these verses as, “be nice to

Joshua Heschel has some powerful

retrieve all of our knowledge and our

strangers.” But it has so much more

words on this subject. “In Christ there


is neither Jew nor Greek, bond nor free.

to those that the world does not approve

program. Not a single one. So, I ask you, where

All are brought nigh by His precious

of. Is Fox News condemning a certain

does your reasoning for wanting to turn away

blood (Galatians 3:28; Ephesians 2:13).

people? Those are the ones we need to

Syrian refugees away from? Could it be their

Whatever the difference in religious

reach out to all the more. CNN? Same

planning to bomb Christian churches? Or was

belief, a call from suffering humanity


that three white, Christian men in Kansas

must be heard and answered. All


around us are poor, tired souls that need



We’ve forgotten what America is made of.

sympathizing words and helpful deed.

entering this country. It’s perfectly fine

America is made of diversity, and diversity does

There are widows who need sympathy

to be apprehensive of people coming

not simply mean straight, Christian, and white.



from a war-town nation, but we have

If we are to truly embrace American values as

whom Christ has bidden His followers

let this get out of hand. One of the most

we claim we do, we have to embrace the tired,

to receive as a trust from God. Too often

supporting pieces of evidence for the

the poor, the broken, and the teeming masses.

these are passed by with neglect. They

vetting process (the process by which

We have a shameful history of genocide and

may be ragged, uncouth, and seemingly

refugees can enter the United States)

discrimination, and even now some, like Steve

in every way unattractive; yet they are

is working is that, “we’ve actually never

King of Iowa illustrate this discrimination and

God’s property. They have been bought

had a terrorist attack in the United States

bigotry that we have come to accept as the

with a price, and they are as precious in

perpetrated by someone who came in

norm. “Filling your country up with people

His sight as we are. They are members

by the U.S. Refugee Settlement program

who have a completely different belief system…

of God’s great household, and Christians

(RELEVANT Magazine, 2016).”


and expecting they won’t rise up against their

as His stewards are responsible for them

has not been a single terrorist attack

benefactor is foolish (Ropeik, 2015).” The fact

(Heschel, 2001).” Heschel reminds us

carried out by anyone who has been vetted

that a state representative proposed such an

that we are specifically commanded to go

by the United States Refugee Settlement

idea not only goes against American values, it







politicians, are



(Sanchez, 2016)?

goes against Christian ideals. I won’t even get into the proposal by some that we should only let in Christian Syrians. Everything I’ve said is not to divide, but to unite. Disagreeing with a candidate or a senator does not mean that I am condemning the entire population of Republican voters. I fully believe that Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Libertarians, and so on all want the same thing for their children--their wellbeing. But I do believe that any party that is completely against a certain type of people based on race, religion, or sexuality is entirely against the Gospel, and needs to be addressed when it happens. This is real, this is now, and we have the power to do something about it.

“All this is simply to say that all life is interrelated. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality; tied in a single garment of destiny. What affects one directly affects all indirectly. Strangely enough, I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. This is the interrelated structure of reality.” – Martin Luther King Jr., 1963


Ask Park I’ve been single my whole life. I thought college would be different. But now I feel like I don’t even have friends! How do I not come off desperate, but make friends fast? Enjoy being single while it lasts! You can take this time to focus on more important things like spending time with family and friends. Get to know someone as a friend—when all you are worried about is having great conversation and being yourself— before even thinking about getting involved in a romantic relationship. Learn to be comfortable with yourself as an individual, but more importantly, take some time to develop a deeper relationship with God. When your trust in God is strong enough, you’ll spend less time wondering where your future spouse is. Instead, you will know that He will reveal everything when the time is right. As far as making friends goes, I’m not entirely sure how someone could look desperate. The only situation I can think of is if you waited on people ‘hand and foot,’ trying to win their


attention through favors. You are looking for a friend—someone to connect to and have fun experiences with—not someone to please. Follow the cliché: be yourself. When you aren’t being honest and straightforward, it’s draining. Act naturally and don’t conceal or change who you are to impress others. The process of getting to know someone doesn’t happen overnight. You have to make time for the people you care about so you can get to know them better.

