August 2020 Southwest Sun

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August 2020 Volume 9 | Issue 5

Table of Contents 03 04 06 07 09 Letter from the Governor

Get the latest update on whats going on in the Southwest District

Note from the Bulletin Editor A quick word from the bulletin editor and what to expect

Sustainable Dialogue Learn more about what was discussed and further resources

Southbest Social Recap of the SouthBEST Social and what happened

Kiwanis Korner

Learn more about what's been going on in the Southwest Kiwanis


Live to serve Love to serve

11 15

Message from our International Trustee Meet our International Trustee for this year, what they have planned for this year, and who our sister districts are


District Calendar Outlined are all the upcoming events to look forward to

Chants and Birthdays Learn the Southwest District chants and the district board members who had a birthday this month


Directory Want to reach out to a board member? You can find their contact information here


Letter from the Governor

Hey Southwest, Wow August already!? As we all prepare to return to our studies in some way I hope you are all doing well and are excited for the year ahead no matter what is in store. The district is working hard to adapt to all of the new circumstances that are being thrown at us and to continue to push for change within our own organization. Here are a few updates on what the district board and myself have been up to. We have decided to move all of our Fall events online, and are planning both in person and virtual formats for the spring semester. We have also held several events for the first time thanks to the opportunities that the virtual platforms have presented, engaging


with more of the K-Family. A District board bonding event was planned between CKI, Key Club, and Kiwanis. All of the SWD Boards got together for a night of virtual bonding during the Kiwanis Virtual Convention. The SWD of CKI also hosted a sustainable dialogue event to engage without members and the rest of the K-Fam on social justice and inequality issues. We are also in the process of planning several great events for CKI as well as K-Family events for the fall semester and are excited to see you all there! To our new members, congratulations on choosing to be a part of CKI and I hope to meet you all either in person or online throughout the rest of my term! To our returning members welcome back, and while this may not be a normal year of service there is still so much that we can do and accomplish together. While this may not be the year any of us signed up for, the district board and myself are all thrilled to be serving you and working hard to make the most impact that we can while most events are pushed into a virtual format.

Joshua Burgett 2020-2021 District Governor

Note from the Bulletin Editor Hello everyone, It feels like its been so long since last months bulletin! A lot of stuff has been happening, changing and developing behind the scenes this month. I'm most excited for DLSSP which is only a few weeks away now. I hope to see all your faces there even if it's over video. Something new this edition of the Southwest Sun has is an update on the Southwest District Kiwanis! Also, there is a quick message from our newly elected International Trustee. Read along to learn a little more about some of the Southwest Kiwanis happenings and to learn more about our international trustee!

Until next time, Stay spicy Southwest! Lauren Vargas

2020-2021 District Bulletin Editor



Recap of events

Sustainable Dialogue SouthBEST Social


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August 19th

The Sustainable Dialogue was an evening of discussion over questions posed about diversity, what it means to be an ally, the BLM movement and what can be done to combat racism. To start off there were introductions so that everyone got to know a bit about the people in attendance. We had quite a few members join us from other districts in Circle K, as well as Kiwanis and Key Club members from the Southwest District. Afterwards, guidelines were set so that the discussions that occurred were respectful. With the

expectations made aware we were given ten minutes to reflect on before discussions actually took place. These questions were to reflect on our personal opinions, what we notice in the world, and think about how things could be improved. Once the ten minutes elapsed we finally got into the questions which sparked the next two hours of discussion. A possible water ceiling collapse scare, dogs barking and productive discussion later the sustainable dialogue was over. It was a longer event, but the time given to talk about these topics help to create a better Circle K and Kiwanis family for our members.

*editor's note: you can find resources, like the presentation from this night, on the swcki website under resources




The Southbest Social that was early this month was planned by our Lieutenant Governors, Alissa, and Frida. This event served to bring our members closer together as bonds are harder to create with the distance and screens between everyone. With the theme of summer, the planned activities included Never Have I Ever, Photo Roulette, and a bit of friendly debate. In 'Never Have I Ever' the name of the game is to put a finger down if with the prompt given is something that you had done before. If you put your finger down you have to explain the story behind it. Because we were using a website that randomly generated prompts, it got a bit questionable, but with enough click-throughs and laughing through the panic of shielding our innocent eyes we got through the awkward ones. Overall, we did get to know more about each other as we shared stories of where we’ve traveled to and adventures of going the wrong way on a oneway street. With that said we also played Photo Roulette, an app you can download on your phone that uses photos you have in your camera roll,


and players have to guess who took the photo. It was a slow start as people wanted to choose which photos the app used carefully. Once it began, the photos ranged from class notes, selfies, landscapes, and memes. Some guesses were easier to make depending on the reaction from the owner when it popped up, as well as who the subject of the photo was. But some were harder to guess with how ambiguous the photos were, which was where the deception occurred and the points were lost. Quickly though a pattern emerged and guesses got easier to make. After that, the night ended with some friendly debates over common arguments. For example, does pineapple belong on pizza? I say yes >:D Other debates included Who was the real victim between Wile E. Coyote or Road Runner and Tom or Jerry? Is water wet? Oatmeal cookies, raisins in cookies, or oatmeal raisin cookies? There were no real winners, but a better understanding of people’s sides.




