September 2020 Southwest Sun

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September 2020 Volume 9 | Issue 6

Table of Contents 03

Letter from the Governor Get the latest update on whats going on in the Southwest District

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Note from the Bulletin Editor A quick word from the bulletin editor and what to expect

DLSSP Recap Get the update on everything that happened this weekend


Kiwanis Korner Learn more about what's been going on in the Southwest Key Club

Suicide Prevention Awareness Month Resources on suicide awareness and a bit of information on our partner Active Minds

Live to serve Love to serve

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CKI Week All the information you need to know to participate in CKI Week and what to expect


District Calendar Updates and information for all the upcoming district and club events

Chants and Birthdays Learn the Southwest District chants and the district board members who had a birthday this month


Directory Want to reach out to a board member? You can find their contact information here

Hey Southwest! I hope you are all as excited for Spooky season as I am. Even though it may look a little different this year, I hope you are all excited to be back in school and performing service with your clubs. With September ending I hope you are all taking care of your mental health, and taking care of yourselves as we prepare for tests, essays, and projects that often come with Fall. I also hope that you all are just as excited for October and Trick Or Treat for UNICEF, which raises funds for the WASH project. It is going to look a little different this year so keep an eye on the Districts Social Media to see how we will be encouraging fundraising for the project this year! As always stay safe, stay healthy, and stay spooky!

Joshua Burgett 2020-2021 District Governor


Hello everyone, I hope the school year has been treating you well so far! As always it's been busy busy behind the scenes. There was quite a bit that happened in September and only more exciting things planned for October, like Fall Rally! I don't know about you, but I love October, Halloween won't be the same this year, but I will be liking all the memes on Twitter lol. In this bulletin I'll cover over things like DLSSP, what to expect from Fall Rally, and some information about the Southwest Key Club! How fun!

Until next time, Stay spicy Southwest!

Lauren Vargas

2020-2021 District Bulletin Editor


District Large Scale Service Project (DLSSP) was September 19th20th. This was the first district event for the Southwest this CKI year. There were fun workshops, service projects, and yummy recipes made this weekend. And you know, memories, too! If you don’t know already, the workshops included Origami, how to be a better CKI member, mental health, and Black Lives Matter. Unless you’re familiar with the schedule from DLSSP, as any other district event starts it began with opening session and afterwards right into the workshops. After the workshops we went into the service projects planned for day one. This included making catnip toys which were a success as


tested by Quinn, Steph’s cat. Alongside feline friends making appearances, we had in attendance International Trustees Kaitlyn Carroll and Austin Underwood. Something else that happened that weekend was a spot the difference game. Unfortunately I made it super difficult ( /.\ ) but we did end up getting four winners! If you want to try your hand at it, it is below. Thank you to everyone who registered and was in attendance. I hope you had as great a time as I did! If you missed out on all the fun, register for Fall Rally! You can find the link to register on our website district calendar, social media, or on Can you spot the five differences?


answers: poster on top left, grey phone on bottom left, fire alarm on top middle, harry the horse next to bell, austin in the group to the right

This last month, September, was Suicide Prevention Awareness month. In the Southwest District and at Circle K International we take importance in mental health. Through Circle K's partnership with Active Minds, they can help us help you and our communities. Overall our lives have been disrupted from our normalcy with the pandemic which has added a layer of anxiety for most students. Through Active Minds, young adults are being empowered to raise their voices to take action to support each other and ensure equitable access to mental health support and services on campuses nationwide. We are raising our voice with them to say an emotionally healthy world is not possible without a just world.


Resources National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255) Text "Brave" to 741-741




Read on about the Southwest Key Club!