with a broken heart quickly is just giving yourself time to heal. A broken heart will not heal overnight, so giving yourself time to get over your last relationship is something important that you have to consider. Allowing yourself to experience new things, meet new people, and make new friends can help you heal a broken heart quickly. By meeting new people, going out, and having fun with friends, it allows your mind to not think about your ex or your past relationship that much and thus gives you exposure to different How do you handle heartbreak things and new people. Finally quickly? you have to tell yourself that the Heartbreak is one of the toughest reason your past relationship didn’t work out is because it and most difficult feelings and wasn’t meant to be. By having experiences that any person can this mindset you will realize go through. Heartbreak is not that God has something else easy to get over, but there are and better for you and there is a some things that you can do to reason why he didn’t allow you to get over it a little bit faster. In be with that person. At the end my opinion, the first and most of the day the most important important thing you can do is aspect of getting over heartbreak take your broken heart to God. quickly is leaving everything in God is the only one who knows you completely and fully, so allow the hands of God and allowing Him to control the situation. him to heal your broken heart Because after all, his plans are and express your pain to him, always better and then he will do the rest and give more perfect you that love and guidance that than ours. God you need through this difficult loves you for time. Another aspect of dealing who you are and that is all that matters.

ker Q&A How do I get a guy I like to notice me? There are billions of people in this world, and it is amazing that God molds each and everyone of humanity the way He has designed if they allow Him to. Take a moment, and think about that. You are beautiful because God said so. I want to throw this out first to make sure you understand that God intends to be in every relationship. To answering your question of what you should do to get noticed by a guy or girl, I would like to first tell you to examine yourself first. Answer the following questions: what are your standards in a guy? And with the lifestyle, the personality, and the beliefs you possess, does the guy you’re interested in match up with yourself? I think this question really determines how you carry yourself around the guy/girl you are interested in. Answering these questions will lead you to the kind of crowd that you would desire for the one you’re interested in. If he/they are at the same events, activities that you participate in, that is already a big plus in having the same interests/beliefs. Be yourself. Knowing yourself will allow you to not waste your precious time

in setting your eyes on someone who might not be a good match for you. This is my most earnest advice: ask the One who knows you most, as you converse with Him, you will find out the person that you are more and more. You will start to notice what your desires are as you ask Him. He wants the best for you and He will give you the best as you let Him guide you.

they might get defensive, keep lying or will just avoid you. The best thing to do is to let them know you still love them and that you will always be there for them. Sometimes leaving that relationship is the healthiest thing because the friendship is getting toxic and that is not good for either of you. Despite all of this the most important thing is to always keep a Christian attitude throughout everything. When things get tough and your friend makes you mad, and it will get tough and you will get mad, be the bigger person. As hard as it may be, being the bigger How do you eat your tacos? person will make things Soft or crunchy? run so much more I like my tacos how I like smoothly. Remember Southwestern: soft, pure and that when Jesus was with a diversity of flavor. carrying out the plan of salvation, people hit How do I tell my friend that Him, spat in His face and laughed at they’re being really fake? Him. After all of that He still endured death on a cross for you, your best Sometimes it can be hard to friend and even those that spat in His know what to do when your face. God knows the plan for our lives. best friend is not really being When everything seems like it is falling your best friend. The first thing apart, God is putting things together you should do as their friend just the way He wants it. is be real with them. Tell them Don’t pay back evil for evil. what is bothering you and if it is Don’t retaliate with insults when people something serious, like, maybe they keep lying to you or maybe insult you. Instead, pay them back with a blessing. That is what God has called they’re hiding things from you, then let them know that the only you to do, and He will bless you for it. -1 Peter 3:9 way a best friendship works is with honesty. Your friend might not understand that you are trying to rebuild the friendship,