Read on about the Southwest Kiwanis and a special word from our International Trustee! 9

Southwest Southwest KIWANIS KIWANIS

By: Lori Ann Bonomo | Silver City Kiwanis Club The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown us all for a loop. Our entire Kiwanis Family has had to deal with it.. no in-person meetings or socials, the 2019-20 school year cut short, fundraising coming to a grinding halt, stress and uncertainty about the current school year.. You name it. The key to overcoming this unexpected and seemingly never-ending hurdle is quite simple. Take a deep breath and move forward! Our mission hasn’t changed, as a matter of fact it’s more important than ever. Kids and their families need our support and the K-Family brand of service and caring. Be creative when coming up with new ways to serve your community, it’s actually quite fun and exciting to “mix things up” a bit and work through some of the changes we all have had to abide by during this COVID time. Some Kiwanis clubs in the Southwest District jumped right in by making and giving away masks and/or assisted in collecting and distributing needed food in their communities. My home club in Silver City is dedicated to the Kiwanis Terrific Kid program, and is encouraging all 10 of our participating elementary schools to get creative by still recognizing students each month, even though they are not meeting physically together in school. In May of this year, Terrific Kid team member and SWDCKI K-Fam Chair, Bre Anne Springer, brought the certificates and T-Kid swag to Central Elementary where they held a virtual ceremony! Standing by our leadership programs at this time is so critical, and all it takes is some flexibility. You never know but this "try things a new way" method could catch on and we could see lots of positivity and growth. I am a firm believer in changing with the times, it's how we stay relevant and serve our communities. As Service Chair for the Kiwanis SWD, I would like to hear about what CKI is doing to serve during COVID. Send me an email and/or photos at Be Creative and keep serving.


Message from our International Trustee Hello Southwest! My name is Kaitlyn Carroll and I am beyond thrilled to be serving as your 2020-21 International Trustee. A little bit about me: I am a Junior at Florida State University studying Economics with a minor in Law & Philosophy. Outside of CKI, I spend all my time listening to true-crime podcasts and watching Grey's Anatomy. As a Trustee, I will be working with 4 CKI districts this year: KentuckyTennessee, Illinois-Eastern Iowa, West Virginia, and of course, Southwest. My goals for this year are to give you guys the opportunity to meet and connect with people from within our CKI sister districts, as well as provide resources to improve service and advocacy within your district. I look forward to working with all of you this year and please do not hesitate to reach out to me! You can email me at



Our Sister Districts: Kentucky-Tennessee Governor Emily Fox @kntncki

Illinois-Eastern Iowa Governor Isabelle Lindenmeyer @iicki1960

West Virginia Governor Laura Rabel @wvcirclek 12



District Large Scale Service Zooming Project to Nogales Stay up to date (DLSSP) September 19th and 20th, 2020

International Trustee Kaitlyn Office Hours September 10th, 2020 5pm PT Come ask questions, share recruitment tips or even just say hi!


about when its new rescheduled date comes out on social media

Key Club Reception September 26th, 2020 5pm PT All current and past Key Club members are invited to attend

To attend any of these events DM us on social media or find the RSVP on

Other UPCOMING events to look out for: CKI Week October 12th-17th, 2020

Fall Rally Fall 2020

Stay tuned on social media for when more information is revealed

Election Day

November 3rd, 2020 Go out and vote! (safely!!)

DCON 2021


March 27-28th 2021

Have an event you want to include in the next bulletin? Email the details to Lauren, the Bulletin Editor, at


Chants Chants

"Hey Southwest! We bring the heat you can't beat We're the district you can't defeat We're like horse on their feet Southwest What? Southwest What? SOUTHBEST!"


Birthdays Alaya Alshemari Steph Floe Birthday: August 1st Home club: ASU You know her as our Key Club K-Family Chair. She is in charge of anything related to Key Club related events in the Southwest and being a contact between Circle K and Key Club.


Birthday: August 11th Home club: NAU As well as being our immediate past governor, you'll know her as this year's District Large Scale Service Project Chair. She is in charge of planning everything involved in our DLSSP.

Livia Calugaru

Jordan Marshall

Birthday: August 15th Home club: UofA You might not know her yet, but she is our District's Fall Rally Chair this year. She is in charge of planning and running our annual Fall Rally event.

Birthday: August 28th Home club: ASU He is ASU's club president. He is in charge of his club and serves as a voice for his members to the district.

You don't need a reason to help people

Zinedine Zidane 16

Contact the Board Governor



Joshua Burgett

Amber Luu

Cielo Barrios

Bulletin Editor

LTG Recruitment

LTG Retention

Lauren Vargas

Alissa McIntyre

Frida Moreno

ASU President

ENMU-R President GCU President

Jordan Marshall

Estefani Trieles

Kai Osife

NAU President

UofA President

UNM President

Kenna Conley

Niki Woods

Kathryn Masten

WNMU President

DCON Chair


Ariana Medina

Rachel Griffith

Steph Floe

Fall Rally Chair

Fundraising Chair Service Chair

Livia Calugaru

Kiwanis K-Family Chair

Bre Anne Springer

Derek Wirachowsky

Nicole Inocentes

Key Club K-Family Chair

Laws and Regulations Chair

Alaya Alshemari

Promise Lattimore

Social Awareness Chair

District Administrator

Assistant District Administrator

Aisha Raji

James Phelps

Bob Carson

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