“We don’t make keys, we make a difference!” When asked the question of what Key Club does, this is often a phrase our clubbers respond with. My name is Noah Qiu, and I am the District Bulletin Editor for the Southwest District Key Club. In case you all were wondering, Key Club is an international high school service project/volunteer organization. With core values of caring, leadership, character building, and inclusiveness, Key Club serves to help students give back to their community while developing good habits. For some background information on Key Club, Key Club International has over 200,000 members, and spans over 38 countries. With that being said, they are the 2nd largest branch of Kiwanis international. Our Southwest District covers Arizona, New Mexico, and a small part of Texas. This includes 17 different divisions, with Kiwanis counterparts for each. My personal Key Club experience has been superb. I was first introduced to it through our District Governor, Eric Sommala. From then on, it has just been a blast. Each volunteer event brought me lots of enjoyment. I have met

countless friends, and made multiple connections through Key Club, and it has made my life the way it is today. Traditionally, our Key Club has partaken in similar volunteer events as Circle K, ranging from the food bank to volunteering to special events. The primary difference between Key Club and Circle K is the age gap. Everything that Key Clubbers do have to be supervised by an advisor, whether it be meetings or events, to protect our students. This year, things have been different with COVID-19. Meetings and even service events have been moved to a virtual setting. But during this time, it is that much more important that we work together as a K-Family. Quarantine has presented us with obstacles, but at the same time countless opportunities. With meetings being virtual, they become much more accessible to everyone. If any chance, Key Club would love to work with Circle K, and create more opportunities for service, whether in-person or virtual. If you have siblings, please encourage them to join Key Club. It’s a great opportunity to enrich one’s life, and sets them up to be a great future Circle K member. If you have any questions or comments about Key Club, please feel free to email me

Yours in service, Noah Qiu


CKI Week is one week during the Fall semester where CKI clubs from all over the globe can share what they have done and connect with other CKI clubs. This is a great week to recognize all that we do to help our communities. This year CKI week is the days following Fall Rally from October 12th-17th. Every day of CKI Week celebrates different aspects of Circle K. These are the CKI Week days:


This year there is also a bonus day of CKI Week, October 18th, where International will be hosting a Glimpse social. If you're interested in participating make sure to download the Glimpse app, register for the event prior to October 18th, and join the Glimpse chat anytime between 5-7 pm PT to be connected to CKI members around the world. When the link becomes available you can find it on our social media or Also, at any point during CKI Week if you post about it make sure to use the hashtag #chooseCKI and CKI! Feel free to tag the Southwest District, too!


Fall Rally 2020 October 9th-11th, 2020 A three-day event packed with workshops, fellowship, and service! Register to join by the link on the website, social media, or

Trick or Treat for UNICEF

End of October, 2020 Keep an eye out on social media to see how you can help

CKI Week October 12-17th, 2020 Use #chooseCKI to post or find posts that recognize what we do


Other events to look out for: Election Day November 3rd, 2020 Go out and vote! (safely!!)

DCON 2021


March 27-28th 2021 Have an event you want to include in the next bulletin? Email the details to Lauren, the Bulletin Editor, at


Frida Moreno Ariana Medina Birthday: September 20th Home club: WNMU She is WNMU's club president and she works hard to guide her club and voice her club's voice at board meetings.


Birthday: September 27th Home club: GCU She is the district's Retention LTG. She works to help keep members in our wonderful organization. This includes planning fun events and guiding president's on what they can do in their clubs.


Contact the Board Governor



Joshua Burgett

Amber Luu

Cielo Barrios

Bulletin Editor

LTG Recruitment

LTG Retention

Lauren Vargas

Alissa McIntyre

Frida Moreno

ASU President

ENMU-R President GCU President

Jordan Marshall

Estefani Trieles

Kai Osife

NAU President

UofA President

UNM President

Kenna Conley

Niki Woods

Kathryn Masten

WNMU President

DCON Chair


Ariana Medina

Rachel Griffith

Steph Floe

Fall Rally Chair

Fundraising Chair Service Chair

Livia Calugaru

Kiwanis K-Family Chair

Bre Anne Springer

Derek Wirachowsky

Nicole Inocentes

Key Club K-Family Chair

Laws and Regulations Chair

Alaya Alshemari

Promise Lattimore

Social Awareness Chair

District Administrator

Assistant District Administrator

Aisha Raji

James Phelps

Bob Carson

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