Opinion Piece

Meet Your New U.S. President: Donald Trump Dr. Steve Jones


Melania, is a Slovenian immigrant and

Throughout his campaign, Trump touted

former lingerie model.

that he was a Washington outsider.

real estate mogul and reality television

Trump made his business reputation

In October 2016 he began claiming he

celebrity Donald J. Trump won the

building hotels, casinos, and golf courses.

would go to Washington and “drain the

United States presidency in what was

The centerpiece of his real-estate empire

swamp” of government insiders, a slogan

arguably the biggest upset victory in

is Trump Tower, a 663-foot structure

that caught the fancy of his followers.


in midtown Manhattan. A series of six

In 2011, Trump alleged that President

underdog Republican candidate, Trump



Barack Obama was not born in the

defeated former Secretary of State Hillary

business portfolio after he overleveraged

United States and was thus ineligible to

Clinton, scoring 290 electoral votes to

his Trump Taj Mahal hotel and casino in

be president. This so-called “birther”

Clinton’s 232. Candidates need 270 to

Atlantic City, New Jersey.

question gave Trump’s 2016 campaign a

win the presidency.

The United States Justice Department

decidedly racist foundation. By failing to

Trump declared his candidacy for the

also investigated Trump and his father,

disavow the birther question, he attracted

Republican nomination in June 2015.

Fred, in 1971 on allegations they refused

the endorsements of white nationalists

During a series of pre-primary debates

to rent apartments to African Americans.

and the Ku Klux Klan. The KKK, in

Trump won support by belittling his

Trump has repeatedly bragged that

fact, plans a victory march for Trump in

opponents and making wild statements,

the investigation was settled with “no


such as suggesting that more nations

admission of guilt.”

Trump ran a xenophobic campaign by



Trump, however, is best known for

calling Mexican immigrants “rapists,”

attracted hundreds of thousands of

hosting the reality show The Apprentice,

threatening to deport undocumented

followers by promising, among other

2004-2015. That show had contestants


things, to return jobs to America, stop

trying to best each other by establishing

immigration of Muslims from areas

illegal immigration from Mexico by

their own brands and businesses. Losers

that, in his opinion, seem to breed

building a border wall, and defeating ISIS

were ushered from the game with Trump

terrorism. His vows to take the U.S.

(Islamic State of Iraq and Syria).

intoning his signature line, “You’re fired.”

out of the North American Free Trade

Trump, 70, has five children by three

Unlike most presidential candidates,

Agreement (NAFTA), halt the Trans-


Trump has no political experience.

Pacific Partnership (TPP), and slap high

n November 8, 2016, New York


















tariffs on certain imports smacks of a

had misused her diplomatic authority

his White House staffing showed that

protectionism not seen since the early

to accrue donations to the charitable

his staff had devoted little attention to

1930s. Coupled with threats to lessen U.S.

Clinton Global Initiative. Trump became

the organization of his administration.

involvement in NATO (North American

so aggressive with the allegations that he

Trump also began softening the many

Treaty Organization), led most observers

began calling Clinton “Crooked Hillary”

stands that had attracted Republicans

to believe Trump intended to return the

and threatened to jail her if elected

to him. He announced that he might

nation to an isolationism reminiscent of

president. His followers rabidly chanted

amend, rather than repeal and replace,

the pre-World War II era.

“lock her up!” at rallies.

the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare);


Late on election day it became apparent

that he had no intention of jailing Hillary

misogynistic stance. Trump repeatedly

that Trump had stumbled upon a “rust

Clinton; that he still supported NATO;

degraded women – including former Miss

belt” strategy to connect with white

and that parts of his immigration “wall”

Universe Alicia Machado and Republican


might in fact be – a fence.

primary hopeful Carly Fiorina – for their

participated in the economic recovery

Whether the inexperienced Trump can

looks or weight. In October 2016, just two

after the Great Recession of 2008.

govern with the support of less than

days before the second debate between

Trump, however, did not win the popular

half of the electorate and while making

Trump and Clinton, a 2005 “hot-mic”

vote. Clinton won that with 61,963,234

decisions that could very well alienate his

video emerged of Trump bragging that

votes compared to Trump’s 60,961,185.

own base of support remains to be seen.

the could sexually assault women because

Thus, while Trump nabbed the requisite

he was a star. Soon, at least a dozen

electoral votes, he has no clear mandate

women had publicly claimed that Trump

to govern. The election is the second

had molested them.

electoral snafu of the 21st Century




Trump hectored



Clinton throughout





and has already put the validity of the

the campaign, charging that her use of

Electoral College system in question.

a private e-mail server while serving as

Trump spent a rocky first week as

secretary of state endangered top secret

president-elect. Confusion surrounding

information. He also charged that Clinton



ver since I can remember, my family

something special to do since the camper

invisible sticks to place on the triangle of

went to a specific KOA campground every

would have been a hassle for my parents.

the kite. I hopped up, my figment ready

Thanksgiving. We rarely left home, but

I didn’t think about it then, but it was the

to fly. I mimicked unrolling the string,

it was a chance for all of us to get out of

last time she really got a chance to enjoy

looking up at the sky to watch the kite.

the house and avoid crowds together. The

a trip. Months later, she was in too much

But in my mind, I felt strong winds trying

camper that our large, loud van could pull

pain from chemotherapy and radiation.

to jerk the kite from my grasp. I jerked

was cramped for a family of five, with one

I don’t remember much, but a tiny, brief

forward, then tried to struggle backward

“master” bed, a cupboard-bed, and two

memory shines from that trip. My mom

against the wind. This scenario played

beds that could be made from the couch

and I were out sitting on the porch of

several times, but by the end, my mom

and the table.

the cabin, relaxing in the sunshine. It

was laughing.

The last time we went was different. My

was bright and somewhat warm, despite

I couldn’t remember the last time she had

mother had been battling cancer for three

the signs of fall all over the ground,


years, with a short time in remission.

crunching beneath my feet. I don’t know

“Look, Mom!”

We decided to splurge and rent one of

what inspired it, but I decided to mime

It’s been six years since my mom lost the

the little cabins set up on the hill rather

flying a kite. I didn’t own a kite, but I had

battle with her cancer and many more

than take the camper. At that time I was

more than enough imagination to make

years since we went to that campground.

about thirteen, and I was excited to be

up for it.

I hold that memory in my heart, knowing

able to stay in a cabin. In my mind, it

“Look, Mom!”

that it means so much more than a

was a luxury that only people who had

I remembered how most picture books

tradition repeated every year. It was such

the money could do. She needed a break,

showed kites with ribbons on the tail. I

a small event. I could tell much more

and we all knew she loved nature. It was

pretended to tie bows and move down

about other times we had gone to that

a length of string. Then I grabbed some

campground. The time I fell from the


“Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.” 1 Chronicles 16:24

cupboard-bed in the camper, the times we went into an antique shop we had named “The Christmas Shop,” and the times we got kolaches from the Czech bakery. We went there so many times that I’ve lost count. But that memory with my mom stands above the rest. Not because it was particularly exciting or fun, but because I didn’t need anything but myself to make another person laugh. Sometimes the littlest things are the most important, like doing something to lighten the burden of someone having a rough day or even just stopping to help someone who’s dropped something. In the end, what we do is worth more than what we have. It’s too easy to get caught up in the

imaginary kite and laughter. “Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.” 1 Chronicles 16:24

materialism of this world, especially the day after Thanksgiving. Stores and companies take advantage of the holiday to promote their wares for the Christmas season around the corner, destroying the meaning of being thankful for what we have. They’ve pushed the start of these sales to the night of Thanksgiving in the greed of materialism and money making. This holiday season, I would like to remember all the little things that have made my life what it is. My family, God, and friends are more important than getting the best deal on things that, in the end, will probably not leave even a faint memory to look back on. After all, that Thanksgiving so many years ago still glimmers in my memory, with an

Kerstie Macomber


Finals Week Coming Up! Remember:

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